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Introduction to Creo Parametric 3.

0 - Fundamentals Understanding Creo Parametric Concepts1

Concept: Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts.....................................................................1
Concept: Understanding Feature-Based Concepts.......................................................................3
Concept: Understanding Parametric Concepts............................................................................ 4
Concept: Understanding Associative Concepts............................................................................5
Concept: Understanding Model-Centric Concepts...................................................................... 6
Concept: Recognizing File Extensions........................................................................................ 6
Editing Geometry, Features, and Models..................................................................................... 8
Concept: Renaming Objects.........................................................................................................9
Concept: Utilizing Undo and Redo Operations......................................................................... 10
Concept: Understanding Regeneration and Auto Regeneration................................................ 11
Concept: Editing Features.......................................................................................................... 13
Procedure: Editing Features....................................................................................................... 15
Procedure: Editing Features using Edit Definition.................................................................... 21
Concept: Reviewing Sketcher Theory........................................................................................24
Concept: Understanding Design Intent...................................................................................... 26
Concept: Modifying the Sketcher Display.................................................................................28
Concept: Utilizing Constraints................................................................................................... 30
Concept: Sketching Lines...........................................................................................................39
Procedure: Sketching Lines........................................................................................................40
Procedure: Sketching Centerlines.............................................................................................. 49
Procedure: Sketching Rectangles and Parallelograms...............................................................53
Procedure: Sketching Circles..................................................................................................... 58
Procedure: Sketching Circular Fillets........................................................................................ 64
Procedure: Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher.................................................................. 69
Procedure: Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher................................................................... 75
Procedure: Sketcher Conflicts.................................................................................................... 85
Concept: Creating Solid Extrude Features.................................................................................88
Procedure: Creating Solid Extrude Features.............................................................................. 89
Procedure: Common Dashboard Options: Extrude Depth........................................................ 97
Procedure: Creating Solid Revolve Features........................................................................... 102
Procedure: Creating Profile Rib Features................................................................................ 105
Concept: Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories.................................................................. 108
Procedure: Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories............................................................... 110
Procedure: Creating Sweeps with Closed Trajectories............................................................ 117
Procedure: Creating Blends by Selecting Parallel Sections.................................................... 122
Creating Holes, Shells, and Draft.............................................................................................126
Concept: Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth.............................................................. 126
Procedure: Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth........................................................... 127
Procedure: Creating Coaxial Holes.......................................................................................... 133
Procedure: Creating Linear Holes............................................................................................ 135
Procedure: Creating Shell Features.......................................................................................... 139
Procedure: Creating Draft Features..........................................................................................142
Concept: Creating Rounds Theory...........................................................................................144
Concept: Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges........................................................................146
Procedure: Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges.....................................................................146
Procedure: Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes.............................................. 149
Introduction to Creo Parametric 3.0 - Productivity Tools........................................................152

Concept: Direction Patterning in the First Direction............................................................... 152
Procedure: Direction Patterning in the First Direction............................................................154
Procedure: Direction Patterning in the Second Direction....................................................... 158
Procedure: Axis Patterning in the Second Direction................................................................163
Concept: Understanding Assembly Theory..............................................................................167
Concept: Creating New Assembly Models.............................................................................. 168
Procedure: Creating New Assembly Models........................................................................... 170
Concept: Understanding Assembly Constraint Status............................................................. 175
Concept: Assembling Components using the Default Constraint........................................... 177
Procedure: Assembling Components using the Default Constraint........................................ 178
Concept: Orienting Components..............................................................................................181
Procedure: Orienting Components...........................................................................................185
Procedure: Creating Coincident Constraints using Geometry................................................ 190
Procedure: Creating Coincident Constraints using Datum Features....................................... 195
Procedure: Creating Distance Constraints............................................................................... 200
Procedure: Creating Parallel, Normal, and Angle Constraints................................................ 207
Concept: Analyzing Drawing Concepts and Theory................................................................210
Concept: Analyzing Basic 2-D Orientation.............................................................................. 211
Concept: Creating New Drawings and Applying Formats...................................................... 214
Procedure: Creating New Drawings and Applying.................................................................. 216
Procedure: Creating and Orienting General Views.................................................................. 218
Concept: Utilizing the Drawing Tree....................................................................................... 221
Procedure: Utilizing the Drawing Tree.....................................................................................222
Procedure: Managing Drawing Sheets.....................................................................................226
Procedure: Adding Drawing Models........................................................................................231
Procedure: Creating Projection Views..................................................................................... 235
Procedure: Creating Cross-Section Views............................................................................... 238
Procedure: Creating Detailed Views........................................................................................ 242
Creating Drawing Annotations................................................................................................. 245
Concept: Analyzing Annotation Concepts and Types.............................................................. 245
Concept: Creating Tables from File..........................................................................................247
Procedure: Creating Tables from File.......................................................................................248
Concept: Creating BOM Balloons........................................................................................... 252
Procedure: Creating BOM Balloons........................................................................................ 254
Procedure: Showing, Erasing, and Deleting Annotations....................................................... 261
Concept: Publishing Drawings.................................................................................................268
Procedure: Publishing Drawings..............................................................................................270

Introduction to Creo Parametric 3.0 - Fundamentals
Understanding Creo Parametric Concepts
Module Overview:
In this module, you learn about the basic concepts and benefits of solid modeling using Creo Parametric.
You then learn how complex models can be easily created using a combination of simple features.
Parametric capabilities that are native to Creo Parametric enable you to easily add design intent and
make design changes. Associativity means that a change made to your solid model design is
automatically propagated to all referenced objects, such as drawings, assemblies, and so on. You also
learn how a model-centric modeler enables the creation of downstream deliverables with references to,
and driven by, the design model.

Finally, you learn how to recognize some of the basic file extensions used to identify different types of Creo
Parametric objects.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Understand solid modeling concepts.

Understand feature-based concepts.

Understand parametric concepts.

Understand associative concepts.

Understand model-centric concepts.

Recognize basic Creo Parametric file extensions.

Concept: Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts

Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts
Creo Parametric enables you to create realistic solid model representations of your part and assembly
models. These virtual design models can be used to easily visualize and evaluate your design before
costly prototypes are manufactured.

The models contain material properties such as mass, volume, center of gravity, and surface area.

Figure 1 Mass Properties
As features are added or removed from the model, these properties update. For example, if you add a
hole to a model, then the mass of the model decreases.

In addition, solid models enable tolerance analysis and clearance/interference checking when placed into

Figure 2 Interference Check

Concept: Understanding Feature-Based Concepts
Understanding Feature-Based Concepts
Creo Parametric is a feature-based product development tool. The models are constructed using a series
of easy to understand features rather than confusing mathematical shapes and entities.

The geometric definition of a model is defined by the type of features used and the order in which each
feature is placed. Each feature builds upon the previous feature and can reference any of the preceding
features, therefore enabling design intent to be built into the model.

Individually, each feature is typically simple; however, as they are added together, they form complex parts
and assemblies.

In this example, we have a connecting rod in seven stages of its creation:

First, an extrusion is created, which forms the overall shape and size of the model.

An additional extrusion is created at the top of the model.

A third extrusion is created at the bottom of the model.

A hole is created at the bottom of the model.

Another hole is created at the top of the model.

A round is created on the four inside edges.

A small radial hole is created at the top of the model.

Figure 1 Connecting Rod Features

Concept: Understanding Parametric Concepts
Understanding Parametric Concepts
Creo Parametric models are value-driven, using dimensions and parameters to define the size and
location of features within the model. If you edit the value of a feature dimension, that feature updates
accordingly. The change then automatically propagates through to related features in the model and
eventually updates the entire part.

Parent/Child Relationships
Relationships between features in Creo Parametric provide a powerful tool for capturing design intent.
During the modeling process, design intent is added as one feature is created with reference to another.

When creating a new feature, any feature referenced during its creation becomes a parent of the new
feature. The new feature referencing the parent is referred to as a child of the parent. If the parent feature
is updated, any children of the parent update accordingly. These relationships are referred to as
parent/child relationships.

This example shows a piston model intersected with a hole feature. In the middle figure, the piston height
is modified from 18.5 to 25. Notice that the hole moves upward as the piston height increases. The design
intent of the piston is to have the hole located at a specified distance from the top of the piston. The hole
maintains that distance regardless of how tall the piston becomes. This intent was added by dimensioning
the hole to the top surface of the piston.

Figure 1 Parametric Feature Relationships

Alternatively, if the intent of the design is to have the hole located at a specified distance from the bottom of
the piston, the hole would be dimensioned from the bottom surface of the piston, yielding a different result
when the height of the piston is modified.

The right most image in the figure shows modifications made to the location and diameter of the hole.

Best Practices
When creating features in your model, try to reference features and geometry that are robust, unlikely to
be deleted, and provide the desired design intent. While this is not always possible, striving to do so helps
you build robust, easy-to-modify models.

Concept: Understanding Associative Concepts
Understanding Associative Concepts
Bi-directional associativity means that all changes made to an object in any mode of Creo Parametric are
automatically reflected in every related mode.

Figure 1 Associativity

For example, a change made in a drawing is reflected in the part being documented in the drawing. That
same change is also reflected in every assembly using that part model.

It is important to understand that the associativity between different modes is possible because the part
shown in a drawing is not copied into the drawing, but rather associatively linked to the drawing. Likewise,
an assembly is not a large file containing copies of every part in the assembly, but rather a file containing
associative links to every model used in the assembly.

Best Practices
Because drawing and assembly files have associative links to the models contained in them, these
objects cannot be opened without the presence of the models they contain.

Essentially, you cannot send your colleague only a drawing file to open. He or she must have the drawing
file along with any model referenced in the drawing. For an assembly, he or she must have the assembly file
and all models used in the assembly.

Concept: Understanding Model-Centric Concepts
Understanding Model-Centric Concepts
In a model-centric product development tool, the design model is the common source for all deliverables
utilizing that specific design model. This means that all downstream deliverables point directly to a
common design model. The model is referenced as components in assemblies, views in a drawing, the
cavity of a mold, geometry meshed in an FEM model, and so on.

Figure 1 Model-Centric

The benefit of using a model-centric development tool is that a change made to the design model
automatically updates all related downstream deliverables.

Concept: Recognizing File Extensions

Recognizing File Extensions
There are three common Creo Parametric object types: parts, assemblies, and drawings. The following
file extensions are used to identify them:

.prt This extension represents a part object.

Figure 1 Part File

.asm This extension represents an assembly object. An assembly file contains pointers and
instructions that identify and position a collection of parts and sub-assemblies.

Figure 2 Assembly File

.drw This extension represents a 2-D drawing. The drawing file contains pointers, instructions,
and detail items for documenting part and assembly models in a drawing.

Figure 3 Drawing File

Editing Geometry, Features, and Models

Module Overview:
Once a selection is made, you can perform a variety of operations, including editing. Editing enables you
to modify not only dimensions of existing design models or features, but you can also edit shape, size,
location, and visibility. You can also edit models by renaming them.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Rename objects.

Utilize undo and redo operations.

Understand regeneration and auto regeneration.

Edit features.

Edit the definition of features.

Activate and edit models.

Delete and suppress items.

Edit feature and component visibility.

Concept: Renaming Objects
Renaming Features

Figure 3 Connecting Rod

When you create a feature in a part model, it is automatically assigned a generic name based on its type.
For example, the feature may be called Sketch 1 or Extrude 2, or Revolve 3. While these names describe
the type of feature, they do not describe what the feature is in the context of the design. Consequently, it
can be helpful to rename the feature to something more descriptive. Figure 1 shows the model tree before
and after feature renaming has occurred.

Figure 1 Features Before and After Rename

You can see that the model tree is more intuitive once the features have been renamed with more
descriptive names. As a result, it is much easier to find a feature when it needs to be edited.
You can rename model features by using any of the following methods:

Select the feature in the model tree or graphics window, then right-click and select Rename from
either the graphics window or model tree.

Select the feature to be renamed in the model tree. Once selected, select it again from the model

Names can contain up to 31 characters and may not include spaces.

Renaming Components
To avoid assembly failures, you must rename components within the context of the assembly instead of
using Windows Explorer to rename components on the hard drive.

You can rename components by using either of the following methods:

Rename on disk and in session The system renames the component both in system memory
and on the hard drive.

Rename in session The system renames the component only in system memory.

Click File > Manage File > Rename from the File menu to rename components. Within the Rename dialog
box, as shown in Figure 2, you can click Commands And Settings , and then select the component to
be renamed from either the model tree or graphics window.

Figure 2 The Rename Dialog Box

You can also rename the assembly in the Rename dialog box. Notice that the assembly is the default item
to be renamed when this dialog box appears.

Concept: Utilizing Undo and Redo Operations

Utilizing Undo and Redo Operations
You can undo and redo most of the operations performed on a model. The operations are sequentially
stacked in memory as they are performed. You have access to the undo/redo stack when you click the
Undo or Redo icons.

Operations valid for undo or redo include creating, deleting, editing, redefining, suppressing, resuming,
patterning, and reordering.

The Undo and Redo operations have the following capabilities:

Pop-Up Text A preview of the operation that is to be undone or redone.

Figure 1 Pop-Up Text
Undo List You can select one or many sequential actions to undo.

Figure 2 Undo List

Redo List You can select one or many sequential actions to redo.

Figure 3 Redo List

Concept: Understanding Regeneration and Auto

Understanding Regeneration and Auto Regeneration
When you edit features in Creo Parametric, you are editing dimension values which control the geometry.
After you edit a features dimensions, the Regenerate function recalculates the model geometry,
incorporating any changes made since the last time the model was saved or regenerated. It is necessary
to regenerate a model after you have edited it.
Auto Regenerate eliminates the need to regenerate the model after making changes. Rather, the model is
automatically regenerated dynamically while models are edited.

By default, Auto Regenerate is enabled. However, if you wish to make multiple changes to a feature or
features before regenerating the model, you can toggle Auto Regenerate off temporarily.

Figure 1 Auto Regenerate Toggled Off

When Auto Regenerate is toggled off, you can only edit dimensions directly, and all draggers are toggled
off. You also cannot drag section entities.

Figure 2 Making Multiple Edits to the Model

When you are ready for the model to regenerate, toggle Auto Regenerate back on.

Figure 3 Auto Regenerate Toggled Back On

Concept: Editing Features
Editing Features
Edit is a menu selection available from the model tree or pop-up menu. After selecting Edit, the
dimensions of the selected features or components display in the graphics window. You can also double-
click a feature to open Edit mode.

Using Edit, you can quickly change the dimensions of a selected feature using one of the following

Edit the dimension directly To edit a dimension directly, simply double-click it and edit its value.

Edit using the Most Recently Used option When you edit a models dimensions, you can also
utilize the Most Recently Used option. When you double-click a dimension, a drop-down list displays
the most recent values of the model. You can select a suitable value from this list.

Figure 1 Editing a Model

The Most Recently Used option only displays recent values from the current session. It does not
display values used in previous Creo Parametric sessions.

Use draggers Drag the handles that display for rounds and chamfers, pattern dimensions, or a
features depth or angle.

Figure 2 Dynamically Editing Depth

You can also use the dimension draggers that display over the arrow heads of certain dimensions to
dynamically edit that specific dimension.
Drag section entities You can drag a sections entities to dynamically update the geometry.

Figure 3 Dynamically Editing a Section

By default, features are regenerated in real time when they are edited. Additionally, child features also
regenerate in real time. Real-time regeneration may be slow if dragging a parent feature in a large model.

If you edit a feature in such a way that it cannot successfully regenerate, a caution icon displays next to
your cursor and the geometry displays red. You can simply undo the edit or edit the feature back to a
successful status. Other affected downstream features that do not successfully regenerate display in blue.

Edit Right-Click Options

While in Edit mode, the following options are available in the pop-up menu that appears when you right-

Display Draggers Enables you to toggle the display of drag handles on and off.

Display Dimensions Enables you to toggle the display of dimensions on and off. When
dimensions are toggled off, you can still drag the features section entities.

Display Sketch Dimensions Enables you to toggle the display of the section dimensions on and
off. When section dimensions are toggled off, you can still drag the sections entities

Auto Regenerate Enables you to toggle the auto regenerate function on and off. When auto
regenerate is toggled off, all draggers are toggled off, and you can only update dimensions directly
or drag section entities. The geometry is not dynamically updated, and you must manually
regenerate the model.

Procedure: Editing Features

1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models
display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Edit\Features folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click EDIT-FEATURES.PRT.

Task 1. Edit features in a model using various techniques.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the graphics window, double-click Extrude 3.

3. Double-click the 8 depth dimension, edit it to 12, and press ENTER.

Figure 1

4. Click once in the background.

5. Double-click the 12 dimension, edit it to 10, and press ENTER.

6. Click once in the background.

7. Double-click the 10 dimension and select 12 from the drop-down list.

Figure 2
8. Click once in the background.

9. Click the 8 dimension dragger and drag it to approximately 7.

Figure 3
10. Click in the background to exit Edit mode.

11. Click Named Views from the In Graphics toolbar and select 3D.
12. In the model tree, select Extrude 1, right-click, and select Edit.
13. Click the circular section and drag it to a diameter of approximately 12.5.

Figure 4

14. Click twice in the background to exit Edit mode.

15. In the model tree, select Extrude 4, right-click, and select Edit.
16. Right-click and select Display Sketch Dimensions to toggle their display off.
17. Drag the depth handle to approximately 21.

Figure 5

18. Right-click and select Display Sketch Dimensions to toggle their display on.
19. Click twice in the background to exit Edit mode.

20. Edit Extrude 5.

21. Drag the depth handle to approximately 10.
22. Right-click and select Auto Regenerate to toggle it off.

Figure 6
23. Notice that the orange preview geometry disappears.

24. Double-click this approximate dimension and edit it to 6.

Figure 7

25. Notice that the geometry did not dynamically update.

26. Select Extrude 4 from the model tree.

27. Double-click the 3 dimension and edit it to 3.5.
28. Select Auto Regenerate from the Regenerate types drop-down menu in the Operations

Figure 8

29. Notice that the geometry updated for both edits.

30. Click in the background to exit Edit mode.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Editing Features using Edit Definition
Editing Features using Edit Definition
Using Edit Definition, you can significantly change the model by redefining the following aspects of a

Type Change a protrusion into a cut, for example.

Size Make a feature larger or smaller.

Shape Change a round cut into a square cut, for example.

Figure 1 Modifying a Features Shape

Location Move a cut from one reference to a different reference.

References Change the location of the feature or change the dimensional references.

Figure 2 Modifying a Features References

Options Change the additional details of the feature, such as its depth.

Figure 3 Modifying a Features Depth

When you finish editing the definition of a feature, the system automatically regenerates the model for you
to incorporate the changes you have just made.

In Edit Definition, you can modify the model by:

1. Editing with the dashboard This is the graphical area in which you can change a feature's type,
size, shape, and location.

2. Editing with drag handles You can directly change features on a model by manipulating the
drag handle. Your changes display dynamically in the graphics window.

3. Using the various context-sensitive options Accessed by right-clicking the dynamic preview or
drag handles.

The set of icons along the right side of the dashboard perform the following operations:

Preview Feature Provides a preview of how the completed feature or component will look
in the graphics window.
Pause Feature Pauses the current feature's edit definition operation, enabling you to
perform other functions such as inserting datum features.
Resume Feature Resumes a paused feature's edit definition operation.

Procedure: Editing Features using Edit Definition
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Edit\Definition folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click EDIT-DEFINITION.PRT.

Task 1. Edit the definition of features in a part model.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click BASE and select Edit Definition.

3. Drag the drag handle to 12.
4. Click Complete Feature from the dashboard.

Figure 1
5. In the model tree, right-click UPPER and select Edit Definition.
6. In the dashboard, select the Options tab.
7. Edit the Side 1 depth to To Selected .
8. Select the lower front surface.

9. Edit the Side 2 depth to To Selected .

10. Query select the lower rear surface.

Figure 2
11. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 3
12. In the model tree, right-click BASE and select Edit Definition.
13. In the graphics window, select the square sketch.

Figure 4
14. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 5

This completes the procedure.

Creating Sketcher Geometry
Module Overview:
Most 3-D geometry created in Creo Parametric begins with a 2-D sketched section. Consequently,
sketching is one of the most fundamental, consistently performed operations.

In this module, you review sketcher theory and learn how to create a robust, predictable sketch. You also
learn the tools available for creating sketch geometry.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Review sketcher theory and understand design intent.

Modify the sketcher display.

Learn and use constraints.

Learn how to sketch lines, centerlines, rectangles, circles, arcs, fillets, and chamfers.

Concept: Reviewing Sketcher Theory

Reviewing Sketcher Theory
In Creo Parametric, you use the 2-D Sketcher mode to capture your engineering idea. You sketch your
idea in a 2-D plane using various types of lines which are then trimmed, constrained, dimensioned, and
modified accordingly. An example of a sketch is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 2-D Sketch

This 2-D sketch is then placed into a 3-D model, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Sketch Placed on a 3-D Model
Once the sketch is placed, it can be used to create solid features, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Sketches are Used to Create Solid Features
Notice that the same sketch can be used to create two completely different types of geometry.

Concept: Understanding Design Intent

Understanding Design Intent
When creating models with Creo Parametric, it is critical that you capture the design intent of the model.
Design intent ensures predictable results when a model is modified. Creating sketch features enables you
to capture design intent. Design intent is captured and can be varied in sketches by:

How it is constrained Changing how a sketch is constrained affects the predictable behavior of
the sketch, thereby varying design intent.

