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Those on the 30/3 life path are here to work through issues of
expression and sensitivity, overcoming self-doubt to express
themselves and use their inner gifts to encourage, uplift, and inspire
others. Most people come into life to work a mixture of energies, but
for 30/3s, their work and destiny are clear and focused. Those working
30/3 have the support of inner gifts, which include highly tuned
sensitivity, inner strength, expressiveness, and intuition. All of these
resources complement and support one major life theme: emotional

However, since our life purpose isn't what comes easiest, 30/3s have
distinct hurdles to overcome before they can fulfill their destiny.
Because 30/3s resonate with the perfectionism of 6s and feel acutely
sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, they are prone to feeling
disappointed and disheartened at times, and to expressing in negative
ways, such as criticizing and complaining.

They have an inherent drive to express themselves; this expression

comes out in either positive or negative ways, but it comes out.
Emotional expression may not come easily for 30/3s at first; they may
start out inhibited, but once they get rolling, the words flow.

The arena in which 30/3s express may be large, as in performance,

teaching, or addressing large groups, or smaller, involving a circle of
family and friends. In either case, the challenges and joys of 30/3s
arise from expressing their feelings through speech or creative
endeavors, such as painting, music, or other media, and from helping
others to express their feelings as well.

Their expression blossoms with other people, perhaps one on one at

first. Eventually, if they draw forth the courage, many 30/3s find the
opportunity to speak before groups of people. I often recommend
public-speaking courses for 30/3s.

Due to their innate emotional sensitivity, many 30/3s go a little numb

or put up psychological armor as a defense against the emotional
turbulence around them. They may appear unemotional to others, but
strong, even passionate, feelings lie just beneath the surface. Those
working 30/3 long for passionate involvement and an emotional
connection with others, and they often create intense dramas in their
life to stir up emotions around them. Many 30/3s like to watch or act
in soap operas, because of their drama and emotionality. They make
good actors, because they can identify with emotions and model any

The inner gifts of expression, sensitivity, and spiritual discernment

amplify 30/3s' already-existing sensitivity. People working other birth
numbers, such as 12/3 and 21/3, are also here to express themselves,
but 30/3s combine their innate sensitivity and expressive drive as 3s
with the inner gifts of sensitivity and expressiveness. To the degree
that 30/3s are in touch with their feelings, they have acutely
developed intuitive powers. When they read the newspapers or turn
their attention to the world around them, they feel what needs to be
done, and they express it.

Those working 30/3 need to focus on finding skillful means to express

positive ways to deal with problems. They may feel fully justified in
complaining, because they usually point out wrongs that do, indeed,
need to be addressed, but the challenge for 30/3s is finding ways to
channel and release their expressive energy constructively. They need
to express themselves honestly and directly but in the most positive
and effective ways. They need to focus on the solution, not the
problem. This is good advice for anyone, but especially important for
30/3s, for as they describe the world, they see the world.

If 3s in general make the best depressives, 30/3s, with extreme

sensitivity and self-doubt, have depression down to a fine art. Flip-
flopping between "I can do anything" and "It's just too much for me
I'm not ready," they sometimes slip from confident highs into
emotional slumps, feeling the weight of self-doubt, a major issue that
sometimes stops them in their tracks just when they are about to
succeed. Self-doubt tends to make 30/3s feel unprepared, not good
enough, or not up to a task. Self-doubt can discourage and depress
30/3s until they see it as a challenge they are here to overcome, a
hurdle for them to leap over as they push onward and upward.

The greatest gift of 30/3s lies in expression and inspired

communication. Whether through speaking, acting, writing, or art,
they find joy in moving others emotionally, perhaps moving them to
action, to change, or to happiness. In the positive, their effectiveness
comes from an ability to speak with feelingnot just from the mind,
but from the heart.

People working 30/3 have obstacles to overcome before achieving

such expressive magic, because our life purpose always holds special
challenges. In general, 30/3s start out feeling less capable and more
afraid of self-expression or public speaking than the average person
who isn't working 3 energy. When they step into the arena, however,
they find great satisfaction; they feel, in some fundamental way, that
they are home.


