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Luther Strange Facts


Strange has made millions from billion-dollar corporations and taxpayer-funded
entities during his two-decade career as a D.C. lobbyist. Strange has declined to
reveal whether his compensation from lobbying is in the six-figure range or the
seven-figure range.
After receiving tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from his
former lobbying firm, Attorney General Strange awarded the company with
lucrative state contracts using taxpayer money. The firm thereafter continued to
donate to Stranges re-election.
One of Stranges top clients as a lobbyist outsourced thousands of Alabama jobs to
Mexico and Honduras. Strange lobbied specifically for legislation (CAFTA) that
contributed to the outsourcing of Alabama jobs.
Strange has a personal equity ownership in an EB-5 visa development project, a
controversial program in which wealthy foreign nationals can purchase visas.
Strange called on the Alabama legislature to weaken provisions of a 2011 state law
on immigration, including a measure designed to combat sanctuary cities.
There is absolutely no evidence that Luther Strange supported Trump before he
won the presidency.
Strange lobbied for the Deepwater Horizon oil rigs parent company Transocean
(a Swiss company), which the state of Alabama sued in 2010 for the severe
economic damage that the oil spill inflicted on the state.
Over $7 million dollars in out of state money has already been spent on Stranges
behalf in this election.

Net Worth
2017: Estimated assets listed between $1,420,000 and $2,922,00.

Political Donations
Strange Has A Long History Of Political Giving, Having Donated To Several Establishment
Republicans Over The Years. Strange Listed Lobbyist As His Occupation On Multiple
Occasions. (OpenSecrets)
Out Of State Swamp Money Floods Alabama To Save Strange

Mitch McConnells Senate Leadership Fund spending on Strange so far in 2017:

$5,626,593.95 (FEC Itemizer)

Percent of SLF money raised from Alabama this year: 0.56% ($55,000 from Alabama out
of $9,791,070.00 raised this year.) (FEC Itemizer)

Total raised by Strange campaign (2016-2017): $3,345,604.15

Total Strange raised from PACs, Corporations and Committees: $1,149,589.33

Total Strange raised in 2017: $3,029,954.15

Total out of state money Strange raised in 2017: $1,520,165.11

Total Strange raised from Washington D.C. (DC, MD, Northern VA): $703,576.83

Politico Headline: K Streets Money Backing Strange In Alabama Special. (Politico)

Less than 1% of Stranges money comes from donations under $200. (OpenSecrets)

Judge Moore has raised 10 times more money than Strange from small donors. (OpenSecrets)

No Record Of Strange Supporting Trump In Primary Or General Election

Strange is a seasoned Facebook user, posting over 115 times in 2016 before election day.
His posts ranged from asking for donations to congratulating politicians on victories to
his thoughts on Pokemon Go. While his posts varied one thing was certain: Donald
Trump was ignored. During an election which captivated millions, Strange never once
mentioned Trump, let alone voiced his support for him. Not one post post congratulating
Trump on becoming the nominee. Not one post congratulating Trump on winning the

Since Trumps Election And Stranges Appointment To The Senate He Has

Drastically Altered His Facebook Postings. In 200+ Facebook posts since Trumps
election Strange has posted praise of Trump 110 times.

The Strange Campaign Could Provide No Evidence Strange Supported Trump When
Asked By Conservative Media. Breitbart News has reached out to Stranges office to
ask him if he ever endorsed Trumpno public record of him endorsing Trump before
the general election in November 2016 has been uncovered. Stranges office has refused
to provide to Breitbart News any evidence he supported the president before he won. An
early Trump supporter in Alabamathe campaigns 2016 state co-chairman, who is now
backing Brookstells Breitbart News exclusively as well that Strange never supported
the president all the way through the general election and did not appear at any Trump
events or help the campaign whatsoever until after Trump had defeated Democrat
Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Breitbart)

Stranges Long History Of Friendly Relations With The DC Swamp

VIDEO: Robert Bentley: Mitch McConnell Mentioned Luther Strange First When I
Visited Him About Sessions Replacement

New York Times: Luther Strange Is No Stranger To The Swamp. (New York Times)

Strange Became A Washington Lobbyist In 1985 When He Became Director Of

Federal Affairs For Sonat Energy.

