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‘School Based Teaching/Leaming Experience W Charles Sturt Feedback Sheet University Teacher education Student uenrninrnnn orsener: Rina. Brith: date:..8/6//7 Schoo... COPQUO. tig... Ssnea Glaser Bteg6iV681E rue loninenrnens Leeming Area... Ceegcapla, mae . Focus of observation (negotiated with teacher education student): . Tope: -Hudada..laduced..Claange. Please tick the appropriate column using the following grading: Not Demonstrated (ND), Demenstrated (0), Exceeds Expectations (E. Please acd a comment to elaborate on your observations. they learn Standard/Deseriptor w]ole ‘comment Professional Knowledge: Grady Ores on Stodents Prior Knantacige ee anc aclclect bs it Of Celuen tools including Icr nia, a Waren Professional Knowledge: Know the content and how to teach it Fontashé examples providect fo demensirale clepth of content Professional Practice: Plan for and implement Grady had a variety OF teethir omen ene O8/e8|8 (| ‘supportive and sate earning environments o) g OF} ana earung achui es wel plarthect QO Stoctve taonng ana icrnng Grete and marin Demonstrated tha} he 13 elidiog TO doas he asked He Shdeak ao. xcelleat rok Meckling. | Professional Practice: feedback and report on ‘Aseess, provide Povicled SY ort Qnrd eColragemont ‘SSaiees o|g\o her Studeak te ac huely porkpoke continue vith ta~ ksgon Seamlessly. | srengneorsened The ability fo Qdclapt fo te Sihatior ancl ‘Areas for Further Development Gereaicarmens Grek Pagporh Clevelegment today. S Yudeals Gre vesponcling posihuely fo Yoo @s thar teacher. finalisation of the placement ‘Supervising Teacher/Observer: KR OQ ‘This feedback should be discussed with the teacher educetion student soon as possible following the lesson and signed by both to Indicate that this discussion has occurred. Teacher education student to retain a copy. Supervising teacher to retain a copy until Date: Q/ mn

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