Manual Del Acumulador de Orgón: La Energía Vital de Wilhelm Reich. Descubrimientos y Herramientas De..

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Manual del Acumulador de Orgn: La

Energa Vital de Wilhelm Reich.
Descubrimientos y Herramientas de...

Book March 2013


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James DeMeo
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Ashland, Oregon, USA


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Prefacio del Autor

Manual del Acumulador

de Orgn
La Energa Vital de Wilhelm Reich.
Descubrimientos y Herramientas de
Curacin para el Siglo XXI
con Planos para su Construccin
Tercera Edicin Revisada y Aumentada, con Nuevas
Secciones sobre el Agua Viva y el ter Csmico del Espacio.
Con Muchos Enlaces Web para Informacin Adicional.

James DeMeo, PhD

Prlogo de Eva Reich, MD

Traduccin al Espaol:
Vctor Milin Snchez

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)

Natural Energy Works
OBRL Greensprings Center
Ashland, Oregon, USA

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn

Publicacin y derechos de distribucin en todo el mundo:

OBRL / Natural Energy Works

OBRL Greensprings Center
PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn, Copyright 1989, 1996,

1999, 2010, 2013 by James DeMeo. Todos los derechos reservados.
Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser usada o reproducida en
cualquier forma sin permiso por escrito, excepto en el caso de
citas breves incluidas en artculos crticos o revisiones. Para
obtener informacin, enviar consultas a Natural Energy Works.

ISBN: 978-0-9891390-0-7 0-9891390-0-X

Tercera Revisin Revisada y Ampliada


Cubierta: fotografa de la NASA de un astronauta del Apolo 12

caminando sobre la superficie de la Luna. El campo de energa
orgnica de su cuerpo brilla suavemente en el vaco de la Luna,
debido posiblemente a la excitacin del campo por su equipo de
comunicacin de alta frecuencia. Esta coloracin azul del campo
de energa en la foto, que se ha podido ver en algunas imgenes
de astronautas en la Luna (pero que a menudo se han omitido en
las publicaciones), se han ignorado sistemticamente, o se han
explicado como efecto del "polvo lunar", del "vapor de agua" o de
las "manchas en la lente de la cmara. De hecho, es una expresin
visible del campo de energa orgnica (vital) humano. Para ms
informacin ver:

Contracubierta: estimulacin por el acumulador de la

germinacin simientes de judas mungo, experimento del autor,
ver pgina 164.

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn


Agradecimientos ............................................................... v
Prefacio del Autor ............................................................. x

1. Prlogo del Eva Reich, MD .......................................... 1

2. Introduccin del Autor ................................................ 3
Nueva informacin sobre la persecucin
y muerte de Reich ............................................... 10

Parte I: Biofsica de la Energa Orgnica

3. Qu es la Energa Orgnica? ...................................... 33

4. El Descubrimiento de Wilhelm Reich de la Energa
Orgnica y el Invento del Acumulador de Orgn ...... 35
5. Demostracin Objetiva de la Energa Orgnica ......... 49
6. Descubrimiento por Otros Cientficos de
una Energa Inusual .................................................. 55

Parte II: El Uso Efectivo y Seguro

de los Equipos Acumuladores de Orgn

7. Principios Generales para la Construccin y

el Uso Experimental del Acumulador de Energa
Orgnica ..................................................................... 67
8. El Efecto Oranur y el Dor ........................................... 77
9. Limpiar el Entorno Bioenergetico .............................. 103
10. Aguas Vivas Naturales y Curativas .......................... 123
11. Efectos Fisiolgicos y Biomdicos ............................... 133
12. Observaciones Personales .......................................... 151
13. Algunos Experimentos Simples y no tan
Simples con el Acumulador de Orgn........................ 159
14. Preguntas y Respuestas ............................................ 171

