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12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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@rebelready LJ@rebelready 2h
Save the kids DO NOT try to understand Replying to @RebekahWorsham
corrupt elite; rope, throw & brand ALL Of course the #FBI knows no one died at #SandyHook they not only helped
Images PUBLIC INTEREST 17 U.S. Code orchestrate this sick fraud, family members and connections starred in the sick
107 Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair show. The interviews after the #FabricatedShooting
Use #LasVegas too #AbolishFBI
Joined January 2010 1/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready 3h
Replying to @JulianneLimaTV @wpri12
#SandyHook #Fraud #JeremyRichmond #DoesNotExist #AvielleRichmond
#NeverExisted no real research #Racketeering scheme sanctioned by the frauds
#USCongress to effectuate the drugging of America's children with none curative
KNOWN TO BE HARMFUL DRUGS #FakeNews & sponsor #BigPharma 2/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready 13h
#sandyhook tag doesn't get #gunsense ruse a secondary profit scheme or that
court proceedings were simulated #BS guess they have not met IRL people used
to depict Previdi famiLIE or realized Tim Murphy jumped ship with Pozner
discovery #FakeNews #BigPharma #Congress #Racketeering

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LJ@rebelready 15h
Replying to @rebelready @CSMSNews @SusanHaighAP
#SandyHook #Diagnosisgate about lining pockets #FakeNews & sponsor
#BigPharma scam sanctioned by #PhonyCongress 3/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
CAN YOU SAY FRAUD Avielle Richmond #NeverExisted
they do not care that REAL KIDS suffered irreparable harm including death

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LJ@rebelready 20h
#SandyHook figure it out people. The promoters of this #hoax are complicit &
benefiting. It is up to the hoodwinked to get a grip & step into reality in order to
#STOP the #DefraudingOfAmerica Reckless disregard of #truth has no defense
Anyone promoting this fraud is a CRIMINAL 4/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready 20h
How odd that so many of the in real life people who provided their image for the
#sandyhook characters sell or are connected to people who sell that crazy wrap
thing #ItWorks #NewsFlash #ItsNotWorking Nelba Marquez Greene & Nancy
Lanza #TheConnections behind the characters 5/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready 21h
Replying to @VikingBros
Parker famiLIE photo is a complete fraud; proven by forensic views. ELA Noise,
Principal Component. Further, the EmiLIE funeral photos were computer
composites created July 2012 then Digitized on 12/22/12. Obama & kids
COMPUTER COMPOSITE #SandyHook #MediaMagic #PhotographicFelony 6/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1

LJ@rebelready Dec 12
Replying to @DavidSteinRPA @takimag and 4 others
#LasVegasShooting not #FalseFlag cause #NoOneDied straight up psychopathic
media production #Hoax & the players who provided their image for the criminal
#MediaMagic identified. Time for the #FBI to be abolished & the creators of
simulated leadership indictments #PhotogsGoneRogue

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LJ@rebelready Dec 12
#SandyHook 26 days of #Truth Catherine Hubbard #NeverExisted IRL men
providing their images for the father role of these fabricated child victims are 7/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

brothers. The connection trail leads to ANOTHER phony Senator #StayTuned

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LJ@rebelready Dec 12
Replying to @MyCTCommunity
#SandyHook 26 days of truth #Connecticut has a #PhonyGovernment and
engaged simulated law enforcement to pull of a crime against the people, an act
of political terrorism, a racketeering scheme that increase profits for #BigPharma
& Gun sales 8/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 12
Replying to @LouisLeoIV @Shi11uminati
26 days of #Truth #StayTuned the in real life behind #SandyHook character
Gene Rosen has been discovered. Up & coming Christmas present for my
followers. Sneak peek. Here he is at a birthday party. Relatives starred in the VA
News Room phony shooting & now a seat VA State House

2 1 2

LJ@rebelready Dec 11
#sandyhook 26 days of truth #JoeyGay #NeverExisted The charity fraud that
followed this #PsychopathicProduction is WHY you need to reconsider giving to
any charity that is not for a member of your own community. Era of the
#PhonyGoverment sanctioned #RobberBarons 9/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 10
Replying to @Luvlylayy @SherylCrow and 2 others
I did the research. I found & identified all these CONNECTED frauds who provide
their image for #BS. Most of the internet research is complete #BS #FACT
#FakeNews had image of fabricated perpetrator evening before #FabricatedEvent
You got punk'd #DealWithIt #SandyHook 10/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Dec 10
Replying to @SherylCrow @GMA @sandyhook
Yo Sheryl, setting yourself up for a #CriminalDefendantSeat? #SandyHook was a
criminal racketeering conspiracy that resulted in irreparable harm & death for
ACTUAL LIVING BREATHING KIDS see KATE, i.e., Victoria Soto. Sister's of kid with
her sang on GMA & Dad promoted the #Fraud

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LJ@rebelready Dec 9
Replying to @ssdavis75
Paddock image is out of Argentina and completely fabricated. The initial posting
of the shooter in the news was crop of this image by an AFP photog in
Washington DC. The scenes were AFP composites too. The IRL people who 11/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

allowed use of their image identified.