Conservative Review: Strange Was Quickly Embraced By The Swamp Monsters And
Lobbyists In Washington. (Conservative Review)
While Serving As Attorney General, Strange Likely Broke Alabama Law By Taking
$50,000 In Political Donations Funneled Through a DC Establishment Group Closely
Tied To Him. "In April, a national 527 organization, the Republican Attorneys General
Association, created a political action committee in the state, the RAGA Alabama PAC. The
national 527 then transferred $50,000 to the Alabama committee. Around the same time,
that PAC donated $50,000 to Strange's campaign for attorney general. Strange serves on
the executive committee of the national group, and his former campaign manager,
Jessica Garrison, is its executive director. Here's the problem: Alabama's campaign
finance law forbids 527s and PACs from giving money to other 527s and PACs." (

Strange Broke The Very Law He Claimed To Support In His Failed Run For
Lieutenant Governor. During Strange's news conference, he outlined an ethics
plan that includes provisions also advocated by Republican Gov. Bob Riley. They
included banning transfers of money between political action committees, which
can disguise the source of the money, and requiring lobbyists to report publicly
what they spend entertaining legislators. (Associated Press, 10/11/06)

Strange Returned The Donation When Questioned About Its Legality By

Alabama Media. After the Alabama Media Group inquired about the transfer
last week, the Strange campaign returned the donation to the PAC, while
maintaining that it did not believe the contribution violated Alabama's campaign
finance law that bans transfers between PACs and 527s. "The Campaign is not
aware of any legal violation," Strange campaign treasurer J. Ashley Newman
wrote to the PAC's treasurer on Friday. "Nonetheless, in an abundance of caution,
we are returning the contribution and enclosing a check in the amount of
$50,000." (

Strange Made Millions During His Lucrative Lobbying Career In Washington D.C.

Lobbying records for Strange only begin in 1999, at which point he had already been a
federal lobbyist for 14 years. Lobbying disclosures with the US Senate show from 1999 to
2008 Stranges clients paid $6,674,000. (Strange Lobbying Disclosures)

Stranges Clients Ranged From Healthcare Providers And Energy Companies To

Municipalities. (Strange Lobbying Disclosures)

Strange's Former Lobbying Clients Are Among The Top Five Contributors To His
Senate Campaign. Disclosures show Vulcan Materials and HealthSouth Corporation paid
$1,700,000 to Stranges firm for his lobbying services. Employees from both companies
have given over $24,000 to Stranges campaign. (Strange Lobbying Disclosures)

Stranges Firm Accepted At Least $1,020,000 From Taxpayer Funded Entities For His
Lobbying Work. $160,000 from Central Alabama Community College, $110,000 from the
University of Montevallo and $750,000 from various Alabama cities. Again, these figures
are only from 1999-2008. (Strange Lobbying Disclosures)

Strange Lobbied On Behalf Of Transocean, The Switzerland-Based Parent Company

Of The Deepwater Horizon Rig. Luther Strange, Republican candidate for attorney
general, once lobbied for the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded in the
Gulf of Mexico, according to federal records.As a Washington, D.C., lobbyist in the 1980s
and '90s, Alabama attorney general candidate Luther Strange represented oil industry
clients including the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded in the Gulf of
Mexico, according to federal records. Documents filed with the U.S. Senate and signed by
Strange show that the Birmingham Republican was registered to represent Transocean
Offshore Drilling Co. on matters related to offshore drilling in 1998. (Huntsville Times)

Alabama Sued Transocean In 2010 For The Economic Damage That The Oil Spill
Caused. Gov. Robert Bentley on Thursday announced that the state will receive $20
million as part of a settlement with the owner of the controversial Deepwater Horizon oil
rig. Switzerland-based Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling, Inc. owned the floating
drill rig that in April 2010 following a well destabilization suffered an explosion that
killed 11 workers, caused a massive fire and spilled over 3 million barrels of oil into the
Gulf of Mexico. (Birmingham Business Journal)

In 2006, Strange Declined To State If His Lobbying Income Was Six Or Seven Figures
But Defended His Profession Saying, Lobbyist Is Not A Bad Word. Republican
Luther Strange declined to say if he makes six or seven figures in his corporate-lobbying
job, but it's obvious it's a whole lot more than 50 grand. "I do very well," Strange says
"Haley Barbour was a lobbyist, and now he's helping the people of Mississippi as their
governor," he says. "People in Alabama who have issues in Washington have hired me to
represent their interests, and I'm proud of that. My clients have included Children's
Hospital in Birmingham, the Russell Corp., Regions Bank and several municipalities.
"I represented Hyundai in Korea when they wanted to locate in Montgomery. I worked
with Hudson-Alpha to get the funding for their biotech center in Huntsville. 'Lobbyist' is
not a bad word. (Huntsville Times, 10/29/06)