Figure 2 Design Intent Captured with Constraints
How it is dimensioned Changing how a sketch is dimensioned affects the predictable behavior
of the sketch, again varying design intent.

Figure 3 Design Intent Captured with Dimensions

Using Sketcher to Capture Design Intent
The top image in Figure 1 shows a freehand sketch.

Figure 1 Freehand Sketch and Desired Sketch

Design intent has not been applied to it. When you edit the sketch, you cannot predict how it behaves.
The bottom image in Figure 1 shows the desired sketch to be achieved. Sketcher helps you apply design
intent to your sketch so it appears as the bottom image, not the top image.
Start by sketching the rough shape of your desired sketch. Sketcher begins to dynamically apply
constraints to help you lock in your sketch. For example, if you sketch a line approximately vertical,
Sketcher dynamically applies a vertical constraint to that line, helping you lock in design intent. When you
stop sketching, a series of light blue dimensions appears in addition to your constraints.

Sketcher must maintain a fully defined sketch at all times. The dimensions and constraints
maintain the size, shape, and location of all sketched items, which helps you capture design intent. If
needed, you can modify the default dimension scheme by editing or adding dimensions to properly
capture your intended design intent.

Sketcher contains both Weak and Strong items.

Weak items are light blue, whereas Strong items are dark blue.

Dimensions and constraints can be Weak or Strong.

Sketcher adds or removes Weak items as necessary to maintain the fully constrained sketch.

You cannot delete Weak items.

Strong items are Weak items that were made strong either directly or by modifying them.

Concept: Modifying the Sketcher Display

Sketcher Display Options
When you enter Sketcher mode, there are four different Sketcher Display types that can be controlled to
aid visualization while completing tasks:

Display Dimensions Toggles the display of dimensions on or off.

Display Constraints Toggles the display of constraints on or off.
Display Grid Toggles the display of the grid on or off.
Display Vertices Toggles the display of section vertices on or off.

Figure 2 Sketcher Display Options

These Sketcher Display types can be found in both the In Graphics toolbar and the Setup group in the
Sketch ribbon tab.

The Sketcher Display for a given exercise is included within the procedure and exercise steps where
applicable. When you see the sketcher display icons in exercises, you should set your sketcher
display to match. Consider the following example:
Enable only the following Sketcher Display types:
This step indicates that you should enable the display of dimensions, constraints, and vertices.

Sketcher Inspection Display Tools

Sketcher contains four inspection display tools to help analyze and solve common sketching problems.
Two of these tools are enabled by default and are available in the Inspect group of the Sketch ribbon tab:

Highlight Open Ends The endpoints of entities not common to more than one entity are
highlighted. For example, any open ends of the sketch are highlighted. The highlight appears as a
large red square on the open endpoint.
Shade Closed Loops The area inside entities that form a closed loop is shaded. The
default shading color is pale yellow.

Figure 1 Showing Sketcher Inspection Display

Orienting the Sketch Parallel to the Screen

When you enter Sketcher, the models current orientation is retained by default. However, you can
click Sketch View from the In Graphics toolbar to reorient the sketch parallel to the screen at any time.
This orientation can be beneficial when creating more complicated sketches.

Concept: Utilizing Constraints
Utilizing Constraints

Figure 1 Sketch Before and After Constraints Applied

Constraining the sketch is an important means to capture design intent. As you add constraints, you add logic
to your sketches. You also minimize the number of dimensions required to document your design intent. This
is why it is important to constrain your sketched entities before dimensioning your sketch.

The following table lists the available constraints, which can be activated from the Constrain group in the
Sketch tab of the ribbon, or by selecting multiple entities and right-clicking:

Figure 2 Constrain Group

Constraint Description
Vertical Makes lines vertical or aligns points vertically.

Horizontal Makes lines horizontal or aligns points horizontally.

Perpendicular Makes lines perpendicular to one another.

Constraint Description
Tangent Makes lines tangent to arcs and circles.

Midpoint Places a point on the middle of a line or arc.

Coincident Aligns two entities or vertices to the same point.

Also creates Collinear and Point on Entity

Symmetric Makes two points or vertices symmetric about a


Equal Makes lines equal length, gives arcs/circles equal

radii, makes dimensions equal, or creates equal

Parallel Makes lines parallel to one another.

At any time, you can select a constraint from the sketch, click the Constrain drop-down menu, and select Explain.
The Message Log provides an explanation of the constraint.

Figure 3 Sketch Before and After Constraints Applied

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Constraints folder and click OK

3. Click File > Open and double-click CONSTRAINTS.PRT.

Task 1. Apply the Equal, Horizontal, and Coincident constraints to the Sketch 1 feature.
1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click Sketch 1 and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Click Equal from the Constrain group in the ribbon.

1. Select the small circle, then the larger circle.

Figure 1
When using the Equal constraint, you can select two or more entities or dimensions to set them equal.

5. Click Horizontal from the Constrain group and select the center of each circle.

Figure 2
6. Select One-by-One from the Select types drop-down menu in the Operations group.

7. Drag the circle centers to test the Horizontal constraint.

8. Drag the circle radii to test the Equal Radii constraint.

9. Click Undo from the Quick Access toolbar twice.

10. Click Coincident from the Constrain group and select one circle center and the horizontal

Figure 3
11. Click OK from the Sketch tab in the ribbon.

Task 2. Apply the Midpoint and Coincident constraints to the Sketch 2 feature.
1. Edit the definition of Sketch 2.

2. Click Midpoint from the Constrain group.

3. Select the circle center, then select the vertical line on which it resides.

Figure 4
4. Click Coincident

5. Select the circle radius, then select the upper-right rectangle vertex.

Figure 5
6. Click OK
. 7.
Task 3. Apply the Perpendicular, Equal, Vertical, and Coincident constraints to the Sketch 3
1. Edit the definition of Sketch 3.

2. Click Perpendicular from the Constrain group and select the upper and right lines.
3. Click Parallel from the Constrain group and select the upper and lower lines.

Figure 6
4. Middle-click twice to enable selection.

5. Press CTRL and select the upper and lower lines, then right-click and select Equal.
6. Select the left line, then right-click and select Vertical.

Figure 7
7. Select the right line, press CTRL, select the vertical reference, then right-click and
select Coincident.
8. Select the lower line, press CTRL, select the horizontal reference, then right-click and
select Coincident.

Figure 8
9. Click OK

For most constraint types, you can select entities first, and then right-click to apply the desired

Task 4. Apply the Coincident, Tangent, and Symmetric constraints to the Sketch 4 feature.

1. Edit the definition of Sketch 4.

2. Notice the red highlighted open ends.

Figure 9
3. Press CTRL and select the endpoints on either side of the gap.

1. Right-click and select Coincident.

4. Click Tangent from the Constrain group and select the right arc and the upper line.

Figure 10
5. Click Symmetric from the Constrain group and select the upper vertex of the right arc, the
upper vertex of the left arc, and the vertical centerline.
6. Click One-by-One .

Figure 11
7. Drag the centerline to the right.

Figure 12
8. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketching with On-the-Fly Constraints

Sketching with On-the-Fly Constraints
As you sketch geometry entities, constraints appear dynamically on-the-fly to quickly capture design intent.
The constraints actually cause the geometry to snap as you sketch it, based on the constraint that
appears. For example, as you sketch a line close to horizontal, a Horizontal constraint dynamically
displays and snaps the line horizontal, enabling you to quickly capture your horizontal line design intent.
Taking advantage of these constraints ensures that you do not have to manually constrain entities after
they are sketched.

When a constraint appears, you can perform the following manipulations to further aid you while

Lock constraint Enables you to lock the constraint so the geometry remains snapped. Locked
constraints are denoted by circles, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Locking a Constraint

Disable constraint Enables you to disable the constraint so it does not influence the geometry.
Of course, you can always re-enable the disabled constraint. Disabled constraints are denoted by
slashes, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Disabling a Constraint

Disable constraints from appearing on-the-fly Enables you to sketch an entity without any on-
the-fly constraints appearing.

Toggle active constraint When a constraint appears on-the-fly while sketching, it displays in
green and is considered active. When more than one constraint appears at the same time, only one

can be the active constraint. The active constraint has the previously defined manipulations applied
to it. The toggle manipulation is only available if more than one on-the-fly constraint appears at the
same time. In Figure 3, the Equal Length constraint is active in the left image and the Horizontal
constraint is active in the right image.

Figure 3 Toggling the Active Constraint

The following table lists the manipulations available and the corresponding mouse and keyboard

Constraint Manipulation Mouse/Keyboard Operation

Lock/Disable/Enable the Constraint Right-click to toggle between constraint types.

Disable constraints from appearing on-the-fly Press and hold SHIFT while sketching the entity.

Toggle the Active Constraint Press TAB.

Manipulating the constraints on-the-fly does not cancel the Sketcher entity tool that you are using. For
example, if you are sketching a line and manipulate a constraint that dynamically appears, the Line tool
remains active.

Concept: Sketching Lines

Sketching Lines
There are two main types of lines available in Sketcher:

Line Chain Select Line Chain from the Line types drop-down menu or right-click and select
Line Chain to create a line between two selected points. Each time you click the mouse, you start a
line point or endpoint. You can continue clicking the mouse to create lines that are chained together.

The endpoint of one line is the starting point of the next line. You can either middle-click or select
another function from the Sketch tab in the ribbon to terminate line creation.

Figure 1 Line Chain

Tangent Line Select Line Tangent from the Line types drop-down menu to create a line
that is to two circles, two arcs, or a circle and arc. You can only select arcs or circles when
creating a Tangent Line.

Figure 2 Tangent Line

Procedure: Sketching Lines

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.

2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Line folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SKETCH_LINES.PRT.

Task 1. Sketch line entities in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click LINE and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Select Line Chain from the Line types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
5. Click the existing line endpoint. Move the cursor down, and click again at the vertical and
horizontal reference intersection. Notice the Vertical constraint.

Figure 1
6. Move the cursor to the right, and notice the Horizontal constraint.

7. Continue to move the cursor to the right until you see the Equal Length constraint.

Figure 2
8. Continue to move the cursor to the right until you see the Vertical Alignment constraint.

9. Click again to complete the horizontal line.

Figure 3
10. Move your cursor up and to the right to create a diagonal line. Continue to move the cursor
upward until you see the Parallel constraint.

Figure 4
11. Continue to move the cursor to increase the line length until the Equal Length constraint appears.

Figure 5
12. Press TAB to toggle the active constraint to the Parallel constraint.

13. Press TAB again to toggle the active constraint back to the Equal Length constraint.

14. Right-click two times to disable the Equal Length constraint.

Figure 6
15. Keeping the line parallel, continue to move the cursor to increase the line length.

16. Press TAB to activate the Parallel constraint.

17. Right-click to lock the Parallel constraint.

Figure 7

18. Move the cursor to further extend the line length and click to finish the line creation.

19. Move the cursor upward. Notice the Vertical constraint.

20. Click to finish the vertical line creation.

21. Move the cursor to the left and notice the Horizontal constraint. Drag the line horizontally to the
left until the Vertical Alignment constraint appears.

Figure 8
22. Click to finish the horizontal line creation.

23. Move the cursor down and drag the line vertically until it snaps to the arc endpoint. Click to finish
the vertical line creation.

24. Middle-click twice to stop sketching and exit the line creation tool.

Figure 9

25. Click OK from the Sketch tab in the ribbon.

Task 2. Sketch tangent lines in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of 2-TANGENT_LINE.

2. Select Line Tangent from the Line types drop-down menu in the ribbon.
3. Click the bottom of the smaller circle to begin sketching a line.

Figure 10
4. Move the cursor around the circle, and notice that the line stays tangent to the circle.

5. Click the top of the larger circle to complete the line. Notice the Tangent constraints.

Figure 11

6. Select One-by-One from the Select types drop-down menu.

7. Select the tangent line and press DELETE.

8. Click Line Tangent .

9. Sketch another tangent line.

Figure 12

10. Sketch a third tangent line.

Figure 13
11. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketching Centerlines

Sketching Centerlines
A centerline is a type of construction geometry that can be used to define a line of symmetry with a sketch.

Figure 1 Symmetry Created using a Centerline

They are also used to control sketch geometry. In Figure 2, the circle is dimensioned to the vertical and
horizontal references.

Figure 2 Dimensioning a Circle without a Centerline

In Figure 3, the circle is dimensioned radially by using a centerline.

Figure 3 Dimensioning a Circle using a Centerline

Centerlines must be fully constrained by using dimensions or constraints like any other sketched entity.
They have infinite length and do not create feature geometry.
There are two types of construction Centerlines:

Centerline Select Centerline from the Centerline types drop-down menu or right-click and
select Centerline to create a Centerline through two points.
Tangent Centerline Select Centerline Tangent from the Centerline types drop-down menu
to create a centerline that is tangent to two circles, two arcs, or a circle and arc. You can only select
arcs or circles when creating a Tangent Centerline.

Procedure: Sketching Centerlines

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Centerline folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SKETCH_CENTERLINES.PRT.

Task 1. Sketch centerlines in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, select CENTERLINE, right-click, and select Edit Definition.
3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

Figure 1

4. Notice that the horizontal line is asymmetric about the vertical reference. Also notice the
dimensioning scheme for the angled line.

5. Click and drag a window around the two lines.

6. Press DELETE.

7. Select Centerline from the Centerline types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
8. Click the intersection of the vertical and horizontal references to start sketching a centerline.

9. Move the cursor upwards and click the vertical reference to create a vertical centerline on top of
the vertical reference.

10. Click the intersection of the vertical and horizontal references to start sketching a second

11. Drag the centerline until it measures approximately 70from vertical, and click to place it.

Figure 2

12. Select Line Chain from the Line types drop-down menu.
13. Click in the top left quadrant of the graphics window to start sketching a line.

14. Move the cursor horizontally to the right side of the vertical centerline until it snaps symmetric
about the vertical centerline and click to place it.

15. Middle-click to stop line creation.

Figure 3

16. Select One-by-One from the Select types drop-down menu, and click and drag one of the line
endpoints to resize it to a length of approximately 13. Notice that the line stays symmetrical about
the vertical centerline as it is resized.
17. Click Line Chain and select the right endpoint of the horizontal line.
18. Move the cursor down to the angled centerline, move the cursor up and down on the centerline
until the Perpendicular constraint appears, and click to complete the line.

19. Middle-click to stop line creation.

20. Click One-by-One and de-select the line.

21. Click the angled centerline and drag it to approximately 60. Notice that the angled line always
stays perpendicular about the angled centerline.

Figure 4

22. Click OK from the ribbon.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketching Rectangles and Parallelograms

Sketching Rectangles and Parallelograms
To create a corner rectangle, select Corner Rectangle from the Rectangle types drop-down menu, or
right-click and select Corner Rectangle. When you sketch a rectangle, you click to define locations for two
opposite corners.

Figure 1 Corner Rectangle

To create a slanted rectangle, select Slanted Rectangle from the Rectangle types drop-down menu.
When you sketch a slanted rectangle, you click two locations to define a line that becomes the first side,
and then specify a third location to define the width.

Figure 2 Slanted Rectangle

To create a center rectangle, select Center Rectangle from the Rectangle types drop-down menu.
When you sketch a center rectangle, you click to define locations for the rectangle center and one corner.
The rectangle is created symmetrically in both directions using two diagonal construction lines that
connect opposite corners through the rectangle center.

Figure 3 Center Rectangle

To create a parallelogram, select Parallelogram from the Rectangle types drop-down menu. When
you sketch a parallelogram, you click two locations to define a line that becomes the first side, and then
specify a third location to define the width and side angle.

Figure 4 Parallelogram

Remember the following when sketching rectangles and parallelograms:

The four lines are independent once created.

You can delete, trim, and align each line individually.

You should create symmetric rectangles using the Center Rectangle type.

Procedure: Sketching Rectangles and

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.

2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Rectangle_Parallelogram folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click RECTANGLE_PARALLELOGRAM.PRT.

Task 1. Create a corner rectangle and a center rectangle in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click RECTANGLE and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Select the upper line of the rectangle and press DELETE.

Figure 1

5. Press CTRL and select the three remaining lines.

Figure 2

6. Right-click and select Delete.

7. Select Center Rectangle from the Rectangle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.

8. Click the intersection of the vertical and horizontal references to start the rectangle. Move the
cursor to the lower-right quadrant, and notice that the rectangle retains symmetry about its
vertical and horizontal without requiring centerlines.

9. Click to complete the rectangle.

10. Middle-click to complete sketching and view the constraints.

Figure 3

11. Click Sketch View from the In Graphics toolbar.

12. Right-click and select Corner Rectangle.
13. Click the midpoint of the right side of the rectangle.

14. Move the cursor to the right until the second rectangle snaps to equal length. Move the cursor
down until the second rectangle snaps to the bottom of the first rectangle, and click to complete
the rectangle.

Figure 4

Task 2. Sketch a parallelogram and a slanted rectangle.

1. Select Parallelogram from the Rectangle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.

2. Click the upper-right vertex of the second rectangle and then click the upper-right vertex of the
first rectangle.

3. Move the cursor up vertically until the height snaps to equal length, then click to complete the

Figure 5

4. Select Slanted Rectangle from the Rectangle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
5. Click the upper-left vertex of the parallelogram to begin sketching.

6. Move the cursor to the vertical reference and upwards until the line snaps parallel, and then click.

7. Move the cursor up and to the right until it snaps to equal length, then click to complete the slant

Figure 6
8. Middle-click to stop sketching.

9. Click OK in the ribbon.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketching Circles

Sketching Circles
There are four types of circles available in Sketcher:

Center and Point Select Center and Point from the Circle types drop-down menu and select
the location for the center and a location that determines the diameter. You can also right-click and
select Circle.
Concentric Select Concentric from the Circle types drop-down menu to create a circle that
is concentric about an existing circle or arc.

Figure 1 Concentric Circle

3 Point Select 3 Point from the Circle types drop-down menu and select three locations that
the circle must pass through.

Figure 2 Circle Created by Picking 3 Points

3 Tangent Select 3 Tangent from the Circle types drop-down menu and select three arcs,
circles, or lines which must be tangent to the circle.

Figure 3 Circle Tangent to 3 Entities

Procedure: Sketching Circles

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Circle folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SKETCH_CIRCLES.PRT.

Task 1. Sketch circles and concentric circles in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click CTR-PNT_CONCENTRIC_CIRCLE and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Select Center and Point from the Circle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
5. Select the vertical and horizontal reference intersection.

6. Move the cursor out until the circle diameter snaps to equal diameter with the arc. Click to
complete the circle.

Figure 1

7. Sketch another circle so it snaps to the arc endpoint.

Figure 2

8. Click Sketch View from the In Graphics toolbar.

9. Select Concentric from the Circle types drop-down menu and select the largest circle.
10. Move the cursor up until the circle diameter snaps to the right arc endpoint.

11. Click to complete the circle.

12. Middle-click to cancel further circle creation.

Figure 3

13. Select the arc and create another concentric circle.

Figure 4

14. Middle-click to cancel further circle creation.

15. Click OK from the ribbon.

Task 2. Sketch 3 point circles in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of 3-PNT_CIRCLE.

2. Select 3 Point from the Circle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
3. Select the line endpoint and a rectangle corner.

4. Select the opposite rectangle corner.

Figure 5

5. Click OK .

Task 3. Sketch a tangent circle in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of 3-TANGENT_CIRCLE.

2. Select 3 Tangent from the Circle types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
3. Select the upper circle.

4. Select the left arc.

5. Select the right circle.

Figure 6
6. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketching Circular Fillets

Sketching Circular Fillets
The Circular option creates a rounded intersection between any two non-parallel entities. When you
create a Circular Fillet between two lines, the lines are automatically trimmed to the fillet. If you create a
Circular Fillet between any other entities, you must delete the remaining segments manually. When you
create a Circular Fillet, construction lines are created leading from the fillet endpoints to the intersection of
the original entities.
Circular Fillets can be applied to either concave or convex corners. The corners do not have to be
at 90.

Figure 1 - Convex Fillet

Figure 2 - Concave Fillet

The radius size is based on pick location, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Radius Size Based on Pick Location

In addition to clicking the icon, you can right-click in Sketcher and select Fillet to create Circular Fillets.

Procedure: Sketching Circular Fillets

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Fillet_Circular folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SKETCH_FILLETS.PRT.

Task 1. Sketch Circular Fillets in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click CIRCULAR_FILLET and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Select Circular from the Fillet types drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
5. Select the two points to create the fillet.

Figure 1
6. The construction lines are automatically created.

7. Select two points to create the next fillet.

Figure 2
8. Select two points to create the next fillet.

Figure 3

9. Select two points to create the next fillet.

Figure 4

10. Select One-by-One from the Select types drop-down menu.

11. Enable Display Constraints from the In Graphics toolbar.
12. Press CTRL and select the four fillets.

13. Right-click and select Equal.

Figure 5
14. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher

Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher
You can cut, copy, and paste sketched entities. To do this, you can use either the context-sensitive right-
mouse pop-up menu or icons in the ribbon. You can perform cut, copy, and paste operations from within a
sketch or from one sketch to another.

Scaling and Rotating Sketches

Figure 2 Rotating a Sketch

You can also scale and rotate selected sketch entities.

Figure 1 Scaled and Rotated Sketch

The first available operations when you paste sketched entities into a sketch are scaling and rotating the
pasted entities. You can scale and rotate existing sketch entities by selecting them and clicking Rotate
Resize from the Editing group in the ribbon, or by right-clicking and selecting Rotate Resize.
You can scale and rotate entities either by editing the fields in the dashboard or using the drag handles
that appear on the entities.