LJ@rebelready Dec 9
Replying to @rebelready @LasVegasCoverUp @SaudiEmbassyUSA
#LasVegasShooting MO the same as all of these #Fabricated events. Computer
composites in the hands of #FakeNews before the events and digitized for a
planned fraud. Pre-recorded phony videos. #PhotographicFelony
IAAh5iP.jpg 12/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 9
Replying to @LasVegasCoverUp @SaudiEmbassyUSA
What #LasVegasShooting? Are you playing the intriguing distraction card? People
with brains are well aware of the #BS that follows these #FabricatedEvents The
phony shooter & phony victims have been identified. Bad movie #DidNotHappen 13/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Dec 8
#SandyHook character Ryan Graney level of vile second only to #LennyPozner
character who took to internet & trashed the reputation of people onto the
#Fraud with straight up libel NOT JUST PHONY CONTROLLED OP now his IRL
extended family in #LasVegas #BS @conormcl2017 @aishatyler

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LJ@rebelready Dec 7
Replying to @LeeLighthorse
#PhonyGovernment contention an act #LasVegasShooting Characters R press
photo agency people & connections, others R usual famiLIE clan actors & many
connect to wife of man depicting #LennyPozner ALL #MediaMagic
#Image Video Fraud #USA HIGH TECH COUP #Traitors #Hoax #SandyHook #2A 14/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
#Image_Video_Fraud #USA HIGH TECH COUP #Traitors #Hoax #SandyHook #2A

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LJ@rebelready Dec 7
Yo, #Virginia #PayAttention you just got hoodwinked into electing a fraud to sit in
your State House; he was complicit in terrorizing & defrauding you,
#RecallWarranted #NewsRoomShooting #sandyhook #Hoax #CriminalActs
#NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PhonyGovernment #SlavesRUs 15/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 6
#sandyhook 26 days of #Truth EmiLIE Parker #NeverExisted #Hoax
#DefraudingAmerica #MediaMagic #PhotogsGoneRogue #PhonyImages
#PhonyFunerals class above the rest allowing a rogue criminal government &
media use of their family member's images to terrorize & defraud the rest of us

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LJ@rebelready Dec 6
Replying to @raolc
And you base that determination on what? I find your work to be disinformation. 16/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
You offer NOTHING for the basis of your conclusions. My research finds
connections NOT doppelgangers and includes analysis of digital alterations.
Jack Pinto #NeverExisted clan identified

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LJ@rebelready Dec 5
26 days of #truth #VictoriaSoto #NeverExisted #sandyhook the never ending
fraud. The young lady the Newtown Bee used to create 'Vicki', see 1st image, is
now studying journalism. Likely will be a #FakeNews star. 17/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 8 6

LJ@rebelready Dec 4
#sandyhook 26 days of #Truth Jack Pinto #NeverExisted #Hoax
#PhonyGovernment #DefraudingAmerica #MediaMagic #PhotogsGoneRogue
Creating characters from social media images. The In Real Life People connect &
the trail leads to a simulated #USCongress & other positions of power.

2 6 9

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LJ@rebelready Dec 4
#FakeNews @NBCNews created the Lucy Richard character AUGUST 2016 where
purported arrest was not until Dec 2016. Another theatrical performance where
'threats' to #LennyPozner who #DoesNotExist allowed furtherance of the
#sandyhook fraud via a taxpayer supported federal court. 18/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 3
#sandyhook 26 days of #Truth Lauren Rousseau #NeverExisted images of other
family members in the Texas Massacre starring Cassidy Stay #Hoax
#PhonyGovernment #DefraudingAmerica #MediaMagic #PhotogsGoneRogue 19/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 3
Replying to @OnSunnyStreet @EricHolder
Here is some of that wonderful FBI integrity.

pressrel/press-releases/robert-blecksmith-named-assistant-director-of-the-fbi2019s-critical-incident-response-group BTW #SandyHook #gunsense a ruse, it was about kids &


easy prey for #BigPharma and corrupt psychiatry. A psyop to route kids into
psychiatry early; sold minds/bodies & now want guns too.

LJ@rebelready Dec 3
Replying to @OnSunnyStreet @EricHolder
Ankle monitor???? No way. IMU, INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT UNIT, for his own
protection. How about the Boston Marathon Bombing FRAUD!!! Collier brother
was a DOJ employee and Collier sister was his wife. Further, used foreigners to
terrorize & defraud the population in a sick psyop. 20/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Dec 3
Replying to @KeepMyPowerOrg @CBerry1974 @infowars
Good job Deb. You probably need humor right about now. A different kind of

LJ@rebelready Dec 1
#sandyhook 26 days of #Truth Chase Kowalski #NeverExisted 21/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 1
JUMBO view at links see small print. More graphics that #FAU should immediately
get to their attorneys & halt federal court. The PLANNED pretext is obvious