These individuals bring enthusiasm, compassion, understanding, and
service into the world, in ways large or small, through their creative
expression. Whatever their occupation, when they speak, they do so
with attunement and sensitivity, and they uplift others. They are
enthusiastic and connected to their emotions, and their expressiveness
is passionate, forthright, and even inspired. They are honest in
communicating their needs and feelings, neither manipulating nor
allowing themselves to be manipulated. They manage their lives
responsibly, not letting their own or other people's emotions run them.
They use their inner gifts of expression, sensitivity, and intuition in the
service of others, with a joy and altruism that further amplifies these
resources, putting 30/3s in touch with the subtle aspects and mystery
of existence.


Depressed about the love they feel they lack from others, these
individuals complain about the wrongs of society and of their life,
feeling justified because there's much to criticize in this world. Needy
and hypersensitive, they whine or manipulate instead of stating
honestly and directly what they need, who they are, and how they
feel. Some are completely blocked in their sexual natures, while others
have trouble with emotional or sexual fidelity and often get into
promiscuous situations.

Most 30/3s, especially those with suppressed emotions, experience
vulnerability in the throat area due to blocked expression. If 30/3s feel
a scratchy throat or a blockage there, they need to ask themselves,
"What do I need to express that I'm holding back?" Often, once they
express what they feel, their throat quickly recuperates. Music that
opens the heart, touches the emotions, and enlivens or uplifts is
always healing for 30/3s, whose health or illness reflects their
emotional state.

Their heart and knees also feel sensitive and vulnerable at times.
Those who have problems with misunderstanding, which 30/3s are
prone to because of their issues with expression, often get energy
blockages around the knees, which over time affect the circulation and
eventually the physical structure.

Those working 30/3 need to eat and exercise according to what feels
right to them intuitivelywhat feels emotionally as well as physically
good. But they need to take care not to be run by their moods or to
seek emotional consolation in the form of food or self-pampering when
they are feeling lovelorn. When they are feeling blue, expansive
exercise to music lifts their spirits.

Nearly all 30/3s have a needy emotional quality that says, "Appreciate
me"; they look for this emotional support in the outside world rather
than in themselves. Although they sometimes expect a lot without
giving back in return, they also have a great capacity to give.

Although 30/3s can appear unemotional, even coldly rational, as a

reaction to their sensitivity, they have an extremely large and
sensitive emotional energy field. Their voice usually reveals their
feeling nature, and their ability to tune into others' feelings enhances
their relationships.

Despite appearances to the contrary, 30/3s are romantics at heart.

They love to fall in love, and they periodically get emotional "crushes."
They need to be very direct and straightforward about this tendency
with their partner if they have one. When they feel free to express
feeling attracted to someone, this helps clear any obsessive tendencies
toward the current attraction. In other words, they can have more
lasting relationships by acknowledging and expressing, but not acting
upon, infatuations that pass through their lives. Sometimes their
emotions run them, and they get involved in promiscuous situations or
infidelities (whether real or imagined) and then wonder what

The emotional aura or energy field of 30/3s is their primary

"erogenous zone." If their emotions are shut down, sexual technique
doesn't help. When in a loving mood, however, they are moved by
passiontechnique is secondary.

Relationships, for 30/3s, present a monumental opportunity to work

through issues of honest expression and emotional vulnerability. They
do well to view relationships not only as a form of consolation and
nurturance, but as a form of spiritual practice.


With their inner gifts of expression, sensitivity, and intuition and
their developed expressive abilities30/3s help to uplift and nourish
others around them in their immediate world or in a larger arena.
They may choose to be teachers, salespeople, writers, or lecturers
any role that reminds people of the feeling side of their lives. They
have inherent gifts in any form of teaching, counseling, healing,
performing, or creative expression due to their ability to tune into
people and subtle dimensions. Those working 30/3 can also follow a
social service path, and they tend to make good managers. They can
be successful in any field, but they feel most fulfilled if their work
offers opportunities for self-expression.

In addition to their emotional sensitivity, those working 30/3 also have

a superb depth of intuitive intelligence that cuts to the heart of some
of life's core issues. Therefore, they do well in any field that involves
clear logic and reason.

Any lack of money relates in some way to self-doubt. If 30/3s use

their gifts and expression in the positive, money follows.

The above is an excerption from Dan Millmans book The Life

You Were Born To Live. More in-depth information about your
specific spiritual challenges can be found there.

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