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The Guide to this professional experience can be accessed online or provided to you by the teacher education student. It contains information on the purpose of this professional experience placement and how this placement links (o other placements in the teacher education student's program. It also provides information about the expected teaching requirements in this placement. ‘Supervising teachers should also refer to the Evidence Guide provided before completing this report. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE ‘STANDARD 1 - KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN mol wr] oe “71 Physica, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, socal and intellectual evelopment and characteristics, iv of students ang how these may alec ering 72 Understand how students learn = Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of esearch info how students learn and the impcaton for Vv teacring 3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds = Damorateknstedge of tacing asta tha are rexponsive oth lamang sng ad nods of YE | “ters fom diverse Ingusti clu relgous and socioeconamie backgrounds. TA Stratogies for toaching Aboriginal and Torres Stat Islander students Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identy and inguistic v Beciground onthe education of students rom Aborghal and Tomes Strat lander barkgrounés 73 Dire aching o met the specif reing pede of sudens across te fll range of bes Deronrate knonlecge are ondersandira of erates ir drrendating teaching is meet fw pectic Mio} [arg rants owns even heh ergs oon 7B Svateples to support ul parlption of students with deity Demonstrate broad knowedge and understanding of legislative requirements and teaching strategies that YI /[ | support participation and teaming of students with cisabiliy ‘Comment on the teacher education student's knowledge of students and how they learn Grady demonstrated over the 6 week placement that he was well on the way to understand how students learn. All his classes were mixed ability classes which provided him with the opportunity to make adjustments or at least consider what students at diferent levels were capable of completing ‘STANDARD 2— KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT ‘ND | WT 21 Content and teaching stratogios ofthe teaching area Demonstrate knowledge, and understanding of the concep, substance and structure ofthe content and leaching strategies ofthe teaching area, 22 _ Content selection and organisation Organise content into an effective leaming and teaching sequence. 23 Curriculum, assessment and reporting Use curiculum, essessment and reporting knowledge to design learing sequences O 1 lesson plans. ‘2a Understand and reepect Aboriginal and Torres Stra Islander people to promote reconeilition between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians Demonstrate brod knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Sta Islander histories, cultures and languages, Oo TE Llrseyand momracy eiogle oO [ ‘know and understand Iteracy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas. 28 Information and Communication Technology (CT) Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curiculum learning opportunities for students, RIC] OO INS! § le ‘Comment on the teacher education student's knowledge of content and how to teach it ‘This was Grady's first high school placement where he had to focus on specific subject areas. While Grady is studying History. he had no experience in teaching Geography. It soon became clear to him that even his History knowledge was not the same as that required in the course being taught. He is definitely to be commended on his commitment in learning the new content.

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