Distance Learning: Challenges in Maintaining Excellence

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WHITE PAPER September - 2017


w w w . i a o . o r g
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary

2 Distance Learning- Overview

Distance Learning and Its Implication

4 What is Distance Learning?


6 Distance learning challenges in different segments of education

1- Students
Student Support Frame
Student-Faculty and Student-Student Communication
Consumer Information for Students

2- Faculty
Faculty Composition and Qualifications
Faculty Commitment to Distance

3- Curriculum and Learning Issues

Design of Learning Experiences
Individual and Group

14 Conclusion
Executive Summary

The developing thought of providing distance learning

education is to give flexibility and comfort level to the
teachers and students in terms of learning, teaching and
studying. Integration of technology in all forms of
teaching has tightened down the gap between the on
and off-campus students. This method of constant
learning and specialized preparation in numerous applied
studies permits the student community to play a creative
role in their own particular societies.

Different variations of technology and methods are used by faculty and students to implement distance
learning programs. Thus, the most important part of distance learning is not only technology but the people
learning from that system.

Distance learning is a way to contribute to social and economic development that is becoming even more
important part of the modern system of education, in the most of the developed as well as emerging
countries. Thus, this provides ample of opportunities to widen the education systems. The rising desires for
continual skills upgrading and retraining and the technological advances have led to an explosion of interest
in distance learning.

Despite a prompt development of online tertiary education, it is clear that instructors, educators and students
encounter certain barriers that affect the overall quality of distance learning. This paper aims to present the
quality issues faced by different stakeholders of the education and what measures they can apply to overcome
these issues.

1 Executive Summary
Distance Learning- Overview

Distance learning is the new-fangled rage in the domain of

learning. Treasured as it is, distance learning is still nothing
more than a new use of an acquainted machine. And
machineries, no matter how good, do not work themselves.
Thus, the fact is people run machines.

The emerging thought behind distance learning is to provide

learning and training that does not oblige the students to be
tangibly present in the place as the tutor. This method of
unceasing education and professional preparation in several
practical studies allows the student community to play a
productive role in their respective societies.

Contemporary, economic and social accomplishments at the end of the 20th century initiated the evolution
of international economy from old into a new cybernetic economy. The Cybernetic economy is highly
associated with globalization and economy networking. This fact emphasizes the importance of knowledge
as it has become the vital economic resource today. For this reason, knowledge enriched employees are the
most desired input and output. Education is compulsory to attain and supplement new knowledge.
Because of geographical distance and level of development, education, in classical sense, is not available to
a large number of worlds population.

Internationally 796 million of people reported not being able to read and write; 64% of them were women.
Adult literacy rates were bottommost in Southern Asia - 62%, Saharan Africa - 63%, Oceania 66% and
Northern Africa 67%. Education has to be measured in its relation to worldwide, economic, social and
cultural expansion. By growing the number of educated population, universal economy can accomplish:
sustainable GDP growth, decreasing of global redundancy, healthier quality of living and upsurge the social
consistency. Also, worlds poverty and injustice can be reduced. Because of the significant changes in the
demographic structure of established regions and globalization characteristics, it is necessary to make
education available to everyone and to inspire people to join this process. Especially, distance learning can
be a significant help to education spread out.

2 Distance Learning- Overview

Distance Learning and Its Implication


This is the most promptly rising part of education. The potential impact of distance learning on all
education has been highlighted by the growth of Internet-based technologies, particularly the World Wide
Web. It can be described as learning involving implementation of information, computing and
communications technology applications in more than one location.

Distance learning is a contributing force to social and economic expansion. It is fast becoming an important
part of the mainstream of educational systems in both established and emerging countries. The
globalization of distance learning provides many opportunities for countries for the realization of their
education system-wide goals. The rising desires for continual skills upgrading and retraining and the
technological advances have led to an explosion of interest in distance learning.

The books and studies related to distance learning expanded significantly in the last years. Studies
researched different aspects of distance learning from its technologies, methods, and pedagogy to
perceptions, opinions and attitudes of students and academicians toward distance learning.

3 Distance Learning and Its Implication

What is Distance Learning?

Distance Learning refers to learning remotely without

having a face-to-face communication with a tutor in a
classroom. Distance learning can be labelled as a way
of receiving information or education without direct
communication with the provider of the information.
This can be attained by different approaches and
means, including study centers situated in places
where the chief provider is not based. However, the
qualification gained by learning in such distant
learning centers is considered as being provided by
the chief provider only.

Distance learning is the desired and ideal choice of individuals who are either employed or cannot be tangibly
present to join classes. Learning and training are accessible here on virtual basis, where time and distance
does not matter and the learner can access information at his/her own suitability.

There are numerous methods that are involved in distance learning which includes evening slots and sessions
provided by the universities where going to classes is not obligatory. Online classes, educational DVDs and
study material, including e-books and other reference material, also form a part of the educational content.
This flexible system of education is considered to be less expensive, yet effective, and with no geographical
restrictions. Students still have access to their tutors and teachers in some or the other way.