QAAsdpY.jpg:large Easy $$$$ for all after judgment. Who flips
cost if Tracy wins/Insurance? 22/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Dec 1
Hey, @LukasMikelionis your #FakeNews organization removed my graphics in
reply to a comment that insulted people who know how to think and eluded that
only people who believe #FakeNews are sane cc:

@FloridaAtlantic #SandyHook

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LJ@rebelready Nov 30
Replying to @rebelready @pokiewizard @ScottAnthonyUSA
Shut up about @NRA ANY $ to buy these assholes in Congress is wrong but you
are bitching about events that #DidNotHappen What did happen is they sold the
minds, bodies, & futures of our children for a #BigPharma $ #SandyHook fraud
designed to drug kids Easy Prey not #gunsense 23/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 29
Replying to @rebelready @pokiewizard @ScottAnthonyUSA
Tim Murphy NOW Former US Congressman. Chris Murphy CT. Senator & just as
corrupt. Bought Tim Murphy pushing corrupt mental health bill based on
#SandyHook fraud; promotes psych drugs for children/infants #PhonyImage
#MarkBarden #DoesNotExist Barden 'live' appearances #MediaMagic 24/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 29
Replying to @rebelready @pokiewizard @ScottAnthonyUSA <click Justice #JustAMatterOfTime All #SandyHook

players should brush up on conspiracy law & when racketeering conspiracy
results in irreparable harm & death, & furtherance #PhonyFBI will not escape
justice #LasVegasShooting #Hoax


LJ@rebelready Nov 29
smoke & mirrors under veil of hypocrisy while gun makers, sales/service/training
profit #sandyhook #hoax #gunsense ruse to push mental health scam. Caroline
Previdi victim #lie brought to us via #FakeNews #ImageFraud Winners
#BoughtCongress #BigPharma Rx=$ Losers>minds & bodies 25/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
#BoughtCongress #BigPharma Rx=$ Losers>minds & bodies

5 7

LJ@rebelready Nov 28
Replying to @rebelready @forest_crivello @andersoncooper
#SandyHook like all #Hoax #BS #PhotographicFelony #PhotogsGoneRogue high
tech false reality #FakeNews & COOPER knows it. An established class above the
rest ABOVE LAW & allowed to terrorize & defraud the population because #USA
has a #PhonyGovernment Infiltrated at all levels. 26/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 28
Replying to @EndPsychiatry
Yes, PSYCHIATRIC TORTURE. #USA only $ matters. Chiropractor no prescriptive
authority therefore ''unscientific cultists'' PSYCHIATRY no scientific basis well
established but #BigPharma whores so MD, Judges, Public Defenders, all
benefiting, OK with torture


LJ@rebelready Nov 27
Replying to @falseflagjerry
#SandyHook characters do not live in Connecticut. They live all over the country
& to what extent any live appearance an unknown but appears did provide image
for image fraud & all connect. Also #CGI used. Need to get in the face of
#PhonyCongress #FakeNews & #PhotogsGoneRogue 27/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 27
First they terrorize us then they defraud us and then they try to make it all look
real by playing court #SandyHook better #WakeUp people #PhonyCourt can
actually result in new case law on the basis of #Fraud that could rob your rights 28/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 7 9

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LJ@rebelready Nov 27
What a build up anniversary #sandyhook #Fraud FamiLIES v. Remington
Connecticut Supreme Court, Pozner v. Halbig Florida Superior Court, & now a
Florida Fed Court TRIAL Tracy v. #FAU #BS Justice System Mockery & proof
positive ALL Courts #USA racketeering by class above the rest

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12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Nov 27
Keep in mind that she is an attorney and may not be happy about 'researchers'
claiming that she is actually 'Veronique Haller Pozner' < fictitious name #SandyHook

LJ@rebelready Nov 26
Replying to @NycBalletNy @Alanavandy1 and 2 others
Does she mean this #SandyHook mom? Is she aware that the characters are
image fraud & IRL 'Greene' buddies with the gal they used to create phony
images depicting #NancyLanza? Is she just silly or using that crazy wrap thing on
her head? Should I report her to 'Lt. Vance'? lol 30/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 26
Replying to @rebelready @Jmart4info
Flags & bizarre way they moved explained by rapid sequence still images &
simulated reality effect. Allowing the use of your image so #FakeNews can make
phony composites depicting #BS is a great alibi PLUS time for changed
appearance so not easily recognized #PhotogsGoneRogue

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 25
What about this corrupt fool> Senator Chris Murphy facing justice & how do we
bring simulated leadership to justice #WakeTheHellUp #SandyHook CT. drugging
of foster children triple nation's average Fictitious Adam Lanza had insufficient
mental health Tx as a child & killed.... 31/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 25
Allen Frances' Paid Role in Creating Psychiatric Epidemics


via @YouTube if you think #SandyHook, years in planning, was not part of the
#Diagnosisgate scam you need to #ThinkAgain

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LJ@rebelready Nov 25
#sandyhook #Proven #Fraud but #Hoaxers carry on via #Projection &
#PathologicalLies #Justice #JustAMatterOfTime BOLD furtherance of conspiracy & k i h l di i bl h d h f l 32/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
racketeering that resulted in irreparable harm & death of REAL KIDS. Apparently
confident will never have to face justice. #Psychopathy