Click and drag the Location handle

to move the entities about Sketcher. To help properly place the entities, you can right-click and drag
to relocate the Location handle.
Click and drag the Scaling handle

to dynamically scale the entities or type a value in the Scaling factor field in the dashboard.
Click and drag the Rotate handle

to dynamically rotate the entities about the Location handle, or type a value in the Rotating angle
field in the dashboard.
You can also move the Location handle to a specified location in the sketch by activating the Reference
collector in the dashboard. When you select a reference, the Location handle snaps onto the reference.

Translating Sketches
Another available operation you can perform on pasted sketches is translating entities. To translate a
sketch, you can either click and drag the Location handle or type a distance value into the fields in the
dashboard. The Translate Reference is the location by which the translation distances are measured. The

sketch can be translated parallel (horizontal) and perpendicular (vertical) to the Translate Reference. You
can retain the default translate reference or you can specify a different one.

Procedure: Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Manipulating folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MANIP_SKETCHES.PRT.

Task 1. Copy, scale, and rotate a sketch.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click Sketch 1 and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Drag a window around all sketched entities.

5. Right-click and select Cut.

6. Right-click and select Paste.
7. Click in the upper-right quadrant to place the sketch.

8. Right-click the X Location handle and drag it to the upper arc endpoint.

Figure 1

9. Click the Rotation handle and drag it to rotate the sketch 90counterclockwise.

10. Click the X Location handle and drag it to reposition the sketch.

Figure 2
11. In the dashboard, edit the Scaling factor to 1 and the Rotating angle to 90, if necessary.
12. Click Accept Changes .
13. Click Paste from the Operations group in the ribbon.
14. Click in the lower left Sketcher quadrant.

15. Right-click the X Location handle and drag it to the lower arc endpoint.

Figure 3
16. Click the Rotation handle and drag it to rotate the sketch 90clockwise.

17. Click the X Location handle and drag it to reposition the sketch.

18. In the dashboard, edit the Scaling factor to 0.5 and press ENTER.
19. Click Accept Changes .

Figure 4

20. Select Line Tangent from the Line types drop-down menu and sketch the tangent line.

Figure 5

21. Click Delete Segment and trim the hanging arcs.

Figure 6

22. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher

Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher
When dimensioning a sketch, it is important to create dimensions that capture your design intent because
these dimensions are displayed when you edit the model and when you create drawings of the model.

Dimensions are all created by clicking the Normal icon. You can also right-click and select Dimension.
Select entities to be dimensioned and middle-click to place the dimension. At this point, you can either press
ENTER to accept the current dimension value, or type a different one and press ENTER. The type
of dimension created depends upon what is selected and where the dimension is placed.
The following dimension types can be created:

Line length Select a line and place the dimension. The line length is dimensioned.

Angle You can create an angle measurement by selecting two linear references. Where you
place the dimension determines how the angle is measured (acute versus obtuse).

Figure 1 Length and Angle Dimensions

You can also create an arc angle by selecting an arc endpoint, the arc center, and the other endpoint,
and then placing the dimension.
Distance Select two entities to measure the distance between them and place the dimension.
Again, where you place the dimension determines whether it is vertical, horizontal, or slanted.

Radius Select an arc or circle once, then place the dimension. You can toggle a radius
dimension to a diameter or linear dimension by right-clicking and selecting Convert to Diameter and
Convert to Linear, respectively.

Diameter Double-click an arc or circle, then place the dimension. You can toggle a diameter
dimension to a radius or linear dimension by right-clicking and selecting Convert to Radius and
Convert to Linear, respectively.

Figure 2 Distance, Radius, and Diameter Dimensions

Revolved Diameter Select the entity, a centerline, and the entity again and place the
dimension. Alternatively, you can select the centerline, the entity, and the centerline again.

Figure 3 Revolved Diameter Dimension

You can toggle a revolved diameter dimension to a revolved radius dimension and vice-versa by
right-clicking and selecting Convert to Radial and Convert to Diameter, respectively.
Arc length You can create an arc length dimension by selecting the arc segment, its two
endpoints, and placing the dimension. The arc length dimension displays an arch symbol over the
dimension value. You can toggle the arc length measurement to an arc angle dimension and vice-
versa by right-clicking and selecting Convert to Angle and Convert to Length, respectively.

Total included angle Similar to a revolved diameter dimension, you can create a total included
angle dimension by selecting an angled line, a centerline, and the angled line again before placing
the dimension. You can toggle the total included angle to an angle dimension and vice-versa by
right-clicking and selecting Convert to Angle and Convert to Total included angle, respectively.

Weak Dimensions
Because Sketcher must maintain a fully defined sketch at all times, a sketch initially is dimensioned using
weak dimensions. As you dimension your sketch (these are strong dimensions) using your desired design
intent, the weak dimensions automatically disappear.

You can convert weak dimensions to strong dimensions by selecting the weak dimension, right-
clicking, and selecting Strong. Similar to creating a new dimension, you can either accept the current
dimension values conversion to strong, or type a new one. When you edit a weak dimension, it is
automatically converted to strong.

Procedure: Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Dimensions folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click DIMENSIONS.PRT.

Task 1. Create line length dimensions in Sketcher.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click LENGTH and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Click Normal from the Dimension group in the ribbon.

5. Select the top horizontal line and middle-click above it to place the dimension.

6. Type 190 and press ENTER.

Figure 1

7. Select the angled line and middle-click to place the dimension.

8. Type 340 as the value and press ENTER. Notice the weak dimensions are disappearing.

Figure 2

9. Middle-click to stop dimension creation.

10. Select the weak 247.12 dimension, right-click, and select Strong.
11. Type 250 and press ENTER.

Figure 3
12. Click OK

Task 2. Create angle dimensions in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of ANGLE.

2. Click Normal .
3. Select the angled line and the horizontal reference, and then middle-click to place the angle

4. Type 35 and press ENTER.

Figure 4

5. Select the top arc endpoint, the arc center, and the bottom arc endpoint, and then middle-click to
place the dimension, as shown.

6. Type 120 and press ENTER.

Figure 5
7. OK

Task 3. Create distance dimensions in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of DISTANCE.

2. Click Normal .
3. Select the arc centers, middle-click to the left of the vertical reference, and press ENTER.

Figure 6

4. Click Undo .
5. Click Normal .
6. Select the arc centers, middle-click below the horizontal reference, and press ENTER.

Figure 7

7. Click Undo .
8. Click Normal .
9. Select the arcs, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 8
10. Click Undo .
11. Click Normal
12. Select the arcs, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 9

13. Click Undo .

14. Click Normal .
15. Select the arc centers, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 10
16. Click OK

Task 4. Create radius dimensions in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of RADIUS.

2. Click Normal .
3. Select the left circle, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 11

4. Select the arc, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 12
5. Click OK

Task 5. Create arc and circle diameter dimensions in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of ARC_CIRCLE_DIA.

2. Click Normal .
3. Double-click the arc, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 13
4. Double-click the circle, middle-click to place the dimension, and press ENTER.

Figure 14

5. Middle-click to stop dimension creation.

6. Select the 250 dimension, right-click, and select Convert to Radius.

Figure 15
7. Click OK

Task 6. Create revolved diameter dimensions in Sketcher

1. Edit the definition of REV_DIA.

2. Click Normal .
3. Click the long vertical line, centerline, and long vertical line again.

4. Middle-click to place the dimension.

5. Type 145 and press ENTER.

Figure 16
6. Click One-by-One and drag the dimension.
7. Click Normal .
8. Click the short vertical line, centerline, and short vertical line again.

9. Middle-click to place the dimension.

10. Type 375 and press ENTER.

Figure 17
11. Click OK

Task 7. Create an arc length dimension in Sketcher

1. Edit the definition of ARC_LENGTH.

2. Click Normal .
3. Select the arc, select each endpoint, and middle-click to place the dimension, as shown.

4. Type 380 and press ENTER.

Figure 18

5. Click One-by-One and select the dimension.

6. Right-click and select Convert to Angle.

Figure 19
7. Right-click and select Convert to Length.
8. Click OK .

Task 8. Create a total included angle dimension in Sketcher.

1. Edit the definition of INCLUDED_ANGLE.

2. Click Normal .
3. Select the angled line, the horizontal centerline, and angled line again.

4. Middle-click to place the dimension, as shown.

5. Type 115 and press ENTER.

Figure 20
6. Click OK

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Sketcher Conflicts
Sketcher Conflict Causes
Sketcher strives to maintain a fully constrained sketch automatically. Sketcher Conflicts are caused by an
over-constrained sketch condition that arises from manually adding too many constraints or too many

Resolving Sketcher Conflicts

When a Sketcher Conflict occurs, the Resolve Sketch dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Resolve Sketch Dialog Box

The Resolve Sketch dialog box displays the conflicting constraints and/or dimensions. The graphics
window also highlights the conflicting items in green.

Figure 2 Sketcher Conflict

When a Sketcher Conflict arises, you can resolve it by using either of the following techniques:
Delete the conflicting constraints or dimensions to revert the sketch back to fully constrained.

Convert dimensions to Reference dimensions. A Reference dimension is not a driving dimension

that constrains a sketch. You cannot modify a Reference dimension, but it does update with geometry

Figure 3 Conflicting Dimension Converted to Reference Dimension

Procedure: Sketcher Conflicts

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sketcher\Conflicts folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SKETCHER_CONFLICTS.PRT.

Task 1. Resolve conflicts due to added constraints.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, right-click Sketch 1 and select Edit Definition.

3. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

4. Constrain the arc perpendicular to the vertical reference.

5. Select the 6.5 dimension in the Resolve Sketch dialog box.

6. Click Delete.

Figure 1
7. Add the necessary constraint to make the two highlighted lines equal.

Figure 2
8. Select the 7.3 dimension from the graphics window.
9. In the Resolve Sketch dialog box, click Dim > Ref.

Figure 3
10. Click OK

Task 2. Resolve conflicts due to added dimensions.

1. Edit the definition of Sketch 2.

2. Dimension from the vertical reference to the upper-right arc center and place the dimension under
the sketch geometry.

Figure 4

3. Select the 16 dimension in the Resolve Sketch dialog box.
4. Click Delete and press ENTER.
5. Double-click the lower-left arc and place the diameter dimension.

Figure 5

6. Select the Parallel constraint in the Resolve Sketch dialog box.

7. Click Delete and press ENTER.
8. Click One-by-One from the Operations group.
9. Modify the dimensions, as shown.

Figure 6

10. Click OK .

This completes the procedure.

Creating Extrudes, Revolves, and Ribs

Module Overview:
Once you have created 2-D sketches, you can use those sketches to create 3-D geometry.

In this module, you use 2-D sketches to create 3-D solid geometry features including extrude, revolve, and
profile rib features. You also learn about the common dashboard options associated with these types of
sketch-based features.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create solid extrude and revolve features.

Add taper to extrude features.

Create profile rib features.

Understand common dashboard options including extrude depth, feature direction, thickening
sketches, and revolve angle.

Understand how to automatically add and remove material.

Concept: Creating Solid Extrude Features

Creating Solid Extrude Features
An extrude feature is based on a two-dimensional sketch.

Figure 1 - Viewing 2-D Sketches

It linearly extrudes a sketch perpendicular to the sketching plane to create or remove material.

Figure 2 - Extrude Feature Adding Material

Figure 3 - Extrude Feature Removing Material
You can either select the sketch first and then start the Extrude tool, or you can start the Extrude tool and
then select the sketch.

In an assembly, you cannot create an extrude feature that adds material. You can only remove

Procedure: Creating Solid Extrude Features

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Extrude\Solid folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click EXTRUDE.PRT.

Task 1. Create solid extrude features.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, click Extrude from the Shapes group.

3. Select Sketch 1.
4. Drag the drag handle down below datum plane TOP to a depth of 16.

Figure 1
5. Click Complete Feature from the dashboard.
6. Click Extrude .
7. Select Sketch 2.
8. Edit the height to 24.

Figure 2
9. Click Complete Feature .
10. Click Extrude .
11. Select Sketch 3.
12. Click Remove Material from the dashboard.
13. Edit the depth to Through All .

Figure 3
14. Click Complete Feature .
15. Disable Plane Display .

Figure 4
This completes the procedure.

Exercise: Creating the Crankshaft

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Extrude\Crankshaft folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click CRANKSHAFT.PRT.

Create multiple extrude features to create the CRANKSHAFT.PRT.

As part of the new design for the gas powered drill, you have been assigned to the crankshaft. Create the
crankshaft main journal and connecting rod journal, adhering to the existing sketch.

Task 1. Create reference geometry and a sketch feature on CRANKSHAFT.PRT.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. Select datum plane TOP from the model tree.

3. Click Plane from the Datum group.

4. Drag the drag handle up to an offset value of 14, editing it if necessary.
5. In the Datum Plane dialog box, select the Properties tab.
1. Edit the Name to OFFSET.
2. Click OK.

Figure 1

6. With datum plane OFFSET still selected, press CTRL and select datum plane RIGHT.

7. Click Axis from the Datum group.

8. In the model tree, right-click the newly created axis and select Rename. Type CRANK_PIN and
press ENTER.

Figure 2

9. Click Sketch .
10. Select datum plane FRONT, and click Sketch in the Sketch dialog box.
11. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

12. Click References and select datum axis CRANK_PIN as a new reference.
13. Click Close in the References dialog box.
14. Select Center and Point from the Circle types drop-down menu and sketch the circle with the
center snapping to the CRANK_PIN reference. Middle-click to stop circle creation and edit the
diameter to 10.

Figure 3
15. Click OK
16. Click in the background to de-select the sketch.

Task 2. Create the main crankshaft journal.

1. Disable Plane Display and Axis Display .

2. Click Extrude .
3. Select the SKETCH_CRANK sketch from the model tree.

4. Select the Options tab in the dashboard and select Blind for SIDE 2.
5. Edit the depth for SIDE 1 to 46.5 and the depth for SIDE 2 to 73.5.

Figure 4
6. Click Complete Feature .
7. Click Extrude .
8. Select the SKETCH_LOBE sketch from the model tree.

9. Select the Options tab in the dashboard and select To Selected for SIDE 1.
10. Select datum plane LOBE_FRONT from the model tree as the reference.

11. In the Options tab of the dashboard, select To Selected for SIDE 2.
12. Select datum plane LOBE_REAR from the model tree as the reference.

Figure 5
13. Click Complete Feature

Task 3. Create the cut for the connecting rod journal.

1. Click Extrude .
2. Select the Sketch 1 sketch from the model tree.
3. In the dashboard, click Remove Material if necessary.

4. Click Change Material Direction .
5. Edit the depth to Symmetric , and edit the depth value to 10.

Figure 6
6. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 7
7. Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar and click OK to save the model.
8. Click File > Manage Session > Erase Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.
This completes the exercise.

Concept: Common Dashboard Options: Extrude

Common Dashboard Options: Extrude Depth
When you create an extrude feature from a 2-D sketch, the depth at which the feature extrudes can be
set in a variety of ways depending upon the design intent you wish to capture. You can specify the

desired depth option using the dashboard or by right-clicking on the drag handle in the graphics window.
Extrude depth options include:

Figure 1 - Extrude Depth Options

Blind (Variable) This is the default depth option. You can edit this depth value by dragging the
drag handle, editing the dimension on the model, or using the dashboard.

Symmetric The section extrudes equally on both sides of the sketch plane. You can edit the
total depth at which the feature extrudes, just as you can with the Blind depth option. Therefore, the
Symmetric depth is essentially the same as a Blind Symmetric depth.

To Next This option causes the extrude to stop at the next surface encountered. A depth
dimension is not required, as the next surface controls the extrude depth.

Through All This option causes the section to extrude through the entire model. A depth
dimension is not required, as the model itself controls the extrude depth.

Through Until This option causes the extrude to stop at the selected surface. A depth
dimension is not required, as the selected surface controls the extrude depth. Note that the section
must pass through the selected surface.

To Selected This option causes the extrude to stop at the selected surface. A depth dimension
is not required, as the selected surface controls the extrude depth. Unlike the Through Until depth
option, the section does not have to pass through the selected surface.

Side 1/Side 2 You can independently control the depth at which the section extrudes on each
side of the sketching plane. By default, the section extrudes on Side 1; however, you can cause the
section to extrude on Side 2 as well. Any of the above options can be used for either side, except for

The To Next and Through All options only consider geometry present at the time (in the feature order)
when the extrude is created. Features created after the extrude feature is created do not cause the
extrude feature's depth to change.

You can also switch depth options by right-clicking on the drag handle in the graphics window.

Procedure: Common Dashboard Options: Extrude

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work,
click File > Close until no models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Extrude\Depth folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click EXTRUDE-DEPTH.PRT.

Task 1. Create extrude features using different depth options.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Extrude from the Shapes group.

3. Select sketch BLIND, and edit the depth to 200.

Figure 1
4. Click Complete Feature .
5. Click Extrude .
6. Select sketch SYMMETRIC.

7. In the dashboard, edit the depth to Symmetric and edit the depth to 125.

Figure 2

8. Click Complete Feature .
9. Click Extrude .
10. Select sketch TO_NEXT.

11. Edit the depth to To Next .

Figure 3
12. Click Complete Feature .
13. Click Extrude .
14. Select sketch THRU_ALL.

15. Edit the depth to Through All and click Remove Material .

Figure 4
16. Click Complete Feature .
17. Click Extrude .
18. Select sketch THRU_UNTIL.

19. Edit the depth to Through Until and select the surface.

Figure 5
20. Click Complete Feature .
21. Click Extrude .
22. Select sketch TO_SURFACE.

23. Edit the depth to To Selected and select the surface.

Figure 6
24. Click Complete Feature .
25. Notice the contour at the extrude end.

26. Enable Plane Display .

27. Click Extrude .
28. Select sketch TO_PLANE.

29. Edit the depth to To Selected and select datum plane DTM1.

Figure 7
30. Click Complete Feature .
31. Click Extrude .
32. Select sketch BOTH_SIDES and edit the depth to 220.
33. Select the Options tab and edit the Side 2 depth to To Next .

Figure 8
34. Click Complete Feature .
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Solid Revolve Features

Creating Solid Revolve Features
A revolve feature is based on a two-dimensional sketch.

Figure 1 Viewing 2-D Sketches
You can use a revolve feature to revolve a sketch about an axis of revolution (in the sketching plane) to
create or remove material. You can either select the sketch first and start the Revolve tool, or you can
start the Revolve tool and then select the sketch.
When you select a sketch to be revolved, the feature uses, by default, the first geometry centerline
sketched within the section as the axis of revolution, as shown in the left image in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Same Revolved Sketch using Different Axes of Revolution

However, you can also select any other straight curve or edge, datum axis, or coordinate system axis as the
axis of revolution. If the sketch you are revolving does not contain a geometry centerline, you need to select
one of these other references as the axis of revolution. In the right image in Figure 2, the axis of revolution
has been changed to the horizontal datum axis. There are two rules for defining the axis of revolution:
1. Geometry must be sketched only on one side of the axis of revolution.

2. The axis of revolution must lie in the sketching plane of the section.

You can revolve either an open or closed sketch. In Figure 2, a closed sketch is used to create the
feature that adds material, while an open section is used to create the cut that removes material in Figure

Figure 3 Removing Material using a Revolve Feature

You can also thicken the sketch used to create a revolve feature.

Procedure: Creating Solid Revolve Features

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Revolve\Solid folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click REVOLVE.PRT.

Task 1. Create solid revolve features using different axes of revolution.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types:

2. Edit the definition of Sketch 1. Notice the vertical and horizontal centerlines.

3. Select the vertical centerline, right-click, and select Geometry.

Figure 1
4. Click OK

5. Click Revolve from the Shapes group.
6. Select Sketch 1 if necessary.
7. Right-click and select Axis of Revolution Collector.
8. Highlight datum axis REV, and then select it.

9. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 2
10. Edit the definition of Revolve 1.

11. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab and click Internal CL.
12. Click Complete Feature .
13. Disable Axis Display .

Figure 3
14. Click Revolve from the Shapes group.
15. Select Sketch 2.
16. Click Remove Material .
17. Edit the Revolve angle to 75 and press ENTER.

Figure 4
18. Click Complete Feature .
19. Edit the definition of Revolve 2.

20. Edit the Revolve angle back to 360 and press ENTER.
21. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 5
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Profile Rib Features

Creating Profile Rib Features
Ribs are typically used to strengthen parts. A profile rib feature is similar to an extruded protrusion, except
that it requires an open section sketch.

Figure 1 Viewing Open Sketches

The rib also conforms to existing planar or cylindrical geometry when it is extruded. After you select an
open section sketch and set a thickness, Creo Parametric automatically creates the profile rib feature by
merging it with your model. The system can add material above or below the sketch, and the thickness
can be applied on either side, or be symmetric about the sketch.

Figure 2 Editing the Side that Thickens

Figure 3 Flipping Which Side the Rib is Created

The Profile Rib enables you to create rib features in less time than it would take for you to create and
sketch a protrusion.

Procedure: Creating Profile Rib Features

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Rib\Profile folder and click OK

3. Click File > Open and double-click RIB.PRT.

Task 1. Create profile rib features on a part model.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Profile Rib from the Rib types drop-down menu in the Engineering group.
3. Select RIB_SKETCH-1.

4. Drag the handle and edit the width to 75.

Figure 1
5. Click Complete Feature .
 Notice the angled rib surface is not planar; it is contoured to match the curved
surface which is adjacent to the sketch.