The Historic Evolution of Distance Learning

At times, the communication can also be created via emails. Distance learning was first initiated in London in
1858 and the University of London was the first provider of external learning and training. These days,
distance learning is measured to be as respectable as regular education and it has spread internationally with
a huge number of foundations in numerous countries. The primary benefit of distance learning education is
that the modes of learning are assessed by means of online or offline examinations. It also has an assessment
system which confirms that students are evaluated regularly with the help of examinations and essential

4 What is Distance Learning?

10 Conclusion

Schools and Universities often use different variations of technology and communication among faculty and
students. In one instance of distance learning, students at a branch location receive a simultaneous recording of a
lecture being conveyed from a chief campus location. In another condition, teams gather at a business site to view
a videotape of a schoolroom presentation.

In some cases, students work independently with educational tasks provided on a CD-ROM. In another example,
students work through the Internet with text materials, filmed clips and interactive exercises. Each of these
circumstances validates distance learning even though the learning experiences fluctuate on multiple dimensions.
Whichever of these conditions arises, these guidelines define it as distance learning when learners are physically
separated from the deliverer.

5 What is Distance Learning?

In the Distance Learning - Challenges

Distance learning challenges in different segments of education

1- Students

Student Support Frame

Because of the nature of the distance learning procedures,

students need to take substantial accountability in conducting
their own learning. It is important to clearly communicate and
discuss program expectations about student tasks in program
announcements. Compared to conventional tactics, distance
learners must:
1) Undertake superior accountability for their learning,
2) Take more initiative in questioning and obtaining help,
3) Be elastic, and
4) Be ready to deal with technical hitches.

To foster the accomplishments of the students, institutions have the responsibility to identify students' wants
and problems related to the distance learning atmosphere. The school should adopt a proactive stance for
monitoring student progress to address barriers and hitches students meet.

How to overcome this challenge?

Make program expectations for students clear in advance of enrollment whenever possible, and in no case
later than the commencement of the course.
Create a resource center, 24 hour hotline or other educational instruments to provide students the access to
academic and administrative aid.

6 In the Distance Learning - Challenges

Student-Faculty and Student-Student Communication
It is very necessary to provide the explanation of faculty-student and student-student communication opportunities
and requirements. Since distance learning entails students to work self-sufficiently and to use dispersed learning
technology to accomplish course requirements, schools must offer appropriate student training and sustenance. If
the program entails shared group learning activities, the technology should support those activities, and students
should be provided with training in the collaborative technologies so that they can contribute effectually.

Personal interaction is recommended in some circumstances. For instance, it may be vital to the reliability and
integrity of the program and producing a learning atmosphere. An excellent distance learning program contain a
mixture of connections and interactions, which includes one-to-one seminar meetings and tutorials and housing
courses, plus a variation of collaborative conferences utilizing a range of technologies (e.g. video/satellite
conferences, Internet, email, conference systems, etc.). These communicating elements should be specified in the
curriculum or course declaration along with where and when the conferences and/or residential involvements will
take place.

How to overcome this challenge?

Carefully and systematically analyze the distance learning experience to make sure that any obligatory
communications are expressive.
Collaborative technology expectations and requirements should be fully described in promotional and
detailed materials.

7 In the Distance Learning - Challenges

Consumer Information for Students
Persuasive and graphic resources for distance learning curriculums should visibly articulate the benefits students
will stem in terms of learning efficiency, ease of use and etc. Students should expect that distance learning
programs and courses, irrespective of the style of instructional delivery, will empower them to achieve suitable
educational conclusions. In specific, persuasive materials should deliver students with clear, complete and timely
information about:

Syllabus, modules, courses and admission requirements

Registration and admission process

Financial assistance resources

Cost and payment guidelines

Availability of academic support services such as therapy,

recommending, advising, teaching and placement

Technical capabilities and equipment requirements

Performance expectations regarding deadlines, study time

requirements and attendance

When, where and how student-instructor communication takes place (face-to-face meetings, residential
events, telephone, live electronic chat rooms, email, etc.)

Historic conclusion rates and time-to-completion

8 In the Distance Learning - Challenges

2- Faculty

Faculty Composition and Qualifications

The faculty's configuration, credentials and qualifications are indispensable mechanisms to generate high-quality
distance learning programs. The school's faculty should comprehend and squeeze the change from a
teaching-centered to a learning-centered environment; with learners, rather than students, and with organizers
and creators of learning experiences, rather than teachers. The former focus of the faculty should be the
achievement of learning objectives and goals, an then emphasize on the organization and delivery of information.

Gaining faculty pledge is dynamic to a fruitful and successful application of a program. It often is obliging to initiate
with the involvement and development of a minor squad of faculty who are extremely appreciated and respected
by their peers. These early-entry faculty can then become capitals to assist the growth of additional faculty.

