Caracterizacion de Soft Materials

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Experimental methods for the characterization of the

frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of soft materials

Siavash Kazemirad,a) Hossein K. Heris, and Luc Mongeau
Biomechanics Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University,
817 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C3, Canada

(Received 14 March 2012; revised 5 March 2013; accepted 12 March 2013)

A characterization method based on Rayleigh wave propagation was developed for the quantifica-
tion of the frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of soft materials at high frequencies; i.e., up
to 4 kHz. Planar harmonic surface waves were produced on the surface of silicone rubber samples.
The phase and amplitude of the propagating waves were measured at different locations along the
propagation direction, which allowed the calculation of the complex Rayleigh wavenumbers at
each excitation frequency using a transfer function method. An inverse wave propagation problem
was then solved to obtain the complex shear/elastic moduli from the measured wavenumbers. In a
separate, related investigation, dynamic indentation tests using atomic force microscopy (AFM)
were performed at frequencies up to 300 Hz. No systematic verification study is available for the
AFM-based method, which can be used when the dimensions of the test samples are too small for
other existing testing methods. The results obtained from the Rayleigh wave propagation and
AFM-based indentation methods were compared with those from a well-established method, which
involves the generation of standing longitudinal compression waves in rod-shaped test specimens.
The results were cross validated and qualitatively confirmed theoretical expectations presented in
the literature for the frequency-dependence of polymers. V C 2013 Acoustical Society of America.

PACS number(s): 43.80.Vj, 43.80.Ev, 43.20.Bi [PEB] Pages: 31863197

I. INTRODUCTION Characterization methods based on wave propagation

have been recently introduced to measure the viscoelastic
The viscoelastic properties of soft biomaterials and tis-
properties of soft materials (Catheline et al., 2004; Chen
sue are needed to understand their behavior in biological
et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2009; Nenadic et al., 2011a;
conditions. For example, the mechanical properties of hydro-
Nenadic et al., 2011b). For example, Chen et al. (2004)
gels used in cell culture and tissue engineering should
developed a method to calculate the shear elasticity and vis-
approximately match those of the tissue they replace
cosity of homogeneous materials through shear wave disper-
(Vanderhooft et al., 2009; Heris et al., 2012). The need to
sion ultrasound vibrometry (SDUV). Cylindrical shear
characterize the frequency-dependent properties of soft
waves at different frequencies were generated in a medium
materials is especially important in the field of voice produc-
using an ultrasound transducer. The propagation speed was
tion. The fundamental frequency of vocal fold vibrations can
determined from the phase distribution of the propagating
reach up to a few kHz in singing (Titze, 1994). Laser
shear wave. The complex stiffness of the medium was deter-
Doppler velocimetry of the human vocal folds during phona-
mined using the Voigt viscoelastic model. Chen et al. (2009)
tion has revealed significant vibration energy at frequencies
used a pulse echo ultrasound to perform SDUV in vitro in
up to 3 kHz (Chan et al., 2013). Therefore, the mechanical
bovine muscle. In vivo SDUV measurements were also per-
properties of vocal fold tissue and injectable biomaterials
formed in a swine liver using an intermittent pulse sequence.
used for vocal fold repair need to be characterized at fre-
In these methods, only the phase of the propagating wave
quencies up to 3 kHz. These biomaterials are mostly gel-like
was measured at different locations along the propagation
materials, thus standard measurement techniques such as
direction. The decrease in the amplitude of the propagating
tensile testing and dynamic mechanical analysis are not suit-
wave with distance, which takes place in viscoelastic media
able for mechanical characterization. Parallel-plate rheome-
due to dissipation, was not measured nor included in the
try has been mostly used to characterize the viscoelastic
model. Thus real values were obtained for the wave propaga-
properties of this type of materials (Chan and Titze, 1998;
tion speeds. The wave speeds and consequently the wave-
1999; Klemuk and Titze, 2004; Titze et al., 2004; Caton
numbers in viscoelastic media should be complex
et al., 2007; Kimura et al., 2010; Miri et al., 2012). This
(Borcherdt, 2009). In the end, an approximate rheological
method is limited to frequencies below 250 Hz, and thus
model was used to perform the regression of the measured
does not cover the entire phonation frequency range.
data to obtain the complex shear modulus of the medium.
This yields only a constant value for the shear elasticity and
viscosity over the frequency range of interest.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: In the present study, a novel model-independent charac- terization method based on Rayleigh wave propagation was

