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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2014) 53, 373383

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Hybrid of Natural Element Method (NEM) with

Genetic Algorithm (GA) to nd critical slip surface
Shahriar Shahrokhabadi a, Vahid Khoshfahm b, Hamed Nabizadeh Rafsanjani c,*

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA
Civil Engineering Department, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0500, USA

Received 24 January 2013; revised 29 July 2013; accepted 13 March 2014

Available online 19 April 2014

KEYWORDS Abstract One of the most important issues in geotechnical engineering is the slope stability anal-
Slope stability analysis; ysis for determination of the factor of safety and the probable slip surface. Finite Element Method
Factor of safety; (FEM) is well suited for numerical study of advanced geotechnical problems. However, mesh
Natural element method; requirements of FEM creates some difculties for solution processing in certain problems. Recently,
Genetic algorithm motivated by these limitations, several new Meshfree methods such as Natural Element Method
(NEM) have been used to analyze engineering problems. This paper presents advantages of using
NEM in 2D slope stability analysis and Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization to determine the
probable slip surface and the related factor of safety. The stress eld is produced under plane strain
condition using natural element formulation to simulate material behavior analysis utilized in con-
junction with a conventional limit equilibrium method. In order to justify the preciseness and con-
vergence of the proposed method, two kinds of examples, homogenous and non-homogenous, are
conducted and results are compared with FEM and conventional limit equilibrium methods. The
results show the robustness of the NEM in slope stability analysis.
2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria

1. Introduction damage to both life and property of human beings. Therefore,

realistic assessments for the factor of safety and the probable
Failure in slopes is a common problem in geotechnical engi- slip surface are highly needed.
neering. Collapse in these cases, most times, causes serious Engineering approach to slope stability primarily uses fac-
tor of safety values to determine whether slopes areaway from
failure. The principal traditional limit equilibrium methods
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 4024729470.
have been the most commonly-used techniques in evaluation
E-mail address: (H.N. Rafsanjani). of the stability of slopes. Although many other excellent meth-
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria ods were proposed over the past few decades, due to simplicity,
limit equilibrium methods are still the common methods used
for stability analysis. The most important outputs of limit
equilibrium analysis methods are the factor of safety and the
Production and hosting by Elsevier probable slip surface. In these methods, a potential sliding is

1110-0168 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
374 S. Shahrokhabadi et al.

