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(A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the Eighth Grade of SMP

Negeri 3 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Arranged by:

Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret
University to fullfill One of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate
Degree of Education in English

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(A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the Eighth Grade of SMP

Negeri 3 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Arranged by:

Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret
University to fullfill One of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate
Degree of Education in English

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Anastasia Kusumaningtyas Sarastiti. X2207045. IMPLEMENTING

YEAR 2011/2012). Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret
University. 2011.
The objective of this research is to improve students reading
comprehension and motivation in learning English using Cooperative Language
Learning (CLL) approach.
The collaborative classroom action research was conducted by the
researcher from March to September 2011 to the eighth grade students of SMP
Negeri 3 Surakarta. There were 32 students as the subjects of the research. At the
pre-observation, it was found that the students had difficulties in: (1) identifying
word meaning; (2) Identifying main idea; (3)Find detailed information of the text;
(4) Find implied information of the text; (5) Identifying referent of pronoun.
In this research, the researcher taught reading using Cooperative Language
Learning (CLL) approach. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) is a variety of
teaching learning approach in which students are divided to work in a group, help
and criticize one another. The primary role of learners in cooperative learning is
as a member of a group who must work collaboratively with another group
member. One of the characteristics of cooperative language learning is a group of
learning activities in which there is learners interaction to increase the
motivation. It means that it is through language that learners come to understand
ideas. In delivering ideas, students need to talk and share their ideas, and through
this way, students reading comprehension can be improved since the purpose of
cooperative learning itself is to stimulate students interaction.
The researcher conducted two cycles of action. There were great
improvements resulted from conducting the action. The result of the action
showed that the students reading comprehension improved as shown in the result
of both the observation of students activities during the actions and the results of
the pre-test and the post-test mean scores. The pre-test mean score was 58.97
increasing to 75.38 in the post-test. There were also improvements in students
behavior. During the action, the students paid good participation to the lesson. It
was proven by their activeness in doing all the assignments. They could
collaborate well with other students and fully participate in the lesson.
At the end of the research, the writer gives suggestions for the English
teacher. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) can be chosen as an appropriate
approach in order to improve students reading comprehension and make the
students more motivated in learning English

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You raise me up, so I can stand on mountain,

You raise me up to walk on stormy seas, I am
strong when I am on Your shoulder, You raise
me up to more than I can be
(Josh Groban)

If I have a problem, never say God I have a

problem, just say hey problem, I have a big
(The writer)

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With deep love this thesis is

dedicated to:
My beloved parents (Supadi and
Rubiyatun) ,my little brothers and
sister (Dibi and Gisela).

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All praise and thanks be only for Jesus Christ, the Almighty God that gives the
writer His blessing and His help and guidance so the writer can finish her thesis.
In the process of her study, she received support, advice, contribution, and
assistance from many people. Thus, she would like to express her gratitude to
those who give great contribution to the writer to finish this thesis:
1. Prof. Dr. H. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M. Pd., the Dean of Teacher
Training and Education Faculty, for his advice and his approval of this
2. Dr. Muhammad Rohmadi, M.Hum., the Head of the Art and Language
Education, and Endang Setyaningsih, S.Pd. M.Hum, the Head of
English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, for
their advice and their approval of this thesis.
3. Dr. Abdul Azib M.Pd, the writers first consultant for his time,
patience, helpful correction, guidance, and suggestion.
4. Drs.A.Handoko Pudjobroto, the writers second consultant for his
time, patience, helpful correction, guidance, and suggestion.
5. Wahyu Suadi S.Pd. the headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta for
facilitating the writer in collecting the data.
6. Mrs. Kitri Katon Peni M.Pd, the writers collaborator in this research
for her time, patience, helpful, guidance, and suggestion.
7. The VIII D students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta who have participated
well during the research.
8. Her beloved family Bp. Supadi, Ibu Rubiyatun, Antonius Dibi, and
Gisela for their supports, caring, prayer, and helps.
9. Pakdhe Agus and His Family for their helpfull and careness.
10. Paulite for his time, patience, helpfull advices, sweetest cares,and for
showing her to be survive.
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11. All lectures of English Department of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty .
12. Her beloved best friends, especially for Mila,Wike, Anggi,
Monic,Yuli, Lili, Fifi ,Mb.Nanik, Aziza, Laras for their support, help,
suggestion, laughing, and sweetest cares.
13. Her beloved Family in Wisma Mahasiswa Katolik Surakarta for never
ending proccess.
14. Her friends in English Department of year 2007, for their never ending
15. Those who help the writer that cannot be mentioned one by one.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She hopes
and accepts every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful
for the readers.


Anastasia Kusumaningtyas

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TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii
APPROVEMENT PAGE...................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT PAGE .............................................................................................. iv
MOTTO PAGE ..................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION PAGE........................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study........................................................ 1
B. The Problems Statements ....................................................... 6
C. The Objectives of the Study ................................................... 6
D. The Benefits of the Study....................................................... 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................ 8

A. Review on Reading Comprehension ...................................... 8
1. The Nature of Reading....................................................... 8
2. The Nature of Reading Comprehension ............................ 9
3. Levels of Reading Comprehension.................................... 10
4. Micro and Macro Skills of Reading .................................. 11
5. Models of Reading............................................................. 13
6. Strategies of Reading Comprehension .............................. 14
B. Review on Teaching Reading to Junior High School
Students .................................................................................. 14
1. Teaching Reading .............................................................. 14
2. Teaching Reading user High School Students ........... 16


C. Review on Cooperative Language Learning .......................... 17

1. The Definition of Cooperative Language Learning........... 17
2. The Benefit of Cooperative Language Learning ............... 18
3. Type of Cooperative Language Learning .......................... 18
4. Cooperative Classroom Management................................ 20
D. Relationship between CLL and the Improvement of
Reading Comprehension ........................................................ 21
E. Review on Motivation ........................................................... 21
F. Rationale................................................................................. 25
G. Hypothesis .............................................................................. 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................... 27

A. Context of Research ............................................................... 27
1. Research Setting ............................................................... 27
2. Research Subject ............................................................... 27
B. Research Method .................................................................... 27
1. The Nature of Action Research ........................................ 27
2. Characteristics of Action Research .................................. 28
3. The Procedure of Action Research ................................... 29
C. The Technique of Collecting Data ......................................... 32
D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................... 34


A. Process of the Research .......................................................... 37
1. Introduction........................................................................ 37
2. Research Implementation .................................................. 37
a) CYCLE 1 .................................................................... 38
1) Identifying The Problems ...................................... 38
2) Planning the Action ............................................... 39
3) Implementing the Action ....................................... 41
4) Observing user the Action ..................... 50


5) Reflecting and Evaluating the Observation

Result ..................................................................... 53
6) Revising the Plan ................................................... 56
b) CYCLE 2 .................................................................... 57
1) Identifying the Problem ......................................... 57
2) Planning the Action ............................................... 57
3) Implementing the Action ....................................... 57
4) Observing or Monitoring the Action ..................... 62
5) Reflecting and Evaluating the Action .................... 64
B. Research Findings and Discussion ......................................... 65
1. Research Findings.............................................................. 65
2. Research Discussion .......................................................... 69


A. Conclusion.............................................................................. 74
B. Implication.............................................................................. 75
C. Suggestions............................................................................. 76
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 78
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 79

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Appendix1. The Schedule of Research Implementation ................................. 81

Appendix2. Pre Research Observation ........................................................... 82
Appendix3. The List of Students Name ........................................................ 91
Appendix4. The List of Students Group ........................................................ 92
Appendix 5. Lesson Plan ................................................................................. 96
Appendix 6. Students Worksheet.................................................................... 123
Appendix 7. Interview Note ............................................................................. 143
Appendix 8. Field Notes................................................................................... 161
Appendix 9. Pre-Test ....................................................................................... 174
a. Blue Print. ............................................................................... 174
b. Test Items................................................................................ 175
Appendix 10. Post-Test ...................................................................................... 182
a. Blue Print ................................................................................ 182
b. Test Items................................................................................ 183
Appendix 11. The Result of the Test.................................................................. 190
Appendix 12. The Researchs Diaries................................................................ 191
Appendix 13. The Photographs ......................................................................... 198
Appendix 14. Permission Letters. ...................................................................... 204

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A. Background of the Study

The need of mastering English as international language which is very

important among people around the world in recent globalization era has
prompted this language being studied in the most part of the world. In the era
where getting in touch among nations is a must to provide their need causes
English become the number one language being learned from the elementary
institution to higher education level in many countries and also in Indonesia. That
is why it comes to be a subject which takes into their national education
In the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) for Indonesian
Junior High School, Teaching English should develop in four language skills such
as reading, listening, speaking, and writing. It means that a teacher must teach
students how to use the language to communicate, both in oral and in written
forms. Reading is one of the ways to communicate in written forms. Because it is
used to communicate, when reading ones need to figure out what is being read. In
other words, ones should comprehend or understand the reading. Reading is one
of the aspects noted as a part of important ability in broadening readers
perspectives, giving them a chance to see the world. Dealing with reading, it is an
important skill to be learned and mastered. Learning to read is an important
educational goal. The ability to read opens up new worlds and opportunities. It
enables people to gain knowledge, enjoy literature, and do everyday things that
are part and parcel of modern life, such as reading newspaper, job listings,
instruction manuals, map and so on.
Teaching English is not easy because it requires motivation and creativity
in order to make a good condition and achievement of learning and teaching goal.
Students in Junior High School still find many difficulties in reading. For
example, when students read a text, to user comprehend that text because the
they cannot

1 2

text is very long. For that reason, the students need an interesting technique to
improve their reading comprehension.
Reading as one of language skills is very important for everybody in
daily activities. It helps them learn to express their own thoughts and making them
familiar with language pattern and ways of using language effectively. Reading
stirs everyones imaginations and helps to stimulate creative talent expressed
through speech, writing, and dramatization.Reading is defined as a process
whereby one looks at and understands what is written. The reader does not
necessarily need to look at everything in a given piece of writing. The reader is
not simply a passive object, fed with letters, words and sentences, but is actively
working on the text, and is able to arrive at understanding without loking at every
letter and word (Williams, 1999: 3).
However, most forms of reading requires comprehension (Kennedy: 32),
that is understanding and constructing meaning from a piece of text. Based on the
curriculum of English teaching at SMP, teaching students to read is directed for
getting them understand meaning of various interactional and monolog written
texts, particularly those in the form of Genre-based Approach. The aim of this
approach is to introduce the genre in order to enable the students to identify its
social purpose and its generic structure, and also to improve students
comprehension. For this reason, the teacher must have varied techniques in
teaching genres to make the students more interested in teaching learning process.
The standard of competence of English reading at the eighth grade of
junior high school is students are able to comprehend meaning of functional
written text and simple essay in the form of descriptive text dealing with
surrounding environment .More over the basic competence is students are able to
respond meaning of functional written text and simple essay dealing with
surrounding environment. From the standard of competence and basic
competences above, it can be concluded that ideally in reading the students should
be able to:
1. Identify word meaning.
2. Identify main idea of the text. commit to user 3

3. Find detailed information of the text.

4. Identify implied information of the text.
5. Identify refernt of pronoun.
Unfortunately, comprehending a text is still a problem for most students.
Based on the interview done in the pre-research at the VIII D of SMP N 3
Surakarta, the researcher found that students had problems in reading. The teacher
said that students had weaknesses in reading comprehension. Most of the students
had problem when they read english text, especially long english text. Moreover,
they got bored especially when they did not understand the content of the text. It
is supported by the students statement, pelajaran reading itu sangat
membosankan dan bikin mengantuk miss, apalagi kalo teks nya panjang dan
susah dimengerti. . . biasanya gurunya menerangkan materinya trus kami
disuruh mengerjakan tugas individu dari buku paket atau LKS kemudian di ambil
nilainya, kalo ga ngerti maksud teksnya itu tentang apa ya biasanya cuma ngawur
yang penting di jawab. . From these statement, it can be concluded that students
find it difficult to understand what is on the reading passage since they did not
know the technique which can help them to read more effectively and efficiently.
The researcher observed the low reading ability at the VIII-D class of SMP
N 3 Surakarta. It was recognized when the researcher saw the students English
score of VIII-D class was still low. It did not reach the standard minimum
(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). The passing grade of English subject in SMP N 3
Surakarta is 72
After pre-observation on the teaching learning process at the VIII-D class,
the writer found that there were some problems that arise in students reading
comprehension. The problems came from the students, teacher, technique, and
material. The problems coming from the students were as follows:
1. Students had difficulty to identify word meaning from the text they read ; the
students often got difficulties in finding appropriate meaning of word based on
the context. For example: the students wrote kuat to the word soft; the
meaning should be lembut
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2. Students had problem to identify the main idea of the text ; the students
merely just wrote the first sentence or the last sentence when the teacher asked
them to write the main idea, whereas the main idea was about the content of
the text.
3. Students had problem to find detailed information of the text ; the students
were not understand the content and not careful enough in answering question
based on the text, so there were many wrong answer in students answer sheet;
those problem supported with the students statement miss kadang pas di
kasih text itu kita tidak tau maksudnya, kalimatnya panjang-panjang dan
susah di mengerti, mkasud textnya ga tau jadi jawab pertanyaanyapun ga bisa
miss, jadi kita suka ngawur dalam menjawab pertanyaan
4. Students had problem to identify implied information of the text; students
have problems in finding the implied information; most of the students got
difficulties when they found sentences using inferential meaning, they only
concern for the content that use intrinsic meaning
5. Students had problems in finding the referent
The problems could also be seen from the classroom situation which are: (1)
the students did not pay full attention to the teachers explanation; (2) the
students are quiet when the teacher asked, is there any difficulties? Or any
questions?; (3) the students do non academic activities rather than
academic activities, such as they are chatting during the lesson; (4) the
students often asked permission to go to the toilet so that it can disturb the
teaching learning process. Based on the problem in classroom situation, it can
be said that the students have low motivation in learning English.
Based on the problems, it can be concluded that the students motivation
was still low. Other problems come from the teacher. The problems dealt with the
way the teacher taught the students reading. For one thing, she only got the
reading materials from texts books and exercise books. She merely asked the
students to read a certain text in the book or the students exercise book (LKS),
and then she asked them to do the task following the text. The monotonous
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process of learning discouraged students to user
learn. The other problem was that the 5

teacher was not able to make the situation in the class interesting, so the students
were not interested in the topic.
Another problem was related to the technique the teacher used to teach.