Prefacio del Autor

Parte III:
Planos para la Construccin
de Instrumentos Acumuladores de Orgn

15. Construccin de una Manta de 2-Capas

de Energa Orgnica .................................................. 179
16. Construccin de un Cargador de Semillas de
Jardn 5-Capas Acumulador Bote de Caf .......... 184
17. Construccin de un Acumulador de Energa
Orgnica de 10-Capas Caja Cargadora .................... 188
18. Construccin de un Embudo Disparador de Orgn .. 194
19. Construccin de un Tubo Disparador de Orgn ....... 195
20. Construccin de un Acumulador Grande de
Energa Orgnica de 3-Capas para Personas .......... 196

Referencias Seleccionadas................................................ 207

Fuentes de Informacin
Sobre Wilhelm Reich y la Orgonoma ....................... 215

Apndice: Un ter Dinmico, Sustantivo y

Cosmolgico, por James DeMeo, PhD ..................... 217

ndice Alfabtico .............................................................. 239

Acerca del Autor ............................................................... 247



A Asociacin Mdica Americana

Abbot, Charles G. 59 (AMA) 18-20, 127-128
Academia Francesa de las astronautas Apollo iv
Ciencias 39 azul, resplandor
acupuntura 10, 55, 142, 176 Cherenkov, radiacin 92
Acta de Libertad de Informacin accidentes en reactores
11 nucleares 87-88, 92
ADN problemas con la teora astronautas iv
53,56 atmsfera 78, 81-82, 84
aether (ver ter csmico) bioluminiscencia 9, 39-40,
agua, viva y curatives 123-132 125
agua con radio 124, 127-130 biones 9, 39-40, 118-119
aguas vitales 18, 123-132 bosques 84
baos curativos termas, dor, condiciones 81
alemanas 129 fuentes calientes 127-128
baos curativos, fuentes globulos rojos de la sangre 9
calientes 18, 123-132 resplandor agua 19, 127-129
baos minerales, baos de
sales y carbnico 123 B
baos termales con Radium Baker, Courtney 21, 147-148,
Hot Springs y Warm 209-210
Springs, Georgia 128 Becker, Robert O. 56-57, 213
carga orgnica 42, 123-132 Benveniste, Jacques 58-59
experimentos de supresin Bergson, Henri 56
de la evaporacin 52, Bernabei, Rita (ver viento de la
167-169 materia oscura) 235, 237
refrescar, limpieza de Big Bang, teora de expansin
acumuladores 103, 117, del Universo 61-62, 90, 228
172-173 bioelectricidad 6-7, 34, 37, 44,
resplandor azul 19, 127-129 49, 56-57, 83
Alfven, Hannes 62, 212 bioenerga (ver energa
Allais, Maurice 221, 236 orgnica)
ameba (ver biones) biones 6-8, 39-41, 44, 49-50,125-
Americanos Nativos (cabaa 127, 136-137, 142-143, 171
para sudar, sauna) 124 Blasband, Richard 21, 141-145,
anlisis de los flujos del clima 209-210
59 bosque, muerte del 84
Anderson, William 140, 209 Brady, Mildred y Robert (ver
ansiedad (ver emociones) Reich, Wilhelm, persecucin)
apoptosis (ver desintegracin de Bremer, Kenneth 141
los biones) Brenner, Myron 141, 210
Arp, Halton 62, 212

