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OUR PUBLIGATIONS (1) MOHINIVIDYA SADHANA AND SIDDHI- HINDU WAY TO HIDDEN POWERS. by: A. L. Bhagwat crease happiness. Most the first time in Book form. } Being with others and Being Price Rs. 10 (2) READ YOUR OWN PALM (Fully illustrated) by: A. L. Bhagwat Locates for the first time the positions of Harschel and eptune on the palm. The book was awarded first prize by the Bombay Astrological Society for the most original contribution to the Science of Palmistry. Price Rs. 10 3) HOW IS TODAY FOR YOU? _ by: A. L. Bhagwat Certain planetary forces are at work on the life of every person ona particular day, what these planets are and how they work on } life is fully explained in this book The Author had sly tested the contents for more than three years. Price Rs. 10 (4) ART OF PREDICTION by: S. K. Kelkar A real contribution to the art of prediction. Cre: astrology-Lore Price Rs. 18 (5) AUTO-URINE CURE by: R. V. Karlekar c esses by Auto urine treatment, Price Rs. 9 mar Series ) CURRENT ENGLISH FOR INDIANS INDIAN STUDENT'S GUIDE TO SPOKEN ENG. NGLISH IDIOMS by : Dr. Paul Verghese e designed as a guide to the study of ients. Price Rs. 5 for each book. sas BOOK Depot RANJAN PUBLICATIONS —2adar, Bombay-28. 18, ANSARI ROAD, NEW DELHI mee ACC ya Our Forthcoming FROM FLE! COWARDS SPIRIT A. L. Bhagwat HOW IS TO-DAY FOR YOU ? By A. L. Bhagwat, B.Com, CA Manager, Rajwade Bank Ltd. Dhue. Publishers Lee) Publishers : Shri Gajanan Book Depot Kabutarkhana, Bhawani Shankar Road, Dadar, Bombay 28. Bee ® 60-00 60-00. Cover + Artist Bandodkar, Bombay. 5 reserved by the publishers. Printers : M.S. Date 1835 Sadashiv Peth, Poona-30. Preface 1 am venturing to publish this book with the sole object of convincing the public that certain planetary forces are at work on the life of every person on a particular day. What these planets are and how they work on human life is fully explained in this book, Thaye taken great pains in fixing 3 primary and 3 secondary planets for every day. The pri- mary planets play an important role while the secon- dary planets only cast their shadows on human life. Tt would be presumptuous o say that every incident mentioned in the book ‘vill occur on that day, Mine is an honest attempt to locate 6 planets and from their qualities arrive at a fair judgement regarding the happenings on a particular day. I have rigorously tested the contents for more than 3 years before offering the book to the public, The book should prove useful to stock exchange fraternity, racefans and to persons engaged in other such activities. The author, however, does not commit himself and accepts no liability whatsoever in case persons doing business on the lines suggested in the book are put to loss. owe a deep debt of gratitude to Shri R. V. Raghuwanshi, proprietor, Shri Gajanan Book Depot, Bombay for bringing out this publication. Sincere thanks are also due to his press workers for the decent and quick work they have done. How to Find your Daily Number ‘At the beginning of this book, you will find four tables. The horizontal column at the top repre- sents minutes while the left hand vertical column represents the day of the week. To find out your daily number note the exact time in the morning spontaneously. Take into con- sideration only the minutes. Look for the table where the figure of the minutes is given. Then see the day of the week. At the junction of these two you will get your number for the day. For example, say it is Thursday. The time noted by you is 7-31 a.m. Ignoring hour number is 31. See table No. 3. You will ge number in the first horizontal column. Then look for Thursday. At the junction of these two, the number is 73. This is your number. Very easy indeed, 3 [45| 2! (35 [t7[ 4 > | 83 | 66 ee }» [3 | 14] 104 i 12 [13 | 14 {15 ai | 32 | 65 | 46 79 | 62 | 28 {jno8] 52 { 29 | 43 | 15 | 80 38 | 64 | 103 106 [7 [95] 57 | se] x |86|31| 8 9 | 36 [ 56] 77 75 { 30 | 92 | 20 | 44 [90 | 5 | 82 | 23 |105 9 24 [a7 | 87 [4s | 55 J | 2| 1 | 49 | 74 TABLE FIRST 6 7 |s |o [ 10 | ir | a1 | s8 | 76 45 Thursday s1|s0{ 7) 6 | or | 34 3 93 | 99 | 37 | 95| 59| | 4 to0| 19 | 78 | 61 | 33 [102/12 to1| 70 | 63 | 16 | 69 | 2 | 54) 8 ee 27 | 94| 72 10| 25] 98 Minutes ‘Monday Tuesday Weinesday | 51 | 18 | 96 | 26] 17 | 97 Friday Saturday Sunday | TABLE SECOND Minutes | 16 17| 18] 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24] 25 26 | 27 | 28 29 | 30 Monday [10 | 25] 98 [11 [at| a8 | 76 [7 | 85 |e [72 | 94] 27 Tuesday [95 | 59 | 604 fer] 22| s6| ar [se] 3 | 45 | [21 }37 | 99 | 93 Wednesday 26 | 17 | 97| 49 | 74] 9 [36 | 56 | 77| 6 [17) 40 || 8] 1 Thorsday ser] 4] 33 [75] 2092 a0| || | [0 ou Friday at 2 | IE 90 | 5 | 82 23 [105] 39 | 78 | 19 | 100 Sauraay | 16 | 69 | 2 | si] 24/7 [a | RL aloo (9) Sunday | 108 [|| 15 | 80 | 38 | 64] 103) 106] 14 [104] 28 | 62 | 79 ~ +3 el TABLE THIRD _ Minwes [31 [32] 33 34 35| 36 | 37] 38 39 | 40 | an | a2] 4 | 44 | 5 _ Mondey || at| 88 | 76 [7 | 85] 5 = | 72 | 94] 27 | 98 | 25 | 10 teeday | 4 | 87 | 22 86 | 31 58] 3 [5] 21[ 37 [99 [93] | 9 [95 Wednesday 49/74 \9 36 | 56) 77| 6 | t07| 40 | 96 | 18 | si [97 | 17 | 26 (4) Tmunday [73] 1 | 75 | 30 | 42 | 20 | 44 8 | 66 | 71 | 50 | 91 | 34] 67] 6 Fritey | 12 | 48 | 55] 90] 5 82 | 23 |105] 39 | 78 | 29 [100] 102] 33 | ot Saturday 54 | 89 | 24 47| 81 | 32] 6 46 | 13 | 63 | 70 j101] 2 [@] 16 ‘Sunday 43 | 15 | 80 | 38 | 64 | 103} 106] 14 | 104] 28 | 62 | 79 | 53 | 52] 108 TABLE FOURTH Minutes | 45 | 47 | 48 49 | 50 51 | 52 53 | 54 55 | 56 | 57 58 | 59 | 60 “Monday [7 | 85| 57 [38] 8 [72| ae oes jo [ae [auf Tuesday | 86 | 31 | 58 [3 [45 | 21 | 4 [99 | 93 | 60 | 59 | 95 | 22 | 67] 4 Wedaesday [oe [s6] 7 [os [or] [96] w [sor] mj] [74 | 49 Thursday | 30 | 42 | 20] 44 83 | 66 | 71 | s0| 91 | 34] 67 | 6 ae [73 Feidey | 90] 5 | 82 | 23 [105] 39 | 78 | 29 [100] 102| 33 | 19 | ss | 48 | 12 saturday | 47 si! 32| 65 46| 13 63 | 70 [1oi| 2 [onep |e Sunday ee 106] 14 | 104 28 | | 79| 53 | 52} 108 | 92 | 15 | 43 (8) ———— — Seo: i £8 BoE See o ga pa eel Ehiegc: eiggsEhie Fe gag Gbgi 2 sabi liga ee eee are tee Poed be 3 anhbe 8 a fs € £4 § eee ag 4 2ege8 o§ Bas Bae F q geeaek 3 agae td reebaa Wreetiesseg &© Poe 8258 get ediagt ies PERE spgirer hil setres oie ili SE g ¥ es BE aft iets ie a2 283 sae, 2 (Mars, Neptune, Venus } (Mars, Venus, Mercury ) ‘This is an extremely lucky day for you practically from 6 a. ‘m.to6p.m. In the moming you entertain optimistic ideas about your finances and may decide to try your luck in some deal, Family life is very happy and cheerful and you would be particularly im a gay mood with your wife. You will have a desire /. Your friend to 10 repay the loan before 10 I be disappointed when the postman passes your sing you a letter which you have been expect- to clean and arrange your room and make ‘whom you have lent money is likel a.m, You door without ing anxiously. This is a good day to wear new clothes o: to ckange your dress. Your meals will particularly be very tasty and you ‘are likely to over-cat. This day is particularly lucky for doing business om a grander scale, If you have a bull position in shares, gold or cotton unload half of your purchases and cover this sale throe days afterwards, when prices of these commodities go down, ‘Deal in Shipping Company or Rayon shares around 12 Noon. If you are ia service you will find the day without much work tor joy office hours, After 7 p. m. There is a of your meeting an important person, As this period Il be more pleasant than usual, Read some instructive book. Radio You will haye good sleep at night, Your day and you will by sun, evening ive you some important news. ucky numbers for the day are 2, 4 and 7. Auspicious periods are from 6 to 10 a, m, and 12 Noon to 3 p.m. Refrain from undertaking any new work or deal between 10 a. m, to 12 ‘noon. 3 ( Mars, Neptune, Mereuty ) ( Jupiter, Venus, Moon ) ‘The day begins with your waking from a) funny but symbolic dream. Unfortuaat this is a bit unfortunate day for ‘you, You will postpone or cancel an engagement scheduled for the morning. You are likely to fecl sad and morose during a major part of the day. Do not lend money to any person as the repayment will be delayed, On this day you to be left alone but some unwelcome calls from friends would disturb your ‘and will not enjoy your ‘meals. During busizess or office hours you will come across diffe- disturb you greatly. It would be to your advantage to postpone new business deals, or to reconsider old If you are in service you will find this day a tough one as the pressure of work would be too great fo bear. From 2p. im, onwards you will be relieved from the morning worries and begin to feel gay and optimistic. You are likely to enjoy your ‘evening with your family members at home. There is a pos ‘mind, You will lose your normal apy rent problems which propos: of old or pious persons visiting you, Some of your time spent in searching some old papers or a misplaced arti ‘are most likely to be more sentimental towards your dear children ‘and will play with them with love and affection, Your house ‘assumes a gay aspect in the evening. Some financial good luck is in store for you or you will get some gift from a friend, If you are a religious minded person, your devotion to God will assume great depth to-day and your prayers will be granted, You will thave a peaceful and undisturbed sleep at night, ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1,6 and 8, The Jucky hours of the day are 10 a, m., 3 p.m, and 5 p,m. © Any deal, proposal or contract made around this petiod should prove a great success, theme 4 = (Mars, Nep., Mooi) © (Suny Mercury, Venus) “To-day some incidence will happen which will make you fet “portant, If you are a waiter you will produce some inspited writing, You are likely to receive a cheque from an editor” of some magazine, For others also this is a fairly good day excepte ing aspect of health. You will feel a bit run down and will sffer from a bad headache, Other satters remain normal. If you ate a specular, this isa glovious day to go in long term investments. Do purchase cash list shares which will appreciate in value shortly to your great surprise. Refrain from doing any speculative or jobbing business, Give a holiday to speculative markets. ‘also holds good for business men who deal in other comm If you are a shopkeeper you will get few customers with big orders. Do not place a new order for fresh goods. AF you are in ikely to have to keep late hours, You will return feel blue service you a home quite tired and exhausted. You wi and out of sorts. Control, your mind and do not get excited, Go out for a night stroll The influence of moon will bring to your mind ima~ inary worties and you will fesl much depressed, The best way to overcome this malady is to utter God’s name and to offer him prayers. As this is only a transitory wave in the mind you need not med about it, You will have a disturbed sleep at ni ‘Your lucky numbers for the day are 5, 8, ‘and 9. Oat of this, number 9 will play an important roll. Your auspicious peri- ‘ods are from 6 t0 10 a, m. and 6{o 7 p. m. Something good is likely to happen during these hours. 5 (Mars, Venus, Sun) (Mercury, Venus,; Mars) In the moming you would'8é pondering over some unfor- tunate incident of the previous day and try to find out some remedy to straighten the situation. The morning is not well set. You will be unable to pay your grocer’s bill or the rent for the month. You ‘on the cot, close your eyes and watch the incoming and outgoing I suffer from constipation and flatulence. Lie down, ‘of your Breath, This will make your mind tranquil and normal. ‘You are likely to miss your bus or train while going to your place ‘of business or service. If you area trader, the day is fine for ‘sales in your shop. You will be very busy attending to your customers. Some of your long standing credit sales bills would be ‘paid by your clients. In speculation be tear operator for job= bing. Don't cover your sales in loss even if prices rise, They are sure to go down below your sales contract by the end of the you are trading in luxury articles and agricultural machinery and manure, ss a very good day for you to pocket a handsome commission, If you are a speculator in cotton in a big way, I should think you will remember this day as the most tucky day for the year. Buy at every small rise up to 4 lots. Sell out at the first decline and go home with your pockets full of Gold. Your night time would be much better than the morning. ‘You will hear a good music on the radio and_ will go to sleep peacefully Your auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 4, and 7. Out of this, 3 is the important number. The lucky period is from 1 p. m, to 2 p.m. 4, p. m. and 9 to 10 pan, 6 (Mars, Venus, Mercury) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) To day you are in a romantic and gay mood and desire to take french Ieave. Your wife will be unusually loving and caring for your comforts as she had a very dreadful dream about you, ‘She would be moved fo tears to see you hale and hearty. ‘There js all sunshine in the house. You ate disposed to be more pious ‘and a true devotee of God. Utter his name or read some religious book. Such days, when the memory of God makes you humble, are very rare. To-day you are destined to be a lucky person under the controlling planets of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. In office you will fel very happy. Your work will be appreciated by your Boss, If you are in bu jour position is comfortable. It is just likely that an in your shop as unsalable will have remain away from the market for the day. Evening will be fine feel a sense of comfort and well being. There is no- ial to record. You will have an urge to read some ‘work and will go to sleep peacefully. ‘Your auspicious numbers are 1, 4 and 6. The most lucky periods are 3p m. to 7p. m, and 9 to 10 p. m. An extremely Iucky day indeed. 7 (Mars, Venus, Venus) (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) ‘To-day you are likely to be worried about the health of some ‘one in the family. The morning time does not appear to be very promising. You are likely exhausted both mentally and . Try some breathing exercises, In family life, there is a possibility of some misunderstandiug between you and your wife. There is a possibility of your fan or Radio going out of order. lace as usual. If you are a shopkeeper you are likely stomers to-day. Some rich lady will buy from will cheer you. The day is bad for specula- a complete holiday to stock and bulk to loose a tidy amount, This day is ‘a lucky day for race goers as they are likely to hit the jack-pote ‘The best period to choose your horses is from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Té you are in service the day is normal. The evening time is particularly very pleasant for you, You will feel very cheerful and Ihappy. The day is suitable for purchases of fine and costly articles. ‘A couple with children will come to pay a visit and you will pass « good time in their company. Venus in an active form to-day ‘will make you feel more romantic, This is a day for balancing your accounts. You will be surprised to see that financially you fare in safe waters. Probably you will keep late hours and have a Tion markets. You are jous numbers for to-day are 1, 5, and 7. Out of ‘these numbers 1 and 7 will play some important role, Lucky hours are 4 p.m, to 9 p. m, During this period anything undertaken by you will be successful. 