The teacher only used lecturing technique or teacher-centered in teaching reading

so the teaching learning process was monotonous. The teacher only gave the text,

explained it, then asked students to do the exercises based on the content of the

text, and gave homework for the students to make other similar texts. This

technique did not suit with the condition of the teaching learning process.

Meanwhile, the last cause comes from the material. The material was not suitable

to the teenage world and it was not interesting. So, the language teacher must be

creative and innovative to made interesting material in order to got the goal of the

language teaching.

In solving the problem, the researcher proposes cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning (CL) is kind of teaching method which provides some
techniques that can be used in the classrooms. According to Olsen and Kangan
(2001: 192), cooperative learning is a group learning activities organized so that
learning is depend on the socially structured exchange of information between
learners in groups, and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her
own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others. Cooperative
learning allows students to work together to reach common goals. Cooperation
means more than putting students in groups. It means group participation in a
project in which the outcome results from common effort, the goal is shared and
each person's success is linked with every other person's success. In practice, this
means that ideas and materials are shared, labor is divided, and everyone in the
groups is rewarded.
In order to reach the better academic achievement of the students,
especially reading comprehension, it is greatly influenced by the technique used
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by the teacher. This is in line with Brown (1994:74) who says that an approach or 6

theory of language and language learning takes great importance. The approach to
language teaching methodology is the theoretical rationale that underlines
everything that teachers do in the classroom.
There are reasons for the researcher to use Cooperative Language
Learning in her class to improve reading comprehension. In Cooperative
Language Learning, students work together in small groups on a structured
activity. They are individually accountable for their work, and the work of the
group as a whole is also assessed. Cooperative group work face to face and learn
to work as a team. In smalls groups, students can share strengths and also develop
their weaker skills. When cooperative groups are guided by clear objectives,
students engage in numerous activities that improve their understanding of
subjects explored.
From the explanation above, the researcher tries to relate cooperative
learning in teaching reading in second grade of senior high school students, and
this research entitles Implementing Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) to
Improve Students Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research at the
Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

B. Problem Statement
From the explanation of background of the study, there are some problems
that can be formulated as follows:
1. Can the use of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) improve students
reading comprehension?
2. Can the use of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) improve students
motivation in learning English?

C. Objective of the Study

The research is conducted to:
1. Identify whether or not cooperative Language Learning (CLL) can improve
students reading comprehension.
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2. Find out wheather or not Cooperative Language Learning ( CLL ) can

improve students motivation in learning English at the eighth grade students
of SMP N 3 Surakarta.

D. Benefit of the Study

The benefits of the study that the writer expects are:
1. For the students
a. They can learn from the teacher and from their classmates, so they will be
critical and convenient.
b. They will be encouraged to communicate with each others and also with
the teacher in the classroom. It gives benefit both for the teachers and the
students. So they can work together (group work) and it is useful for their
socializing and their communicating.
2. For the teachers
a. They can use Cooperative Language Learning as an alternative technique
in teaching reading.
b. It may give them more understanding and option on how to implement
Cooperative Language Learning.
3. For the school
This study can be used to overcome a problem in teaching reading.
This technique can be considered to be an effective technique not only to
teach English but also to teach other subject.
4. For the researcher
a. She can get a valuable experience which can be used for doing a better
action research in the future.
b. The study can bring her to a better understanding of bringing about
changes and improvement in students reading comprehension.

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In this chapter, the researcher presents the theories underlying the research
related to the case that the researcher wants to analyze, namely improving
students reading comprehension through Cooperative Language Learning.

A. Review on Reading Comprehension

1. The Nature of Reading
Reading is a very important activity in humans life. This is due to the fact
that people mostly get information through reading. In this modern era, moreover,
when every aspect of humans life develops faster and faster, it becomes more
essential since the development is recorded and issued through media including
printed media. Reading in second language learning is one important skill because
by reading someone will enlarge and increase his/her knowledge. The following
are the definition of reading stated by linguists based on their own view.
According to Nuttal (1996: 4), reading is a process of communication
between the writer and the reader. Here, the writer encodes the message in his
mind might be an idea, a fact, a feeling, and argument while the reader decodes
the message from the text. So, in reading there is not only passive process but also
active communication process because reading is a result of interaction between
the perception of graphic symbol that represent language and the readers
language skills and knowledge of the world. Nuttal (1996: 168-169) states that the
central ideas behind reading are: the idea of meaning, the transfer of meaning
from one to another, the transfer of message from writer to reader, how we get
meaning by reading and how the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to
the process.
Meanwhile, Aebersold and Field (1997: 15) say that reading is what
happens when people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in
that text. The text and the reader are the two physical entities necessary for the
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reading process to begin. It is, however, theuser
interaction between the text and the

8 9

reader that constitutes actual reading. Granted, the meaning of the reader get from
the text may not be exactly the same as with the meaning from the writer of the
text wished to convey. Likewise, the meaning that one reader gets from a text may
be different from other readers that are reading the same text. Thus, Reading
comprehension is differs from one reader to another.
Furthermore, Nunan (1998: 33) gives another definition that reading is an
interactive process between what reader already knows about a given topic or
subject and what the writer writes. It is not simply a matter of applying decoding
conventions and background grammatical knowledge to the text. Good readers are
able to relate the text and their own background knowledge efficiently.
William (1999: 12) defines reading as a process whereby one looks at and
understand what has been written. It means that reading is a process of getting
meaning from written text. The key word here is understand. Only reading aloud
without understanding does not count as reading. Understanding is a process in
reading comprehension. Reading can often be a struggle after understanding,
especially where language learners are concerned. Again, although reading has
been defined as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been
written, the reader does not necessarily need to look at everything in a given piece
of writing. The reader is not simply a passive object, faced with letters, words, and
sentences, but is actively working on the text, and able to arrive at understanding
without looking at every letter and words
Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is a
complex process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in
comprehension. It means that in reading a written text, readers require not only
the ability to recognize words, but also the ability to comprehend and evaluate the
meaning of written text to assign meaning.

2. The Nature of Reading Comprehension

Reading is not only to get information but it needs understanding and
comprehension to get some points from the text. In this case, reading and
understanding are related to each to user
other. Reading itself contains the activity to 10

understand the text and information in the text. In order to understand or to

get points from text, we need comprehension for it. Therefore, reading cannot
be separated from comprehension.
According to Grellet (1998: 182), reading comprehension is
understanding a written text to extract the required information from it as
efficiently as possible. While, Kennedy (1981: 192) states that reading
comprehension is a thought process through which reader becomes aware of
an idea, understands it in terms of their experiential background and interprets
it in relation to their own needs and purposes. Kennedy adds that reading
comprehension is not a skill or ability that can be developed once and for all
at any level of instruction. It is a cumulative process that begins in early
childhood and continues as long as an individual reads for information. On
the other hand, Smith and Robbinson (1980: 54) state that reading with
comprehension is the understanding, evaluating and utilizing of information
and idea through an interaction between the reader and the author.
From those theories above, it can be concluded that reading
comprehension is a process of understanding, evaluating and utilizing of
information to get an idea or meaning from a written text , understand it
according to experiential background or prior knowledge, and interpret it with
the readers needs and strategies to achieve message or information from a
written text by finding word meaning of the text, finding detailed
information, identifying referent, identifying main idea, identifying implied

3. Levels of Reading Comprehension

According to Kennedy (1981: 224) the skills of comprehension are
grouped under three major divisions of reading: literal reading, inferential reading
and critical reading.

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a. Literal Reading
Literal reading is related on what a writer says. It involves acquiring
information that is directly stated in a selection and is also prerequisite for
higher levels understanding. It requires ability to:
1) Locate specific facts
2) Identify happening that are described directly
3) Find answers to questions based on given facts
4) Summarizing the details expressed in a selection

b. Inferential Reading
Inferential reading involves reading between the lines or making
inferences. It is the process of deriving ideas that are implied rather than
directly stated. Skills for inferential reading include:
1) Finding implied meanings
2) Anticipating outcomes
3) Making generalization
4) Detecting the authors purpose
5) Drawing conclusion
c. Critical Reading
Critical reading is evaluating written material, comparing the ideas
discovered with known standard and drawing conclusions about their
accuracy and appropriateness. The critical reader must be an active reader,
questioning, searching for facts and suspending judgment until he or she has
considered all of the material.
4. Micro and Macro Skills of Reading
In comprehending text, there are some micro and macro skills. Brown
(1994: 307) defines micro and macro skills of reading that as follows:
a. Micro skills
1) Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic
patterns of English.
2) Retain chunks of language to user lengths in short-terms memory.
of different 12

3) Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

4) Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their
5) Recognize grammatical word classes, system, patterns, rules and
elliptical form.
6) Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different
grammatical forms.
7) Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in
signaling the relationship between and among classes.
b. Macro skills
1) Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their
significance for interpretation.
2) Recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to
form and purpose.
3) Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge.
4) From described events, ideas, etc., infer links and connection between
between events, deduce causes and effect, and detect such relations as
main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information,
generalization and exemplification.
5) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.
6) Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of
the appropriate cultural schemata.
7) Develop and use battery of reading strategies, such scanning and
skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of
words from context and activating schemata for the interpretation of
From the definitions stated above, it can be concluded that reading
comprehension is a process of understanding, evaluating and utilizing of
information to get an idea or meaning from a written text , understand it
according to experiential background or prior knowledge, and interpret it with
the readers needs and strategies to to user message or information from a
achieve 13

written text by finding word meaning of the text, finding detailed

information, identifying referent, identifying main idea, identifying implied
information.To comprehend well, readers must have literal reading,
inferential reading, and critical reading. In this research, the researcher did
not discuss the three levels of reading comprehension. The researcher only
discussed literal and inferential reading because the texts for junior high
school students particularly cover literal and inferential reading.The
indicators of literal reading are identifying word meaning ,finding detailed
information, and the indicators of inferential reading include identifying
referent of pronoun, identifying main idea and identifying implied
information of the text.

5. Models of Reading
In looking for ways to describe the interaction between reader and text,
scientists have also created models that describe what happens when people read
(Aebersold and Field, 1997: 17). Barnett (in Aebersold and Field, 1997: 17-18)
provides a thorough summary of three main models of how reading occurs. They
are bottom-up theory, top-down theory and the interactive school of theorists.
a. Bottom-up theory argues that the reader constructs the text from the
smallest units (letters to words phrases to sentences, etc) and becomes
automatic that readers are not aware of how it operates. It means that
reader have to understand the passage by reading word by word to reach
the whole understanding.
b. Top-down theory argues that readers bring a great deal of knowledge,
expectation, assumption, and questions to the text and given a basic
understanding of the vocabulary and check when new information appears.
Reader has known about the passage so they just want to know if there is
any new information in the passage.
The interactive school of theories argues that both top-down and bottom-
up processes are occurring either alternately or the same time. It describes a
process that moves both bottom-up and to user depending on the type of the
top-down 14

text as well as on the readers background knowledge, language proficiency level,

motivation strategy use, and culturally shaped beliefs about reading. Reader uses
both model in their reading activity depend on the situation that they faced.