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LJ@rebelready Nov 25
Replying to @rebelready @Karen_Douglas
#SandyHook #Hoax #Grief IMAGINE a government so corrupt that it would claim
a young adult who did not get adequate mental health care as a kid murdered 20
kids just before Christmas in order to form policy to advance the drugging of
teens, kids & babies #BigPharma #gunsense #ruse 33/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 19
Replying to @rebelready @cichuck and 4 others
This image ON RESERVE was in the hands of news publication 12/13/12; the
evening before #SandyHook event. Publication ROUTINELY & with established
PATTERN enters metadata into reserved image files the evening before it plans to
publish a news article. Published 12/14/12

LJ@rebelready Nov 19
Replying to @cichuck @larunnoe and 3 others 34/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Replying to @cichuck @larunnoe and 3 others
Lol a greater volume of followers is meaningless plus you have no way to
determine how many are NOT IDIOTS but WATCHING YOU with purpose. Media
data is self authenticating per federal rules of evidence. Hicks image AP release to
News Wires 5:48 AM EST 12/14/12 #Hoax established!

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 19
Replying to @DesiTice
It is a series of still images & illusion. They were CREATED before 911. #FakeNews
designed computer composites and then digitized them for the event; complicit
terrorist. Then hired handlers actually really imploded the buildings. Date/Time
Created 2001:09:10 20:36:04 GMT 35/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 19
Replying to @cichuck @RealAlexJones
Apparently whatever you are on affects your comprehension as well. You see, I
am the one who exposed Info Wars as shills and controlled opposition. That's why
you shills like to play with Info Wars and give negative publicity. You are clearly a
scum political terrorist. 36/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Nov 18
Replying to @surfinwav @Timothytrippin and 7 others
Oh please, where do you people get this foolish Leonard P. Osner name.
#LennyPozner is identified and the ID is unquestionable. The Lanza connection
leads right to #Connecticut #PhonyGovernment & the Governor's House.
#StayTuned Evans name connects to #TheaterShooting #SandyHook

2 2 2
LJ@rebelready Nov 17
Replying to @motherseer
Image is #BS Computer composite creatED 07:42 Texas time CreatE time 10:31
AM<when digitized. TELL THIS FRAUD @JohnCornyn to step down #Molesting
#Truth promoting #BullShit with bad art that creates false reality 37/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
ut p o ot g u S t t bad a t t at c eates a se ea ty
#PhotogsGoneRogue #gunsense #Fraud #SandyHook #TexasChurchShooting

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 17
Replying to @rebelready @Bootsonstrong
Come on people let's get it together. #SandyHook They are defrauding you from
the Taxpayer supported courts including #Connecticut #SupremeCourt & they
pulled this #BS in OUR federal court before state court #SandyHook
#LennyPozner #VictoriaSoto & Colorado Court #TheaterShooting 38/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 16
Replying to @stevedaher @falseflagjerry
Man identified related>2 theater shooting characters, his wife a Lanza & her
relative the spitting image of CT 1st lady carries no wt? AGENDA trumps your
desire to think & you have no problem sitting back while your fellow Americans
defrauded. #PhonyCourt happens all the time.

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LJ@rebelready Nov 16
Replying to @MelissaandRog @gunrightsupdate 39/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Replying to @MelissaandRog @gunrightsupdate
Good faith ID. Multiple other photos factor in ID process. Coincidence does not
apply; connections & there are connections & two other IRL family members with
resemblance to others in psyop image [psyop images not photos] Younger also a


LJ@rebelready Nov 14
Replying to @OnSunnyStreet
Just now found AP IPTC data entered claiming Date Created 11/14/2017 21:42:10
if give slack and read as time they uploaded the image for the Mass Media where
exactly in USA is it 9:42 PM at this very minute #FraudulentMetadata Northern
California 40/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 4 3
LJ@rebelready Nov 14
"Rancho Tehama"Modified 2017:11:14 13:37:53+00:00<GMT Pacific Standard
Time is 5:37 AM ANOTHER publication entered data into image file 1900 LAST
NIGHT #Fraud and act of #PoliticalTerrorism with images in the hands of

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LJ@rebelready Nov 14 41/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

Replying to @idfksean
Sorry baby cakes - you are going to have to find someone with a lower IQ for
your game. How is it we have so many psychopaths promoting this #SandyHook
fraud is the more relevant ? Consider yourself included & stay out of my

2 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 14
Replying to @ByEshaRay @NYDailyNews @NYDNVideo
Hmm, wonder how #FakeNews had Dylan's UNDATED image in their possession
before the #SandyHook #fraud News media self authenticating per federal rules
of evidence - the user, i.e. news publication fills IPTC block re images they plan to
use for mass media Self-authenticated #Fraud 42/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Nov 14
Psychological pathology honest Americans subjected to while #Connecticut drugs
innocent helpless children with psychiatric Rx. Since #SandyHook racketeering
#Fraud CT tripled National Level of children being drugged while psychopaths
promote the fraud

