Prayer Circles

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PRAYER CIRCLES: Another Pagan Practice in the Church

PAGAN PRAYER CIRCLES: Many Christian Churches pray in circles. Is this Biblical?




PRAYER CIRCLES Praying in a circle, holding hands: where does the practice come from?
Why cant one find it in the Bible? Where did prayer circles originate and how and when did
they enter the Christian Church? A 15-year-old study by Ed Tarkowski answers many
questionsand predicts where the practice may be heading.


1999, Ed Tarkowski published a four-part study on prayer circles, a practice that was, at the time,
just gaining popularity in some Christian churches. While the study is full of useful information
on the origins of such rituals, its extremely interesting to read the study 15 years later.

Prayer circles have a long history of use among pagans, witches, and other occult practitioners.
But the use of the prayer circle in Christianity, like so many other modern rituals, practices and
doctrines, can be traced to the American apostate church.

In 1999, Tarkowski noticed the increased use of prayer circles by Christians, but he also noticed
that Christians were late-comers to the prayer circle game. Others had used these circles for
decadessometimes centuries.

If you doubt that prayer circles are so widespread, or such a powerful tool, read the list
below of just a few of the examples of prayer circles that I found on the World Wide Web.
Besides these sites, there are numerous New Age and Christian Chat Sessions (used by
Internet users to discuss various topics) that include prayer circles or discussions sbout
them. As you will see, the circles are prevalent in the apostate church, the New Age, and
even in the secular world. The whole world is being prepared to welcome the arrival of the
Beast of Revelation 13, and to follow after him.

One of the most interesting of Tarkowsis findings concerned the mention of joining hand-in-
hand in the Bible its connection with those who intend evil.
I did some searching in Strongs Concordance, and found nothing regarding circles, except for
one reference to God as the one that sitteth upon the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22.) Next, I
looked up what it said about joining hands in prayer, but that didnt help either. Then I
searched through the KJV and Strongs for various combinations of the words join and hand,
and hold and hand. What resulted from that search turned out to be very enlightening. I
found only two Scriptures regarding joining hands, but they were not associated with prayer.
They were:

Proverbs 11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of
the righteous shall be delivered.

Proverbs 16:5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join
in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

The Prayer Circle: What is its Unbiblical Origin? This is the introduction to the four-part study
with links to the other sections.

PRAYER CIRCLES: Another pagan/occult practice which has entered Christian churches

When a link to this study was first posted five or six months ago, it offended some. Those it
offended 1- couldnt point to a single instance in the Bible of believers praying in a circle; and,
2- are strong believers in sanctification by participation. If they do it, it must be holy. Its holy
because they participate in it.

Part One: The Extent of Prayer Circles In Todays World By Ed Tarkowski

Part Two: Prayer Circles: Their Unbiblical Source
Part Three: Gnostic Christianity And The Prayer Circle
Part Four: The Revivals Prayer Circles Of Power
Sidebar A Summary of Parts 1-4
Sidebar B Prayer Circle of 1,000,000 Sought For New years Eve 2000

This study got this writer thinking back: not once could he ever remember praying in a circle
and the opportunities for public or church prayer over the years were many. This practice was
unknown to him until he joined a church which endorsed this style of prayer.

PRAYER CIRCLES: Witchcraft in Charismania Some additional thoughts.

What ETPR said back in November 2013 [End Times Prophecy Headlines: November 30-
December 1, 2013]:

Prayer Circles: Their Unbiblical Origins, part 2 This 1999 article warned of the invasion of
prayer circles into the church, predating The Circle Maker by 14 years. Its part of a four-part
series which is both informative and interesting. Its conclusion is that prayer circles are
preparing Christians for the coming one-world beast religion.
And this from November 19, 2013:

DECEPTION This writer often remarks about the deception which envelopes the USA. It is
everywhere in our culture and especially in our media. The reader who does not think that this
deception is blanketing him is a reader already deceived.

One of the enemys greatest deceptions is the use of the Christian label. Slap a CHRISTIAN
label on a bookvoila! What is filled with occult themes is now Christianized and thought
perfectly safe for consumption. The same process is used for films, music, DVDs and other

How many churches have mindlessly pushed cleverly-packaged media to their members because
it carried a Christian label?

The list is huge and gotten larger over the last 20 years. There are plenty of Christians sitting in
pewsor chairs depending on where one sitswho argue against the Bible using the deceptions
picked up from books, films and/or TV labeled Christian.

There are many examples; for now, Harry Potter, The Harbinger and The Circle Maker will do.

Churches in America are under an unrelenting assault. The weapons used to deliver the enemys
message are the culture, the music and the ignorance and pride of many of the very ones
manning the walls watching.

Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither
fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him
Luke 14:34-35

Do you know the One who will never deceive you?

Before the pagan witchcraft of Mark Battersons The Circle Maker, there were prayer circles. In
fact, one might say that without the preparation of prayers circles, The Circle Maker would not
have been possible.

The enemy is a master deceiver.

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Matthew 24:4


Apostate American Church: Sanctification through Participation

PRAYER CIRCLES: Another Pagan Practice in the Church

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