6. Strategies of Reading Comprehension

Some linguists have proposed many ways of reading; the following are
the main ways of reading proposed by Grellet (1998: 40):
a. Skimming: quickly running ones eyes across a whole text (an essay,
article, or chapter) to get the gist of it. The reader goes through the text
extremely quickly. The purpose of skimming is simply to see what a text is
about. The reader skims in order to satisfy a very general curiosity about a
b. Scanning: reading quickly going to a text to find a particular piece of
information. Williams (1996: 100) states that scanning occurs when a
reader goes through a text very quickly in order to find a particular point
of information.
c. Extensive Reading: reading longer text usually for someones pleasure.
This is a fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding.
d. Intensive Reading: reading short text to extract specific information. This
is more an accuracy activity involving reading for detail.

B. Teaching Reading to Junior High School Students

1. Teaching Reading
Brown ( 1994:7) says that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning,
enabling the learn, setting the condition for learning. Teaching may be
defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do somtehing, giving
instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with the
knowledge, causing to know or understand. From this defition, it can be
concluded that teaching is a process of helping and guiding students to learn
and develop their knowledge.
commit to user 15

Teaching reading is not only giving a text to the students but also
building their consciousness of reading skill. Teaching reading especially to
read English text is very important, however there are many students that
have low motivation in reading classrom because the teachers poor technique
in presenting and carrying out reading activities may appear. Therefore,
teacher should be skillful in motivating learners by selecting and devising
material, and choosing appropiate technique. Teaching reading should be the
main priority for teachers to be considered when the students begin their
schooling. It means that teaching reading is better to strarted earlier so that
the students can have a good habit to read the text effectively to get
information widely without going anywhere.
There are three main types of reading activity, those which
accompany it, and those which follow it, is now a common discourse about
reading (Williams, 1996: 37). They divide the reading activity as follows:
a. Pre-reading activities
Pre-reading activities are aimed to introduce and arouse interest in
the topic. Giving reason to read and some questions related to
learners background knowledge, ideas, and opinion would motivate
learners eagerness to read the whole text.
b. While-reading activities
While reading activities begin with a general or global understanding
of the text, and then move to the smaller units such as paragraphs,
sentences, and word. The aims of this activities are (1) to help
understanding of the writers purpose; (2) to help understanding of
the text structure; and (3) to clarify text content. There are some
while reading activities, such as : comprehension question,making
lists, and taking notes are while reading type work.
c. Post-reading activities
Traditionally the major, often only, kind of post reading activity
consisted of questions which followed a text. The aims of post-
reading activities arecommit to user
(1) to consolidate or reflect upon what has been 16

read; (2) to relate the text to the learners own knowledge, interests,
or views.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching is
helping someone to learn something, not transfer knowledge or strategy to
study. Teaching reading is an important job for teacher. The teacher must use
the suitable technique in teaching reading based on the students condition.
Because the condition of the students in certain school is different from the
condition of the students in another school, so it is important for the teacher
to know their students condition first and then choose appropiate technique
to teach their students.

2. Teaching Reading to Junior High School Students

In English language teaching, the teaching of reading should be the main
priority for teachers to be considered when the students begin their schooling. It
means that teaching reading especially to read English text is better to be started
earlier. English teacher should encourage their students a real love for reading
and groom them into becoming lifelong reader so every student has a wide
Based on the KTSP, the standard of competence of English reading at
eight grade students of junior high school is understanding meaning of
functional written text and simple essay in the form of descriptive and recount
text dealing with surrounding environment. Moreover the basic competences of
English reading at this grade are reading aloud and meaningfully of functional
written text and simple essay in the form of descriptive and recount text in
appropriate pronounciation, stress and intonation dealing with surrounding
environment; giving response to meaning of simple short functional written text
accurately dealing with surrounding environment; and giving response to
meaning and to rhetorical procedure of simple essay accurately dealing with
surrounding environment in the form of descriptive and recount text.

commit to user 17

Based on the standard of competence and the basic competence of English

reading in the eighth grade of junior high school, they learn about descriptive
and recount text, but the researcher only teaches descriptive text in this research.
Dealing with the standard of competence and the basic competence of
English reading in the eighth grade of junior high school, the researcher will use
some indicators required to the students in her research, such as :
1. Students are able to identify word meaning from the text they read.
2. Students are able to identify the main idea of the text.
3. Students are able to find detailed information of the text.
4. Students are able to identify implied information of the text.
5. Students are able to identify referent of pronoun.

C. Review on Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)

1. The Nature of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)
Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity organized so that
learning are depend on the socially structured exchange of information between
learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her own
learning and motivated to increase the learning of others. (Olsen and Kagan, 1992:
Cooperative Learning offers ways to organized group work to enhance
learning and increase academic achievement. Cooperative Learning is carefully
structured- organized so that each learner interacts with others and all learners are
motivated to increase each others learning (Kessler, 1992: 1).
As what Kessler (1992) stated in cooperative learning propounded by
Dewey and others, it is an approach to education based on the philosophy that
education should be learner centered and learner directed; that learners can be
teachers; and those teachers are guides and facilitators rather than the source of all
knowledge and direction.
From the definition above, it can be concluded that cooperative learning is
a group of learning activities that there is an interaction of each learners and
motivated to increase each others commit user 18

2. The Benefit of Cooperative Learning

Kesser (1992: 7) states that cooperative learning offers three major
a. Cooperative Learning provides a richness of alternatives to structure
interactions between students.
b. Cooperative Learning content area learning and language development
needs within the same organizational framework.
c. The variety of ways to structure student practice with lesson material
increases opportunities for individualized instruction, such as peer-
provided clarifications.
Besides, Slavin (1995: 16) says that Cooperative Learning improves
learners motivation because of the rewarding group based on the group
performance. It encourages the learners to exert maximum effort. In language
teaching Cooperative Learning goal is to enhance learner motivation and reduce
learner stress and to create a positive affective classroom climate (Richards, 2001:

3. Type of Cooperative Learning

There are many kinds of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL), they are:
Students Team Achievement Division (STAD), Jigsaw, Think Pair Share, Think
Pair Square, Round Robin, and Numbered Head Together. In this research, the
researcher only used Think Pair Share and Numbered Head Together as the
method in improving students reading comprehension of the eighth grade of SMP
Negeri 3 Surakarta.
a. Think- Pair- Share
According to Arend (1997: 122) Think Pair Share challenges the
assumption that all recitations or discussions need to be held in whole
group settings, and it has built-in procedures for giving students more time
to think, to respond, and to help each other. Think- Pair- Share employs
three following steps:
commit to user 19

Step 1 Thinking : the teacher poses questions or issue associated

with the lesson and asks students to spend a
minutes thinking alone about the answer of the
Step 2 Pairing : the teacher asks the students to pair off and
discuss what thinking about. Interaction during
this period can be sharing the ideas if a specific
issue was identified.
Step 3 Sharing : in the final step, the teacher asks the pairs to
share what they have been thinking about with
the whole class.
Think-Pair-Share allows students to think about a response
before sharing them with another student or the class. Students are
often more willing to share an idea with a partner than speaking up in
the class. This strategy allows them to try out their ideas in a
supportive dialog with a partner. Thinking and talking about an idea
also helps students sharpen their ideas as they listen to others. If
students are asked to report out to the whole class, more confident
students get a chance to volunteer the answer for their pair, while less
confident students still hear their ideas presented.
b. Numbered- Head- Together
According to Arends (1997: 122) numbered heads together is a method
to involve more students in the review of materials covered in a lesson
and to check their understanding of a lessons content. The steps are:
Step 1 Numbering : teacher divides students into three to five
member teams and has them numbered off
so each student on the team has different
number between 1 5.
Step 2 Questioning : teacher asks students a question or
commit to user 20

Step 3 Heads together : students put their heads together to figure

out and make sure everyone knows the
Step 4 Answering : A teacher calls a number and students from
each group with that number raise their
hands and provide the answers or
information to the whole class.
All of member had to master the topic that they are discussed
because they had to be ready to answer teachers question when the
teacher call their number. So there will be interaction between the
members of each group to discuss about the topic.

4. Cooperative Classroom Management

Classroom management is important since it can help to ensure the
success of the teacher and the activities which are used.
a. The Teachers Role
The teachers role is generally one facilitating, monitoring
students engagements with the process or clarifying information rather
than primarily one of the providing information.
b. The students Role
1) Pair Work
As Hammer (1993: 247) states, pair work is a way of
increasing students participation and language use. It allows the
students to use the language and also encourage the student
cooperation which is itself important for the atmosphere of the class
and for motivation to learn with each other.
2) Group Work
Group work is more dynamic than pair work, there are more
people to react with and against in a group therefore, there is a greater
possibility of discussion. It puts demand on the students ability to
cooperate closely with only one other person (Hammer. 1993: 245).
commit to user 21

D. The Relationship Between Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) and

the Improvement of Reading Comprehension
Cooperative learning is a variety of teaching learning approach in which
students are divided to work in a group, help and criticize one another efforts or
contribution, and receive a group performance score. The primary role of learners
in cooperative learning is as a member of a group who must work collaboratively
with another group member.
According to Crandall, 1999 and kagan, 1995 in Zhang cooperative
language learning creates natural, interactive contexts, where students listen to
each other, ask question, and clarify issues. Group interaction assists learners in
negotiating for more comprehensible input and in modifying their output to make
it more comprehensible to others.
One of the characteristics of cooperative language learning is a group of
learning activities that there is an interaction of each learner to increase the
motivation each others learners. It means that it is through language that learners
come to understand ideas. In delivering ideas, students need to share and discuss
with their freinds , and through this way, students reading comprehension can be
improved since the purpose of cooperative learning itself is students interaction or
to make share and discuss with the others.

E. Review on Motivation
1. The Nature of Motivation
Motivation is important aspect in every occasion. It influences
someones work on its process and result. Someone success because of he or
she is motivated. Motivation also has important role in learning. However,
not all learners, in learning, have the same quality of motivation. Thus, it is
important for the teachers to understand about motivation.
Some experts suggest some definitions of motivation. Brophy (1993: 3)
defines that motivation refers to students subjective experiences, especially
their willingness to engage in lesson and learning activities and their reasons
commit to
for doing so. According to Weiner in user
Elliot et al (2000: 332) defines that 22

motivation is an internal states that arouses us to action, pushes us in

particular direction, and keep us engaged in certain activities.
From the definition above, it can be concluded that motivation is
subjective experiences or internal states that arouses to an action, pushes in
particular direction, especially willing to engage in lesson and learning
2. Types of Motivation
Elliot et al (2000: 233) distinguish two types of motivation: intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the desire of
students themselves to learn, without the need for external motivation. When
motivation generates interest and enjoyment, and a reason of performing the
activities lies within the activity itself. Then the motivation is to intrinsic.
This indicates that the motivation comes from the learners needs, wants, and
desires for their own purpose. This motivation exists when the learner learns
because of an inner desire to accomplish a task successfully, whether it has
some external value or not.
Extrinsic motivation is rewards and inducements external to students
such as scores, prizes, and other rewards. Students reason for doing an
activity is to gain something outside the activity itself, such as getting the best
score, obtaining financial rewards. The motivation is likely to be extrinsic.
Thus, it is clear that the extrinsic motivation exists when the learners are
motivated by an outcome that is external. Extrinsically motivated students
carried out task in anticipation of reward from outside and beyond
Intrinsic motivation gives more contribution to students for learning
than extrinsic motivation. But in motivation students to learn, the external
stimulus is also needed by the students to reach their goals. This stimulus is
used to improve students motivation in teaching learning process.

