Industrial Experience 111

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TVOC 3001
Industrial Work Experience II
14th June ,2016-14th July, 2016

Lecturer : Dr. Fitzroy Marcus

Table of Contents
1. Introduction3
6. Diagram- Organization Chart .12
7. Stakeholder Customers, Suppliers , Competitors and their Needs.14
8. The Business Process/ The Needs for Products and Services ( Backward Working)..18


Operations management plays a critical role in the smooth and efficient running of a business. It

is of paramount importance today given the need for organizations to remain competitive in the

dynamic world of business. After completing four years of study in the academic aspect of

Business Studies, student teachers of the University of Trinidad and Tobago were asked to

complete the course Industrial Experience II. We were required to choose an organization for

study. At this organization we would familiarize ourselves with the entire business operations and

identify an area or two that can be improve and make recommendations. Thus, we were able to

use our knowledge of productions operations management in a practical sense. Having already

done an individual report describing the organization, this report is a group effort which focuses

on the areas of the business operations which can be improve and our recommendations.


Kris Marketing Ltd was established in the year 2001 as a limited liability company. This company

is strategically located at 577 Rochard Douglas Road, Barrackpore, Trinidad. This business started

fifteen years ago as a dream of the Managing Director, Mr. Adesh Kissoon to provide customers

with superior products at an affordable price, as well as to create an enriching work experience for

employees. Because of its location in the rural district of Barrackpore, Kris Marketing fulfills their

customers needs by providing a wide variety of industrial and safety supplier to the small business

in the district and surrounding areas. As one steps into the business establishment, you can

immediately feel the family type atmosphere and great social cohesion that exists amongst staff

members. When the business first began it started as strictly a wholesale business but like any

successful business one my must pay attention to customers needs.

Over time the demand for the do-it-yourself products increase amongst domestic customers within

the area, to meet this need ZK Marketing was established. ZK Marketing was established in the

year 2014 and is a retail store located in the same geographical area but serves the needs of the

customers who buy smaller amounts of their products they also carry and assortment of household

accessories, hardware supplies and automotive accessories such as car mats and rims.

Remarkably this business has become the market leader within its geographic location. Some of

the products they sell include Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Washers, Fastening Products, Spray Paint, W.D.

40 Roofing Screws, Cutting and Grinding Disks, Wheel Studs and Cable Ties just to name a few.

The companys competitive advantage is owed to its market penetration and low cost leadership.

This is reflect in the slogan lowest cost products and fast delivery.

Based on the information we were privileged to observe and analyze for example sales reports,

annual final accounts such as revenue and expenditure as well as customer invoices and suppliers

list. We were able to gauge the life cycle for this business which is at the formalization stage. There

is much potential for the business to grow and develop large scale business, there is a constant rate

of sales growth but there is the need for strengthen of the companys internal processes.

Diagram Showing the Life Cycle of Kris Marketing Ltd.

Now what this is tell us is that the business is at the point where there is the need to
restructure or else the business will begin incur a loss to due to poor operations

The organizations performance is guided by a strongly stated vision and mission statement,
it is also used as an instrument to orient new staff into the organization. The following is the
vision statement, mission statement and core values.

The Organizations Vision Statement:

Slogan Just Call We Deliver

Vision - Our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products and

at the most competitive prices. We are a values-driven company and core values include the

following: Excellent customer service, Quick Delivery, Taking care of our employees. Creating

shareholder value Respect for all people Entrepreneurial spirit Building strong relationships with

all our stakeholders.

Mission- To be the market leader through excellent customer service and efficient delivery.


High quality
-Competitive prices
-On-time delivery
-Diversification of products
-High level service


Due to the informal nature of the business there is an absence of strict policies. However there

practices to which employees of the organization understands are as follows:

1. The Customers not matter commercial or non-commercial is to be treated with utmost


2. All orders are treated as urgent.

3. All persons to which any employees interacts with should be treated fairly whether it is a

competitor, customer or non-customer.

4. Employees are one of the most important asset.

It should be noted that there is a strong organizational culture at Kris Marketing Ltd whereby all

employees share the same values such as timely delivery and customer satisfaction is of paramount

importance in the execution of their duties.