3186 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 (5), May 2013 0001-4966/2013/133(5)/3186/12/$30.00 C 2013 Acoustical Society of America
developed for the quantification of frequency-dependent For evaluation purposes, a third characterization method,
viscoelastic properties of soft biomaterials. Planar harmonic which involves the generation of standing longitudinal com-
Rayleigh waves were launched on the surface of a silicone pression waves in a rod-shaped test specimen, was adopted
rubber sample using an actuator. In contrast with previous from an earlier study (Park et al., 2003). The transfer function
studies, both the phase and amplitude of the propagating sur- between the velocities at the two ends of the sample was used
face (Rayleigh) wave were measured at different locations. to determine the complex wavenumber. The complex elastic
These two independent parameters were simultaneously con- modulus was calculated analytically from the measured com-
sidered in the modeling via the transfer function method, and plex wavenumber. The longitudinal wave propagation
thus complex values for the Rayleigh wavenumber (or prop- method was evaluated qualitatively via investigation of the
agation speed) were obtained at each excitation frequency. variations of obtained viscoelastic properties of silicone rub-
The complex wavenumber includes information about both ber samples by frequency, composition, and pre-tension. The
the propagation and dissipation of the wave at different fre- consistency and quality of the results, presented in the fol-
quencies. Eventually, the frequency-dependent complex lowing sections, suggested the use of results from this method
shear/elastic moduli were calculated using a dispersion rela- to verify the accuracy of the other two methods. Therefore,
tion obtained from the solution of the inverse wave propaga- the results obtained from the Rayleigh wave propagation and
tion problem. AFM-based nano-indentation methods were compared quan-
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a well-known tech- titatively with those obtained from the longitudinal wave
nique for imaging surface topography and capturing forces propagation method and cross validated.
with sub-nanoscale resolution. The atomic force microscope
can be used as a nano- and micro-indentor to characterize II. METHODS
the mechanical properties of materials. It has been used to
measure the local elasticity of soft materials including A. Rayleigh wave propagation method
hydrogels, living cells and soft tissues (Dimitriadis et al., 1. Theoretical background
2002; Mahaffy et al., 2004; Stolz et al., 2004). The
advantages of AFM-based indentation over conventional in- Rayleigh waves are surface waves which are confined
dentation and other techniques include (1) a greater signal- near stress-free boundaries in half spaces. They involve
to-noise ratio, required to capture indentation curves for very interactions between compressional and shear waves
soft materials; (2) dimensional sensitivity to characterize (Achenbach, 1973). To model their propagation in visco-
samples with hierarchical structures at different scales; (3) elastic materials, the medium is assumed to be linear, iso-
the ability to correlate topography with the local elasticity; tropic, and macroscopically homogeneous. The constitutive
and (4) the need for only a small volume of material, on the equations may be written as
order of few micro-liters; and (5) the capability for high ^
throughput characterizations. rij kxdij e 2^
l xeij ; (1)
One main challenge of using AFM for soft material
where rij and eij are stress and strain tensor components, dij
characterization is to identify the exact point of contact,
is the Kronecker delta symbol, and ^k(x) and l ^ (x) are com-
especially in the presence of van der Waals forces (Rahmat
plex, frequency-dependent Lame functions. These are deter-
and Hubert, 2010). These forces can induce non-contact
mined according to the relations
interaction stresses between the contacting bodies over dis-
tances on the order of a few nanometers. Contact stresses are 2 ^
kx Gx; (2a)
dominant for larger indentation depths, where non-contact 1  2
interaction stresses are negligible (Rahmat et al., 2012).
Models based on Hertz theory were found to be applicable l ^
^ x Gx; (2b)
for predictions of the relationship between indentation force
and probe depth, yielding errors of less than 2% (Rahmat ^
in which G(x) G0 (x) iG00 (x) is the complex shear mod-
et al., 2012). Dynamic viscoelastic properties can be meas- ulus, and  is the Poissons ratio of the medium. Wave
ured by applying sinusoidal indentation at higher frequencies motion in the medium is governed by Naviers equation
with small oscillation amplitudes (Mahaffy et al., 2004). (Achenbach, 1973)
AFM has been previously used to characterize the visco-
elastic properties of biomaterials and tissues through nano- q ^ r2 u k^ l
l ^ $$  u; (3)
indentation. However, the accuracy of this method has not @t2
been carefully tested over other independent dynamic mea- subject to the appropriate boundary conditions. Here, q is
surement methods. Therefore, AFM-based nano-indentation the density of the specimen, and u is the displacement vector
was implemented in the present study to measure the visco- that can advantageously be expressed as the sum of the gra-
elastic properties of the same rubber materials tested with dient of a scalar potential and the curl of a vector potential
the Rayleigh wave propagation method through Hertz con-
tact theory in the frequency range from 20 to 300 Hz. Unlike u $/ $  w; (4)
wave propagation based methods, AFM allows of visco-
elastic measurements for very small tissue and biomaterial with the condition $  w 0. Because of the two-
samples in different media. dimensional nature of the problem; i.e., the translational

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials 3187
where e $  u r2 / k^c /:
The quantities / and w must satisfy the boundary condi-
tions on the surface of the medium. One proper set of poten-
tials is (Kundu, 2004)
/ A1 eik R x1 k1 x2 ; (9a)
w A2 eik R x1 k2 x2 ; (9b)

in which A1 and A2 are the amplitudes of the existing poten-

tials, and k^R is the complex Rayleigh wavenumber. Harmonic
time variation was assumed with the eixt factor omitted for
simplicity. Note that / and w decrease as x2 increases, which
satisfies the requirement that the Rayleigh waves must be con-
fined to regions near the medium surface. Substitution of
Eq. (9) into Eq. (5) yields
FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic of the Rayleigh wave propagation concept. 2 2
The interactions between compressional and shear waves propagating inside k12 k^R  k^c ; (10a)
the medium cause Rayleigh waves near stress-free boundaries. Because of
the dissipative behavior of the medium, the amplitude of the propagating 2 2
surface wave decreases with distance. k22 k^R  k^s : (10b)