assumed prior to the analysis and a limit equilibrium analysis The difference among Meshfree methods is based on inter-
is then performed with regard to the soil mass and/or other polation scattered data techniques [7]. There are some Mesh-
loads above the presumed slip surface. Many limit equilibrium free methods; Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH),
methods are available with different degrees of acceptability. Partition of Unity Method (PUM), and Diffuse Element
Since these methods are simple, they would not consider the Method (DEM) [8]. Some methods were formed by Moving
stress-strain distribution in the soil mass before failure, and Least Square technique (MLS) that shape functions do not
stress calculations are performed only at the moment of possess kronecker delta property [9].
failure. Most of Meshfree methods need background cells for the
It is possible to use FEM and obtain both the factor of denition of numerical integration on domain problem [10].
safety and adequate information on the collapse mechanism. These methods need to background cells, causing not to dene
However, it is not easy to achieve a precise factor of safety Meshfree methods completely [11]. Another type of Meshfree
within the condence limits achievable by limit equilibrium methods for interpolation scatter data is Element Free Galer-
methods [1]. In order to obtain an accurate factor of safety kin (EFG); two points are noticeable in EFG:
by FEM, highly rened mesh is required. Furthermore, com-
puter software capable of giving trustworthy results with the Non-element interpolation of eld variable.
Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic model for loading states near Non-mesh integration of weak form [9].
to failure is needed. It is also necessary to perform a set of
analyses with increment c and tan / reduction. These analyses EFG has no kcronocker delta property, hence, in the imple-
become progressively more costly as factor is increased [2]. mentation of essential boundary conditions faces problems
In the process of slope stability analysis, nite element [12]. One way to overcome this shortfall is Point Interpolation
stress led prediction is usually needed in both the factor of Method (PIM). Although PIM is more accurate than MLS, it
safety prediction and the probable slip surface estimation tech- may cause to singularity matrix for momentum matrix [9]. Ma-
nique, like the limit equilibrium methods. Unfortunately, only trix Triangularization Algorithm (MTA) is introduced to solve
an approximate factor of safety can be estimated through nite this problem which is an automatic process to make sure
element analysis and also no rigorous mathematical model for whether the effect of selected node in interpolation is applied
prediction of the probable slip surface has become thus far. [9]. According to what was mentioned, some of the shortfalls
Usually, through some technical measures, a group of po- of most Meshfree methods are as follow:
tential sliding surfaces through empirical means is determined
prior to analysis, consisting of a series of arcs. Then, the prob- 1. In some methods, imposition of essential boundary condi-
able slip surface is dened as the surface along which the min- tions is complicated.
imum ratio of resisting force to driving force is achieved. Some 2. Many Gouse points are needed to assess weak form of the
researchers [1,3] suggested algorithms for locating the potential problem.
slip surfaces in which factor of safety is dened as the ratio of 3. Some methods have no performance for scattered data [6].
the resisting force to the driving force along a potential slip
surface. The above denition of factor of safety is different In this research, Natural Element Method (NEM) is used.
from its denition based on strength reduction [4], and it is clo- This method is based on Voronoi diagram and Delaunay tes-
ser to the conventional limit equilibrium methods. The sellation that have been used as weak form for some mechan-
disadvantages of this technique can be summarized as: (a) ical problems NEM possesses kronecker delta, a positive point
identication of the element which contains a nodal point on which is rarely found in other Meshfree methods and covers
the slip surface; (b) determination of the local co-ordinates the mentioned shortfalls. NEM shape functions are C0 at node
of this point; and (c) determination of the element nodal stress interpolation and C1 elsewhere [13].
values to compute the stress eld at the chosen point by inter- The current study uses natural element based method for
polating the nodal stresses. The difculty in Finite Element estimating the probable slip surface and factor of safety de-
Method (FEM) is the generation of meshes with elements that scribed in the following steps.
are connected together by nodes in a properly predened man- (1) The natural element method is explained and it is for-
ner. The limitations of the FEM with predetermined mesh mulated for linear elasto-plastic stress analysis under plane
have the motivation for using Meshfree technique, in particu- strain assumption. (2) The procedure through which factors
lar NEM which is the main scope of present work. of safety are calculated on the potential slip surfaces is de-
Usually, Meshfree methods are based on Radial Basis scribed. (3) Genetic Algorithm (GA) is briey described and
Function (RBF) interpolation. Since in domain formulation, it is used to generate and optimize potential slip surfaces (indi-
any single RBF cannot satisfy the governing equations, obtain- viduals). (4) Examples are provided to justify convergence and
ing a viable solution would require a large number of colloca- robustness of the proposed method, and the results are com-
tion points for both domain and boundary of the problem [5]. pared with FEM and conventional limit equilibrium methods.
NEM is local compact support and possess delta kroneker,
which would introduce the simplicity usage of the method.
2. Natural element method
Generally, in Meshfree methods, two conditions must be
Natural element method is a mesh-less approach which has
1. Denition of shape functions is literally based on nodes been developed to solve the partial differential equations
position. (PDEs). Discrete model of a domain X consists of a set of dis-
2. The assessment of the nodal connectivity depends on the tinct nodes N, and a polygonal description of the boundary
number of nodes [6]. oX. The interpolation scheme used in NEM is known as
Hybrid of Natural Element Method with Genetic Algorithm 375