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn

Brown, Frank y relojes biol- D

gicos 63-64, 213, 234, 237 DeMeo, James
Burr, Harold S, y campo antiguo granero en el
electrodinmico 53, 56, 213 bosque concepto de 103-
C biografa 247
campo de energa humana 7, condensador hueco,
48-49, 170 concepto de 68-69
cncer experimentos bioelctricos 83
guerra contra 3 experimentos de anomalas
orgenes de la clula trmicas 165-166
cancerosa y biopata experimentos de crecimiento
cancergena 7, 133-134, de plantas 162-164
137, 140-141, 154 experimentos de supresin
tratamiento convencional 3-5 de la evaporacin 167-168
clulas sanguneas, sangre luz con espectro total 106-
viviente 9, 134, 146-147, 149 107
Charcot 56 neutrones, experimentos 91
chembusters, extractores de observaciones personales con
gases nocivos 173 el acumulador 151-157
Chernobyl, reactor accidente de prefacio x
87,92 sobre la persecucin de Reich
China y Chi, medicina 10, 55, 10-31
142, 174 Dew, Robert 141, 211
Clifford, John D., juez vii, 25 dielctricas, propiedades 68, 76,
Comintern (ver comunismo) 200
Comunismo, comunistas 5 dor (orgn letal ver oranur y
asesinato del asociado de dor)
Reich 13
crculo de espas de Cam- E
bridge 15 efectos qumicos (ver Piccardi,
crculo de espas de Silver Giorgio)
master 16 Einstein, Albert 8, 61-62, 165,
compaeros de viaje 13 207, 219-221, 229, 236
en los EEUU 13-29 Elan Vital 34, 55
en la lista muerto 10-31 electrodinmico, campo (ver
Partido Comunista (ver Burr, Harold)
comunismo) emociones 35-38, 55, 133-137,
persecucin de Reich 10-31 139
Cott, Alan 141 energa vital (ver energa
CSICOP 11,18, 28, 209 (ver orgnica)
tambin Reich, Wilhelm enfermedad bioptica 7, 9, 42,
persecucin de) 134, 145
curacin por imposicin de ter csmico o deriva del ter 9-
manos 176 11, 31, 34, 60-62, 89-92, 217-
Curie, Eve y Pierre 124 237


perturbacin de pruebas I
atmicas 94 Informes para el Consumidor
rotacin de la Tierra de (ver Unin de Consumidores)
orgn 33, 225-226 intencin consciente (ver
Laboratorio PEAR)
F Investigacin de Consumo 20
fascismo negro (ver nazismo) IPA (Asociacin Internacional
FBI (Oficina Federal de Psicoanaltica) 6
Investigacin) 11,14,17
FDA (Adminstracin de J
Alimentos y Medicamentos) Jung, Karl 6
10-29, 127-129, 140, 144,
148, 174, 177, 209 ( ver K
tambin Reich, Wilhelm Kammerer, Paul 56
persecucin de ) Kavouras, Jorgos 141, 208
Freud, Sigmund 5-7, 11-12, 35, Kennedy-Thorndike 220, 236
56 Kervran, Louis y transmutac-
Fuckert, Dorothea 141,212 iones biolgicas 58, 90, 213
fuentes calientes (ver agua) KGB (ver Unin Sovitica)
fusion, caliente reaccin de 61 Kirlian, fotos de 50, 169
Knobel, Otto 13
Galaev, Yuri 217, 224, 236 L
Galileo vii, 26, 227 Langmuir, Irving 59
Gardner, Martin (ver Reich Lassek, Heiko 141, 211
Wilhelm, persecucin de ) Levine, Emanuel 141, 212
Gerson, Max 19, 136-137 lbido 35
Gold, Philip 141 Lion, Kurt 22
Gould, Jay 113, 214 Livingstone, Virginia 136
Grad, Bernard 146, 171 luz de espectro total 96, 105-
Greenfield, Jerome 11f, 209 107
luz, iluminacin 104-107
halos galcticos 236 M
Hays, Arthur Garfield 22 macartismo, macartiana 10, 29,
Hebenstreit, Gunther 211 174
hiperactividad, nio 98 magnetismo animal (ver
homeopata 10, 58-59, 129-130, Mesmer, Franz)
142, 176 Martin, James 11f, 28, 209
Hoppe, Walter 140-141, 211 Marxismo (ver comunismo)
hormesis, campo 129 materia oscura 9, 217, 231-236
Hoxsey, Harry 19, 136-137 (ver ter csmico)
medicina, convencional 3-4, 138,

