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The greatest threat to the reliable power system is keeping all generators in
synchronism by fulfilling the load demand at all times. As the load demand is ever
increasing and unavoidable part of any power system, hence, a well organized power
system must be provided to enhance the system performance by including the
generation with renewable energy sources. The inclusion of renewable energy sources
can meet the increasing load demand either by islanded or grid connected operation.

One of the most recognized terms in todays electricity market is

deregulation. To realize the potential of distribution generation, generation and load
must be taken as a subsystem. This system may use any combination of generation,
load and storage technologies and can operate in grid connected mode or
autonomous mode. Some examples of micropower system or microgrid are solar-
battery serving a remote load, wind-diesel system serving an isolated village, a grid
connected natural gas microturbine providing heat to a factory. Micropower system
consists of electric and thermal load, and any combination of photovoltaic modules
(PV), wind turbine, small hydro, biomass power generation, microturbines, fuel
cells, reciprocating engine generators, batteries and hydrogen storage.

The analysis and design of micropower system is challenging due to large

number of design options and uncertainty in key parameters such as load size and
future fuel price. Renewable energy sources add further complexity because the
output may be intermittent, seasonal and nondispatchable and the availability is
uncertain. Penetration of DG across the country has yet not reached the significant
levels. These emerging technologies have lower emission and potential to have
lower cost. A better way to realize the potential of distributed generation is to take a
system approach where load and generation acts as a subsystem called microgrid.
This is a decentralized and bidirectional pattern permits electricity import from the
grid and electricity export to the grid. A plant that produces electricity less than 500

kW comes under micro generation technologies. Microgrid sources can produce
electrical energy and thermal energy both. Hence, the penetration of distributed
energy resources both at low voltages and medium voltages (LV and MV) in utility
and downstream networks have been increased in developed countries like USA,
Canada, Japan.

Currently, microgrid technologies are being popularly used for Indian power
sector by employing PV, Wind, Fuelcell, Biomass and different energy storage
techniques. Use of Techno-Economic analysis and feasibility study of a new site, as
suggested in [92], [142], was a revolutionary step to solve the site selection for
better performance of microgrid.
In this chapter, Techno-Economic analysis is used as a powerful analyzing tool
for checking feasibility of a site for implementing a microgrid. For this work, a site
Charanka, Kutch, is selected for feasibility investigation of a microgrid with different
configurations. The site location of the site used is 23.040 latitude and 72.380 longitude
obtained from NASA website [51]. This work is a technical and economic feasibility
study of a hybrid generating system, composed of PV, wind, diesel and grid resources
feeding a customer with high reliability requirements of electric supply. The chapter
begins with current state of the art in feasibility study of microgrid, role of HOMER
software for modeling of system and resource generation algorithm. After that, two
cases (i) Wind-Diesel and (ii) PV-Wind-Diesel system have been analyzed and
simulated in isolated and grid connected modes and results have been explained in


Microgrids have revolutionized the scenario of power system. Functional

integration with the grid, islanded operation, meeting the load requirements, reliability
of the main grid and reducing the GHG emissions are few of the benefits of this
revolution. Many microgrid configurations have been proposed by different
researchers for different sites.

G.Bekele and G. Tadesse [38] presented a Feasibility study of small

Hydro/PV/Wind hybrid system for off-grid rural electrification in Ethiopia. Although
the proposed system has a relatively higher COE than the national tariff, in view of
the energy shortage at the national level, resistance to deforestation, clean energy

development, changing the life of the poor in remote regions and expansion of power
generation it is a highly commendable solution. M. da Rocha and his colleagues [92]
proposed feasibility study for hybrid electric generating system with Wind-Diesel and
grid sources for feeding the energy demand with more reliability and keeping or
improving the clean characteristics of the Brazilian electrical matrix. The analysis of
economic viability showed to the attractiveness of the project, providing a reasonable
payback time. M. Dowling and others [93] presented economic feasibility analysis of
electricity generation from landfill gas in South Africa using Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW). Methane collection from LFGTE is a green house gas that contributes to the
global warming twenty one times more than carbon dioxide. S. Rehman and his co-
workers [142] presented Feasibility study of a wind-pv-diesel hybrid power system
for a village. The possibility of utilizing power of the wind and sun to reduce the
dependence on fossil fuel for power generation to meet the energy requirement of a
small village Rowdat Ben Habbas located in the north eastern part of Saudi Arabia is
checked. D. Saheb-Koussa and his team [29] proposed an economic and technical
study of a hybrid system (windphotovoltaicdiesel) for rural electrification in
Algeria. The primary objective of this study is to estimate the appropriate dimension
of stand-alone hybrid photovoltaic/wind/diesel with battery storage that guarantee the
energy autonomy of typical remote consumer with lowest cost of energy. J. Dekker
and his team [65] presented an economic analysis of PV/diesel hybrid power systems
in different climatic zones of South Africa. Rural communities in South Africa endure
poor access to electricity mostly due to the lack of grid connected power lines. K.R.
Ajao and others [79] proposed cost benefit analysis of hybrid solar-wind generation
relative to utility in Nigeria. Richard W. Wies et. al. [129] presented a Simulink
Model for economic analysis and environmental impacts of a PV with Diesel-Battery
system for remote villages. Although, numbers of feasibility schemes have been
proposed so far, there exists a lot of scope for further improvement especially in
technical, economical and environmental impacts of renewable sources in
autonomous and grid connected modes for a location in India.
In order to overcome most of the drawbacks of the above schemes, three novel
techniques for microgrid analysis have been proposed using techno-economic
analysis. Also, the environmental impacts of these configurations have been simulated
and analyzed.

(i) Initially, feasibility of the proposed algorithm have been tested on a
Wind- Diesel hybrid system proposed for a site in Kutch, Gujarat, India.
(ii) In order to further improve microgrid performance, a scheme with PV-
Wind- Diesel is developed for feasibility study.
(iii) Eventually, the extension of the approach described in (i) and (ii) is
utilized for the development of a new grid connected microgrid.


