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US. Department of Justice Cerca of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Pagel Status - For Academic and Language Students (OMB NO. 1653-0038) Natural Tense read Tnsractions on Page? hi page must be completed and sgn i he U.S. by a designated schol flat SEVIS [Fay Nene uname Tor immigration Ocal User Suet Cony Traiagpon [Date Via aed Satur cade FO Ta ae Tactag Pe a aT SOT approved on 08/22/2002 cana, exvension rani 3. This emlcate fe Rsved othe Student named above for continued attendance at this school. 44. Level ofeducition the student is pursuing or wil pursue in the United States: The student named above es been ecepted fra full course of study at this. ‘This schoo! has information showing the flowing asthe student's School majoring it Ragineersng, oepezal——_ sa pt eatimated fran academic erm of The stent fs expected to report the schoo no alr than 08/23/2007 tnonths (Use the same numberof months ven in ten 7). and complete statis mot later than 05/21/2022. Thenonmallengihof Students persona funds S090 Study is go months, Funds from tis school s 49,400,00 Specify 1ypecamadazantais 6 English potions asan pratt ce Funds fm another source PAT oCGueet ESTERS ceqdired Engiisn préisciency. ee —; —— On-campus employment ey ey 11. This schoo! estimates the stents average ws for an academic term of Tol $ saga 3 (upto 12) months be: =f . Tal and oes s -asscoz.o9 9. Remarks: a BLiving expenses s 2°795.00, ee = Expenses of dependents (@ s 00 a Other (speci): 5 ene, e es Total s $7,400,00 10, Schoo! Ceitiaton: twetify under penalty of perjury that all information provided above in items 1 through 9 was completed befor: {signed this for dans tras and comect: | executed this form inthe United States ale review and evaluation inthe United States by me or othe officials of te schoo of the students application, transis rather reordsof courses taken and proof of financial responsibility, which were recived at the schoo! prior tothe {heeutfon oft form the scboo! has etermined thatthe above named students qualifiations meet all standards for admission othe school the siden, Cito required wo pursuca fal eqs of sudyas dened by 8 CFR 214.2(1(6) Tam a designated oficial of the above named school and am authorizes to sso this form y o Aasiatant Dean of stude enemies ay K/ ALS = 02/25/2009_Pror. i Fame of Sn OBST Sgt oF Doped Soo! Ocal Tae Dass ead Pace vied (a) ar aC) " Suudent Co fon: | nave ead and agreed to comply with the terms and conditions of my admission and those of any extension of stay 8 specified en page 2. Teer that all infomation provided on this form refer specially to me ad i rue and comect othe best of my knowledge. 1 certify that 1 this Peet tocnter orem int Unite States temporarily. nd solely forthe purpose of Pursuing 2 fll course of study atthe sol named on page 1 form, Talsoauthersze the named school to release any information from my records which i needed by the INS pursuant to 8 CFR 214%) to deter ‘my noninmigrant stats Wawasan emer Soa Tae Sinan of pane Guardian Address (ely) (Sia or Provinge) (County) omy Page 3 TF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR F-1 NONIMMIG RATION PROCEDURES, PLEASE CONTACT EITHER YOUR FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISOR ON CAMPUS OR A NEARBY IMM IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE OFFICE SEVIS FAMILYNAME: 483, = FIRST NAME: Mets ToaearsConr Primary Major; 14.0103 aad - = sfeobaaneeat Student Emolovnent Authorization: Employment Sea you, te Tyee coe Durnin of Employment - From (Dee: 07/26/2008 ovDmey 08/28/2008 ployer Name: Deutsche Bank Fmplyer Locator: 60 Wail Street Eployrent Sit: rou, tne Type: re Duran of Employment - From (Duey 02/03/2003 To(Daey 07/25/2008 Fmplones Nem Dewteche Banke EmpleyerLeciin: 60 Wali Street Event History Event Name: Event Date: gegieveation e/te/2007 Current Authorizations: Star Date: Fix Date: crt seployment 02/02/2009 07/25/2008 ort Beployment er/i6/2008 08/28/2009 This page when propery endorsed. may be used for reentry’ ofthe stent to attend the sare schoo afer a temporary absence from the United States Ech certification signature is valid ge one year. Name of Schoo! 