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn

medio intergalctico ( ver ter 105, 108-109, 112-113, 115,

csmico) 121, 129-131, 151, 162-163,
Menninger, Karl 18 172-173, 207, 214
Mesmer, Franz Anton, y de las computadores, wi-fi
magnetismo animal 10, 55- 85, 93, 97-98, 100, 103,
56, 175 110, 112, 115, 160
Michelson-Pease-Pearson, de las de mantas elctricas
experimento de 217-220, 236 85, 110
Michelson, Albert y experimento de telfonos mviles y torres
de Michelson-Morley 60, 217- de emisin 72, 85, 93, 96-
220, 229, 236 100, 103, 111-114
microscopio, necesidad de mayor del accidente de Chernobyl
energa y condiciones vitales 87, 92
para especmenes 38-40 del tubo de rayos catdicos
Miller, Dayton 10, 60-61, 92, del televisor 83, 85, 88,
213, 217-237 93-98, 108-109, 117-118,
Mills, Peter 23 159
morfogneticos (ver Sheldrake, de las pruebas atmicas 86,
Rupert) 91, 94-95, 214
Moss, Thelma 50, 213 (ver atmsfricas 80-82, 94-96
tambin fotos de Kirlian) bosque, muerte del 84
Mschenich, Stefan 171, 209, de detectores de humo
212 radiactivo 85,103,112
de hornos de microondas 85,
N 93-94, 100, 114, 172, 180
Nature, Revista 59 de lneas de transmisin de
Nazismo (fascismo negro) 6, 10- energa 82, 106, 111
16 de los rayos X 57, 85, 108,
neutrinos o mar de neutrinos 9, 109, 117-118
88-92 (ver tambin ter de luces fluorescentes 50,
csmico) 80, 83, 85, 88, 93, 96, 98,
New Republic, revista 15-16, 100, 103-107, 116, 160,
174 162, 172, 180, 205
New Scientist, revista 56 de materiales nucleares y
New York Times 28 centrales de energa 82-
Newton, Isaac 60, 226-229 86, 89-91,95, 99, 112, 143-
NKVD (ver Unin Sovietica) 144
NLRB (Junta Nacional de del accidente de la isla Three
Relaciones Laborales) 20 Mile 87, 92, 21
Nordenstrom, Bjorn 57, 213 del radar 85, 93, 112
deteccin del 84, 88
enfermedad del dor 79
O experimento oranur 80, 95,
oranur y dor, efectos x, 25, 71- 207, 214
72, 70, 72,74, 77-101, 104-


extractor mdico de dor movimientos de corrientes en

(dor-buster) 132, 142, nubes 59
144-147 ocano csmico 9, 30, 33, 42,
neutralizacin por el agua 89-91, 217, 225
104, 131 propiedades, definidas 33-34,
nubes dor y neblina 77-80 45-46
reacciones fsicas y pulsacin de 33-34, 51-52,
emocionales 77-80, 94-96 54, 82, 123
rocas ennegrecidas 79-89 quanta, puntos que bailan
orgasmo, funcin orgsmica 14, visuales 49, 161
34-37, 55 resplandor, luminoso 19, 45,
Orgone Biophysical Research 79, 84 ,87
Lab 30, 215 sensaciones de 7, 37, 45, 54,
orgnica, energa 63, 74, 77, 79, 82-101,105,
atraidas por la matera 45 153-154, 159-160, 165
cmara oscura 49-50, 160 vesculas (ver biones)
ciclos del clima 74 visualizacin de 49, 160
ciencia convencional 171 orgnica, energa, acumulador
comparada con fuerzas Celotex, problema del 75
similares 55-65 Granero viejo en el bosque
disparador de orgn 193,194 concepto 103-104
disparador de orgn, tubo condensador hueco,
195 concepto 66-67
descubrimiento de 7, 35-44 actividad solar y fase lunar
efectos del agua, (ver agua) efectos 63-64
empaamiento de la pelcula acumulador de 20 capas 77,
7, 41, 49 195, 204
entropa negativa 45 acumulador de lata de caf
envoltura alrededor de la 71, 184-187
Tierra 50, 225 aislantes orgnicos 68
flujo oeste-a-este 33, 225 anomala electroesttica 8,
fluorofotmetro 136 33, 68, 167, 222
formas atmosfricas de anomala magntica 8, 33, 41
energa orgnica 8, 33-34, 44, anomala trmica 52, 165
49-53, 78,81, 160-161 166, 222
fotos de rayos X 50, 57 ataques contra (ver Reich,
fuerza motriz csmica 226 Wilhelm: persecucin de )
humedad, efectos 34, 45, 52, biopatas, sobrecarga 73,
72, 75, 81, 162, 167-169, 145-149
186, 203, 210, 234 clnicas alemanas v, 129-130
libre de masa 34, 45, 225 comparacin con intencion
medidor del campo orgnico consciente 174-176
48, 169-170 desintoxicacin, combinada
movimiento de corrientes en de 136
espiral del cosmos 9, 90, destruccin por la FDA 23-27
217, 225-233 diagrama de 42

