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Tobias lvarez Di Desidero

Level D, Juan Jime nez

Nobel Peace Prize

English journal

There are 259 candidates for the Peace Nobel, 50 of them are organizations
Says the Nobel foundation. Here are four of the most likely contenders for
this Peace Nobel.
Malala Yousafzai is a 16 year-old Pakistani activist who was shot in the head
two years ago for her high profile campaign on encouraging girls to go to
school. She was operated for treatment in England, where she currently lives
and attends to school. On July 2013, she gave a speech at UN in which she
spoke about worldwide access to education. July 12 th is her birthday, and is
also dubbed by the UN; Malala day. One of her many abilities is writing and
blogging. She is a hard worker and studies a lot.
The next most important candidate is Lyudmila Alexeyeva. She is one of the
oldest human right activists in Russia. She opposes the punitive regulations of
the Russian government, such as the bill prohibiting homosexual propaganda.
She was born the 20th of July 1927 in Ukraine. She is also a founding member
of a humans rights watch group. At her age, she still goes and assists at
protests and has a very energetic soul.
Another probable candidate for this Nobel Peace prize is Edward Snowden.
He used to work as a computer specialist for the CIA and the NSA. He is
currently a fugitive living in Russia. Snowden's revelations about the United
States government mass surveillance programs had 'helped to make the
world a little bit better and safe". He was born on June 21 st 1983, many people
call him a hero, a patriot while others call him a traitor and a man who has
caused grave damage to US national security. He is a very analytical and
intelligent person who understands the freedom of speech. And he defends
the right of knowing how your information is being handled.
The last person in this list but no the less important is Denis Mukwege. He is a
Doctor in the Republic of Congo, who has treated many women of gang rape
torture. He has treated more than 30000 rape victims. In 2012 he gave a
speech at the United Nations denouncing mass rape in the Congo and
criticising the international community for failing to act. He is now 58 and he is
strong man who has a lot of respect for the human body. He has no wealth
and helps others only for good.
My final thoughts on the nominees for this Nobel Peace Prize is that everyone
should help their own community in some way. There are many ways in which
we can help, we just have to work hard and do the best each one can do.
Personally, I would choose Denis or Lyudmila, they have been working for
many years, plus they are the oldest. Thats why I believe they both deserve
the Nobel.

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