7 eeeaecee ean ane Ravis we t/ XbuPs ate 03/25/2009 troy, ‘Name of Sehoal igi Signatur of Deven Schl Ofte —Tie Date aued Pace Tied (and Sale) Rane oF Sede Ofical ——Signatae of Desai Shea! OMhead Ts aie Tue Pace Tee and a) Ni of Sheol Ofiwal Sgn of Dasgated Schoo Omieal Te Date Twed Pas ead (ya) Name of Shoal Oficial Sigman oF DsigaiedSdoal Onicha —Twe DatsTeucd Pace Tue and ay) ——— Fon F200 (Ren O27-88N Page 1 USS, Department of Justice CCetfcate of Eligibility fr Nonioumigran (F-1) Student Status - For Academic and Language Students (OMB NO. 1653-0038) "herpes ie cmped od and in th US. ya devas oa SEVIS Fan ane 10004420954 For Iemigraton Ocal User [Coaany ot Rensselace Polytechnic Institute face Polytechnic Ineestute Shot Oficial be naTad wudnt aval in SNe and THC proved on 08/22/2002 Retnnated xenon granted This ceria fs isusd to the stdent named above for J of tation the students pursing or will pursue in the United States: 4 ls . ‘S._ The stant named above has been accepted fra fll course oF study at his 8. Tix school has information showing the following as the stants Scinol. majoring in Haginesring, General 7 mans of support estimated fran academic term of 2 The stent is expect to ror tothe sol no Toe than 0873372005 ‘months (Use the same numberof moeths given in tem 7) ant conypleteseaiew tlie than 03/32/2022. Thenomnal length of 4" Students personal nds 3 a. stay 60 ‘ont Fund from this schoo! s 2,400.02 Specify ype ageietantahio 6 Fishin a ceottet Funds from another source 2.00 ‘The efdent BaF the’ required Bogiisn proficiency. ‘Specify type: a 4. Onecare emplanment 3 a0 11. This shoo! estimates the student's averoge costs fo an academe tem of Tot $940.00 2 (upto 12) moras abe: : a Tallon aoe tees S$ secsos.on. 9 Remarks: ze Living expenses s - [Expenses of dependents (o s Other (pec s assis — Total jae 10. Schoo Certification: 1 seri under penalty of perjury that all infermation provided above in ites trough 3 “hy me oro offcials ofthe schoo! ot We: Teecutea his form in the United States aller review and evaation nthe United and stews and the stadt application, ranserits or eer records of courses taken and proof financial responsibility. which were recived at the school pri othe txcention oft a: the snl haye&tshrine that he abe name students quaieations cet all standans for admission wo the schook the stent Sat negired tn pursues Tl eoyhe fray pf dof by 8 CHR 214.2046): Lam a designate oicial of the above nary schoo! ant am author za tovssic this form, " Aeeiotant Dean of Seuce Sane Revie 4, VZLLL nes 21/34/2000 Troy, ME Tic uad Pace aed 7D ST Tame or Sol ONO Spree Schon! OTT Tae ds: have rd and agro to eomply with the ter and conditions of my amision and those of any extension of stay as specific on poe 2 Ucertfy that ll information provide on this fo refers speificll to me and is true and comet to the est of my knowledge, ery that {Sak to error renin in the United Stats temporarily, and solely forthe purpose of pursuing a full course of stay atthe school named on page 1 of this fonn, False authorize xc named school felese any information fran my secs which is nocd by the INS pursuant to 8 CFR 214.Xp) to determine Tico wer Tamar Dae Trovinss) (Com) Tay Nancol parca organ Sina oF pare oF paar Tires tap) atu ee Page Se MONT INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR f=1 NONIMMIGRANT STUDENT STATUS AND THE RELATING IMMIGRATION PROCEDURES. HLPASE CONTACT FITTER YOUR EORFIGN STUDENT ADVISOR ON CAMPUS OR A NEARBY IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE OFFICL PAMILYNAME: 24a, __FIRS# NAME: mess pe Prinaty Major: 28-0363 gd Student Emolovaet Auoration pion Sta vou Tom ype Pr jrtionol Employes - Fron (Date 02/02/2009 Toru 97/28/2009 eset Name ent Date Pagiaeracion, ‘Sa/te/2007 Current Auras: Suet Date: End Date eayoxsaees 67/35/2008 Lis page when properly endorsed, ray be used for recy ofthe student ated se same schoo! afer