6. Click Profile Rib .

7. Select RIB_SKETCH-2 .

8. Orient to view orientation RIGHT.

9. Drag the handle and edit the width to 25. The rib is centered about the sketch.

Figure 2
10. Click theChange Thickness Option . The rib moves to the left of the sketch.

Figure 3
11. Click theChange Thickness Option again. The rib moves to the right of the sketch.

Figure 4
12. Click Complete Feature .
13. Reorient the model.

14. Click Profile Rib .

15. Select RIB_SKETCH-3 . The rib is above the sketch.

Figure 5
16. Click the magenta arrow in the graphics window. The rib is now on the bottom of the sketch.

Figure 6
17. Click Complete Feature .
This completes the procedure.

Creating Sweeps and Blends

Module Overview:
Extruded and revolved features comprise the majority of the features on the models that you create.
However, there are occasions when extruded and revolved features cannot easily create the necessary
geometry. In these instances, you may need to sketch more advanced geometry features.

In this module, you learn how to create two advanced geometry features: the sweep feature and the
blend feature.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create sweeps with open and closed trajectories.

Analyze sweep feature attributes.

Create blends by selecting parallel sections.

Create blends by sketching sections.

Analyze blend options.

Concept: Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories

Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories
You can create a sweep feature to create a constant cross-section feature that follows a trajectory curve. A
sweep feature can also have a variable section, but this topic discusses the constant section only. A
sweep can add or remove material. It can also be created as a thin feature or as a surface. A sweep
feature consists of both a trajectory and a section.

If your company has legacy data that contains Simple sweep features, the classic menu manager
interface displays when redefining them.

Selecting the Trajectory

The trajectory is the path along which the section sweeps. The trajectory must be selected, rather than
sketched. The trajectory can be open, meaning that it does not have to create a loop, as shown in the
figures. It can have sharp or tangent corners, as shown in the Figure 1 protrusion and the Figure 2 cut,

Figure 1 Sweeping a Closed Sketch Along an Open Trajectory

Figure 2 Sweeping an Open Sketch Along an Open Trajectory

When selecting a trajectory, the following selection methods are available:

Select a previously created external sketch.

Select individual curves or edges from existing geometry. To include additional adjacent edges as
the trajectory, you can press SHIFT while selecting them.

Select an intent chain.

Within the Sweep dashboard, you can click Datum and select Sketch at the right end;
however, this does not make the sketch internal to the sweep.
Once the trajectory has been selected, you may decide that you do not want the trajectory to traverse the
entire length of your selected sketch or geometry. You can drag the trajectory endpoint handles to
lengthen or shorten the overall trajectory. If you press SHIFT while dragging you can snap the endpoints
to entities such as vertices, datum planes, or edge endpoints. You can also directly specify a value.

You must also select the start point for the section. The start point is the location from which the section
begins to sweep, and displays in the graphics window with a magenta arrow. You can click the arrow to
toggle the start point to the opposite trajectory endpoint.

Defining the Section

Once the trajectory and start point have been defined, you must sketch the section that is swept along the
trajectory. The sketch plane for the section is placed perpendicular to the trajectory at the start point. The
crosshairs seen in the sketching plane represent the intersection of the trajectory and sketch plane.

The sketched section may be either open or closed. The swept protrusion in Figure 1 is a closed section,
while the swept cut in Figure 2 is an open section.

Causes of a Sweep Failure

A constant section sweep feature may fail if one of the following three situations occurs:

A trajectory crosses itself.

You align or dimension a section to fixed entities, but the orientation of the section changes when it
is swept along the 3-D trajectory.

A trajectory arc or spline radius is too small, relative to the section, and the feature intersects
itself while traversing around the arc.

Procedure: Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sweep\Open-Trajectory_Solid folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SWEEP_OPEN-TRAJ.PRT.

Task 1. Create a sweep with a closed sketch.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Sweep from the Sweep types drop-down menu in the Shapes group.
3. Select the trajectory from the graphics window.

4. Click Create Section from the dashboard.
5. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

6. Click Palette from the Sketching group.

7. Select the Profiles tab and drag the T-profile in the graphics window to place it.
8. Edit the Scaling factor to 0.5.
9. Right-click the X Location handle and drag it to the midpoint of the top horizontal line.

Figure 1
10. Locate the section on the trajectory.

Figure 2
11. Click Accept Changes from the dashboard.
12. Click OK .

Figure 3
13. Click Complete Feature .
14. In the model tree, right-click Sketch 1 and select Hide.

Task 2. Create a sketch for the next sweep trajectory.

1. Click Sketch and select Use Previous.
2. Click Sketch View from the In Graphics toolbar.
3. In the graphics window, right-click and select References.
4. Select datum planes OFFSET and RIGHT as references, as well as the top surface and two

Figure 4
5. Click Close in the References dialog box.
6. Select Center and Point from the Circle types drop-down menu and sketch two circles that
are tangent to the references.
7. Select Line Chain from the Line types drop-down menu and sketch two vertical lines. The first
line should start at the top reference and snap tangent to the top circle. The second line should
start at the bottom reference and snap tangent to the bottom circle.

Figure 5
8. Select Line Tangent from the Line types drop-down menu and create the tangent line.
9. Click Delete Segment and trim the circle entities.

Figure 6
10. Click OK .
11. Orient to the Standard Orientation.
Task 3. Create a sweep that removes material with an open section.

1. With the sketch still selected, select Sweep from the Sweep types drop-down menu in the
Shapes group.
2. Click the magenta arrow to flip the start point to the bottom.

Figure 7
3. In the dashboard, click Remove Material .
4. Click Create Section .
5. Select Center and Ends from the Arc types drop-down menu and then sketch and dimension
the arc.

Figure 8
6. Click OK

Figure 9
7. Click Complete Feature .
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Sweeps with Closed Trajectories

Creating Sweeps with Closed Trajectories
You can create a sweep feature to create a constant cross-section feature that follows a trajectory curve. A
sweep feature can also have a variable section, but this topic discusses the constant section only. A
sweep can add or remove material. It can also be created as a thin feature or as a surface. A sweep
feature consists of both a trajectory and a section.

If your company has legacy data that contains Simple sweep features, the classic menu manager
interface displays when redefining them.

Selecting the Trajectory

Figure 1 T Section Sketch Swept Along a Closed Trajectory

The trajectory is the path along which the section sweeps. The trajectory must be selected, rather than
sketched. The trajectory can be closed, meaning that it creates a loop, as shown in the figures. It can
have sharp or tangent corners.

When selecting a trajectory, the following selection methods are available:

Select a previously created external sketch.

Select individual curves or edges from existing geometry. To include additional adjacent edges as
the trajectory, you can press SHIFT while selecting them.

Select an intent chain.

Within the Sweep dashboard, you can click Datum and select Sketch at the right end;
however, this does not make the sketch internal to the sweep.
You must also select the start point for the section. The start point is the location from which the section
begins to sweep, and displays in the graphics window with a magenta arrow. You can drag the start point
along the closed loop, or you can press SHIFT to snap the start point to one of the entity endpoints.

Defining the Section

Once the trajectory and start point have been defined, you must sketch the section that will be swept
along the trajectory. The sketch plane for the section is placed perpendicular to the trajectory at the start
point. The crosshairs seen in the sketching plane represent the intersection of the trajectory and sketch

The sketched section may be either open or closed. If you try to sketch a solid open section, the system
automatically toggles the feature creation to that of a surface. To create the type of solid feature shown in
Figure 2, you can sweep the perimeter shape first and then extrude the trajectory sketch upward to fill in
the middle.

Figure 2 L Section Swept Along a Closed Trajectory and Trajectory Extruded

Causes of a Sweep Failure

A constant section sweep feature may fail if one of the following three situations occurs:

A trajectory crosses itself.

You align or dimension a section to fixed entities, but the orientation of the section changes when it
is swept along the 3-D trajectory.

A trajectory arc or spline radius is too small relative to the section, and the feature intersects itself
while traversing around the arc.

Procedure: Creating Sweeps with Closed

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Sweep\Closed-Trajectory_Solid folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SWEEP_CLOSED-TRAJ.PRT.

Task 1. Create a sweep with a closed trajectory.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Sweep from the Sweep types drop-down menu in the Shapes group.
3. Select the trajectory in the graphics window.

4. Drag the start point to snap to the arc tangent endpoint

Figure 1
5. Right-click in the graphics window and select Sketch.
6. Enable only the following Sketcher Display types: .

7. Click Palette from the Sketching group.

8. Select the Profiles tab and drag the T-profile into the graphics window to place it.
1. Edit the Scaling factor to 0.5 and drag the Rotation handle to 180.
2. Right-click the X Location handle and drag it to the midpoint of the bottom horizontal line.

Figure 2
9. Locate the section on the trajectory.

Figure 3
10. Click Accept Changes from the dashboard.
11. Click OK .

Figure 4
12. Click Complete Feature .
Task 2. Edit the section and fill the center of the sweep.
1. Edit the definition of Sweep 1.
2. In the graphics window, right-click and select Sketch.

3. Select Line Chain from the Line types drop-down menu and sketch the vertical line on the
vertical reference.
4. Click Delete Segment and trim the left side of the sketch.

Figure 5
5. Click OK .
6. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 6
7. Click Extrude from the Shapes group.
8. Select Sketch 2.
9. In the graphics window, right-click the depth handle and select To Selected.
Select the green surface shown.

Figure 7

10. Select the upper surface and click Complete Feature .

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Blends by Selecting Parallel

Creating Blends by Selecting Parallel Sections

Figure 1 Blend Feature

You create blend features when you need to create models that contain different transitional cross-
sections. For example, a blend feature enables you to create geometry that starts as a circular cross-
section, but then changes to a square cross-section as you transition along the length of the feature.
Blend features can add or remove material.

Selecting the Sections

A blend feature must contain two or more sections. You can select existing sketches or sections, or chains
or loops of a models existing feature edges. The sections you select may be non-parallel, although this
functionality is not discussed in this topic. By default, the system connects the selected sections together
using a smooth curve.

Figure 2 Blending Three Selected Sections
Each section must contain the same number of entities (or vertices). There are two exceptions to this rule:

The blend can start or end as a single point.

You can add a number of blend vertex points, each of which counts as an entity. For example, a
blend vertex placed on a triangular section enables the system to blend to a square. The system
essentially connects the points of each section to create the blend feature.

Section Start Points

Each section has its own start point. The start points should correspond between sections to avoid a
twisting effect in the resulting blend feature. You can individually drag the start point for each section to a
different vertex in that section. In Figure 3, the start point for Section 2 is in a different location, resulting in
the twisting effect.

Figure 3 Blend with Twisting Due to Misaligned Start Points

In Figures 1 and 2, the start points are properly aligned.
The start point arrow direction can be flipped, but this does not affect blending.

Manipulating Selected Sections

Consider the following regarding manipulating selected blend sections:

By default, sections are blended together in the order of selection. However, you can always
move sections up or down in the blend order.

You can remove sections.

The offset, or depth, between sections is based on the selected sections depth with respect to
the other selected sections. You cannot specify a different depth.

When defining a blend feature, only one section is considered the active section at any time. To
set a given section as the active section, you can either select it from the Sections tab in the
dashboard, or you can select the section leader note in the graphics window. The selected section
then changes color, and all right-click options pertain to this active section. In Figures 2 and 3,
Section 2 is the active section.

Procedure: Creating Blends by Selecting Parallel

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Blend\Select-Sections_Parallel_Solid folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click BLEND_SELECT_1.PRT.

Task 1. Select existing sections to create a 3-section blend.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Notice the three Sketch features in the graphics window.

Figure 1
3. In the ribbon, click the Shapes group drop-down menu and select Blend .
4. In the dashboard, select the Sections tab.
Select Selected sections.
5. Select Sketch 1 as the first section.

Figure 2
6. In the Sections tab, click Insert.
7. Select Sketch 3 as the second section.

Figure 3
8. In the Sections tab, click Insert.
9. Select Sketch 2 as the third section.
10. Notice the blend is following the order of selection.

Figure 4
11. With Section 3 still selected, click Move Up in the Sections tab.
12. Notice that Section 3 is now reordered as #2 in the blend feature.

Figure 5
13. With Section 3 still selected, click Remove in the Sections tab.
Right-click Section 2 and select Remove.
14. Right-click in the graphics window and select Insert.
15. Select Sketch 2 as the second section.
16. Right-click in the graphics window and select Insert.
17. Select Section 3 as the third section.

Figure 6
18. In the Sections tab, notice the # display for each blend section.

19. Each section has four entities.

Figure 7
20. In the graphics window, select the #2 Section 2 leader note to activate the section.
21. Drag the start point to the upper-right vertex.

Figure 8
22. Click Preview Feature .
23. Click Resume Feature .
24. Drag the Section 2 start point back to the upper-left vertex.

Figure 9
25. Click Complete Feature from the dashboard.
26. In the model tree, select Sketch 1, press CTRL, and select Sketch 2 and Sketch 3.
27. Right-click and select Hide.

Figure 10
This completes the procedure.

Creating Holes, Shells, and Draft
Module Overview:
In addition to creating features that begin with 2-D sketches and proceeding to solid features, you can
also create features that are applied directly to a model.

In this module, you learn how to create various types of holes on a model, how to shell a model, and how
to apply basic draft to features.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create coaxial, linear, radial, and diameter holes, as well as understand the different depth
options available.

Understand the different hole profile options.

Create shell features.

Create draft features.

Create basic split drafts.

Analyze draft hinges and pull direction.

Concept: Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth

Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth
When you create a hole, the depth at which the hole drills into a model can be set in a variety of ways
depending upon the design intent you wish to capture. You can specify the desired depth option using the
Hole dashboard or by right-clicking the drag handle in the graphics window. Hole depth options include:

Figure 1 Hole Depth Options

Blind (Variable) This is the default depth option. You can edit this depth value by dragging the
drag handle, editing the dimension on the model, or using the dashboard.

Symmetric The hole bores equally on both sides of the placement plane. You can edit the total
depth at which the hole bores, in the same way you can with the Blind depth option. The Symmetric
depth is actually a Blind Symmetric depth.

To Next This option ensures that the hole depth stops at the next surface encountered. A
depth dimension is not required, as the next surface controls the hole depth.

Through Until This option ensures that the hole stops at the selected surface. A depth
dimension is not required, as the selected surface controls the hole depth. Note that the hole must
pass through the selected surface.

To Selected This option ensures that the hole stops at the selected surface. A depth dimension
is not required, as the selected surface controls the hole depth. Unlike the Through Until depth
option, the hole does not have to pass through the selected surface.

Through All This option causes the hole to drill through the entire model. A depth dimension is
not required, as the model itself controls the hole depth.

Side 1/Side 2 You can independently control the hole depth on each side of the placement
plane. By default, the hole drills on Side 1; however, you can opt to drill the hole on Side 2 as well.
Any of the previous hole depth options, except Symmetric, can be used for either side.

The To Next and Through All options only consider geometry which is currently present (in the feature
order) when the hole is created. Features you create after the hole is created do not impact the depth of
the hole.

You can also switch depth options by right-clicking the drag handle in the graphics window.

Procedure: Common Dashboard Options: Hole

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Hole\Depth folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click HOLE_DEPTHS.PRT.

Task 1. Redefine the depth options of the six holes.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Edit the definition of BLIND_1.

3. Edit the depth value to 0.5.

4. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 1
5. Edit the definition of BLIND_2.

6. Edit the depth value to 2.25.

7. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 2
8. Edit the definition of TO_NEXT.

9. Edit the depth to To Next .

10. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 3
11. Edit the definition of TO_SELECTED.

12. Edit the depth to To Selected and select the surface.

Figure 4
1. Click Complete Feature .
2. Edit the definition of THRU_ALL.

3. Edit the depth to Through All .

4. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 5
13. Enable Plane Display .
14. Edit the definition of SYMMETRIC. Notice the hole placement plane is a floating datum plane.

15. Edit the depth to Symmetric .

Figure 6
16. Edit the depth to Through All .
17. In the dashboard, select the Shape tab and edit the Side 2 depth to Through All .

18. Click Complete Feature .
19. Disable Plane Display .

Figure 7
20. Click the Operations group drop-down menu and select Resume > Resume All to resume the
suppressed feature CUT and view the holes.

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Exercise: Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Hole\Depth folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click CYLINDER.PRT.
Specify hole cut depths.

Edit the definition of a hole feature and test the available depth options. Get an good understanding of
each depth option by observing the results each option produces.

Task 1. Edit the depth of a hole feature.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. Select HOLE_2 in the model tree. Right-click and select Edit Definition. Notice that the current
depth option is Blind.

Figure 1
3. Drag the depth handle to 20, editing the value if necessary, and click Preview Feature from
the Hole dashboard. Then click Resume Feature from the dashboard.
4. Cursor over the depth handle. Right-click and select To Next. Click Preview Feature from
the dashboard. Then click Resume Feature from the dashboard.
5. Cursor over the depth handle. Right-click and select Through All. Click Preview
Feature from the dashboard. Then click Resume Feature from the dashboard.
6. Cursor over the depth handle. Right-click and select To Selected. Middle-click to spin the model
and select the bottom surface of the fin, as shown. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 2
Depth options can also be specified by selecting the flyout depth options from the dashboard.

7. Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar and click OK to save the model.
8. Click File > Manage Session > Erase Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.
This completes the exercise.

Concept: Creating Coaxial Holes
Hole Creation Theory
When creating hole features on a model, you locate holes by selecting placement (primary) and offset
(secondary) references. The first piece of geometry selected to place the hole is the placement reference.
Next, you either select additional placement references or offset references to further dimensionally
constrain the hole feature. The type of geometry selected as the placement reference determines the type
of hole being created.

Creating Coaxial Holes

To create a coaxial hole, you only select placement references. An axis is selected as the first placement
reference. This axis identifies the location of the hole. A second placement reference, either a surface or
datum plane, is then selected to specify the surface where the hole starts drilling into the model. In Figures
1 and 2, the datum axis and front surface comprise the placement references.

Figure 1 Selecting Placement References

Figure 2 Coaxial Holes

You can also view your selected references in the Placement tab of the dashboard.

Once the hole references are satisfied, the hole preview displays with a default diameter dimension and
depth value. You can edit these values by using the drag handles or dashboard, or by editing the
dimensions on the model.

Procedure: Creating Coaxial Holes
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Hole\Coaxial folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click HOLES_COAXIAL.PRT.

Task 1. Create two coaxial holes in the model: one Through All and the other of Blind depth.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. From the Engineering group, click Hole .

3. Press CTRL and select datum axis A_1 and the front surface.

4. Edit the diameter to 1.

5. Edit the depth to Through All .

Figure 1
6. Click Complete Feature .
7. Click Hole .
8. Press CTRL and select datum axis A_2 and the front surface.

9. From the Hole dashboard, select the Placement tab. Notice that your selected references are
added to the collector.
10. Edit the diameter to 1.5.
11. Edit the depth value to 0.25.

Figure 2

12. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 3
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Linear Holes

Hole Creation Theory
When creating hole features on a model, you locate holes by selecting placement (primary) and offset
(secondary) references. The first piece of geometry selected to place the hole is the placement reference.
Next, you either select additional placement references or offset references to further dimensionally
constrain the hole feature. The type of geometry selected as the placement reference determines the type
of hole being created.

Creating Linear Holes

To create a linear hole, a planar surface is selected as the placement reference. This surface identifies
where the hole starts 'drilling' into the model. Two offset references are then selected to dimensionally
constrain the hole feature. In Figure 1 on this slide, the front surface of the model is the placement

Figure 1 Selecting Placement Reference

In Figure 2, the top surface and datum plane are the offset references.

Figure 2 Selecting Offset References

You can select offset references directly from the model or you can drag the green reference handles to
the desired reference.

You can view your selected references in the reference collectors in the Placement tab of the dashboard.
Within this tab, you can edit offset reference values as well as modify whether the hole is offset or aligned
to an offset reference. In Figure 2, the hole is aligned to the datum plane.

Figure 3 Completed Hole

Procedure: Creating Linear Holes

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Hole\Linear folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click holes_linear.prt.

Task 1. Create two different linear holes on a model.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display type: .

2. From the Engineering group, click Hole .

3. Select the front surface.

Figure 1
4. Right-click and select Offset References Collector.
5. Press CTRL and select the top surface and datum plane DTM1.

6. Edit the offset values to 3.5 from the top surface and 3.0 from datum plane DTM1.
7. Edit the hole diameter to 1.50 and the depth value to 2.

Figure 2
8. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 3
9. Click Hole
10. Select the front surface.

Figure 4
11. Right-click and select Offset References Collector.
12. Press CTRL and select the top surface and datum plane DTM1.

Figure 5
13. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab.
In the Offset References collector, select Align from the DTM1 drop-down list.
Edit the offset value to 3.5 from the top surface.
14. Edit the hole diameter to 1.50 and the depth value to 2.

Figure 6

15. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Shell Features

Creating Shell Features

Figure 1 Original Model

Shell features remove surfaces to hollow out a design model, leaving walls with specified thickness values.
There are two parts to the creation of a basic shell feature:

Select Surfaces for Removal Select the surface(s) you want to remove from the model.

Figure 2 Shelled Model with Surfaces Removed

You may decide not to remove surfaces from the shell, which results in the creation of a closed shell. A
closed shell is an entirely hollowed out part.

Figure 3 Hollowed Out Model

Thickness Specify the thickness of the model walls that remain.

You create shells in the design process to support your design intent. However, be aware that several
features could reference a shell created early in the design process.