Natural Neighbor (nn) interpolation [14]. Natural neighbor

interpolation is a multivariate data interpolation scheme [15].
To construct the interpolant, natural neighbor interpolation
relies on concepts such as Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay tes-
sellations from computational geometry [16]. Despite its simple
and alluring structure, nn interpolation has not become pop-
ular in the area of multivariate data interpolation, when com-
pared to other schemes such as Shepards interpolant [17],
moving least-squares approximants [18] and radial basis func-
tions [19]. The nn interpolants are smooth (C 1) everywhere,
except at the nodes where they are (C 0) [13]. In one-dimension,
NEM is identical to linear FEM. The NEM interpolant is
strictly linear between adjacent nodes on the boundary of a
convex hull, which facilitates imposition of essential boundary
NEM interpolants are formulated on basis of the underly-
ing Voronoi tessellation, which is unique for a given set of dis-
tinct nodes in the plane. In utilizing the NEM in contrast to the
FEM [20], there are no constraints on shape, size and angles of
the triangles that make up Voronoi tessellation. In the FEM,
interpolation angle restrictions are imposed on triangles to en-
sure the convergence of the process [13]. A very important fea- Fig. 2 Construction of natural neighbor co-ordinates: (a) 1st
ture of NEM is the ability for random conguration of nodes Voronoi diagram, (b) Delaunay triangulation, (c) circumcircle
in space without refers to whether the associated Delaunay tri- criteria and node x and (d) 1st Voronoidiagram.
angles are acceptable from nite elements point of view.
A differential boundary value problem solution starts by
casting the differential form into an equivalent integral form In order to quantify the neighbor relation for sample point
based on the methods of weighted residuals; then in the natural x introduced into the tessellation, the second-order Voronoi
element context, a set of distinct nodes N = {n1, n2, n3, cell of point x is constructed in Fig. 2(d). Therefore, the natu-
. . . , nm} should rst be set up at the arbitrarily shaped geom- ral neighbor shape function of x with respect to a natural
etry describing domain X (see Fig. 1). The Voronoi diagram neighbor I is dened as the ratio of the area of overlap of their
(or rst order Voronoi diagram) of set N is a subdivision of Voronoi cells to the total area of the Voronoi cell of x:
the plane into region TI, where each region TI is associated AI x
with a node nI such that any point in TI is closer to nI than ;I x 2
to any other node nJ 2 N(J I). In mathematical terms, the
Voronoi polygon TI is dened as [21]: where AI (x) is the overlapping area of Voronoi cell of point x
2 and node xI; A(x) is the total area of the 2nd Voronoi cell of x:
TI fx 2 R : dx; xI < dx; xJ ; 8JIg 1
The four regions shown in Fig. 2(d) are second-order cells,
where d(x, xI) is the distance between x and xI (see Fig. 2(a)). while their union (closed polygon abcd) is a rst-order Voronoi
Delaunay triangulation is constructed by connecting the cell. Referring to Fig. 2(d), the shape function ;1(x) is given by
nodes whose Voronoi cells have common boundaries (see Aafed
Fig. 2(b)). The important property of Delaunay triangles is ;1 x 3
the empty circumcircle criterion [22] if DT(nI, nJ, nK) is any
Delaunay triangle of the nodal set N then the circumcircle of Displacement approximations uh(x) of point x in X can be
DT contains no other nodes of N (see Fig. 2(c)). written as
uh x ;I xuI 4

where uI(I = 1, 2, . . . , n) are vectors of nodal displacements at

the n natural neighbors of point x; and ;I(x) are the shape
functions associated with each node.
Shape functions, ;I(x), given in Eq. (2), satisfy the partition
of unity requirement, i.e.
;I x 1 in X 5

0 6 ;I x 6 1
;I xJ dIJ
Relations in (6) show that NEM interpolation passes through
Fig. 1 Discrete model of region. the nodal values, which is in contrast to most mesh-less
376 S. Shahrokhabadi et al.