invariance of the problem geometry along the x3-axis of the

The specific boundary conditions that need to be satis-
coordinate system (see Fig. 1), we may assume w (0,0,w).
fied on the stress-free boundary (i.e., at x2 0) are r12 0
Applying the above decomposition, Eq. (4), into Eq. (3)
and r22 0. Consequently, utilization of the stress relations
allows separation of the governing equation of motion into
in the boundary conditions yields
the classical Helmholtz equations
^ ^
2 ^ 2iA1 k1 k^R eik R x1 k1 x2 A2 k22 eik R x1 k2 x2
r k^c / 0;
(5a) 2 ^
A2 k^R eik R x1 k2 x2 0; (11a)
r2 k^s w 0; (5b)
^ ^
k^ 2^
l A1 k22 eik R x1 k1 x2 iA2 k^R k2 eik R x1 k2 x2
where the quantities / and w are the compressional and the ^ 2 ^ ^
^ ik R x1 k1 x2  iA2 k^R k2 eik R x1 k2 x2 0:
kA1k Re
shear wave potentials (Graff, 1975). The complex wavenum-
bers, k^c and k^s , are expressed as (Graff, 1975) (11b)

x x x x Manipulation and simplification of Eqs. (11a) and (11b)

k^c q ; k^s p ; (6) lead to the following dissipation equation, ensuring nontri-
c^c c^s l
^ =q
k^ 2^ l =q vial solutions for A1 and A2:
in which c^c and c^s are complex compressional and shear 2 4 2 n2
2  n  161  n 1  2 0; (12)
wave speeds, respectively. The relevant displacement com- j
ponents in a Cartesian coordinate system are expressed in
terms of these potentials through where
@/ @w  2 !2
u1 ; (7a) 2 c^c k^s k^ 2^
l 2  2
@x1 @x2 j (13)
c^s k^c l^ 1  2
@/ @w
u2  ; (7b) and n k^s =k^R .
@x2 @x1
The Poissons ratio of the silicone rubber, , was
and the corresponding stresses in the viscoelastic medium are assumed to be 0.4 (Zorner et al., 2010). It can easily be
shown that if n nR < 1, then k1 and k2 are real values. In
@u1 ^ this case, a Rayleigh wave with a velocity c^R nR c^s propa-
r11 2^
l ke; (8a)
@x1 gates near the free surface of the medium. From the
Rayleigh wavenumber, and after substitution of Eq. (9) into
@u2 ^ Eq. (7), the displacement components at the free surface of
r22 2^
l ke; (8b)
@x2 the medium (x2 0) are obtained as
@u1 @u2 ^ n2R ik^R x1
r12 l
^ ; (8c) u^1 ix; x1 ik R A1 3  e ; (14a)
@x2 @x1 2

3188 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials
FIG. 2. (Color online) Schematic of
the test setup for the Rayleigh wave
propagation experiments. A linear ac-
tuator was used to produce planar
Rayleigh waves on the surface of a
rubber sample. The sample is fixed to
the superior surface of an optical ta-
ble to minimize extraneous disturban-
ces. The input vibrations of the
actuator and the motion of the sample
surface were measured using an ac-
celerometer and a laser Doppler vi-
brometer, respectively.

2 2
2k^R  k^s ik^R x1 B. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
u^2 ix; x1 ik1 A1 1 e : (14b)
2k1 k2 The experiments were performed using a Veeco multi-
mode atomic force microscope with a NanoScope V control-
ler. Thin layers of silicone rubber samples were fabricated
2. The transfer function method on microscope glasses. The thickness of the samples was
approximately 30 lm. Stiff and soft colloidal probes were
A schematic of the experimental apparatus designed and used. The stiff probe had a silicone cantilever with a nominal
built to investigate the Rayleigh wave propagation method is spring constant of k 1.79 N/m and a polystyrene spherical
shown in Fig. 2. An actuator connected to a shaker was used tip of 10 lm radius. The soft probe had a Si3N4 cantilever
to generate a planar Rayleigh wave on the surface. The actua- with a nominal spring constant of k 0.06 N/m and a poly-
tor motion was measured using a PCB accelerometer attached styrene spherical tip of 4.5 lm radius. The probes were pur-
to the shaker. The sample surface motion was measured with chased from Novascan Technologies, Inc. (Ames, IA). The
a Polytec laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV). The amplitude deflection sensitivity of the piezoelectric actuator was
and phase of the propagating waves were measured at several defined by probing the hard surface of the glass substrates.
locations along the propagation direction. The real and imagi- The spring constant of the soft tip cantilevers was calibrated
nary parts of the Rayleigh wavenumber, k^R k  ci, were using the thermal noise method. The spring constant of the
calculated from the transfer function between the vertical dis- stiffer probe was calibrated using an indirect method (Sader
placements, u2, at two different locations along the propaga- et al., 1999).
tion direction, x1, on the surface of the sample, as Figure 3 shows a schematic of the AFM operating in con-
^ tact mode. A constant voltage was initially applied to the pie-
jHixj ecL ; (15a)
zoelectric actuator to move the probe to a specific indentation
u kL; (15b) depth. Subsequently, an input triangular waveform voltage
signal of small amplitude with a fundamental frequency rang-
where L is the distance between two locations on the surface ing from 1 to 300 Hz was applied to the piezoelectric actua-
of the sample (i.e., x21  x11 L), and jHixj and u are the tor, causing oscillations of the cantilever of the AFM probe at
amplitude and phase of the transfer function which is defined the same frequency. The output voltage signal, which indi-
as cated the cantilever deflection, was recorded using photodio-
des that capture the laser beam reflected from the cantilever.
u^2 ixjx1 x21
Hix ^
jHixje iu

u^2 ixjx1 x11
ik^R x21 x11 ^
e eik R L ecL eikL : (16)

