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Two lady Merrills , Annalise and Laurel

Sir Harold is the dancer, should switch Treyvon p. 29

Hi all,

I realized we mistakenly cast both Laurel and Annalise as Lady Merrill. Laurel is already the nightingale,
but she needs to be some lady so she can sing, particularly in Swamps of Home. I think Laurel should be
Lady Lucille. I know that takes Guilia off that part, but there are some speaking parts for girls (just called
1st lady, 2nd Lady, and 3rd Lady in the script) specifically in Act II scene 7. Maybe Guilia could be one of
those. Guilia can still be in all the scenes with the ladies, but I just think Laurel should have a part
besides the nightingale.

I also realized that Sir Harold is the dancing demonstrator, not Sir Studley. I think we should change
some of the boys around. Treyvon should be Sir Harold, Bridger should be Sir Studley, and Sammy
should be Sir Luce.

In short the changes I would make are:

Laurel Grosz: Lady Lucille, The Nightingale of Samarkand, u/s Lady Larken

Giulia Orsenigo: Lady Dora (I didnt see any specific parts for Dora, but she could be one of the ladies
with lines in the second act)

Lexi Lewis: Servant/Lady-in-Waiting

Treyvon Little: Prologue Prince, Sir Harold, u/s Harry

Bridger Miers: Sir Studley

Sammy Trout: Sir Luce

Also, we didnt assign anyone specifically for the kitchen wench or Emily. I dont think either have lines.
The wench is chased around by the king, and Emily appears briefly in Act I after the Swamps of Home. I
dont know if we even need to have those on the cast list. We could decide on those later.

Anyway, those are my thoughts after looking more closely at the script. Have a nice rest of the long

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