Shells can be created using the Lead or Follow workflow. You can use drag handles or the dashboard to
modify the thickness of the shell feature. ClickingChange Thickness Direction in the dashboard is
equivalent to specifying a negative shell value.

Procedure: Creating Shell Features

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Shell\Shell folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SHELL.PRT.

Task 1. Create a shell feature in a model.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. From the Engineering group, click Shell .

3. Click Complete Feature to create a hollow shell.

Figure 1

4. Edit the definition of Shell 1.
5. Select the top surface to remove it.

6. Edit the thickness to 20.

7. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 2
8. Edit the definition of Shell 1.
9. Press CTRL and select the left and right surfaces to remove them.

10. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 3
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Draft Features

Creating Draft Features Theory
You can use draft features as finishing features in molded and cast parts, or anywhere sloped or angled
surfaces need to be created. You can define several types of draft features by selecting different
combinations of curves, edges, surfaces, and planes for the draft surfaces, draft hinges, pull direction,
and split plane (optional). Drafts can add or remove material from a model.

A basic draft feature consists of the following four items:

Draft surfaces These are the surfaces that are to be drafted. You can select a single surface,
multiple individual surfaces, or loop surfaces as the draft surfaces. In Figure 1, the left image has
one surface drafted, while the right image has four surfaces drafted.

Figure 1 Draft One or Multiple Surfaces

Draft hinge Determines the location on the model that remains the same size after the draft is
created. The draft surfaces pivot about their intersection with this plane. There does not have to be a
physical intersection. Rather, the intersection can be extrapolated. You can select a datum plane, solid
model surface, curve chain, or surface quilt as the draft hinge. In Figure 2, the same model was
drafted at the same angle, but with the specified draft hinge progressively lower in the model, as

Figure 2 Same Model, Same Draft Angle, and Different Draft Hinges

Pull direction Direction that is used to measure the draft angle. The pull direction is also called
the reference plane. By default, the pull direction is the same as the draft hinge. The direction
reference is used to define the draft angle direction, and the draft angle is measured normal to this
reference. You can select a datum plane, planar model surface, linear reference such as an edge or
two points, or a coordinate system axis. The mold opening, or pull direction, is usually normal to this

Draft angle Values range from -30 degrees to +30 degrees. When you specify the draft angle,
you can reverse the direction from which material is added or removed by typing a negative value,
clicking Reverse Angle in the dashboard, or right-clicking the angle drag handle and selecting
Flip Angle.
You can also toggle the different collectors for draft surfaces, draft hinges, and pull direction by right-
clicking in the graphics window.

Best Practices
If possible, create draft features as some of the last features of your model.

Procedure: Creating Draft Features
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Draft\Draft folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click DRAFT.PRT.

Task 1. Draft three features using three different methods.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select Draft from the Draft types drop-down menu in the Engineering group.
3. Select the cylinder surface to draft.

4. In the dashboard, select the References tab.

Click in the Draft hinges collector and select the top cylinder surface.
Edit the draft angle to 10.
Click Reverse Angle .

Figure 1
5. Click Complete Feature
6. Click Draft .
7. Press CTRL and select the four vertical surfaces to draft.

8. In the dashboard, click in the Draft hinges collector and select datum plane DTM2.
Edit the draft angle to -10.

Figure 2
9. Click Complete Feature .
10. Click Draft .
11. Press CTRL and select the four vertical surfaces to draft.

12. Right-click and select Draft Hinges.

13. Select the top surface of the main protrusion.

14. Edit the draft angle to -10.

Figure 3
15. Click Complete Feature .
16. Orient to the FRONT view and compare the differences in the results of the rectangular

Figure 4
This completes the procedure.

Creating Rounds and Chamfers

Module Overview:
Once you have created the bulk of your part model, you can further refine it by adding finishing features
such as rounds and chamfers.

In this module, you learn how to create rounds and chamfers.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create rounds by selecting edges, a surface and an edge, and two surfaces.

Create full rounds.

Create round sets.

Create chamfers by selecting edges and understand the different chamfer dimensioning schemes.

Create chamfer sets.

Concept: Creating Rounds Theory

Creating Rounds Theory
Rounds add or remove material by creating smooth transitions between existing geometry.

Figure 1 Round Preview: Adding Material

Figure 2 Round Preview: Removing Material

In Figure 3, one round adds material and the other removes material.

Figure 3 Completed Rounds

When creating round features on a model, Creo Parametric awaits the selection of edges and/or surfaces
to be used as references. The round tool adapts according to the references that you select to create the
round feature.

After the references are selected, the round preview displays with a default radius dimension, which can
be modified by using the radius drag handle, editing the dimension on the model, or using the dashboard.
In Figures 1 and 2, the round preview is shown.

Concept: Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges
Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges
You can create rounds by selecting an edge or a combination of edges. Each edge that you select is
rounded. If you select an edge that has adjacent tangent edges, the round automatically propagates
around those tangent edges by default. The rounds are constructed tangent to the surfaces adjacent to
the selected edges.

Figure 1 Rounds Created by Selecting Two Edges

In Figures 1 and 2, the edges selected for rounding are highlighted on the left. The resulting rounds are
shown on the right. Note that because the edges in Figure 2 are tangent to other edges, the round feature
is automatically created on the tangent edges.

Figure 2 Rounds Created by Selecting Two Edges

Procedure: Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Round\Edges folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ROUND_EDGE_1.PRT.

Task 1. Create rounds on an L-Block.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Round from the Round types drop-down menu in the Engineering group.
3. Press CTRL and select the two edges.

4. Edit the radius value to 2.

Figure 1
5. Click Complete Feature .
6. Notice that the left round adds material, while the right round removes material.

Figure 2
Task 2. Create tangent rounds on an oval block.
1. Click Open , select ROUND_EDGE_2.PRT, and click Open.
2. Select Round from the Round types drop-down menu in the Engineering group.
3. Press CTRL and select the two edges.

4. Edit the radius value to .25.

Figure 3
5. Click Complete Feature .

6. Notice that the left round adds material, while the right round removes material.

Figure 4
7. Also notice that although only two edges were selected, all edges tangent to the selected edges
were rounded.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning

Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes
There are several different dimensioning schemes available when creating chamfers:

Figure 1 Four Different Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes with the Same Geometry

D x D Size of chamfer is defined by one dimension, as shown by the upper-right chamfer in

Figure 1.

D1 x D2 Size of chamfer is defined by two dimensions, as shown by the upper-left chamfer in

Figure 1.

Angle x D Size of chamfer is defined by a linear and angular dimension, as shown by the
lower-left chamfer in Figure 1.

45 x D Size of chamfer is defined by a linear dimension at a 45 degree angle, as shown by the
lower-right chamfer in Figure 1. This type is only valid for perpendicular surfaces.

You can edit the chamfer dimensioning scheme either by using the dashboard or by right-clicking in the
graphics window and then selecting the new scheme.

Procedure: Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Chamfer\Schemes folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click DIM-SCHEMES.PRT.

Task 1. Create four chamfer dimensioning schemes on a block.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Edge Chamfer from the Chamfer types drop-down menu in the Engineering group.
3. Select the edge.

4. Drag the D value to 7.

Figure 1
5. Click Complete Feature .
6. Select Edge Chamfer .
7. Select the edge.

8. In the dashboard, edit the dimensioning scheme to D1 x D2.

9. Edit the D1 value to 7 and the D2 value to 7.

Figure 2
10. Click Complete Feature .
11. Select Edge Chamfer .
12. Select the edge.

13. In the dashboard, edit the dimensioning scheme to Angle x D.

14. Edit the Angle value to 45 and the D value to 7.

Figure 3
15. Click Complete Feature .
16. Select Edge Chamfer .
17. Select the edge.

18. In the dashboard, edit the dimensioning scheme to 45 x D.

19. Edit the D value to 7.

Figure 4
20. Click Complete Feature .
21. Orient to the FRONT view orientation.

22. Press CTRL, select all four Chamfer features, right-click, and select Edit. Notice that all four
chamfers are the same geometry, but contain different dimensioning schemes.

Figure 5

This completes the procedure.

Introduction to Creo Parametric 3.0 - Productivity
Creating Patterns
Module Overview:
Patterning features and components is yet another way to quickly duplicate features to increase efficiency.

In this module, you learn how to pattern features linearly and angularly, and how to increment dimensions
while patterning. You also learn how to Reference pattern features and components. Finally, you learn how
to delete patterns and pattern members.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Direction Pattern in the First and Second Directions.

Direction Pattern with multiple direction types.

Axis Pattern in the First and Second Directions.

Create Reference patterns of features and components.

Delete patterns and pattern members.

Concept: Direction Patterning in the First Direction

Patterning Features Theory
The Pattern tool enables you to quickly duplicate a feature, group of features, or pattern of features. When
you create a pattern, you create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified dimensions.
The feature selected for patterning is called the pattern leader, while the patterned instances are called
pattern members. Each pattern member is dependent on the original feature, or pattern leader. The
pattern leader is always the first member in an expanded pattern feature in the model tree. In the graphics
window, the pattern leader's instance dot border is always bolder than the other pattern members, as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Direction Patterning an Extrude in One Direction
In Figure 2, the width of the pattern leader has been modified between the images third from the left and
fourth from the left.

Figure 2 Editing the Direction Pattern and Pattern Leader

Consequently, all pattern members' widths have been updated as well.

Direction Patterning in the First Direction Theory

The direction pattern enables you to pattern features in a given direction. The following items are required
to create a direction pattern in one direction:

Specify a First Direction reference The pattern extends in a direction based on the reference
selected. If you select a plane or surface, the pattern extends normal to the reference, and if you
select a linear curve, edge, or axis, the pattern extends along the reference. You can also toggle the
direction in which the pattern extends by 180 degrees. In the figures, the first direction reference
specified is the datum plane.

Specify the number of pattern members in the first direction Type the number of members in
either the dashboard or the graphics window. The number of pattern members includes the pattern
leader. In Figure 2, the model in the left-most image has four pattern members, while the model in
the image second from the left has six pattern members.

Specify the increment in the first direction The increment is the spacing between pattern
members. You can edit the increment in the dashboard, the graphics window, or by dragging the
drag handle.

Incrementing Additional Dimensions

You can also increment additional dimensions in the first direction at the same time to create a "varying"
pattern. The following items are required to increment additional dimensions in the first direction:

Select the dimension to be incremented from the pattern leader The pattern leader displays
with all dimensions used to create the feature.

Specify the increment value In Figure 2, the extrude feature height was incremented by 0.5.
Consequently, each pattern member's height increases 0.5 over the previous pattern member.

Procedure: Direction Patterning in the First

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Pattern\Direction_First folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click DIR_PATTERN_1ST.PRT.

Task 1. Direction pattern an extrude feature.

15. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

16. Select Extrude 2 and select Pattern from the Pattern types drop-down menu in the Editing
17. In the dashboard, edit the pattern type to Direction.
18. Select datum plane FRONT and click Flip First Direction from the Pattern dashboard.
19. Edit the number of members to 4 and edit the spacing to 2.

Figure 1
You can also drag the increment handle to edit the increment.

20. Click Complete Feature from the Pattern dashboard.

21. With the Pattern feature still selected, right-click and select Edit.
22. Edit the number of patterned extrudes from 4 to 6.
23. Click in the background twice to de-select all features.

Figure 2
24. Edit the definition of Pattern 1 of Extrude 2.
25. In the dashboard, select the Dimensions tab.
Click in the Direction 1 Dimension collector.
Select the 1 height dimension and edit the increment to 0.5.

Figure 3
26. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 4
27. De-select all features.

28. In the model tree, expand the pattern feature.

29. Select the pattern leader, right-click, and select Edit.

30. Edit the width from 2 to 3.
31. Click in the background twice to de-select all features.

Figure 5
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Direction Patterning in the Second

Patterning Features Theory
The Pattern tool enables you to quickly duplicate a feature, group of features, or pattern of features. When
you create a pattern, you create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified dimensions.
The feature selected for patterning is called the pattern leader, while the patterned instances are called
pattern members. Each pattern member is dependent on the original feature, or pattern leader.

Direction Patterning in the Second Direction Theory
The direction pattern enables you to pattern features in two directions. The following items are required to
create a direction pattern in two directions:

Specify the First and Second Direction references The pattern extends in the directions based
on the references selected. If you select a plane or surface, the pattern extends normal to the
reference, and if you select a linear curve, edge, or axis, the pattern extends along the reference. You
can also flip the direction the pattern extends by 180 degrees. In the figures, the first direction
reference specified is datum plane RIGHT, and the second direction reference specified is datum
plane FRONT.

Figure 1 Direction Patterning a Group in Two Directions

Specify the number of pattern members in the First and Second Directions Type the number of
members in either the dashboard or the graphics window. The number of pattern members can be
different for each direction. The number of pattern members includes the pattern leader. In the figures,
the first direction has four pattern members, while the second direction has five pattern members.

Figure 2 Direction Patterning a Group in Two Directions Result

Specify the increment in the First and Second Directions The increment is the spacing between
pattern members. You can edit the increment in the dashboard, the graphics window, or by

dragging the drag handle. Again, the increment can be different between the first and second
directions. In the figures, the first direction increment is 2.5, while the second direction increment is 2.

Incrementing Additional Dimensions

You can also increment additional dimensions in the first or second direction, or both, at the same time to
create a 'varying' pattern. The following items are required to increment additional dimensions in the first
and second directions:

Select the dimension to be incremented from the pattern leader The pattern leader displays
with all dimensions used to create the feature. The dimension selected can be different for each
direction. Note also that you can select multiple dimensions for each direction if desired.

Specify the increment value Again, the increment value for each direction can be different. In
Figure 3, the extrude feature width was incremented by -0.2 in the first direction, and the extrude
feature height was incremented by 0.5 in the second direction.

Figure 3 Direction Pattern, Two Directions, Two Additional Dimensions

Consequently, each pattern member's width decreases by 0.20 in the first direction and the height
increases by 0.5 in the second direction over the previous pattern member.

Procedure: Direction Patterning in the Second

Procedure Setup:
To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Pattern\Direction_Second folder and click OK
Click File > Open and double-click DIR_PATTERN_2ND.PRT.

Task 1. Direction pattern an extrude feature.

4. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

5. Press CTRL, and select Extrude 2 and Round 1.
6. Right-click and select Group.
7. Rename the group to OVAL.

Figure 1
8. Select Group OVAL and select Pattern from the Pattern types drop-down menu in the Editing
9. In the Pattern dashboard, edit the pattern type to Direction.
10. Select datum plane RIGHT as the first direction reference.

11. In the dashboard, edit the number of members to 4 and edit the spacing to 2.50.

Figure 2
12. In the dashboard, click in the Direction 2 Reference collector.
Select datum plane FRONT as the second direction reference.

Click Flip Second Direction .

Edit the second direction number of members to 5 and edit the second direction spacing
to 2.

Figure 3
13. Click Complete Feature from the Pattern dashboard.

Figure 4
14. Edit the definition of Pattern 1 of OVAL.
15. In the dashboard, select the Dimensions tab.
Click in the Direction 1 Dimension collector.
Select the 2 extrude width dimension and edit the increment to -0.20.
Press CTRL and select the R0.1 radius dimension and edit the increment to 0.075.

Figure 5

16. In the Dimensions tab of the dashboard, click in the Direction 2 Dimension collector.
17. Select the 1 extrude height dimension and edit the increment to 0.50.

Figure 6
18. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 7

19. In the model tree, expand the pattern feature.

20. Select the pattern leader, right-click, and select Edit.

21. Edit the width from 1 to 0.75.
22. Click in the background twice to de-select all features.

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Axis Patterning in the Second Direction

Patterning Features Theory
The Pattern tool enables you to quickly duplicate a feature, group of features, or pattern of features. When
you create a pattern, you create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified dimensions.
The feature selected for patterning is called the pattern leader, while the patterned instances are called
pattern members. Each pattern member is dependent on the original feature, or pattern leader.

Axis Patterning in the Second Direction Theory

The axis pattern enables you to pattern features radially and outward from a specified axis.

Figure 1 Axis Patterning a Group in Two Directions
The following items are required to create an axis pattern in those two directions:
Specify the axis reference The pattern extends angularly about the selected axis reference in
the first direction and radially outward from the axis in the second direction. You can toggle the
angular direction the pattern extends from clockwise to counterclockwise. In the figures, the axis
reference specified is datum axisAXIS.

Specify the number of pattern members in the first and second directions Type the number of
members in either the dashboard or the graphics window. The number of pattern members can be
different for each direction. The number of pattern members includes the pattern leader. In the
figures, the first direction has eight pattern members, while second direction has three pattern

Specify the angular spacing in the first direction Specified in degrees, you can edit the angular
spacing in the dashboard, the graphics window, or by dragging the drag handle.

Specify the radial spacing in the second direction This increment is the spacing between
pattern members outward from the axis reference. Again, you can edit the increment in the
dashboard, in the graphics window, or by dragging the drag handle. In the figures, the spacing
increment is 2.5.

There are two additional optional settings that you can use when creating axis patterns:

Set Angular Extent This option automatically spaces the pattern members equally about the axis
reference. You can also select values of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees from the drop-down list, or
you can type the desired angular extent. The range is -360 to +360 degrees. The angular extent value
supersedes the angular spacing. In the figures, the angular extent has been set to 360 degrees.

Member orientation Determines how the pattern members are to be oriented about the axis
reference. With the Follow axis rotation check box selected by default, pattern members are oriented
such that the relationship between the pattern leader and axis is maintained for each pattern member.
In Figure 2, the middle image is set to Follow axis rotation.

Figure 2 Editing the Axis Pattern and Incrementing Dimensions

With the check box for this option cleared, all pattern members have a constant orientation that is
the same as the pattern leader. In Figure 2, the left-most image shows all members having a
constant orientation.
Incrementing Additional Dimensions
You can also increment additional dimensions in the first or second direction, or both, at the same time to
create a "varying" pattern. The following items are required to increment additional dimensions in the first
and second directions:

Select the dimension to be incremented from the pattern leader. The pattern leader displays with all
dimensions used to create the feature. The dimension selected can be different for each direction.
Also note that you can select multiple dimensions for each direction, if desired.

Specify the increment value Again, the increment value for each direction can be different. In
Figure 2s right-most image, the left hole diameter was incremented by 0.075 in the first direction,
and the right hole diameter was incremented by 0.25 in the second direction, along with the extrude
height incremented by 1. Consequently, each pattern member's left hole diameter increases by
0.075 in the first direction and the right hole diameter increases by 0.25 in the second direction with
the extrude height increasing 1 over the previous pattern member.

Procedure: Axis Patterning in the Second Direction

Procedure Setup:
12. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
13. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Pattern\Axis_Second folder and click OK
14. Click File > Open and double-click AXIS_PATTERN_2ND.PRT.

Step 1. Axis pattern an extrude feature.

7. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

8. Press CTRL, and select Extrude 2, Hole 1, and Hole 2.

9. Right-click and select Group.
10. Rename the group to OVAL.

Figure 1
11. Select Group OVAL and select Pattern from the Pattern types drop-down menu in the Editing
12. In the Pattern dashboard, edit the pattern type to Axis.
13. Select datum axis AXIS as the pattern center.

14. Edit the number of members in the first direction to 8.

15. In the Pattern dashboard, click Set Angular Extent .

Figure 2
16. Edit the number of members in the second direction to 3, and edit the spacing value to 2.5.
17. Click Complete Feature from the Pattern dashboard.

Figure 3
18. Edit the definition of Pattern 1 of OVAL.
19. In the dashboard, select the Options tab.
Clear the Follow axis rotation check box.
20. Click Complete Feature .

Figure 4
21. Edit the definition of Pattern 1 of OVAL.
22. In the dashboard, select the Options tab and select the Follow axis rotation check box.
23. In the dashboard, select the Dimensions tab.
10. Click in the Direction 1 Dimension collector.
11. Zoom in on the pattern leader.

12. Select the left 0.25 hole diameter dimension and edit the increment to 0.075.

Figure 5
24. In the Dimensions tab of the dashboard, click in the Direction 2 Dimension collector.
9. Select the right 0.25 hole diameter dimension and edit the increment to 0.25.
10. Press CTRL, select the 1 height dimension, and edit the increment to 1.

Figure 6
25. Click Complete Feature .
26. Orient to the Standard Orientation.

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Assembling with Constraints

Module Overview:
Most commercial product designs consist of numerous components. Creo Parametric enables you to
create an assembly, into which you can assemble multiple components. Constraints locate the
components within the assembly, both manually and automatically.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Understand assembly and constraint theory and create new assembly models.

Understand assembly constraint status and analyze basic component orientation.

Assemble components using the Default constraint and Automatic option.

Create coincident constraints using geometry.

Create coincident constraints using datum features.

Create distance constraints.

Create parallel, normal, and angle constraints.

Use the accessory window to assemble components.

Concept: Understanding Assembly Theory

Understanding Assembly Theory

Figure 1 An Assembly Model is Comprised of Parts

There are multiple methods to assemble components using Creo Parametric. Assembling components
with constraints is one of the primary methods used to create Creo Parametric assemblies.

Like part models, all new assembly models share several characteristics in common. By creating your
assembly models from standardized templates, you save time by avoiding the need to repeatedly define
company standard information. This standard template enables all engineers to have a consistent starting
point. After you create and name the new assembly, you can begin adding parts to it. Assemblies contain
design intent in the same way that part models contain design intent. Assembly design intent is based
upon which component is assembled first, and the constraints that you use during the assembly process.
Design intent is important because it ensures that your assembly updates in a predictable manner when
edited and regenerated.

