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Example sentences


Dictionary: Spanish Dict

(to sop up) to absorb

These sea sponges absorb water really well. Estas esponjas de mar absorben el agua
muy bien.

(to sop up) to soak up

Please pass me a towel so that I can soak up the spill. Por favor, psame una toalla para
absorber el derrame.

(biology) to absorb

Blood absorbs nutrients from digested food. La sangre absorbe los nutrientes de la
comida digerida.

(to consume) to absorb

Ever since his promotion, his job has absorbed all of his time and he can barely spend a
minute with his family. Desde su ascenso, su trabajo ha absorbido todo su tiempo y apenas puede
pasar ni un minuto con su familia.

(to consume) to take up

My hobbies take up most of my free time, but I enjoy them immensely. Mis pasatiempos
absorben la mayora de mi tiempo libre, pero los disfruto mucho.

(to consume) to use up

This production process uses up many resources and is slow and inefficient. Este
proceso de produccin absorbe muchos recursos y es lento e ineficiente.

(finance) to take over

Our company took over Industria Sanchez, a textile factory. Nuestra empresa absorbi a
Industria Snchez, una fbrica textil.

(to concentrate; used with "en") to become engrossed in

I became engrossed in the music and started dancing. Me absorb en la msica y comenc
a bailar.

(to concentrate; used with "en") to become absorbed in

I became absorbed in the novel and forgot about the outside world. Me absorb en la
novela y me olvid del mundo exterior.

(lquido, gas) to absorb

this vacuum doesn't pick up dust very well esta aspiradora no absorbe el polvo muy

this cream works into the skin very well esta crema se absorbe muy bien
Example sentences

(consumir) to take up, to soak up

this task takes up a lot of time esta tarea absorbe mucho tiempo

(atraer, dominar)

this job takes up a lot of my time este trabajo me absorbe mucho

his wife is very demanding su mujer le absorbe mucho

television dominates their lives la televisin los absorbe

Dictionary: Collins



If you are absorbed in something or someone, you are very

interested in them and they take up all your attention and energy.

They were completely absorbed in each other. [+ in/by]

He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming absorbed by it.

I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round






greatly interested; wholly occupied

absorbed in reading


Dictionary: MacMillan Dictionary

so interested or involved in something that you do not notice

anything else

She seemed completely absorbed.

Richard was totally absorbed in his book.

Dictionary: Merriam-Webster

only caring about and interested in yourself

Example sentences

self-absorbed people

He's so (completely/totally) self-absorbed that he didn't even notice I was crying!

Dictionary: Oxford Spanish

pareca muy ensimismado he seemed very absorbed

Dictionary: Oxford

Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by

chemical or physical action.

buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat

Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by

chemical or physical action.

steroids are absorbed into the bloodstream

Take in and understand fully (information, ideas, or experience)

she absorbed the information in silence

Take control of (a smaller or less powerful entity) and make it a

part of a larger one.

the family firm was absorbed into a larger group

Use or take up (time or resources)

arms spending absorbs roughly two percent of the national income

Take up and reduce the effect or intensity of (sound or an impact)

deep-pile carpets absorbed all sound of the outside world

Take up the attention of (someone); interest greatly.

she sat in an armchair, absorbed in a book

Take up the attention of (someone); interest greatly.

the work absorbed him and continued to make him happy

Example sentences

Dictionary: Oxford Learners Dictionary

Dictionary: Cambridge Spanish

very interested in something and not paying attention to anything


Simon was so absorbed in his book that he didnt even notice me come in.

Dictionary: Cambridge

very interested in something and not paying attention to anything


Simon was so absorbed in his book that he didn't even notice me come in.

Simon was so absorbed in his book that he didn't even notice me come in.

Dictionary: Word Magic Soft

Deep in thought.

That engrossed look or rapt delight.

The book had her totally engrossed.

Enwrapped in dreams.

So intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred.

Alter de la Mare;.

T with wonder.

How narrow our souls become when absorbed in any present good or ill! It is only
the thought of the future that makes them great. Jean Paul Richter

The sponge absorbs water and fluids

The sponge absorbs water well.

She drew strength from the minister's words.

A black star absorbs all matter.

I absorb the vapour and return it as a flood. W.E. Gladstone

captivates Ann

Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely.

He immersed himself into his studies.

The shock absorber absorbs energy

Example sentences

The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax.

The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society.

engrosses Peter

Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely.

He immersed himself into his studies.

The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society.

Absorb the costs for something.

Dictionary: The Free Dictionary

To occupy the attention, interest, or time of; engross:

The problem completely absorbed her.

To take in; assimilate:

immigrants who were absorbed into the social mainstream.

To learn; acquire:

"Matisse absorbed the lesson and added to it a new language of color"

To learn; acquire:

(Peter Plagen).

To receive (an impulse) without echo or recoil:

a fabric that absorbs sound; a bumper that absorbs impact.

To endure; accommodate:

couldn't absorb the additional hardships.

To use up; consume:

The project has absorbed all of our department's resources.

They were completely absorbed in each other.

Example sentences

Cook until all the liquid is absorbed by the rice.

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