approximations where the nodal parameters uI are not nodal covering the entire problem domain. NEM shape functions
displacements. Furthermore, the natural neighbor shape func- to be presented in Section 2 are used to approximate
tions have C1 continuity everywhere except at the nodes where displacements at any point of interest using nodal values of
they are C0. The more detailed discussion of the NEM interpo- the local support domain of that point.
lation can be found in Sukumar et al. [13].
X n    X n
h ;I 0 uI
u21 UI u I 12
3. Natural element stress analysis I 0 ;I vI I

where ;I is the matrix of shape functions for node I, n is the

3.1. NEM formulation
number of nodes in the local support domain, and uI are nodal
displacement values. In Eq. (12), numbers inside parentheses in
In order to simplify, consider the following standard two- the subscript denote matrix dimensions.
dimensional linear elastic problem dened over the domain In Eq. (12), uh is the approximated displacement vector at a
X bounded by C (see Fig. 3). The partial differential equation given point of interest that usually is a sampling point or a
and boundary conditions for a two-dimensional problem can quadrature point.
be written in the form of The strain eld can be obtained using the approximated dis-
Equilibrium equation : LT r b 0 In X 7 placement values, i.e.
Natural boundary condition : rn t on Ct 8 X

Essential boundary condition : u u on Cu 9 e31 Luh L32 U22n u2n1 BI uI 13


where L is the differential operator dened by Eq. (10); where BI is the strain matrix for node I.
rT f rxx ryy rxy g the stress vector; uT = {u,v} the 2 @; 3
displacement vector; bT = {bxby} the body force vector; t the @x
prescribed traction on the traction (natural) boundaries; u 6 @;I 7
BI 6
4 0 @y 5
7 14
the prescribed displacement on the displacement (essen- @;I @;I
tial)boundaries; n is the vector of unit outward normal at a @y @x
point on the natural boundary.
The stress eld can then be obtained by using appropriate
"@ @
0 @y constitutive model of the material and the approximate strain
L @ @
10 eld through:
0 @y @x
r De D33 B32n u2n1
In NEM, the global weak form is used to solve numerically
the boundary value problem [23].The standard global varia- Xn
D33 BI 32 uI 21 15
tional (weak) form of Eq. (1) is posed as follows [24]: I
LduT DLudX  duT bdX  duT tdC 0 11 Substituting Eqs. (12) and (13) into the rst term of Eq. (11)
X X Ct forms:
where D is the matrix of material property constants regarding Z Z X
n X
the plane strain context. LduT DLudX duTI BTI DBJ uI dX 16
In order to evaluate the integrals in Eq. (11), the global do- I J

main, X, is discretized into a set of the so-called background- Note that the I and J indices are based on local numbering
cells that are not overlapping. In NEM, Delaunay triangles are system established for a node to identify its local support do-
used for this purpose. Evaluation of integrals along the natural main. The numbering system can now be changed to include
boundary involves using a set of non-overlapping curved (for all the eld nodes over the entire domain in a unique manner
2D problem) background cells. In NEM, Delaunay triangle numbered from 1 to N, the total number of nodes in the prob-
edges are used for this purpose. lem domain. Hence, both I and J in Eq. (16) can now vary
The problem domain is now represented by a set of eld from 1 to N. Integrand vanishes when the node I and J are
nodes for the purpose of eld variable (displacement) approx- not in the same local support domain. Consequently, their
imation. These nodes are numbered sequentially from 1 to N respective integral will be eliminated, as well. Based on this
strategy, Eq. (16) can be expressed as:
LduT DLudX duTI BTI DBJ uJ dX 17

Moving the integral operator inside the summation ones


where KIJ, which is a 2 2 matrix, is called the nodal stiffness
Fig. 3 Slope limits and external boundaries. matrix and is dened as:
Hybrid of Natural Element Method with Genetic Algorithm 377

T where nd is the number of Delaunay triangles, G represents the
KIJ BI 23 D33 BJ 32 dX 19
X integrand, and Xk is the domain of kth Delaunay triangle.
Gaussian integration scheme, commonly used in FEM, is
K is the global stiffness matrix.
employed to perform integrations numerically over these cells
Since nodal stiffness matrices are 2 2 and the total num-
(triangles). Where Gaussian points are used in each Delaunay
ber of nodes in the problem domain is N, the dimension of
triangle, Eq. (29) changes as follow:
K is 2N 2N.
Z Xnd Z
nd X
In a similar way, nodal force vector is constructed as fol-
lows, starting with the virtual work statement for body forces: GdX GdX ^i GXQi JD
w ik
X k Xk 2 k i1
duT bdX duTI UTI bdX dUT Fb 20 where w ^i is the Gaussian weight at ith Gauss point, xQi, and JD
X I X is the Jacobian matrix for the area integration of the Delaunay
triangle kth, in which the Gauss point xQi is located.
FbI UTI bdX 21 Using Eqs. (19) and (30), nodal stiffness matrix KIJ can be
written as:
where FIb is the nodal body force vector and F(b) is the global
nd X
body force vector assembled using nodal body force vectors
from all nodes of the domain. Length of vector F(b) is 2N since 2 K i1 ik