Sub-assemblies share all of the same characteristics as assemblies. In fact, a sub-assembly is nothing
more than an assembly that is assembled into another assembly.

Creo Parametric provides several types of constraints, such as Coincident, Distance, Parallel, Normal, and
Angle. To easily utilize these constraints, select the Automatic option to enable Creo Parametric to
automatically determine the constraint type based upon the orientation and position of the component and
the references you select.

Every assembled component contains a Placement node in the model tree that you can expand to
view the constraints used in that component's placement. You must enable the Placement folder filter
to view this node.

Assembling with component interfaces is the second method available for assembling components. This
method is especially useful when assembling common components because it can significantly reduce
the number of selections that you make when constraining a component. By using component interfaces,
you save the referenced interfaces on the common part. Then, when you place the common part, you
only need to select the assembly references.

Concept: Creating New Assembly Models

Creating New Assemblies
Assemblies are composed of parts and other sub-assemblies that you combine. You can create new
assembly models within Creo Parametric either by clicking File > New, or by clicking New . You can
type the name of the assembly and select whether you want to use a default template. Unless you select
the Empty template, the new assembly displays in the graphics window with the default datum features
associated with the selected template.
Using Templates
New assemblies should be created using a template. Assembly templates are similar to part templates in
that they enable you to create a new assembly with predefined general information. Your company has
most likely created customized templates to use that contain your company's standards. Using a template
to create a new assembly is beneficial because it ensures that regardless of who created it, the assembly
contains the same consistent set of information, including:

Datums Most templates contain a set of default datum planes and default coordinate system,
all named appropriately.

Figure 1 New Assembly Created using Template

Units Most companies have a company standard for units in their assemblies. Creating every
assembly with the same set of units ensures that mistakes are not made.

Parameters Every assembly can contain the same standard metadata information.

Figure 2 Examples of Parameters
Layers When every assembly contains the same layers, it is easier to manage both the layers
and items on them.

Figure 3 Layers Created from Assembly Template

View Orientations Ensuring that every assembly contains the same standard view orientations
aids the modeling process.

Viewing and Creating Parameters

Parameters are metadata information that can be included in an assembly template or created by a user
in his or her own part or assembly. Parameters are important because they enable you to add additional
information to part and assembly models. Parameters can have several uses:

Parameters can drive dimension values through relations, or be driven by relations.

Parameters can be used as a column in a family table. For example, the parameter Cost might
have a different value for each instance.

Parameter values can be reported in Drawings, or viewed with data management tools such as
Pro/INTRALINK or Windchill solutions.

User parameters can be added at the model level (part, assembly, or component) or to a feature
or pattern.

You can view an assemblys parameters and create new ones by clicking Parameters from the Model
Intent group in the Model ribbon tab.
You can create parameters that accept the following types of values:

Real Number Any numerical value. For example 25.5, 1.666667, 10.5E3, and PI.

Integer Any whole number. For example 1, 5, and 257.

String Any consecutive sequence of alphanumeric characters (letters or numbers).

Yes/No Accepts either the YES or NO value.

Procedure: Creating New Assembly Models

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\File\New_Assembly folder and click OK

Task 1. Create a new assembly by selecting a template.

26. Without an open model, notice only the Home tab displays in the ribbon.

Figure 1
27. Click New from the Quick Access toolbar.
Select Assembly as the Type and Design as the Sub-type.
Edit the Name to new_assembly.
Clear the Use default template check box.
Click OK.
28. In the New File Options dialog box, select the mmks_asm_design template.
Click OK.
29. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

30. At the top of the model tree, click Settings and select Tree Filters.
In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box and click OK.

Figure 2

31. Explore the default datum features created in the graphics window and model tree.

Figure 3
32. Notice that the ribbon has populated with tabs specific to the type of open file.

Figure 4
33. In the model tree, click Show and select Layer Tree. Notice the default layers.
34. Click File > Prepare > Model Properties to open the Model Properties dialog box.
35. Notice the units that are set.

36. Click Close.

Figure 5
37. Click Parameters from the Model Intent group.
38. In the Parameters dialog box, click in the Description parameter Value field.

Edit the value to NEW ASSEMBLY and press ENTER.
Click New Parameter and edit the Name to PURCHASED.
Edit the Type to Yes No and notice the default Value of NO.
Click New Parameter and edit the Name to ASSY_NUMBER.
Edit the parameter type to Integer.
Click in the Value field and edit the number to 596289.
Click OK.
39. Click Named Views . Notice the default view orientations.

Figure 6
40. Click Named Views again to close it.
Task 2. Create a new assembly by selecting a different template.
12. Click New from the Quick Access toolbar.
Select Assembly as the Type and Design as the Sub-type.
Edit the Name to select_template.
Clear the Use default template check box.
Click OK.
13. In the New File Options dialog box, select the inlbs_asm_design template and click OK.

Figure 7
14. Again, notice the datum features.

15. Click File > Prepare > Model Properties.

16. Notice the units that are set.

17. Click Close.

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Understanding Constraint Theory

Understanding Constraint Theory
You can assemble components using constraints. Constraints determine how a part is located within an
assembly. There are many different types of constraints that you can use to assemble components.

Most constraints are applied between parts within an assembly. They specify the relative position of a pair
of references. The system adds constraints one at a time. Use placement constraints in combinations to
specify both placement and orientation. It is important to select your constraints based on the design intent
of your assembly, so that when you edit a dimension on a part, the assembly reacts as predicted.

When you create a constraint, its references highlight on the models and the Constraint Type displays.
For most constraints, it is necessary that you select two references, a component reference on the
component being placed, and an assembly reference from an item in the assembly. When the first
reference has been selected, a green, dashed line connects the first selected reference to your cursor
until you select the second reference, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Selecting Placement References

When multiple constraints are created, a box surrounding the active constraint highlights. For example, in
Figure 2, the Oriented constraint is the active constraint.

Figure 2 Viewing the Active Constraint

To activate a different constraint, simply select the displayed name or select it from the Placement tab in
the dashboard. You can then right-click to perform a desired action.

You can also double-click a constraint's tag in the graphics window to edit the constraint, as shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3 Modifying a Constraint

Editing options include switching the constraint type, changing the constraint orientation, and viewing as
well as deleting the constraint's placement references.

You can toggle Constraints To Connections in the dashboard to convert existing connections to
constraints within an assembly.

Concept: Understanding Assembly Constraint
Understanding Assembly Constraint Status
You can assemble a component into an assembly by using placement constraints. Constraints determine
how a part is located within an assembly. As constraints are added, a component becomes further and
further constrained and progresses through a range of constraint statuses which display in the dashboard.
The constraint status range includes:

No Constraints No constraints have been added to the component being assembled, as shown
in Figure 1. The preview color of components having no constraints is purple.

Figure 1 No Constraints

Partially Constrained At least one constraint has been applied to the component being
assembled, but not enough constraints have been added to render the component fully constrained.
That is, the orientation of the component can still be changed, so its position is open to interpretation.
The left-most image in Figure 2 shows the component Partially Constrained.

Figure 2 Range of Assembly Constraint Status

The preview color of partially constrained components is purple.

Fully Constrained Enough constraints have been applied to the component being assembled
that it cannot move. Ideally, when you complete the component placement, the component should be
fully constrained. The right-most image in Figure 2 is Fully Constrained. The preview color of fully
constrained components changes to orange.

Constraints Invalid Two constraints conflict with how they are trying to place the component in
the assembly. If this condition arises, you must edit or delete one or more constraints to eliminate the

Allowing Assumptions
The Allow Assumptions option can become available when placing a component in an assembly. When
this option is selected, the system makes additional constraint assumptions to help fully constrain the
component. If you clear this check box, the system returns the status to Partially Constrained. If you
properly further constrain a component that is fully constrained with Allow Assumptions enabled, the Allow
Assumptions option disappears and appears as Fully Constrained, as there is no longer a need for the
system to make assumptions. The middle image in Figure 2 is Fully Constrained as long as the Allow
Assumptions option is enabled. If the Allow Assumptions check box is cleared, the component is no
longer Fully Constrained, as it can rotate. Either an additional constraint would need to be added or the
Allow Assumptions check box would need to be selected.

Leaving Components Packaged

If you complete the component placement when the status reads Partially Constrained, the Message Log
alerts you that the system leaves the component packaged only. An open square symbol also displays in
the model tree next to the packaged component. You can drag components that are packaged based on
their partial constraints.

Concept: Assembling Components using the
Default Constraint
Assembling Components using the Default Constraint

Figure 1 Assembling Component using Default Constraint

The Default constraint enables you to align the internal system-created coordinate system of the
component to the internal system-created coordinate system of the assembly. The system places the
component at the assembly origin. Because the internal system coordinate system is used, no references
are specified, and no parent-child references are created. It is a standard practice to assemble the initial
assembly component using a Default constraint, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Completed Component Placement

You can also assemble sub-assemblies using the Default constraint. Similar to individual components,
assembling a sub-assembly using the Default constraint creates no parent-child references.

Figure 3 Assembling a Sub-Assembly

Procedure: Assembling Components using the

Default Constraint
Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work,
click File > Close until no models display, then click File > Manage
Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Default folder and click OK
6. Click File > Open and double-click DEFAULT_CONST.ASM.

Task 1. Assemble BODY.PRT using the Default constraint.

23. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

24. Select Assemble from the Assemble types drop-down menu in the Component group.
25. In the Open dialog box, select component BODY.PRT and click Open.

Figure 1
26. Notice the component is purple. Notice also in the dashboard that the constraint STATUS says
No Constraints.

27. In the dashboard, select Default from the Constraint Type drop-down list.

Figure 2
28. Notice that the constraint STATUS now reads Fully Constrained.

29. Notice the component is now orange.

30. Click Complete Component .

Figure 3
31. Notice that the color is now the actual component color.

32. At the top of the model tree, click Settings and select Tree Filters.
33. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box and click OK.
34. View the model tree and notice the assembled component.

Figure 4

Task 2. Assemble sub-assembly SUB.ASM using the Default constraint.
Click Assemble .
In the Open dialog box, select component SUB.ASM and click Open.

Figure 5
Right-click and select Default Constraint.
Click Complete Component .

Figure 6
Expand SUB.ASM in the model tree.

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Orienting Components
Orienting Components

Figure 1 Default Position

Figure 2 Orienting Around Red and Blue Axes

Figure 3 Component Positioned on Top of Model

When assembling a component, you can reorient it with respect to the assembly. Reorienting the
component closer to its assembly location aids in the components assembly by enabling you to more
easily select references. When you select the Automatic option, the system is able to more easily
determine the correct placement constraints to use.

You can reorient the component according to the applied constraints. As constraints are applied, the
degrees of freedom are reduced, further limiting the movement of the component.

Using the 3D Dragger

The 3D Dragger is the primary method you can use to orient components. The 3D Dragger is a
dynamically changing graphical interface that displays over any component being assembled. You can
use the 3D Dragger to orient new components as follows:

Rotate components about the three axes Click and drag around the shaded arcs to rotate the
component about that specific axis.

Translate components along the three axes Click and drag along the shaded arrows to
translate the component along that specific axis.

Move components in a 2-D plane Click and drag in the translucent shaded quadrant to move
the component within that 2-D plane.

Free move the components Click and drag on the small central sphere at the origin of the axes.

As you create constraints, portions of the 3D Dragger are grayed out, as the degrees of freedom are
reduced. For example, if a constraint is applied that prohibits component movement along a certain axis,
that 3D Dragger axis becomes grayed out since the component cannot move in that degree of freedom.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to orient new components:

Operation Keyboard and Mouse Selection


Operation Keyboard and Mouse Selection


Operation Keyboard and Mouse Selection

Component Drag Drags the component

based on existing constraints, which is the
same as the Drag Components . Use
this functionality when you have created
constraints and wish to their movement with
remaining degrees of freedom.

Dragging Components Along Geometry

You can also drag components along specified geometry by right-clicking the 3D Dragger and selecting
the Drag along geometry check box. You can then select geometry, and the 3D Dragger appears over the
selected geometry with the available degrees of freedom based on the geometry selection. These
degrees of freedom change based on whether you select a cylinder, plane, or other geometry shapes.
This functionality is similar to the Move tab in the dashboard.

Procedure: Orienting Components
Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Component_Orient folder and clickOK
6. Click File > Open and double-click COMP_ORIENT.ASM.

Task 1. Use the 3D Dragger and component placement controls.

15. Disable all Datum Display types.

16. Select Assemble from the Assemble types drop-down menu in the Component group.
17. In the Open dialog box, select component SHAFT.PRT and click Open.
18. Notice the 3D Dragger which appears over the component.

Figure 1
19. Rotate the model 90 degrees by dragging the red arc.

Figure 2
20. Rotate the model 180 degrees by dragging the blue arc.

Figure 3
21. Drag the model forward along the green axis.

Figure 4
22. Position the component by dragging the location sphere.

Figure 5
23. Press CTRL+ALT and right-click to pan the component.

24. Press CTRL+ALT and middle-click to spin the component.

25. Return the component back to the location shown.

Task 2. Drag components along existing geometry.

10. Right-click the 3D Dragger and select the Drag along geometry check box to enable it.
11. Select an edge on the component as shown.

Figure 6
12. Rotate and drag the component along the available 3D Dragger axes.

Figure 7

13. Select an alternate reference surface.

Figure 8
14. Rotate and drag the component along the available 3D Dragger axes.

Figure 9
15. Right-click the 3D Dragger and clear the Drag along geometry check box.
16. Click Complete Component from the dashboard.

Figure 10
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Coincident Constraints using
Creating Coincident Constraints using Cylindrical or Conical Surfaces
The Coincident constraint enables you to insert one cylindrical or conical surface into another cylindrical
or conical surface, making their respective axes coaxial. For example, you can create a Coincident
constraint to match a shaft to a hole, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Selecting Cylindrical Surfaces - Axes to be Coincident

This constraint is especially useful when axes are unavailable or inconvenient for selection. Remember
that the Coincident constraint only constrains the rounded surfaces coaxial, and does not slide one
component into another. Because the two specified surfaces are constrained coaxial, they do not need to
be the same diameter.

Creating Coincident Constraints using Planar Surfaces

The Coincident constraint also enables you to position two specified planar surfaces to lie in the same
plane (coplanar), and either face each other or face in the same direction, as shown in Figures 2 and 3,

Figure 2 Selecting Planar Surfaces to be Coincident

Figure 3 Selecting Alternate Planar Surfaces to be Coincident
You can select the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to rotate the surfaces so
that their normals switch from facing each other to facing in the same direction, and vice-versa.

When planar surfaces of components are assembled coincident to one another, it is the same as
assigning an offset value of zero, except that an offset value is not created for editing. The components
can be positioned in any location as long as the two specified surface normals either face each other or
face the same direction.

Procedure: Creating Coincident Constraints using

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Coincident_Geometry folder and click OK
6. Click File > Open and double-click COINCIDENT_1.ASM.

Task 1. Assemble the SHAFT.PRT using Coincident constraints.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Edit the definition of SHAFT.PRT.

3. In the dashboard, select Coincident as the Constraint Type.

7. Constrain the SHAFT.PRT surface coincident to the BODY.PRT hole cylindrical surface.

Figure 1
8. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab.
Click New Constraint.
Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
9. Constrain the SHAFT.PRT top surface coincident to the top BODY.PRT surface.

Figure 2
10. In the Placement tab, click Flip.
Click Flip again.

Figure 3
11. In the Placement tab, right-click the second Coincident constraint and select Delete.

Drag the SHAFT.PRT upwards.

Click New Constraint.

Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
12. Constrain the SHAFT.PRT bottom surface coincident to the inner BODY.PRT surface.

Figure 4
13. Click Complete Component in the dashboard.

Task 2. Assemble the COVER.PRT using Coincident constraints.

16. Select Assemble from the Assemble types drop-down menu in the Component group.
17. In the Open dialog box, select component COVER.PRT and click Open.
18. Reorient the COVER.PRT approximately as shown.

19. In the dashboard, select Coincident as the Constraint Type.

20. Constrain the COVER.PRT inner diameter coincident to the inner BODY.PRT diameter.

Figure 5
21. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab.
1. Click New Constraint.
2. Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
22. Constrain the COVER.PRT hole coincident to the BODY.PRT hole.

Figure 6
7. In this situation, the system may convert the Coincident constraint to an Oriented

23. In the Placement tab, click New Constraint.

1. Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
24. Constrain the COVER.PRT surface coincident to the BODY.PRT surface.

Figure 7
25. Review the constraints and click Complete Component .

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Coincident Constraints using
Datum Features
Creating Coincident Constraints using Datum Planes
The Coincident constraint enables you to position two specified datum planes to lie in the same plane
(coplanar), and either face each other or face in the same direction.

Figure 1 Selecting Datum Planes to be Coincident

Datum planes have positive and negative sides designated by color. If you rotate a model with datum
planes displayed, you see that the colors are brown and gray. If the datum planes face each other, their
positive (brown) sides face each other. If the datum planes face in the same direction, their positive sides
face in the same direction. By default, the system aligns the positive sides in the same direction. You can
use the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to rotate the datum planes so that
their positive sides face each other.

When the datum planes of components are assembled coincident to one another, it is the same as
assigning an offset value of zero, except that an offset value is not created for editing. The components
can be positioned in any location as long as the two specified datum plane normals either face each other
or face the same direction.

Creating Coincident Constraints using Datum Axes

The Coincident constraint enables you to align datum axes coaxial.

Figure 2 Selecting Datum Axes to be Coincident
Like datum planes, datum axes also have a positive direction, which is the side on which the datum tag
displays. By default, the system aligns the positive sides in the same direction. Again, you can use
the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to rotate the datum axes so their positive
sides face each other.

Procedure: Creating Coincident Constraints using

Datum Features
Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Coincident_Datums folder and clickOK
6. Click File > Open and double-click COINCIDENT_2.ASM.

Task 1. Select datum planes with a Coincident constraint.

15. Enable only the following Datum Display types:

16. Edit the definition of ARM.PRT.

17. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab.

Review the existing Coincident constraints.

Click New Constraint.

Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
18. Select the two datum planes.

Figure 1
19. Notice the orientation.

20. In the dashboard, click Change Constraint Orientation .

Figure 2
21. In the Placement tab, click Flip to toggle the orientation back.
22. Click Complete Component .

Figure 3
Task 2. Select datum axes with a Coincident constraint.

4. Enable Axis Display and disable Plane Display .
5. Select BODY.PRT, right-click, and select Hide.
6. Select Assemble from the Assemble types drop-down menu in the Component group.
7. In the Open dialog box, select PLATE.PRT and click Open.
8. Reorient PLATE.PRT approximately as shown.

Figure 4
6. In the dashboard, click 3D Dragger to hide it.
23. Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
7. Select the two datum axes.

Figure 5
4. Right-click and select New Constraint.
5. Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
6. Select the two datum axes.

Figure 6
7. Right-click and select New Constraint.
8. Select Coincident as the Constraint Type.
9. Select the two surfaces.

Figure 7
10. In the dashboard, click 3D Dragger to show it.
11. Click Complete Component .
12. Disable Axis Display .
13. In the model tree, right-click BODY.PRT and select Unhide.

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Distance Constraints

Creating Distance Constraints
The Distance constraint enables you to specify an offset value between selected geometry types. For
example, you could select two points, two planes, and so on, or you can select geometry combinations
such as a point and plane, or a point and an edge or axis.

Figure 1 Distance Between a Vertex and Datum Plane

The Distance constraint is the same as the Coincident constraint, except that the selected references can
be offset from one another a specified distance. The distance value becomes a dimension that can be

When you use the Distance constraint, the system sets the current offset direction as the positive offset
direction. To offset in the opposite direction, either drag the location handle to the other side of the
selected assembly reference or edit the offset to a negative value. The component moves to the opposite
side, and this offset direction is now set as the positive offset direction.

If components are assembled to one another with a Distance constraint offset value of zero, it is the same
as assembling them with a Coincident constraint, except that a distance value is available for editing. You
can double-click the Distance constraint tag in the graphics window and edit the constraint type to a
Coincident constraint, and vice versa.

You can also use the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to flip the component
orientation for the Distance constraint. For example, the component orientation was flipped between
Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 2 Distance Between Two Surfaces

Figure 3 Distance Constraint Flipped

Procedure: Creating Distance Constraints

Procedure Setup:
13. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
14. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Distance folder and click OK
15. Click File > Open and double-click DISTANCE.ASM.

Task 1. Utilize a Distance constraint between planar surfaces.

8. Disable all Datum Display types.

9. In the model tree, right-click COVER.PRT and select Hide.

Figure 1
10. Select Assemble from the Assemble types drop-down menu in the Component group.
11. In the Open dialog box, select SUB.ASM and click Open.
12. Reorient SUB.ASM approximately as shown.

13. In the dashboard, select Coincident as the Constraint Type.

14. Constrain the two cylindrical surfaces coincident.

Figure 2

15. Right-click and select New Constraint.

16. Select Distance as the Constraint Type.
17. Drag the sub-assembly upward if necessary.

18. Select the two surfaces.

Figure 3
19. Reorient the model.

20. Drag the sub-assembly and edit its distance to 15.

Figure 4
21. In the dashboard, click Change Constraint Orientation .

Figure 5
22. Click Change Constraint Orientation to toggle it back.
23. Orient to the Standard Orientation.
24. Drag the sub-assembly upward.

25. Right-click and select Clear.

26. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab and notice that the references have been removed.
27. Select the two new surfaces.

Figure 6
The second surface is a hidden surface on the underside of the shaft.