Strange Has Attempted To Defend His Career By Saying It Is A Huge Strength And
I'm A Lawyer Who Does A Lot More Than Lobbying. Strange described his lobbying
in Washington as a "huge strength" because he knows how the political process works.
He said lobbying, though, is only a small part of his work at Bradley Arant, the largest
law firm in the state. "I'm a lawyer who does a lot more than lobbying," he said.
(Montgomery Advertiser, 5/21/06)

Strange Identified Himself As A Lobbyist As Recently As 2008. (OpenSecrets)

Strange Lobbied Congress To Pass The Central American Free Trade Agreement On
Behalf Of Russell Corp While The Company Outsourced Thousands Of Jobs To
Central America

One Of Stranges Top Clients As A DC Lobbyist Outsourced Thousands Of Alabama

Jobs To Mexico While Strange Lobbied For Them. The Russell Corporation, maker of
Russell Athletic sportswear, is cutting 800 more jobs in the United States as part of its
plan to move more than 90 percent of its assembly plants to Honduras and Mexico by the
end of the year. The cuts will probably be at plants in North Carolina, Virginia and
Alabama, a Russell spokeswoman said. The company has eliminated 4,241 United States
jobs over the last 18 months, shrinking its domestic work force to about 10,250. Russell
has 16,000 employees worldwide. (Bloomberg)

Russell Corp. Paid Stranges Law Firm $660,000 For Stranges Lobbying
Services From 2000 to 2006. (Strange Lobbying Disclosures)

In Mid-2000, Russell Announced The Closure Of Alabama Plants And

Elimination Of 800 More Alabama Jobs. Atlanta-based Russell Corp. plans to
close several Alabama facilities and lay off 800 employees. Russell will close
sewing operations in LaFayette and Alexander City, Ala., and its textile operation
in Sylacauga, Ala. It will consolidate its Coosa Yarn facility near Alexander City.
(Atlanta Business Journal)

In 2006, Russell Announced They Were Outsourcing 1,200 More Alabama Jobs
To Honduras And Mexico. Russell said the company will eliminate about 2,300
jobs from its global work force of 15,000. About 1,700 of the jobs cuts will be in the
United States, with about 1,250 in Alabama. About 1,200 of the U.S. jobs will
eventually be replaced by hiring in Honduras and Mexico, the company said.
(Associated Press)

Lobbying Disclosures From 2006 Show Stranges Work For Russell Was To Lobby
Congress To Pass CAFTA, A Trade Agreement Which Expanded NAFTA To Honduras.
(Stranges 2006 Lobbying Disclosure For Russell Corp.)

Despite Successfully Lobbying Congress To Pass The Unfair Job Killing Trade Deal,
Strange Claims He Will Kill Unfair Trade Deals In Campaign Advertisements.
Attorney General Stranges Office Office Paid His Former Firm $360,000 In Taxpayer
Money Which Then Paid Stranges AG Campaign $25,250

In 2010, Stranges Firm Donated $21,000 To His Campaign. Bradley, Arant, Boult and
Cummings has been a campaign contributor in Alabama with its own Political Action
Committee since the 1990s. Records show it gave Attorney General Luther Strange
$15,000 when he was running for attorney general in 2010 and then two contributions of
$1,000 and $5,000 in late 2010, after the election. (Times Daily)

Between 2011 to 2013, AG Stranges Office Paid $364,761 In Taxpayer Money To His
Former Firm. The Birmingham office of Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings has billed the
attorney generals office for its work on the electronic gambling disputes. OpenAlabama
shows payments of $364,761 since 2011. (Times Daily)

Soon After Stranges Former Firm Would Donate $25,250 To His AG Campaign
Committee. (Alabama Campaign Finance Records)

Stranges Former Firm And Its Lawyers Have Donated $20,200 To His Senate
Campaign In 2017. (View Donations)
On His Senate PFD, Strange Lists Ownership In An EB-5 Visa Development Project, A
Controversial Program In Which Wealthy Foreign Nationals Can Purchase Visas.
(Luther Strange New Filer Report, U.S. Senate, 02/08/17)

Stranges Washington D.C. Homes During His 23-Year Career As A D.C. Lobbyist
Notable Video Clips

VIDEO: Steve Flowers: Luther Strange Deal With Governor Bentley Looks Like
Brazen Collusion

STEVE FLOWERS: It appears and looks like collusion. It looks like brazen collusion.
It almost looks audacious. Its really a surprising move, a bold move by both of
them. And they think that the taint will not continue but the fire will start burning
pretty quickly.

