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Q: What is LRMDS?
The Learning Resources Management and Development System(LRMDS)
is designed to support increased distribution and access to learning teaching and
professional development resources at the Region and School/Cluster levels of
The LRMDS provides access to equality resources from the Region
Divisions,Cluster/School level ;including
information on quantity and quality and location of
textbooks and supplementary materials and cultural
expertise, access to learning,teaching and professional
development resources in digital format and locates
resources in print format and hard copy.
standards,specifications and guidelines for assessing&
evaluating acquiring& harvesting,modification,development
and production of resources
It is also a quality assurance system providing support to DepED Regions Division
and Schools in the selection and acquisition of quality digital and non=digital
resources in response to identified local educational needs.
Q: Why cant I doWnload any
Make sure you are logged in to the portal if not may click on the Login link on the
right side of the main menu. If you are not registered yet please see topic on
creating new account .

Q: I am already logged in to
the portal, how come I still
not able to download all
If you trying to download restricted resources such as Teaching Guides Test or
Assessment you must be logged in to the portal using DepEd e-mail account.
Q: What is the difference
between LR portal and LRMDS?
The Learning Resources management and Development System(LRMDS)
comprises four integrated sub-systems designed to support increase distribution
and access to learning and professional development resources at the
Region,Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED. The whole system covers the

* Assessment and Evaluation

* Development,Acquisition and Distribution
* Storage and Maintenance
* Public and Delivery

While LRMDS covers all these components, the LR Poretal on the other hand is a
web based catalogue and repository of learning,teaching and professional
development resources.It functions as a clearinghouse.That is,it provides
information about the location ofresources(hardcopy and softcopy) and allows
users of the system toaccess directly digitized versions of resources that are
published and stored within the LRMDS repository.It is also a quality assurance
system providing support to DepED regions,Divisions and Schools in the selection
and acquisition of quality digital and non digital resources in response to identified
local educational needs.
Q: What should I do if I wish to
upgrade my current account as
Deped personel to be able to
download restricted
You need to get first a DepEd e-mail account.You may get it by clicking here

Q: How can I share my own
learning resources?
You may contact Bureau of Learning Resources Department of Education Complex
Meralco Ave .Pasig City, NCRP (02)634-1072
Q: What should I do ,if I clicked
on the activate button and
nothing happened?
Copy and paste the entire URL,provided on the message
to your browser.

Q: How do I create a deped

e-mail account?
Copy and paste the entire URL,provided on the message
to your browser.
Q: what should I do if I
forgot my password?
You should reset you

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