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of Printed Pages : 8 FST-01


Term-End Examination 14499
June, 2011



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : All questions of section-A arc compulsory. In Sections-B and C, give answers. as per
instructions given.

1. Fill in the blanks. 5
(a) Light year is the unit of
(b) The study of interactions of organisms with their environment is called
(c) Excessive nourishment leading to loss of life in stagnant water is called
(d) The process by which green plants produce their .-,wn food is called
(e) The range of electro - magnetic radiations to which our eyes are sensitive is

2. State if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 5

(a) Splitting of nucleus into two parts is called fusion.
(b) The theory "Origin of species" was proposed by Lamarck.
(c) The loudness of noise is measured in Hertz.
(d) Hormones are secretions of ductless glands.
(e) Man can occupy more than one trophic level.

3. Give short answers for the following questions (in not more than 50 words). 10
(a) Give any two roles of communication in promoting education.
(b) Oceans are known as the largest and thickest ecosystems. Explain briefly.
(c) Role of radio isotopes in dating the past.
(d) Draw a well - labelled diagram of a neuron.
(e) Major contribution of the following scientists :
(i) Galileo Galilei
(ii) C.V. Raman

FST-01 1 P.T.O.
Answer any eight questions. Limit your answer to 100 words for each question.
4. Differentiate between the renewable and non - renewable resources of energy. 5

5. What are the conditions that determine whether the fruits of science are used for human 5
good or for the destructive purposes ?

6. Write the major factors which were responsible for the decline of Bronze Age civilization. 5

7. What developments took place in the field of astronomy in medieval India ? 5

8. Write any five features of planet Jupiter. 5

9. List any five advantages of using nuclear energy to fulfill our energy needs. 5

10. What is meant by a balanced diet ? suggest the composition of a balanced diet needed 5
by an adult working man.

11. "Hypotheses are accepted as 'laws' only if they are supported by a great deal of 5
experimental evidence". Explain by giving a suitable example.

12. Give different factors for aging. How we can slow down this process.

13. With the help of an example, explain various aspects of cognitive learning.

FST-01 2
Answer anq four questions. Limit your answer upto 200 words for each question.
14. Discuss the impact of technology on environment in present day situations. 10

15. Describe the developments in science and technology in India, from the fourth century 10
to the seventh century A.D.

16. Describe the impact of freedom movement on the developments in science in pre - 10
independence India.

17. Fxplain the theory of chemical evolution and give its scientific basis. 10

18. Give the different types of agrotechniques used for increasing food production in our 10

19. Describe in detail the problems faced by any country while importing technology. 10

FST-01 3 P.T. O.
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(a) ;T.

(b) ,4 J.77.;T.f1T311 1i c4)1

(c) :TT T3177 31

(d) 17,-T `1-:'17.)7(

(e) fi - 'ill (--FT =-1' 1-17471 rf--5m;13 f9ir 7:1

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2. fiL I f-r 1 T-IFT F913 ( ) 931917-TI (i): 5

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(b) "7.3-it-q9 911T71; -17,:

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(d) Tit.=Pf I

(e) 4fTT -TT,J TftTf T TtJ1 *

FST-01 5 P.T.0.
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(a) JfTql!TFfR ft rch-e 97TfiTT-r

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(b) H1I1471,A ,=i ,H,-4 ,:-1Az9trrft--47HI 11 .(;- I TiP.)71 14 (-14-1-11 I

(c) 6141 71 J;17T4P---1171TffTE 4C1 fHcI *1I I

(d) Ti1cI 4-;01*1 4:111Hir4d 3-1ft-Tff

(e) vi4-1 cl (Act II 1.1c *1;11:Fff e-I14 I q1-1 ff4:g1T, I

(i) if iilil

(ii) ftcfL PT9-

FST-01 6
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4. -141cW1iiki 32117 i'17 4-14111t4P-1 6),3-11.-747:4Thlt -44 qc-1 I 5

5. ti-a. lirTFT-2-TfTir r.7t .77 7-1 fff --141Jf t 141 fa-gr 70111 4-11-1c1 441 cY-411-41 t" Fri Q, f*-711 5
J:i*<-0 h 332TT 4-11-icf-r1-11W -t R-R!

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q41 T[9-74d-r 7179 iTTATg cbRellf 5

7. ITR7 -14 a,cir--qzrr ? 5

8. 71:1)77 4,I TIN Fa 1 4 c14 cit1151 5

9. TRTft ITN 9TfiT*-T- h 3171 c f fT7 AI 4) 'A-1 tfr5 E9p4 5

10. #fr7ff 3177 74 3T17*-1T-4-1 dIc ? f-*-4r T=1fts;p4 c41 rc,1 5

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11. LI ,<*c--=-11(34I T4t Tiqu t-clichR t*-Tfi AM( t sTIGI .qt 4-1, ->11 14 NV4 , ta-) 71-1471 5
Trt oqRsil WA7 I

12. (aging) fdf 1 chi \ch qc-11 -5ff--741111 41 cf c1-4 f*-71. 1144 cht 5

13. \-ifqp-I 4) fa-fim 131-1' oqRaqt 1rqLT I 5

FST-01 7 P.T.O.
ri/ 1779 ,-A,71 r41{ I 'A c-AA 250 vt ci TfT,

14. 6-11,51 *T1 Lii-AfT4'ARFA' A-1Ici A I 1=R I 141*.I. -51`41I * I TA * I \ TR I

15. t4i iH IciTTid-* A t ^41 41(1i - 1(11 1

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6,1,11,44i ----fa 1 JH 31- , I

16. 1-1-1. k ci LA i '449P

'At T 1TT 'Efi Ali -I Ai I 10

17. IR-i'T I r-A *14 tI

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; IF tItIR 3TNT7 10

18. HRt71 '14 1-, - `1-17-1 )fq 'ffq-,-0,-111 quii <-4,1 ,

wI 10

19. f ft tft 41-d-Ti-411;1 61IAA q*I1 cw-IF T2r11 6-1 '4-) fq- FR 4 10
qTrh qfrft1:7 I

FST-01 8

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