The software used for this purpose is HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model
for Energy Resources). This software has the capability of performing the analysis in
small time steps. HOMER, the micro power optimization model, simplifies the task of
evaluating designs of both off-grid and grid-connected power systems for a variety of
applications. When you design a power system, you must make many decisions about
the configuration of the system: What components does it make sense to include in
the system design? How many and what size of each component should you use? The
large number of technology options and the variation in technology costs and
availability of energy resources make these decisions difficult. HOMER's
optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms make it easier to evaluate the many
possible system configurations. It enables the user to schematically construct a
configuration of hybrid power system, include number of technology options, run a
simulation, analyze the results, manage the data in a completely integrated and
graphical environmental [53]. Online plotting functions, controls and resources are
also included in HOMER so that the user can alter system parameters.

HOMER simulates the operation of a system by making energy balance

calculations in each time step of the year. For each time step, HOMER compares the
electric and thermal demand in that time step to the energy that the system can supply
in that time step, and calculates the flows of energy to and from each component of
the system. For systems that include batteries or fuel-powered generators, HOMER
also decides in each time step how to operate the generators and whether to charge or
discharge the batteries. It performs these energy balance calculations for each system
configuration that you want to consider. It then determines whether a configuration is
feasible, i.e., whether it can meet the electric demand under the conditions that you

specify, and estimates the cost of installing and operating the system over the lifetime
of the project. The system cost calculations account for costs such as capital,
replacement, operation and maintenance, fuel, and interest.

1) Optimization

After simulating all of the possible system configurations, HOMER displays a list of
configurations, sorted by net present cost (sometimes called lifecycle cost), that you
can use to compare system design options.

2) Sensitivity Analysis

When you define sensitivity variables as inputs, HOMER repeats the optimization
process for each sensitivity variable that you specify. For example, if you define wind
speed as a sensitivity variable, HOMER will simulate system configurations for the
range of wind speeds that you specify.


For the techno-economic analysis, the microgrid has been represented using
the microsources, convertor, battery and grid in HOMER. To ensure the proper
operation of microgrid, resource data must be obtained from the reliable source. Here,
PV and Wind resource data are obtained using different algorithms and websites.


The latitude specifies your location on the Earth's surface. It is an important

variable in solar calculations. This location is used to calculate radiation values from
clearness indices, and vice versa. It also uses the latitude to calculate the radiation
incident on a tilted surface.

4.4.1 PV Resource

Baseline Data

The baseline data is a one-year time series representing the average global
solar radiation on the horizontal surface, expressed in kWh/m2, for each time step of
the year. HOMER displays the monthly average radiation and clearness index of the

baseline data in the solar resource table and graph. There are two ways to create
baseline data: you can use HOMER to synthesize hourly data from monthly averages,
or you can import time series radiation data from a file. To synthesize data, you must
enter twelve average monthly values of either solar radiation or clearness index. You
do not have to enter both; it calculates one from the other using the latitude. Enter
each monthly value in the appropriate row and column of the solar resource table. As
you enter values in the table, it builds a set of 8,760 solar radiation values, or one for
each hour of the year. The proposed algorithm creates the synthesized values using
the Graham algorithm [135], which results in a data sequence that has realistic day-to-
day and hour-to-hour variability and autocorrelation. A stochastic procedure for
generating synthetic sets of hourly solar irradiation values, suitable for use in solar
simulation design work. The daily atmospheric transmittance Kt for the day is broken
down into hourly irradiation events by a stochastic procedure. Random fluctuations
are ignored in all solar study, but research by Graham has shown the thermal
performance of a number of solar energy devices. To build a model, the effect of
process history, air mass and daily clearness index have been investigated.

The solar radiation data for the proposed site is obtained from NASA's Surface
Solar Energy Data Set provides monthly average solar radiation data for everywhere
on earth at For this work, solar radiation data is
obtained from NASA website. The latitude and longitude for the selected site is
23.040 and 72.380.

4.4.2 Wind Resource

When you have no access to measured wind speed data, you can create time
series wind speed data using HOMER's synthetic wind speed data synthesis
algorithm. This algorithm requires you to enter a few parameters, from which it
generates artificial but statistically reasonable time series data. The algorithm
produces data that mimic the characteristics of real wind speed data, including strong
and sustained gusts, long lulls between windy periods, and seasonal and diurnal


To generate synthetic wind speed data, go to the Wind Resources Inputs window and
choose Enter monthly averages. You must enter the twelve monthly average wind
speeds, as well as the following four parameters:

Parameter Description
Weibull k Reflects the breadth of the distribution of wind speeds
over the year
1-hour autocorrelation Reflects how strongly the wind speed in one time step
factor tends to depend on the wind speed in the previous time
Diurnal Pattern Strength Reflects how strongly the wind speed depends on the
time of day.
Hour of Peak Wind Speed Reflects how strongly the wind speed depends on the
time of day.

Table 4.1 Parameters for generating synthetic wind speed data

One can estimate the value of each of these parameters without detailed knowledge
of the wind data in a particular location. The articles on each of the parameters give
guidance for doing so.


HOMER follows a five-step process to synthesize one year of time series wind speed

Step 1

In the first step of the algorithm, HOMER generates a sequence of auto correlated
numbers, one for each time step of the year, using the first-order autoregressive

= . 1 + () ...(4.1)


Zt = The value in time step i

Zt-1 = The value in time step i-1

a = the autoregressive parameter

f(t) = a white noise function that returns a random number drawn from a normal
distribution with mean of zero and standard deviation of 1.

HOMER sets the autoregressive parameter equal to the one-time-step autocorrelation


= 1 (4.2)

But on the Wind Resource Inputs window you enter the one-hour autocorrelation
coefficient, which is different from the one-time-step autocorrelation coefficient if the
time step is not 60 minutes.

To calculate the one-time-step autocorrelation coefficient from the one-hour

autocorrelation factor, HOMER assumes logarithmic decay in the autocorrelation
function, in which case the following equation gives the autocorrelation parameter for
a lag of k time steps:

= 1 (4.3)

Solving that for r1 gives:

1 = (4.4)

The one-hour autocorrelation factor is rk where k is the number of time steps that fit in
one hour, meaning:

= (4.5)

Where t is the time step in minutes. This first step of the algorithm produces a series
of numbers that conform to a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of 1.

Step 2

In the second step of the algorithm, HOMER creates a full year of data by piecing
together the desired average diurnal wind speed profile, repeated every day. Because
the average wind speed varies by month, the average diurnal wind speed profile scales
to a different value each month, but within each month the diurnal pattern simply
repeats over and over.