commit to user 23

3. The Function of Motivation in English Learning

Elliot et al (2000:332) sums up that motivation is an important
psychological construct that affects learning and performance in four ways:
a. Motivation increases an individuals energy and activity level. It
influences the extent, to which an individual is likely to engage in a
certain activity intensively or half-heartedly.
b. Motivation directs an individual toward certain goals. Motivation affects
choices people made and the result they find rewarding.
c. Motivation promotes initiation of certain activities and persistence in
those activities. It increases the possibility that people will begin
something on their own, persist on the face of difficulty, and resume a
task after a temporary interruption
d. Motivation affects the learning strategies and cognitive processes an
individual employs. It increases the possibility that people will pay
attention to something, study and practice it and try to learn it in a
meaningful fashion. It also increases the possibility that they will seek
help when they meet difficulty.
4. The Characteristics of Motivated Students
Ur (1996:275) says that motivated learner is someone who is willing or
even eager to invest effort in learning activities and to progress. Moreover
this learner motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier and
more pleasant as well as productive. (Naiman in Ur, 1996:275) also adds that
the most successful learners are not necessarily those whose language comes
very easily; they are those who display certain typical characteristics, most of
them clearly associated with motivation. There are: 1) Positive Task
Orientation. The students who are motivated in learning are willing to tackle
tasks and challenges and have confidence in his or her success; 2) Ego-
Involvement. The student finds it important to succeed in learning in
maintaining and promote his or her own positive self image, 3) Need for
achievement. The student has a need to achieve, to overcome difficulties and
succeed in what he or she sets out toto do;
user4) High aspiration. The student is 24

very aware of the goals of learning or of specific learning activity and directs
his or her efforts toward achieving them; 5) Perseverance. The student
consistently invests a high level of effort in learning and is not discouraged
by setbacks or apparent lack of progress; 6) Tolerance of ambiguity. The
student is not disturbed of frustrated by situation involving a temporary lack
of understanding or confusion; he or she can live with theses patiently, in
confidence that the understanding will come latter.
Moreover, Folk Wisdom (2004) says that unmotivated students just
wont learn, that you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it
drinks. This proverb comes to mind when seen from how different are
various students attitude to foreign language. For one student, learning a
language is personally significant, he is motivated to language learning
(though motives may differ: self-actualization, high achievement motivation,
goal orientation, avoidance of failure); for another student, language is a
heavy burden which he has to carry, and they did not hide his boredom,
yawning, and students for misbehavior or their inability to learn the
language. But this situation can be understood differently by a teacher who
can think critically: it is mostly a sign which reveals whether the teaching
methods and approaches are effective and relevant to students need.
Based on the theories above it can be concluded that motivation is
subjective experiences or internal states that arouses to an action, pushes in
particular direction, especially willing to engage in lesson and learning
activity and the indicators of motivation are divided into three levels such as
high motivation, midlle motivation , and low motivation. The indicators of
high motivation are : (1) the students do the task and perform the task in front
of the class bravely and confidently; (2) the students are active in the lesson
or in group discussion; and (3) the students focus to the lesson (they pay
attention to the teachers explanation. The indicators of midlle motivation are
as follows : (1) the students do the task confidently but they did not brave to
perform their result of their task; (2) the students are active in the class, but
commit to (3)
they still passive in group discussion; userthe students focus is separated to 25

the other. (they do not give full attention to the teachers explanation). The
indicators of low motivation are as follows : (1) the students are not confident
in taking a task and they are not brave to perform the result of their task; (2)
the students are passive in the class and in group discussion; (3) the students
do not focus to the lesson. (they are doing non-academic activities, such as
chatting, disturbing the other friends).

F. Rationale
Text becomes the most important thing to teach in formal education,
especially in junior high school. Teaching text means that teacher must be able
to make the students understand the whole part of the text including the purpose,
the generic structures, the language features, the information, and the main idea
of the text. To make the students understand the text easily needs a certain
By giving a chance to the students to select their own text, the students
can find out any kinds of texts which can fulfill their interest and need. The
students will be more encouraged in understanding the text well by reading their
own selected text. At least they will try to understand the text and learn the
characteristic of the text that are found.
The objective of teaching reading in junior high school is students can
comprehend written English text. Therefore, teacher has a responsibility to
make students easier in comprehending written text and facilitating them in
order to get well comprehension. It is difficult for students to comprehend a
foreign language text.
The researcher observed and recognized that students reading
comprehension of the VIII-C class of SMP N 3 Surakarta in the academic year
of 2011/2012 was still low and far from the expectation. Most of students still
found troubles and difficulties in understanding or comprehending a text as
follows : (1) students have difficulty to identify the word meaning from the text
they read; (2) Students have problem to identify the main idea of the text;(3)
Students have problem in identify the to user (4) Students have problem in
refferent 26

finding detailed information of the text; (5) Students have problem to identify
implied information of the text. Moreover, the teacher also does not use
appropriate technique to teach reading that encourage students to be active. The
teacher dominates in teaching learning process.
To overcome the problems above, here, the writer decides to use
cooperative language learning as a approach. Cooperative language learning is
group learning activity organized so that learning was depend on the socially
structured exchange of information between learners in group and in which each
learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to
increase the learning of others.
The benefit of working in the cooperative is that people find it easier to
express themselves and share their understanding of written text in reading
From the explanation above, it can be assumed that cooperative language
learning can improve students reading comprehension at the eighth grade
students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta.

G. Hypothesis
Considering carefully the theory underlying reading comprehension and
cooperative language learning technique, the writer hypothesizes that cooperative
language learning can improve the students reading comprehension of the eighth
grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta in the 2011/ 2012 academic year.

commit to user 27


A. Context of the Research

5. Research Setting
The study is a classroom action research, which is aimed to implement the
use of Cooperative Language Learning ( CLL ) to improve students reading
comprehension. This study was conducted on the 8th grade of SMP N 3 Surakarta
in the academic year of 2011/2012. It is located on Kartini street number 18

6. Research Subject
The subject of this research is the second grade students of SMP Negeri 3
Surakarta. This research uses one class as the research subject. The reason why
the writer chooses the grade is because the teaching approach used in this research
is workable for the 8th grade students of junior high school. Besides, from the
result of the interview with the teacher, the writer got information that the students
still have low reading comprehension.

B. Research Methodology
1. The Nature of Action Research
The method used in this research is action research. There are various
definitions of action research stated by some experts. Davis (1999: 1) defines
Action Research as a movement in general education in which classroom teachers
looked into what was going on in their own classroom. He adds that in a simpler
model of action research, the teacher identifies some area of their own practice
that they want to find out more about. The teacher then collects data from their
classroom and, in the light of the data, decides how to improve things. While
Bodgan and Biklen (in Burns, (1999: 30) say that Action research is the
systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social change.
commit to user 28

Kemmis in Hopkins (1993: 44) proposes that action research is a form of

self-reflective inquiry conducted by participants in a social interaction situation
(including education) in order to improve educational practice by group or
participants and by means of own reflection upon effects of these actions.
Ebbutt (1985) in Hopkins (1993: 45) states that action research is about the
systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of
participants and by means of their own practical actions and by means of own
reflection upon the effects of those actions.
Burns, R. B (in Burns, 1999: 30) says that action research is the
application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social situation with a
view to improving the quality of action within it, involving the collaboration and
co-operation of researchers, practitioners and laymen.
From the definition above, it can be concluded that action research means
a systematic study carried out by practitioners and in collaboration of teachers and
researchers in a form of self-reflective inquiry of their own reflection upon the
effects of those actions in order to improve educational practice
In this study, the research is aimed at overcoming the students problems
in reading descriptive text by means of Cooperative Language Learning. This
classroom action research is carried out by the researcher collaboratively with the
teacher of the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta by implementing
Cooperative Language Learning in classroom action research.

2. The Characteristics of Action Research

Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988) in Nunan (1992: 17) state that there are
three characteristics of the action research. Firstly, the action research is carried
out by practitioners rather than outside researchers, secondly, the kind of the
action research is collaborative, and thirdly, the action research is aimed at
changing things. While Burns (1999: 30) composed the characteristics as
a. Action research is contextual, small-scale and localized-it identifies and
investigates problems within acommit
user 29

b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and

improvement in practice.
c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of
colleagues, practitioners and researchers.
d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which
provides the impetus for change.

3. The Procedure of Action Research

The procedures of action research in this research are as follows:
a. Identifying the problem
The writer as the teacher in this research identified the problems. In this
case, the problem refers to the students problems in reading comprehension.
b. Carrying out the real classroom research
1) Planning the action
In this step, the teacher prepared everything related to the action as
a) Planning the steps and technique for delivering the material in the
form of lesson plan.
b) Designing the steps in doing the action.
c) Preparing the material.
d) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of
teaching learning process).
e) Preparing teaching aids.
f) Preparing a test.
It was done to know whether students reading comprehension could
be improved or not.
2) Implementing the action
In this step, the researcher implemented the teaching and learning
activities of reading comprehension through Cooperative Language
Learning.The real implementations were generally presented as follows:
commit to user 30

a) The researcher greeted the students and checked the students

attendance at the beginning of the class.
b) The researcher gave guiding question to the students in order to attract
students interest.
c) The researcher told students what they are going to learn on that day.
d) The researcher presented the material by giving a worksheet to the
e) The researcher asked one of the students to read a text.
f) The researcher stimulated the students to try guessing some questions
related to the descriptive text.
g) The researcher gave explanation about the words, to find the meaning
based on the text, to spell, and to pronounce the words correctly. The
researcher drilled the students.
h) The researcher divided students into some groups and gave worksheet
to them. They worked it in group.
i) The researcher asked the representative of each group to read the
answer in front of the class.
j) The researcher discussed the answer with the students and correct
students wrong answer.
k) The researcher gave the students individual task.
l) The researcher reviewed the material.
3) Observing the action
In this step, researcher observed all of the activities in the teaching
and learning process. It is done during the teaching and learning process.
Collaborator helps the researcher to observe all of the activities happening
in the teaching and learning process.
According to Burns (1999: 81) there are some basic factors which
should be considered in order to help guide observations and make them
more manageable:
a) Decide on a focus for the observation which is relevant to your groups
research. Dont try to record to user 31

b) Identify a specific physical location in which the observation will be

conducted (e.g. playground, coffee area, classroom, reading corner).
c) Consider the group or individual to be observed (e.g. whole class,
student group, a mixed-gender pair, individual student).
d) Record the events as they happen or as soon as possible after they
e) Be as objective and precise as possible in your observations and avoid
using attitudinal or evaluative language that makes inferences about
peoples behavior or thinking (e.g. surly, anxious, unwilling, and
so on).
f) Try to record complete events or incident. This allows a more inclusive
and holistic picture of the situation to emerge, so that ordinary as well
as unusual events are observed.
g) Develop a system for recording that fits in with other activities
occurring in the context of the observations.
Based on the guide observation above, the researcher did the observation
with the rule as follows:
a) The researcher decided the focus of observation that is reading
comprehension and students motivation.
b) The researcher prepared the instrument to know the progress of
reading comprehension and students motivation. For the reading
comprehension, the researcher had prepared the pre-test, post-test 1,
and post-test 2 to measure the improvement of students reading
comprehension. And for the students motivation, the researcher had
prepared a note to write down all of activities during the lesson and
did the interview with the students after implementing the action.
c) The researcher did the observation in the classroom of 8D as the
physical location.
d) The researcher did the observation to the whole class.

commit to user 32

e) The researcher recorded the events that had happened by making field
notes and took photographs of all activities done in the process of
teaching and learning.
f) The researcher did the observation as objective and precise as possible
and avoided using attitudinal that made inferences about students
behavior or thinking.
g) The researcher recorded a complete events or incidents by making
notes and took photographs.
h) The researcher developed other activities which occurred in the
context of observation and record them in the field notes.
4) Reflecting the observation result
In this step, the teacher as researcher makes an evaluation and
investigation towards what he has observed in order to find out the
weakness and the strength of the teaching activity which has been carried
out. Through the observation, the teacher can see whether the students are
active or passive during the teaching and learning process.
5) Doing evaluation

After the whole teaching and learning process has been conducted in the
classroom, it is better to give test. After that, the teacher analyzed the result of the
test by scoring it, then finding the mean score. It was done in order to make sure
whether there is an improvement of students reading comprehension or not.