(See Appendix For Site Layout Plan)

It is no secret that the physical layout of an organization can have an impact on the productivity of

an organization. In fact many authors have noted that, the physical layout of the workspace, along

with efficient management processes, is playing a major role in boosting employees productivity

and improving organizational performance (Uzee, 1999; Leaman and Bordass, 1993; Williams

et al. 1985).

The Main Office- 577 Rochard Douglas Road, Barrackpore

Kris Marketing Ltd conducts business from one two -storey building which is located on a corner

of the street thus providing parking for customers at the front and the left hand side of the building.

The first floor is utilized as part of the warehouse for storage of inventory and the ground floor

houses the manager, supervisor, two administrative clerks and Salesmen (who are mainly on the

road). The office layout / design hold two administrative clerks, it is a simple one which houses

four desk, two desk top computers, ergonomic chairs, one photo copier, three printers, two fax

machines, telephones, Wi-Fi access. There is one window and a main door to the right of the main

office area which facilitates face-to face communication between warehouse staff and

administration. The Supervisor desk is also located in the same office space as administration to

ensure smooth decision making.

Separate from the Supervisor and Administrative Clerks office space is the managers office. One

can note that this office reflects the manager open door policy and the relationship between

management and staff is fairly formal. As employees are free to consult with the manager regarding

issues or problems that may arise. Very often the manager also asks employees for their opinions

when making decisions. The physical environment can be described as comfortable and meets the

staff needs to function effectively.

Warehouse Layout

Warehouse mission to support the organization by filling orders as quickly as possible

To the right of this building is the warehouse. The warehouse occupies half of the ground floor

and the entire first floor. The layout of the warehouse is also important as it facilitate the unloading

and loading of the products. The warehouse adequately provides a safe, secure place for the storage

and retrieval of inventory i.e goods bought for resale. It is also equipped with cubes which is used

to store the goods above the floor to secure the quality of goods. The warehouse is spacious enough

to allow for free movement of two forklifts during the unloading and loading process. From

observation one can see that the layout is very helpful in this process because some goods are

ordered more than others. The warehouse attendants place the fast-moving items in one area and

the slower-moving ones in an area farther away. Later we will explore this business process in

detail. To make it even easier, the individual may pick up items from one side of the aisle only and

then return to the loading dock. Or the individual may swing around to the next aisle and pick up

more items, again from one side of the aisle only. In this way the individual moves as quickly as

possible, maximizing work output.


Picture showing the use of cubes/ shelves and the arrangement of the Warehouse

The Retail Store ZK Marketing To provide customers with friendly, reliable service

Although our study focused on the main office we must mention the difference between the layout

of the retail store and the warehouse. The layout of the retail store can be described as a grid layout,

there are parallel aisles and with merchandise on the shelves on both sides of the shelves. All

products are clearly identified by labelled and are facing the customers for ease of access. The

arrangement of the store is pleasing to the eye and invites customers to purchase impulsively.

There are three female members of staff one cashier and two sales attendants. There is no cash

register all sales are manually recording and if an item does not have a price tag the cashier consults

her enormous price list binder. Notably this layout is different from the warehouse in that the

warehouse is focused on the quick business flow whereas, the retail is inviting to the customers.

Picture 2 & 3 Showing the arrangement of the retail store



The organization structure refers to the manner in which Kris Marketing Ltd arranges its people

so that they can complete their assign tasks in the most efficient way possible and their goals can

be met. Kris Marketing Ltd organization structure can be represented in the form of an organization

chart, it can be described as a modern flat organization structure which facilitates the faster

communication and shorter lines of authority and wider span of control. The design of this

organization structure provides a competitive advantage since the chain of command at this

organization is only two layers, communication is often faster and more effective. There is also

direct input and control of business operations means that staff can debate their points of view.