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LJ@rebelready Nov 14
How much agenda driven and corporate profit escalating #Fraud are the 43/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
g p p g
American people going to allow before they become #Outraged & take action
#sandyhook The fictitious "Pozner" family is party to this #Psyop law suit DO YOU

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 14
Demand the arrest of every party in #Connecticut #SupremeCourt they are all
racketeering off #Taxpayers #sandyhook Their psychopathic skit resulted in profit
for #GunMakers & #BigPharma with their mental health spin that resulted in
actual harm including death. 'VICTIM' family 44/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 14
#sandyhook Demand the arrest and detainment of the fools at #NewtownBee
these sick puppies are a major complicit party in this sick #fraud #VictoriaSoto
#NeverExisted #JailTheMedia

3 4
LJ@rebelready Nov 13
Replying to @BritandCo
Yo, try and not proliferate complete #BS #SandyHook is a well established #fraud
INCLUDING the court proceedings that are off the Connecticut #Taxpayers' back
#Enough Nancy Lanza nor Adam exist. There is no jurisdiction in state court. Fed
court tossed it. 45/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 13
Replying to @DrFulli @CoreyMcBee6 @shrinkydinkmd
Yo, Dr. Delusional #AdamLanza #NancyLanza #DoNotExist #Connecticut
taxpayers getting taken for an expensive ride because NO STATE COURT HAS
JURISDICTION over their imaginary #BullShit #SandyHook ad for #MentalHealth
#BigPharma racketeering that resulted in death/irreparable harm 46/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 13
#Connecticut your governor is #Not an elected official; he is in a 2010 image on
hold at a press photo agency in Germany, with #sandyhook characters in the
image, that depicts him signing gun legislation before he was 'elected'. He
appoints SC Justices.

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LJ @ b l d N 12 47/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
LJ@rebelready Nov 12
Replying to @DeepStvte
I don't think that is Smegs. Have IRL identified & the ID is unquestionable. Her
DNC speech has multiple tell tale signs that it was #Digital #MediaMagic by NBC
Can't rule out seeing digital alteration of features & new character High Tech
coup w/simulated reality & characters

1 1
LJ@rebelready Nov 11
Replying to @IMRegularperson Go be delusional somewhere else.Perhaps I
need to move to family photos and the states where these people live. They are
gonna love you.
https:// 48/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

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LJ@rebelready Nov 10
Replying to @yiddishgripe @Delibrythe and 13 others
I believe the criminals overtly terrorized, defrauded and attacked their own
population 16 years ago. When do the options beyond bitching about it &
promoting distractions kick in. It took me 16 minutes to prove 911 fraud yet
scholars have been working on it for 16 years. 49/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 4 4
LJ@rebelready Nov 9
Replying to @Jmart4info
Must share & #FairUse fact people will accept being defrauded with CRAP
OBVIOUS FRAUD images is just too distressing. At least, there is some talent
when the AFP defrauds us with their computer created #BS
#TexasChurchShooting must have been low budget. AP image IPTC 11/4 1900
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LJ@rebelready Nov 9
Replying to @Regina_Griffin @perlmutations @jennybent
Yo Ron, #SandyHook #BreakingNews #USA has a #PhonyGovernment as does
#Connecticut including fool Senator Murphy who perpetrated a massive fraud on
the American people to benefit #BigPharma If I fake murdered 20 kids to drug
other kids for profit, I would want your guns too

LJ@rebelready Nov 9
Replying to @DeepStvte
modify/metadata 10:05 AM before creatE date/time<when supposedly
digitized>3:21 PM<BOTH>Date/time creatED when entered IPTC data for mass
media not image data. Also EXIF no zone 2:40 PM modify. @statesman photog
Jay Janner Purposeful image data cover-up #TexasChurchMassacre ELA 51/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

4 7 9
LJ@rebelready Nov 4
Replying to @PollManFEC @FinallyStacy @Sandy_Hook_Hoax
School teacher doesn't know your v. you're. #VickiSoto #NeverExisted apparently
some corrupt fool over at #FBI can't spell #SandyHook 52/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Nov 4
#CharityFraud #vickisoto5k Fabricated 20 murdered kids & six murdered
educators #Photoshop 4000 runners #SandyHook Vicki Soto #NeverExisted

3 10 12
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 31
Replying to @SuperDave629
Same reason publications entered data into image files 1900 last night
#FakeNews created image you see 9/26/17 initial file a bmp #NYCStrong 53/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 5 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 31
Happening now Social Media Before Senate Committee #Projection flying from
our phony reps

