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1. List the types of levers and write one example of each with the help of diagram.Jun06
2. Define the term Gravity. Give two examples from nursing situations/ procedures in which
principle of gravity is applied. Jun06
3. Define Insulators. Explain why use of rubber-soled shoes in operation theatre (OT) is not
recommended. Jun06
4. List the methods by which heat is lost from the body. Explain one method in detail. Jun06
5. Define the term Suction. List two clinical situations in which principle of suction is applicable.
6. Fill in the blanks : Jun06
(i) The rate by which the work is done by the body is termed as ……………………………
(ii) The apparent change in frequency due to relative motion between the source and
listener is known as …………………………….
(iii) A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy or vice versa is called as
(iv) Heating of tissues by passage of electricity current is called ………………………..
(v) When a ray is sent back at plane interface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle
7. Differentiate between systematic and random error. Give one example of each from nursing
8. Define Archimedes' principle. Give two examples from clinical setting in which this principle is
applicable. Dec06
9. List the factors influencing flow of intravenous fluids. Dec06
10. Explain with the help of diagram the process of maintaining heat balance in the body. Dec06
11. Write the corrective lenses which can be used in Myopia and Hypermetropia. Dec06
12. Fill in the blanks : Dec06
(i) Mass per unit volume of a substance is……………………………..
(ii) A state of body where its position keeps changing with time with respect to some
fixed position is referred as ………………………………
(iii) The unit of measurement of heat is ………………………………….
(iv) A record of action potential of the active heart muscle is known as …………………….
(v) The distance from !h. centre of the lens to the principal focus is known as
………………………. of the lens.
13. Define force. Give two examples from nursing for each of the following :Jun07
(i) Frictional force
(ii) Gravitational force
14. Explain refraction and reflection of light with the help of diagram. Jun07
15. Fill in the blanks : Jun07
(i) Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of body by
(ii) The mode of heat transferred by actual movement of matter is ……………………
(iii) To every action there is always equal and opposite reaction is stated in Newton's
…………………………law of motion.
(iv) Rate of change of velocity with time is defined as …………………
(v) The rate at which the work is done by the body is termed as …………………………..
16. Name the principle of physics applied in the following : Jun07
(i) Urinometer to measure the specific gravity
(ii) Bed-sores in patient
(iii) lV fluids
(iv) Working of an autoclave machine
(v) Cold sponge bath during fever
17. Write two applications of infra red rays in nursing practice. Dec07
18. State Pascal’s law. Give two examples of its application in the human body. Dec07
19. Why does a patient lying in bed foe long time develop sores? State the laws that explain it.
20. Explain with the help of examples what are systematic errors and random errors. Dec07
21. Define power of accomodation. Name the defect of vision related to it and how it is
corrected. Dec07
22. How can we create sub-atmospheric pressure ? give two applications from nursing
procedures. Dec07
23. Fill in the blanks: Dec07
(i) The point where the whole weight of the body may be supposed to act is called
(ii) Force acting on unit surface is called …………………………………..
(iii) Hydrometer works on the principle of ……………………………..
(iv) The electronic device that picks up sound waves and convert them into electric current
is called ………………………………
(v) The process in which electric shock is imparted to chest to normalise heart beat is
called as ……………….
24. Define myopia and hypermetropia. How they are corrected? Jun08
25. Why are underwater exercises sometimes used for rehabilitation of muscles and joints ? Jun08
26. Write one use of ultraviolet rays in hospitals. What harmful effects are caused by them to the
human body ? Jun08
27. List two factors which influence the flow of fluid through an orfice. What happens when
thickening of arteries takes place in the body ? Jun08
28. With the help of a neat diagram show the heat production and transfer mechanisms in the
human body. Name the mechanism by which cold sponge reduces the temperature of the
human body. Jun08
29. Fill in the blanks: Jun08
(i) The quantitative measure of heat is determined by using device called…………………
(ii) Sinoatrial (SA) node works as the natural ……………………….. for the heart which
maintains normal heart beats.
(iii) The apparent change in frequency of sound due to relative motion between the
source of sound and the listener is known as ……………………………..
(iv) Capacity to do work is called ………………………………….
(v) The magnitude and direction of different forces that act on the fractured leg can be
adjusted by weights and……………………….
30. State the measuring instrument and the unit you would use to measure each of the following
quantities : Dec08
(i) Weight of a 3 month.old baby
(ii) Urine output of an adult patient
31. Explain why you should not stop a moving wheelchair suddenly if a patient is sitting on it.
What phenomenon and law of physics applies in this case ? Dec08
32. List the physical processes of heat loss from the human body. Dec08
33. How is heat generated in the body ? Dec08
34. Distinguish between ultraviolet and infrared radiations with examples. Dec08
35. Explain the process of diathermy. Dec08
36. State two medical conditions for which this offers effective therapy. Dec08
37. Fill in the blanks : Dec08
(i) The radioisotope ………………………… is used to locate malignant thyroid tumours.
(ii) A …………………………………. person cannot see distant objects clearly.
(iii) A high ………………………………….. environment has to be maintained for premature
infants to minimise evaporation from nasal passages.
(iv) The process of …………………………… is used during surgical operations to remove blood
and other fluids.
(v) The rate of change of displacement of any object with time is defined as
38. State the measuring instrument and the unit you would use to measure each of the following
quantities : Jun09
(i) Height of a 5 year old child
(ii) Pulse rate
39. How should you carry heavy objects so that your back does not feel the strain . Explain why
you should do so in terms of the physical concept involved. Jun09
40. Explain the process of "Suction". Give four examples of use of suction in health care settings.
41. What is Doppler effect ? State two applications of Doppler effect in medical care. Jun09
42. Match the terms listed in Column I with the applications given in Column II : Jun09

Column I Column II
(i) Laser (a) To sterlize operating rooms
(ii) Electron microscope (b) For medical thermography
(iii) UV radiation (c) As “ Bloodless Knife” in surgery
(iv) Infrared radiation (d) Study of cells and tissues
(v) x (e) To listen fetal heart sound
(vi) x (f) Helps in thyroid up take

43. Fill in the blanks : Jun09

(i) The process in which a short electric shock is given to the chest to normalise irregular
heart beat is called ………………………………..
(ii) The human eye behaves like a ………………………….. lens in producing images.
(iii) Heat is transferred by actual movement of matter in the process of ……………………..
(iv) Breathing is possible due to ………………….. difference.
(v) A blood sample can be separated into layers containing particles of different densities
using a ……………………………
44. Define the term centre of gravity. Give two examples from nursing of its application. Dec09
45. Define the following and give one example how you could avoid these errors. Dec09
(i) Systematic Error.
(ii) Random Error.
46. Define the following terms and give one example of each on Nursing application. Dec09
(i) Siphon.
(ii) Suction.
(iii) Pascal's Law.
(iv) Conduction.
(v) Humidity.
47. Write any four advantages of mercury as a thermometric substance. Dec09
48. Fill in the blanks : Dec09
(i) The rate of change of displacement with time is called …………………
(ii) The rate of change of velocity with time is …………………..
(iii) To every action there is equal and opposite reaction is Newton's………………… law of
(iv) A mass of a substance per unit volume is known as ……………….
(v) When a body is immersed in a fluid it experiences an upward thrust is based on
……………………….. principle.

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