The shear wavenumber was obtained from Eqs. (12) and

(13) in terms of the Rayleigh wavenumber. Finally, the com-
plex shear and elastic moduli and the loss factor of the me-
dium were calculated from

x2 q FIG. 3. (Color online) Schematic of the operation of the AFM in contact

G^ 2 ; (17a) mode. The base of the cantilever oscillated within the amplitude range of
k^ s 1030 nm and the frequency range of 10300 Hz. The material response to
the oscillatory deformation resulted in deflection of the cantilever. This was
E^ 21 G^ ; (17b) measured using a laser beam reflected from the back of the cantilever to a
photodiode detector. The amplitude of the cantilever deflection is correlated
with the dynamic elastic modulus of the indented material. The phase differ-
E00 G00 ence between the input triangular signal and cantilever deflection was used
g 0 : (17c)
E0 G to measure the loss modulus of the material.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials 3189
The indentation depth was calculated from the input and out- C. Validation
put signals, and the applied force was calculated from the out-
A longitudinal wave propagation method was imple-
put signal. The measurements could only be performed at
mented for evaluation purposes. A schematic of the experi-
frequencies up to 300 Hz due to hardware limitations. The
mental apparatus is shown in Fig. 4. Rod-shaped samples
frequency of excitation can be extended to several kHz using
with a square cross-section were attached at one end of a PCB
an additional module. High frequency characterization using
accelerometer, which was connected to a linear actuator. The
the AFM will be the subject of future work.
actuator generated longitudinal compressional waves in the
The Hertzian contact theory was used to extract the
sample at a known frequency. A LDV was used to measure
viscoelastic properties. The model relates the deformation
the velocity of a lumped mass attached to the other end of the
force to the indentation depth. The Hertz formulation for
sample. The effect of the attached mass on the vibration of
spherical tips was used (Mahaffy et al., 2004)
the sample was taken into consideration through the use of
the appropriate boundary conditions in the analytical model.
F KR0:5 d1:5 ; (18) In this method, a standing longitudinal compression
wave is considered. A uniform displacement is assumed in
where R is the radius of the tip, d is the indentation depth,
the direction transverse to that of wave propagation (Pritz,
and K, which depends on the Youngs modulus, E, and the
1982; Madigosky and Lee, 1983). The solution of the longitu-
Poissons ratio, , of the cantilever, is defined as
dinal wave propagation problem with appropriate boundary
4 E conditions relates the measured transfer function to the imagi-
K : (19) nary and real parts of the wavenumber through (Pritz, 1982)
3 1  2
( )  
This model is valid if the indenter shape is paraboloid 1 M
Re cosh aL cos bL
and the indentation depth is less than 10% of the sample ^
Hix m
thickness (Mahaffy et al., 2000). To carry out the frequency-
 aL sinh aL cos bLbL cosh aL sin bL;
dependent measurements, an oscillation signal (f > 10 Hz)
with low amplitude (d* 1030 nm) was fed to the piezo- (22a)
electric actuator, which was connected to the base of the can- ( )  
tilever. The sample deformation amplitude and phase was 1 M
Im sinh aL sin bL
measured to determine the viscoelastic properties of the sam- ^
Hix m
ple. The total indentation, d, was calculated from  aL cosh aL sin bLbL sinh aL cos bL;
d d0 d eixt ; (20) (22b)

where k^l b  ai is the complex wavenumber, Hix ^

where d0 is the static indentation depth.
^ ^
w0 is the transfer function between the velocity at
The force, F, in Eq. (18), was decomposed into a steady
the two ends of the sample, L is the length of the sample,
component, F0, and an oscillatory component, Fosc . The
and m and M are the specimen and termination masses,
dynamic complex elastic modulus was obtained at each fre-
respectively. The iterative Newton-Raphson method was
quency, f, from a Taylor series expansion of Eq. (18),
used to solve Eq. (22) to calculate the imaginary and real
1   2 F f parts of the wavenumber.
jE^spr f j p osc
 : (21) Based on the definition of the wavenumber, the
2 Rd0 d f
frequency-dependent relation between the complex wave-
The Poissons ratio of the silicone rubber under study, number and the elastic modulus may be written as
, was assumed to be 0.4. The characterizations were per-
x x2 q
formed for oscillation amplitudes of 10 nm (small amplitude) k^l ; (23)
and 30 nm (large amplitude). c^l E^

FIG. 4. (Color online) Schematic of

the test setup for the longitudinal
wave propagation experiments. A lin-
ear actuator produced longitudinal
waves in rod-shaped rubber samples
with a square cross section at a
known frequency. The vibrations of
the two ends of the sample were
measured using an accelerometer and
a laser Doppler vibrometer.

