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New Training Center for Accelerating the Word

Our third quarter activities of 2017 in some way mirror those of the previ- Special points of
ous periods, in that we are continuing to push hard and forward in our interest:
present strategy, viz., training and equipping churches for the file-
sharing evangelism method to broaden the sowing of the seed of Gods New training center
word. We have already hit the major urban areas of this region with initial established
training sessions and also follow-up programs; most recently, though, we
Follow-up pro-
are involved in reaching smaller towns which are more central to village
grams boost moti-
communities in the rural areas. The newest training center is located in
the Tembien area of the Tigray region, and is about an hour or so just out- vation & momen-
side of one of the major urban sites. Edaga Arebi (or, Friday Market) is tum
a town which developed around a local trade and commerce center of
past times. It is a beautiful place which reportedly welcomed the first Lu-
theran missionaries to Tigray about a hundred years ago, and in which opening upget
the Holy Bible became an important feature of life. Sunken in the forget- involved
fulness of more transient generations, this town is yet indifferent to the Interacting with the
message of the gospel. But, an evangelical church group is there, striving
isolation and im-
to make a difference in the hearts of her idolatrous countrymen. It is with
this beacon of light which our new center is established, and to whom we prisonment of ad-
have given the latest file-sharing evangelism training session. Among the diction
trainees are those who will not only reach their town, but also those who
Contact & Support
will go into the countryside villages to share the audio New Testament,
the Jesus Film and a 47-minute audiovisual presentation of the main Bible
stories from Creation to Christ in the Tigrinya language. We invite you,
our partners in this ministry, to continue praying for this particular minis-
try and the centers of Christians who are committed to the swift running
of Gods Word throughout this region. God be with you and us! DM.
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Motivation & Momentum

File-sharing evangelism has a fresh relevance to developing societies such as ours. The rise of
smart phones, the increase in access capacity to online information, along with the creeping rate
and speed of the web together have played a role in the familiarity of file-sharing. Our training
centers are also places which we revisit for the purpose of providing follow-up programs. In
these follow-up programs we give opportunity for feedback via the personal testimonies of the
trainees themselves, permitting both positive as well as negative input to help fuel motivation.
Many times these testimonies are confidence-building sessions for others attending the meetings,
bolstering their faith to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ using this new method. The
positive experiences attest to the rising relevance of this method, while the negative experiences
witness and affirm our Lords teachings that the Christian witness is yet a cross that must be borne
by all true disciples. Still, the motivational factor of these meetings and the momentum they pro-
vide to the file-sharing method cannot be underrated. Strategically, the follow-up meetings are
poised to push the word of God even deeper into the heart of this region. Pray for speed! DM

factor of these
meetings and
they provide to
the file-
method cannot
be underrated.
the follow-up
meetings are
poised to push
the word of
God even
deeper into the
heart of this
Page 3

Opportunities to Contribute
I do want to share a few opportunities to which you can contribute tangibly and bolster our min-
istry efforts at the same time. (1) Our present stock of software (mini SD cards loaded with the
audiovisual evangelism tools) is running low. We are presently in the process of trying to obtain
500 more for our trainings and distribution to trainees. Please help us permeate Tigray with the
audio New Testament and audio visual Bible stories. Support information is on the back page of
this update! (2) One center in Wukro needs a new guitar, since their old one (really old) is be-
yond repair. A new one can be purchased here in-country. (3) Another center in Edaga Arebi
has begun a child care program in its area and is in need of help to build base funding. The
same center has a football (soccer program) and the team is in need of equipment, viz., jerseys
and balls (also able to be purchased in-country). Thanks, church of God, for all your prayers and
contributions throughout our history of mission work in Tigray! We know you will continue to
pray concerning that to which your love offerings might be best administered. DM.

addicts is
apparent as
they reach
for Gods
word as a

Interacting with the Isolation and Imprisonment of Addiction

Alcoholism is no news to most of our partners in the Western regions of the world. Unfortu-
nately, addiction to alcohol is also a reality for many in Ethiopia, where the culture strongly pro-
motes drinking and indulging heavily in it. Awareness is rising, but the fight against the
scourge of addiction is still yet a grassroots movement, and spiritual efforts to biblically train
people to see it clearly in Gods light are also repressed. Yet desperation among recovering
addicts is apparent as they reach for Gods word as a lifeline. I have been visiting one such suf-
fering soul at a rehabilitation facility on the edge of our town who is quite open to the teachings
of Gods word. He is not yet ready to make an informed decision concerning faith in Christ, but
continues to search the Scriptures daily. As the visiting days are weekends only, my window of
opportunity with this young man is a short hour on Sunday afternoons. Pray for me and pray for
this recovering addict, that he may see the light of Gods glory in Christ! DM.
Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ until He returns,
in word, letter and deed!!!

About LCM: Last Call Ministries is a 501c3 Or-

To Support: PO Box 5457, Shreveport,
ganization which began in 1997. For the last 20
LA 71134 USA
years, LCM has been proclaiming the gospel of Je-
To Contact: Phone: 318-458-9602 sus Christ, until He returns, in word, letter and
Email: deed. LCM is currently sponsoring Doug & Mesi,
(Joe Spell) who are commissioned by their home church: Heri-
Correspond w/ Doug & Mesi: PO Box tage Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. All
1944, Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia; monies received are currently in support of the
Email: budgeted work underway in Tigray. 2017 marks the
20th anniversary of the organizations beginning.
We rejoice in the years of Gods gracious extent of
the gospel!


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Last Call Ministries Mission
Workers. . .

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for Doug & Mesi. . .

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