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Is your family guilt about the problem that you get? Why your decisions
can damage your family? In the world has many teenagers, but the
following real story based on real facts that happened in little town and
I knew well every problem which he suffered to overcome the addiction
to marihuana and illegal groups.

In little town was born a child, who was my classmates brother.

Her parents was very well-known in my house, since Carlos was a
little child he was problematic in the school and he was the best
soccer player in my town also. After his father died, he became a
teenager and he became part of group of gangster in which he sold and distribute the
marihuana in the town, personally I saw him smocking every moment of the day in
spite of the advice of his mother, she could not control him because he left the home all
the day for smocking although he was hard worked, but, he became addictive and for
whatever thing which he made such as in playing soccer, working, resting or whatever
other activities.

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