Step 3

In the third step, HOMER performs a probability transformation on the sequence of

numbers generated in Step 2 so that it conforms to the same normal distribution as the
sequence generated in Step 1.

Step 4

In the fourth step, HOMER adds the sequence generated in Step 3 to the sequence
generated in Step 1. The resulting sequence conforms to a normal distribution, but
exhibits the desired degree of autocorrelation.

Step 5

In the fifth and final step, HOMER performs a probability transformation on the
sequence generated in Step 4 to make it conform to the desired Weibull distribution.


Modeling of microgrid configuration and the proposed algorithm scheme are

discussed in this section.
4.5.1 Proposed Algorithm

Two different cases of hybrid system are taken into consideration (i) Wind-
Diesel Hybrid System and (ii) PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System. This section explains
the detailed algorithm steps to build the schematic and carry out techno-economic

1) Select different types of generators depending upon the availability of resources.
Prior survey of site for available resources, load and existing generation is required
for this purpose.
2) Decide maximum generation capacity for each type of generation. The attributes to
be taken into account for this purpose can be reliability of Microgrid and operating
reserve. Power exchange with grid can be additional attribute for energy deficit
3) Select incremental step size for each generator which is available commercially and
generally installed. For example, biomass gasifier systems are commercially available
in the range of 500 kW to few MW. Hence, incremental step size can be set to 500
kW for biomass fuelled generators.
4) Give priority to the DGs, i.e., from where the power should come first. For
example, natural resources will be on higher priority as compared to fossil fuel based
5) Generate all possible combinations for selected generators, ranging from zero to
maximum possible installation of each DG.
6) Check the generated combinations for validity. Each valid combination has to
satisfy systems electrical as well as thermal load requirement.
7) Calculate NPC and COE for each valid combination.
8) Find minimum of all NPC values and index corresponding to the minimum NPC.
9) The combination corresponding to minimum NPC is the optimal mix of the DGs.
Constraints on the objective function:
1) The output of each generator must be always positive, i.e., Pgi 0.
2) Maximum generation limit of renewable energy resources is limited by expected
power selling, amount of reserve capacity, and availability of natural resources.
Maximum rating of fuelled generator should be such that, total load of MicroGrid can
be supplied irrespective of other types of DGs. This maximum limit is defined as Pg
Pgmaxi .
3) The amount power exchanged between DG and utility is restricted by a mutual
contract and Government regulations. According to Electricity Regulatory
Committee, the import of electricity from the grid in any quarter during the financial
year should not exceed 10% of the total generation of electricity by such system,
except in case of unforeseen breakdown in the generation system for temporary

4) A self-sufficient system must not draw power from the utility grid.
5) Constraint based on availability of fuel can be simulated by setting availability of
generators to 1 or 0 depending upon whether unit is generating or not. Alternatively,
fuel price can be modified if the unit is run with another fuel.
6) Power generation and load balance is expressed by PG = PD.
7) The existing generation can be set as an equality constraint to the objective
4.5.2 Flowchart

Figure 4.1 shows the schematic block diagram of the proposed scheme.
Initially, the schematic is configured using software; technical and economic details
of the system under study are acquired by simulating the system.
4.5.3 System Study and Controls

Wind data :

Weibull k : 1.95, 1-hr Auto correlation factor : 0.893, Diurnal Pattern Strength : 0.283,
Hours of peak wind speed : 13, Anemometer height : 10 m, Scaled annual averages :
5,6,7,8 m/sec.

Diesel Data :

Life time 75 kW generator : 30,000 hours, life time 150 kW generator : 40,000 hours,
Minimum load ratio : 30%, Lower heating value : 432 MJ/kg, Density : 820 kg/m3,
Carbon Content : 88%, Sulpher content : 0.33%


After the system components and the equations, Modelling and simulations of the
micro power system is carried out. Large number of options are available for different
sizes of the components used, components to be added to the system which make
sense, cost functions of components used in the system. Optimization and sensitivity
analysis algorithms evaluated the possibility of system configuration. Range of
different fuel prices and different wind speeds are considered for modeling. The
system cost calculations account for costs such as capital, replacement, operation and
maintenance, fuel and interest. Figure 4.2 indicates the schematic modeling for Wind-
Diesel hybrid system consisting of storage battery, converter and load.


Enter the data : Solar Radiation, Wind Speed,

Load Details, Cost of different Components

j =1 Is system in
Isolated mode?

Enter the grid Inputs and

Type of Microgrid
Rates and details

Calculate the Cost of PV,

Wind, NPC and COE Compare the stand
alone system with
grid connected

NO Is NPC(j)
j =j+1 minimum ?


Display the techno-economic results of the

optimized configuration

Figure 4.1 Flowchart of the proposed algorithm for Case : 1 and Case : 2

4.6.1 Isolated Mode

The microgrid with one wind generator and two diesel generators along with
battery and convertor is simulated and analyzed in isolated mode. Figure 4.2 shows
the schematic diagram of Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System. The following
section discusses all the components used in proposed system in detail.

Figure 4.2 Schematic Diagram of Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System- Case:1

Wind Resource

The power generated by a wind turbine can be expressed as:

1 3
= . . . . (4.6)

Where A is the area of the rotor blade, vwind is the wind speed, is the air density

and Cp is the power coefficient. The power coefficient Cp is a function of the tip
speed ratio and the blade pitch angle . Induction generators are very popular in
wind turbine applications. They are reliable and well developed. Induction generators
are loosely coupled devices i.e. heavily damped and can have ability to absorb slight
changes in the rotor speed whilst remaining connected to electric grid.

The adoption of Kyoto protocols has some countries looking for the best way
to reduce Carbon Dioxide levels and increasing wind generation seems to be the
answer. As the ratio of installed wind capacity to the system load increases, the
required equipment needed to maintain a stable AC grid increases, forcing an
optimum amount of wind power in a given system. So the design of individual
components must be sized properly. In this modelling, 65 kW AC rated power is used
for the wind turbine. The power curve and cost curve for wind turbine is shown in
figures emerged as an important source of sustainable energy resource worldwide. 4.3
and 4.4 respectively.
Figure 4.3 Power Curve of a Wind Turbine Figure 4.4 Cost Curve of a Wind Turbine

The life time is taken as 25 years and Hub Height is 25 meters for the wind turbine
considered. Figure 4.5 shows wind resource for the proposed site.