8 (Mars, Venus, Mars ) (Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn) Sie ‘This is a day on which you will have occasions to. show some of your martial qualities. You are likely to receive some letters which will disturb your mind. Do not be impulsive to ans- ‘wer but keep the letters in your drawers for a couple of days. ‘You will have an occasion to get angry with your servants or ‘washerman. There is also a po pleasant words about you from your neighbour. It will be better for you to observe complete silence. You will have bad appetite ‘and will not be in a mood to enjoy your food. After 12 noon the ‘whole outlook of the morning will change and you will begin to feel more cheerful and in good moods. The boss is likely to make personal inguries about you. For speculators the share ity of your hearing some un- ‘markets will pose a problem as prices will heavily swing on both sides, Try your luck in some bear jobbing. Prices of Gold and silver are likely to remain more or less steady. This is a good day for traders in edible oil, ground-nuts, or oil-cakes. Do enter in some contract to-day which will give you good profit wi short ‘ments, You are likely to be more extravagent in spending your ‘money over unnecessary articles of luxury. If you are interested in sports, the day will give you an opportunity to witness some such as cricket, tennis or football, You will feel more ‘optimistic at night and will have a normally good sleep. fod. The evening time will be spent in materiali ‘good mat Your auspicious numbers toxlay are 4, 5, and 8, Number 8 ‘has more significance. Your lucky periods ‘are from 10 a, m. t0 12 noon and whole of the evening. ne 9 (Mars, Sun, Jupiter) (Saturn, Saturn, Supiter) Se a i ae ‘The day is dominated by the ruling planet sun and as such ‘it i8 a very auspicious day for you, The morning time will be full ‘of sunshine and happiness in your family. This is a good day to perform some religious rites at home. Some books which you ‘might have lent to your friends and forgotten about it would be retumed by them to your great surprise. If you are a Government servant, be assured that this will prove alucky day for you. It right, be in the way of your grade, promotion or a transfer. For speculators, ths is a lucky day, Buy shares of Chemical Companies ‘They will give you handsome profits in the long run, Do not take to jobbing operations to-day as the prices of shares are_ likely to il seeds, caster seeds oF ‘groundanuts and are already a bull, unload some of your stock ‘and cover it after 3 days with good profit. Shop-Keepers who deal in superfine cloth, diamonds, radios and such other articles of ugury are likely to reap a good harvest to-day. This is a good day for placing new orders. If you are interested in races, a last mine ‘ute's change in your selection will give you handsome dividend, ‘buy some good flowers and offer them to your Light some jost candles and go in meditation for some time, You will get some new ideas which if translated into ‘actioo will give you some financial lift in the near future, ‘remain steady. If you are dealing in. ‘Your auspicious numbers for to-day are 0, 1 and 4, Number “4 has more significance. Your lucky period is practically the whole vof the day. 10 (venus, Sun, Saturn) (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) If you are recently married, to-day your wife will have a Jove-quarel with you. Do not be disturbed as it is only a passing cloud. This is a good day for some financial improvement for you. Ifyou are a poet or a story writer, hurry up with your work in hand and mail it to your editor. You will have produced a supreme picce to-day. To-day you will be whistling with joy and enthusiasm. If you have a camera do some work with it. It is likely that you will get hold of some beautifully illustrated magazine. During office hours you are likely to be niek-named a saint. You Iucky day. Do not enter into bear operat is specially favourable for book-sellets, writ doing intellectual work. If you are t trond of prices will inspire confidence in you. Do not sell or buy to-day, The evening time however would be extremely dull and ‘uninteresting. Might be you will have to stay Before going to bed read some religious book for peace to your mind. Your auspicious numbers are 1, 3, and 4. Number 3 has more significance. The lucky period is from 8a.m. to 2 p.m. Abstain from doing any work at night. TL (Venus, Sun, Saturn) (Jupiter, Mars, Venus’) Even though the controlling planets of the day are the same day for you in your daily routine, Ther ing ill suddenly. You will be in hs will hear about some accident in the neighbourhood. You go to your office with heavy heart and a cheerless state of mind. probably you will find out a grave mistake in your previous days, work. Correct it and be cheecful. For speculators theday is auspi- cious from 12 noon to 1 p.m. ‘The Market Trend appears. to bbe very oscillating in the beginning but afterwa will be fairly steady. Buy « couple of securities and do some jobbing business as quickly as possible with a small margin of profit. ‘Traders in cotton will find this day @ dull one, They will be vexed to find that quotations are not moving either way. If you wer unload all your holdings and get 0 decline the next day, Race goers should pick up red according to the ‘auspicious numbers given below. This is alucky day for you for races, Cards, or some such other things, You will enjoy your ‘evening over some entertainment, but will not have good and: restful sleep. during the morning. You out ‘Your auspicious numbers for to-day are 4, 5 and 9. Number {9 will have more influence our good luck. The lucky hours of the day are from 12 Noon to 1 p.m. and evening time. Lucky isthe person who. has “chosen this number. The whole diy is: controlled’ by’ the auspicious planets of. Venus, Japiter‘and Mercury:)-You will enjoy. your morning, time in a pleasant maiitier. You will feet that’ All is well with the world”, ‘You will be pleasantly surprised to read some important announ- ‘ceinent in’ the’ newspaper. Your wife will be unusually ina pleasant mood to day. ‘You will have a very tasty menu placed on your‘table, You will feel like becoming more humorous in the ‘office. On Stock Exchange, prices of superfine cloth and Rayon loth prodiiciag companies will shoot up unexpectedly. If you have 4 bull position do not sale out because you find that you will ‘make a decent profit. The prices are lik ‘within shott period. Dealers in Juxury biisy day. Crockery, perfumery cutlery and cosmatie stores will Particularly find this day to be alucky one. ‘Truck owners, taxi ‘and ‘auto-riksha owners will reap a good harvest to-day. If you Ihave i fancy for races try your Iuex in the third race. You will ‘ot be disappointed on the race ourse to-day. Persons in other Businesses will have a steady day. Your evening time should be ‘pent in some sort of entertainment or a casual stroll. Sex-aspect ‘will dominate your later hours of the day. ‘Your auspicious “anumbers are’ 2, 3, and 6. Out of umber 3 has pridominance. Your whole day can’ be regarded sunt auspicious days” © Cee 13> (Veaus, Mppa,Mars).. ( Venus, Mercury, Moon ) ‘The’ day/is fine: There is'aill sunshine and snothing. much;to- do. One of your neighbours is likely to call on you for a,chat,, In, ‘home life you will feel jolly and comfortable... You: will possibly: spend some time in reading old correspondence. This.,,is a day to charge your dothes: As frias possible use white clothes. If you have a diamond ring, it will reveal its potential power, to day in the form of some good luck. This is a day:for cleaningand ‘making your room tidy. Some ailing member of your family. will show distinct improvement in health. This is a. very, lucky day for specultors onthe stock exchange. ‘The most: favourable shares to deal in are Chemical and Rayon shares, Buy these shares and hold them till you get a decent profit. Insurance and commission agents wil do:very well today. Persons, -.working i. Banks and othet Coxmmetia! houses, Il hear-some good news. ‘This is also a favourable day for persons’ speculating: in silver, ‘cotton and copper. Race fans are likely to make. bay. while, the ‘sun shines. They should choose white colts as far-as possible, If it js a rainy season, agriculturists will find to their great relief that “« Rains’have come” Your time from 6, p.m. onwards,: however, does not appedit'to’be a happy one, Persons: suffering:from blood ppressufé or asthama will/have a bad evening, Take complete rest, have a glass of hot milk and go to bed. Your auspicious numbers are 2, 3y/and.8.:Surprisingly Now “og will'Have' more’ influence over your. activities-of thesiday. Your Iucky hours are 8 a.m. to 6 pam, Avoid argument at night. 14 (Vents, Moon, Venus ) (Mercury, Moon, Mercury) “Whatever king Midas touched became gold. luck will turn its emiling face on you during the whole day. The day is a day ‘of romance, outings, picknics and mecting beautiful ladies. The morning is fine and cheerful. You will be very sweet tempered towards your wife. If you have a fiancee, this is the day to fix up from the marriage date. You are likely fo receive a t her. Martiage proposal about your daughter, if any, will be acocp- ted. If'you have misplaced some currency note, you will find it lously, This is a day for speculators for big business. Take mit fa hint from kerb questions that stock market is poised for a big ‘tise to-day. Shipping and Motor shares will be in the lime light. Do not Keep the business pending but unload with a decent mar- gin of profit. Medical stores will make a roaring business to-day. Cloth merchants will have a busy time. The day is also favourable for merchants doing business in ready-made clothes, toilet, acces- sories and toys. Your evening time will be spent in a romantic 2 along with ‘unholy thou- atmosphere. You will most probably go to a your wife, Your mind is likely to be disturbed, ights about other women. This is a lucky day for Race fans, Luck ‘will favour you in the beginning. When you loose the first race, {go home with some good cash in your pockets. Select a horse ‘whose name begins with F or G, You will have a disturbed. sleep at night. ‘Your auspicious numbers are 1, 5 and 9. Out of these numbers Lis ofmore importance, Your lucky period to-day is the whole of ‘the morning. 15 (venus, Moon, Mercury) (Moon, Moon, Sun) Hardly a more fortunate day than this occurs during the ‘whole of the year. You are indeed very luckly if you have chosen 3 this number to-day. Morning time particularly should prove a luckly period for you. Have a look for a second or two at the ‘right Sungod and begin your day. Family members will all be hale and hearty. You are likely to pass a busy but pleasant time in the company of your dear friend. He is going to do you a great favour, You will receive some pleasant letters, from your friends ‘or relatives. If you are thinking of going to a foreign country, the day is lucky to make a move in this direction. If this happens to be a day of some examination result, yout success is assured, For Stock Exchange fraternity, the day is quite good. Sell short and cover the sale at a good profit. Pick up some script on the ‘cash list also, ‘This is a normal day for other businessmen and ‘traders, This is an auspicious day for placing new orders for ‘medicines and foreign articles. Speculators in cotton and oil-seeds ‘will have to mark time for want of price movements. Do not enter into any new contract to-day. Race-lovers will have a pleasant not stake money on the advice of friends but use mm. A fluke horse having a white crescent moon on the horse for you. Your evening hours are likely to be very gay and pleasant. Do go to a good hotel for a snack and a good cup of tea. You will pass the earlier part of the night in romantic thoughts and get a good sleep later on. ‘The auspicious numbers for you are 0, 1 and 3 out of these ‘Nos. 1 is significant. Your lucky periods are full morning and 2to 8p. m. Cyn. aes 16 (venus, Moon, Moon) (Moon, Sun, Merciiry) __... For you the day is one ‘of misoalculations and misadventures. ‘You should, ‘be very careful as fo what, you do, write or speal|, ‘You are likely to suffer from a bad cold or sore throat, Your “eyes also would cause you some ‘trouble, Some great hope which you haye entertained will be smashed and you will feel disillu- ‘Gioned, However in other respects the day is a fairly good one, a friend who snot take much partiularly for home life, You wil be required t thas taken very ill. In your official routine, you “interest in your work and are, likely, to commit great mistakes. ‘Be prepared to hear some fireworks from your Boss. Tt is a hay day for speculators on the Stock Exchange. Quotations will move ‘up briskly during the lat hour. Buy blue chips such as Tata Ord. ‘or Century, Sell off with a good margin of profit and go home, Gold and silver markets are likely to remain firm but the price ‘ble. business, Prices of oil~ changes. Do not warrant any profit groundnuts, otton and gram will show a downward trend sales, Race goers and gamblers should the last moment. In short cakes, o.not go in for short ‘efrain from changing their selections at Confusion of mind will avolve them in great loss. The evening ‘pleasant and you are likely 1 catch up some new idea and try to spin your prosperity ‘around it. Take a sleeping pill before going t0 bed. 1s numbers are 1, 3, 4. Out of these numbers the day are 12 noon to 5 p.m. 4 predominates. your lucky hours of 17 (Venus, Mars, Sun) . (Sun, Mercury, Venus) You wake up with a sense of great fatigue and physical illness. It might be fever or indigestion. Take a and otserve complete fast. Hariaony in’ fami ‘broken and you will have some hot words with your wife or likely to go out of orde a pee einer peor tos ac al for supplying you goods at a very high price. Keep your temper at least during the morning. You will be in a mood to write some offending letters which you should avoid. In office the work Hely to be enimally ary and posly_ you wil hate Yo. do additional work. This is a very unfortunate day for speculators as they are likely to suffer heavy losses. Panic om the Stock Exch+ ange would induce you to square up your holdings. This will be daughter, Your radio or fan a fatal step. Do not do anything to-day. Pay your bi tional margin if he demar er addi- . Persons dealing in commodities also the net. Many persons dealing in such some to grief. Persons deal have a good day. They should profi A you will return home with a melancholy mood. It would be better will be caught Bs linseed oil will holdings at a good have aca wil In case they miss the bus, they wil for regret. jour selections of horses on the Race e2urse will go fut and to ee olay to Race and Cad, Eve time for you, a Your auspicious numbers are 3, 5 cal epics, , Sand 7, Lucky period is [1G _ (Venus, Mars, Mersurs) (Venus, Mars, Mereury) ‘The morning time is very favourable for a happy fe ‘You wake up with a cheerful fame of mind and are likely to be pliious about happenings around you. You wil enjoy a stroll isit your dear friend. Do bring something ove for your children. You will be whistingia Your bathroom, ‘eth oy. Your meals wil be very tasty andd_with overloaded stomach you will attend your offer. From 12 n00” ‘onwards you wal have the pressure of work and fel tied and exhausted. For speculators day of great swings, Prices are likely to move ‘both ways and you are likely tobe caught im a0 ‘uncomfortable position, Ibis better not to do any to-day, For traders eating in jaggery and gram this is a 1nckY day, Theit stock is Thaly to show an appreciable ise in prices. It & Peter to spose off at least some stock and book profi. ‘Agriculturists will have ‘fine day. This i an auspicious day for them (9 execute thei plans, For Rece-goers this day is a 43y of mixed luck. Your takes at the bepinning are Tikely to fail But ie end of the day Ely tolprote very Tacky, Horse whose name besiay 9F) = up some horse who has a quite normal and peaceful. ‘You will receive some ont telephone. You will sleep peacefully. numbers for to-day are 1, 2 and 6. Number 6 is Jy hours of the day are morning and evening 19 (Mercury, Mars, Venus) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) You wake up with a feeling of Goancial ease. The atmose phere around you is peaceful and comfortable, You are likely to undertake som2 intellectual work to-day. You can exp2ct some letters giving you good news aboat moncy. You will feel optimistic ‘about your financial position and imagine a more comfortable fhome life in the near tuture, A close relative of yours is likely to the morning’ glory secure a room. As however the day advances, will begin’ to fail and you are likely to. encounter