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Example sentences


There's nothing spookier than an abandoned house that's still full

of dusty, decaying furniture. When something is abandoned, it's been cast off or deserted.

The adjective abandoned describes something that's been given up

or discarded. You can use it to talk about a kitten abandoned at an animal shelter, an old car
abandoned by the side of the road, or a person's dreams of becoming an opera singer abandoned
when they had kids. It comes from the French phrase mettre a bandon, "put someone under
another's control."

Dictionary: Spanish Dict

(deserted) abandonado

Como nadie se haba mudado a la casa abandonada en ms de 20 aos, supusimos que

estaba embrujada. Since nobody had moved into the abandoned house for over 20 years, we
assumed it was haunted.

(unrestrained) desenfrenado

Los dos amantes se persiguieron con pasin desenfrenada. The two lovers pursued
each other with abandoned passion.

(old-fashioned) disoluto

Desafortunadamente, lo recordaron como un rey disoluto e inmoral. Unfortunately, he

was remembered as an abandoned and immoral king.

(unrestrained)[+manner] desinhibido; desenfrenado disoluto

con abandono; desenfrenadamente in an abandoned fashion

(dissolute) una mujer perdida or de conducta dudosa disoluto

una mujer perdida or de conducta dudosa an abandoned woman

Dictionary: Collins



An abandoned place or building is no longer used or occupied.

All that digging had left a network of abandoned mines and tunnels.

...abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime.



Example sentences

an abandoned windmill


an abandoned child

unrestrained; uninhibited

wild, abandoned dancing




Dictionary: MacMillan Dictionary

left empty or no longer used

an abandoned farm

left alone by someone who should stay with you and look after

a home for abandoned children

Dictionary: Merriam-Webster

left without needed protection or care

an abandoned baby

left by the owner

an abandoned house/car

no longer held or thought of

given up

abandoned [=forsaken] hopes/dreams

wild and uncontrolled

Example sentences

abandoned behavior

He led a reckless and abandoned life and died young.

Dictionary: Oxford Spanish

Dictionary: Oxford

Having been deserted or left.

an abandoned car

Having been deserted or left.

abandoned pets

Unrestrained; uninhibited.

a wild, abandoned dance

Dictionary: Oxford Learners Dictionary

left and no longer wanted, used or needed

an abandoned car/house

The child was found abandoned but unharmed.

There was an abandoned supermarket trolley in the middle of the road.

(of people or their behaviour) wild; not following accepted


Dictionary: Cambridge Spanish

left empty or not working

an abandoned factory

left somewhere intentionally

An abandoned baby was found on the hospital steps.

Dictionary: Cambridge
Example sentences

left behind, or left without care and protection:

Shelters are full of abandoned pets.

The fire started in an abandoned warehouse.

an abandoned place or vehicle is no longer being used or cared for

because its owner does not want it any more:

The planned site for the development is an abandoned quarry.

Dictionary: Word Magic Soft

An abandoned child.

Their deserted wives and children.

An abandoned shack.

Deserted villages.

A poem is never finished, only abandoned. Paul Valery

Art is never finished, only abandoned. Leonardo da Vinci

Weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse.

An abandoned sadness born of grief.

Peter abandoned his family

He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage.

Both sides have to give up some calims in these negociations.

The mother deserted her children.

An artist never really finishes his work; he merely abandons it.

If you wish to avoid foreign collision, you had better abandon the ocean. Henry Clay

He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage.

Both sides have to give up some calims in these negociations.

Zoe abandoned her dreams for Peter

The mother deserted her children.

We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot.

She abandoned her career for her son

He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage.

Both sides have to give up some calims in these negociations.

Example sentences

She danced with abandon.

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. Harriet Van

Dictionary: The Free Dictionary


an abandoned windmill


an abandoned child

unrestrained; uninhibited:

wild, abandoned dancing

forsaken or deserted:

an abandoned building.

abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime

a newsreel of abandoned children suffering from cold and hunger

people who enjoy wild, abandoned lovemaking

con abandono, desenfrenadamente in an abandoned fashion

una mujer perdida or de conducta dudosa an abandoned woman

to leave, not intending to return to.

They abandoned the stolen car.

to give (oneself) completely to.

He abandoned himself to despair.

Example sentences


an abandoned young woman.

having been left without any intention of returning to or


The police found the abandoned car.

Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.

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