nodal body force vectors are 2 1 and the total number of

nd X

nodes in the problem domain is N. Kik 31
IJ 22
Virtual work due tractions can be written as: K i1
XN where Kik
IJ is dened as:
duT td C duTI UTI td C dUT F t 22
Ct Ct 1
FtI UTI td C 23
Ct where KikIJ is a 2 2 matrix.

where F(t) is the global traction force vector assembled using Note Eq. (31) means that the nodal stiffness matrix KIJ is
the nodal traction force vector FtI . Length of vector Fb is also obtained numerically from the summation of stiffness contri-
2N. butions made from all the quadrature points whose local sup-
Substituting Eqs. (18), (20), and (22) in Eq. (11) yields: port domains include both I and J nodes. In NEM framework,
these local support domains are circumcircles of Delaunay tri-
dUT KU  dUT F b  dUT F t 0 24 angles. If node I and node J are not natural neighbors of the
quadrature point at xQi KikIJ vanishes.
Similarly, nodal body force vector FIb given in Eq. (20) can
dUT KU  F b  F t  0 25 be written as:
1X d X X d X
n n n n
Since oU is arbitrary, the above equation can be satised only g g

FI 33
2 K i1 K i1
KU F b F t 26 where FI
is dened as:
Or 1
FI w^i UTI XQi bXQi JD
KU F 27 2
where F is the global force vector given by where FI is a 2 1 matrix.

F F b F t 28 4. Genetic algorithm
Eq. (27) is the nal system of equations for the NEM. Nodal
displacements can be obtained by solving Eq. (27) after enforc- Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a free-derivative method based on
ing the displacement boundary conditions. After obtaining no- natural selection and evaluation procedure [25]. Genetic algo-
dal displacements, the strain and stress components can be rithm has been widely used since 1970 in many elds of engi-
retrieved using Eqs. (13) and (15), respectively. Since in this pa- neering and science [26]. High-speed computers with greater
per displacement and stress elds in the soil are due to static memory capacity have increased to the use GA as an optimizer
load (self weight), the term F(t) vanishes from Eq. (26). tool in many elds of engineering [2729]. Generally, GA in-
cludes eight main steps: 1-genetic representation, 2-initial
3.2. Numerical implementation population, 3-evaluation function, 4-reproduction selection
scheme, 5-genetic operators, 6-generational selection scheme,
7-stopping criteria, 8-GA parameters [30].
The problem domain is discretized into a set of Delaunay tri-
Local Optimization Algorithm (LOA) often is used to over-
angles. Hence, a global integration can be expressed as a sum-
come the disadvantages as the inability of ne local tuning [30].
mation of integrals over these cells:
Local Search Algorithm is based on slight changes in ran-
Z nd Z
X domly or selected individuals and the best one will be kept in
GdX GdX 29 the population [31]. This type of strategy in a GA is called a
X k Xk
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA). Generally, each generation
378 S. Shahrokhabadi et al.

