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ME 546 Final exam - Sample questions (Not covering all topics)

Question#1 (Solid Modeling)

a) Draw an arbitrary solid object and verify its validity using Euler-Poincare rule. The object that
you draw must satisfy the following:
where H is the number of interior loops, P is the number of through holes and B is the number of
separate bodies in the object.

b) Create a CSG tree that represents the object shown below using typical primitives
found in CSG solid modelers (Note: Dimensions are Not relevant).

c) Verify the conformity to Euler-Poincare formula of the B-rep model of the following object
(Note: Dimensions are Not relevant).

Question#2 (NC programming)
Write a NC code to contour around the periphery of the part shown below. The code would
correspond to the last finishing pass where you can assume that the tool is moving tangent to the
edges of the part. The code should also perform the drilling of the holes.

Use F=120 mm/min and S=600 RPM. Call this part E1 and assume that the tool offsets and
the fixture offset have been defined.
Finally, recommend the shape, diameter and height of the milling tool.

Use as program zero, the UPPER LEFT corner of the TOP surface. All dimensions in the
figure below are in mm.

Question#3 (Computer Graphics & CAD applications)
A. A circle of radius 20.0 mm is vectorized using 16 segments. What is the display tolerance?

B. Assuming that the origin of the MCS is coincident with that of the VCS and that their axes are
aligned, find and draw the display of the triangle shown below in the FRONT View.

Question#4 (Curve modeling techniques)
a) What is the degree of a Bezier curve that is defined by the control points P 0 (3,2), P1 (1,4), P2
(3,5), P3 (5,4) and P4 (5,2)?

b) Derive the Blending (Bernstein) functions of the above Bezier curve?

c) Find the point on the curve which corresponds to u=0.5. Sketch the curve.

e) Compute the tangent at P0. Verify your results by using the special properties of Bezier curves.
HINT: A Bezier curve is tangent to first & last segments of control polygon

d) Now add one control point, P2* , at the same location as P2. What is the degree of the Bezier
curve which is defined by the new set of control points (i.e. P 0, P1, P2, P2* , P3 and P4); Use the
graph below to compute the point on this curve at u=0.5.

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