28. Reorient the model.

29. Drag the sub-assembly and edit its distance to 15.

Figure 7
30. In the dashboard, click Change Constraint Orientation .

Figure 8
31. Click Change Constraint Orientation to toggle it back.
32. Edit the distance value to 1.

Task 2. Use a Distance constraint between other geometry.
17. Orient to the Standard Orientation.
18. Enable Plane Display .
19. In the Placement tab, clear the Allow Assumptions check box.
20. Rotate the component approximately as shown.

Figure 9
21. In the Placement tab, click New Constraint.
Select Distance as the Constraint Type.
22. Select the vertex and the datum plane.

Figure 10
23. Edit the distance value to 35.
24. Edit the distance value to -65.

Figure 11
25. Click Complete Component .
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Parallel, Normal, and Angle
Constraining Components using the Parallel Constraint
The Parallel constraint enables you to force a selected datum plane or surface into a particular orientation
without regard to an offset value. The Parallel constraint forces selected surfaces or datum planes to
become parallel with each other.

Figure 1 Viewing a Parallel Constraint

The Parallel constraint is similar to the Coincident constraint, except that the selected references do not
have to be coplanar.

You can use the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to toggle the specified
references from facing each other to facing in the same direction, and vice-versa. You can also double-
click the Parallel constraint tag in the graphics window and edit the constraint type to a Distance, Angle
Offset, Coincident, or Normal constraint.
Constraining Components using the Normal Constraint
Similar to the Parallel constraint, the Normal constraint enables you to force a selected datum plane or
surface into a particular orientation without regard to an offset value. The Normal constraint forces
selected surfaces or datum planes to become normal with each other.

Figure 2 Viewing a Normal Constraint
You can use the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to rotate the specified
references 180 degrees. You can also double-click the Normal constraint tag in the graphics window and
edit the constraint type to a Distance, Angle Offset, Parallel, or Coincident constraint.
Constraining Components using the Angle Offset Constraint
The Angle Offset constraint enables you to specify a rotation angle between planar references.

Figure 3 Viewing an Angle Offset Constraint

The component reorients to the Angle Offset value that you specify. Typically, the Angle Offset constraint is
used after the component has already been partially constrained with a Coincident constraint

You can use the Change Constraint Orientation option in the dashboard to rotate the angle offset
180 degrees to the other side of the assembly reference. You can also double-click the Angle Offset
constraint tag in the graphics window and edit the constraint type to a Distance, Parallel, Coincident, or
Normal constraint.

Procedure: Creating Parallel, Normal, and Angle
6. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
7. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Assembly\Parallel_Normal_Angle folder and click OK
8. Click File > Open and double-click ORIENT.ASM.

Task 1. Utilize a Parallel and Normal constraint.

8. Disable all Datum Display types.

9. Edit the definition of SUB.ASM.

10. In the dashboard, select the Placement tab.

Click New Constraint.
Notice the constraint status is Fully Constrained.

Clear the Allow Assumptions check box.

11. Drag the component as shown.

Figure 1
5. In the Placement tab, select Parallel as the Constraint Type.
6. Select the two surfaces shown.

Figure 2

12. Notice the component orientation, and click Flip.

Figure 3
13. In the Placement tab, edit the Constraint Type to Normal .
Press CTRL+ALT and middle-click to spin the component 180, as shown.

Figure 4
Task 2. Utilize an Angle Offset constraint.

9. In the Placement tab, edit the Constraint Type to Angle Offset .

Edit the angle to 45.
Click Flip.

Figure 5

10. Right-click in the graphics window and select Clear.
11. Press CTRL+ALT and middle-click to spin the component approximately, as shown.

12. Enable Plane Display .

13. Select the two planes.

Figure 6
14. Edit the angle to 25 and click Complete Component .

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Drawing Layout and Views

Module Overview:
Drawings are used for documenting the production design of parts and assembly models. They typically
contain two-dimensional and three-dimensional model views, as well as dimensions, notes, and Bills of
Materials. Drawings are frequently used in the manufacture of product designs. This module focuses on
the creation of drawings and the layout of drawing views.

There are two methods for creating drawings. In the first method, you manually place views onto a drawing.
In the second method, you use a drawing template to automatically populate the drawing with predefined
information. Typically, a combination of these methods is used, which involves manually placing views on
drawings that were started using a drawing template.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Analyze drawing concepts and theory, as well as basic 2-D orientation skills.

Create new drawings manually and apply formats.

Use the drawing tree.

Create new drawings using drawing templates.

Manage drawing sheets.

Add drawing models to a drawing.

Create, orient, and modify drawing views including general, projection, cross-section, detailed,
and auxiliary.

Create assembly and exploded views.

Concept: Analyzing Drawing Concepts and Theory

Analyzing Drawing Concepts and Theory
Once a part or assembly has been modeled, you typically need to create a 2-D drawing to document it.

Figure 1 Example of a Model

Often, a 2-D drawing is the final deliverable at a company. The 2-D drawing usually contains parametric
2-D or 3-D views of the 3-D part or assembly, dimensions, and a title block.

Figure 2 Example of a Drawing

The drawing may also contain notes, tables, and further design information. However, not every company
requires you to create drawings of models.

A drawing is bi-directional. If a change is made to a model, the drawing that displays the model
automatically updates to reflect the change. Similarly, if a change is made to a model in the drawing, the
model automatically updates as well.

Concept: Analyzing Basic 2-D Orientation

Orientation using Keyboard and Mouse Combinations

Figure 1 Viewing a Drawing Sheet

To view specific areas of a drawing, you can pan and zoom the drawing using a combination of keyboard
and mouse functions, as shown in the following table.

Orientation Keyboard and Mouse Selection



Figure 2 Zooming in on a Drawing View

Cursor over the area of interest before zooming in. The zoom function uses the cursor position as its area
of focus. You can also zoom by using the scroll wheel. To control the level of zoom, press a designated key
while using the scroll wheel, as shown in the following table:

Zoom Level Keyboard and Mouse Selection


Fine Zoom

Coarse Zoom

Additional Orientation Options

In addition to using keyboard and mouse combinations, the following additional drawing 2-D orientation
options are available:

Refit Refits the entire drawing sheet in the graphics window.
Change sheets You can change drawing sheets in a multi-sheet drawing. The sheet numbers
display under the graphics window as individual tabs. To change sheets, you can select the tab
which corresponds with the desired sheet. Often your company's title block displays the drawing
sheet number in a multi-sheet drawing, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Zooming in on the Title Block

Concept: Creating New Drawings and Applying

Creating New Drawings
You can create new drawings within Creo Parametric either by clicking File > New, or by
clicking New from the Quick Access toolbar, selecting the Drawing option, and then editing the drawing
Name. You must also specify whether to use a default template. This topic focuses on drawing creation when
a default template is not used.
You must specify the Default Model to be used in the drawing. The Default Model is the model that is
used in your drawing when you start placing views. You can add additional models to the drawing at a
later time. If you have models open in Creo Parametric when a new drawing is created, the model that is
in the active window at the time of drawing creation is automatically set as the Default Model.

You must also specify the drawing Orientation, whether Portrait, Landscape, or Variable. If you select
Portrait or Landscape, you can choose between numerous standard, predefined drawing sizes. If you
select Variable, you must specify the desired drawing size width and height, in units of either inches or
millimeters. A C-size drawing is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Empty Drawing
Using Drawing Formats
When creating a new drawing, you must also decide whether to use a format in the new drawing. A
drawing format contains 2-D items that typically include boundary lines, referencing marks, tables, and
text. A format has an extension of *.frm, and is created in Format mode. A format is then applied to a
drawing. Your company has most likely created customized formats to use, as they typically contain your
company's logo, title block, and tolerancing standards. In Figure 2 shows a A2-size drawing with an
applied format.

Figure 2 Drawing with Format

If you specify a format during drawing creation, you do not need to specify an orientation or size;
these parameters are determined during format creation and are incorporated into the drawing.

Adding and Changing Formats

You can decide whether to add a format at the time of drawing creation or at a later time. To add a format
to a drawing after the drawing has been created, you can either click Sheet Setup from the Document

group in the Layout tab, or you can double-click the drawing size that is displayed along the bottom of the
graphics window. You can then select your desired format, or replace an existing format with a different
Procedure: Creating New Drawings and Applying
Procedure Setup:
7. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
8. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing\Formats_Applying folder and click OK

Task 1. Create a new drawing and apply different formats to it.

Click New from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the New dialog box, select Drawing as the Type.
Edit the Name to new_drawing.
Clear the Use default template check box and click OK.
In the New Drawing dialog box, click Browse to specify the Default Model.
Select ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT and click Open.
Select Empty for the template, if necessary
Edit the Standard Size to A4 in the drop-down list.
Click OK.

Figure 1
Disable all Datum Display types.

Notice the text below the sheet that displays the drawing scale, type, name, and drawing size.

Figure 5
Click Sheet Setup from the Document group in the Layout tab.

In the Sheet Setup dialog box, edit the Format from A Size to C Size in the drop-down list.
Click OK.

Figure 6
Double-click the SIZE : C tag at the bottom of the graphics window.

In the Sheet Setup dialog box, click the C Size format to activate the field. Click Browse from the
drop-down list.
In the Open dialog box, click Working Directory.
Select C_FORMAT_GENERIC.FRM and click Open.
Click OK.

Figure 10
In the input window, type your first initial, followed by your surname, and press ENTER.

Notice that the text at the bottom has updated again. Also notice the new format which contains a
border and title block.

Zoom in on the title block.

Figure 14
Click Refit from the In Graphics toolbar.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating and Orienting General Views
Creating and Orienting General Views
When you create a drawing, the first view added to a drawing is a general view. A general view is usually
the first of a series of views to be created. When you create or edit a general view in a drawing, the
Drawing View dialog box appears displaying the View Type category.

You can edit the following attributes of a general view in the View Type category:

View name The view name displays in the drawing tree and when you cursor over the view in
the graphics window. It also displays in the layer tree when selecting the active layer object.

View type If there is more than one general view on the drawing, you can edit the view type
from general to a different view type. This option is only available when editing an existing general
drawing view.

View orientation Determines the orientation of the view in the drawing. You can set the view
orientation using model view names that are created in the model itself. These are the same model
views that are found in the model's saved view list and view manager. A general view can be placed
in any orientation.

Figure 1 General View Type

Figure 2 Another General View Type

Procedure: Creating and Orienting General Views

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to the
PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Views\General folder and click OK

6. Click File > Open and double-click GENERAL_VIEWS.DRW.

Task 1. Create a 2-D general view.

11. Disable all Datum Display types.

12. Click General from the Model Views group in the Layout tab.
13. Click OK in the Select Combined State dialog box.
14. Click in the middle of the drawing to place the view.

15. In the Drawing View dialog box, edit the View name to SHAFT_SIDE.
16. Notice the default view of the model. Also notice the model views available in the Drawing View
dialog box. The available views were generated from the model.

Figure 1
17. In the Drawing View dialog box, select Model view name FRONT, and click Apply.
Click Repaint .
Select Model view name LEFT and click Apply.
Select Model view name RIGHT and click OK.

Figure 2
18. De-select the SHAFT_SIDE view.

Task 2. Create a 3-D general view.

11. Right-click in the drawing and select Insert General View.
12. Click OK in the Select Combined State dialog box.
13. Click in the upper-right of the drawing to place the view.

14. In the Drawing View dialog box, edit the View name to SHAFT_DEFAULT.

15. Notice the model views available in the Drawing View dialog box.

Figure 3
16. In the Drawing View dialog box, select Model view name 3D, and click Apply.

Figure 4
17. In the Drawing View dialog box, select Model view name Default Orientation, and click OK.

Figure 5
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Utilizing the Drawing Tree
Utilizing the Drawing Tree

Figure 1 Drawing Tree: Layout Tab

Figure 2 Drawing Tree: Table Tab

Drawing elements are shown in a hierarchical tree similar to the model tree. The drawing tree changes its
display to match the current drawing task, based on the tab selected in the drawing ribbon. The drawing
tree enables you to visualize the items in the drawing and right-click them for access to additional various

Figure 3 Drawing Tree: Annotate Tab

Consider the following while working with the drawing tree:

The drawing tree appears above the model tree. Each can be independently resized or collapsed.

Both the drawing tree and the model tree can be toggled to display the layer tree.

Procedure: Utilizing the Drawing Tree
Procedure Setup:
To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing\Tree folder and click OK
Click File > Open and double-click DRAWING_TREE.DRW.

Task 1. Navigate through the drawing and explore the drawing tree.
4. Disable all Datum Display types.

5. Select the Layout tab from the ribbon, if necessary.

Notice that the active sheet is shown in the drawing tree.

Also notice that the views are shown in the drawing tree.

Figure 1
16. The views in this drawing were renamed to be easily recognizable in the drawing tree.

6. Right-click FRONT and view the available options.

7. Select Auxiliary to locate this view.

Figure 2
8. Select the Table tab from the ribbon.
Notice the drawing tree updates.

Figure 3
9. Select Table 3 to locate it.
Right-click Table 3 and view the available options.

Figure 4
10. Select the Annotate tab from the ribbon.
Notice the drawing tree updates.

11. Expand the FRONT node and the Annotations node in the drawing tree.
Notice the various shown and erased dimensions.

Figure 5
12. Select the HOLE_DIA dimension to locate it.

Right-click and view the available options for this shown dimension.

Figure 6
13. Select the d21 dimension to locate it.
Right-click and view the available options for this erased dimension.

Figure 7
14. Expand the RIGHT node and the Datums node in the drawing tree.
Notice the various shown and erased axes.

Figure 8
15. Select the CYL axis to locate it.

Right-click and view the available options for this axis.

Figure 9
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Managing Drawing Sheets

Managing Drawing Sheets
Drawings contain at least one sheet. When additional sheets are created, you use the sheet tabs and
sheet dialog boxes to manage multiple sheets.

You can access the most common sheet functions from the sheet tabs area, located below the drawing
status text.

Figure 3 Sheet Tabs

Using the sheet tabs, you can:
Preview a sheet by placing the cursor over the tab.

Select a sheet tab to activate the desired sheet.

Create and Delete sheets.

Reorder the sheets by dragging a sheet tab.

Rename a sheet.

Right-click a sheet for additional options.

Within the Layout tab of the drawing ribbon, you can click Move or Copy Sheets from the Document

Figure 1 Move or Copy Sheet Dialog Box
The Move or Copy Sheet dialog box enables you to:
Move the current sheet to the selected location.

Insert a copy of the current sheet to the selected location.

Within the Layout tab of the drawing ribbon, you can click Sheet Setup from the Document group.

Figure 2 Sheet Setup Dialog Box

The Sheet Setup dialog box enables you to:
Specify the drawing Format.

Change sheet Size.

Change sheet Orientation.

Procedure: Managing Drawing Sheets

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing\Sheets folder and click OK
6. Click File > Open and double-click DRAWING_SHEETS.DRW.

Task 1. Use different tools to manipulate sheets in a drawing.

17. Disable all Datum Display types.

18. Select the Sheet 1 sheet tab to activate it, if necessary.

Figure 1
19. Notice the drawing tree updates for this sheet.

20. Cursor over the Sheet 2 tab to view the thumbnail preview.

21. Select the Sheet 2 sheet tab to activate it.

Figure 2
22. Notice the drawing tree updates for this sheet.

23. Click New Sheet from the Document group.

1. Press ENTER to leave the name blank.

2. Double-click the Sheet 3 sheet tab, type NEW, and press ENTER.
3. Drag the NEW sheet tab to reorder it as sheet 2 of 3.

Figure 3
24. Double-click the Sheet 1 sheet tab, type CYL, and press ENTER.
25. Right-click the Sheet 2 sheet tab and view the available options.
1. Select Rename, type ANG and press ENTER.

Figure 4
26. Select the NEW sheet tab to activate it.
27. From the Document group in the ribbon, click Move or Copy Sheets .
6. Select ANG, if necessary.
7. Select the Create a copy check box.
8. Click OK and press ENTER to create Sheet 4.

Figure 5
28. Select the Sheet 4 sheet tab to activate it.
1. Right-click and select Delete.
2. Click Yes.

Figure 6
29. Select the NEW sheet tab to activate it.

30. From the Document group in the ribbon, click Sheet Setup .
1. Select the current format to activate the drop-down list.

2. Select Browse from the drop-down list.

3. Select a.frm, then click Open and OK.
4. Click Remove All and Yes.

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Adding Drawing Models

Adding Drawing Models
When you create a drawing, you typically specify the drawing model to use in the drawing. Views placed
in the drawing depict this specified drawing model. However, you can add additional drawing models to
the drawing. This enables drawing views and information from multiple models to be captured in a single

Figure 1 Switching the Active Model

The system adds information to the drawing from the active model. The active model is displayed at the
bottom of the graphics window and in the model tree. You can switch between drawing models and set the
active one by clicking the Set Active Model/Rep icon from the model tree, by clicking Drawing
Models from the Model Views group of the Layout tab in the drawing ribbon, or by right-clicking in the
drawing and selecting Drawing Models.

Figure 2 Different Models on Different Drawing Sheets

You can also right-click a selected view of a drawing model that is not the active model and select Set/Add
Drawing Model or double-click the active component name at the bottom of the graphics window.

However, you must click the Drawing Models icon and use the subsequent menu manager to add
new models. Figure 3 displays the menu manager.

Figure 3 Menu Manager

You must also delete drawing models from the drawing through the view manager. You can only delete a
drawing model if there are no views using it, however, and each drawing must contain at least one
drawing model.

Procedure: Adding Drawing Models

Procedure Setup:
14. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
15. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing\Models folder and click OK
16. Click File > Open and double-click DRAWING_MODELS.DRW.

Task 1. Add the CYLINDER_BRACKET.PRT to the drawing.

9. Disable all Datum Display types.

10. At the bottom of the graphics window, notice that SHAFT is the active model.

11. Notice that the model tree displays SHAFT.PRT.

12. Click Drawing Models from the Model Views group of the Layout tab.
13. In the menu manager, click Add Model.
14. Select CYLINDER_BRACKET.PRT and click Open. At the bottom of the graphics window, notice
that CYLINDER_BRACKET is now the active model.
15. Notice that the model tree displays CYLINDER_BRACKET.PRT.

Figure 1
16. Click New Sheet .
17. In the input window, type your first initial, followed by your surname, and press ENTER. Sheet
number 2 is added to the drawing. Notice the model name in the title block.

Figure 2
18. Click General from the Model Views group in the Layout tab.
19. Click OK in the Select Combined State dialog box.
20. Click in the drawing to place the general view.

21. In the Drawing View dialog box, select FRONT as the Model view name and click OK.

Figure 3
Task 2. Add the ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT to the drawing.

4. Click Drawing Models .

5. In the menu manager, click Add Model.
6. Select ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT and click Open. At the bottom of the graphics window notice that
ANGLE_GUIDE is now the active model and that ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT displays in the model tree.
7. Click New Sheet .
8. In the input window, type your first initial, followed by your surname, and press ENTER. Sheet
number 3 is added to the drawing. Notice the model name in the title block.

Figure 4
9. Click General
10. Click OK in the Select Combined State dialog box.
11. Click in the drawing to place the general view, and click OK.

Figure 5
Task 3. Set a different active drawing model.

1. In the model tree, click Set Active Model/Rep and select SHAFT.PRT > Master Rep.
2. The SHAFT.PRT is now the active model.

14. Click General and click OK in the Select Combined State dialog box.
15. Click in the drawing to place the general view, and click OK.

Figure 6
16. De-select the drawing view.

17. Right-click in the drawing and select Drawing Models.

18. In the menu manager, click Set Model > CYLINDER_BRACKET > Done/Return.

This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Projection Views
Creating Projection Views

Figure 1 Example General View

A Projection view is an orthographic projection of another view's geometry along a horizontal or vertical
direction from the parent view.

Figure 2 Example Third Angle Projected Left View

Figure 3 Example General View

The orientation of the projection view is always 90from the parent view, and its scale is dependent on
the parent view. If the orientation of the parent view is updated, the orientation of the child projection
views also updates.

You can either insert projection views by clicking Projection from the Model Views group in the
Layout tab, or by selecting a drawing view, right-clicking, and selecting Insert Projection View. In either

case, you must specify the parent view from which the projection view projects. When you create a
projection view, it is assigned a default name based upon the direction of projection.
The default projection type for projection views is Third Angle. If desired, the projection type can be
changed to First Angle.

You can also project 3-D general views.

Procedure: Creating Projection Views

35. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
36. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Views\Projection folder and click OK
37. Click File > Open and double-click PROJECTION_VIEWS.DRW.

Task 1. Create two projection views on sheet 1.

3. Disable all Datum Display types.

4. Click Projection from the Model Views group of the Layout tab.
5. Select the front view, move the cursor up, and click to place the new projection view. Notice the
orange rectangle that snaps to your cursor until you click to place the view.

6. Select the front view, right-click, and select Insert Projection View.
7. Move the cursor to the right and click to place the new projection view.

Figure 1
Task 2. Create three projection views on sheet 3.

22. Select the Sheet 3 sheet tab to activate it.

23. Select the shaft_side drawing view, right-click, and select Insert Projection View.

24. Move the cursor up and click to place the new projection view.

Figure 5
25. Select the shaft_side drawing view, right-click, and select Insert Projection View.
26. Move the cursor to the left and click to place the second new projection view.

27. Select the shaft_side view, right-click, and select Insert Projection View.
28. Move the cursor to the right and click to place the third new projection view.