includes of a number of individuals and the tness value of 5. Nodal layout

each individual is evaluated which inuence the next-genera-
tion production. The optimization procedure starts with a pop- Numerical methods, in particular FEM, are techniques that
ulation of M individuals (parent generation) and next can be used to solve systems of partial differential equations
generations are created by crossover function and mutation. dened over a bounded or an unbounded domain. In FEM,
The owchart for the solution procedure is shown in Fig. 4. the problem domain is replaced by a mesh of nite elements,
The crossover operator is dened as: and an equivalent integral form of the differential equations
is evaluated over the elements. FEM is a very general and pow-
v0j1;l vft;l  rc 1:0  rc  vmi;l erful computational method. However, if the evaluation of
v0j2;l vmi;l  rc 1:0  rc  vfi;l eld variables in a particular layout of nodes is required, the
mesh generation will face complications in FEM. These com-
plexities include choice of element type, introduction of ele-
where v0j+1 and v0j+2 are the lth element ment connection in the required mesh, control of the eld
(l = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n + 1, n is the number of control variable) variants continuity at inter-element nodes, and the approxi-
of the v0j+1 and v0j+2, vmi,l and v,l represent the lth element mation which is employed to access the shape function. To cir-
of the mother parent vector vmi and father parent vector v. cumvent these complications of FEM, it has become necessary
v0j+1 and v0j+2 are dened as follow: to rene the mesh and interpolate the eld variables at specic
nodes. However, mesh renement increases the volume of
8 2 9 computations and hence the calculation time, which eventually
< V0j1;l v0j1;l  v0j1;l  vlmin  1:0  jj1  rm if rnd 6 0:5 >
= can lead to numerical instability [13].

>  In NEM framework, all computations depend on nodal

: V0j1;l v0j1;l vlmax  v0j1;l  1:0  j1  rm if rnd > 0:5 >
; coordinates and there are no restrictions on shape, size, and
angle of the Delaunay triangles. In this study, circular slip sur-
face is considered initially. In order to evaluate the factor of
safety on this assumed surface, one needs to compute the stres-
rm and rnd are random values in the interval [0, 1]. vlmin and ses directly at each node of the slip surface. Choosing circular
vlmax are the lower and upper bounds. Table 1 shows the slip surfaces is needed so to compare the results with those ob-
parameters used in this research. tained from conventional limit equilibrium methods. Whereas

Fig. 4 Solution procedure owchart.

Hybrid of Natural Element Method with Genetic Algorithm 379

Table 1 GA parameters in the presented method.

Population size Initial range Fitness scaling Selection Reproduction Mutation function Iterations
15 x: [20,33], y: [22], r: [1,10] Rank Stochastic Elit count:2 Guassian 169

NEM is capable of working with irregular nodal congura-

tions, thereby making it possible to obtain irregular shape slips
In order to nd the critical slip surface, including the min-
imum factor of safety, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is hybridized
with the outcomes of NEM analysis. Every probable critical
slip surface (individual) will be generated by GA. The position
and geometry of each individual varies in every iteration. Since
the coordinates and radius of each probable circular slip sur-
face differs from other ones, the position of generated nodes
on every individual varies. As a result, it can be conceived that Fig. 6 Propagation of nodes on the slip surfaces base with similar
a problem with oating node position is formed. angle division.
All slip surfaces start and nish on the boundary within the
slope limits. If the end points of a slip surface are not within
the slope limits the slip surface is not analyzed and includes
iables boundary in GA. It is worthwhile to note that the pro-
penalty. Sections of the external boundary between slope limits
posed approach of considering each slip center and its unique
dene slope surfaces that can be analyzed. Centers of ran-
nal nodal layout during each calculation phase can create
domly generated circles are located outside of the slop domain
serious remeshing issues in nite element framework. In order
as slip centers. Based on distances from slip center to the slope
to analyze slope stability problem by FEM in addition of dif-
surface, for each slip center, suitable arcs are determined
culties associated with nodal layout changes at each stage, it
(Fig. 5).
is necessary to create a new mesh at the beginning of each stage
The main purpose of this nodal conguration is to obtain
of calculation. However, NEM handles this problem by omit-
nodal stresses at nodes on slip surface directly, and eliminate
ting the concept of elements all together and providing a mesh-
one stage of interpolation which leads to more accurate results.
less computational framework. Fig. 7 depicts the randomly
Nodal conguration on slip surface is made based on equal
generated nodal layouts and Delaunay triangles in each com-
distances on the circular slip surface. Since nodes can be added
putational phase.
easily to the problem domain in NEM framework, the number
of slip surfaces as well as associated nodes can be increased
routinely. It is important to mention that nodes can be placed 6. The factor of safety calculation
on circular slip surfaces base with similar angle division. This
procedure can provide suitable distribution of nodes on slip In slope assessment, engineers use the factor of safety to deter-
surfaces as well as the problem domain. In addition, computa- mine if a slope is probable to fail. Abramson et al. [32] have
tion of factor of safety which is discussed in the next section is listed several denitions commonly used in slope stability
greatly simplied. Fig. 6 illustrates a typical similar angle analysis. Here, the overloading denition is used to calculate
division. the factor of safety(FOS) and is given as [33]:
As noted earlier, each slip center is located outside of the Z : Z :
slope domain. In order to alter the position of slip surfaces, FOSo Min sf ds= sds s2S 37
s s
a rectangular domain is determined in which the slip surface
coordinates can be altered in every iteration. Hence, a square In this equation, S is a set of potential slip surfaces and s is a
region of slip centers is considered outside of the slope to slip surface of the set.
sweep for potential slip surfaces. This square region is the var- If the slip surface s is divided into n number of sections with
dissimilar lengths DLi, Eq. (37) can be written in the following
, !
X n X n
FOSo Min sfi DLi si DLi s2S 38
i1 i1 s

