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7:00 AM-8:00 AM
Ms. Sarah Jane Reyes

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson every students should be able to:
1. Define the nature and purposes of counselling
2. Identify the importance of its purposes
3. Write a reflection that relates to the topic
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Nature and Purposes of Counselling
B. Reference: Principles, Facts, Practices and Problems of Guidance and
Counseling. pp. 56-57
C. Materials: pictures, visual aids
III. Procedure
A. Introduction

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Goodmorning class Goodmorning maam.

How are you today? Were fine thank you

Okay good. Lets start our day with (One student will lead the prayer)
prayer. Who will lead the prayer?

You may sit down. Lets check the Every group leader will tell the class
attendance first. Whos not here? whos absent in their group

Now, after we discussed the meaning of Yes maam!

counselling yesterday. We will now
move to its nature and purposes. Are
you ready?

Okay lets start.

B. Motivation

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Do you have experiences that sometimes Yes maam.
bring you down or feel unlucky to
experience those?

Can you share something about it (Call Student will share about his/her
student that raise his/her hand) experiences.

You experienced those? Im happy that Yes maam, I experienced it. (The student
youre telling me these. will continue describing his/her

What did you do to overcome those I asked advice from my friends because I
experiences? Whom do you seek help? feel comfortable on telling him/her than
any family members.

Does the advice effective? Yes maam because from that moment I
feel relieved.

Im happy to hear that. Okay, anyone (Another student will share his/her
wants to share their experiences? (Call experiences)
another student that raise his/her hand)

Thank you for your sharing. Did you Yes maam.

learned something from their experiences,

Just remember that all those experiences Yes maam. We will.

will make us stronger. Dont treat it as a
hindrance to grow and develop.

And dont forget that you need someone to Okay maam.

talk to if you have problems to avoid the
feeling that youre battling alone and to
avoid any mental disorder. Okay?
This will be connected to our lesson for

C. Discussion

Teachers Activity Students Activity

(The teacher will post the visual aids on
the board)

Yesterday we discussed about (The student will read the posted visual aid)
counselling. We will now go to the nature 1. Counselling involves two people in
of counselling. Can you read number one interaction
(call student)

(The teacher will explain each number)

It means that in counselling composed of (Students are listening and taking down
two people talking and listening to each notes)
other. There has an interaction. Next.
2. The mode of interaction is usually
(The teacher is listening too) limited to the verbal realm.

(Students are listening and taking down

This is where the counsellor encourage notes)
the counselee to talk about his/her
experiences. Please read number 3.
3. The interaction is relatively prolonged
(The teacher is listening too) since alteration of behaviour takes

It only means that the counsellor is aiming

for counselees change behaviour but
remember that we cannot do that change
in just one night because it is continuing
process. Okay the last number, please
read. 4. The purpose of the relationship is
change in the behaviour of the

Yes maam.
As Ive said, it aims for the change of
behaviour. Thats why we can also
conclude that counselling is inseparable
in guidance. Did you understand?

Lets move on to its purposes. Are you Yes maam.


Please read all the purposes listed here. 1. To give the student information on
matters important to his adjustment and
2. To get information about the student
which will be help to him in solving his
3. To establish a feeling of mutual
understanding between pupil and a
4. To help the pupil work out a plan for
solving his difficulties
5. To help the pupil know himself better,
his interests, abilities, aptitudes and
available opportunities
6. To encourage special talents and
develop right attitude
7. To inspire successful endeavour toward
the attainment or realization of
8. To assist the pupil in planning for his
educational and vocational choices
(The teacher will give the summary of the (Students will listen and take down notes)
purposes of counselling)

D. Generalization

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Always remember that we need to let our No maam were not afraid anymore
problems out so it wont disturb our because we know that they will listen and
personality. There are professional people try to understand us.
that is willing to help us and so they are
willing to listen to whatever problems we
got in life. Going to counsellors doesnt
mean youre crazy but you are brave
enough to tell whats bugging you inside.
Okay class? Are you still afraid to open
your problems?

Very good.

IV. Application

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Now for our output, I want you to write a (The students will start to write their own
reflection about your experiences or reflection paper)
simply to what you have learned today in
a whole sheet paper.

You must follow this criteria:

Relation to the topic- 40%

Meaningfulness- 20%
Essence of the experience- 20%
Correct usage of words- 20%
Total: 100%

Are you done? Yes maam.

Okay pass it in front (Students will pass the paper)

Your work seems very good and Im

excited to read it one by one.

V. Assignment

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Bring your notebooks out and write your
assignment for tomorrow.

Search the phases of counselling. Write it (Students will write the assignment)
on your notebook.

Okay thats all for today class. Goodbye Goodbye Ms.Reyes. Thank you for this
X-Rizal. day.

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