some trouble ahead, If you are in sei the day is hafd for you. You will hhave much work to do or will be required to search old corres pondence, You will have seme not words with your subordinates, For spectators the day is ntot a fivourable one, The influence of Mars will laad you in troubles. It is better not to do anything to-day but to sit tight on your commitments, Traders’ dealing in fire arms, machinery and agriculeural produets will lad the day a lucky one: They willido very: good bus! ly to fall. If you have a beat pos Prices of day js of mixed luck, Avoid to stake your money on white ese or th race. If you play cards at id woul. have a peaceful and sound sleeps picious numbers are 4, 6 oni 8, No, 8 has more ce, The lucky period is morning tim: and from 6 p. m. 20 (Mercury, Mats, Mars) (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) Excepting morning hours the rest of the day will be a day ‘of great troubles, anxieties and physical illness. You are likely to be called upon to contribute unwillingly to some charitable cause, In family life there will be some petty quarrels with your wife and you will be harsh towards your children. Keep your temper and avoid your friends, You are likely to suffer from blood Pressure and stomach troubles. Take some light food and attend your office as usual. The office atmosphere is also likely to be most uncomfortabe and you will have no heart in your work, Some developrest regarding your change of work or a transfer is not ruled ott, For stock market operators the day is ‘most unlucky and so it is advisable to abstain from doing any ‘against you. So do not work on hunch or on the advice of astro- Jogers. The siars are not favourable, Dealers today. Other traders will find th’s day most ral produce are likely 10 go down ly to bene unlucky, Prices of a \3_gembling. Beware of som> ae. is better {0 stay at home and spend the evening in reading. If you area writer, you are likely to be the success of your current sleep. Your auspicious numbers are 1, 7, and 9. No. 7 is more lucky period is only between 12 Noon to 2 p.m. significant 21 (Mercury, Herschel, Jupiter) (Jupiter, Satura, Saturn ) a) Ate You are extremely lucky if you have picked up this number, ‘The morning time is particularly suitable for financial pursuits, Go chead with any financial idea you may have in mind fora Hong time. The day is good for recovery of dues. In family | You wil be very happy and com le. You are lucky t0 meet rich persoms accidently. This is a day for purchasing valuable articles. Ifyou ate wearing a Mercury or Fupiter ring, keep it in Beh sun taht for some tine and again ptt on your toauee, ‘You will have a Exchange fraternity, the day should prove (0 be one of reat thinking, This will find Iron and Steel, s worth dealing in, This is a great day er val - Do business contrary to suceeed. Do som: bull jobbing. You wi Machinery and Motor for operation in silver and ble metals, Any bull business Dealers in fancy dressess find the day specially lucky. The day is ious for opening a new shop or to lise a find thet selection of horses made by wil ring them good dividend, This is a day for ‘more monzy. Evening time favourable for ll_ be peaceful. Your auspicious numbers for the day are 4, 5, are from 6 10 12 Noon and 3 to 8 p.m, and 9, 22 | Mercury, Herschel, Saturn) (Saturn, Saturn Jupiter) ae ‘This is a queer day for you in so far as the planet Herschel hh Saturn. In the morning you js in one way in conjunction ‘are likely to experience some unexpected Iuck in regards to money matters. You will be in the company of witty friends. ‘This is a good day for permanent machine such as sewing machine or a type-writer. Friends ‘take much of your time unnecessarily and you will find it difficult to attend your office in time. In office 1 required to attend to some unusual ard novel duty, Office hours ble. Speculators on stock exchange should deceived by the fo ‘will not be so comfo: be very careful to-d1y, They will be complet, pattern of to-day's working. It would be b on previous holdings. you not to transact any new business but t ‘This is a good day for traders in machi uxary articles, ter in prices of grounder ‘and cotion seeds. For race-goers it is a lucky day. Select horses whose numbers are 3, $ and 6. Black horses are likely to win, be tempted to spend your race earnings in purchasing les which are not of much use to you. In the ‘evening you will not feel well and might suffer from toothache 1 troubles, Sleep will be disturbed and unsound ur auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 5 and 6, Number jficant. Your lucky period is morning time and 23° — (Mercury, Herschel, Saturn) (Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn) 2 ¥ To-day you will experience a greater influence of Saturn on all your activities of the day, Saturn is a materialistic planent and in conjunction with Herschel will bring you some materialistic enjoymeats. You will be tempted to purchase articles of Tunury. Go in for pending purchases to-day. Morning time is especially very pleasing and you will feel elated. Some waexpected good events are likely to happen to-day. There is all sunshine in the house. You will attend office before time. In office you are likely to meet some strange persons such as lottery ticket sellers, iusurance agents, and bridegroom hunters (if you are a bachelor). Stock Exchange will be eratic and stock operators will be surprised to see that in both bull aud bear jobbing they succeed, Do some ig” business today and square it up around 1 p. m, This is a gambler's day.’ You are likely to suczeed in cards and other forms of gambling. Traders in edible oil, ground-nuts, sesame and oil-cakes will make hay while the sunshines. “This is not a lucky day for dealers in valuable metals For race-fans, the day will prove very lucky. Persons who have chosen this number wil win the Tth race. or they should stake on 7. Choose also black horses as far as possible, Towards evening you will begin to feel depressed and morose. Probably one of your childern will be slightly ill. Sleep will be disturbed and your wife will have a nightmare. ‘a horse whose number us numbers are 1, 5 and 7. No 7 will be wore significant, Lucky periods are morning and 12 Noon to2 p.m. 24 Mercury, Herschel, Jupiter) (Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn) = : This is a fine day for you in your fami ‘You will wake up with an idea that you ace controlled by some supernatural power. Some queer things are likely to happen during the course of the day. You are poised for a religious frame ght devote some of you a worship oF is books, You are likely to receive long expected letters. There is a possibility of your being business place due to missing your bus or @ in your office or The office at- ved from your ‘mosphere is much better to-day and you previous days anxiety about some offic: work. This is a normal day on the stock exchange, Blue chips would show some flatter and you caa take some advantage of the price range, Do not do Jobbing but hold on to-day’s contracts 1 Iron and Steels, Machinery and Construction Company's shares are a good cateh for the day. This les such as Radios, Sewing Machines and Fans. You ean safely place new orders for your goods. On the ract course hot favourites will completely fail. Use your own discretion in the choise of horses, Horses of mixed colour such as Brown and white or black and white are likely to win, 4th race you good luck, Do not however stake too much money on horses. Your evening time would be spent in serious contempla = tion, Night will be peaceful. Your auspicious numbers for to-day are 0, 2and 5. Lacky periods are from 8 to 10 a.m. and evening time. lucky day for traders. dealing i 25 = (Mercury, Supiter, Mars) (Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter) Difficulties will come but they would be warded off. The ‘day can be described like this. You will pass your morning time in a very unhappy frame of mind. Sadness consequent upon your rememberiag past happy life will make you sad, Cheer up and g0 for shopping if possible. You are likely to. receive, som: mncomfortable and not enjoy your meals. In office also unforeseen work Placed before you making you diffident to carry it out For speculators on the stock exchange the day is not favourabl The day is good for investment business. You should ne er ions nor ent indulge in jobbing oper into forward contracts. ihe Gay is a hay day for oil kings and persons dealing in oilcakes and seeds market, Make the best of the day and do business ona * scale, Do all your business before 3 P.M. and go home, You will not reper . For Race-gocrs the day isa doom’s day. It is better to stay at home and save money. All your judgments and ing race course go to some good hotel and enjoy some snacks and a cup of tea. Evening time is controlled by Mars. Walk carefully on the road lest you wil hhave some accident. The night time is troublesome and you wil ‘not sleep wel ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 7, Num- ‘ber 3is significant. Auspicious periods are from 12 Noon to2 p.m. ‘calculations will go wrong, Tastead of 26 — (Mercury, Jupiter, Venus) ( Saturn, Jupiter, Mars ) This is a good day for you generally. This is a day on which you should expect some monetary gain. The morning time is fine ‘and you will find yourself in a cheerful and happy frame of mind. Thi ely to meet persons who are fully business minded and you will be th one of them. It sight be a joint purchase of a book or magazines also. You have 2 good and tasty meal and will attend office with good spirits. ‘The position of Jupiter from 12 Noon to 6 p.m. is especially ‘auspicious for you. For persons operating on the Stock Exchange the day should prove a lucky one. Long standing Bull Contracts are likely to be squared up with a good margin of profit. This is ‘a day for doing bull jobbing. In Teji-mandi transactions play Tefi to-day and you will not repent, Persons dealing in silver and cote ton will ind this day exceptionally lucky, You are advised to do bigger business in these two things. Prices of cotton shoot up from to-day. For race-goers also the day will pay them good dividend. Faney white horses. Do not play when the mid race is over. Close your eyes and intently think of a horse. That is your winner. For the evening you are adviced to devote much of your time to your family needs. Have a good and loving talk with your wife, Your sleep will be sound and sweet. day for putting money in the Bank, You are tempted to enter in some sort of partnershi Your auspicious numbers for the day are 0, 1 and 2. No. 2 is significant, Practically the whole of the day is lucky for you. 27 ~— (Mercury, Jupiter, Mercury) ( Jupiter, Mars, Venus ) is is a day when Goddess of wealth wi you should make your wife happy by buying some new ‘garments of an ornament Some elder person from her father’s fami- fervently and do some religious rites if possible. Your offic: work ing special to record, For operators on the ‘Stock Exchange this should prove a lucky day for them. Go in for textile shares. Do not do jobbing to-day but hold your contracts, IF you have a bull po idy you should unload at least three forth of your holding which you can cover with good profit before settlement, isa lucky day for money lenders and pawn brokers, Some overdue loans advanced by them are likely to be repaid in full with interest, The race-course, for you, will prove to be a “ cave of forty thieves.” Take more money with you. Horses with mixed white and brown colours are likely to win. Horse number 3 in the fifth race will bring you good dividend. This is a day for silver kings as theré is a possibility for them to do busi= ch future good profits assured- Night ill be very fine and you will sleep well. ness on a gigantic scale ‘Your auspicious numbers for to-day are 3, $ and 7. Number 7 is significant. Your lucky period is morning time. 28 — (Moon, Jupiter, Mosn) (Mars, Venus, Mercury) To-day you will do things which you would not have done get some disappo'nting news, It might be some impor= ent being postponed. Take ¢: ‘of your dog if you ly to be involed in some accident. If you have decided to go for swimming or a dip in the sea, drop the idea -as there is danger for you from water. You are likely to suffer from a cold and will feel raw. It is beiter to obse:ve fast to-day. Office hours, however, will be quite happy snd cheerful. You will be required to do some such work which is only apparently ifficult and beyond your capscity. The day on the Stock Exchange to-day will prove a deceptive one, Do not bz enamoured by the price pattern, Ifat all you want to do some busizess go in for Shipping shares. Forward dealing in these shares will give you good profits. It ishowever advisable to refrain from doing any ‘business to-day. Persons in other commercial activities will find this day to be a day of deception and fr i selections a. For racesfans this is a most unlucky day asl rove to be a complete failure. Money not staked is money gained This should be the moto for to-day. Evening and night time is pretty well. Have a family. Sleep will be sound jm the gardens or on sea shore with your Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 7, No 1 is significant. It is hard to locate lucky period today. 29 (Moon, Satur, Sun) (Venus, Mercury, Sun) To-day you are likely to enjoy many material plessures of Me such as good food, amusements and sports. The day opens cheerfully as you wake froma sound sleep. If you look in the mirror you are likely to feel yourself quite young and energetic. This day is specially gocd for persons of older age, They will feel quite ft and healthy. They are likely. to feel more homely with young boys and girls. They should please them by buying sweets or toys. Some of your morning time is likely to be spent in office work which you have brought home. Writers and poets will ind the day inspiting and they are likely to write good ‘many pages to-day. Musicians will enjoy the morning with theit ally practice. Office routine will be quite normal, Your boss is to make calls on you on and oft. For speculators on the Stock Exchange, the day should prove to be generally auspicious, This is the day for the bears. If you have bear holdings with you already, to-day is your good opportunity to unload. You will feel very happy and elated at your good luck. The day is most favourable for traders in oilseeds and oil-cakes. They should buy ibe at Ieast in 3 lots, Race-fans also would be lucky to-day. Their selections should prove wonderfully correct This is aday for making easy money. Black horses are likely to be winners, Towards evening you wi begin to feel yourselt ‘more safe and financially sound. You will have good sleep. Your auspicious numbers for to-day are 1,3 and 5. No. 5 is significant. Lucky period is morning time and evening time. 30 — (Moon, Suturn, Mercury) (Mercury, Sun, Moon) ‘The day is generally a good day for you. M ‘are likely to prove lucky and you should plan your idess, tion of shares, horses ete. during morning hours. Some good tuck js in the offing to day. The day is good for spending more time in the bath room under 8 cool shower. You are likely ‘© in theie company. You ected. quarters. If meet jolly friends and will spend your wll also receive some good letters from you have a relative ia. the foreign country you will receive some him, The morning time is suitable for purchas- ing some aitices of luxury. You will attend office with some idea Gf good luck, Office work would be a bit heavy and taxieg. Operators on the stock exchange will find this day to be a ¥ tucky day. This i a day for big business, Do forvard tall pusiaess as prices are likely (o shoot up. Investment Company, yw a great flutter. ‘good news ff Insurance and Baok shares a ‘Traders in off, oil seeds and cil ely lucky one. If they have b road. Tt would be profitable to sell double. For race-goers also 1 day should prove a good day. Stake on Black horses and on 6, Sixth race should prove more Iucky as horses whose number the amount of Tote ing nicely and in a cheerful mood. You