This flat structure also facilitates the democratic style and open door policy of management

practiced at this organization. Decision- making is highly decentralized. At the top of the

organization chart is the Managing Director Mr. Adesh Kissoon, reporting directly to the

Managing Director is the Assistant Manager- Mrs. Zorisha Kissoon. Reporting directly to the

Assistant Manager are the Three (3) Salesmen, Two Administrative Assistant, Warehouse

Attendants and the Delivery Team. We can also note the unbroken line of authority from the

Managing Director straight to the Sales , Administrative Staff to the Delivery Team hence there is

little confusion as to who reports to whom.


Diagram 2 Kris Marketing Ltd Organization Chart


Kris Marketing Meeting Their Stakeholders Needs

Kris Marketing Ltd Customers Description

The main needs of these customers reliable products, at the right price, delivered at the right


Maintaining a good customer relationship is important to all business and so this is one of the main

ways in which Kris Marketing is able to build customer loyalty. Kris Marketing Ltd has many

competitors who provide the same products and service but they dont have the same employees

Sales Team who pay personal visits to customers. So one may wonder what differentiates Kris

Marketing from the competitors. The answer is that customer service and the companys ability to

meet their customers needs thus maintaining a good relationship. Customers demand their

products in a just in time supply system and so Kris Marketing Ltd must be able to meet and

exceed that need. In order to achieve this they must first identify who are their customers

and what are their needs and accurately predict when they would need these products. Hence

the need for a customer profile.

There many types of customers this company serve:


These companies purchase in bulk either for resale or for their use in their production process. To

these customer quality products, value for money and timely delivery of goods are important.

Communication is critical to satisfying these customers. These companies enjoy a ten percent

(10%) discount for bulk buying thus reducing the cost of raw materials and increasing their profits,

same day timely delivery and low cost of transportation. Some of these customers include:

1. Abass Ali Hardware

2. A. Mohammed Hardware
3. Central Electrical
4. Double Zee Ltd, Gasparillo
5. Lewis Construction, Carapichaima
6. New Wave Marketing
7. Imtiaz Sookoo Contractors
8. RIP General Contractors


These customers usually visit the warehouse and the retail store looking for cheap reliable products

to complete their own medium to small projects. To these customers getting products for the lowest

price and convenience is important and the retail store staff must focus on the layout of the products

and must be able to provide information on the products to the customer e.g price, no. in stock and

features. Customer enjoy shopping at the retail store because it ideally because it is close to their

home and the wide variety of supplies from nuts, bolts, cable tights, rope , paint and even craft


INTERNAL CUSTOMER Z.K. Marketing who purchases stock from the warehouse to

stock the retail store. Even though this is a subsidiary company of Kris Marketing

accounting for the stock is important, low cost, and timely delivery of products is


List of Kris Marketing Ltd Competitors

Some of the business competitors are as follows

Aphzal Mohammed Hardware,
Billvern Construction Fastners,
Fastec Ltd,
Hydratight, K& S Wholesalers Ltd,
Point Lisas Fastners,
Point Lisas Steel Products.

Using Relationships to build a Competitive Advantage

One may ask the question, How does Kris Marketing stay competitive? By having efficient

business processes that caters to meeting all customers needs, a unique relationship with

competitors and strong supplier relationship. In that the company colludes with its customers in

the event that they are out of stock in a particular item, they would purchase the items from the

competitors and their competitors would do the same. This relationship differs immensely from the

cut throat relationship that is seen in the financial sector. Instead we would describe it as a

symbiotic relationship.

Additionally, another strategy used by Kris Marketing to meet the needs of their customers is by

providing a wide variety of fastening products and industrial suppliers at the lowest possible cost

and delivering to their establishment in a timely manner. But the highest perceived customer value

is the personal touch given to customers.

Instead of calling customers the Sales Team visits customers and during causal conversation they

ascertain their current and future needs. While this aspect is part of the business process it also

helps to develop a strong customer relationship and as a result they are able to create value added

services for customers. The image of the company is also very important and Kris Marketing Ltd

is considered as a good corporate citizen as they provide employment to the members of the

community and are proud sponsors of the communitys cricket club.