The roles faculty will execute should be determined first. Different faculty members may have different roles from
one another, and more prcised than their traditional and on-campus roles. In some cases, distance learning
providers have unbundled the traditional faculty role to generate specialists in such responsibilities as formation of
course goals and structure, creation of learning materials and experiences, delivery of instruction, or learning
valuation. When such unbundling arises, suitable faculty administration procedures must be put in place, including
procedures and developments that help people in these distinct roles to interrelate and network with each other.
Faculty administration must be modified to the specific performance demands of learning circumstances, educa-
tion, technology, institutional beliefs, etc.

9 Faculty - Challenges
Faculty resources and faculty management should be dependable with the school's specified mission. A
mission-directed promise to distance learning may involve the addition of new faculty with the obligatory skills and
experiences. Whether through the hiring of fresh faculty or through developing existing faculty, distance learning
technologies and teachings must be united with the institution's competences.

How to overcome this challenge?

Inspire faculty to engross in the conversation of definitions, values, principles and fundamental values for the
distance learning programs.
Faculty resources for the programs accessible must be strategically driven and analytically observed and managed.
Faculty recruitment, reward and development practices should reflect the definite duties faculty members

10 New Technology Trends Emerging In Schools

Faculty Commitment to Distance Learning

The school's faculty must undertake their primary duty

for the relevance and currency of instructional content
and the effectiveness of delivery. It is necessary for a
distance learning atmosphere that faculty and students
develop skills with an extensive series of technologies.

The school's faculty is responsible for ensuring:

Effective creation and delivery of instruction

Evaluation of instructional effectiveness and student
The development of appropriate assessment
Continued improvement of instructional programs
Innovation in instructional processes
Accessibility to students consistent with the schools
expectations and student demands

The school should have well-defined criteria to

evaluate faculty in annual reviews and promotional
decisions that reflect a commitment to creation,
development and delivery of distance learning. If
appropriate, designed teams (e.g., faculty and staff)
should be evaluated for their creation of learning

How to overcome this challenge?

Cultivate and implement organized assessment of
faculty engaged in all aspects of the distance learning
program (e.g., preparation of learning experiences,
delivery of learning experiences and assessment of
learning, etc.).

11 Faculty - Challenges
3- Curriculum and Learning Issues

Design of Learning Experiences

The design of learning experiences will greatly inspire the success of a distance learning program. Business schools
must coherent evidently what is to be taught (e.g., content) and how content will be delivered to students (e.g.,
instruction and technologies). Teachers should design learning experiences to take benefit of numerous modalities
that best fit with the learning aims and learning styles. Adapting all learning goals to a secure technology or
delivering traditional lecture demonstrations over technology-based media are likely to harvest unsatisfactory

How to overcome this challenge?

Increase content experts with people who have explicit skills and knowledge in learning design to generate
suitable learning experiences.

12 Curriculum - Challenges
Individual and Group Learning

Both group and individual learning are practical and feasible approaches. Group education typically uses some
form of synchronous interaction (e.g., video conferencing or computer-generated classroom) in which teachers
and students connect in real time. This could be best categorized as tutor-centered schooling. The tutor is in
control of the learning situation and remains in active communication throughout the session. Much distance
learning takes place as group teaching. In this method, the institute (or a partner) offers a meeting or class
where the students gather at a fixed time to obtain lessons. Moreover, communication opportunities should be
provided for students to have interaction with teachers, tutors or other modified assistance separate from the
group conference time.

Individual learning, on the other hand, is characteristically grounded on asynchronous interaction. The learning
situation occurs when (and often where) the student needs it, which is a much more student-centered
approach. Media might include CD-ROMs, tapes, web-based material, or other learning resources. For individual
learning situations, the tutor must make sure that communication opportunities are accessible to students both
with instructional employees and with other students. These communications may be either synchronous or

How to overcome this challenge?

Prudently reflect whether individual or group instruc-
tion best fits the mission, student population and
possessions available, and then create support systems
reliable with the tactic preferred.

13 Curriculum - Challenges

In recent years, distance education has become pervasive in higher education. Business schools have sought
opportunities through distance education, including growing market grasp, increasing revenues, and
providing service to business employees and conventional student inhabitants. To maintain efficiency and
excellence in distance learning offerings, programs need to be consistent with the schools specified mission.
Moreover, excellence in Distance Learning brings a modification in viewpoint from teaching-centered to
learning-centered education. Rather than concentrating on teaching efforts, effective distance learning
encourages a focus on student learning conclusions. To achieve desired results, this effort brings with it a
modification in the roles of students and faculty, as well as required support services.

Learning-centered education needs students to adopt an expanded responsibility for their learning. Learning
arises through communication with faculty members and other students, sustained independent study, and
the use of technology to harvest meaningful learning experiences.
Adulthood and motivation learn to characterize the fruitful and successful distance learning student.

Faculty members are accountable for emerging a training that fits the chosen delivery technology. Faculty
progression and reward classifications should be organized to motivate faculty commitment.

To summarize, excellence in distance education entails cautious attention to learning design, effective faculty
training, administrative commitment to satisfactory program support, assortment of suitable delivery,
technology, and a focus on student learning results.

14 Conclusion





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