will go to sleep peacefully over an amusing book. No6 31 (Moon, Saturn, Venus) (Sun, Moon, Sun) ir + This is an auspicious day from the point of view of fi tlement of marriage of son or daughter is possible ee ts will find yourself in a very bappy mood in the oe ang ore around you Some female relative is ike’ Peni vu a enced a oe eam anaceot puzzle or buying a lottery ticket, heuer ett nis liking and you attend your } siness with an optimistic frame of mi However in the office, the work is likely to be a bit ge Tetvy. Givefilataton to whatewe you de. Foe Stedk SL ange fraternity the day will prove to be one of good Leads bad luck. For previous bull, holdings. will ae ae Demectener ce cele bring you in some trouble, For traders in ol seed ne eb oil this isthe last day of top prices and if you have ee ma already sell double and reap profit both: ways, For faa silver this is @ normal day without any utter ae Dealers in amices of luxury will have a busy time throrgnea the day, Raceans will have great surprises in stor ee Play on hunch and. you will sucsed. Horses with es White mixed colours are likely to win, Avoid ae Evening and night time ee romantic. You will sleep well Auspicious numbers for the day are 0, 1, and 5. No significant. Lucky period for the day is m for the de it lay is morning and evening tim: 32 (Moon, Saturn, Mars) (Moon, Sun, Mercury) cly 10 prove a troublesome day f ‘ways. You wake up with a bad headache and biliousness, The world srourd you bas assumed a sombre aspect. You will feel sad and down hearted. Your temper will be bad and you are likely to have some hot words with your wife, Go for an outing to case your troubled mind. This isthe day for self surrender to the willl Almighty.As your stomach will be upset you will not eat well. In office also the time is a bit hard as you will have big pressure of work and will be required to keep late hours. For stock opera ‘tors the day would prove to be an unfortunate day. If you have forward bull position in the market, prices will tend to decline to an alarming extent, making you panicky. This is a day of great Joss for you, It would be better not to dabble in the market to« day. Persons dealing i eds, oll-cakes and cotton should ‘be very cautious to-day as their ideas about the position of mar- Ket will completely go wrong. Do not do any new business to day. For Race-fans also the day is most unlucky. A Horse which they might have selected will ave a fall and would be wounded. However there is a possibility for them to win a couple of races. ‘The evening time is not very auspicious as you ate likely to get yourself involved in some accident or quarrel. Sleep will be dis- turbed and uncomfortable, 1 in many Your auspicious numbers for the day are 2,6 and 9. No. 6 is significant, Your auspicious period is only around 1 to 3 p.m. 33 (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter) (Sun, Mercury, Venus) This should prove to be a very Lucky day for the three auspicious planets are controlling you for today, You will wakeup very cheerfully and with some new ideas in yur mind. If you translate these ideas into action, you will succeed. The day is particularly lucky from the point of view of ‘monetary gains from unexpected quarters. You ae likely to pass 4 happy time in the company of ladies of good ci rill have good and ice with optimism and a cheerful In the office also work will be quite normal and ing. On the Stock Exchange to-day whatever le will pay you good dividends. Prices of shares which you purchase on forward list will shoot up withia a short ‘ime. Go in for Shipping, Rayon and other such blue chips, This solid customers. ‘There market and you are ad| oi nothing to do. Thi on the Race cours:. Go in for white horses. You ar win two consecutive races. You will have comfortable also an extremely lucky day for you ‘Your auspicious numbers are 1, 5, and 9, The whole of the day, particularly evening time will prove extremely lucky. rn 34 (Moon, Mercury, Saturn) (Mercury Jupiter, Mars) This is normally 8 good day for you with nothing unusual to record. You will spend the morning quite happily at home probably reading or arranging your room. Luckily you will find some lost article, Relations of your wife with you would be more than cordial to-day and you are likely to discuss with her family problems. Some one amongst your neighbour will pay you a visit and you will spend some happy time in his company, Have a ‘good bath and offer prayers, take your meals and go to your office. To-day you will be required to clear up some long pending work ‘and would feel exhausted. For speculators on the Stock Exchange the day is quite normal with nothing to do about old contracts. You can however do some bear business and hold the contracts for a couple of days for a decent profit, Bank, Insurance and Investment Company shares are a good ci an excellent day for operation in oil, oil-cakes, oil-seeds, ry and pulses. You may do bigger business torday, This is 1 day for you to add to your previous bull position a hhigher price. Silver prices are likely to remain steady and you zed not do any new business to-day. For Race fans this is a day of mixed fortunes and misfortunes, It is better to be cautious in the selection of horses. Brown coloured horses are the likely ‘winners. Evening time will cause you some unnecessary worry, ‘you will have disturbed sleep. for you today. Your auspicious numbers to-day are O, 4, 7. No. 4 is signia ficant. Your auspicious period is from 10 2. m. to 6 p, m. 35 (Moon, Saturn, Mercury) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) This should prove a lucky day for you from materialistio point of view. You will wake up with some romantic attitude of ‘mind. You will be exceptionally loving towards your wife and children. You are likely to read some astounding news This is particularly an auspicious day for musicians, they produce fo-day will be highly appreci- ‘oid swimming and take some new activity which will be a @ good day for office workers also, technical lines. Work will be normal and not tedious. For stock exchange operators, this is a merry day as quick profits are in the offing, a day for bull job. bing in shipping, and Rayon shares. E writers, Whatever ated by the publ price pattern would be such tage both as a bull and a bear. For seeds, etc. this is a very lucky day for entering into big bul tracts. Your profits would be beyond your ex; le to take advan- ons trading in oj . For race coloured horses Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 4 and 5. The period of ths day is morning time. 36 — (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter) (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) day on which you will feel like doing noble deeds such as charity or undertaking some new literary work. The whole of the morning time would be spent in writing. For other persons also this is an auspicious day. You might reccive news about a birth in the family. The morning time is auspicious You may spend your time profitably in selving some erossword puzzle or in the selection of horses for the evening races. You will be visited in their to record. by merry and humorous friends and spend your ti company. Office hours are quite normal with nothi For speculators, on the stock exchange this is an extremely lucky day. Under the control of the planet Jupiter, the market is likely to rise, Go in for forward bull business. Do business in 2 or 3 scripts, and hold on- You are sure 19 eam a good profit. Go in for only blue chips. Shipping shares, Rayons, Century and Standard. shares are a good catch. Traders in oil seeds and oil will find this ay very dull and uninteresting, Prices are likely to remain stagnant. ‘Traders in luxury articles, ladies dresses, toys und cosmetics. will find this day very auspicious, For race fa Play on hunch. Neglected horses are to win the 3rd and 4th races.Select horszs on whose forehead there is a white sign of erescent moon. Night time will make you rcligi- the day is favours ely to win. You are likely ous minded, Your auspicious numbers are 3, 4 and 7. The whole of the day would prove to be a Jucky day. Evening time is more lucky, 37 (sun, Neptune, Mars) (Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn) ape ‘This is a day on which you are likely to feel lonely and pessi- ‘istic. You will realise that all your activities will aever bear fruit ‘unless God wills that way. This is a day on which you should devote much of your time in religious practices and prayers. The ‘morning time is gloomy for you even though * All is well with the world. " There is a possibility of some misunderstanding bet- ‘ween you and your wife. You are likely to suffer from gastric troubles and:constipation. You will search in vain, to find some ely to reach office late- pan’ ing and tedious work. missing document or an article, You ar: have to attend to some | have some hot words with your boss. oF your subordin= ‘ate stall. For speculators on the stock exchange this isa black day. Lo not enter into any new contracts, You will feet like uunlosding your holdings as prices have remained stagnent for ime. Do not make haste. Some disturbing news in the ‘raders in grain, jaggery, manures, ely to cause pat and spare : business to-day. For Race fans the day is mot favourable. All their judgments are likely to go wrong and they are likely to loose It would be better to stay away from the race course to day. Evening and night time will cause you great’ uneasiness. Sleep will be disturbed, Your auspicious numbers for the day are 0, 4, and 7. Num, ‘Your lucky hours of the day are from 6 to 9 38 (Sun, Neptune, Venus) (Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter) # 7 To-day Venus is aspected with Sun and Neptune, This is an auspicious day for older persons in your family. They will feel distinct improvement in their ‘health if they are already ill. Older isityou inthe morning. This is an auspicious insurance policy or to make long term investe 's sunny and ou cr penres Wand cheerful. You will feel quite i . Office ‘work will be light and to your liking. The day is faitly good! for stock exchange operators. Rayon shares a likely fb in the lim tight and you may do some bull business in these ious for unloading your previous contracts De not do anything on hunch. This will be a ormial day for trades in O11 and oilseeds. Dealers in articles of luxury and offer Valuable articles will find this day very tacky They willfhave retord sales. Pawn brokers and money lenders also will have a good time, Some overdue loans would be Tecovered. For raco-goets this i @ icky day. Chances are that fortune wi smile on them in the last 2 or 3 races. Stake on older horses. The evening time would te spent in a romantic way and you will have Peaceful sleep, Your auspicious numbers are 1,3 and 9. No, 9 is significant. Auspicious hours for the day are from 8 to 10 am. and 4 to 7 Pa. 39 (Sun, Neptune, Mercury) (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) ‘in general this is an auspicious day for you. Today you are Iikely to find yourself financially stronger. Morning time will be point to spent in some serious work. Writers should mal ‘write as much as possible. This a fine day for religious minded persons. They will think about God more than mundane things. of life. They should devote their morning in prayer and medita- tion. For others also the morning is fine and cheerful. You are likely to. receive Jong expected letters. You will fel happy in the company of older persons, Some one in your family is likely to receive good news regarding service or promotion, Office work ‘will be more responsible than usual. For stock exchange operators, the day appears to be favourable for unloading long standing contracts. It is advisable to get out of the market for some days. ‘Any new business done will he profitable but you will have 0 wait for a longer time. The day is favourable for dealers in oil, and oil seeds. Go Short in cotton seeds and wait for prices to decline. Traders in articles of long durability will have a busy time, The day is quite good for race fans also. Your judgments will come trus, Do not play on hunch, Older horses are likely to win. Your luck is more favourable in the last 2 or 3 races. In the evening you will make heavy purchases of housshold articles. ‘Night time will be happier and you will have sound sleep. is significant. Practically whole of the day is Tucky. (Sun, Neptune, Moon) (Supiter, Mars, Venus) The influence of three mighty planets Sun, Neptune and ‘Moon will prove to be a very Iuckly day for you, Such lucky days are very rare during the whole year, The day is excellent for travelling, Plan a long trip to-day. Some financial. wind-fall will make you fee! monetar comfortable and happy. Whatever you undertake to-day will prove a success. Morning time is happy and cheerful. You will throw away imaginary worries of the past ‘and will fecl optimistic. There is a possbility of some good news regarding your promotion or transfer. May be you might receive orders of transfer to a far off place, Don't refuse. In the office you will have to deal with old correspondence and pending work, Your boss will appreciate your work and IL be cordial wi you. This isa very lucky day for Bull operators on the stock ‘exchange. Prices of Steamship and Rayon Company shares will ‘move up swiftly and you should enter the market as soon as it ‘opens, Do not do jobbing business but hold on your contracts for prices to rise stil further. Dealers in superfine cloth, silk and other luxuries fe busy day. This is an auspicious day for new orders. For Race-fans the day is lucky and you are advised to play on hunch, White horses and horses on whose forehead there is a crescent moon are likely to win. Evening time is ‘uitable for reading light books. You will have a romantic frame of mind and will sleep well. Your auspicious number are 4, 7 and 8. Number 4 is significant. Lucky period for the day is from 2 to 7 p. m. Al (Sun, Venus, Sun) (Mars, Venus, Mercury) is generally a very good day for you in so far as your concerned, You wake up very cheerfully with some ambitious plan in your mind. There is possibility of hearing some good news from some of your relative such as a birth of a son, ‘marriage settlement ot promotion, You should atiend to some pending correspondence to day. You are likely to be visited by ‘older persons in whose company you will pass good time. You will receive some good letters also, You have a good meal and ith a cheerful mind, You will be given some important work to-day to do, which will be highly appreciated bby your boss. For stock exchange operators, this is a good day ‘generally though the flutter in prices will not be very tempting. Rayons, Century, Tata Oil and Sugar shares are likely to go up and you should do some jobbing in these scripts. If you have a bull position already do not unload but wait for a further rise. Traders in luxury articles, superfine cloth and ready-made -garments will have a busy day. Oil and oilseeds merchants will hhave to mark time to-day with nothing doing. This is a sunny day for Race-fans, Mixed coloured horses are likely to win, You should stake in races No. 2, 4, 6 ete, all even numbers. You are likely to score a great hit in at least one race. Night time is suitable to read serious book. You will not know when you have one to slecp. The auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 2, 6. Number 6 is significant. The lucky periods are morning time and from 2to 6pm. will attend office 42 (sun, Venus, Mercury) (Venus, Mercury; Sun) This is one of the luckiest day for you duringthe year. You will experience some good luck iti yout service, family and finance. Morning time is extremely cheerful and’ happy. This'is a day to spend Your morning Hours in the company of your wife and children. Your elder son or daughter will have some good luck to- day, You are likely to be invited by your neighbour for a cup of tea, If he makes any proposal, give a serious thought to it. This ‘g00d day for purchases. You are likely to attend office earlier ‘than usual. Work will