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The name Pastos could be a translation of the language AWA that means scorpion people

, their Cosmo vision respect to the earth, is that the world is the center between heaven and
hell, and their productivity depends on the harmony that they have with each other.


This indigenous people lives mainly from agriculture the production of milk and wool livestock. The
territories located in the high parts produce potatoes, oca, corn, squash, arracacha, bananas, quinoa,
vegetables, fruits and minor species. T they grow bananas, coffee and sugar cane. They depend mainly
on family labor and community work . For sale they produce cheeses and other derivatives of milk, cane
candy and wool products like blankets and baskets of bejuco chiln.


They eat typical dishes like mazamorra,and drink chichaMazamorra is made with white corn,
milk and sugar or panela. And chicha is a fermented drink made in a clay pot with corn and pineapple,
sweetened with panela (hard brown cane sugar), also known as piloncillo.


Long years ago they spoke "pasto" similar to "aw " But this language became extinct and currently they
speak spanish.

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