3190 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials
in which c^l is the complex longitudinal wave speed, propagation method and cross validated. Wave propagation
^ , and Ex
^ 0 experiments were repeated at least five times for each sam-
c^l E=q E x iE00 x is the frequency-
ple. AFM experiments were repeated three times for each
dependent complex elastic modulus (dynamic modulus) of sample. The mean value and standard deviation of the results
the viscoelastic sample, determined using were calculated. For wave propagation methods, standard
deviation values were too small to be shown as error bars in
x2 qb2  a2 2iab Figs. 58; thus they are presented in Tables I and II.
E^ : (24)
b2 a2 2
A. Longitudinal wave propagation method
The loss factor is proportional to the ratio of the energy
dissipated and the energy stored for dynamic loading (Lakes, Two samples with component ratios 1:1:0.5 and 1:1:1
2009). It was calculated as the ratio of the imaginary part of (i.e., part A:part B:silicone thinner) were used for the longi-
the complex elastic modulus to its real part as follows: tudinal wave propagation experiments. The specimens
dimensions, properties and attached mass values are listed in
E00 2ab Table III.
g 0 2
: (25)
E b  a2 Figure 5 shows the elastic modulus and loss factor of the
two silicone rubber samples. Measurements were done at
To minimize noise, the measurements were performed
independently at single frequencies. Small experimental
errors (i.e., noise) may cause large deviations in the meas-
ured viscoelastic properties (Park et al., 2003). Mechanical
vibrations were generated by the actuator and transmitted
through the set-up structure. This contaminated the LDV-
measured motion of the sample bottom, especially at high
frequencies. To address this problem, the LDV was
decoupled from the experimental set-up through the use of a
vibration isolation support. Because of wave dissipation
within the material, the length of the sample did not exceed
a few wavelengths to obtain a sufficiently high vibration sig-
nal at the mass end. With no external mass attached, the
vibration amplitude decreases exponentially with distance as
^ 1 eax2 x1 . The relationship between sample
^ 2 =wx
length and vibration amplitude is more complex when an
external mass is attached to the sample.


Homogeneous silicone rubber was used as the working
medium for verification purposes. Ecoflex 10 Platinum Cure
Silicone Rubber, one part A to one part B, was used. The
mixing ratio of these two parts was unity. Silicone thinner
was added to achieve a bulk modulus similar to values
reported for commercial phonosurgical biomaterials and
cadaveric human vocal fold cover; i.e., a few kPa over the
low frequency range (Chan and Rodriguez, 2008; Kimura
et al., 2010). The mixture was evacuated to remove air bub-
bles. Then, it was molded and cured at room temperature.
The cure time needed increased as the amount of silicone
thinner used increased.
In the following subsections, the results obtained from
the longitudinal wave propagation method are first evaluated
qualitatively versus trends reported in the literature for the
frequency-dependent properties of polymers. This is per-
formed through the investigation of the variations of
obtained viscoelastic properties of silicone rubber samples FIG. 5. (a) Elastic modulus and (b) loss factor versus frequency for two dif-
by frequency, composition, and pre-tension. Afterwards, the ferent silicone rubber samples using the longitudinal wave propagation
method. The results are for the case of zero pre-elongation in the frequency
results obtained from the Rayleigh wave propagation and range from 20 Hz to 4 kHz. : sample 1:1:0.5; : sample 1:1:1; - - -: regres-
AFM-based nano-indentation methods are compared quanti- sion for sample 1:1:0.5;   : regression for sample 1:1:1. (Regressions are to
tatively with those obtained from the longitudinal wave guide the eye.)

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials 3191
FIG. 6. (a) Elastic modulus and (b) loss factor versus frequency for a sili- FIG. 7. (a) Elastic modulus and (b) loss factor versus frequency for silicone
cone rubber sample with component ratio of 1:1:0.5 using the longitudinal rubber samples with component ratio of 1:1:1. The viscoelastic properties
wave propagation method. The results are presented for different pre- were measured in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 4 kHz and 80 Hz to
elongations in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 4 kHz. : zero pre- 4 kHz using the longitudinal and Rayleigh wave propagation methods,
elongation; : 3% pre-elongation; : 7% pre-elongation; : regression for respectively. : longitudinal wave propagation method, zero pre-
zero pre-elongation; - - - : regression for 3% pre-elongation;   : regression elongation; : Rayleigh wave propagation method; : regression for longi-
for 7% pre-elongation. (Regressions are to guide the eye.) tudinal wave propagation method, zero pre-elongation;   : regression for
Rayleigh wave propagation method. (Regressions are to guide the eye.)
frequencies up to 4 kHz with no external masses attached
(i.e., zero pre-elongation). The viscoelastic behavior of rub-
bers is highly dependent on their molecular entanglement net- the glassy region), only minor molecular adjustment and thus
work, i.e., the coupled configurational motion of neighboring energy dissipation can take place within the period of defor-
molecules (Lakes, 2009). The magnitude of rubber elastic mation. In this region, the mechanical behavior of the material
moduli depends on the configurational rearrangements that is similar to that of elastic solids (Ferry, 1980). As shown in
occur within the time period of one dynamic loading cycle Fig. 5, the addition of silicone thinner yields a lower elastic
(Ferry, 1980). The loss factor peaks at a frequency within a modulus at low frequencies (below 300 Hz), as expected.
region called the transition zone, during which an increase in Thinning also results in a slight decrease in the frequency of
frequency causes the material to undergo a transition from a the peak loss factor, which coincides with a lower point of
rubber- to glass-like consistency. The elastic modulus rapid elastic modulus increase. The elastic moduli of the two
increases rapidly during the transition, while the loss factor samples with different ratios are nearly equivalent at high fre-
decreases after reaching a maximum value. At frequencies quencies (above 300 Hz). This is consistent with the fact that
below the transition zone, polymer molecular chains move the viscoelastic properties in the transition region depend on
and slide alongside each other. At higher frequencies (i.e., in the rearrangements of sufficiently short molecular segments.

3192 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials
TABLE I. Standard deviation values of the measured elastic modulus (kPa)
using the wave propagation methods. The results of the longitudinal wave
propagation method are for the case of zero pre-elongation.