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn

supresin de la evaporacin principios de construccin

52, 167-169 67-76
efectos curativos en humanos problemas a la
43, 51-52, 124, 129, 175 sobreexposicin 73
efectos curativos en ratones problemas de la exposicin a
43, 51, 135-147 los campos electro-
efectos de la altitud 60-61, magnticos 82-86
72, 226-227 problemas del cobre,
efectos de las formas 69-71 aluminio 67-68, 75, 99
efectos en el crecimiento de 100, 104, 131, 163, 167,
las plantas 44, 46, 53, 70- 172
71, 148, 151, 162-165, 225 ratones de laboratorio 142
efectos fisiolgicos y recubrimientos del exterior
biomdicos 133-149 68
efectos parasimptico 45, reduccin del dolor 8-9
123, 134, 141 tamao en relacin al cuerpo
efectos vitales 45-46 73
enfermedades tratadas con tiempo de exposicin 74
140-141 tratamiento del cncer 138,
estado legal 176-177 140-141
estudios controlados de cura- tubo del disparador de orgn
cin de ratones 142-147 195
estudios en humanos orgnica, energa, tratamiento
controlados doble ciego artritis 127, 138, 141
141, 144, 171 beb con fiebre 154-155
ferromagnetismo 33, 42, 68, cncer cervical 151
70 cncer de pecho 140-141,
fotografas de 44, 46-47, 182, 152-154
193, 204 cncer de piel 140-141
Geiger-Muller, efecto 33, 45, cncer de tero 140-141
51-52, 88, 93, 151, 225 cncer del hgado 156-157
invencin de 7, 41-44, 133 cancer, biopata del 140-141
materiales dielctricos 68, cncer, melanoma 140-141
76, 200 condiciones mltiples 140-
medio electromagntico 33- 141
34 depresin 140-141
montculos de tierra 69 diabetes 138, 140-141
necesidad de aire fresco 71, fibrosis pulmonar 155
172 fiebre reumtica 138, 140
planos, construccin, caja herpes genital 154
de tamao grande 196- hipertensin 140-141
205 ictiosis 140-141
potencia sexual, cuestin de infecciones en la piel 127,
la 173 141
presin sangunea, frecuen- leucemia 140-141
cia del pulso 46, 54, 148 mordedura de araa 153