The rst nodal conguration where circular slip surfaces are

generated with nodes placed on these slip surface takes into
consideration similar angle division so that DLi will be identi-
cal for all values of i and hence Eq. (38) can be replaced with
an easier one:
, !
Xn Xn
FOSo Min sfi DLi si DLi s2S 39
i1 i1 s
Fig. 5 Randomly generated slip surfaces (individuals).
380 S. Shahrokhabadi et al.

Fig. 7 Delaunay tessellation on problem domain.

where si and s are the tangential shear stress values of the cir- sfi c jrni jtan/ 40
cular slip surface and shear strength at node i, respectively.
where c and / are cohesion and angle of internal friction for the
Physical meaning of FOSo is the ratio of total resisting mo-
soil, respectively. rni is the normal stress acting at node i on s.
ment to total driving moment.
Based on Eqs. (39) and (38), it is clear that stresses have a
Shear strength of soil can be obtained by several criteria. In
crucial role in both factor of safety and shear strength. There-
this article, s is computed at nodes using Mohr-coulombs
fore, nodal displacements are obtained by solving Eq. (27)
Hybrid of Natural Element Method with Genetic Algorithm 381

Fig. 8 Contours of different SOF in a randomly selected iteration.

Table 2 Design variables, variable bounds, and goal function in this research.
Case Design variables Variable bounds (m) Goal function
Example 1 (xc, yc, rc) (25, 15, 10) to (40, 33, 20) Eq. (41)
Example 2 (xc, yc, rc) (50, 70, 40) to (82, 95, 60) Eq. (41)

after enforcing the displacement boundary conditions. Then 7. Illustrative example

the strain and stress components are retrieved using Eqs.
(13) and (15), respectively. In the following examples, three quadrature points are used for
Factors of safety for the potential slip surfaces are obtained each Delaunay triangle during numerical integration. For sim-
from Eq. (37). Then the slip surface with least factor of safety plicity, the material is assumed to be linear elastic. Failure cri-
is selected as the most probable slip surface from slip surface terion is Mohr-coulomb and no pore pressure is considered.
set S. To convey the concept of minimum FOSo in every iter- The proposed four stages in slope stability analysis, i.e. gen-
ation, Fig. 8 shows contours for factor of safety in a square eration of random probable slip surface by GA, computing the
grid placed above the slope. stresses of a homogeneous slope by NEM, calculating the fac-
Square grid of the slip centers is used to sweep slip surfaces. tor of safety of slip surfaces, and detecting the probable slip
Each slip surface includes a set of radius and slip center in cal- surface in an iterative procedure are demonstrated. Results
culation phase. Moreover, for each slip surface there is a factor are compared with conventional limit equilibrium methods
of safety. Now, let assuming circular surfaces and FEM analysis which is per-
formed by [34].
f xci ; yci ; rci FOSi0 41
7.1. Homogeneous media