C. The Technique of Collecting Data

It is very important to collect data in a research because the data are used
to get the result of the research. In this classroom action research, the techniques
of collecting the data used by the teacher are interview, observation, and test.
1) Interview
The teacher as the researcher interviewed the observer or students about
the way she implemented the technique, the problem faced and the equipments

commit to user 33

used. The teacher also interviewed the students about their response about
learning reading comprehension through cooperative language learning.
Burns (1999: 17) defines that interviews and discussions are face-to
face personal interaction, which generate data about the research issue and
allow specific to be discussed from other people perspective.
The researcher interviewed the teacher and the students about the way
she implemented the material, the problem faced and the equipments used. The
researcher also interviewed the students about their response about learning
reading comprehension through Cooperative Language learning. The researcher
did the interview in the beginning and in the ending of the research in order to
know the teachers view of the teaching learning process, students reading
comprehension, and students motivation before and after the action.
Interview comes in many different forms. As stated by Wallace (1998:
146), there are three broad categories of interview as follows:
a. Structured interview
Structured interview is an interview that has a very tight structured
and in which the question will probably be read from a carefully prepared
interview schedule.
b. Unstructured interview
Unstructured interview can be quite free-wheeling, without losing
sight of the research purpose. This open-ended approach can be revealed
which might otherwise be withheld in a more formal setting.
c. Semi-structured interview
Semi-structured interview is a kind of compromise between the
two extremes. There will almost certainly be a prepared interview
schedule, but most of the questions will be probably open questions. It
combines a certain degree of control with a certain amount of freedom to
develop the interview.
In this research, researcher used semi-structured interview. The
researcher made a schedule first before doing the interview, prepared the
questions for interview, and to user
also gave the follow-up questions intended to 34

encourage the interviewee to give fuller, a more detailed responses. The

questions are related to the students reading comprehension and students
2) Observation
The observation was done by the researcher and collaborator. In this
way, the observers observed and make field notes of all activities done in the
process of teaching and learning. In this way, the observer observed, made
field notes, and took photograph of all activities done in the process of
teaching and learning. Observations are ways of finding out more about the
students response, students behavior, and students activities during the
learning process dealing with both students reading comprehension and
students motivation.
3) Test
The teacher also gave reading comprehension test in the end of each
cycle. The result is used to find the improvement of the students reading

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data

To analyze the data, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitative
1. Qualitative
The researcher analyzed the process of teaching and learning reading
comprehension through cooperative language learning by analyzing the data
taken from interview and observation.
According to McKernan (1996) in Burns (1999: 156-160) there are
five steps in analyzing the data. They are:
a. Assembling the data
The first step is to assemble the data that the researcher has
collected over the period of the research: field notes, interview, and so
on. At this step, broad patterns should begin to show up which can be
compared and contrastedcommit to user
to see what fits together. 35

b. Coding the data

Coding is a process of attempting to reduce the large amount of
data that may be collected to more manageable categories of concepts,
themes, or types. Data analysis become more messy and coding becomes
less clear cut when the researcher dealing with diary entries, classroom
recording, or open-ended survey questions.
c. Comparing the data
Comparison is made to see whether themes or patterns are
repeated or developed across different data gathering techniques. At this
step, the researcher is able to map frequencies of occurrences,
behaviours or responses. The main aim at this step is to describe and
display the data rather than to interpret or explain them.
d. Building interpretations
This is the point where the researcher moves beyond describing,
categorizing, coding, and comparing to make some sense of the meaning
of the data.
e. Reporting the outcomes
At this step, involving presenting an account of the research for
2. Quantitative
The quantitative data analysis is used to analyze data from the result
of the test. It was done to compare the students reading comprehension
before and after each cycle or the result of a pre-test and post-test showing
whether or not there is improvement in students reading comprehension
individually, or in groups.
The mean of the pre-test and post-test can be calculated with the
formula as follows:

x y y
commit to user 36


x : Means of pre test

: Means of post test
y : Number of students
Finally, by analyzing the data from qualitative and quantitative data,
the researcher is able to draw a conclusion whether cooperative language
learning can improve students reading comprehension or not.

commit to user


This chapter discusses the result of the research. This chapter presents
some findings and discussions about the use of Cooperative Language Learning in
reading comprehension. This chapter reports the research implementation. Each
cycle of the research implementation consists of planning, acting, observing and
reflecting activities. This chapter also notes the improvement of students reading
comprehension by using Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)
A. Process of The Research
1. Introduction
The objectives of the research are to improve students reading
comprehension by using CLL and to know whether the use of CLL improve
students motivation in learning English or not.
The research was carried out at the eight grade of SMP N 3 Surakarta,
especially the VIII D class. The research was conducted in collaboration with the
English teacher of SMP N 3 Surakarta that is Mrs. Kitri Katon , M.Pd (KK).
Before conducting the research, teacher KK and the researcher AK shared a
common knowledge about the action research. Teacher KK seemed anthusiastic
when she learned about the action research. She agreed to work together with AK.
The action research was conducted collaboratively. The researcher was the
practitioner who implemented the action and teacher KK was the observer. They
also discussed the research implementation result during the teaching learning
process as a reflection.
2. Research Implementation
The implementation of teaching reading comprehension by using CLL
through classroom action research consisted of two cycles. The first cycle
consisted of three meetings and the second cycle consisted of two meetings for
delivering the material, one meeting for pre-test and two meetings for post test 1
and post-test 2. There are eight meetings in this classroom action research. Each
meeting took 80 minutes. In all cycles, to user text was used as the teaching

37 38

material. For the first cycle, the researher used descripive texts entitled Salsa an
Elephant, Grand Omega Hotel, My Lovely Home , and the second cycle,
descriptive texts which entitled Afgan and Yogyakarta were used as the
teaching materials. Each cycle in this action research consists of six steps:
identifying the problems, planning the action, implementing the action, observing
or monitoring the the action, reflecting the action and evaluating the result of the
observation, and revising the plan.
Each cycle is described in the following part.
a) Cycle 1
1) Identifying the Problem
In this step, the researcher did observations to know the pre-
condition before the implementation of the action research. In the
beginning of the research, the researcher conducted pre-observation
toward the teaching-learning process and interviewed the English
teacher and the students, the researcher found some problems in that
class. The problems were about students difficulties in reading
comprehension and low motivation on learning English. From the
result of the pre-observation, it was found that the students were
passive when the teacher asked the students to answer the
questions,there were students chatting when the teacher explained the
material, there were students often asking permission to go to the
toilet so that it can disturb the teaching learning process, and the
students did non-academic activities rather than academic activities. It
was because they did not have motivation to learn English. Besides
that, the reading comprehension of the students is still low. It was
caused by the way of the teacher taught the reading comprehension
was monotonous. The teacher only asked to the students to do the
reading excercise in the LKS.The monotonous proccess of learning
discouraged students to learn. It made the students bored and did not
have ability to comprehend the text.
commit to user 39

Moreover, the students reading comprehension was still low.

Most students still found troubles and difficulties in comprehending a
text as follows: (1) students have difficulty in finding word meaning
from the text ; (2) students have difficulty in identifying main idea of
the text, (3) students have difficulty in finding detailed information of
the text; (4) students have difficulty in identifying implied
information of the text;(5) students have difficulty in identifying
referent of the text.

2) Planning the Action

Finding the fact that the students reading comprehension was
low, the researcher planned to teach them by choosing a certain
teaching technique. The chosen technique is Cooperative Language
Learning (CLL) and it is used to develop text comprehension in
which there are interactive dialogues between teachers and students,
individually and in small groups. There are many kinds of
Cooperative Language Learning (CLL), they are: Students Team
Achievement Division (STAD), Jigsaw, Think Pair Share, Think Pair
Square, and Numbered Head Together. In this research, the researcher
only used Think Pair Share and Numbered Head Together as the
method in improving students reading comprehension of the eighth
grade of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta. There are some steps in
Cooperative Language learning using Think Pair Share and
Numbered Head Together :
c. Think- Pair- Share
It is built for giving students more time to think and to
respond and to help each other. Think- Pair- Share employs three
following steps:
Step 1 Thinking : the teacher poses questions or issue
associated with the lesson and asks
commit to user 40

students to spend a minutes thinking alone

about the answer of the issue.
Step 2 Pairing : the teacher asks the students to pair off
and discuss what thinking about.
Interaction during this period can be
sharing the ideas if a specific issue was
Step 3 Sharing : in the final step, the teacher asks the pairs
to share what they have been thinking
about with the whole class.
Think-Pair-Share allows students to think about a response
before sharing them with another student or the class. Students are
often more willing to share an idea with a partner than speaking
up in the class. This strategy allows them to try out their ideas in a
supportive dialog with a partner. Thinking and talking about an
idea also helps students sharpen their ideas as they listen to others.
If students are asked to report out to the whole class, more
confident students get a chance to volunteer the answer for their
pair, while less confident students still hear their ideas presented.
d. Numbered- Head- Together
Lie (2007: 59) says that this technique will give the
students opportunities to share their ideas and motivate them to
improve their cooperative ability. The steps are:
Step 1 Numbering : teacher divides students into three to
five member teams and has them
numbered off so each student on the
team has different number between 1
Step 2 Questioning : teacher asks students a question or
commit to user 41

Step 3 Heads together : students put their heads together to

figure out and make sure everyone
knows the answers.
Step 4 Answering : A teacher calls a number and students
from each group with that number
raise their hands and provide the
answers or information to the whole
All of member had to master the topic that they are
discussed because they had to be ready to answer teachers
question when the teacher call their number. So there will be
interaction between the members of each group to discuss about
the topic.
To implement that technique, the researcher constructed a
lesson plan as a teachers guide in teaching, prepared the materials
based on the curriculum, made students worksheet consisting of
some tasks and everything related to the action. The lesson plan
would be implemented by the researcher (AK). The English teacher
(KK) observed the whole process during the teaching learning
process in the classroom.

3) Implementing the Action

The action plan was implemented by AK. In the first cycle, she
introduced descriptive texts. She guided the students to analyze a text
and how to comprehend it. There were three texts that were used in
this cycle. Each meeting used one text. The implementation of
Cooperative Language Learning is described for each meeting as

commit to user 42

a) The first meeting ( August 16th, 2011)

The lesson started at 11.00 a.m. The researcher AK and
English teacher KK came to the class, greeted the students, and
checked students attendance. The class was not noisy. After
introduction, AK explained what they would have to do that day.
AK tried to create a good situation by telling the students that the
days activities would be reading lesson by Cooperative Language
Learning, they would work in groups. The students seemed

Main Activity
AK explained about the strategies to analyze a text
(Cooperative Language Learning using Numbered Head Together).
The students looked confused and asked to the researcher number
head together itu apa miss? Saya belum pernah dengar, carnya
gimana ya miss? So, the researcher gave little explanation about
numbered-heads-together. The researcher told the students that
NHT gives the students opportunities to share their idea in
comprehending text. They had to make group of four and the
students within group should count off between 1 to 4. The
students within group work together in answering the question in
their worksheet. She explained that there were four steps to analyze
the text, namely (1) numbering, that is, students within group had
to be count off; (2) questioning, that is, teacher give the students
some question, the question would be used to help the students to
comprehend the text; (3) heads together, that is, students discuss
together with their groups to do the task on the worksheet and
solve the problems together in teammate, and (4) answering, the
teacher calls a number and students with that number raised their
hands and provide commit
answer to
the whole class. All members had to 43

master the answer for the question that they already discussed
because they had to be ready to answer teachers question when the
teacher called their number.
She gave a short explanation about the material of that day,
that is a descriptive text. The text that would be discussed was
Salsa an Elephant. AK reviewed and explained about the
descriptive text.
Firstly, AK explored the students knowledge about the
topic of that day to build students background knowledge. She
asked them to recall their knowledge about descriptive text,
including communicative purpose, generic structure, and language
features including the use of simple present tense like verbal and
nominal sentences. The communicative purpose of descriptive text
is to describe something, including person, place, or thing in
particular. The generic structure is identification and description.
Because the students have known about descriptive text and the
generic structure, AK did not need much time to explain it.
Secondly, AK asked students to make groups, each group
consits of four students. Almost all of the students were unfamiliar
with the situation because they never learnt in group work,
especially in reading lesson. They usually worked individually in
reading lesson. AK gave the students the copy of the text. AK
guided them to analyze the text together, she asked them to read
the title of the text and predicted the likely content of the text.
Some of the students could predict the content of the text but some
of them kept silent. AK asked the students to answer the questions
together so that they would understand the lesson well. The
students said that the text was about the physical description about
Next, AK began the first strategy of Numbered Head
Together techniquecommit
that is,to Numbering.
user She divides the students 44

into 8 groups , the groups are : Orange, Grape, Strawbery,

Watermelon,Pineapple, Apple, Avocado, and Banana. One group
consists of 4 members. The text analyzed was entitled Salsa an
Elephant.She asked the students about the generic structure of the
text orally and the main idea of the text by using WH-Questions so
that the students can understand the content of the text easily.
AK continued the second step of Numbered Head Together
that is Questioning. She gave the students a worksheet that
contains some questions , and then she continued to the third step
that is head together, they asked students to discuss and answer the
questions. She asked them to find difficult words and the
meanings in the dictionary first before they did the task in
worksheet. She saw that there were discussions in some groups.
The students looked for the meaning of difficult words in the
dictionary and then discussed the appropiate meaning of words
based on the content of the text.
While the students discussed their answer, AK moved around
to monitor the process of discussion. AK saw that in certain groups
(group Apple and group Banana), they could not do the tasks well.
There were students who did the task by herself or himself and the
other crowded by themselves when the process of discussion was
going on. AK came to their group and asked why there was no
discussion in their groups. Some students said that the members of
the group did not want to discuss together, and she/he could do the
task by herself or himself. AK advised them to discuss all of the
tasks together to solve the problems in order that all of the
members understood the material of the lesson.
After the students had finished the task, AK did the last step
of numbered-heads-together that was answering. In this step, the
students looked very enthusiastic. AK called the name of a group
and groups numbercommit to userStudents with that number raised
randomly. 45

their hands and provide answer to the whole class. Most of them
can did the task well, they can gave the correct answer. The teacher
gave reward for the who gave the correct answer to make they
have a high motivation to learnt. But, there were also few students
who gave the unsatisfied answer. Then AK guided the students to
make summary of the text. After finished it, AK gives some
questions spontaneously about the text especially to the passive
students to check their understanding. Students who could not
answer the teachers question might helped by their friends in
group. Almost all of the students could answer the question well.
The teacher gave reward for the students who gave the correct
answer by saying good or very good. AK also said its not
wrong but... for the students who gave the unsatisfying answer.
Afterward,. she asked them to do the task individually in the last
task on the worksheet, that is, the question dealing with language
feature of descriptive texts. She asked them to analyze the use of
Simple Present Tense in Salsa an Elephant text, and then the
students submit it.