Frequency Rayleigh method, Longitudinal method, Longitudinal method,

(Hz) sample 1:1:1 sample 1:1:0.5 sample 1:1:1

20 0.764 0.355
40 0.665 0.453
60 0.729 0.250
80 3.007 0.518 0.267
100 2.589 0.543 0.282
200 3.119 1.222 0.623
300 2.145 1.533 1.402
400 2.400 3.016 2.277
500 3.282 3.842 3.683
600 4.550 4.274 4.033
700 4.623 6.060 5.720
800 5.805 5.905 5.938
900 6.432 7.586 7.575
1000 7.209 9.295 9.875
2000 15.86 27.17 42.99
3000 31.06 60.76 64.85
4000 52.17 110.7 115.9

at lower frequencies and therefore a greater elastic modulus

at high frequencies (above 300 Hz). This is because the
increasing pre-stress increases the viscoelastic relaxation
time (Ferry, 1980), which is inversely related to the fre-
quency of the peak loss factor. The segmental mobility of
polymer molecular chains depends on the fractional free vol-
ume. As the free volume decreases with pre-stress, the mo-
bility of the segments and thus the energy loss decreases
within the loading cycle period. As a result, the overall loss
factor decreased with increased pre-elongation.

FIG. 8. (a) Elastic modulus and (b) loss factor versus frequency for silicone TABLE II. Standard deviation values of the measured loss factor using the
rubber samples with component ratio of 1:1:0.5 using wave propagation wave propagation methods. The results of the longitudinal wave propagation
methods and AFM. : longitudinal wave propagation method, zero pre- method are for the case of zero pre-elongation.

elongation; : Rayleigh wave propagation method; : AFM, stiff spherical
tip, small amplitude oscillations (10 nm); : AFM, stiff spherical tip, large Frequency Rayleigh method, Longitudinal method, Longitudinal method,
amplitude oscillations (30 nm); : AFM, soft spherical tip; : regression (Hz) sample 1:1:1 sample 1:1:0.5 sample 1:1:1
for longitudinal wave propagation method, zero pre-elongation; : regres-
sion for Rayleigh wave propagation method; - - -: regression for AFM, stiff 20 0.0136 0.0182
spherical tip, small amplitude oscillations;   : regression for AFM, stiff 40 0.0121 0.0177
spherical tip, large amplitude oscillations;   : regression for AFM, soft
60 0.0120 0.0092
spherical tip. (Regressions are to guide the eye.)
80 0.0103 0.0084 0.0094
100 0.0120 0.0084 0.0096
Thus, the cross links between the molecular chains, and con- 200 0.0177 0.0186 0.0221
sequently the molecular weight or its distribution, do not sig- 300 0.0250 0.0265 0.0393
nificantly affect the viscoelastic behavior of the rubber at high 400 0.0358 0.0431 0.0362
frequencies (Lakes, 2009). 500 0.0490 0.0375 0.0372
The elastic modulus and loss factor of silicone rubber 600 0.0552 0.0311 0.0310
with a component ratio of 1:1:0.5 are shown in Fig. 6 for dif- 700 0.0657 0.0288 0.0291
ferent pre-elongations. At low frequencies (below 300 Hz), 800 0.0686 0.0218 0.0216
900 0.0731 0.0211 0.0210
the pre-elongation caused a small decrease in the elastic
1000 0.0744 0.0211 0.0204
modulus because of the strain-softening behavior of the ma-
2000 0.0628 0.0121 0.0171
terial. Greater pre-elongations caused the frequency of the 3000 0.0516 0.0108 0.0105
peak loss factor to migrate at slightly lower frequencies. 4000 0.0527 0.0098 0.0097
This resulted in inflection points of elastic modulus to occur

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials 3193
TABLE III. Sample dimensions, properties and attached mass values for the longitudinal wave propagation experiments.

Length Cross sectional Mass (m) Density q External mass #1 (M1) External mass #2 (M2)
Sample (L) [103 m] area [106 m2] [103 kg] [kg/m3] [103 kg] [103 kg]