oclusin coronaria 140-141 invencin del acumulador de

quemaduras 9, 138, 140, 155 orgn 7-8, 35-48
resfriados, gripe 79, 138, 152 invencin del extractor
tuberculosis 138, 141 mdico de dor 132
lceras, en vacas 155-156 invencin del medidor de
orgonita, generadores orgn 173 campo orgnico 48, 169-170
Ott, John 95-98 laboratorio, Escandinavia 13,
P laboratorio, Forest Hills 14
PEAR, laboratorio, Universidad laboratorio, Orgonon,
de Princeton 175-176 Rangley Maine 14, 215
Petkau, efecto 87 liberalizadora terapia
Piccardi, Giorgio 63-64, 126, 213, analtico-emocional 133
217, 231, 234-237 lista de publicaciones 207-
pirmide de Keops 69-70 208
placer-ansiedad 6, 18 mandato del tribunal y caso
plasma, energa del ( ver ter legal contra 21-28
csmico) Museo de Wilhelm Reich 30,
Prana 55, 174 215
problema mente-cuerpo 6 persecucin de 10-31, 174
Psicologa de Masas del
R Fascismo 12, 14
Raphael, Chester 141, 212 quema de libros 12, 21-29
regeneracin de clulas 56-57, ruptura con los comunistas,
225 marxistas 11-13
Reich, Eva v, 1, 141 Sex-Pol, reforma sexual 5, 11
Reich, Wilhelm sobre Freud 5-6, 11-12
atacado por comunistas, por sobre la pornografa 173
nazis 10-31, 174 sobre los derechos de la
atacado por la medicina con- mujer 11
vencional 14-15, 137-138 sobre los orgenes de la
atacado por moralistas 14 clula cancerosa y la
campaa calumniosa contra biopata del cncer 133-140
7 tratamiento, ratones
ciclo de conferencias sobre 1, cancerosos 142-149
215 tratamiento, cncer hum-
descubrimientos en el agua ano, leucemia 140-141
117-120 Reichelt, Gnter 87
detenido despus de Pearl relojes biolgicos (ver Brown,
Harbor 14 Frank)
en Europa 5-6, 10-13, 37-39 respiratorio, bloqueo 133
en USA 7, 13 resplandor (ver azul)
encarcelado y muerto en revistas peridicas orgonoma
prisin 24-28 Annals, Institute for Orgo-
foto de 2 nomic Science 30

Manual del Acumulador de Orgn

Cosmic Orgone Engineering Trotsky, Leon 12-13, 17

14 Trotta, E.E. and Marer, E. 144,
Int. Journal, Sex-Economy 212
and Orgone Research 14 tubos de extraccin y cubos 130-
Journal of Orgonomy 30 132, 142, 173
Orgone Energy Bulletin 14
Pulse of the Planet 30 U
Rife, Royal 137 Unin Americana de Libertades
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 15, 20, Civiles (ACLU) 22
128 Unin de Consumidores (ver
Reich, Wilhelm persecucin
S de )
Schauberger, Viktor 125-126 Unin Sovitica (ver comunismo)
seguridad del campo electro- minas de uranio 82, 86-87, 129-
magntico 72-73, 103-121 130
(ver tambin oranur y dor)
Semmelweiss, Ignaz 137 V
sex-economa (ver sexualidad) tubos vacor, orgn en el vacio
Sex-Pol (ver sexualidad) 45, 51, 224-225
sexualidad 3, 5, 7, 8, 16, 35-37, transmutaciones biolgicas (ver
55, 133-36, 139, 173 Kervran, Louis)
Shankland, Robert 221
Sheldrake, Rupert, y campos W
morfogneticos 56, 213 Wallace, Henry (ver Reich,
siembra de nubes, efectos Wilhelm persecucin de )
distantes 59 Wertheim, Frederic (ver Reich
sndrome del teleadicto (silln y Wilhelm: persecucin de )
patatas) 95 Weverick, N. 141
Sobey, Victor 140-141, 212 Whiteford, Gary 95, 214
Sternglass, Ernest 113, 214 Wilder, John 11f, 209
Straight, Michael (ver Reich, Wolfe, Theodore vii, 209
Wilhelm, persecucin de) Wood, Charles A. 20-22
superposicin csmica 45, 90,
225-226 X
Rayos-X ghost fenmeno del
T fantasma 50, 57
teora de la relatividad (ver
Einstein, Albert) Z
termfilos, extremfilos 125 zeta-potencial 9
terremotos, de pruebas atmicas
Time revista 11, 28
transmutaciones biolgicas (ver
Kervran, Louis)
Tropp, Simeon 140-141, 212