VIDEO: Jack Campbell: Luther Strange's "Life Goal Is to Be in the Senate. He Doesn't
Give a Damn About Alabama"

JACK CAMPBELL: Heres the deal. Luthers danced around the whole time because his
whole life goal is to be in the U.S. senate. He doesnt give a damn about the state of
Alabama. He wants to go to D.C.

VIDEO: V-Team on Luther Strange "Quid Pro Quo" With Robert Bentley: "Really
Bad... Just Awful... Brutal"
BILL BRITT: The Luv Gov, hes got it hot for Strange.

BILL BRITT: Just when you think it cant get any weirder, it gets more strange. Governor
Robert Bentley this week appointed Luther Strange to become the U.S. senator taking the
place of Jeff Sessions. And Beth, the blowback has been swift and brutal.

BETH CLAYTON: People were asking me all over the country, who is going to get this
seat. I didn't think there was any way, the week that Don Siegelman came home
from federal prison, that they could be this dumb. But lo and behold, look, they
were. This is just proof the governor doesnt have any political capital left.

BRITT: Susan, it was all over the place. Everyone is saying quid pro quo.

SUSAN BRITT: They were. And whether it is quid pro quo or not, the optics are just
awful. I mean, just awful. Four days before Trump was elected, you had Luther
Strange sending a letter to legislature saying please stop any impeachment
proceedings because weve got this thing going on. Its really bad optics.

BRITT: Jack, he told them to stop. And the impeachment hearing was about one person,
Bentley. And now Bentley has appointed his nemesis.

JACK CAMPBELL: I dont think its any secret they dont love each other. Certainly didnt
until earlier in the week. I would like to believe there was no deal made. That it wasnt
nefarious. And I really want to believe that. What I dont like more than anything is
Bentley pulling the wools over the legislature, the impeachment committee and the
citizens of Alabama. Worse, the 19 people who didnt get the appointment to the Senate.
If that was a charade, shame on you Robert Bentley. All those people spent time
preparing to go to DC thinking they had a chance, particularly that list of 6 there in the
end. I think thats a shame

BRITT: I know at least he told two individuals that they were his second pick.

VIDEO: The Voice of Alabama Politics Mocks Luther Strange Campaign -



Strange Killed Fantasy Football In Alabama. Alabamians who participated in fantasy

sports like DraftKings and FanDuel will no longer be able to access those sites beginning
today. Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange announced last week that FanDuel and
DraftKings had reached a settlement to cease all operations in the state starting May 2.
Both companies are now required to block access from any Alabama-based IP address
and must process requests to withdraw account balances within seven business days. I
am pleased to report that fantasy sports operators DraftKings and FanDuel have
complied with my order that they halt paid contests within the State of Alabama,
Strange said. ( Yellowhammer News)

During A Controversy Over A 2011 Alabama Immigration Bill, Strange Stressed That
Illegal Aliens Could Still Attend Alabama Public Schools And That Alabama
Welcomes Immigrants. Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange stressed
Wednesday that the law would not prevent undocumented immigrants from having
access to public-school education. Strange also argued that the law was not an anti-
immigrant measure, and that the state welcomes visitors. (CNN)

Strange Called For Repealing A Third Of The 2011 Immigration Law, Including The
Right To Sue Sanctuary City Officials Who Don't Fully Enforce The Law. In a memo
dated Dec. 1 and sent to Hubbard and Senate President Del Marsh, R-Anniston, Strange
calls for an exemption for church activity involving illegal immigrants, an end to the
right to sue public officials who don't fully enforce the law and stopping the requirement
that schools gather immigration data on enrollees. Strange's proposals cover nearly a
third of the 32 sections in the law and address parts that have already been blocked by
federal courts and some elements currently in effect. (Huntsville Times, 12/7/11)

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