LJ@rebelready Oct 30
Replying to @rebelready @NewYorker @amandafortini
#PayAttention #LasVegasShooting how the #FakeNews #StateRunMedia creates
characters to terrorize and defraud you #CrisisActor is a misnomer 54/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 3 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 30
Replying to @NewYorker @amandafortini
#IndictmentMonday #PayAttention criminals are running the show
#FabricatedEvents #LasVegasShooting everything out of DC #ShowTimeForSheep 55/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 4 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 29
Replying to @_Makada_
Robert Muller put Agent> Blecksmith's

daughter's BFF interview w/ Ann Curry #SandyHook #Actor

https:// 56/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 29
Replying to @AshleyCech @Everytown @KimKardashian
666 followers says it all #USA tax $ at work #FBI fictitious people on Twitter &
script writers for crime they pretend to solve. #SandyHook 57/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 27
Replying to @larunnoe @falseflagjerry @DeepStvte
Look at JUMBO graphic. 1st couple, coincidence can not possibly apply. #MediaMagic<images & videos


4 5 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 26
Replying to @rebelready @falseflagjerry @DeepStvte
#LasVegasShooting #Verified #Fraud usual suspects #ZUMApress AFP Reuters AP
Polaris Reuters #PhotogsGoneRogue no legitimate law enforcement 58/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 4 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 25
Replying to @rebelready @Jmart4info
Note her husband's striking resemblance to the "Todashev" father. Characters
created by a corrupt infiltrated gov living large off taxpayers

1 1 2 59/301

12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 25
Replying to @Jmart4info
More intriguing government tales. #Tsarnaev nor Aunt exist. 'Aunt' different
looking in initial videos because years earlier & #MediaMagic

1 1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 25
Replying to @HoaxtardsRdumb @PollManFEC @FBIRecordsVault
Give FBI Special Agent Blecksmith a call & ask him or catch up on FACT
#MediaMagic video/images #FraudVitiatesAll

pressrel/press-releases/robert-blecksmith-named-assistant-director-of-the-fbi2019s-critical-incident-response-group 60/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 24
Replying to @ResistAndVote @thehill
Phony image above was released to the news wires at 5:48 AM on 12/14/12
#SandyHook evidence supported accusations of government crime

1 4 5
LJ@rebelready Oct 24 l i k b l 1 d h 61/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Replying to @parkerbutler10 @CStuper and 2 others
Parker, rooting for criminals that infiltrated/stole government looking to drug &
disarm population Consider 1 way flight out of #USA #2A

4 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 24
Replying to @lacakagog
#SandyHook #BullShit #DEMAND detainment/investigation FBI Special Agent
Robert Blecksmith #JFK release will be #BS
pressrel/press-releases/robert-blecksmith-named-assistant-director-of-the-fbi2019s-critical-incident-response-group 62/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 24
Replying to @rebelready @LibLadyLiberty
#HRC splaining to do as does US Congress. Broke #Connecticut & #FBI complicit
in #hoax instead of arresting frauds that stole gov #SandyHook 63/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

5 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 24
Replying to @LibLadyLiberty
You're a liar. #SandyHook Kate Bartel. Dad's company worked on the new WTC.
Father of kid with her promoted the hoax. His girls sang on GMA

3 5 4
LJ@rebelready Oct 24
Replying to @jkovner_courant
#BullShit isn't Jones <first FBI report released
no mention of classified <WTF for #AbolishFBI #Collusion #FakeNews 64/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 23
Replying to @rebelready @falseflagjerry @DeepStvte
Without hat, IN LAS VEGAS & BLOND. Phony bullets turn hair brown?
#LasVegasShooting #Fraud #FairUse last pic 1 of her Attorneys #StayTuned 65/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 4 4
LJ@rebelready Oct 21
Replying to @Quoth_TheNever
What theory? Evidence supported ACCUSATIONS OF CRIME is not theory. People,
such as yourself & #FakeNews need a bath & bars @NancyDillonNYDN

LJ@rebelready Oct 21
Wonder how #SandyHook #Frauds will weasel way out of Digital Clones before 66/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Wonder how #SandyHook #Frauds will weasel way out of Digital Clones before
CT Supreme Court #Jurisdiction #Remington

1 7 6
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 20
Replying to @seibelmurphy @jerome_corsi @OrlyTaitz
#RefractoryIgnorance re #SandyHook a proven fraud makes U an enemy of the
people. Reckless disregard of truth makes U the #NutJob #WatchList 67/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 2 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 19
Put your #ThinkingCapsOn why would image of the front page of the NYT be
reserved? #LasVegasShooting
Metadata IPTC Urgency 0 (reserved) 68/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 19
#PayAttention #Connecticut #Psyop from your taxpayer supported Supreme
Court #sandyhook These people are


LJ@rebelready Oct 18 69/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

Replying to @RefriedBrean
Good job exposing #MassLiars Great article with names #DefraudingAmerica &
worthless opinions we will all ignore #SandyHook #TheaterShooting

4 4
LJ@rebelready Oct 17
Replying to @Lauren_Nann @TheChadUknow @DeepStvte
Right, & teacher Victoria Soto & little Noah Pozner died #SandyHook PROOF of
complete #BS everywhere NO DEFENSE reckless disregard of truth 70/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 17
Replying to @MiaJYoung0201 @DeepStvte and 2 others
#SandyHook FOIA hearings psyop; anything coming out of hearings can't be
trusted. creating characters from images