Publicaciones adicionales (en ingls)
disponibles en Natural Energy Works


Origins of Child-Abuse,
Sex-Repression, Warfare and
Social Violence, In the
Deserts of the Old World,
by James DeMeo
Dr. DeMeos magnum opus on the
origins of human violence and
biophysical armoring, the first
geographical, cross-cultural study of
human behavior around the world,
using Wilhelm Reichs sex-economic discoveries as a basic starting
point, presenting world maps of different behaviors and social
institutions. Source-regions (Arabia and Central Asia) for
patriarchal authoritarian culture were identified, and migratory-
diffusion patterns were traced, back in time, to pinpoint where
and how the human tragedy began. Solves the riddle of the origins
of human violence and armoring. A breakthrough in the scientific
study of human sexuality, psychology and anthropology, and
must-reading for every parent, student, professor and clinical
worker in the field of human health and behavior. 464 pages, with
over 100 maps, photos, and illustrations. Large format with vivid
full-color cover, extensive bibliography and index.

On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy

Edited by James DeMeo
Contains Reich's milestone articles on psychic and somatic (mind-
body) processes, and on the bioelectrical aspects of human emotion
and sexuality, with articles by R.D. Laing on Reich, and a discussion
on Reich's work in Denmark when he fled Nazi terror in Germany
and was also expelled from the International Psychoanalytic
Association. Other papers discuss: Reich's research on biogenesis
and discovery of the microscopical bion; the discovery of orgone

(life) energy, and the orgone energy
accumulator. Also featured are articles
about the Food & Drug Administrations
attack upon Reich, and their present-day
war against the natural health movement;
the deadly effects from nuclear power
plants, and an illuminating scientific
challenge to the HIV theory of AIDS
plus other reports on current life energy
research, weather anomalies from nuclear
bomb tests, a cloudbusting desert-
greening experiment in Israel, provocative book reviews, and
more! 176 pp.

Heretics Notebook:
Emotions, Protocells, Ether-
Drift and Cosmic Life-
Energy, with New Research
Supporting Wilhelm Reich,
Edited by James DeMeo
Contains 28 insightful essays and
research articles by 17 different authors,
on natural childbirth, sexuality,
archaeology of early human violence,
Reichs orgonomic functionalism, exposs on Reichs detractors,
Giordano Brunos work, bion-biogenesis research, Dayton Millers
ether-drift discoveries, emotional effects in REG (psychokinesis)
experiments, new detector for orgone energy, dowsing research,
cloudbusting desert-greening experiments in Africa, plant growth
stimulation in the orgone accumulator, the orgone energy motor
and free energy, plus UFO research, book reviews, and much
more, with color cover photos, text- photos and illustrations.
272 pages

In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-
Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander
Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant
Physicians and Natural Scientists,
by James DeMeo, PhD.
269 pages. Illustrated.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the man whom
nearly everyone loves to hate. No
other figure in 20th Century science
and medicine could be named who
has been so badly maligned in popu-
lar media, scientific and medical
circles, nor so shabbily mistreated
by power-drunk federal agencies and
arrogant judges.
Publicly denounced and slandered
in both Europe and America by Na-
zis, Communists and psychoana-
lysts, placed on both Hitlers and
Stalins death lists but narrowly es-
caping to the USA, subjected to new public slanders and attacks
by American journalists and psychiatrists who deliberately lied
and provoked an investigation by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), imprisoned by American courts which
ignored his legal writs and pleas about prosecutorial and FDA
fraud, denied appeals all the way up to the US Supreme Court,
which rubber-stamped the FDAs demands for the banning and
burning of his scientific books and research journals, and finally
dying alone in prison who was this man, Wilhelm Reich, and
why today, some 50 years after his death, does he continue to stir
up such emotional antipathy? It is a literal 80-Years War of
continuing misrepresentation, slander and defamation.
Who were and are Reichs attackers? Author and Natural
Scientist James DeMeo takes on the book-burners, exposing
with clarity and documentation their many slanderous fabrica-
tions, half-truths and lies of omission. In so doing, he also
summarizes the lesser-known facts about Reichs important
clinical and life-energetic experimental findings, now verified by
scientists and physicians worldwide, and holding great promise
for the future.