1:1:0.5 75 36 2.92 1082 0.55 1.82

1:1:1 75 36 2.76 1007 0.55 1.82

B. Rayleigh wave propagation method from the longitudinal wave propagation method at low fre-
quencies. Significant differences were found at high frequen-
Silicone rubber with a component ratio of 1:1:1 was
cies. The amplitude of the propagated surface waves was
used for Rayleigh wave propagation experiments. Table IV
very small at high frequencies, and comparable to the rigid
shows specimen dimensions and properties.
body motion amplitude of the sample with respect to the
Figure 7 shows the elastic modulus and loss factor of sil-
mold, which was caused by the actuator contact force. To
icone rubber samples obtained from both experimental meth-
account for this motion, the vibration amplitude at locations
ods. Results from the Rayleigh wave propagation method
on the sample surface was measured far from the actuator.
were obtained at frequencies between 80 Hz and 4 kHz. The
The oscillation amplitudes at distant locations were almost
elastic modulus and loss factor values were found to be in
uniform and did not decay exponentially as do propagated
good agreement with those obtained from the longitudinal
surface waves near the actuator. Subtraction of the unwanted
wave method. The discrepancies were less than 10% for the
rigid body motion yields the imaginary part of the wavenum-
loss factor and 17% for the elastic modulus (except at
ber. The resulting loss factor values were then found to be
200 Hz). Silicone rubber with a component ratio of 1:1:0.5
closer to those obtained from the longitudinal wave method.
was also tested. The differences between the results from the
An error analysis was performed to investigate the sensi-
two methods were within the same range as for the previous
tivity of the results obtained from the wave propagation meth-
ods to the experimental errors from different sources such as
The amplitude of Rayleigh waves decreases exponen-
the data acquisition system, accelerometer, LDV, scale,
tially with depth. The rate of decrease is a function of fre-
Vernier, and so on. As seen in Table V, the maximum error
quency and of the viscoelastic properties of the medium at
was about 12% at the lowest investigated frequency, 20 Hz,
the frequency of interest. At higher frequencies (greater
for the longitudinal wave method. As the frequency was
Rayleigh wavenumbers) the amplitude of longitudinal and
increased, the error generally decreased for both methods and
transverse motions corresponding to Rayleigh waves gener-
was less than 1% at frequencies greater than 100 Hz. This is
ally decreases faster with depth. For example, the calculated
because the error in frequency measurements (x) was smaller
amplitude of the propagated Rayleigh waves in the silicone
at higher frequencies, where the sampling frequency was the
rubber sample under study at a location 1 cm below the sam-
same. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the measured vibrations
ple surface is about 28, 10, and 8% of that of the surface at
were greater at higher frequencies, which reduced the error in
100, 500, and 1000 Hz, respectively. The obtained overall
measured velocities and accelerations from the LDV and ac-
(bulk) mechanical properties are representative over a depth
celerometer. The errors were slightly smaller for the Rayleigh
commensurate with the Rayleigh waves penetration.
wave method, due to smaller errors in the sample dimension
It is noteworthy that the real part of the wavenumber,
and density measurements; i.e., samples had greater dimen-
calculated from the phase difference between any two loca-
sions and weights in this case. The errors were comparable for
tions from Eq. (15), was consistent. In contrast, the consis-
other silicone compositions and sample pre-elongations.
tency was not as good for the imaginary part, which varied
slightly for different measurement locations. To address this,
an exponential decay function was fitted to the oscillation C. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
amplitudes at several locations along the propagation direc- The viscoelastic properties of a silicone rubber sample
tion. The imaginary part of the wavenumber, which has a with a component ratio of 1:1:0.5 were measured using the
significant effect on the value of the imaginary part of the atomic force microscope at frequencies up to 300 Hz. The
complex elastic modulus and loss factor, was found through results were compared to those from the wave propagation
the combined use of this function and Eq. (15). The results methods, as shown in Fig. 8. The trends in elastic modulus
obtained using this method were in agreement with those and loss factor values obtained from AFM are in good agree-
ment with those from the wave propagation methods.
Variations were found in the results obtained from stiff and
TABLE IV. Sample dimensions and properties for the Rayleigh wave prop-
agation experiments.
soft tips. The oscillation amplitude also affected the results.
The average of the values obtained from the AFM-based in-
Length Width Height Mass (m) Density dentation method using different probes and oscillation
Sample [103 m] [103 m] [103 m] [103 kg] q[kg/m3] amplitudes (at each frequency) was compared to averages
1:1:0.5 102 51 51 288.6 1088
from the wave propagation methods. The differences between
1:1:1 102 51 51 268.2 1011 these values were less than 10% for the elastic modulus and
15% for the loss factor, except at 20 Hz where it was 40%.

3194 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials
TABLE V. Measured complex elastic modulus and the possible experimentally induced error (kPa) using the wave propagation methods. The results of the
longitudinal wave propagation method are for the case of zero pre-elongation.

Frequency (Hz) Rayleigh method, sample 1:1:1 Longitudinal method, sample 1:1:1

20 (8.898 4.059i) 6 (0.623 0.499i)

40 (11.34 5.025i) 6 (0.381 0.176i)
60 (12.54 5.794i) 6 (0.339 0.222i)
80 (14.61 6.714i) 6 (0.203 0.096i) (13.37 6.345i) 6 (0.225 0.070i)
100 (14.47 6.886i) 6 (0.164 0.080i) (14.10 6.835i) 6 (0.193 0.102i)
200 (23.33 11.32i) 6 (0.158 0.059i) (15.57 8.627i) 6 (0.115 0.092i)
300 (27.66 22.22i) 6 (0.149 0.068i) (28.05 22.07i) 6 (0.169 0.075i)
400 (43.47 31.42i) 6 (0.146 0.127i) (45.55 33.02i) 6 (0.172 0.146i)
500 (73.49 61.21i) 6 (0.211 0.177i) (73.67 54.83i) 6 (0.129 0.124i)
600 (90.07 60.07i) 6 (0.250 0.216i) (100.8 78.14i) 6 (0.277 0.240i)
700 (155.8 99.44i) 6 (0.324 0.246i) (143.0 104.2i) 6 (0.385 0.304i)
800 (186.6 128.1i) 6 (0.418 0.307i) (197.9 142.9i) 6 (0.474 0.377i)
900 (211.5 151.6i) 6 (0.475 0.368i) (252.5 177.3i) 6 (0.522 0.427i)
1000 (274.6 176.1i) 6 (0.558 0.434i) (329.1 224.8i) 6 (0.620 0.528i)
2000 (1192 600.7i) 6 (1.841 1.264i) (1433 819.4i) 6 (2.094 1.473i)
3000 (3001 1352i) 6 (3.097 2.853i) (3242 170.2i) 6 (3.525 3.250i)
4000 (5648 2642i) 6 (5.483 5.379i) (5795 2838i) 6 (6.255 6.179i)