a emporary absence fram the United Sats ach eee 5 aur sali mone Yer. Name oF School, — ae women (eek! Kha em Name Deespnaied Schwa Olea Tale Date fesued Place Fovard (eaty and sane) Bac haed Fase Read oy ona risa SO asd Seo Oca SnD US. Department of Justice Certificate of Elbit foe N gratin and Naturalization Service Saat - For Academic and lene rad "hin page ut be competed aa ged the US. bya designated schol official Sevis 1, [fay Name uae Rensaclae: Polytechnic Institute 1 10. [econ oth a ofan day ye 03/12/1983 hood adres (ncads rp co Shao cad UcTedng Pag ae any) and appvaT a ‘BUP224F10057000 approved on 08/22/2002 irocions on Pape? ‘or fmmigration Offical User Toaans Con SE N afl—d Date Vie ocd 1 Sanrt Tinision nano Wied of salou aad US Nae and TH This coriieat fc fcued 1 the dent named above [or continued attendance at thie schoo}. xtuation the stent is pursing oe will pursue inthe United Stats: The student named above has heen accepted fora fll course study at his. ‘This school has information showing the following asthe student's school. mgjerin in angineering, Geneces The student is expect to report to the school no later than 08/3 means of support, etnated for an academic term of rons (Use the same numberof months given in ten 7) i cooptre nudes wlan hn #3/30/a004 - Thewe ierasie e Fd boreal i fctenmsetos $a Seay opaamiatantahis =" Lan ccs «. Hexhneuoernons Sra HEE tclech GSPN DROS GEL PRcsaeey Spee ope fois ees aoe 4 Orrcanpas poms 00 8 (up to 12) months to be: a Tuition and fees s 6.605.009, Remarks: — S ieee $e 2 keetsotaeedatto | ‘ ooo i Olsens) s an - oa ‘a $ anaes Sete ein: | sei nde pay of ey atl iraton rod sbor in ens | ough 9 compels ie, and strc and correct: | executed this form in the United States afer review an evaluation inthe United States by me or other officials of the schoo! of the stdents application, transcripts, orather records of courses taken and pro of financial responsibility, which were recived atthe schoo prior othe tvccution oF hs fom: the schon hg-determined tht the above named students qualifications met all stands fr admission to the sehoo: the student ‘illbe negired to puro fl covey of stadyas fined by 8 CFR 214.2746); Lam a designated official ofthe above named schoo! and ant suthoriced issue this form, ( Aeeiatant Dean of tude ane saws YL ste 4/0/2008 Troy. we ‘Situs of certad School OTe Tie DateTsusd Pace suc a aE) £. haere and ed comply wih hts nd enon fm amison and tose of ay extension ofa spied o0 aaa eet a atssaton weed ns oe ts spetial to me and tv and cro beste my Knowle. ce tat a a ne Une Sse somerset rhe pe of suing a fal cue oly fe acho mam on pgs is Fae eansshoescet anita fom ny ars wish hc ye NS pamant 08 CFR 214 oct weir Lis 2A Var Apriie Rimcor Set Safe ors Dae Name of parent or guaran ‘Signa oF parent or guardian Adios (eg) (Stale or Province) (County) Tar ict nae Nbr Foam 1-20 A-8 (Rev TF YOU NEFD MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR F-1 NONIMMIGRANT STUDENT STATUS AND THE RELATING IMMIGRATION PROCEDURFS. PLEASE CONTACT FATHER YOUR FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISOR ON CAMPUS OR A NEARBY IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE OFFICE SEVIS 0904424956 FAMILYNAME: 14a FIRST NAMF;_wetns Stent Employment Authorization Duration of Finplymcot- Fron (Date 96/02/2008 To(Datey 08/20/2008 vent History Evert Name Event Date Reguavencion 08/15/2007 Current Authorizations Start Date: End Date cet Baployment 6/02/2008 08/20/2008 This page when propery corse. nay be use fo weeny of the student 0 attend the same shoo! afler a temporary absence fr she United States, ‘ sontete Cer! Meer = ee rer Naame af Sebool SG a ‘Signature of Designaied School Oficial Tale Duie sued Place Issued (city and sae Wane of Seifol Oficial “Signature of Designosed Schoo! Official Tale Dae Tsu Place favued (city and state) et Dengrated Sal Oia Tae pueda sae ean sa Tame of Sahel Offeat Si Narco Shon Ofical Signore of igawed Saal Onical— Tae ‘Bac sued Pace wed ood sc) Department of Justice Cite of Bigiiy for Nonimmigrant