Figure 4.5 Wind Resource

Diesel Engines

Diesel generators and combustion engines are mainly used for off-grid
generation. Low installed capacity, high shaft efficiency, suitable for start-stop
operation, and high exhaust heat are some of the advantages of combustion engines.
These engines convert heat from the combustion into work via rotation of shaft. The
shaft is directly coupled to the generator and electricity is produced. They run at a
speed defined by the frequency of supply grid. In this modeling 75 kW and 150 kW
diesel engines are used along with the wind turbine. Figure 4.6 and 4.7 shows the cost
curves of diesel generators rated for 75 kW and 150 kW respectively. Efficiency curve
of the diesel generators is shown in figure 4.8.

Figure 4.6 Cost Curve of 75kW Diesel Gen. Figure 4.7 Cost Curve of 150kW Diesel

Figure 4.8 Efficiency Curve of Diesel Generator

In addition to wind turbine and two diesel generators, storage battery, a converter
and a primary load is used in the modeling of Wind-Diesel hybrid system.

Load Details
The load details for the hybrid system is shown in figure 4.9. The seasonal
profile of load is considered with peak load as 207 kW. A primary load of 2.5
MWh/day having load factor 0.503 is taken for simulation.

Figure 4.9 Seasonal Load Details for hybrid Wind-Diesel System Case: 1

Cost Details

Component Wind Diesel Diesel Battery Convertor

Turbine Generator1 Generator2

Quantity (kW) 1 75 150 1 1

Capital ($) 265000 30000 40000 1500 20200

Replacement 165000 20000 32000 1200 20200


O & M ($/yr) 6000 0.075 1.5 30 4

Table 4.2 Cost Details of the Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Components Case : 1

Battery and Convertor details

Battery : Nominal Capacity : 1900 Ah, Nominal Voltage : 4V, Round trip
efficiency : 80%, Minimum State of Charge : 40%, Maximum charge rate : 1 A/Ah,
Maximum charge current : 67.5, Capacity ratio c : 0.251, Rate Constant k: 0.546 1/hr,
Maximum capacity : 1882 Ah, Convertor : Lifetime : 25 years, efficiency : 85%

4.6.2 Grid Connected Mode

The microgrid with one wind generator and two diesel generators along with
battery and convertor is simulated and analyzed in isolated mode. Figure 4.10 shows
the schematic diagram of grid connected Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System. The
following section discusses all the components used in proposed system in detail.

Figure 4.10 Schematic Diagram of Grid Connected Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

Case : 1

Figure 4.11 Optimized Results of Grid Connected Wind-Diesel Systems- Case:1

4.6.3 Techno-Economic Analysis of Case : 1

Sensitivity Variables

A sensitivity variable is an input variable for which multiple values have been
specified. HOMER performs a separate optimization procedure for each specified
value. HOMER designs an optimal hybrid system for each sensitivity case. A
sensitivity analysis can result in a huge amount of output data. Every simulation that
HOMER performs results in several dozen summary outputs (like the annual fuel
consumption and the total capital cost) plus about a dozen arrays of time series data
(e.g. the output of the wind turbine). For the proposed system, wind speed and diesel
fuel price are considered to be the sensitivity variables as shown in Table 4.3.

Sensitivity Wind Speed Diesel Price

Variables (m/s) ($/L)

1 4.5 0.2

2 6.0 0.3

3 7.0 0.4

4 8.0 0.5

5 - 0.6

6 - 0.7

7 - 0.8

Table 4.3 Sensitivity Variables Case:1

The simulation is performed for 4*7 = 28 total sensitivity cases and all combinations
are considered for simulation. Table 4.4 displays the values of each optimization
variable. It shows set of all possible variables in the system configuration. HOMER
simulates all possible configurations and sorts them according to net present cost. Total
configurations 7*1*1*5*7*4 = 980 simulations are created for the proposed
configuration and total possible configurations are 200 which are listed as overall
results. Time taken for simulation is 14:46 minutes.

Table: 4.4 Search Space Window - Simulation Parameters Case:1

Table: 4.5 Overall Results Window Case : 1

Table 4.6 Optimized Results Window Case:1

4.6.4 Results and Discussions Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

The proposed system is simulated and analyzed for three configurations: (i) Diesel
only (ii) Diesel Battery and (iii) Wind-Diesel Battery. The results of the simulation
are shown in table 4.8 for economic, technical and environmental aspects.


SYSTEM COST NPC($) 3,180,870 3,146,584 2,450,005
COST OF ENERGY ($/Kwh) 0.273 0.270 0.210
OPERATING COST ($/yr) 243,353 235,899 139,557
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 282154 274692 149413
DIESEL GENERATOR - 1 7% 20% 28%
DIESEL GENERATOR - 2 93% 80% 21%
CO2 (kg/yr) 743,003 723,354 393,453
CO (kg/yr) 1,834 1,785 971
HYDROCARBON (UH) 203 198 108
138 135 73.2
(PM) (kg/yr)

SO2 (kg/yr) 1,492 1,453 790
NOX (kg/yr) 16,365 15,932 8,666
912,500 912,500
30.9% 33.75%
- -
(RF) 0.471
Table 4.7 Results of the proposed Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Case:1

The details of the Wind-Diesel hybrid system are shown in the following section.

Cost Summary:

(i) By Component

Figure 4.12 Cost Summary By Component Case:1 (Isolated Mode)

Table 4.8 Cost Summary of Different Components By Component Case:1

(ii) By Cost Type

Figure 4.13 Cost Summary By Cost Type Case:1 (Isolated Mode)

Figure 4.14 Compare Economic of Diesel Only with Wind-Diesel System (Diesel
only Base Case)

Figure 4.15 Compare Economics of Diesel Battery with Wind-Diesel System (Diesel
Battery Base Case)

Figures shown above indicate the comparison of economics with Diesel Only and
Diesel Battery system with Wind-Diesel System in 4.12 and 4.13 respectively. Table
4.9 shows the comparison of payback period, return on investment, present worth and
annual worth.