After the time was over, researcher reviewed the lesson that
day and gave conclusion.She asked whether the students enjoyed
the lesson and they answered, Yes, Miss! The lesson was closed.

The second meeting (August 18th 2011 )

AK started the lesson by greeting the students and checking
students attendance. She revieved the lesson of the last meeting.
She asked about what they did in the last meeting. The researcher
told that they would to user
study descriptive text by using think pair 46

share technique. The students looked confused. Some students

asked the researcher think pair share itu apa miss? Beda ya sama
yang kemarin? So, the researcher gave little explanation about
think pair share. The researcher told the students that they should
give their opinion individually first. After they got their idea or
their individual opinion, they might pair off and discuss what they
think about.

Main Activity
AK guided them to analyze the text together, she asked them
to read the title of the text and predicted the likely content of the
text. Some of the students could predict the content of the text but
some of them kept silent. AK asked the students to answer the
questions together so that they would understand the lesson well.
The students said that the text was about the physical description
about hotel.
The students tried to answer the questions in the worksheet
individually (Think) .The class looked very crowded. Many
students asked the researcher about the English word. For example
miss pemandangan inggrisnya apa?.Teacher gave the students a
worksheet and asked them to discuss it with their partner in pair.
(Pair) Then they might pair off and discuss it.the students could
cooperate with their pair to share their ideas. But some students
still looked disturbing their friends. For example they talked with
their friend without thought of their assignment. The researcher
checked all pair discussion with their partners.When the discussion
was done, The students explained their answers as the result of
their finding (share). AK asked the students Who wants to be a
volunteer?Kelompok siapa yang ingin Share? Ayo kalu gak ada
nanti saya tunjuk lho, yang mau jawab nanti saya kasih nilai
plus.There was no to user
volunteer, so AK asked some pairs to share 47

their answer. AK and the students discussed and checked the

answers from their friends or from other groups.Next, the
researcher aked the students to do the last task , that is individual
task, and the students submit it, and checked it with the teacher.

After all groups and AK summarized the material that day,
before closing the lesson, AK checked students understanding by
asking some questions related to the text randomly. Almost all of
the students could answer well. Next, AK summed up the lesson
and asked the students difficulties and their feeling. The students
felt afraid to report the result of their discussion in front of their
friends. They were afraid because they could not read the text well,
and sometimes they could not answer the question well. AK said
that it would not be a problem if they made mistakes, because they
would correct it together. Before closing the lesson, AK said that
she was happy because the students did the tasks well and played
their role in the teaching learning process. Because the time was
over, AK closed the class and said goodbye.
b) The third meeting ( August 20th, 2011)
AK started the lesson by greeting the students and checking
students attendance. She reviewed the lesson of the last meeting.
She asked about what they did in the last meeting. Some of the
students answered her questions. They said that they had learned
about descriptive text using think pair share. AK explained to them
that in that meeting, they would work together with their team
work, but using the Number Head Together, like they did in the
first meeting. They had to share and help each other to finish all of
the tasks. Almost all of the students seemed enthusiastic because
commit to user 48

they would work in groups again. They said that they preferred
working in group than working individually.

Main Activity
AK divided the class into eight groups. The groups were
the same as the groups of the first meeting. After that, AK showed
the picture related with the text they had to discuss. She gave some
guiding question and asked them to predict the likely content of the
text. The students could answer the question well. Then, she gave
the students the copy of the text entitled My Lovely Home. AK
guided the students to analyze the text. They said that the text was
about description of the writers Home. Then, AK asked them to
read the first paragraph quickly and predicted the likely content of
the text. The students said that the text was about the identification
of the writers home. After gave some explanation about
description text. Then AK did the first step of numbered-heads-
together, that is, numbering. The teacher asked the students in
group to count off. Then the teacher did the second step that is
questioning. AK distributed the worksheet to the students. The
students had to do the text with their group. The function of the
question is to check how far the students can understand the
material given by the teacher, especially about reading a
descriptive text.
The next step was heads-together. In this step, students
gave opportunity to discuss the questions given by the teacher in
their worksheet. The first task is about finding the word meaning.
AK said that one word has more than one meaning. So, they had to
choose the meaning that appropriate with the context of the text.
While the students discussed in group, AK moved around and
checked the students work. AK saw that some groups could do the
task well. However, to user
groups found it difficult to find 49

appropriate meaning of words based on the text. One of the

members of groups asked the answer to the other group. She asked,
Eh beautiful artinya apa? One of the member of other group
said, Cantik,tapikanteksnyamembahas rumah, berartilebihcocok
indah donk. There were some group discussions in the class, so
the atmosphere was rather noisy but serious. AK saw that although
they found it difficult to do the task, they discussed the task with
all of the members of their groups. AK saw that they had good
responsibility to finish the tasks. It can be said that they have
understood their role in the teaching learning process.
Then she moved to explain the next task that was finding
the specific and implied information. AK said the students might
found the question or statement that had not been mentioned
directly. So, they had to think and used their background
knowledge to answer the questions. To make the students clear
with the materials, the teacher used number one as the sample.
Then, the teacher asked students, Is there any question?, Iskandar
raised his hand and asked, Miss, caranya buat menrmukan main
idea itu gimana ya?, after asked some attention, then AK explain
that students can find the important information or main idea of the
text through some questions (WH-Questions). AK said that they
had to discuss the task with their team work so that they could
understand the content of the text well. Then Aulia asked AK
whether in finding main idea, they took the first sentence of each
paragraph. AK said that they could do it but they had to check
whether the sentences were the main sentences or not. Almost all
of the groups did the task well to find the main idea of each
paragraph in the text. They could finish the task on the worksheet
The next step was answering. After all of the groups
finished the task, commit to user the name of groups and group
AK mentions 50

numbers. The number called by the teacher had to raise their hand
and answer the question. There were some students who could not
answer the question well. So, AK asked the other group to help
those students. The teacher gave reward for the students who gave
the correct answer by said good or very good. AK also said
its not wrong but... for the students who gave the unsatisfied
After finished it, AK asked students to do individual task
and submit it and chooses student to answer the question orally
and especially to the passive students to check their understanding.
Almost all of the students could answer well. Then AK helped the
students to make summary of the text

Next, AK summed up the lesson and asked the students
difficulties and their feeling. Before closing the lesson, AK said
that she was happy because the students did the tasks well and
played their role in the teaching learning process. Because the time
was over, AK closed the class and said goodbye.

The fourth meeting ( August22th, 2011 )

In the fourth meeting, post test 1 was conducted. This test
was conducted to know the students achievement in
comprehending text after implementing the action plan.

4) Observing or Monitoring the Action

Observing or monitoring is an important aspect in a classroom
action research, because it can help the researcher gain better
understanding of her own research, while at the same time define the
students ability to observe, analyze and interpret the material which
also can be used to improve to user
comprehension. When the researcher 51

(AK) implemented the Cooperative Language Learning in teaching

reading comprehension, the process was observed and the result can
be explained as follows.
a) The first meeting
In the first meeting, the teaching learning process ran
slowly. The students were busy with their new teams. They found
the situation strange because they were unusual to work in group
especially in English lesson. It was rather noisy for a moment.
When AK gave explanation of the topic, they paid attention. While
AK was giving instruction about how they would work with their
group, they were confused. They still found difficulty to understand
the procedure. When the students worked in group, it seemed just
one or two students who dominated and did the task by himself or
herself. They did not discuss to finish all of the task. Almost in all
groups, there were just several students who really worked in their
team. They did not really share and discuss yet. The group work
did not run well. They did not know what to do with the text. They
also did not do the task well.

b) The second meeting

In the second meeting, the teaching learning process ran
better than the previous meeting. All of the students sat properly
with their own group. They did not find it strange with the
situation. Then, AK gave explanation about the topic to build their
background knowledge of the topic that day. She instructed
students to work with their group. She explained the procedure of
Think Pair Share. When the students worked, AK saw there were
some students who did not work. AK moved around the class and
checked wheter the students worked well or not. She saw that there
were some students in some groups who did their own work to
finish the worksheet. to user
were active enough during the 52

discussion with their group mates. Some students opened the

dictionary to find the meaning of difficult words. Sometimes they
asked the teacher to help them in choosing the appropriate meaning
needed in the context since one word may have more than one
meaning. They shared and helped each other to finish the task.
When they could not finish the task, they asked the other groups to
help them. The class situation was rather noisy.
After the students finished the task, AK asked the the
students randomly to report the result of their discussion in front of
the class to get comment from other groups. They could comment
in Indonesian. There were some comments and questions from the
students. In this meeting, there were some students who did not
participate during the discussion. They talked to their friends in
other groups. There were also some students who were still
passive.. And then AK promise that she will give the students
reward if they can anwer the question and brief to speak up.

c) The third meeting

In the third meeting, the teaching learning process ran well.
Students enjoyed working in groups. AK gave explanation about
the referent of pronount and then she asked them to discuss the text
in their group. They discussed the text enthusistically. AK moved
around the class and checked the students work. She saw that all
of the students in their group had their own job. She saw that there
were group discussion. It happened between group orange, grape,
and avocado. After all groups had finished their task, AK choose
the member of each group randomly to report their result of
discussion in the whole class. The class discussion was lively and

commit to user 53

d) The fourth meeting

In the fourth meeting, post test 1 was conducted. The
test was held to know the students achievement in reading
comprehension after the action plan was implemented. The result
of the post-test 1 showed improvement of students mean score.
The mean score increased from 58,97 in pre-test to 75.34 in post-

5) Reflecting and Evaluating the Observation Result

From the observation, the researcher got the result. The
English teacher (KK) and the researcher (AK) did reflection on
several positive results and weaknesses in the first cycle. From the
observation, it was obtained that the activities of reading
comprehension teaching learning process by Cooperative Language
Learning general ran well.
In the first meeting, the students were still confused with the
strategy. They needed teachers guide in all activities. They discussed
the task better than the previous meeting. They also gave their
comment to other groups result of discussion in Indonesian such as
question about main idea, detailed information, implied information,
referent of pronoun etc. However, there were some students who were
still passive during group discussion. During the implementation of
the actions, it can be seen that not all of the students were active.
There were students who were still passive, and did not give their
opinion. When they did the task on the students worksheet, each
group still feel it difficult to finish it. The good point is they discussed
with all of the members of the groups to finish their task in students
worksheet and some higher-ranked students in each groups helped the
other members in comprehending the texts.
By analyzing the result of the observation the researcher AK
and teacher KKconcluded to user
that strategies in Cooperative Language 54

Learning are good enough for the students reading comprehension.

The students enjoyed exchanging ideas with other friends until they
comprehended the text. The technique gave them a new impression so
that it reduces their boredom and made the atmoshphere of learning
more relaxed. This technique encouraged them to express their ideas
in front of other friends and developed their self confidence. The
smart students were not individualistic anymore. They shared their
knowledge with other students who did not understand the material of
the lesson. They shared and helped each other. They were able to
analyze the aspects needed in analyzing the text given through
discussion with their group partners. They could complete the tasks in
every section. The class discussion was interesting. The students
played their role in the teaching and learning process well.
The result of the test shows that the mean score of pre-test is
58.97 and the mean score of post tes-test is 75.34. The result was
regarded good. The result of the reading comprehension test showed
that there was better improvement from pre-test to post-test.
There is improvement of all indicators of reading
comprehension as follows:
Table 1 : The improvement of students reading
The Indicators Pretest Post Test 1

Identifying Word Meaning 69.67 79.75

Identifying main idea of the text 35.34 63.19
Finding detailed information of the text 62.18 72.81
Finding implied information of the text 60.03 79.97
Identify the referent pronoun 66.79 80.98
Mean score 58.97 75.34

commit to user 55

Besides there were also the improvement of students

motivation in learning english as follows :
Aspect The beginning of cyle 1 The end of cyle 1
The Students The students felt Most of the students
motivation bored, they did not were motivated in
have motivation to learning English.
learn English. So that They paid attention to
they did not pay the teachers
attention to the explanation.
teachers explanation.
The students were Most of the students
passive when the were active to answer
teacher asked teachers questions.
questions. But there were
students who were
The students were just still passive.
kept silent during the The students became
group work. more active in group
work, but there were
some students who
just kept silent during
The students made the group work
noise, chatted and There were some
disturbed the other students who made
students. noise, chatted, and
disturbed the other
students during group
discussion or
individual task.

commit to user 56

However, the motivation needs to be improved. Not all

students were active. There were some groups which did not work
well. There were members who did not work together in their groups.
From the research reflections of the observation above it can be
concluded that cycle one is not optimum, although, based on the result
of the pre-test of cycle 1 there is improvement of the students scores.