1 71/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
LJ@rebelready Oct 16
Replying to @passionchica @passionatechica @DeepStvte
Another Campos image from


LJ@rebelready Oct 16
Replying to @passionchica @passionatechica @DeepStvte
This is a Twitter image supposedly Campos. At this point, believe it is a good faith
find: all finds subject to change with new discovery. 72/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 16
Replying to @Tabertronic @DeepStvte
Phony photo #Propaganda #LasVegasShooting Common in #BS phony camera
data, no lens serial number, no flash, no time zone, Computer creation

2 5 6 73/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 16
Replying to @DeepStvte @ginger3855 and 2 others
Oh look - the image is from a propaganda piece by #FakeNews @InsideEdition

1 2 5
LJ@rebelready Oct 14
Replying to @DeepStvte
That's NOT BLOOD. Look at the color. Stop being fooled by #Psychopaths. 74/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

6 9 13
LJ@rebelready Oct 14
Replying to @endcomputed @johnramos91
#SandyHook apparently unaware modify will not change IPTC Data. AP image file
data entry by #FakeNews on 12/12/12 #OnReserve #Released 12/14

1 5 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 12
To be clear. Accusation that #SandyHook #FabricatedShooting is a criminal act by
government & state actors is evidence supported. NOT THEORY 75/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 4 2
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 12
Replying to @III_Means_Free
Interesting find. ONLY validation that the #SandyHook school exist is a chalk
board sign 2008 image Newtown Bee. All school images bogus. 76/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 12
Criminal act by government/state actors Newtown Bee highly complicit along
with nation wide #FakeNews #sandyhook Action Now @realDonaldTrump

4 5 77/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 12
If you are OK with being terrorized and defrauded by the infiltrated United States
government do not retweet. #SandyHook and all other #BS

4 2 3
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 12
Replying to @rebelready @TNeliton @SenBlumenthal
#SandyHook characters interviewed [after] the fabricated shooting Can't R/O
#MediaMagic Federal law enforcement complicit #DefraudingAmerica 78/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 12
Replying to @Kellsalor
Par for the course; perpetrators of criminals acts want to criminalize watchful eyes
LOL #SandyHook joke of the planet #NotGoingToHappen
LJ @ b l d O t 12 79/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
LJ@rebelready Oct 12
Replying to @falseflagjerry @TNeliton and 13 others
You might be interested in my media line. More substantial evidence regarding
Pozner in graphics. Others that skit out of TN & Australia

1 1 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 11
Replying to @rebelready @dickiebaird
What the ooyala link brings up and the metadata is extracted from the ooyala
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 11
Looks like #FakeNews alleged criminals putting on #LasVegasShooting #Psyop
forgot to collaborate on curtain color. EPA out of Germany image

1 4 2
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 10
Replying to @NycBalletNy @RobRoy181 and 2 others
Yo, Rob Roy: Not keeping up with your Mensa group? #SandyHook a proven
crime against the people. Maybe pink carpet at #PinkFlamingoPen 81/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

4 1 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 10
Replying to @nativekittens
No, apparently 3 twitter images. LOL Was on Newsmax now 404 & on his
gofundme 82/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 10
Replying to @rebelready @Veritasu77
If you're really into this investigation maybe you could contact Reuters and ask
how they managed to depict 911 in images before it happened

2 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 10
Replying to @Veritasu77
They forgot to shop it in. 83/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 9
Replying to @BlogLiberally @NYCanegirl and 4 others
Jones card doesn't work. He didn't find IRL people behind characters; he didn't
pull metadata from ALL fraudulent images. I did. #SandyHook 84/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 9
Replying to @rebelready @NoScience4War
image link> Completely bogus. Created here>

4884970-0-1/s-l1000.jpg put image URL in


1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 9
Replying to @TinaGaoOnAir @MicheleGay_ @SafeSchoolsOrg
Oh please! #SandyHook a massive ongoing fraud. You media types need to think
about creating your phony images to decorate prison cells 85/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 9
Replying to @rebelready @EllisDarryl and 2 others
Only achievement by #PsychopathicProduction #SandyHook AMERICANS NOW
AWARE up against above law psychopaths & hypocrites #LockedAndLoaded

1 86/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 9
Replying to @NycBalletNy @EllisDarryl and 2 others
Yo, the mentality of your crowd is defrauding & terrorizing is a means to an END.
You are now educated READ THE LAW

2 1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 8
#LasVegasShooting evidence says #PsychopathicProduction U know special
effects when in movie theater same> #FakeNews
4AAXHnv.jpg 87/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 5 4
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 8
God Bless America #LasVegasShooting need opinion regarding 1 Image, 2 Error
Level Analysis, 3 Noise, 4 principal component

1 1 2 88/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 7
Replying to @Paulmd199 @cranky_david
Yes, so did #SandyHook Meet Lenny Pozner. Find an idiot for your games. You
can't convince me to not believe material evidence of fraud.