Parameters Diesel Only Diesel Battery

Present Worth ($) 730866 696580
Annual Worth ($/yr) 57173 54491
Return on Investment (%) 17.4 18.0
Internal Rate of Return (%) 17.1 17.7
Simple Payback 5.54 5.69
Discounted Payback 7.06 6.87
Table 4.9 Comparative Parameters of Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

Cash Flow Summary:

Figure 4.16 Cash Flow Summary Case:1

Electrical Parameters

Figure 4.17 Monthly Average Electrical Production Case:1(Isolated Mode)

Renewable Penetration (%)

Figure 4.18 Monthly Renewable Penetration

Figure 4.19 Optimal System Type Case: 1 (Isolated Mode)

104 Different Cases for Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

The proposed hybrid system is tested for the different cases. The cases are shown in
the table below. These cases are classified as change in wind speed, change in load,
change in fuel price and change in cost of renewable energy technologies.


Table 4.10 Different cases for Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Case:1

For the change in various parameters like change in wind speed, change in
load, increase in diesel fuel price and decrease in price of renewable energy
technologies, the system is simulated and compared with the base case. The results of
the base case Wind-Diesel Hybrid System are shown in the above section. The system
is analyzed for Economic parameters like Net Present Cost, Levelized Cost of Energy,
Operation and Maintenance Cost and Initial Cost. Also, the technical parameters like
share of Wind Turbine and Diesel Generators 1 and 2 along with the Renewable
Fraction are simulated and analyzed for the various cases indicated in Table 4.10. The
effect of various Green House Gases emissions like Carbon Dioxide, Carbon
Monoxide, Unburned Hydrocarbon, Particulate Matter, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen
Oxides are studied and discussed for various cases are shown in Table 4.11. Effect of Addition of PV into Existing System

The proposed Wind-Diesel system is discussed for isolated and grid connected mode
for variation of different cases and parameters. In this section of the chapter, the effect
of addition of Photovoltaic system, is studied and analyzed. The results and Optimal
System Type are shown in table 4.12 and figure 4.20 respectively.

IC 52,099 666,000 52,099 666,000 666,000 972,000 692,500

O&M 139,557 128,338 152,811 158,120 121,392 167,490 116,457

COE 0.210 0.198 0.225 0.209 0.211 0.267 0.187

NPC 2,450,005 2,306,587 2,619,440 2,687,307 2,217,797 3,113,091 2,181,206

RF 0.471 0.520 0.413 0.445 0.498 0.567 0.564

WT 51% 56% 45% 48% 55% 66% 66%

DG1 21% 20% 22% 18% 24% 15% 14%

DG2 28% 24% 33% 34% 21% 19% 20%

CO2 393,453 359,007 434,121 450,111 338,424 310,912 322,238

CO 971 886 1,072 1,111 835 767 795

UH 108 98.2 119 123 92.5 85 88.1

PM 73.2 66.8 80.8 83.8 63 57.9 60

SO2 790 721 872 904 680 624 647

NOX 8,666 7,907 9,562 9,914 7,454 6,848 7,097

BEGED 128 113 145 140 116 194 101

Table 4.11 Results of Different Cases of Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

Parameters Wind-Diesel Hybrid PV- Wind-Diesel

System Hybrid System
NPC ($) 2,450,005 2,457,058
LCE ($/Kwh) 0.210 0.211
OC ($/yr) 139,557 139,522
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 149413 168950

RF 0.471 0.398
CO2 (kg/yr) 393,453 444,902
CO (kg/yr) 971 1098
UH (kg/yr) 108 122
PM (kg/yr) 73.2 82.8
SO2 (kg/yr) 790 893
NOX (kg/yr) 8,666 9799
Table 4.12 Effect of Addition of PV into the Existing System

Figure 4.20 Optimal System Type After Addition of PV Grid Connected Wind Diesel Hybrid System

The proposed system is simulated and analyzed for two configurations : (i) Wind-
Diesel Battery and (ii) Grid Connected Wind-Diesel Hybrid System. The results of
the simulation are shown in table 4.13 for economic, technical and environmental
aspects. As the system is connected to grid, buy and sale of power from grid is
possible as and when required.

SYSTEM COST NPC($) 2,450,005 1,880,330
COST OF ENERGY ($/Kwh) 0.210 0.114
OPERATING COST ($/yr) 139,557 53,525
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 149413 40106
CO2 (kg/yr) 393,453 -82,867
CO (kg/yr) 971 261
108 28.9
(UH) (kg/yr)
73.2 19.7
SO2 (kg/yr) 790 -310
NOX (kg/yr) 8,666 2,071
AC PRIMARY LOAD (kWh/yr) 912,500 (100%) 912,500 (71%)
GRID SALES (kWh/yr) - 376,350 (29%)
SYSTEM LOAD (kWh/yr) 912,500 1,288,850 (100%)
Table 4.13 Results of the proposed Grid Connected Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

The details of the Grid Connected Wind-Diesel hybrid system are shown in
the following section: Cost Summary, Cash Flow Summary and Electrical Parameters
and Breakeven Grid Extension Distance and Optimal System Type are discussed.

Cost Summary:

(i) By Component

Figure 4.21 Cost Summary By Component (Grid Connected Mode Case:1)

Table 4.14 Cost Summary of Different Components By Component (Grid

Connected Mode Case:1)

(ii) By Cost Type

Figure 4.22 Cost Summary By Cost Type (Grid Connected Mode Case:1)

Cash Flow Summary:

Figure 4.23 Cash Flow Summary (Grid Connected Mode Case:1)

Electrical Parameters

Figure 4.24 Monthly Average Electrical Production (Grid Connected Mode Case:1)

Figure 4.25 Breakeven Grid Extension Distance (Grid Connected Mode Case:1)

Figure 4.26 Optimal System Graph Grid Connected Wind-Diesel HPS


Case :1 Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System :

(i) The Wind-Diesel hybrid system is simulated in isolated mode with diesel only,
diesel battery and wind-diesel battery configurations. The NPC reduces to 23%, COE
reduces to 24% and renewable share in total power generation increases to 51% from
Diesel Only configuration. It has been observed a reduction of 50% in GHG
emissions, if wind turbine is added into diesel generators. The Wind-Diesel system
starts performing better after 5 years if economics of the system is considered. The
optimal system type shows the use of diesel generators when the fuel prices are less
than 0.45$/L and Diesel battery system is feasible for wind speeds upto 6.5m/s and
diesel fuel price ranges from 0.45 to 0.8 $/L. At high diesel prices and high wind
speed, penetration of wind shows enhanced system performance.