This business is mainly sales oriented and so the main business process is related to the Sales of

the products. There is no manufacturing but strictly wholesaling and retailing hence the importance

the supply chain and the Sales Process. Here are some the Kris Marketing Ltd Business Processes:

a. Procurement / Supply of Inventory Business Process

b. Maintenance of the Facilities Business Process (Out Sourced)

c. The Human Resource Business Process

d. Finance Business Process (Outsourced)

e. *Customer Sales and Customer Service Business Process



For Kris Marketing we observe that satisfying customers no matter what the situation is their

ultimate goal. This is where the problem situation stems from. But first we need to examine the

Sales Process and identify the main problems associated with this.

1. The customer places his / her order to the Salesman.(INPUT)

2. The Salesman completes their collection sheet with the customers name and details of

their orders and takes it to the administrative clerks.(ACTIVITY)

3. The administrative clerk then completes the sales invoice in triplicate and gives one copy

to the warehouse attendant.(INPUT)

4. The warehouse attendant prepares the package for the customer and notifies the delivery

drivers and the administrative clerk that order is ready. (ACTIVITY)

5. The clerk contacts the customers informing them of the arrival time of the packages and

the cost. (ACTIVITY)

6. CUSTOMER RECEIVES THE PRODUCTS- The delivery drivers delivers the package

and furnishes two copies of the sales invoice one is kept by the customer for payment and

the other is stamped and signed by the customer and is return to Kris Marketing Ltd

administrative clerk.( OUTPUT)

7. Using the information on the sales invoice if the payment is made the clerk updates the

sales ledger if not, then a credit note is written up. (OUTPUT)


Diagrammatic Explanation of the Sales Business Process

From the diagram above we can see that there is a delay at the warehouse in packages order due

to unavailable stock, back log of orders cause by the time is takes for the Salesmen to call in the

orders to the administrative clerk. This can result in poor customer satisfaction as likelihood of

errors would increase and delays delivery of the products to customers who may take their stock

based of a just-in time inventory system. This problem cannot continue especially if the

business is to serve a large clientele.




Once there is customer demand for a particular product. The manager then contacts their suppliers

in the U.S, China or Panama online selects the products they wish to purchase and the amounts

and makes the payment using a credit card.

Step 2- SUPPLIERS 1 day

Once the supplier receives the request the items are shipped via sea port within 24 hours.

Step 3 SHIPPING OF GOODS via Sea Freight (7 or more days)

Inbound Logistics Once the shipping agents notifies Kris Marketing that their cargo has arrived

at the Port of Point Lisas, they are given the bill of lading or bill sight to present at the Port


Step 4 COLLECTION OF GOODS- approximately 3 days

This service is outsourced from a reputable transport and brokerage firm in Trinidad with also

provides rental of container, clearing of cargo at the port.


The competent in-house transport team will now transport the merchandise to the companys

warehouse in Barrackpore.


The warehouse attendants receives the merchandise and attempt to manually update their records

of new inventory using a Last In First Out System.

Step 7 STORAGE 1 week

The inventory is neatly stored in the cube / shelves of the warehouse. It is arranged based on the

high demand item must be easily accessed.


Step 8- Customer Order- depends on whether is in stock

Customers may inform the Sales Team of their order or they may call in their order. Once the

request is made, the administrative staff completes an invoice which is sent to the warehouse

attendant. Who then fills this order and contacts the delivery team.

Step 9 Outbound Transportation Distribution of Products to Customer (immediately)

The Delivery team is quite adamant in getting products on time to customers.

Step 10- Customer Satisfaction

Once the customer receives the products at the right time, at the price and the right amounts, we

can say that the customer is satisfied and the process was successful.

Diagram Showing Each Activity in the Supply Chain

N.B. Each of these stages of the product is a link in a chain. Each step is fastened to the next, interconnecting

to facilitate the distribution of product.

Below is diagram showing the internal side of the supply chain


Weaknesses Identified With the Supply Chain

1. The process of ordering stock is a reactive process.

Only when the customer demands certain products then the warehouse attendants realize that

stock is running low. We must bear in mind that as the business grows this method cannot

work. As customers may demand larger quantities and may need the product in a short time

frame. This brings to the next weakness.

2. The length of time for storing and recording of inventory at the warehouse

According to general reports this takes as much as one week, to properly package and manually

update the inventory records. This problem is really due to the manual inventory system used at

this organization.