Figure 6
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Cross-Section Views

Creating Cross-Section Views
You can add cross-sections to drawing views in the Sections category of the Drawing View dialog box.
When you specify that you want to add a section to a drawing view, a list of available cross-sections
displays in a drop-down list. This list of available cross-sections originates from the 3-D model itself.

Figure 1 Cross-Section Views Using 3-D Model Cross Sections
You can only select valid cross-sections for a given drawing view. A valid cross-section is one that is
parallel to the screen when placed in the view.
A cross-section displays in a drawing view with a set of Xhatching. You can edit the following attributes of the
Xhatching lines:

Spacing For spacing, you can select either Half or Double from the menu manger. Each time
you select half or double, the spacing between Xhatching lines halves or doubles, respectively. You
can also type a spacing value for the Xhatching lines. In the upper image of Figure 2, the spacing
has been changed to a value of 0.15.

Figure 2 Editing Xhatching

In the lower image, the spacing has been changed to a value of 0.6.
Angle For angle, you can select a Xhatching line angle in 30 or 45 degree increments between
0 and 150 degrees. You can also type an angle value. In the lower image of Figure 2, the Xhatching
line angle has been modified from 45 degrees to 135 degrees.

In addition to creating a section view, you can optionally add section arrows to any view that is
perpendicular to the section view. In Figure 3, the arrows were added to the drawing view.

Figure 3 Added Arrows to Perpendicular View
The direction in which the arrows point indicates the direction of material to maintain in the section view.
You can toggle this material direction if desired.

Procedure: Creating Cross-Section Views

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Views\Section folder and click OK
6. Click File > Open and double-click SECTION_VIEWS.DRW.

Task 1. Add cross-section A to a view in a drawing.

18. Disable all Datum Display types.

19. In the model tree, right-click SHAFT.PRT and select Open.

20. Click View Manager from the In Graphics toolbar and select the Sections tab.
21. Right-click section A and select Show Section. Notice the cross-section.

Figure 1
22. Click Close from the View Manager.
23. Click Close to return to the drawing.
24. Select the lower, center, shaft_side view. Right-click and select Properties.
25. In the Drawing View dialog box, select the Sections category and select the 2D cross-
section option.

1. Click Add Section and select A from the drop-down list.
2. Click OK.

Figure 2
26. Click in the background to de-select the view.

Figure 3
27. In the section view, select the Xhatching, right-click, and select Properties.

Figure 4
28. In the menu manager, click Spacing > Half > Done.

Figure 5
29. De-select the X-hatching.

Figure 6

30. Select the cross-section view, right-click, and select Add Arrows.
31. Select the top projection view to place the arrows.

Figure 7
32. Select the arrows, right-click, and select Flip Material Removal Side.

Figure 8
33. Right-click and select Flip Material Removal Side to toggle the material removal direction back
to the original direction.
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Detailed Views

Creating Detailed Views
A detailed view is a small portion of a model shown enlarged in another view. A reference note and
border is included on the parent view as part of the detailed view setup. The orientation of the detailed
view is the same as its parent, but the detail view is typically assigned a much larger scale than the
parent view.

You must define the following when creating a detailed view:

Location Select a location on the drawing where the resulting detailed view is to be placed.
Similar to other views, you can always move the drawing view at a later time.

Spline Select a center point in an existing drawing view that you want to enlarge in the detailed
view. You must then sketch a spline around the area of the view that you want enlarged in the
resulting detailed view.

Figure 1 Sketching the Spline
You do not have to be concerned about sketching a perfect shape because the spline is
automatically converted into a boundary shape. The default boundary shape is a Circle, although
you can modify the boundary to an Ellipse, Horizontal/Vertical ellipse, an ASME 94 Circle, or keep it
as a Spline. In Figure 3, the boundary shape is a Circle.

Figure 3 Resulting Spline Boundary

You may also define the following optional items when creating a detailed view:

View name Provide a different detailed View name. The View name of the detailed view
displays in the detail note, as shown in Figure 3. The View name also displays under the detailed
view, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Placed Detailed View

Scale You can specify the scale of the resulting detailed view.

Xhatching (if applicable) If you create a detailed view for a drawing view that contains a cross-
section, you can optionally edit the Xhatching to specify a view other than the parent cross-section

view by selecting Det Indep from the menu manager when editing the Xhatching properties. The
default detailed view Xhatching is governed by the parent.

Procedure: Creating Detailed Views

Procedure Setup:
 To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
 Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to the
PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Views\Detailed folder and click OK
 Click File > Open and double-click DETAILED_VIEWS.DRW.

Task 1. Create a detailed view in a drawing.

4. Disable all Datum Display types.

5. Click Detailed from the Model Views group in the Layout tab.
6. In the section view, select the center point for the detailed view.

Figure 1
7. Click points to create a spline curve around the SHAFT.PRT end. Do NOT close the spline curve
when sketching it. Instead, leave a gap.

Figure 2
8. Middle-click to complete the spline curve.

-- 242
Figure 3
9. Select a point in the top left of the drawing to place the detail view.

Figure 4
10. Click in the background to de-select the view.

11. Select the detailed view note.

12. Double-click the 3.000 scale on the view, type 4, and press ENTER.
13. Click in an empty area of the graphics window to de-select the scale value.

Figure 5

-- 243
Figure 6
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating Auxiliary Views

Creating Auxiliary Views
An Auxiliary view is a special type of projection view. Instead of being projected orthogonal, the auxiliary
view is projected perpendicular to a selected planar reference (a datum plane), or projected along the
direction of an axis. The resulting auxiliary view can be moved only along its angle of projection. In Figure
1, the datum plane is selected as the projection reference.

Figure 1 An Auxiliary View

-- 244
You may also edit the View name to a more meaningful name, as well as add projection arrows, as
shown in the figure. The View name displays when projection arrows are created. You can also move
projection arrows individually with respect to the auxiliary view. Projection arrows can be displayed as
either single or double arrows.

Creating Drawing Annotations

Module Overview:
Drawing views alone are not typically sufficient for conveying all the information needed to manufacture a
given model. In this module, you learn how to display all of the details that manufacturing needs to create
production parts. This information includes dimensions, axes, notes, and BOM Balloons.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Analyze annotation concepts and types.

Create tables from file.

Create BOM balloons.

Show, erase, and delete annotations.

Clean up and manipulate dimensions.

Create driven dimensions.

Insert notes.

Analyze drawing associativity.

Publish drawings.

Concept: Analyzing Annotation Concepts and

Analyzing Annotation Concepts and Types
You can add additional detail to drawing views in the form of annotations to convey information needed to
manufacture the part or components of the assembly. There are numerous annotations you can add to a
drawing, including, but not limited to:

-- 245
Figure 1 Viewing Annotation Items on a Drawing

Dimensions Displays measurements, distances, and depths between specific geometric

entities on a drawing view. You can add both driving dimensions from the model, or create your own

Axes Displays the centers of holes or bolt circles.

Notes Add additional information to a drawing that may not be found in dimensions.

Tables Displays additional drawing information in tabular format. Examples include names of
optional components in an assembly, specific dimension values for part numbers in a common
drawing, and cam lift values per degree.

BOM Shows components in an assembly and their quantities.

Figure 2 Viewing a BOM on a Drawing

-- 246
Concept: Creating Tables from File
Creating Tables from File
You can insert tables from a file. Table files that were previously saved can be reused throughout your
organization. You can save your own created tables as files, if desired.

To insert a table from a file, click Table From File from the Table group or select it from
the Table drop-down menu, also located in the Table group.

Figure 1 Table Ribbon Options

You then browse to the desired location that contains saved tables, such as your working directory.

Figure 2 Browsing for a Table From File

Creating Tables from the Quick Tables Gallery

You can also select a previously created table from the Tables Gallery. To access the Tables Gallery,
click Table from the Table group and then select Quick Tables . A gallery of previously created
tables with thumbnails displays.

-- 247
Figure 3 Quick Tables Gallery

You can also click More User Tables to access tables shared in your organization in the pro_table_dir
path. Click More System Tables to access system tables stored in
the <loadpoint>/text/tables directory.
Once you have selected your desired quick table, the Select Point dialog box displays, enabling you to
specify the reference type to which the table snaps. Options include:

Free Point Enables you to select a free point on the drawing.

Absolute Coordinates Enables you to specify absolute coordinates to locate the table.
Relative Coordinates Enables you to specify relative coordinates to locate the table.
Object or Entity Enables you to select a point on a drawing object or entity.
Vertex Enables you to select the vertex on a drawing object or entity.

Procedure: Creating Tables from File

Procedure Setup:
To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Details\Tables_From-File folder and click OK
Click File > Open and double-click TABLES_3.DRW.

Task 1. Save a table to file.

15. Disable all Datum Display types.

16. In the ribbon, select the Table tab.

17. Query the revision history table and select it.

-- 248
Figure 1
18. Select Save As Table from the Save Table types drop-down menu.
19. In the Save Drawing Table dialog box, type rev_hist.tbl as the File name.
Click Save.

Task 2. Insert a Table from File.

12. Click Table From File from the Table group.

13. In the Open dialog box, notice that REV_HIST.TBL is available.


Click Open.
14. Move the cursor to locate the table near the upper-right corner of the sheet.

Figure 2
15. Click to place the table.

-- 249
Figure 3
16. Click in the background to de-select the table.

17. Zoom in to view the table.

Figure 4
8. This table was created with a Repeat Region and Report Parameters which enables it to
update to the assembly.

18. Click Refit from the In Graphics toolbar.

Task 3. Insert a Quick Table.

Click Table from the Table group and select Quick Tables .
Scroll and select the tooltable.
Move the cursor to locate the table near the right side of the sheet.

-- 250
Figure 5
Click to place the table.

Figure 6
5. Click in the background to de-select the table.

6. Zoom in on the table to view it.

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Creating BOM Balloons
Creating BOM Balloons
Bill of Materials (BOM) tables can be used to detail the location and number of parts included in the
assembly for manufacturers. BOM tables are created with repeat regions. A repeat region is a group of
user-designated table cells that automatically populate, and expand or contract to accommodate the
amount of data currently in the model.

You can also detail parts and assemblies with BOM balloons, which are circular callouts in an assembly
drawing that display components listed in the BOM table. BOM balloons are tied to the bill of materials
table. If you select a table row, the corresponding balloon highlights, and vice versa.

You can create balloons by clicking Create Balloons and then selecting one of the following balloon

By View You must select the view on which the balloons display.

By Component You must select the desired assembly component on which the balloons

By Component and View You must select an assembly component in a particular view on
which the balloons display.

By Record You must select a specific row in a BOM table.

Figure 1 Viewing Created Balloons

Manipulating Balloons
You can manipulate placed BOM balloons in the drawing.

Figure 2 Balloon Ribbon Options

The following options are available:
Merge balloons You can nest balloons by clicking Merge Balloons .
Detach balloons You can separate balloons by clicking Detach Balloons .
Split balloons You can split balloons by clicking Split Balloons . This option enables you to
create a copy of a balloon that represents multiple quantities and assign a portion of that quantity to
the new copy.
Redistribute Quantity You can redistribute balloon quantities by clicking Redistribute
Quantity . This option enables you to move a quantity from one balloon to another.
Editing BOM Balloons Settings
You can edit the settings for BOM balloons within the Table Properties dialog box.

Figure 3 Editing BOM Balloon Properties

When a drawing has placed BOM balloons, the BOM Balloons tab activates. You can edit the following
properties of BOM balloons:
Select which region to apply settings, if multiple repeat regions are selected.

Control the type of balloon. Options include:

4. Simple Circle.

5. Quantity Split Circle.

6. Custom This option requires a custom balloon symbol (*.sym).

Set the BOM balloon parameter to use from the repeat region. The default parameter is rpt.index.
Set the Reference Balloon Text By default, REF is used.

Procedure: Creating BOM Balloons

Procedure Setup:
5. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
6. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Details\Tables_BOM-Balloons folder and click OK
7. Click File > Open and double-click TABLES_4.DRW.

Task 1. Create balloons for the assembly.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Table tab.

3. From the Balloons group, click Create Balloons and select Create Balloons All.

Figure 1

8. Select a row from the table.

Figure 2
9. Notice that the corresponding balloon highlights.

10. Select a balloon from the view.

Figure 3
11. Notice that the corresponding table row highlights.

Task 2. Edit the BOM balloon settings.

13. Query the BOM table and select it.

14. Right-click and select Properties.
15. In the Table Properties, notice that the BOM Balloons tab is now available.
16. Select the BOM Balloons tab.
1. Select Quantity Split Circle from the Type drop-down list.
2. Click OK.

Figure 4

Task 3. Manipulate the balloons.

5. Notice that the entire balloon quantity of 5 is on the lower bolt.

Figure 5
6. Click Split Balloons from the Balloons group.
7. Select the balloon.

8. Type 3 as the quantity of balloons to remove and press ENTER.

9. Select the edge of the bolt.

10. Select a location for the balloon.

Figure 6
Task 4. Update the assembly and observe the BOM table update.
11. Select the VALVE.ASM from the model tree.

12. Right-click and select Open.

13. Select the bolt pattern, right-click, and select Delete Pattern.
14. Click Close .
15. Notice the message window and read its contents.

Click Close.
16. Notice the view and the balloon quantity have updated.

Figure 7
17. Notice that the BOM table has also updated.

Figure 8
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Showing, Erasing, and Deleting
Showing Annotations
When you create a 3-D model, you simultaneously create various items useful for annotating the model in
a drawing, such as dimensions and axes.

Figure 1 Showing Axes and Dimensions

When creating a 2-D drawing, you can select which information from the 3-D model to show in the


4. Driving Dimension Annotation Elements

5. All Driving Dimensions or Strong Driving Dimensions

6. Driven Dimensions, Reference Dimensions, or Ordinate Dimensions

Geometric Tolerances


Surface Finishes



28. Set Datum Planes, Set Datum Axes, or Set Datum Targets

29. Axes

The Show Model Annotations dialog box is context-sensitive. You can control which annotations display
on the drawing and where they display based on how items are selected:

Select a model from the model tree Indicates all the selected item types for the model on the
drawing. The items may appear in multiple views.

Select features from the model tree Indicates the selected item types for the selected features
on the drawing. The items may appear in multiple views.

Select a drawing view Indicates all the selected item types within a particular drawing view.

Select features from a particular drawing view Indicates the selected item types for the
selected features on the drawing, within the view in which the feature was selected. If an item is not
appropriate to that view, it does not display.

Select a component in a particular drawing view (Assembly Drawings only) Indicates the
selected item types for the selected component on the drawing, within the view in which the
component was selected. If an item is not appropriate to that view, it does not display.

All of the possible items that can be shown based on the selected tab and selected items display in the
drawing in a preview color. You can then select or de-select items to show by using the dialog box or by
selecting them from the drawing.

Figure 2 Show Model Annotations Dialog Box

When dimensions are shown, the system automatically arranges and spaces them apart. You can
then adjust them further manually or by using the Cleanup Dimensions dialog box.

Erasing and Deleting Annotations

If at any point during drawing creation you decide that you no longer wish to display certain shown items,
you can erase or delete them. The differences between these two options are as follows:

Erase Temporarily removes the items from the display. The items are shown grayed out in the
drawing tree.

o Erased items can be returned to the display by right-clicking and selecting Unerase.

Delete Removes the items from the drawing.

4. Any item originating in the model is retained in the model, and can be shown again.

5. Any item created in the drawing, such as dimensions or notes, are deleted and must be

To erase/delete items, select them in the drawing, and then right-click and select Erase or Delete. You can
select items to erase or delete using the following methods:

Select an individual item.

Press CTRL and select multiple items.

Apply a selection filter to quickly select desired items.

Select items from the drawing tree.

Procedure: Showing, Erasing, and Deleting

Procedure Setup:
13. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
14. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing_Details\Show_Erase_Delete folder and click OK
15. Click File > Open and double-click SHOW_ERASE.DRW.

Task 1. Show dimensions using different methods.

5. Disable all Datum Display types.

6. Select the Annotate tab from the ribbon.

7. Click Show Model Annotations from the Annotations group.
13. Select the Dimensions Tab .
8. Select HOLE 2 from the model tree.

13. Notice the dimensions appear in different views.

Figure 1
9. Select HOLE 2 from the top view.

13. Notice the dimensions now only appear in this view.

Figure 2
10. Click Select All and then click Apply in the dialog box.
11. Select the front view.

Figure 3
9. To select a view, click within the view boundary, but not on the model geometry.

12. Click Select All .

13. Click OK in the dialog box.
14. Notice the dimensions from both views are now shown.

15. Click the background to de-select all selected items.

Figure 4
13. Select the Sheet 2 tab to view sheet 2.
14. Select ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT from the model tree.

15. Click Show Model Annotations from the Annotations group.

13. Click Select All .
14. Clear the d22 and d35 options in the dialog box.
15. Click OK in the dialog box.
16. Click the background to de-select all selected items.

Figure 5

Task 2. Erase, unerase, and delete dimensions.
4. Press CTRL and select the 65 and 32.5 dimensions in the front view.
Right-click and select Erase.
Click the background to de-select all selected items.

Figure 6
5. Specify Dimension as the selection filter.
Drag to select all dimensions in the top view.

Right-click and select Erase.

Click the background to de-select all selected items.

Figure 7
6. Expand the Front view Annotations node in the drawing tree.

Select d5, right-click, and select Unerase.
Select d25, right-click, and select Delete.
Select d2, right-click, and select Delete.

Figure 8
7. Select ANGLE_GUIDE.PRT from the model tree.

8. Click Show Model Annotations .

4. Notice the deleted dimensions may be shown again.

5. Select d25 to show it again.

6. Click OK in the dialog box.
7. Click the background to de-select all selected items.

Figure 9

Task 3. Show datum axes using different methods.
13. Click the Sheet 3 tab to view sheet 3.
14. Click Show Model Annotations .
Select the Datums Tab .
15. Select the Front view.

4. Select axes A_4, A_5, and A_6 in the dialog box.

5. Click Apply in the dialog box.

Figure 10
16. Select the top view and click Select All .
16. Click OK.

Figure 11
This completes the procedure.

Concept: Cleaning Up Dimensions

Cleaning Up Dimensions
You can use Creo Parametric's clean dimensions functionality to automatically perform the following tasks:

Clean dimensions by view, or by selecting individual dimensions. You cannot clean angle or
diameter dimensions.

Offset dimensions from edges or view boundaries.

Space dimensions in even increments.

Create breaks in witness lines where they intersect other witness lines or draft entities.

Automatically flip arrows on dimensions when they do not fit between witness lines.

Center dimensions between witness lines.

Figure 1 displays dimensions before the cleanup process has been performed, while Figure 2 displays
the cleanup settings applied.

Figure 1 Dimensions Before Cleanup

Figure 2 The Clean Dimensions Dialog Box

Figure 3 displays the dimensions after the cleanup process has been performed.

Figure 3 Dimensions After Cleanup

Concept: Publishing Drawings

Printing and Previewing Drawings
To create a hard copy deliverable of your drawing, you can click File > Print > Print or File > Print > Quick
Print. The Print option launches the Printer Configuration dialog box, enabling you to send the drawing to
a printer or plotter. The Quick Print option opens the Microsoft Print Manager, enabling you to send the
drawing to a networked Windows printer.

You can also click File > Print > Print Settings / Preview to preview and modify settings before printing.

When you enter Print Preview mode, the Navigator pane automatically closes, and when you close
Print Preview, the Navigator pane automatically restores.

Print Preview creates an accurate preview of the selected output type. It takes into account pen table
mapping, line styles, line priorities, printer margins, and other settings. To preview the output, you can
click Preview from the Print Preview tab in the ribbon.

Figure 1 Previewing the Drawing

You can also modify the default settings for the specified publish option by clicking Settings in the
Print Preview tab of the ribbon. Once you are satisfied with the display of the drawing in Print Preview,

you can click Print directly from the Print Preview tab.
Exporting Drawings
You can also export the drawing to one of many different formats by clicking File > Save As > Export.

Figure 2 Export Setup Tab in the Ribbon

The following electronic file formats are available:
DXF 4. PDF 6. Medusa

11. IGES 4. STEP 17. DWG

4. Stheno 7. CGM 8. TIFF

Of course, any of these exported file formats can also be sent to a printer to generate a hard copy. You
can also modify the export settings by clicking Settings from the Configure group in the Export Setup
tab of the ribbon.
You can also click File > Save As > Quick Export (*.XXX) to quickly export a copy of the drawing in the
same format used in the previous export. The XXX denotes the file format to be created.

Procedure: Publishing Drawings

Procedure Setup:
4. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no
models display, then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
5. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\Creoparametric3\Drawing\Publish folder and click OK
6. Click File > Open and double-click PUBLISH.DRW.

Task 1. Experiment with publishing drawings.

23. Disable all Datum Display types.

24. Click File > Print > Print Settings / Preview.

25. Notice that the Navigator pane automatically collapsed.

26. Click Preview from the Finish group.

Figure 1
27. Click Close Preview from the Finish group.

28. Click Close Print Preview .

29. Click File > Save As > Export.

30. Select the TIFF export option.

31. Click Export .

32. In the Save a Copy dialog box, accept the defaults and click OK.
33. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box.
34. Select the PDF export option.

35. Click Settings .

36. In the PDF Export Settings dialog box, select Current for the Sheets to be exported.
Clear the Open file in Acrobat Reader check box.
Click OK.
37. Click Export from the Finish group.
38. In the Save a Copy dialog box, accept the defaults and click OK.

39. Click Close Export Setup .

40. Click File > Save As > Quick Export (*.PDF).
41. Click OK in the dialog box.

This completes the procedure.


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