(ii) The proposed system has been checked for various conditions like change in wind
speed, change in load, change in fuel price and cost reduction of renewable energy
technologies. These cases are compared with the Wind-Diesel Battery hybrid system.
Increase in wind speed causes reduction in NPC and COE by 6%, increase in wind
penetration by 5% and reduction in GHG emissions by 9%.

(iii) The algorithm is tested by adding a PV resource into the existing proposed Wind-
Diesel hybrid system. As PV penetration is only 3%, share of diesel generators

becomes high. Hence, RF, wind penetration reduces and COE, NPC, GHG emissions
increases slightly.

(iv) An Isolated Wind-Diesel hybrid system is compared with the grid connected
hybrid system based on economic, technical and environmental parameters. The
results shown in Table 4.13 indicate grid purchase of 14%, due to which the NPC,
COE, OC and fuel consumed reduces in the range of 30 to 50%. GHG emissions does
not show any powerful impact in case of grid tied system. The power shared by the
diesel generators reduces and wind generators increases, hence RF improves for grid


After the system components and the equations, Modeling and simulations of the
micro power system with low load configuration is carried out. Large number of
options are available for different sizes of the components used, components to be
added to the system which make sense, cost functions of components used in the
system. Optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms evaluated the possibility of
system configuration. Range of different fuel prices and different wind speeds are
considered for modeling. The system cost calculations account for costs such as
capital, replacement, operation and maintenance, fuel and interest. Figure 4.28
indicates the schematic modeling for PV-Wind- Diesel hybrid system consisting of
storage battery, converter and load.

Wind data : Weibull k : 1.95, 1-hr Auto correlation factor : 0.893, Diurnal Pattern
Strength : 0.283, Hours of peak wind speed : 13, Anemometer height : 10 m, Scaled
annual averages : 5,6,7,8 m/sec.

Solar Data : Average Clearness Index : 0.519, Average Daily Radiation : 5.2
kWh/m2/d, Scaled Annual Average : 4.88, 5 kWh/m2/d, Lifetime : 20 years, Derating
Factor : 90%, Tracking System : Horizontal Axis, Continuous Adjustment

Diesel Data : Life time : 15,000 hours, Minimum load ratio : 30%, Lower heating
value : 43.2 MJ/kg, Density : 820 kg/m3, Carbon Content : 88%, Sulpher content :

4.7.1 Isolated Mode

The microgrid with PV-Wind-Diesel Generator along with battery and

convertor is simulated and analyzed in isolated mode. Figure 4.28 shows the
schematic diagram of Isolated PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System. The following
section discusses all the components used in proposed system in detail. This is
AC/DC Hybrid Power System.

Figure 4.27 Schematic Diagram of Isolated PV-Wind- Diesel Hybrid System in


Wind Resource

In this modelling, 0.4 kW DC rated power is used for the wind turbine. The
power curve and cost curve for wind turbine is shown in figures emerged as an
important source of sustainable energy resource worldwide 4.29 and 4.30

Figure 4.28 Power Curve of a Wind Turbine Figure 4.29 Cost Curve of a Wind

The life time is taken as 15 years and Hub Height is 25 meters for the wind turbine
considered. Figure 4.31 shows wind resource and 4.32 shows wind speed profile for
the proposed site.

Figure 4.30 Wind Resource Figure 4.31 Wind Speed Profile

Solar Resource

Solar resource for the site considered is shown in figure 4.32.

Figure 4.32 Solar Resource

Diesel Engines

In this modeling 1 kW diesel engine is used along with the wind turbine and PV
array. Figure 5 shows the cost curve of diesel generator rated for 1 kW.

Figure 4.33 Cost Curve of Diesel Gen. Figure 4.34 Efficiency Curve of Diesel Gen.

In addition to PV, Wind turbine and Diesel Generator, storage battery, a converter
and a primary load is used in the modeling of PV-Wind-Diesel hybrid system.

Load Details
The load details for the hybrid system is shown in figure 4.36. The seasonal
profile of load is considered with peak load as 144 W. A primary load of 0.910
kWh/day having load factor 0.263 is taken for simulation.

Fig. 4.35 (a) Daily and (ii) Seasonal Load Details for hybrid PV-Wind-Diesel System

Cost Details

Component PV Wind Diesel Battery Convertor

Turbine Generator

Quantity 0.4 1 1 1 1

Capital ($) 3000 1000 500 350 200

Replacement 3000 1000 400 350 200


O & M ($/yr) 0 10 0.15 4 20

Table 4.15 Cost Details of the PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Components

Battery and Convertor details

Battery : Nominal Capacity : 200 Ah, Nominal Voltage : 12V, Round trip
efficiency : 80%, Minimum State of Charge : 40%, Maximum charge rate : 1 A/Ah,
Maximum charge current : 60, Capacity ratio c : 0.184, Rate Constant k: 7.48 1/hr,
Maximum capacity : 193 Ah. Convertor : Lifetime : 15 years, efficiency : 90%

4.7.2 Grid Connected Mode

The microgrid with PV, wind generator and diesel generator along with
battery and convertor is simulated and analyzed in isolated mode. Figure 4.36 shows
the schematic diagram of Isolated PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System. The
following section discusses all the components used in proposed system in detail.

Figure 4.36 Schematic Diagram of Grid Connected PV-Wind- Diesel Hybrid System

Figure 4.37 Optimized Results of Grid Connected PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Systems

The simulation is completed in 21.03 seconds. The optimized results occur for Solar
Radiation 5 kWh/m2/d, wind speed 7 m/s and Diesel Price 0.9$/L.

4.7.3 Techno-Economic Analysis of Case : 1

Sensitivity Variables

A sensitivity variable is an input variable for which multiple values have been
specified. A sensitivity analysis can result in a huge amount of output data. For the

proposed system, wind speed and diesel fuel price are considered to be the sensitivity
variables as shown in table 4.16.