F-) Smet EH wation Service Status - For Academie and Language Stents. (OMB NO. 1115-0051) Page? Fon gear None TTS ane esas BS 1 Polytecnnic Institute 3 Polytechnic Institute School Omit be noifed oF waders anal ia US (Name and T Senior Associate Dean of Earollnent Management Fcocladiren ( isa tsuing post [Date Vie lec Ffoot coe Cacedng Sigh oll, Wampyend spoT de ‘pov? 14710087000 approved on 08/22/2002, 3. ‘This ceificate is iswed wo the student named above for 4. Level of education the student is pursing or wil pursue in the United States: 5. These aed sores hen cepted fore ill om ly sts 8, Thi co! ns inrmaton owing te falowing st tuts schoo. msjnngn angineesing, Cenera eae” meanot uportal ran ani rm of Thestt ged wrap ech vole OEG7aH67 Pane [al sane nur ef mons gon eh come set ier thn 5/34/2032 "Tome 'Seuen rg fs k , ea mon S Fumtontinetos’ — §—aaraaecae Spec paeeacnsahi— = 6 Ratan fea c. Roni tom menersamse 08 BEL SR! EP rT EOS ESTE SRisataay. Spe ope 4. Onsanpimenpioment——§ 208 4. Tirso ins eh regs co far oon ao roa $ “esa 2 pte aoe _ Remarks:Student mast report to Jane Hav! a Taition and feos s asia} ot ms avis 1. Living expenses $ ee Torelgh Beudeat Ravisor, pon werivaTs— Expenses of dependents (0) s ia = eee Other (speci) $ Total s 47,400.00 10. School Cetfcaion: | sertify under penalty of perjury that al information provided above in tems T through 9 was completed before 1 signe this form and is iru and correct | executed this form inthe United State aftr review and evaluation in the United States by me or oheroficils ofthe school of the student’ apliction, transcripts, or other records of courses taken and proof of financial responsiblity, which were received a the choo! prior tothe execution ofthis form; the sohoot has determined tha the above named students qualifications meet al standards fr admission to the school the student willbe required v pu 8 defined by 8 CFR 214.6), Lam a designated oficial ofthe above named school and am authorized to issue this form, Senior Associate Dean o- George Robbing 5 £ Sarolinent Management (95/20/2007_troy, mY Nae of Senol Oa seated Schoo! OTT Tile Drie ised Pace aed (Gyan Sa) 11. sulenCeiton hee ead and ared 0 comply with he ems and conditions of my sion and th of ny extension of ya specif on uae arly taal tema po ons om eters specie to ean iste and comet othe best ry Erowid Teer 2a encore Unt Ste empory, ans Trt pape pug il core of siya schoo armeton pase is femal sie heaanc schoo lo any information om cord wich is eed byte INS pau o# CFR 24.) to determine woe Wein Liu Wein 26/ 04/200] Sia of Sent ‘Siete of Scent Date Name of parent or guardian ‘Signature of parent or guardian Address eit) (State or Provine) (Country) ay Form 120 A-B (Rev, OF-27-80N Ter Of Use soi index Number TF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR F-1 NONIMMIGRANT STUDENT STATUS AND THE RELATING IMMIGRATION PROCEDURES, PLEASE CONTACT EITHER YOUR FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISOR ON CAMPUS OR A NEARBY IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE OFFICE. SEVIS - FIRST NAME: weit aaa capy ‘Student Employment Authorization: ployment Stats Type Duration of Employment - From (Dae) To (Du Comments Event History Event Name vent Date Current Authorizations: Start Date: End Date: ‘This page when properly endorsed, may be used for reentry ofthe student to attend the same schoo after temporary absence from the United States, Each certification signature i valid for ene year. Name of Schoo: Senior Associate Dean o- George Ronbine £ Rarolinent winagenent 05/20/2007 toys Vener Ssdatniial —— Siganure of Deiat Schopl fig ie Dates) Phas lsd (cyan wae) Assistant Dean of Students LY OA YUH Fit be Name of Shoal Ofical ——Sigawtare of ipatel School Misa Tile ne Raed” Place aye (cy ap ey Name of Saal Ofical Sige of Desigate School Oficial Tile ‘Dic Iss Pac aed (ety ad wae) Name of Schoo! Official ‘Signature of Designated School Official Tile Date fswaed Place Issued (ety wn sate) Form 1-20 0-8 (Rev. 127-8618

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