The History of Modern Morals, By Max Hodann, a
central participant in the European Weimar-era sexual
reform movement. 350+ pages, with a New Introduc-
tion by James DeMeo, PhD.
European Emperors, Kings, Kaisers
and Tsars, and their Churches, for-
bade contraception, womens equal-
ity and divorce. Baptismal Certifi-
cates and class barriers dictated who
could legally marry, attend school or
the university, advance socially, and
who could not. World War I finally
swept them from power, but their
dictates frequently remained as law,
in a turbulent era of struggle for
freedom and democracy, versus re-
surgent fascism and slavery.
Hodanns History contains a clear
discussion of these historical devel-
opments within the sexual reform
and womens rights movements of Weimar Germany and Europe
generally, in the early decades of the 1900s. The parallel advance
of scientific knowledge on human sexuality is also detailed.
Unlike many contemporary works on these subjects, History of
Modern Morals is authored by a physician who lived the struggle,
was a leader in it, got arrested by the Nazis for it, and intimately
worked with other professionals who also had personally suf-
fered for their work in the same social-sexual reform movement.
His writings are therefore filled with a strong passion and
vitality, and with many personal observations, anecdotes, and
clarifying information not found elsewhere.
Hodanns History is also unique in that he frequently and
positively discusses the work of his contemporary and associate,
Wilhelm Reich. This is especially important given their life-
positive emphasis upon love and emotion in sexuality, and their
distinction between natural-healthy heterosexual genitality ver-
sus neurotic and unhealthy sexual expressions. In the modern
era of politically correct moral equivalence, this essential
distinction has been diminished or erased from public discus-

John Ott:
Exploring the Spectrum
Directed by John Ott

An exciting video journey

through the world of time-lapse
photography by one of the founders
of the science of photobiology.
Do fluorescent lights cause cancer and
childhood learning and behavior
disorders? Can long-term exposure to low-
level radiation as from TV sets, computers, fluorescent lights,
and similar devices harm your health? Does living behind window
glass and with glasses covering our eyes over years affect our
health? Is natural sunlight and trace ultra-violet radiation
really harmful to our health? Or is it necessary and beneficial?
How do cells, plants and animals respond to constant exposure
to different light color frequencies? Does mal-illumination and
electrosmog create nervous agitation and a weakened immune
system? These and similar questions were the subject of Dr.
John Nash Otts pioneering investigations in the field of
photobiology, using the methods of time-lapse photography. In
an era of increasing low-level electromagnetic pollution, where
everyone is wired up to the internet 24/7, and even children
have the latest cell phones, iPods, blueberrys and other Wi-Fi
gizmos, with eyeballs glued to display screens, Dr. Ott shows we
are paying the price with our health and biology. Our indoor
lifestyles and chronic wearing of UV-blocking eye-glasses and
contact lenses additionally has deprived us of biologically-
necessary natural trace-ultraviolet and bluer frequencies of
light, with an irrational and nearly superstitious fear of natural
sunlight. Dr. Otts time-lapse movies, reproduced here, show
how plants and animals are deeply affected in movement, growth,
form and sexual behavior, by these significant bioenergetic
changes in our natural living conditions. This is a wonderful
video showing Dr. Otts original film sequences, including entire
plants growing from a seed to fruit in less than a minute. A
fascinating nature study for both adults and children. 80 minutes,
with humorous introduction. Multi-Region.

Wilhelm Reich and
the Cold War
by James E. Martin

New Edition
Available soon

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