3. High Cost of Wastage

Very often items received at the warehouse is not accounted for or goes missing for want of a

better term.

Generally, such a situation can lead to the loss of customers and thus impair the performance of

the company and more importantly reduce profits. However this is offset by the excellent customer

service and genuine care for the customer displayed by the Sales Team. Putting customer first is

a philosophy that comes from the manager and is transferred to all employees. However in the

spirit of proper operations management the above mentioned weaknesses are real problems that

must be fixed.



If we look at Kris Marketing Supply Chain Diagram we can see that all activities are

interdependent on each other and therefore it is imperative that this organizations processes are

efficient that it should work like clockwork. Each aspect should be carefully analyze in terms of

the cost and time. Therefore management needs to have some type of control over each activity.

This hints towards the provision of information. I would suggest the implementation of an

Enterprise Resource Planning system.

Given that accountability to seem to be an issue Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) is

the most fitting solution. One may say what exactly is this ERP all about just by considering name

we can simply define ERP System or software that used to manage all the resources of whole

enterprise. Right from employee payments to single screw coming into the enterprise, all activities

can be managed & tracked by using ERP Systems. ERP is a cross functional software that supports

all the business processes within the organization. This Enterprise resource planning (ERP) would

allow involve the use of a suite of integrated applications that a company uses to connect its

business activities across departments so that everyone is working with the same data and


This can be used to streamline and improve the efficiency of their operations, which saves time

and money. Implementing ERP will also give rise to the much needed automation of several

business processes such as inventory management, human resources, and sales. This automation

many business processes, will eliminate manual time and effort. Additionally, , ERP system

focuses on the management of business information, offering a macro view into a company by

integrating disparate systems across functional groups such as procurement, finance, distribution,

and inventory control.

The Process

This system gives rise to a Supply Chain Management system which ties in supply chain partners

and can help the company find the raw materials it needs to deliver products and services to its

customers. This will alleviate the long turnaround time taken record and update stock inventory.

For example the ERP purchasing software streamlines the procurement process from purchase-

order issuance and supplier management to payments and reporting. ERP purchasing software also

has the ability to automatically route approvals of purchase orders and payments from the

administrative clerk to the manager. To simply put it the use of ERP will assist in managing the

flow of product items from the supplier to Kris Marketing & Kris Marketing to consumer.

Efficiency in the process is related the demand & supply management, sales returns & replacing

process, shipping & transportation tracking etc.

Inventory Module: Firstly the Inventory module of the ERP can be used to track Kris Marketings

stock/ inventory. Items can be identified by unique serial numbers. Using that unique numbers

inventory system can keep track of item and trace its current location in organization. Thus making

it easier to update records. e.g. Lets say Kris Marketing Ltd purchased 100 screws , so using the

ERP inventory system the warehouse attendants can track how many screws are in stock when

stock was last received and how many were sold and how many are remaining

etc. So when new stock is received the attendants now simply packages the

product, codes them and scan the packages using the handheld barcode scanner.

A Break Down of New Business Process with the Use of a Transaction Processing System

It is recommended that Kris Marketing utilizes an On-Line/Real-Time Processing (OLTP).With

this form of data processing, each transaction is processed immediately, without the delay of

accumulating transactions into a batch. As soon as the input data is available such as customers

order, the program performs the necessary processing and updates the records affected by the

transaction. The main advantage is that data in an OLTP always reflect the current status. For

example when a customer places an order an invoice is generated, delivery is done immediately,

once the items are checked out of the warehouse, the inventory figures are update the Creditors

Ledger and General Ledger are updated followed by an alert to key members for approvals.


Another problem observed is that there seems to be a lack of quality control. While this business

is quite successful, there seems to be a lack of focus on quality, accountability and control. For

example there is high wastage in the warehouse area and occasionally some products were

damaged in the process of packaging or storage. Given the organizations stage in the life cycle

there is the need for the business to expansion or decline, this coupled with managements desires

to expand the business there is the need for an improvement in all functional areas of the business

and so I am recommending the implementation of a total quality management system. This strategy

is recommended because not only does it focus on quality but it is a management approach centered

on quality, based on the participation of an organizations people and aiming at long term success

(ISO 8402:1994). This is achieved through customer satisfaction and benefits all members of the

organization and society.