not be Heavy and you will most your time. Thie boss is luckily to be oa Teave. You yourself important in the office. For stock exchange operators this is a day to make money within a short time. As prices are Ikely to go down you may enter into some bear contracts of a Jobbing ‘nature, Cover your sales with a small margin of ofits and get out of your days commitments, Prices of blue chips are ikely to go down, ‘Traders in Iuxury articles, money Tenders and pawn brokers will havea good day. They should make arrangements with banks for cred will have a je Young colts are likely to win, Play on hunch, Avoid 6th race, White horses would prove to be favourites ‘The evenitig time is pleasant and your pockets will be comfortably fall. You will feet exhausted and’ weak at night and will have a disturbed sleep. ‘Your auspicious ssumbers for the day are 4,5, and 8, ‘Nuinber 8 is signifieanit. Your lucky fours are ‘fiom 4 to 7 p. m, in the race course you 43 (Sun, Venus, Venus) (Mercury, Moon, Moon) ae very lucky day for you from family, point of view. with you to-day, both at home and in business. You will feel a sort of repentance for som: hot words. of illetreatment that yor Strained relations would be patched up. Your whole day. islikely to be spent in a romantic mood of mind. If you have a love affair the day is extremely auspicious for proposal of marriage. It is, likely that marriage of your daughter is settled to-day or you come across a good bride-groom, Settelment of marriages to-day would ight have given to your wife on the previous day prove extremely icky and auspicious. In the office you will come in contact with lady clerks. Office work would be a jolly affair with nothing to do in particular. You will bs called upon’ to draft report oF will have to handle corrospondence. For stock ex change operators the day isa bit shy. Prices will rhove up anid down It would be better to give notiday for fresh business. Hold on to. your previous bull’ contracts for within a very small prices to rise, Péinting press owners, photogtapliéts, dealers i cosmetics and ladies garments will have'a very busy diy. Place new orders for such articles: For racegoets, the fate is. umpredice table. However the scales are likel) to be tittded in your fivotr. Stake on young colts. Try your lick it the 6th rice . Evening Will be romantic and you will have nice sleep. ‘The aispiciows nutibers for the diyiate 2, 6 will 9, Nambér is important, The lucky periods are 8 to 10 am, aiid’ 4. to, 8 p.m, a art cl ll 44 (Sun, Venus, Mars) (Moon, Moon, Sun) From early morning you will feel sickly and ill at ease. You will suffer from head-ache and gastric troubles, The morning hours “are not very happy to-day You will feel anxious about your son's progress in studies. You will fesl mach depressed and despondent. Go out for purchase or pay visit to your close {friend to relieve yourself from worries. You will have to face an ‘angry neighbour or receive some letters asking for money, You will have no appetite and will attend office all blue and morose. Office work also is likely to be a bit heavy for your frame of mind, Keep your temper and observe silence, For stock exchange specula- tors the day is not a lucky one at all and you are likely to misjudge ‘the trend of the market. Som= shatter the morale of the market and you are likely to unload your bull holdings at a ‘ould be advisable not to fee! panicky but b jenee. Do not do any fresh business to-day. For traders in oil and oilsesds also, this is a bad day, Grain merchants, Estate brokers, Agriculturists and Police service men feel very ill end will not sleep well. Your auspicious numbers for the day are 2, 4 and 5, Nume ber 4 is significant. No particular lucky periods can be predicted for to-day. 45 (Sun, Sun, Jupiter) (Moon, Sun, Mercury) ‘The day is exceptionally lucky and auspicicusfor you. You will enjoy a bappy morning probably in the company of social and p isis a very auspicious day and any writing done to-day will have great philosophical value. If you are a good orator, you will get an invitation io deliver a lecture in the evening or to preside over some meeting. This is a workers. For authors day on which your fame in any field is sure to increase and you will feel important. The whole morning and noon time is quite bright. If you were ill previously you will feel_much better from haye to-do some very important ype of work, This is a day on which you are likely to hear some good news regarding your promotion or grade, For stock exchange operators also. this isa bright day. Blue chips are go up and you should do some bull ‘business amd wait till settlement. Do not do jobbing and refrain from trading on hunch. Your ideas about the market trend are sure to prove comrect, The day is very lucky for book-sellers professors and teachers, social workers and politicians, Stationery dealers will have a busy day. For traders in oil and oil seeds the day is quite normal and uneventful, For Race-fans this should prove a lucky day. Try white horses. Try horse No. 7nd the ‘7th race. By evening you will feel more religious minded and would have good sleep. ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1,5 and 7. ‘Number 7 is significant, You will find the whole of the day,, extremely lucky, 46 = Mercury, Sun, Saturn) (Sun, Mercury, Sun) Fina the day appears to be lucky. Recovery of long standing Possible. You ate likely to feel com financially. Morning tty fine and auspicious feel very much exhilarated and energetic. The day shopping. Do buy household etc, in balk. you will re ‘will spend much of your have good appetite and good food and would place of business in a cheerful and will have to do some icles such as wheat, I position in the any apparent cause. You to be covered later on Judgments is in race umber 3, 6 and 7: The night time will cause you some worry and you will-have bad sleep. your auspicious numbers for the day are 3,67, No7 is significant. All day excepting night time is quite good. 47 (Mercury, Sun, Saturn) (Mercury, Sun, Moon) good day for you in so your finan- concerned. The morning time is quite ‘You will come in contact ikely to go out of order. As day advances yon come under the control of the planet Sun. You will attend your offie> with a cheerful frame of mind. Work. will be to your liking and everybody is likely te be pleased with you. You will handle successfully some important wosk entrusted to you. For stock exchange operators, the day is one of mixed fortunes. The general sentiment would be bright and you will be tempted to enter into bull contracts. However your gains to day appear to be meagre, It is advisable not todo much business tor day. Oil and Soap Company shares.are likely to be in the lime- light. an extremely lucky day for oil and oilseeds mer. chants, Any new business done to day will give them bandsome reward, This is a day to enter jnto big business. For persons zoling in sistionery books and home library clubs, the day is auspicious. For race-goers this is .a day of mixed fortune. Do not stake on hunch, Pick up black horses, Horse number 7,and ace number 7 is auspicious. Night time is not cheerful and you will have disturbed sleep. ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 0, 4.and 7. Nume ber 7 is significant. The lucky hours of the day are from 2 to 6 pm, 48 (Mercury, Sun, Jupiter) (Sun, Moon, Sun) This is a happy day for you as all the three controlling planets are very auspicious. The morning time is suitable for doing noble deeds or for doing serious writing. Many noble and inspiring ideas will come to your miod. The morning time will prove very lucky from financial point of view. This is an auspici~ ‘ous day for taking out an insurance policy or to invest in long. dated securities. You will visit your close friend and have a good ‘time with him, His advice regarding your financial adjustments would prove valuable. You will attend office with an optimistic frame of mind. Office work is quite normal and you will have an easy time. For stock exchange operators the day is extremely fae vourable and they should transact bigger business. The market is likely to shoot up at the end of the session and it is advisable to buy at the beginning. Steamship, Rayon and Century shares are a ‘good catch, for the day. This is a lucky day for traders in costly articles. Traders dealing in oil-seeds, oil, cotton and silver will find the day quite normal without any flutter in prices. However it is better to unload half of your cotton business and cover it with good profit later on, Race-fans will find the day quite cheer- ful. Stake on hunch. White and older horses are likely to be in the lime light. Horse number 3 and race number 3 should prove lucky. Night is quite cheerful and you get good sleep. ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 4. Number 3 is significant. The whole of the day is quite lucky. 49 (Mercury, Moon, Mars) (Moon, Sun, Mercury) The day is one of mixed fortunes. If you are interested in the purchase of a plot or agricultural land, the day is very auspi- cious. You will be out of mood in the morning and will suffer from gastric troubles and headache. Some unusual incident in jpset you. Keep your temper and take some rest. so feel Some anxiety about your financial position, Do not borrow to-day as you are likely {0 feel yourself hh ‘nd insulted. It is better to visita friend and spend some time in his company. You are likely to miss your train or bus and will reach office late. Work will be heavy and tedious. Maintain tran- Quility of mind in the office. For stock exchange operators the day is fatal. All your judgments will go wrong and you ate Tikely to suffer great losses. Price pattern which you feel favoure able will completely change by the end of the session and you are ‘advised to come out with only a scratch. However i day for traders in agri isa lucky. tural produce and for estate brokers. Persons dealing in heavy machinery, agricultural implemeats and articles of luxury are likely to have a busy day. For Racefans the day appears to be most unlucky. Do not stake on hunch, If at all you want to stake your money, take a tip froma short redith and ugly person. Stake only a very small amount to day. Your auspicious numbers to-day are 1, 4 and 8, Number & is significant. Excepting 2 to 4 p. m. the whole day is not favour- abie to do anything, 50 (Mercury, Moon, Venus) (Sun, Mercury, Venus) If you have a seeret dream or hope, the day is most favour able for its achievement. Most people who are in that Tine and you will be profited. The day isfine and you wake ap quite fresh and ‘bubbling with energy. Financial lack is in the offing, Discuss finan cial matters with your wife and take her advice. This isa good day for shopping. You will be required to write many private letters so. Arrange your room and makeit to office or place of business in an optimistic frame of mind. For stock exchange fraternity the day is extremely lucky. The day is auspicious for jobbing. Enter in bull contracts. Shipping, Rayon and some other Blue chips will be it AF you have pre+ unload and get away witha decent profit. Donot vious ball pot do business on hunch. For Race-coursefans, the day should prove lucky one: Itis most likely that you will earn good dividends to- day. Stake on white horses, or horses on whose forehead there is a crescent moon, Take your tips from ladies of your acquaintances, Avoid 6th and 7tb race. Night is peaceful. The day is extremely lucky for stock brokers, money lenders, and writers. Traders in oil ceeds and experience a sagging tendency in prices and they should go in for some bear jobbing in oil-seeds, ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 5 and 8, Number icant. Practically the whole of the day is auspicious. 51 (tercury, toon, Mercury) (Mercury, Venus, Mars) should prove tobea day of great financial gains for you, The day is Hes. ‘Young persons are likely to pay you a I feel happy and in their company. You receive a heavy mail commercial le from him, Do not be deece ived. You enjoy your meals and go to your office or place of business ia on optimistic frame of mind. For stock e3 ‘operator san extremely lucky day as their profits are to be beyond their expectations. This is a day for big busi Go long in Rayons, Shippings and C ‘man tempting you to buy Session you will find a steep rise in th ‘Sell off your holdings of above shares, ous day for icles, pawn brokers, money len: i hold on to your positions, For race-goers also th’s should prove to be @ lucky day. Young ‘colts and white hos to win. Take your chaness in the first ond third race, Stake your money on hi re ike The auspiciou: 4 is significant. Prac ers for the day a 4and 7. Number whole of the day is lucky for you, 52 = (Mercury, Moon, Moon) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) This is a day on which you will experience disappointment ‘on all fronts. You wake up with a confused mind, You entertain dreamy ideas for a moment and tI ent. You are likely to k the reverse the next mom= lace an important article or a docu ‘ment and will spend a lot of time searching it. Unwelcome guests or friends are likely to upset your temperament. It is better to observe silence to-day. Your eyes will give you sometrouble and. fn consequence you will have a bad headache. In the office your {o be rejected and your plans based on (0 be frustrated. For stock exchange operators, this is a very dangerous day. Initial price trend is likely to be news. Whatever the position in any fresh contracts severely affected by adverse pol of the market, you arc advised not or to sell off your previous holdings out of panic. It is advisable for Race-goers not to indulge in extravagant bettings, All their ind hunches are likely to land them in a great ive a holiday to the race co: a very lucky day for persons dealing in articles of luxury, Ice-cream vendors, Gold and Jewellery merchants and flower end fruit vendors. They should go in for fresh purchases. The day is also financially Iucky for writers. ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 1,7and 9. Number t is significant The lucky period of the day is from 1 am. to 2pm 53 (Mercury, Mars, Sun) (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) ‘You will spend the morning time pondering over some financial schemes. Your pockets are likely to ease. There jele being broken, Your mind is a likelyhood of some costly will wander in the past and you will feel restless over memories good old days. You wi that you are pretty advanced in age. ‘Try to be cheerful and pay a visit to some of your ood friends. There ikelyhood of some quatrel in the family over some pet eondition of mind. For stock exchange ‘prove a dangerous one. The influence of surely be ruinous for you. It is better to hold on to your previous commitments. Do not do any business (o-day, Jobbing is out of ideration. For race-fans also the di calculations and judaments not a favourable one. Il go completely wrong. i be tempted to go in for héavy stakes. If at: {0 play, stake on brown hors You you desire and young colts. Try your luck in face number 2, 3 and 7, The day is quite normal to other traders and merchants. This is to purchase jaggery, for a decent ‘profit in the future, Thi 4 good day for traders deal ‘corn and other agricultural produce, The auspicious numbers for the day are 2, 3 and 7, The udiber 3 is significant, The lucky periods of the day are from 7 to 10 am. and 6to 10 p.m, 54 (Mercury, Mars, Mercury) &, (Tupiter, Saturn, Saturn) = + ‘The day is most unfortunate so far as moncy matter is concerned. You wake up with a bad headache and beliousness- ‘You will be completely out of yourmood. Your financial position will not be smooth to-day, May be you will fecl humiliated by your ereditor, grocer or landlord for mot meeting their bills. Unwelcome friends will make you uncasy all the more: Loss of moacy of a valuable article is indicated. Refrain from doing any rash acts Do not at home. You wi with amorose and pes: frame of mind. Forstock exchange operators this is a doomsday. Market is likely to go. heavily ‘against your previous commitments and you will feel completly shaken. Do not square up a loss but hold on for market to go in tural produce this is a lucky day Make fresh contracts. Dealers in machinery and iron goods will have a busy enders will have (o write off.a bad debt to day. and flower ake a good profit. For rac: is not a lucky day. They are most likely (0 loos: heavily. All their hunch and calculations will go wrong: They might however try racz No. 3 and stake on a brown horse. ime. Money ‘merchants ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 3,7 and 9 No. 9 is, Significant. Lucky period forthe day is from $ to 10 a. m- and Tio 9. p- m- lL _ 55 (Venus, Mars, Venus ) (Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter) Bs + ‘To-day some family worries will overpower yoursoul and you ill feel restless and completely run down, Might be your wife ‘will suddenly take ill. There is @ possibility of quarrel in the house for with your neighbour. As the day indicates some accident to you be careful while travelling ina train ot a bus. The day is not favourable for travel. Your refusal of a financial request from a close friend of yours is likely to create great misunderstanding in hhis mind. If you are suffering from blood pressure, it will cause you great trouble to-day. Try to remain calm and composed. You will attend office normally. Office work will be very heavy and you will Feel tired. For stock exchange operators thisis a day either for a big loss or a big profit, Rayon, and shares of mills produc- ing superfine cloth are likely to coms into lime light. Try your luck in jobbing, For your previous bull contract, the day is lement. This is a fine day for shop lies articles, jewellery and watches, ‘Traders in oil and oil-seeds will have a very lucky time to-day. Huge profits are expected. They should cash their profit to-day. ‘A rare lucky day for them indeed. Race-goers will find the day rot so happy as they expect. Their gain and losses are equal and they will only enjoy the day over an empty pocket. Try race No, 66 and stake om a black horse, ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 5, and 6, Number 6 is significant. There is no special lucky period to-day. 56 (Venus, Mars, Mars,) 57 (venus, Herschel, Jupiter) (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) (Saturn Jupiter, Jupiter,) at ‘The day is most unlucky for you from morn tll sight. You wake up with a feeling of drawsiness and headache. There is a freat tension on your nerves due to some unpleasant Previous day. You will have some petty quarrel with your fomily members or a neighbour. Your young fall from a cot or a crad This is a day on which many unexpected auspicious events are likely to happen. You will wake up with a cheerful frame of mind and find the world fll of cheer and mirth. If this happens to be a holiday, a short journey is indicated. Your wife will receive father, sister or brother giving some good news. ike having © good meal and will have a sweet dish, ‘out of your routine, Remain ‘Do not change your clothes to-day. You will be more religious id some religious books | minded to day. Worship your family’ diety with devotion. You For stock exchange opera your to-day’s office duti calm and tranquil ly t0 receive a good news from a person in engineering would be better to be away from "line. For stock exchange operators the trend of the market is likely the market, Some political news or so to be greatly in your favour. Do some business on bull side and hhave a beatish effect on the market reap a good profit within «short period. Engineering, Iron and ReneS Ene Yous eu mosition, 0 ‘Steel shares are a good catch for to-day. Do not trade in Textile and Chemical Shares. This is a good day for traders in machinery, fine articles and cosmetics. There! is nothing worth mentioning about merchants dealing in geai |. How- is is a doomsday. @ glorious day for persons serving in police and ‘ment, agriculturists, millhands and other persons doing manual Jabour. This catagory of persons is or become finane! ikely to hear some good news ‘ever the influence of the above 3 planets is auspicious. For race- fans this should prove a lucky day. Discard all scientific methods and play on hunch. Brown mares will be a good selection, Try also horse No. 8 with advantage, The auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 4 and 8, No, 8 is important. Practically the whole ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 2 and 9. Number of the day is lecky for you. 1 is important. The lucky period is only from 2 p.m. to 6 p. m. ly more sound. For raco-goers the day is not at all favourable. It would be better to be away from the race course a8 the usual temptation will land you in great losses. “ Money saved is money gained,” should be the motto. \ 58 (ves, Herschel, Saturn) (Mars, Venus, Mercury) From the point of view of family happiness and money: ‘matters, the day is an auspicious one. You will have a changed ‘outlook towards your family members. The day will bring you some unexpected luck. You will wake up with @ cheerful frame of mind and will not bother much about your worries, and anxi- ties, Deposit some amount in the bank without fail. Do not lend money to anybody. The postman will bring you some cheerful ly to miss sense of time and news. In your happy mood you a ‘exchange fans this is a fairly good day for jobbi Indian Tron are a good catch for jol tury and National Rayon, Th: mae ‘you should assume a bull position, For dealers in oil seeds and oil, this is an extremely lucky day. You will find that the trend ‘of the market is favourable to you unexpectedly, Do not close yout outstanding business but hold on. For other merchants the ay is quite normal. For Race-goers, this is a day for you to make good all your previous losses. Try your luck on mares, ‘Reject your choice and play on hunch. Horses No, 5, 6 and 8 are lucky for you. Auspicious numbers for the day are 2, 4 and 6. No. 6 is. significant, The lucky petiod is from 8 to 10 am. and 4 to 8pm. 59 Venus, Herschel, Saturn) (Venus, Mereury, Sun,) This is not a happy days it is aspected by Saturn through+ out, You wake up with a sense of some unbearable responsibility and fear. The morning tim: is gloomy and you will feel. restless. aly to be unwell and as such nore bed. Some unpleasant incidence your mind, You will not feel like doing anything to-day and think ‘of sending a sick note to your office. You will have very ordinary ‘meals and will attend place of business reluctantly. For stock exchange operators the day is a doomsday. Price trend is unpre~ dictable. Keep your previous eont tact and do not do any fresh business to day. Do not transact any business on hunch. is beiter not to attend stock exchange to-day, For dealers in oil, oilseeds, this is a lucky day. Price trend will be in your favour ‘appre Do not book profits but hold on. Study the price trend and do some business to-day. It will bring you good divie ends shortly. For race-fans ths is not a favourable day. All your calculations and hunch is likely to go wrong. which you are likely to lose he: for the day are 3, 4, 7. No. 7 is significant, Lucky period for the day is from 1 to 3 p.m. 60 (Venus, Herschel, Jupiter) (Mercury, Sun, Moon) This is a good day for writers particularly for novelists, Their inspiration would be at its zenith and work produced tor day would be of a very high calibre. For others the morning time is fairly good. You will be inclined to appreciate noble qualities of your wife. Be careful whil asitis possible for you tobe involved in an accident. Office work will be quite normal and academic. You ars likely to receive a letter from a Person who is a stranger to you, You should not ignore it but give it your serious thought, To-day locemotive shates are fikely to rise and if you have a bull position in this script you should ad. ‘There is no appreciable flutter in the market. Mechanics, part dealers and teachers ly {0 be more happy. Actresses and dancers are likely to feel religious and they would do well to visit some temple, For race-goers the day is fatal. Do not throw Away your money on horses. Alll your ideas about winners would 0 flat. It would be beter for you to cancel your visit to the ace course. It is possible for a horse to fall down duc to faulty shoeing. However Mares are likely to win races to-day. Excepting this tip no other advice can be given to-day, Number 4, 5 and 8 re auspicious numbers for you j. Number 5 is important. Buy at least a small quantity of Gold to-day, The auspicious Period is from 6 p. m, to 10 p.m, Night time is pleasant. 61 (Venus, Jupiter, Mars) (Sun, Moon, Sun) This is the proper day for worship of God for the recovery cofhcalth of your wife. From to-day she is likely o feel much better. For others the day is not so happy as it is controlled by Mars. Some sort of misunderstanding and hot words ‘is in the offing, ‘You are likely to suffer an injury by a fall of a heavy thing on your foot, There is no expected letter and this will cause you great disppointment. Meals are likely to be more hot than normal. You hurry to your office with blues. For office-gocrs the day is one of heavy work. You feel fatigued in the noon, ‘The day is good for persons dealing in Rayon shares. May they be bulls or bears. The market has a two sided movement and jobbing is recommended. It would be better not to enter into new contracts to-day but to book profits on existing holdings, For race‘fans the day is deceptive, Your earoings. are likely to be wiped away at the close. Do not p'sy more than 3 races to-day, Brown coloured horees are likely to be winners. There is nothiog very enchanting about races to-day. The day is good for farmers and police personnel, Jewellers, and gold-smiths. Dealers in siik ate likely to do good busisess to-day. Night time is suitable for food busines, Your lucky numbers are 1, 2 and 7, Number 7is important. There is no special lucky period for you worth mentioning, but you should be lucky in the evening. 62 (Venus, Saturn, Mereury) (Mercury, Sun, Herschel) You wake up with memories of your past life or with remembrance of a deceased relative, You feel very sad and You are likely to meet good friends at home or on the road. Your vehicle if any is likely to go out of order. Being short of money yout wife. There The day is good for cleaning your room ‘morose and it would be better for you to go fora you will be required to draw on the account ‘You will not have much inge mews about a day is fuirly good and thrilling, Deal in Locomotive shares or shares of Engineering colleague of yours. For stock opera ‘Companies. You will hear news about bonus issue of shares of a company which you are holding. However the market. trend is better to go cautiously. The day is very good for oil Mill, and truck owners, Cloth shop owners also should do fairly good business to-day. ‘The day is not favourable for police personnel and army men. They should be very ¥ t in doing their duties. For race-goers the day is very lucky. Do not play on the advice of others, but use your own judgment. Selecting horses by drawing lots would bring good dividends to some persons, Your lucky numbers are 3, 5, 6,, No. 3 is mote important. If to-day is Friday the whole day is auspicious and if it is Saturday, it is unlucky. 63 > ( Ves, Neptine, Mereury) (Mercury, Mars, Herschel) The day is very auspicious for old people in so far as. their ‘outlook on life is concerned, They are likely to feel more energe- tic and alert to-day. They are likely to meet friends of their own lan and in their company will pass the time in remembrance of bygone days. For others the day is one of delay for work and fulfilment of ordinary desires. Old persons are likely to cheer them ‘out of their blues. Some persons will have to wotry about clothes which they have not received ftom the laundry. Food will be very ordinary and unappetising. They will have to keep late hours toe dday at the office, For persons operating on stock exchange, the day is not very comfortable. You will make a mistake of unloae ‘ding shares which are falling to-day but are likely to improve in ‘a day or two, Go in shipping shares. The day is good for land ‘and building owners and there is likely to be a profitable deal in some plots or building. Old business men’ ate likely to fall ill with some blood trouble. For others, the day is normal, For race fans, the day would be lucky for old people. Follow their advice and go home with pockets full of money, To- predict whether male or female horses will wit. Your lucky aumbers are 3, 5,9. No. 9 is important, 7p, m. to 9 p.m, is a dangerous period, You will sleep well 64 — (Moon, Jupiter, Mars) (Mars, Saturn, Mercury) The day has nothing special to rez late and fee! like doing nothing. You remarks to make to your wife who would be pleased with such a kkind behaviour after along period. You will read. some interest {ng news in the newspaper. Your time-table to day will be com= pletely upset by some unwanted intruders. You wil write some ‘You wake up rather have some flattering, ly, For ofee goers the day would prove to be drowsy while going to office, For stock exchange fans, the day should prove a lucky day for purchasing oil mill shares. The market will be flooded with wild gossip and prices of stocks will swing both ways. This is a good day for jobbiag. Do not sell your stock to-day but indicated. The day is good {s a proper day for bull o ts also some what lucky for corn dealers and dealers If to-day is Saturday, the day. will be all the Race goers the day is one of gain and loss, You will gain in races first but loose afterwards. Young colts should fare well to-day. Race No. 2 and 4 will surely bring you some luck. Your lucky ‘numbers for the day are 1, 2 and 4 out of which Nos. 1 and 2 ‘are important. Night time is lucky. You will aot sleep well to day duc to exhaustion. 