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Name: PanutaRomelia
School: LiceulTeoretic George Valsan Faurei
Grade: 7th
Date: February 28th 2017
No of students:22
Textbook: Snapshot
Level: Intermediate
Lesson: They emigrated to the USA .Making polite requests, agreeing or refusing with
reason. Verbs used to/ be used to/ get used to
Time: 50 min.

Aims (for the teacher):

- to engage and motivate students in the activities
- to develop reading skills
- to introduce inductively the form and use of used to/ be used to/get used to
- to encourage students to express freely and spontaneously on the topic
- to introduce ways of making polite requests, of agreeing or refusing with reason

Objectives (for students)By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. to read a text for specific information
2. to make polite requests ,agree or refuse with reason
3. to use correctly used to/be used to /get used to in sentences
4. to use the structures used to/ be used to/get used to in real life situations

Anticipated problems:
- They may not understand the meaning of some words
- Ss may make mistakes when talking or writing

- Ss are familiar with different types of exercises and interaction when practising

Skills: reading, writing, speaking

Materials: textbook, notebooks, worksheets, flipchart paper

Abbs, Brian, Freebairn, Ingrid: Snapshot Intermediate-Students Book, Longman 2008
Harmer, Jeremy: The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, UK, 1999
Scrivener, Jeremy: Learning teaching, Macmillan, New Edition
Vizental Adriana-MetodicaPredariilimbiiengleze, Polirom, Iasi. 2007
The Internet
Activity 1
Aim: to check the understanding of the previous lesson
Objective : to use correctly phrasal verbs in sentences
Procedure: T checks SS homework.
T indicates where the error is, but lets the SS correct themselves.
T expresses her opinions about the way SS accomplished the given task.
Class organization: T-Ss, frontal
Time: 5 min

Activity 2
Aims: to get Ss involved into the topic
to activate Ss knowledge of language
Objective: to predict the topic of the lesson
Procedure:T asks Ss to look in their texbooks on page 82 and guess what the lesson is about
considering the title and the picture.

What do you think the title means?

What does it refer to ?
emigrate = to leave your own country, to
go and live in another one.

Do you know anyone who has emigrated?

Where did they go?
What were the reasons?
Class organization: T-Ss, frontal
Time: 3 min

Activity 3
Aims: to develop reading skills
Objective: to read a text for specific information
Procedure: T tellsSs the title of the new lesson and announces the objectives
T asks Ss to role-play the dialogue.
T asks Ss if there are any words they dont know.
T writes the new words on the blackboard and Ss in their notebooks
bagpipe = traditional musical instrument from
weird = strange
wailing cats = lamentation
eventually = finally = at last
ancestors = people who lived before us
T asks Ss to answer the questions in the textbook.
In pairs, Ss answer the questions. T checks the answers with the whole class.
Class organization: T-Ss; frontal pair work
Time: 10 min
Activity 4:
Aim:to introduce ways of making polite requests, of agreeing or refusing with reason
Objective: to make polite requests ,agree or refuse with reason according to some pictures
Procedure: T asks Ss how Kelly asked the passerby to take the photo and elicits the answer.
Ss are given worksheets. They are asked to list expressions( related to ways of making polite
requests, agreeing to requests or refusing with reason) under the correct heading. In pairs, Ss
solve the task. Ss are asked to solve ex 1 on their worksheets. They complete the
conversations and match them to the pictures and write dialogues for the remaining two
pictures. In pairs, Ss solve the task. T checks the answers with the whole class.
Class organization:T-Ss; frontal;pair work
Time: 10 min

Activity 5:
Aim :to introduce used to/be used to/get used to
Objective: to elicit the forms and the meaning of the new structures from examples
Procedure:T tells Ss they are going to read some sentences on the worksheets about a S who
left university and got a job.T helps Ss with questions to understand the meaning of the
structures used. Ss are asked to solve exercise 2 on their worksheets. They have to match the
sentences with their uses. Then they complete some sentences with the correct form of used
to, be used to or get used to and the infinitive or gerund (-ing form).(worksheet-ex 3)
Class organization: T-Ss, pair work
Time: 11 min

Activity 6
Aim: to give Ss practice in using the new structure
Objective: to talk about their personal experience using the new grammar structure
Procedure: T tells Ss to imagine they left their country and moved to the USA. Ss are
divided in three groups. The students in the first group write about their past habits in
Romania.(using the structure used to). The students in the second group write about the
difficulties they found at first in the USA. (using the strucure get used to) The students in
the third group write about the things they became accustomed to (be use to). Ss write their
answers on flipchart papers. T checks the answers with the whole class
Class organization: T-Ss, pair work/group work
Time:8 min

Homework/ Assigning homework-3 min

-ex 4-worksheet.T gives all the necessary information, appreciates the work of the students
and rewards the most active ones with good marks

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