It is also ideal for Kris Marketing Ltd because TQM is a more than just a strategy but a philosophy

that emphasizes three principles for achieving high levels of performance and quality: (1) customer

satisfaction, (2) employee involvement, and (3) continuous improvement in performance

(Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra, 2013).

If Kris Marketing employs TQM it will allow the company to focus on service and using good

purchasing strategies and benchmarking processes. Thus provided a means for satisfying both their

internal and external customers by having their expectations met. Through the focus on

conformance to specifications, value, supporting customers and creating good psychological

impressions by offering quality products and service. However, for TQM to work effectively in

improving quality and performance, all employees must become involved.

This will create the need for a new organization structure, increase in a talent competent workforce

and an operations managers. One the most significant change with the implementation of this

strategy is that employees not only serve customers but make important decisions that lead to

quality improvement and added value in the creation and provisions of goods and services.

Adopting the TQM philosophy will:

make the organisation more competitive

establish a new culture which will enable growth and longevity

provide a working environment in which everyone can succeed

reduce stress, waste and friction


build teams, partnerships and co-operation

Total Quality Management philosophy is believe will result a positive change in the business

processes thus creating a leaner organization structure and reduce wastage of resources. This will

definitely put Kris Marketing Ltd be in a stronger position to adapt to the future changes.

The Marketing Process and Recommendations

During our observation/study of Kris Marketing business activities, we have identified and focused

on a key activity from the operations and managements process of Kris Marketing as follows:

Activity One: Marketing and Sales

Problem Identified: Kris Marketing Limited is currently experiencing a constant decline in their

sales. This problem may be a result of

the current economic downturn Trinidad and Tobago is facing; or due to constant changes

in customers needs,

the company does not appeal to the customer in terms of offering the products or service

in satisfying the customer needs;

A lack of use of technology within the company, in todays technological age, people

express themselves and concern with the use of technology through the use of internet

using collaborative tools such as company websites, facebook, twitter, instagram. Kris

Marketing Limited may lose their direct touch with their customers (what customer are

looking for or what satisfy customers needs) if they continue to operate their business on a

manual level.

Recommendation that may resolve current problems identified above:

The Market Research Process can be a useful tool. Let us examine this process and see how it

will alleviate the problems identified above. The diagram below outline the suggested steps the

market research process.


Information gleaned from this process can help the company accurately target, new strategies

and products to capture the larger part of the market share. This information is also used to for

setting strategic, operational and tactical goals.

Due to an economic crisis the country is facing, the company may need to look into

diversify their business operations into another country or region that are experiencing

potential growth and economic boom. The company may even look into exporting products

and providing services throughout the caricom region.

Due to changes in customers needs, the company may need to find out what interest their

customers or what their competitors are doing that they are not to increase the business

market share in the market. The company may use customers surveys to obtain

information on what it is that currently interest the customers or what customers are looking

for in terms of the products and services in a company. Example, it may be that customers

are looking for a certain product brand or manufacture made products that gives them

product satisfaction.

Due to the use of technology in the technological age or society we living in the need for

face to face interaction are diminishing more and more. The company needs to stay ahead

of changes in technology and the way people or customers interact. The company may need

to implement a company website to further promote their products and services. Through

the use of a company website, Kris Marketing can retrieve faster response on what satisfy

customers through the use of online surveys. The online website may also allow customers

to voice their opinions and concern about the companys products and services. This will

help companys identify their problem gaps and allow them to recommend ways of

bridging those gaps.



The business environment in Trinidad and Tobago is one that can be described as highly

competitive which is further exacerbated by the economic downturn in our economy. Now more

than ever before the term competitive advantage has become the buzz word in the business

world. Thus pushing the need for the organizations to embrace the role of operations management

to create a flexible and competitive business. Failure to recognize this fact and embrace these

changes may lead to the organization demise.

Kris Marketing Ltd is a business with potential for growth and future expansion into new foreign

markets. We trust that our recommendations will truly add value to all of their business process.


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