65 (Moon, Saturn, Mfars): ( Mars, Mercury, Moon) Excepting a bit of ffiancial ease, the day fortells some sad ‘and fearfUl incidents in your routine; You will’ wake up witha sickly feeling. For want of good! motion’ you will feet tilious in ‘the morning, ‘There will be some worry on account of'your chilé dren, You will idle away your’ morning time doing practically likely that you will have some hot words in’ your family or-with your neighbour. It is betterto go marketing in the ‘morning. You will feel like taking: leave but work in the office will prevent you doing this, You will not enjoy meals to-day and £0 10 office reluctantly. For stock exchiange operators the day is lucky im so far as prices are going'to fall heavily enabling you to cover your sales at a good profit. Go in for Engineering shares, It would be F you to buy when d down. You will get this chance to-day. You stock exchange to-day, The day is most ordinary for other ‘merchants, Any how estate brokers, farmers and gamblers will hhave a happy time. Gokismiths should be aware of theft ia their shops or some sort of dishonest act on the part of their servants, For racesfans the day does not augur well. You will be tempted ‘on hunch’ and loose your precious money. In spite warning you will find yourself a bit lucky in the races. Your lacky numbers for’ the’ day ate 1, 8/and'9, No, 1 is more auspicious. Lucky’ period!tosday is from 6 t0 11) in’ the evening, You will seep well, ee ees ee 66 (Moon, Venus, Mars) (Mars, Neptune, Jupiter) Excepting a bit of uneasiness in mind the day i quite wore inal for you. You will be busy with some stret hawker sexing some samples. You should purchase something from him, If you pave a daughter she will be cross with you for 9 her request for money. ‘The temper of your wife also. will upset you unnecessarily, You will ear good music on the radio. You are likely (0 receive a lelter from some person whom you have forgoten fora long time. Your mind will be filled up with memo- ries of association with him a long time backe You will attend office in gloomy and morose mood. For stock exchange opera tors, the day is not very favourable. Your calculations and judge+ men's wll completely fai You will fel ike making. good the ‘Joss in one script by going in another one, But you are likely to to-day. The day is quite satisfactory for other business men. Estate brokers, farmers and police personnel should find this day particulesly happy and prosperous. Older persons in business will ‘have particularly a happy time. For Race-goers the day is also “quite uneventful, There will not be mach money in the game, Thanks if you only come home without empty pockets. It is better to cancel race course to-day alltogether. Your lucky num- bers for the day are 1, 2 and 6, No. 1 is more important. Your lucky period of the day is night time only. You will go to bed with some sort of uneasiness on the mind, 67 (Moon, Herschel, Mercury) (Jupiter, Venus, Herschel). Tovday is the Iuckest day of your lie. -You should expect Some monetary gains to-day cither by” way of ‘incfement ot by sheer ‘The day opens for you with all cheerfulness and. life in the morning: is enchanting: Probably you will please your children by féxing’a'cinema ive a long delayed reply from’a relation of yours, Reply immediately in your own interest, You will get tasty ‘meat toxday and go to your office with a cheerful frame of mind, For Stock exchange operators, the day shold prove one of sheer Windfall. Any security you fancy will have‘a golden touch. To-day is a day of doing big business. Do bull operations as pos » The Value of shares bought by you are sure to jump up in a very shor For other traders the day is also matked out as fous one. Dealers in machinery, et a Tong, distance fare. Younger persons should be careful while walking in the street. For-race goers, the day ig full of unexpected luck. Without study or calculation, fancy any horse and he will be first, Race No. Land 3 should . prove lucky. Do not “stake on race No. 8, ‘Your lucky numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 6, No. 6 is more important. ‘Tie whole of tte day ind You will steep soundly, , asspicious, 68 (Mars, Neptune, Mars) (Mars, Neptune, Mars) ‘Towday, you, wake-up with a bit of a philosophical frame of mind. You think thet there is. a Divine power which is guiding your destiny, In such a.mood, you will tend. to become more Kindhearted and, affectionate, To-day is a day of worship and bath which will cheer you up. You will go to office with a resigned frame of mind, Office work is likely to be a bit heavy but you will enjoy it all the same, Youare likely to return home a bit late in the evening. The day is quite normal for stock exchange operators, Prices of blue chips are likely to remain enter into new business to-day estate brokers and traders i lucky. Do some big busi liquidation. The day is also favourable for grain merchants and ‘grocers. This is an auspicious day for giving new orders, For race keep late hours over some interesting book. You wi Lucky nuinbers for the day are 1, 4, and 6. No. 6 is more significant and important, Lucky time of the day is from 7 a, m. to.9 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. 69 (sun, Mercury, Venus) (Moon, Mercury, Fifpiter) ‘This should prove to be a Very lucky day for you as ‘all the ‘ix auspicious planets are controlling your life. You get up with a sense of extreme well ‘moming, If you fo through your accounts, you will be sutprised = You are likely to ing some sweetmeats urn away beggers from your door but sive them something. You will pass some happy time in the company of your dog or parrot if you have one. You will enjoy Your meals and go to office cheerfully. for stock exchange operators. The ma some heavy buying by big operators and w: a very Tucky day ikely fo go up on }o some bull business . Unload some of your Previous bull contracts. Try Rayon and Shipping shares today, The day ious for Jewellers, Silk merchants and for Persons doing business in the underworld, They will have a Dumper crop. The day is quite ordinary for transport IF to-day is Thursday go in for Jaggery business. The day is also lucky for race course fraternity. They will have happy time, Their eamings will be fabulous toway. Stake on white ‘horses, Race No. 3, 4, 7 would pay good dividends, Race No. 7 would bbe important from the poiat of view of luck, rise still fa; aus Your lucky number for the day are 3, 4 and 7. Auspicious Periods are 3 to 7p, m. and 10 to 11 p.m. also. You will sleop well at night, 70 (Moon, Saturn, Mars) (Moon, Sun, Mars) ‘Though the influence of the primary plancts is auspicious Saturn and Mars in secondary aspect are likely, to make you a bit unhappy to-day. You do not wish to gst up from your bed. One of your children is likely to become ill causing you some ‘anxiety. You suffer from constipation and feel very uneasy. You feel like taking casual leave but the pressure of work in the office does not allow you to do so, You do not enjoy your meals and ‘will go to office down-hearted, Work in the office is likely to be heavy and taxing, Keep a cool mind to-day on the siock exchange cived by the price pattern. Shipping and You are likely t Rayon shares are likely to jump. It is business to-day Sell som> of your previous holdings to cover at ter on. Hotel owners, will have a good time to- day, Persons doing under world business. will have. their pockets full, Persons in love and newly married persons will be required io spend lavishly for their love. Police personnel and esate ‘brokers will have a sweet surprise by way of money. For race= goers, the day is very dangerous. Do not put your money on any horse to-day, However, race no. 2 will bring you. some tuck, Afier that go home and have a good evening elsewhere, jer_not to do any big ‘Your lucky numbers for the day are 2, 4 and 5. No. 2 is more, auspicious. Lucky periods for the day are 7 to 9 a, m, and 8109p. m.2to4p. m isa very bad time to do anything. 7 I (Mercury, Moon, Venus) (Sun, Mercury, Venus) This is a very lucky and happy day for you. You wake up from an erotic dream and desire to enjoy it again. Home lif ‘quite sweet in the morning. You will feel free and fe Some of your neighbours are likely to pay you Pass a happy time in their company, This is an aspicious day for Purchasing gold or fine clothes, You take a fancy for good and tasty meals and will go to market yourself to bring vegetables of your liking. You will enjoy your meals and go to your office least thinking that some sweet surprise is awaiting you. This is is ess today. ‘You will ‘a day to do big business on the stock exchange. Enter into some big contracts and unload at the close. Mining, Rayon and Shipping shares are a good catch. Generally this is a very favourable day for all traders and business men. Some heavy dues from customers are likely to be recovered to-day. For money endets, Goldsmiths and pawn brokers, the day is extremely lucky. For shop-keepers the day is auspicious for arranging their Products and stock taking. For race goers also the day is extreme- ly lucky. They should play on white horses. Mares will smile on them. Play even races. Horse No, 1 and 3 in any race is likely to win. Your auspicious numbers are 1, 3, 4, No. 1 is more impor- tant. Your lucky period is from 5 to 7 a.m. and the whole of the ‘evening You will sleep well, 72. (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) (Mars, Mars, Mercury) pad You wake up in the morning after a sleepless night and feel morose and sad. You are expecting a heavy load of work in in the office or place of business. You might hear a sad and stunning news on the radio or from your neighbour, You do not desire to-day 10 do cny To laugh away your blues, you should take that gains in one business are likely to be wiped other business, Go slow to-day and do not work better mot to do any fresh business to-day. Truck rivers and cyclists should be very careful in driving and riding. ‘The day is good for transport business, estate brokers and farmers. ‘They will do some new business profitably. Money lenders and ‘pawn brokers will feel more charitable to-day. This i day for race course fraternity. They should not dabble in races to-day. All their astrology, hunch end mathematics will go fut fonday. Your lucky mumbers for the day are 2, 4 and 8. No. 2 is ‘more important. The whole of the day is not favourable, 10 you, ‘You will have a bad sleep at night. gloomy 73 (Sun, Sun, Herschel) (Sun, Herschel, Statum) ‘You wake up eatly inthe morning with sweet memories, ‘of your past life. As the day is controlled by Herschel, await for aan unexpected good thing to happen which will make you happy. ‘Morning time is spent very heppily in the company of children and radio. Your wife in the morning. You ‘meats from your neigh! your place of business in a ch ful frame of mind, The day is vextremely lucky for bull operators. Prices of automobile and ‘transport company shares will shoot up without any apparent cause, Take a solid chance in the above seripts. Do jobbing business to-day. The day is extremely lucky for state transport, and railway employees. They are likely to heat good news about their service or salary. Government officsrs will feel more important to-day They are likely to be called by ministers or other high officials for consultation. The day is also lucky for race fans. Today is a day of selecting horses by drawing lots. Do ‘not play on calculations. Male horses are sure to win, You will have heavy pockets to-day. ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 7 No.7 ‘is more important. Lucky period is only the morning time and from 5 to 7 p.m. You will have sound sleep at night. 74 (Moon, Mercury, Mars) (Moon, Saturn, Sun) You wake up in the moming with a the day. You will enjoy the morning time in the company of your children and wife, If you have bought new clothes, to-day is the day to start wearing them. You will be visited by « humo rous friend and will enjoy his wits. Probably you. might be thinking of some scheme or partnership in which you have a financial interest, Write a couple of letters which you have delayed 10 do for a long time. You are likely to receive a letter from unexpected quarters. Meals will be to your satisfaction and you will attend your office in new clothes and with a cheerful hheart. The wind in the stock exchange is likely to go against you, Deal in shipping and oil shares. The day is not favourable for Going big business. Go slow and do not do business om hunch, It is better {0 do hear business to-day as prices are likely to fall in a couple of day's time. The day is extremely fine for cloth merchants, cutlery, soap and medicine stores also will do well, ‘They should bowever guard themselves against deceitful customers. Fraud committed by an employee is likely to be detected to-day, ‘The fortune on the Race course is very difficult to predict. Not fo visit Race course is erring on the safe side. If at all you are termination to enjoy tempted, stake on white male horses, ious numbers for the day are 1, 6- and 7. No. 6 is important, Lucky petiod is from 11 a. m. to 12 Noon. You witl sleep 75 (Moon, Venus, Saturn) (Mars, Mercury, Moon) Though bright things present themselves to you, you will shun them. Something has happened on the previous day which is disturbing your peace of mind, You will have toothache in the ‘morning or your whole body might ache. Take a couple of Aspro- pills and lie down in the bed. You will feel like remaining alone, This is due to the evil influence of Mars aud Saturn. Otherwise the day is quite normal. Spend some time in the company of your children and inquire about their studies. If possible, have a cold bath. You will have no appetite and_ will not enjoy meals even though the food is q fend office reluctantly. Do not dabble on the stock exchange to-day. Stocks are likely to remain very steady throughout the session. If at all you so desire, go in for Reyon and Chemical shares. You will have some difficulty regarding payment of margin. Race-fans will find this day auspicious, Stake on hunch as far as possi Browa and White coloured horses are likely to win, ‘Take tips from ladies, and children. Race No. 1 is stake on last 3 races, For other business men. the day is very normal and there is nothing special to record. Some businessmen are likely to loose money due to confidence tricks or by their Pockets being picked, cly to prove profitable. Do not Your lucky numbers for the day are 1,2 and 3, No, 1 is. important. Lucky hours are 6 p, m.to9 p.m. you will not. "76 (Venus, Mercury Saturn,) (Moon, Mars, Saturn) ‘You wake up ia the morning quite exhaust:d due to over indulgence in sex life the previous night, You feel quite dazed and stunned. Have a glass of hot milk and take a cold bath. Your neighbour is likely to bring you strange news regarding his family. The postman will not bring you expected I isa lucky day for poets and writers. Whatever they wi to-day will have great appreci pone a journey if contemplated. Y. feel use some worry to your wife by your silence, You yy your meals. On the stock exchange, the cont normal. Price pattern ‘will be the same throughout. Hold on your previous contracts and do not do any fresh business. Do not follow the advice given to you by an expert operator. His jedgmen fe for sales, However estate brokers and grain merchants will find this day very lucky. Oil cake and oil merchants should do some big business to-day. For race-fans the day is one of mingled fortune. They will win the first few races and lose in the last ‘ones, Stake on brown male horses. Do not play after the 3rd likely to For other traders the day is also normal. This isa slack day race. Your lucky numbers for the day are 5, 7,9. No 7 is more important. Your lucky per 10.9. a.m, isa very unlucky period, You night is from 8 p.m. to 10 p, m, 7. a.m sleep well at TT (Sun, Neptune, Jupiter) (Saturn, Satur, Venus) + a You wake up in the moming cheerfully. and are in a religious frame of mind, You will have a happy time with old flowers and joss-sticks and worship your jous book and give alms to poor persons. It_ is likely that some one in the family has taken ill suddenly. Do not inst. Yon will have some hot words with your wife over some articles she may have purchased, ‘You will find the newspaper more interesting to-day, You are likely to receive a long letr from your relative, Reply by return Ihave normal meals and will attend. office cheerfully. On the stock exchange, the chances are that some syndicate is boosting prices of steel shares, Take advantage of the situation and get away with a respectable profit, For oiloake merchants, and persons dealing in kerosene, edible oils. and scents, the day is quite lucky. They will do good business and are likely to fall short of the stock with them. Old Traders will have a more happy time. For race fans, the day is unfavourable - All theie judgments will go wrong and they are likely 10 loose heavily. It would be better fo abstain from attending the race course to-day ry much as it is a neq of post, You ‘Your lucky numbers are 1, 3.and 8. No. 8 is more auspi~ cious. lucky periods of the day are from 1 pm, to 3p. m. and night time, You will have a disturbed sleep. 