The depths probed by the Rayleigh wave propagation stiffness of the softer beam is susceptible to 5%10% error
and AFM-based indentation methods are different. Thus these coming from the inaccuracy in positioning the laser beam at
two methods may not necessarily yield the same results for the trailing edge of the cantilever. This error is constant for
layered or anisotropic materials. The probing depth was gen- all frequencies. The inverse method used for the calibration
erally in the range of several millimeters (at high frequencies) of the stiffer cantilever is also susceptible to errors greater
to a few centimeters (at low frequencies) for the Rayleigh than 10% (Kim et al., 2010). Another source of error arises
wave propagation method, and few micrometers for the AFM from the measurement of the cantilever deflection. This error
method. However, the used silicone rubber was isotropic and is due to AFM hardware limitations. The sampling frequency
macroscopically homogeneous. Therefore, the results were of the force measurements could not be varied and was con-
comparable regardless of the depth probed by these methods. stant for a period of a second. The number of samples per
One of the main challenges of using AFM for micro- cycle at a frequency of 1 Hz was thus 1024, whereas it was
indentation is to identify the exact point of contact. only 64 at 300 Hz. This may explain the increased error at
Significant adhesion was observed in the force curve, which high frequencies.
may have caused errors in the measurement of the elastic The adhesiveness of the silicone-based samples caused
modulus. This may explain why the standard deviations of significant errors in the elastic modulus estimates. Preliminary
the results obtained from AFM were much larger than those studies on porcine and rat vocal fold tissue, however, show
obtained from wave propagation methods. A strategy of very small adhesion between the probe and the sample. This
backward curve fitting was used to extract the depth of con- suggests that the AFM based technique could possibly be
tact (d0) (Lin et al., 2007). applied without such adhesion problems for the characteriza-
The imposition of small oscillation amplitudes was not tion of the viscoelastic properties of tissue.
feasible for softer tips because of a low signal-to-noise (S/N) For biomaterials and tissue, however, the probe diame-
ratio. Therefore, the stiffer cantilever provided better results ter should be modified to obtain more accurate results. For
at low frequencies. At high frequencies, the sample material example, vocal fold tissue is very porous (pore size
became stiffer, requiring larger oscillation amplitudes to 510 lm) compared to silicone materials (<0.5 lm).
obtain a sufficient S/N ratio. Results from soft and stiff canti- Therefore, the probe diameter should be larger than 20 lm to
levers indicated that AFM-based indentation is sensitive to ensure representative data. Since the required force increases
probe selection and oscillation amplitude due to unknown with the diameter of the probe [see Eq. (18)], a stiffer canti-
forces and interactions at nanoscale. The loss factor trends lever (k > 1 N/m) would be needed.
obtained with larger oscillation amplitudes appeared to be
more accurate than for smaller oscillation amplitude. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
A stiffer cantilever with larger oscillation amplitudes
A. Conclusions
(30 nm) seems to be preferable. The errors for both the elastic
modulus and loss factor increased with frequency. One major A novel experimental method based on Rayleigh wave
source of experimental error for the AFM originates from the propagation was developed for the quantification of the fre-
force measurements. According to Hookes law, the force quency-dependent viscoelastic properties of soft biomaterials
depends on the stiffness and the deflection of the cantilever. at high frequencies. Soft silicone materials with characteris-
The thermal tuning method used for the calculation of the tics similar to phonosurgical biomaterials and cadaveric

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 5, May 2013 Kazemirad et al.: Viscoelastic properties of soft materials 3195
human vocal folds were used for evaluation purposes. The production is the characterization of viscoelastic properties
complex elastic modulus and loss factor were determined at of rat vocal fold tissue. Rats are commonly used animal
frequencies up to 4 kHz. An AFM-based nano-indentation models to study vocal fold biology and disease such as scar-
method, suitable for measurements of the viscoelastic prop- ring and its treatments (Lim et al., 2006; Welham et al.,
erties of small tissues and biomaterials, was also investigated 2008; Quinchia Johnson et al., 2010; Suehiro et al., 2010;
at frequencies up to 300 Hz. Gugatschka et al., 2011). Characterization of the viscoelastic
A well-established longitudinal wave propagation properties of rat tissue is difficult with other measurement
method was used to evaluate the Rayleigh wave propagation methods such as tensile and rheology testing because of
and AFM-based methods. This method was first evaluated small sample size. The AFM-based nano-indentation method
qualitatively. The influence of a static load and of the com- can also be used for the characterization of viscoelastic prop-
position of the silicone rubber was investigated, and yielded erties of the microgel particles used in injectable biomateri-
results in excellent agreement with theoretical expectations als (Heris et al., 2012).
for the class of polymers used. The results from the three
methods were then quantitatively compared and cross- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
validated. The elastic modulus and loss factor trends were in
This research was supported by the National Institute on
very good agreement with established dynamic viscoelastic
Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Grants No.
models such as the Havriliak-Negami model (Havriliak and
DC005788 and DC008290. The authors acknowledge the
Negami, 1966).
help of Professor Francois Barthelat and Dr. Meysam
Rahmat for their assistance with the atomic force micros-
B. Perspectives for future works copy measurements. Thanks are also expressed to Alayne
Moody for her help proofreading the manuscript.
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