6) Revising the Plan

From the observation of cycle 1, the researcher AK found
some problems such as the students difficulty to identify the content
of the text, there were some students who were still passive, and there
were the smartest students domination in some groups.
The students found it difficult to identify the content of the
text because they did not know the main idea of each paragraph. The
researcher (AK) decided to add media in teaching learning process in
order that the students comprehended the content of the text easier
than before. She decided to use some pictures which were suitable
with the content of the text. By seeing the pictures, students could
understand the topic of the text and they could identify the content of
the text by using the pictures. The researcher (AK) used some suitable
pictures because the pictures represented the topic of the text.
Beside, the researcher (AK) decided to change the members of
the group in the first cycle. Teacher divided the groups based on the
result of the post test one and teachers recommendation. . She asked
them to report the result of discussion in the whole class. She decided
to ask the students to report the result of their discussion in every
meeting, because there were only few students who actively discussed
the reading material given. The passive students had to report the
result of their discussion and answer the questions ,and the teacher
gave present for active students.
commit to user 57

Cycle 2
1) Identifying the Problem
Based on the result of cycle one, there were some problems
which were found by the researcher. The problem was the students
difficulties in identifying the content of the text. They also were still
passive . Eventhough the first cycle showed that the students reading
comprehension improved, she found problems about the smartest
students domination and the group members low participation. All of
the problems in cycle one were solved in cycle two.

2) Planning the Action

Before doing the second cycle, the researcher prepared lesson
plans, some texts about descriptive texts, and some pictures which
were related to the topic of the texts.The researcher used those text
types because those were text types which were taught in that
semester and she used them in order that the students got better
understanding about this text type. The researcher also used some
pictures because by saw them, the students could understand the topic
of the text and they could identify the content of the text by using
pictures. The pictures represented the main idea of text.
The researcher give more attention to the students who got the
bad score. The researcher tried to give the student motivation in
learning english. AK promises to the students that she will give
reward for the students who answering the correct questions.

3) Implementing the Action

The action plan was implemented by the researcher (AK). In
the second cycle, she still used some texts (that is, descriptive text).
She added some pictures as the other media in the teaching learning
activity. She used those text types because those were text types
which were taught in that semester. The second cycle was conducted
commit to user
in two meetings. Each meeting took 80 minutes. 58

The first meeting ( August 24th , 2011 )

The researcher (AK) and the English teacher (KK) entered
the classroom. AK started the lesson by greeting the students and
checking the students attendance. Before starting the lesson, AK
said that today and the next meeting they learnt together in group
discussion in reading .Some of them felt happy to learn in group
but they did not like to report the result of their discussion in front
of the other friends. They said, Takut miss kalau disuruh maju
trus melaporkan hasil diskusi, soalnya nggak bisa membacanya
yang bener . They were afraid if they made mistakes, but AK said
that if there were mistakes she would check and correct them.
Afterwards, AK divided the class into eight groups based on the
students scores of post-test 1 and the English teacher
recommendation. Moreover, AK merged the passive students with
the active students in one group so that the smarter students could
help their friends who have low ability in redaing comprehension.

Main Activity
AK gave explanation that that day they would analyze
descriptive text again. Before distributing the copy of the text, she
showed pictures to the students and asked them to guess the topic
of the text that day. AK said, Look at the pictures. Guess them.
Whats the topic of the text for today? Almost all of the students
kept silent. It seemed that they did not understand what the teacher
said to them. Then AK said, Lihat gambar-gambar ini. Coba
tebak, kira-kira topik bacaan kita hari ini tentang apa? Some
students said,Tentang biodata Afgan . Another student
said,Tentang kisah Afgan. From the students answer, it seemed
that the students could guess well. They said that the topic of that
day was about the commit to user AK gave each student the copy
Afgan Syahreza. 59

of the text entitled Afgan Syahreza. Before the students read the
texts, AK reviewed descriptive text, she asked the students to recall
the generic structure, and the purpose; and the students could
answer well. They said, generic structurenya identification and
description, purposenya to describe something in particular way.
AK did the first step of numbered-heads-together, that is,
numbering. The teacher asked the students in group to count off.
Then the teacher did the second step that is questioning. AK
distributed the worksheet to the students. The students had to do
the text with their group. The function of the question is to check
how far the students can understand the material given by the
teacher, especially about reading a descriptive text.
The next step was heads-together. In this step, students
gave opportunity to discuss the questions given by the teacher in
their worksheet. The first task is about finding the word meaning.
AK said that one word has more than one meaning. So, they had to
choose the meaning that appropriate with the context of the text.
While the students discussed in group, AK moved around and
checked the students work. AK saw that some groups could do the
task well. However, other groups found it difficult to find
appropriate meaning of words based on the text.Then she moved to
explain the next task that was finding the specific and implied
information. AK said the students might found the question or
statement that had not been mentioned directly. So, they had to
think and used their background knowledge to answer the
questions. AK explain that students can find the important
information or main idea of the text through some questions (WH-
Questions). AK said that they had to discuss the task with their
team work so that they could understand the content of the text
well. Then Aulia asked AK whether in finding main idea, they took
the first sentence of to user
each paragraph. AK said that they could do it 60

but they had to check whether the sentences were the main
sentences or not. Almost all of the groups did the task well to find
the main idea of each paragraph in the text. They could finish the
task on the worksheet well.
The next step was answering. After all of the groups
finished the task, AK mentions the name of groups and group
numbers. The number called by the teacher had to raise their hand
and answer the question.AK called the number that they think
he/she is a passive Student There were some students who could
not answer the question well. So, AK asked the other group to
help those students. The teacher gave reward for the students who
gave the correct answer by said good or very good And Also
AK give some present for the student to make they have more
motivation. AK also said its not wrong but... for the students
who gave the unsatisfied answer.
After finished it, AK gives some questions spontaneously
about the text and chooses student to answer the question orally
and especially to the passive students to check their understanding
and AK will give them some reward to motivated them. Then AK
helped the students to make summary of the text

Before closing the lesson of that day, AK checked the
students understanding by using some reading comprehension
questions invidually and randomly. After checking students
understanding. AK asked them to collect the worksheet. Before the
time was over, AK summed up the lesson and asked the students
difficulties. The students said thet they likes the text on that day
because there were pictures so they could predict the content of the
text before they read it. When the time was over, AK closed the
lesson and said good bye. to user 61

a) The second meeting ( September12th , 2011)

The researcher (AK) and the English teacher (KK) entered
the classroom. The class situation was calm. After greeting and
checking students attendance, AK reviewed the lesson of the last
meeting. The students paid attention, then some of them said that
they wanted to study in group again to analyze the text but they
wanted short texts. Some students said, Kelompok lagi aja miss,
biar cepet selesai tugas-tugasnya. Kan bisa dikerjakan bareng-
bareng.kan asik juga miss bisa tukar pikiran Another students
said, Iya miss. Kelompok lagi aja miss, tapi bacaannya yang
pendek aja kaya kemaren, jadi cepet selesai. Then AK said that
they would study about descriptive text again.

Main Activity
AK showed some pictures to the students related with the
content of the text. She asked them to guess the picture and predict
the topic of the text that would be discussed. The students said that
the pictures were about the situation of Yogyakarta. AK asked a
student to anwer that question. The student said, Gambarnya itu
pasti deskripsi tentang keadaan kota Yogyakarta karena ada
gambar candi prambanan, banyak pantai dan kotanya kelihatan
bersih digambar. AK was very satisfied with her answer because
they guessed the picture correctly and better than in the previous
Afterward, AK gave each student the copy of the text
entitled Yogyakarta. AK did the first strategy of Think pair
Share, Students read the Yogyakarta text individually and
thought the answers of the questions (in the students worksheet)
related to the text (think). AK asked one students to read the text
loudly. While thecommit to user
students were reading the text, AK move 62

Arround and monitoring the students discussion.In pairs, the

students discussed the answers of the questions (pair). While
thestudents were doing discussion, AK monitored and guided the
students.The students explained their answers as the result of their
(share). AK asked the students Who wants to be a volunteer?
Yuk,kelompok siapa yang ingin maju? Nanti saya kasih
nilai plus sama ada hadiah sedikit dari saya.tapikalau tidak ada
nanti saya tunjuk.. David raise his hand and said saya mau
jawab miss,, dapat hadiah lho ya tapi And AK said OK, David
please answer it
.Then, AK pointed out the other groups to share their
answers.AK and the students discussed and checked the answers.

Before the time given was over, AK checked students
understanding by asking reading comprehension questions
randomly as usual, summed up the lesson, and reviewed some
difficult words. After all of the students understood the material of
the lesson, she closed the lesson on that day.

b) The third meeting ( September16th , 2011)

In the third meeting, post test 2 was conducted. This test
was conducted to know the students achievement in reading
comprehension after the action of cycle 1 was revised.

4) Observing or Monitoring the Action

While the researcher (AK) was implementing the action, the
English teacher (KK) observed all activities. The result is presented as
commit to user 63

a) The first meeting

In the fist meeting, the teaching learning process became
more effective than before. The students followed the teaching
learning process enthusistically. They were not shy anymore to ask
about the lesson if they did not understand it. In this meeting, AK
saw that there was good cooperation in each group. They helped
each other to finish the tasks and discussed the task actively in their
groups. AK saw that the students understood descriptive text. They
could mention the generic structure and the communicative
purpose of the text without seeing the notes again. The class
discussion was interesting. There were some opinions about the
text and also some argument about it. The class situation was rather
noisy but controlled. The number of passive students was smaller
than before. Almost all of the students spoke up because AK asked
them to give opportunity for the passive students. Although there
were some different opinions, they could concluded them together
and found appropriate answer. The class atmosphere was very

b) The second meeting

In the second meeting, the teaching learning process ran
really well. The students were active.. AK gave students the
worksheet and they could analyze the text and did the task on the
worksheet faster than before.
In this meeting, the passive students gave their contribution
to their group. There was no Smarter students domination and each
member had the same responsibility. They shared and discussed the
task together, solved the problems together, and consequently,
there was no difference between the good students and the poor
ones in their participation. The students also understood descriptive
commit to user 64

text because when AK asked about it the students could answer

well without seeing the notes anymore.

c) The third meeting

In the third meeting, post-test 2 was conducted. The result
of post-test 2 showed an improvement in students mean score. The
mean score increased from 75.34 in post-test 1 to 83.09 in post-test

5) Reflecting and Evaluating the Action

Based on the observation results, the English teacher (KK) and
the reseacher (AK) made a reflection on the result of the action in the
second cycle. The positive results of cycle 2 were as follows: (a) every
student always got ready during the teaching learning process; (b)
there was a change of behavior of some students, the passive students
became active; (c) every student could learn from others by having
discussion during the teaching learning process; and (d) it was easy to
understand a text by discussing with teammates.
By observing the result of the monitoring, the researcher
concluded that teaching reading by using Cooperative Language
Learning made it easier to the students to understand the content of the
text. They became more active in learning reading. The lower-ranked
students would be helped and informed by the higher-ranked students.
The higher-ranked members themselves got benefit too. When they
explained to the lower-ranked students about how to comprehend the
text, they understood more about it. In other words, all of the members
of the group even all of the students in the classroom learnt and were
actively involved in the teaching learning process. Students liked to
work together. The members of each group discussed to make the
correct answer in comprehending the content of a text. The added
commit to
media also made the students user
comprehend the content of the text more 65

easily. This resulted in a good result and improvement. The mean

score increased from 75.34 in post-test 1 to 83.09 in post test 2.
The English teacher (KK) and the reseacher (AK) decided to
stop the cycle because there are many improvements in students
reading comprehension, motivation,and also in the students learning
activity. There can be seen in the result of the action implemented in
cycle 2 showed good improvement of students reading
comprehension and students learning activity. From the result of
reflection, the reseacher concluded that Cooperative Language
Learning is a suitable technique to improve the students reading
comprehension in SMP N 3 Surakarta. It is important for the
researcher to know about the weaknesses of the students in learning
English, so they can design appropiate technique in the teaching and
learning process for a better result.

