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Daniel Quesada Solis

From the south eastern corner of Coronados Catholic Church

300 meters east, 200 meters south and 25 meters south-east.

Skills Excel:
Knowledge and experience with conditional formatting and data validation.
Capacity in using What-If Analysis tools such as Goal Seek to find the answer to
linear or non-linear multivariable problems.
Ability to combine Excel lookup & reference formulas to search through
databases for very specific pieces of information.
Mathematical understanding of the relationship between dates/times and their
numerical value.
Mathematical understanding of excel dates and time formulas.
Use logic formulas successfully to make dynamic decisions on the spreadsheet.
Ability to create and analyze Pivot tables.
Knowledge of VBA & Macros programming, able to automatize processes and
analyze big amount of data through programming.
Experience optimizing processes with Excel Macros such as sending mass
emails via Outlook through the Excel VBA environment.
Experience automatizing tasks in Excel through macros and adding accelerators
for more convenient use.

Verifiable understanding of mathematical areas like algebra, geometry,
differential and integral calculus, complex numbers & others.
Knowledge of propositional logic, logic connectors and truth tables. Able to use
that knowledge to find the truth value of a claim or logical problem.
Able to use logic and math to determine mathematic models for everyday &
work related environment problems.

Able to design circuits for different applications such as creating power sources,
infrared sensors, Led displays, light detection circuit, sound detector & Arduino
powered projects such as traffic light simulator with an intersection with a train
track with an Arduino controlled train.

Research and find the answer to problems.
Proactive and independent in my work.
Ability to work under pressure.
Conflict Resolution.

Research and find the answer to problems.
Proactive and independent in my work.
Ability to work under pressure.
Conflict Resolution.

Education Saint Lawrence High School

Bachelor's degree in middle education.

Diploma in electronics.

UCR / Fidelitas University

Currently studying Electric Engneering.

Languages Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano

Completion of the course SPEAK PLUS.
TOEIC examination with a grade of 8353.

Experience Amazon
November 2016 Present
Amazon HRS ERC CS. HR Frontline support for US associates. Helping associates with
their lifecycle from recruitment to termination. Provided assistance to leads and
managers to handle massive communications to the team about best practices, new
procedures, required follow ups, team meetings & others. I have assisted my QA auditor
to organize QA Huddles and take notes. I work on an informative bulletin along with a
colleague, we deliver it to our team and it contains important and sometimes unusual
topics that might arise during calls.

Saint Gregory School

June 2015 June 2016
Mathematics Teacher for 10th-11th grade, MATEM teacher & Preparation for UCR-TEC-
UNA entrance exams. Created a calendar/check list Excel document for me and my
colleagues to improve the way we took attendance and track grades.

April 2014 Present
Electronics teacher (Electronics technitian). Arduino teacher (Automatization with
Arduino). Excel teacher focused on Microsoft office tools such as Word, Powerpoint,
Excel and Operative System. Also taught basic courses on VBA & Macros programming.

April 2014 June 2015
Excel teacher focused on Microsoft office tools such as Word, Powerpoint, Excel and
Operative System. Also provided basic courses on VBA & Macros programming to BCR

Private math tutor

January 2010 Present
Ive been working as a private math tutor to high school students on all high school levels
(7th 11th). Also provided lessons on other courses and topics such as MATEM and
Personal interests Puzzles and logic games.
& hobbies Reading about science fiction, business, excel, programming, fantasy, recipes,
math, science, graphic design, psychology & others.
I love Music! I actually played the bass guitar for several years and now I play

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