Sensitivity Solar Radiation Wind Speed Diesel Price

Variables (m/s)
(kWh/m2/d) ($/L)

1 4.88 4.5 0.8

2 5.00 6.0 0.85

3 -- 7.0 0.9

4 -- 8.0 --

Table 4.16 Sensitivity Variables Case:2

Three sensitivity cases (i) solar annual averages : 4.88 and 5 kWh/m2/d, (ii) Wind
Speed : 4.5,5,6 and 7 and (iii) Diesel fuel prices : 0.8,0.85 and 0.9 $/L, are considered
for simulation. Total 24 sensitivity cases (2*4*3 = 24) with 2880 number of
simulations are simulated for the proposed system. Table 4.17 displays the values of
each optimization variable. It shows set of all possible variables in the system
configuration. HOMER simulates all possible configurations and sorts them according
to net present cost.

Table : 4.17 Search Space Window - Simulation Parameters PV-Wind-Diesel Case :2

Table 4.18 Overall Results Window Case : 2

Table 4.19 Optimized Results Window Case : 2

4.7.4 Results and Discussions Isolated PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

The proposed system is simulated and analyzed for three configurations: (i) PV-
Diesel Battery (ii) PV-Wind Battery and (iii) PV-Wind-Diesel Battery. The results of
the simulation are shown in table 4.20 for economic, technical and environmental
aspects. The detailed results are shown in the following section.

SYSTEM COST NPC($) 4,053 3,396 3,159
0.955 0.800 0.744
OPERATING COST ($/yr) 97.6 85.4 83.6
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 20.7 -- 10.9
PHOTOVOLTAIC 89% 25% 14%
WIND TURBINE -- 75% 82%
DIESEL GENERATOR - 1 11% -- 4%
CO2 (kg/yr) 54.5 0.0 28.7
CO (kg/yr) 0.134 0.0 0.071
HYDROCARBON (UH) 0.0149 0.0 0.00786
0.0101 0.0 0.00535
MATTER (PM) (kg/yr)
SO2 (kg/yr) 0.109 0.0 0.0577
NOX (kg/yr) 1.2 0.0 0.633
SYSTEM LOAD (kWh/yr) 332 332 332
25.1% --
0.846 1.000
Table 4.20 Results of the proposed PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

Figures shown below indicate the Cost summary, comparison of economics with PV-
Diesel Battery and PV-Wind-Diesel Battery system. The Present Worth for the
compared systems is 894$ and Annual Worth is $ 70/yr.

Cost Summary: (i) By Component

Figure 4.38 Cost Summary By Component Case:2

Table 4.21 Cost Summary of Different Components By Component Case:2

(ii) By Cost Type

Figure 4.39 Cost Summary By Cost Type Case:2

Figure 4.40 Compare Economic of PV-Diesel Battery with PV-Wind-Diesel Battery
System (PV-Diesel Battery Base Case)

Cash Flow Summary:

Figure 4.41 Cash Flow Summary Case:2

Electrical Parameters

Figure 4.42 Monthly Average Electrical Production Case:2

Renewable Penetration (%)

Figure 4.43 Monthly Renewable Penetration Case:2

Figure 4.44 Optimal System Type Case:2 (Isolated Mode) Different Cases for PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System : Case : 2

The proposed hybrid system is tested for the different cases. The cases are shown in
the table below. These cases are classified as change in wind speed, change in load,

change in fuel price, change in cost of renewable energy technologies and change in
solar radiation.


Table 4.22 Different cases for PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System Case:2

For the change in various parameters as shown in table 4.22, the system is
simulated and compared with the base case.


A 2090 83.6 0.744 3,159
B 2,090 72.1 0.709 3,012
C 2150 99.4 0.806 3,420
D 2,265 84.9 0.717 3,350
E 2090 71.4 0.786 3,002
F 2090 86.1 0.751 3,190
G1 1828 80.1 0.672 2,851
G2 1790 71.9 0.638 2,709
H 2090 82.1 0.739 3,140
I 2090 82.5 0.740 3,144
(a) Economic Parameters for Case : 2

A 14% 82% 4% 0.935
B 15% 84% 2% 0.965
C 16% 76% 8% 0.862
D 15% 81% 4% 0.939
E 15% 82% 2% 0.957
F 15% 81% 4% 0.936
G1 15% 81% 4% 0.936
G2 15% 81% 4% 0.936
H 16% 81% 3% 0.939
I 14% 82% 4% 0.938
(b) Technical Parameters of Case : 2


A 28.7 0.071 0.00786 0.00535 0.0577 0.633
B 15.7 0.0387 0.00428 0.00291 0.0315 0.345
C 45.2 0.112 0.0124 0.00842 0.0908 0.996
D 29.9 0.0737 0.00816 0.00556 0.06 0.658
E 17.6 0.0435 0.00482 0.00328 0.0354 0.388
F 28.2 0.0697 0.00772 0.00525 0.0567 0.622
G1 28.2 0.0697 0.00772 0.00525 0.0567 0.622
G2 28.2 0.0697 0.00772 0.00525 0.0567 0.622
H 27.3 0.0675 0.00747 0.00509 0.0549 0.602
I 27.4 0.0677 0.0075 0.0051 0.0551 0.604
(c) Environmental Parameters of Case : 2

Table 4.23 Results of Different Cases of PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System - Case : 2

The results of the base case PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System are shown in the above
section. The system is analyzed for Economic parameters, technical parameters and
environmental parameters are studied and discussed for various are shown in Table
4.23 (a), (b) and (c).

124 Effect of Removal of Wind Turbine from the Existing System

In this section of the chapter, the effect of removal of Wind Turbine from the existing
system, is studied and analyzed. The results are shown in table 4.24.