where xci, yci are center coordinates, rci is the radius, and FOSi0 A slope of height H = 10 m, sloping at angle 45 with the fol-
is the minimum factor of safety of the ith slip surface. Eq. (41) lowing shear strength parameters: friction angle / = 20 and
is used as objective function in GA optimization procedure. cohesion c = 12.38 kPa, the unit weight c = 20 kN/m3, and
the elastic parameters E = 20,000 kN/m3 and t = 0.35. Table
2 lists the geometric dimensions of slope as well as details of
Table 3 Geometric dimensions for homogenous slope and slip surfaces for each stage of computation (see Table 3).
information about the slip surfaces. It should be noted that material in the FEM analysis is as-
(xi, yi) (m, m)
sumed to be elastic- plastic, with a MohrCoulombs yield
criteria. Zheng et al. [34] implemented 1340 four-node quadri-
(x1, y1) (0, 20) lateral isoperimetric nite element meshes for a homogeneous
(x2, y2) (20, 20)
slope. The number of nodes used by NEM to analyze this slope
(x3, y3) (30, 10)
(x4, y4) (50, 10)
is about 480 in each stage, and totally 2535 slip surfaces are
Numbers of nodes on each slip surface 25 checked out. The nal results from NEM + GA as well as
Numbers of slip surfaces in each 15 other methods are given in Table 4.
computational stage for each slip center Fig. 9 depicts the probable slip surface which is introduced
after running the program and an approximate factor of safety
382 S. Shahrokhabadi et al.

Table 4 Factors of safety and details of homogenous slip surfaces.

Methods xc (m) yc (m) rc (m) Factor of safety Slip color
Bishop simplied 33.36 27.58 17.82 1.01
Janbu simplied 33.36 27.58 17.82 0.98
Spencer 33.36 27.58 17.82 1.01
FEM (Zheng) 31.41 25.26 15.26 1.06
NEM + GA 32 27 17.016 1.09

Fig. 9 Comparison among current study analysis, FEM, and limit equilibrium methods.

Table 5 Geometric dimensions for non-homogenous slope

and information about the slip surfaces.
(xi, yi) (m, m)
(x1, y1) (0, 20)
(x2, y2) (20, 20)
(x3, y3) (30, 12)
(x4, y4) (50, 12)
Numbers of nodes on each slip surface 35
Numbers of slip surfaces in each 20 Fig. 10 Comparison between proposed method and simplied
computational stage for each slip center Bishop.

of 1.09 is computed. According to Fig. 9, the probable slip sur- unit weight c = 20 kN/m3, and the elastic parameters
faces predicted by NEM + GA and FEM are larger and dee- E = 20,000 kN/m3 and t = 0.30. Soil 2 includes friction angle
per than those obtained by conventional equilibrium methods. / = 35 and cohesion c = 5 kPa, the unit weight c = 18 kN/
Moreover, the probable slip surface obtained by NEM + GA m3, and the elastic parameters E = 18,000 kN/m3 and
is in good agreement with the FEM. t = 0.25 (see Table 5).
Table 6 lists the geometric dimensions of slope and details
of slip surfaces for each stage of computation. The method
7.2. Non-homogeneous media of simplied Bishop is used and the results of proposed meth-
od are veried with Bishop. Table 6 show the results of
The second example includes two layers. The slope height NEM + GA method in comparison with simplied Bishop.
H = 20 m, sloping at angle 40 with the following parameters: Fig. 10 shows the probable slip surface which is introduced
a layer of 5 m height (Soil 2) is on a layer of 15 m (Soil 1). Soil after running the program and an approximate factor of safety
1 includes friction angle / = 45 and cohesion c = 7 kPa, the of 1.42 is computed.

Table 6 Factors of safety and details of non-homogenous slip surfaces.

Methods xc(m) yc (m) rc (m) Factor of safety Slip color
Bishop simplied 77 93 51.26 1.37
NEM + GA 74 90 52.23 1.42
Hybrid of Natural Element Method with Genetic Algorithm 383

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