UNL Installation

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ATM (11) 14.1.R1
Cloud (1) Submitted by palo73 on Wed, 12/02/2015 - 11:11
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There are currently
Ethernet (0) This document describes step by step how to install Unified Network Lab (UNetLabi ) and how
0 users and 4
H.323 (3) to run Juniper vMX in the UNetLab.
guests online.
Keywords: Unified Network Lab, UNetLab, Junos, Juniper, vMX.
Author: Daniel Zvolensk
IDS/IPS (0) Kamailio 2010
Award in
IP QoS (6) 1. Requirements category
IP Telephony We need to install following softwares: "Academic
(9) UNetLab: Download the latest version of UNetLab @ http://www.unetlab.com/download Environment"
Codecs /index.html. It is an .ova file.
(0) VM Ware Player: Download and install the VM Ware Player version 6 or later. The official
VoIP (4) source is available at https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads. I'm using VMware
Workstation 12.0.1 Player for Windows 64-bit operating systems.
IPTV (0) WinSCP: Download and install WinSCP @ https://winscp.net/eng/index.php
IPv6 (5) Junos vMX v14.1R1: Download Junos vMX.vdi version 14.1R1. The official source is listed
Instant below: https://www.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=vmx#sw or there is a 60days
messaging testing vMX at http://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/free-vmx-trial/
(4) PuTTy: Download and install PuTTy @ http://www.putty.org/
Linux -
(48) Virtualbox does not work.
Monitoring, 2016-November-Virtualbox works too
Management, 2016-December: This guide works for Windows 10 64bit, Linux Mint 64 bit
Measurement It also works, or allows to run (tested), Cisco 7200 15.4, Junos vMX 12.1, Junos
(12) vSRX 15.1
2. Install the UNetLab via VM Ware Player
Tools (5) 2.1 Now we will import the unetlab .ova machine, so click on Player => File => Open =>
sFlow Unified Network Lab.ova
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User login -
Faculty users

Username: *

Password: *

2.2 Name for the new virtual machine: UNetLab

Storage path for a new virtual machine: <PATH>

Web File
Feed aggregator

2.3 Hit Import and then Accept the license to complete the import of the UNetLab.

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importing will start

after sucesfull import we may see

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2.4 Right click => Settings

2.5 Adjust processors, memory, network adapters and number of disks. By default the
UNetLab is configured with 1 vCPU, 1GB of RAM and 1 NIC. Finally enable under Processors the
Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI feature.

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2.6 Once you are completed with settings hit OK and then Play virtual machine

3. UNetLab boot configuration

Boot the machine, if the screen is black, just press Enter.

3.1 You will be prompted to login.

unl01 login: root
Password: unl

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3.2 Set up a new root password (type it twice).

3.3 Type the hostname (default us unl01unl01).

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3.4 Type the DNS domain name for the system (use default example.comexample.com).

3.5 Use DHCP or Static IP Address for the network adapter on Management Network (use
default dhcp).

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3.6 Type the hostname/IP address of NTP for initial clock sync (leave empty).

3.7 Choose how the VM can connect to the Internet (use default direct connection).

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the machine will reboot now

4. Upgrade UNetLab installation

4.1 Hit Enter and type login root and password unl (the password you set at the step 3.2).

4.2 after sucesfull login we will update and upgrade system and UNetLab to the latest version,
so type:

apt-get update

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and then

apt-get y upgrade

4.3 If asked for configuration file /etc/issue. Press Y Yand heit Enter to continue

4.4 GRUB install devices. Use SpaceBar and arrow down to mark each package and press
Tab and hit Ok to install all three packages.

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4.5 Writing GRUB to boot device failed continue? Press YesYes.

once finished the prompt will apear, then...

4.6 Update and install UNetLab:

apt-get install unetlab

4.7 and then install qemu-system.

apt-get install qemu-system

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4.8 Do you want to continue? Press Y.

4.9 Type shutdown -r now , so the virtual machine will restart and after a restart you will be
prompted to login again. This step is required for next part of guidance, where we want to
know which local IP address is used by UNetLab (see 5.1).

5. Upload Juniper vMX 14.1.R1 to UNetLab

5.1 Login root and password unl (use the password you set at the step 3.2).

5.2 Open WinSCP and create a new session:

File protocol: SCP,
Host name: (use the IP address from your UNetLab, after the machine reboot an
IP address should change),
Port number: 22,
User name: root,
Password: unl (the password you set at the step 3.2) and hit Login.

5.3 Continue connecting to.. Hit Yes.

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5.4 Copy vMX.vdi from your computer to UNetLab directory /root.

5.5 In the UNetLab (in VM Ware Player) convert .vdi image to .qcow2. Make sure you have
downloaded/installed QEMU in the step 4.6.

qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2 vMX.vdi hda.qcow2

5.6 Created a folder named vmx-14.1.R1 under the directory /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu.

5.7 Move hda.qcow2 to the /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vmx-14.1.R1/.

5.8 Run permission-fixer script in the UNetLab (in VM Ware Player).

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

6. Create a LAB
6.1 Open a web-browser and type there (use the IP address from your
UNetLab in the step 5.1).

13 of 18 9/4/2017, 4:33 PM
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6.2 Accept Privacy Policy.

6.3 Login into the UNetLab by using credentials admin and unl and hit LOGIN.

6.4 Actions => Add a new lab

6.5 Actions => Edit this lab

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6.6 Actions => Nodes

6.7 Add new node(s):

Juniper vMX,
Number of nodes to add: 2,
Image: vmx-14.1.R1,
Name/prefix: vMX,
Icon: router, UUID: ,
CPU: 4 (default 1),
RAM: 1024 (default 2048),
Ethernets: 2 (up to 12),
Delays: 0 (default),
Console: telnet (via PuTTy).

15 of 18 9/4/2017, 4:33 PM
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6.8 Actions => Networks

6.9 Right click => Interfaces => Connect node and choose vMX1 To vMX2 => Save.

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Proceed with same steps for the node vMX2.

6.10 Actions => Open this lab

6.11 Right click => Start. Click on the node to telnet into it. IMPORTANT: run the vMX1 node first
and continue with the node vMX2 once the boot-up process is completed. Otherwise, if you started
all nodes simultaneously, you end up with vMX boot-loop.

7. Initial startup of vMX

7.1 The first boot takes quite a long time so be patient. Once the boot-up process is completed and
you see the a welcome promt, use login root.

Amnesiac (ttyd0)

login: root

7.2 Enter cli and then configure so we can set up the root password.

root@% cli
root> configure
Entering configuration mode

root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password:
Retype new password:

7.3 Commit (save) the changes.

root# commit
commit complete

8. Notes

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Make sure you install QEMU package, which is not included by default.
My browser freeze on the step 6.1. Once I type the IP address into the web-browser it says
Pleas wait. Go ahead and enable cookie for the IP (from the step 5.1) on
your web-browser.
shutdown -h now.To shut-down the virtual machine type

9. References
[1.] Unified Network Lab <http://www.unetlab.com/>
[2.] How to run Juniper vMX in UNetLab <http://noshut.ru/2015/09/how-to-run-juniper-vmx-in-
[3.] APE-360 Network: 1- Unified Networking Lab UNL<https://www.youtube.com
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