1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 7
Replying to @mozziesf @McConnellPress
#SandyHook #LasVegasShooting call @HouseFloor @SenateFloor C if can get
Tom & James Evans to go door to door to collect guns #FBI could help 89/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 7
Replying to @rebelready @mozziesf @McConnellPress
This image was created in the UK 2015. Now you try and convince me that
someone named Sonny died #LasVegasShooting #SandyHook @SenateFloor 90/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 7
Replying to @johnramos91
Created in UK on 10/2/2017 but also modified on 10/2/2017 - they scrubbed still
image metadata #LasVegasShooter #Odd

LJ@rebelready Oct 6
#Breaking #USA #UK colluding Terrorizing Defrauding Americans
#LasVegasShooting image 2014
http:// 91/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 9 7
LJ@rebelready Oct 6
#ALERT #USA government colluding with the UK to terrorize and defraud the
American people. UNRELATED VICTIMS #LasVegasShooting 2014 collage 92/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 17 9
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 6
Replying to @PrettyRose563 @risetoflyy and 2 others
Star #SandyHook Senator from Connecticut and another fraud Senator. The say
no to amo image has a date well before the 'event'

1 4 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 6
Replying to @rebelready @PrettyRose563 and 3 others 93/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Replying to @rebelready @PrettyRose563 and 3 others
Then there are these two. Forensic and metadata support bogus. I don't have a
graphic ready.

1 2 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 6
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Probably because they are fake like Susan Collins IMO a criminal who promotes
the WHOPPER #FakeNews #SandyHook & stars in #Psyop 94/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 6
Replying to @rebelready @ele_wolfe #LasVegasShooting #PsychopathicProduction

Shooter #DoesNotExist 95/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 5
Replying to @risetoflyy @USNTOARMS @realDonaldTrump
Ooyala No Data-don't need it. Unquestionable #BS image They fabricated
@realDonaldTrump appearances #LasVegasShooter is he safe or in on it?

1 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 5
Video promo done by Ooyala have metadata w/ UTC off set for British Summer
time. This one has an original date of 5/12/17 #LasVegasShooting 96/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

9 30 21
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @rebelready @giantsfan706 and 4 others
#LasVegas #Fraud #DigitalCreation Time 00:00:00+00:00 = 5PM PDT 10/1/2017

http:// 97/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 1 1
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @giantsfan706 @raidermike5569 and 3 others
No lone gunman. BECAUSE IT IS A #PsychopathicProduction like all their bull
shit. <>


2 2
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
#StephenPaddock #DriverLicensePhoto rather odd that the only info they publish 98/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
p y yp
is the image and not the license itself. #BogusImage

4 7 10
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @rebelready @SlicksTweetz and 7 others
Image not associated with the forensics posted or the metadata posted for visual
regarding ELA Actual associated image would not upload 99/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @rebelready @SlicksTweetz and 7 others
Trying upload forensic view without main image - if you see this it worked.
#LasVegas #StephanPaddock #MassLiars principal component 100/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

2 5 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @rebelready @SlicksTweetz and 7 others
Trying upload forensic view without main image - if you see this it worked.
#LasVegas #StephanPaddock #MassLiars ELA 101/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 5 3
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @rebelready @SlicksTweetz and 7 others
LasVegas #StephenPaddock #MassShooting EVIDENCE says as per usual
#MassLiars & another media #PsychopathicProduction
CC: @realDonaldTrump

2 8 4
LJ@rebelready Oct 4
Replying to @katiecouric
#SandyHook You are among the top ten media people in need of a prison cell. <Click #BullShit busted Lenny Pozner
tus/915324887287218177 102/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Replying to @SlicksTweetz @Veritasu77 and 6 others
Exactly, they have MASTER image to create #BS Can't upload image. Assume too
big. Rt click - open in new tab. add :large to the image URL 103/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

3 11 9
LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Replying to @RealAlexJones @_geoengineering
#BullShit media entered data into image file 10/1/17 - 8 PM EDT 'Stephen
Paddock' 'purportedly' provided by brother 10/2 SHOPPED Las Vegas

1 7 5
LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Yo, "Rep. Tim Murphy" Lenny Pozner Tom Sullivan #SandyHook
#TheaterShooting identified. Biggest psych problem #USA is psychopaths in
power 104/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

1 2 2
Show this thread

LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Replying to @zoomarang
Actually IRL persons behind the image of Nancy Lanza live in #Florida and doing
just fine #SandyHook buddies w/ IRL person behind Greene mom 105/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter

LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Further, cooperating actors via image have been identified for both #SandyHook
#BostonBombing & Aurora #TheaterShooting Las Vegas MO same

1 5 2
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LJ@rebelready Oct 3
Replying to @RichardTDevane2 106/301
12/14/2017 Media Tweets by LJ (@rebelready) | Twitter
Replying to @RichardTDevane2
Not dealing w/ actual people. We are dealing with digital trickery. Image of Bro
at memorial before daughter died? CMA #DigitalCreation too

LJ@rebelready Oct 2
Replying to @risetoflyy @AmberlyVrona and 2 others
Everyone of these images had data entry at 2000 EDT 10/1/2017 The drill premise
is a #Distraction 107/301

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