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Case History-Mrs. McBride

New Vocabulary and Difficult Words
1. Sue her daughter in law : Menantu
2. Pops in : Mengunjungi
3. Increasingly frail : Semakin lemah
4. Expecting : Mengharapkan
5. Struggle : Berjuang
6. Frightened : Takut
7. Heating : Memanas
8. Immersion : Berendam
9. Kettle : Teko
10. Soak : Merendam
11. Consider : Mempertimbangkan
12. Hairdresser : Penata rambut/ Ahli rias rambut wanita
13. Handy : Cekatan
14. Conveninent : Sangat Baik
15. Tights : Celana panjang ketat/ skinny pants
16. Trousers : Celana panjang
17. Undressed : Melepas pakaian
18. Zips : Semangat

Therapeutic Communication
1. Nurse: Hello Mrs McBride. Im Nurse Ramos. (Greeting and Introduce)
2. Nurse: Tell me in your own words how you think you are managing. (Open
question-Present Illness). What about if we start with any difficulties you might be
having with washing and dressing? (Providing General Leads/Close question-ask
about habit)
3. Nurse: Whats more difficult? (Open-Ended question about Present Illness)
4. Nurse: Are you able to have a bath or shower? (Closed question-ask about habit)
5. Nurse: How often did you have a bath when you were able to manage? (Open-
Ended question-ask about habit)
6. Nurse: How do you heat the water for your strip wash? (Open question-ask about
7. Nurse: Would you like to have a bath if it was possible? (Clarifying about Present
8. Nurse: I quite agree (Reflecting). Is there anyone who could help you? (Seeking
9. Nurse: You have a button to push that lowers and raises the seat. (Giving
Information) If you like we can arrange for someone from social services to come out
and do an assessment (Planning). What about washing your hair? (Closed question-
ask about habit)
10. Nurse: Dou you have any problems getting dressed and undressed? (Being specific-
asking Present Illness)
11. Nurse: The occupational therapist can suggest some simple gadgets [appliances,
devices] to help with dressing and show you about easier ways of doing things.
(Summarizing and planning) Would you like me to arrange for her to come?
(Offering Self)


Case History-Mr. Dafnis
New Vocabulary and Difficult Words
1. Itchy : Gatal
2. Attends : Menghadiri
3. Pre-admission : Pra masuk/sebelum masuk
4. Worried : Cemas
5. Flare up : Lebih buruk
6. Sort : Macam/ Jenis
7. Pruritus : Menimbulkan rasa gatal
8. Scratching : Garukan
9. Sore : Luka
10. Excoriation : Celaan
11. Measures : Bertindak
12. Emollient : Obat pengurang rasa sakit
13. Nearly : Hampir
14. Avert : Menghindari/mencegah
15. Ointments : Salep
16. Antihistamine : Obat pencegah alergi
Therapeutic Communication
1. Nurse: How long have you had eczema? (Open question about Past History)
2. Nurse: We can arrange for you to have a bed well away from any windows.
3. Nurse: Whats your skin like now? (Being specific-ask Present Illness)
4. Nurse: Which arears are worse affected? (Being specific of eczema)
5. Nurse: Have you any sore areas [excoriation] or weeping [producing exudate]
areas? (Focusing-another complaint)
6. Nurse: Yes, exactly (Reward). But to be on the safe side Ill get the doctor to have a
look now (Planning). What measures are you taking to reduce the flare up?(Present
Illness-ask to reduce flare up)
7. Nurse: Are you using anything other than the emollient on your skin? (Closed
question-Prefer to medical treatment)
8. Nurse: Have you used steroid ointments lately? (Close question-History of
9. Nurse: What about other medicines? (Close question-Prefer to history of medicine)
10. Nurse: Ill make sure that you skin management is written in the care plan
(Summarizing and Planning). Have you any question? (Closed question-Prefer to
another complaint)
11. Nurse: Ill be giving you some printed (Offering Self) information with the unit
telephone number in any case. (Giving Information)

Case History-Mrs.Bell

New Vocabulary and Difficult Words

1. Fractured : Patah
2. Hip : Pinggul
3. Sensible : Bijaksana
4. Settling : Penyelesaian
5. Strange : Asing
6. The Warden : Para pengawas
7. Residents : Warga
8. Awake half the night : Terbangun tengah malam
9. Odd : Jangkal/Tidak biasanya
10. Whacked : Terpukul
11. Weary : Letih
12. Poorly : Sedang tidak baik/sakit
13. Dozing : Mengantuk
14. A short nap : Tidur siang
15. Drowsy : Mengantuk
16. Approximate timing : Perkiraan waktu
17. Emphasises : Mengutamakan
18. Properly : Sewajarnya
19. The thermostat : Alat pengukur panas
20. Stiff : Kuat
21. Duvet : Selimut
22. Sweats : Keringat
23. A fleecy : Kain yang terdiri dari lapisan wol
24. Become accustomed : Menjadi terbiasa
25. The edge :Tepi
26. Rural : Pedesaan
27. Bother : Mengganggu

Therapeutic Communication
1. Nurse: Good Morning Mrs.Bell. (Greeting)
2. Nurse: How are you sleeping? (Being specific-ask Present Illness)
3. Nurse: Is that usual for you? (Closed question-ask about habit)
4. Nurse: Do you have trouble falling asleep [going to sleep] or do you wake up in the
night? (Closed question-prefer to Present Illness)
5. Nurse: Do you get to sleep eventually? (Closed question-ask about habit)
6. Nurse: Do you wake up earlier than usual? (Closed question-ask about habit)
7. Nurse: Did you usually have a short nap [sleep] during the day before you came to
us? (Close question about Past History)
8. Nurse: What time have you been falling asleep in the chair? (Clarifying time)
9. Nurse: Do you have a bedtime routine-things help you get to sleep? (Being specific-
ask Present Illness)
10. Nurse: What sort of time [approximate timing] would you usually have the bath?
(Open-Ended question-asking about habit)
11. Nurse: I will have a word [discuss it] with the nurse in charge tonight about making
sure you can have a bath if you want, and get a milky drink. It is so important to get a
good nights sleep. (Summarizing and Planning)
12. Nurse: Is there anything else that can be done to help you sleep properly? (Focusing
another complaint)
13. Nurse: We can turn the thermostat down, so it just takes the chill off the room [make
sure that the room is not cold] (Giving Information)
14. Nurse: Ill get on to [contact] the maintenance staff right away [at once] (Offering
15. Nurse: What about when you get up in the morning, will you be warm enough?
(Open-Ended question-ask about habit)
16. Nurse: I like that dark pink. (Reflecting)
17. Nurse: Is there anything else that stops you sleeping? (Focusing another complain)
18. Nurse: Were you used to sleeping in complete darkness? (Clarifying)
19. Nurse: We need to keep the light on in the corridor, so that everyone can move about
safely. (Giving Infomation)

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