B. Research Finding and Discussion

1. Research Findings
After analyzing the research result which was gathered from several
sources of data such as field notes, research diary, pre-research observation report,
interview report, the scores of pre-test and post-test, photographs and lesson plans,
the researcher concludes several findings which answer the research questions as
stated in chapter 1.
From the obsevation results of cycle one and cycle two, it can be
concluded that Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) can improve students
reading comprehension for Junior High School students. This can be seen in the
improvement of students attention and participation in learning English and the
improvement of the mean scores of the post-test. The findings are presented in the
following table.

commit to user 66

The Finding Result

Table: 2 : The improvement of students reading comprehension
The Indicators Pretest Post Test 1 Post Test 2

Identifying Word Meaning 69.67 79.75 84.75

Identifying main idea of the 35.34 63.19 82.40
Finding detailed information 62.18 72.81 81.18
of the text
Finding implied information 60.87 79.97 84.36
of the text
Identifying the referent of 66.79 80.98 82.76
The mean score 58,97 75.34 83.09

Table: 3 :The improvement of students motivation

Aspect The beginning The end of The end of
cyle 2
of cyle 1 cyle 1
The Students The students Most of the All of the students
motivation felt bored, students were paid full attention
they did not motivated in to the teachers
have learning explanation. The
motivation to English. They class could be
learn English. paid attention to controlled and the
So that they the teachers situation of the
did not pay explanation. class was enjoyable
attention to and fun. All of the
the teachers students
explanation. motivation

commit to user 67

The students Most of the All of the students

were passive students were were active to
when the active to answer answer the
teacher asked teachers teachers questions.
questions. questions. But They answered
there were teachers questions
students who correctly,
were still voluntarily, and
passive. bravely.
The students The students There were no
just kept silent became more students who kept
during the active in group silent in group
group work. work, but there discussion. All of
were some the students
students who participated in
just kept silent group discussion.
during the They helped each
group work other in group
The students There were There were no
made noise, some students students who made
chatted and who made noise, chatted, and
disturbed the noise, chatted, disturbed the other
other students. and disturbed students. The
the other students could be
students during controlled.
discussion or
individual task.

commit to user 68

As seen on the table above, there are some improvements of students

motivation. Before the researcher implemented the action, the students were not
interested in the reading classroom. They also got bored during the teaching
learning process. The researcher tried to give new impression to reduce the
boredom in the teaching of reading. The researcher used Cooperative Language
Learning in teaching reading in which the students worked in group to analyze the
text to get deeper understanding about the content of the text. The teaching -
learning process shows an improvement, including students better attention and
participation in learning reading. They showed their contribution in the discussion
and participated well in the teaching learning process by giving some opinion and
asking information they did not know.
Before the researcher implemented the action, the students were asked to
read the text, to translate it by themselves, and to answer the question without
understanding the content of the text. The students could complete the task by
matching the sentences in the question with the sentences in the text. During the
implementation of the action, the students could learn reading in enjoyable
situation. The students could solve the difficulty in understanding the content of
the text by using discussion, all of the students were involved in the teaching
learning process so the number of the passive students was fewer than before and
clasrooms condition became more interactive. Even, there were no passive
students anymore, because they shared their knowledge to comprehend the
content of the text. If they were passive, they would not understand the lesson
material.Before conducting the action plan, the researcher held a pre-test. After
implementing the action, the researcher also conducted post-test in every cycle to
know the students improvement in reading comprehension.The result of the
action also showed that the students reading comprehension improved as shown
in the result of both the observation of students activities during the actions and
the results of the pre-test and the post-test mean scores. The pre-test mean score
was 58.97 increasing to 75.38 in the post-test 1 and increasing to 83.09 in post-
test 2.It can be seen in the table below :
The Improvement commit
of to
Students Score 69

Sub cycle Observation Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Kind of test Pre-test Post-test 1 Post-test 2
Mean of the students score 58,97 75.34 83.09
Increase of the students mean score 16.37 7.75
Based on the explanation above, it could be seen that the action hypothesis
is accepted. Teaching students by using Cooperative Language Learning can
improve the students reading comprehension.

2. Research Discussion
After the actions the researcher found positive findings. All of them will be
discussed as follows:
1. The students motivation improved.It can be seen from the explanations on
the table below :

Aspect The beginning The end of The end of

cyle 2
of cyle 1 cyle 1
The Students The students Most of the All of the students
motivation felt bored, students were paid full attention
they did not motivated in to the teachers
have learning explanation. The
motivation to English. They class could be
learn English. paid attention to controlled and the
So that they the teachers situation of the
did not pay explanation. class was enjoyable
attention to and fun. All of the
the teachers students
explanation. motivation

The students Most of the All of the students

commit to user 70

were passive students were were active to

when the active to answer answer the
teacher asked teachers teachers questions.
questions. questions. But They answered
there were teachers questions
students who correctly,
were still voluntarily, and
passive. bravely.
The students The students There were no
just kept silent became more students who kept
during the active in group silent in group
group work. work, but there discussion. All of
were some the students
students who participated in
just kept silent group discussion.
during the They helped each
group work other in group
The students There were There were no
made noise, some students students who made
chatted and who made noise, chatted, and
disturbed the noise, chatted, disturbed the other
other students. and disturbed students. The
the other students could be
students during controlled.
discussion or
individual task.
By implementing Cooperative Language Learning in each activity, there was
an improvement of students motivation in teaching and learning process. The
commit to user
students behavior changed. Before the research, the students felt bored and they 71

did not pay attention to the teachers explanation. After the research, the students
paid more attention to the teachers explanation and to the other students who
performed in front of the class. The studentsmotivation increased because they
enjoyed the lesson activity through Cooperative Language Learning. The teacher
gave a chance for the students to discuss and share their idea to analyze and
comprehend the reading text so that the students motivation can be increased. The
students motivation influenced students participation in teaching learning process. It
could be seen from the students behavior in learning process and in group discussion.
The students become more active. They answered teachers questions voluntarily and
bravely. They also were brave to perform in front of the class. During group
discussion, the teacher saw that the students participated in discussion, there were no
students who kept silent. They were not shy to share their idea or their opinion in
group discussion. They also asked to other friends when they faced the difficulties.
They become more cooperative to finish the group work. They were also more
enthusiastic to be the best in group or in individual task. Because the teacher
promised to them that she would gave present for the students who got high score.
They have inner desire to perform in front of the class and to answer the teacher
questions voluntarily and bravely. So that, they engage in the lesson. They become
more active in group work or in individual task. Because they felt enjoy and wanted
to learn. Besides that, they also got the pushes from their surroundings to change in
lesson. That was, the pushes from the teacher, the teacher gave present for them who
got high score in lesson. As stated by Elliot et al (2002: 233) that there are two types
of motivation that are: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic
motivation is the desire of students themselves to learn, without the need for external
motivation. When motivation generates interest and enjoyment, and a reason of
performing the activities lies within the activity itself. This indicates that the
motivation comes from the learners needs, wants, and desires for their own purpose.
This motivation exists when the learner learns because of an inner desire to
accomplish a task successfully, whether it has some external value or not. While
extrinsic motivation is rewards and inducements external to students such as scores,
prizes, and other rewards. Students reason for doing an activity is to gain something
outside the activity itself, such as getting to user
best score, obtaining financial rewards. 72

It also stated in Crandall, 1999 and Kagan 1995 in Zhang Cooperative Language
Learning creates natural, interactive contexts, where students listen to each other,
ask question, and clarify issues. Group interaction assists learners in negotiating
for more comprehensible input and in modifying their output to make it more
comprehensible to others.
2. The improvement of the students reading comprehension. The students could
learn reading easier than before the actions. They could comprehend the content of
the reading texts easily. It was because Cooperative Language Learning involved
interaction of each learners to share their differnt point of view about the content of
the text so that they can analyze the text easily. It means that it is through language
that learners come to understand ideas. In delivering ideas, students need to share
and discuss with their freinds , and through this way, students reading
comprehension can be improved since the purpose of cooperative learning itself is
students interaction or to make share and discuss with the others.It is supported by
Olsen and Kagan , 1992:8, Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity
organized so that learning are depend on the socially structured exchange of
information between learners in groups and in which each learner is held
accountable for his or her own learning and motivated to increase the learning of
The increasing motivation influenced the students achievement. Ur (1998:
274) states that motivation very strongly related to achievement in language
learning. Based on the result of the pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, it can be
seen in the following table that students reading comprehension improved.
Based on the explanation above, it can be stated that the use of
Cooperative Language Learning could improve students reading comprehension.
It can be seen from the increasing of the students achievement. Besides, by
implementing Cooperative Language Learning, students motivation could be
increased too. The students are motivated to learn English because the texts are
meaningful and related to the students daily life. The students also paid more
attention in teaching and learning process and they were active in the class.
commit to user


A. Conclusion
Having analyzed the result of the research findings of the implementing of
Cooperative Language Learning to improve students reading comprehension of
the eighth grade students of Junior high School, the researcher could make some
conclusions. The conclusions answer of the research problems. The following are
the explanation of the conclusions:
1. The improvement of the students reading comprehension
Cooperative Language Learning ( CLL ) can improve students reading
comprehension. The improvement can be identified from students reading
comprehension achievement in finding word meaning,finding main idea,
finding detailed information, identiying implied information, identifying the
referent. The result score of pre-test is 58.97 the mean score of post-test 1 is
75.34, and the mean score of post-tes 2 is 83.09.
2. The improvement of the students motivation
Before conducting the research, the students have low motivation. They did
not want to learn English because they thought that English is a difficult
subject matter. They did not focus during the lesson, they chatted and
disturbed their other friends during the lesson. Besides, the way the teacher
delivered the material was still using the conventional method. The material
also was taken only from the LKS, sometimes from the book. It made the
students felt bored during the lesson. After conducting the research by
implementing Cooperative Language Learning in each activity, there was an
improvement of the students motivation in teaching and learning process. The
students behavior changed. The students motivation increased because they
enjoyed the lesson activity through Cooperative Language Learning. They
become more focus to the lesson, they paid full attention when the teacher was
explaining.The students motivation influenced students participation in
teaching learning process. It commit to user
could be seen from the students behavior in

73 74

learning process and in group discussion. Before conducting the research, the
students were passive, only some students who were brave to answer the
questions from the teacher. In group discussion, they just kept silent. After
conducting the research, the students motivation increased and it influenced
students participation. The students become more active in learning process.
They answered teachers questions voluntarily and bravely. They were also
brave to perform in front of the class voluntarily. In group discussion, the
teacher saw that there were no students who kept silent. They did not shy to
share their idea or their opinion in group discussion. They also asked to their
other friends or to the teacher when they faced the difficulties.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the use Cooperative
Language Learning can improve students reading comprehension and the
students motivation. The class situation could be controlled. It made the class
situation more enjoyable and fun.

B. Implication
To improve students reading comprehension, it is important to implement
an appropiate method and technique in teaching and learning process. In this
action research, the teacher found the students difficulty in comprehending the
reading text and they were not willing to participate during the teaching learning
process. They tended to be passive learner because the teacher did not involve all
students to participate during the teaching learning process. They had no interest
and motivation to learn in reading classroom. Therefore, Cooperative Language
Learning is an appropiate technique that can be used by the teacher in teaching
reading to solve these problems.This action research showed that Cooperative
Language Learning can improve students reading comprehension.
The effect of using Cooperative Language Learning in the teaching and
learning process is that students become active in learning. In this research are
proven that the teaching learning process cannot run well when the students are
passive. Thus, every teacher should create a situation where she or he is not the
commit to user 75

only source of knowledge. Teacher must not dominate the teaching learning
process. They must involve all of the students in the learning process.
By using Cooperative Language Learning, students learn best because
students will learn by themselves, learn more, feel more confident, feel more
dedicated, enjoy the class, teach others and become independent learners. They
are actively involved in the learning experience and also they personally learn
from other students who also learn the same thing. They can share their opinion ,
have more discussion with their friends, consult the dictionary to know the
meaning of difficult words, so they will be critical and convenient. When the
students are active in the language teaching learning process, they will get good
undersanding on the language they learn.

C. Suggestion
Based on the experiences of the researcher during the action research, the
researcher proposes some suggestions for the betterment of students reading
comprehension as follows:
1. For the teacher
a. The teacher should know how to enhance their ability in teaching and to
develop a good atmosphere in the class, so that the students learn easily and
comfortably in their class.
b. The English teacher can use Cooperative Language Learning as an
alternative technique in teaching reading and he or she must be creative to
use it in order that the students are interested and are not bored in the
teaching and learning process.
2. For the students
a. Students who are taught by using Cooperative Language Learning should be
active and creative in learning reading and comprehending texts. English as
a second language seems difficult to learn if there is no willingness and
motivation to learn it.
b. Students in general should encourage themselves to learn more, ask what
they do not know and learn commit
as muchtoasuser
possible. 76

3. For the institution of Education

An institution of education should be provided with appropiate
facilities in order to support the teaching and learning process especially in
learning English, so that the teaching and learning process can run effectively.
4. For the other researcher
a. The other researchers can get a valuable experience which can be used for
doing a better action research in the future.
b. The other researchers can use this research as additional resouces to conduct
research about reading comprehension.

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