Parameters PV-Diesel Hybrid PV- Wind-Diesel

System Hybrid System
NPC ($) 3,977 3,159
LCE ($/Kwh) 0.937 0.744
OC ($/yr) 116 83.6
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 34.0 10.9
RF 0.695 0.935
CO2 (kg/yr) 89.5 28.7
CO (kg/yr) 0.221 0.071
UH (kg/yr) 0.0245 0.00786
PM (kg/yr) 0.0166 0.00535
SO2 (kg/yr) 0.18 0.0577
NOX (kg/yr) 1.97 0.633
Table 4.24 Effect of Removal of Wind Turbine from the Existing System Grid Connected PV-Wind Diesel Hybrid System

The proposed system is simulated and analyzed for two configurations : (i) Wind-
Diesel Battery and (ii) Grid Connected Wind-Diesel Hybrid System. The results of
the simulation are shown in table 4.10 for economic, technical and environmental

The details of the Grid Connected PV-Wind-Diesel hybrid system are shown
in the following section: Cost Summary, Cash Flow Summary and Electrical
Parameters and Breakeven Grid Extension Distance and Optimal System Type are

SYSTEM COST NPC($) 3,159 2,386
COST OF ENERGY ($/Kwh) 0.744 0.316
OPERATING COST ($/yr) 83.6 47.4
FUEL CONSUMED (L/yr) 10.9 0.0
CO2 (kg/yr) 28.7 -75
CO (kg/yr) 0.071 0.0
UH (kg/yr) 0.00786 0.0
(PM) (kg/yr) 0.00535 0.0
SO2 (kg/yr) 0.0577 -0.325
NOX (kg/yr) 0.633 -0.159
Table 4.25 Results of the proposed Grid Connected PV-Wind-Diesel System Case:2

Cost Summary:

(i) By Component

Figure 4.45 Cost Summary By Component Case:2 Grid Connected Mode

Table 4.26 Cost Summary of Different Components By Component Case:2 Grid
Connected Mode

(ii) By Cost Type

Figure 4.46 Cost Summary By Cost Type Case:2 Grid Connected Mode

Cash Flow Summary:

Figure 4.47 Cash Flow Summary Case:2 Grid Connected Mode

Electrical Parameters

Figure 4.48 Monthly Average Electrical Production Case:2 Grid Connected Mode

Figure 4.49 Interpolated Values Case:2 Grid Connected Mode

Figure 4.50 Optimal System Graph Grid Connected Wind-Diesel HPS


Case :2 PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System :

(i) The PV-Wind-Diesel hybrid system is simulated in isolated mode with pv-diesel
battery, pv-wind battery and pv-wind-diesel battery configurations. The NPC reduces
to 23%, COE reduces to 24% and renewable share in total power generation due to
diesel reduces to 7% from pv-diesel battery system. It has been observed a reduction
of around 50% in GHG emissions, if wind turbine is added into pv-diesel battery
system. The renewable fraction improves from 0.846 to 0.935 in cases of pv-diesel
battery and pv-wind-diesel battery system. The optimal system type shows the use of
pv-diesel battery system for wind speeds less than 4.65 m/s, pv-wind battery system
for wind speed ranging from 4.65 to 5.5 m/s and pv-wind-diesel battery system for
wind speeds higher than 5.5 m/s.

(ii) The proposed system has been checked for various conditions like change in wind
speed, change in load, change in solar radiation, change in fuel price and cost
reduction of renewable energy technologies. These cases are compared with the PV-
Wind-Diesel Battery hybrid system. Increase in wind speed by 10% causes reduction
in NPC and COE by 5%, increase in renewable fraction by 4% and reduction in GHG
emissions by 45% compared to the base case. When the load increases by 10%, the
NPC increases by 5% and COE reduces by 5%. There exist no significant change in
technical and environmental parameters for increase in load. As the pv penetration in
the hybrid system is very small, the change in solar radiation cause very nominal
change in all parameters. Furthermore, the increase in diesel fuel price, increases the
COE, slight reduction in GHG emissions of almost 1%. With the increasing demand,
the cost of the renewable technologies reduces. The reduction in cost of renewable
technologies by 30%, causes to reduce NPC and COE by 15% in case of wind
resource. The reduction of 10% is observed in NPC and COE, if the cost of PV
technology reduces by 30%.

(iii) The algorithm is tested by removing a wind resource from the existing proposed
PV-Wind-Diesel hybrid system. As wind penetration was 82%, share of diesel
generators increases. Hence, RF reduces and COE, NPC, GHG emissions, PV
penetration increases slightly.

(iv) An Isolated PV-Wind-Diesel hybrid system is compared with the grid connected
hybrid system based on economic, technical and environmental parameters. The
results shown in Table 4.25 indicate grid purchase of 22%, due to which the NPC,
COE, OC and fuel consumed reduces in the range of 25 to 30%. GHG emissions does
not show any powerful impact in case of grid tied system. The power shared by the
diesel generators reduces and pv-wind penetration reduces compared to isolated
mode, hence RF decreases for grid connection.


This chapter is mainly divided in two parts : (i) Case : 1 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System
and (ii) Case : 2 PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System. The system proposed in Case : 1
is with high primary load and the system in Case : 2 consists of slightly less load.
These configurations are designed and simulated. The behaviour of these two systems
are analyzed for different technical, economical and environmental parameters.
Following observations are made for the systems proposed:

Case : 1 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System : The results of HOMER modelling shows that
if, cost summary, cash flow summary, electrical production or emissions and cost of
wind turbine, battery and converter us considered as a whole, Wind-diesel hybrid
system is far better than a system with only two diesel generators. Total Net Present
Cost is very low compared to cases where Diesel Only and Diesel Battery systems are
employed. To summarize, addition of a wind turbine, converter and battery in existing
diesel generators system is feasible. The optimal system type shows that for low
diesel prices and low wind speeds, the system with two diesel generators is feasible,
but as the diesel prices increases with lower wind speeds, diesel-battery system shows
optimum performance. Wind-diesel-battery system approach is the best when the
diesel prices and wind speeds are high. To summarize, addition of a wind turbine with
two diesel generators shows better system approach in terms of Net Present Cost
(NPC) and performance compared to a system with only two diesel generators.

Case : 2 PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid System : The results of the proposed scheme for
isolated and grid connected modes shows that the cost summary, cash flow summary,
electrical production or emissions and cost of PV-Wind-diesel hybrid system is
feasible. Total Net Present Cost is $3159. From the optimal system type it is clear that
at lower wind speeds, PV/Battery/Diesel configuration is optimum, at medium wind

speeds Wind/PV/Battery configuration is feasible and at higher wind speeds,
PV/Wind/Diesel/Battery configuration shows optimum results. As wind speed
increases, the penetration of PV and diesel reduces. The grid connected mode shows
reduction in NPC compared to isolated mode. The proposed scheme is analyzed for
variations in different parameters such as change in wind speed, change in solar
radiation, change in loading conditions, increase in diesel fuel price and decrease in
cost of renewable energy technologies.


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