78 = — (Mercury, Moon, Mercury), (Venus, Moon, Venus) “This isan extremely lucky day fromthe point. of view ‘family life and finances. If somebody in the house has been ill for a long time, he will begin to feel better from to-day. The ‘morning ¢ is extremely lucky for you to do anything, Long. standing worries will be over and you will fel relieved. You wil pass a very happy time with your wife and children, If to-day js a holiday, go out for a picaic in some garden or on sea shore. You will expetience financial ease and are likely to spend more oon luxury to-day. You are likely to er to-day which will set you thinking, Meals will be very tasty. ‘The day is extremely lucky for stock exchange operators. This is a day for big jobbing. You will not repent to-day take advantage of rising prices and reap a bumper crop Silk and rayon shares eive a good to cash business to day. also very favourable, Cloth 3 will do roaring business, ly to jump up. Do not enter For other business men the day i merchants, jewellers and golds Seilors, Astrologers and occult practitioners will have a busy day. yy. Stake on hunch a3 far 4s possible. The favourable aspect of moon will not deceive you to day, You should expect a heavy bag to day. Your lucky numbers for the day are 1,3 and 5. Namber 1 is more important. practically the whole of the day is auspi- sleep well at night. cious. You * 79 — (Veaus, Mars, Mercury) (Venus, Mars, Mercury) To day the primary and secondary planets working on your estiny are the same. The morning time is quite comfortable except 4 small indisposition. Take an aspro pill and a good cup of tea. You will have to spend more for family today. The grocer’s ill Will make you a bit uncomfortable, To-day is a day to write long delayed letters. Try to clean and rearrange your room, It is likely that unwelcome friends are Cut them short. ‘You will hear some good music on the radio. You will feel like wanting a very tasty meals and are likely to. bring vegetables of ‘your own choice. You will attend office in good spirits. For stock exchange operators, the day is also. very favourable. Do not do Jobbing business to-day but go long in locomotive and automobile shares, You will not repent. The enhanced dividend in an import. ant script will boost the market sentiment. For race-funs, the day is one of amixed bag. But you will take something home, Play on brown horses. Mares are likely to win to-day. Do not play the Jast four reoss, as that time is not very favourable. For other ‘business men the day is quite normal with nothing special to record, Estate brokers and farmers will have a good time, Cycle dealers also will do well tomday. Your lucky numbers for the day are 2, 3 and 5, No. 3 is ‘more auspicious, Your lucky period is ftom 8 a. m. to 11 a.m. Whole of the evening and night time is not favourable, You will ‘sleep well. 80 (Saturn, Jupiter; Mars): ( Venus, Sun; Saturn): ‘You wake up:in the momning iar fing spirits and\ feel very optimistic, Ihyou have beonplamning sometbiogit wil! ave> a surprising stows, Go abead wih your scheme: Moning time is favourable for poets and writers. Tiley wl have inspiring thoughts. ‘have you gota religious function in the howseto-day. You wil be very busy purchasing something for the: function. ‘You wil fel lke taking casual leave. Do #0, Your house is ikely to be filled with you andiftiends. You: willbe in ate fous fre of mind toughut today. For soc erchange ate. tity, the day is quite normal with nothing’ today” to-do: Tt is ater to refrain from doing any business today. Just go through hooks and’ sce if you can unload some! good ws desire 10.40 some business, go in for autom- ror other: businessmen’ also the day ve very dul, They wil get only. a few cstomers and are Ticly to Dealers in’ sarees and. cosmetics however By the way, your profit, If at all you bile shares ina small way. spend their time nit have a bagy daft The fortones on the race course cannot be fortola to-day. Your gainsiand Tosses are likely to be equal, Iris Detter not to stake heavy.sums on horses: ‘the lucky numbers for the day are 1, 8 and 9. Number $ is significant. The auspicious period for the day i only the morning time. 81 venus, sun, supiter) (Mars, Venus, Jupiter) ‘You wake up in the morning with ere feeling of anxiety abo But when ou aed oro nk tot mispla = ‘placed. Do not worry and fret. You are 4a strange way. It is better to read some good away your blues. Ta 0 Sia rake a hot bath and go to the You will not attend office with and farmers will have anaaee ‘new orders. For eae the day should pr ss and ie White male horses whites conn ' £0 home withswhatever will be in your “ elniies saab for the day are 2, 5 and 5. No, Sis Ait in. You vil havea dturied wep? OM $2 (Venus, Mercury, Moon) (Venus, Mars, Moon) ‘The day is extremely lucky for you from financial point of view Ifyou have any scheme in hand, go ahead withit, You wake up in the morning quite hace and hearty, Family ing to cheerful, You will be in a playful mood and tease your wife just to enjoy her anger, Some door to ee salesman is likely to upset you, Do not purchase anything from hhim as you are likely to be deceived, You will fel like are more time in the bath room. You are likely to receive a a of a very ordinary type. You will enjoy your meals at g0 to office quite cheerfully. For stock exchange operators, ‘the js fine and you are advised to make hay while the sun shines pee ‘business to-day. Traasport, Automobile and steel a are a good catch fo-day. Do ant do jobbing busines, 20 folio for prices to rise further. For other businessmen Ee aso lucky. Shop keepers will have many customers to aig aa and doctors will do very well to-day. The day is very lucky for under world activities Race-course-fans will “ a bumber eropto-dhy, Try last 3 races. White mares ar, likly ‘win, play on hunch to-day instead of mathematical calculations and astrological predictions. ‘Thelucky numbers for the day are 1,2 and 5. No. 1 is ‘more significant. Your auspicious petiod is evening time and from 9 to 10 p. m, You will have good sleep. 83 (vem, Moon, Mercury) (Moon Moon, Sun) gine Iucky is the person who has chosen this number for the day. You wake up in the moting with ano; mind as you have heard some good news in your office regarding Promotion or transfer to a good place. The long delayed mare tiage of your daughter or sistcr is likely to be settled to-day You Will feel relieved of some anxiety. The influence of moon on your mind to day will make you dreamy about your future life. ‘This ‘is an auspicious day for buying costly articles such as pressure cooker, radio or afan. You will have a feast to day and will fend office light heartedly. For stock exchange operators. the ‘day is extremely lucky. A casual deal in any seeutity particularly Shipping shares will bring good divided within a short time. Do ot do investment business to day but go in for jobbing, For ‘other traders, the day is very fine Hotel owners, cloth and Jewellery merchants and gold smiths will do, good business to day, Government officers will fecl impor that to-day. For raceacoursee fans the day is extremely lucky. Luck wi staked properly. Play on hunch. Do.not ‘or Astrology, while horses are I guide your money ther about mathematics ‘© win. play race No. 1. Your lucky numb:rs for the day are 1, 8,9, No9 is more ‘important. The lucky hours of the diy are from 5 to 9 p. m. ‘You will have a good sleep with a sweet dream, 84 (veaus, Mars, Sun) (Sun, Mercury, Venus) You wake up early in the morning in good spirits and ina ‘cheesful frame of mind, The day'is bright and you are babbling ‘with enthusiasm, You will feel financially at ease, The day is quite ‘auspicious for entering into some contracts. If you are an office, bbearet or Chairman of some institution, you will have an honour- able day. Calla mecting of your tution to-day to discuss important problems. Home life is quite cheerful and congenial. ‘You are likely to feel proud about your son’s progress in studies, ‘Make your wife happy by bringing her some garment, You will hhave good meals. For stock exch mely Tucky. Such lucky days are very rare indeed, Do some big business to-day, ‘The market is going to rise within a couple of perators, the day is extre- or automobile shares, For other ‘businessmen the day is also very fine. Esta. or dealers in spare parts will have a busy time. Morning time ill be more lucky for them, Race-fans will find the day very Tucky: Persons born if the month of March are likely to have a more lucky time on the race course. Play on hunch, Male horses are likely to win. Play fist 3 races. wrokers, cycle dealers ‘The lucky numbers for the day are 3, 5 and 7. No. 7 is more ‘sagpiacte het tbcky Kou ofthe "day Ste HOTS 11 aay, aid evening time, You will sep well. 85 (Mercury, Herschel, Jupitery (Jupiter, Satun, Saturn) ee a As the day is fully controlled by Saturn, you should be care- fol throughout the day. You are likely to feel unwell due to tooth ‘che or some bone trouble. The morning time would. be gloomy and cheerless. Try to go out for along walk or 20 to the market, ikely to hear a bad news ab Take a hot bath and iety are likely to ms friend's relative, down for some time, The clouds of ange Do not write any letters to- day. As far as pos of and observe: silence, If you hhave decided to go You will have a inge to-day. For other unfortunate. They will have fowever persons dealing in oil-seed, oil cake and il will have a lucky time, For race-course-fans, the only tip that ‘can be given to them is to remain absent. Uo not do anything to day on the race course. You are likely to suffer heavy losses. Your lucky numbers for the day ate 1, 6 ‘arid 7, No, 7 is ‘More important. The whole of the day and night are inatispiciois, ‘You will have a disturbed sleep, 86 (Mercury, Moon, Moon) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) To-day is a day of sunshine and merry making for you, You wake up in the morning in a of have departed on the you desire. For wri ‘write much to-day. Famil con your life to-day is quite lucky. Some good luck you, Imagination will play an important part to-day. You are likely to receive a letter of some importance to you in the long run. Do not reply it to-day. You will have good meals and attend office in 1 chectful mood. This is hay day for stock exchange fraternity. Prices are likely to rise to phenomen: fare a good catch for the day. Do jobbing busi ‘You will not repent if you do business businessmen also the day should utlery, loth, diamond and musi ‘dealers will find this day porticularly lucky. Truck owners and spare parts dealers will have an uncomfortal Nothiog can be predicted regarding Race course, The that you will change your mind at the last moment and repent that your former judgments were correct. the adviee of your brob ‘The lucky numbers for the day are I, 4,5. No. more important. Lucky period is from 5 p.m. to 7 pam. You will sleep well. 87 (venus, Mars, Mars) (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) This is a very unlucky day for you due to the powerful influence of Mars and Saturn. You wake up in the morning. with Financially this is a very unlucky day for you. You will not be able to meet some of your outstanding bills. ‘You will think of asking for a small loan from your friend. You will have no appetite and will go to office in a despondant frame ‘of mind. For stocke exchange operators the day is a fateful one. Tt would be better not to do any business to day. Prices of shares are likely to remain stagnant. However automobile and engine= heavily. It is better to give a holiday to races all you are inclined to play, stake on Gist two races only. The lucky numbers for the day 2, 4, 6. No. 6 is impor- tant, The whole of the day is unlucky. You will have a distur- bed sleep, 88 (Venus, Herchel, Jupiter) (Saturn, Jupiter, Jupiter) ‘You wake up inthe morning in. tne ‘enjoy all the thr sures of life, ‘will make you great to-day. Prabably yo: and want to iuence of Jupiter aud are likely to hear a ood news regarding your promotion or change of work, You will have ennobling thoughts and will be i charitable, You are likely to pur your stall baby. She wil to be more ase some clothes or toys for This is a day for re~ respodenee. You will have fu! frame of mind, sumptuous meals and attend offic: ‘The day is quite normal for stock ex is, There is no- ‘90 to your previous contracts, At the closing hour, 4@ great flutter in Centuryand Rayon shares: Do not di For other tradets, the day is quite good. They wi ‘normal have les. Soap’ manufacturers, Kerosene merchants and per- fumers will do very good business to-day. The day is good for stocktaking and giving now orders. For racegocts the day is uite good. Stake on black horses. Play race No. 2 and 3, It Would be better to use your judgment rather than play on ‘bunch, Your lucky numbers for to-day are 1, 6 and 9. No, 6 is mote auspicious. Lucky period. is from-4 p.m. to7 p.m. You will -haye a disturbed sleep at night. 89 (Moon, Jupiter, Mars) (Mars, Saturn, Mercury) You wake up in the morning ponderingover some humilia« ‘tation which you may have su on the previous day, You are ‘likely to behave strangely with your wife and children. It is ely to make a fabulous dex is better to go for a ‘lone You may be searching in vain for a mise article or letter, You will attend office in a gloomy mood. The day on the stock exchange is one of hectic a ity. Prices both ways. Take advantage of this price Patern. Itis better to go in for jobbing, Chemical and engineering shares fare a good catch to-day. For othe Predictable. Some businessmen are sssmen, the day is un- Persons dealing in gold and si g0 in for fresh purchasss today. Race-course-fans wi ‘this day one of wind fall, Such lucky days do not come often, Stake big amounts on hunch and go home with your pockets full ofmoncy. Do not play last two races, ‘The lucky aumbers for the day are 1, 2 and 4. No. 1 is “more auspicious. Lucky period js morning time. You will have -a disturbed sleep. 90 —( Moon, Mercury, Saturn) (Mercury, Venus, Mars ) The influence of Saturn and Mars to-day is likely to land you in some trouble. Otherwise the day is quite normal. You wake up after a good sleep and feel quite happy and comfortable. However the dullness of the day will make you feel uneasy ‘There is nothing thrilling both in the house or outside. Try to ead some light book to while away your time, There is no letter for you to-day. This is a better day for artists, writers and musi- cians. This is a good day for young persons. They are likely to enjoy the morning inthe company of their friends. You have normal meals and go to office in cheerful spirits. For stock exchange operators this is a dull day, Nothing is moving in. the ‘market for a long time, Donot do much business to-day but sit tight on your previous holdings. However there is likely to be a flutter at the closing time, For other businessmen, the day is quite aormal. They will have good sales. Book sellers, stationery, ‘merchants and persons in scientific instruments will do roaring business. For race-zourse-fans, the day is also eventless. You are likely to gain nothing to-day. Gain in one race will be wiped out bby losses in other races. Stake om brown horses. ‘Try race No. 7. Male horses are likely to win. ‘Your lucky numbers for the day are 7, 8,9, No. 7 is more important. The whole of the day is normal- You sleep well at night, QI (Moon, Mercury, Saturn) (Venus, Mars, Jupiter ) ‘This is a lucky day from financial point of view. Somebody is likely to return a loan given to him by you. You will feel ike arranging your room and cupboard. If you go out, you are likely to purchase an useful article at a cheap price. You are likely to be visited by some of your friends in the morning and you will pass a happy time in their company. To-day you will feel hungry from the morning and wish for tasty food, To-day is. day for changing clothes or wearing new ones. You will have a happy time with your children and wife. You normally, Work in the office would be very light. For stock Exe change operators the day is extremely lucky during the first hour. Do some big business to-day. Rayon and Shipping shares are a good catch. Try also automobile shares. You are likely to make good money to-day. For other businessmen also the day is Quite upto the mark. Oil cake, oil seeds and oil traders will have @ good time. Prices of these articles would be in theit favour and it would be better to unload a big parcel to-day. For race-course~ fans the day is auspicious. Mares and horses having brown and. white mixed colours are likely to win, Try race No.1 and 3. Do not do anything in the last three races- Your lucky numbers for the day are 1, 3 and 6, No | is ‘more auspicious. Lucky period of the day is morning time. You will sleep well. 92 ((Moon, Mercury, Jupiter) (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) id dae ve hs a fhead, You feel qu vious day are not a sense of heavy burdea on your shes of the pre~ be unnecessa Fily insulted and humiliated by yo making you all the more uneasy. Try to obse fote some of ied to. bring you peace of mind, think much about wha ¢ mo Come fhome and take a 20 10 office is extremely lucky as the market is apparent cause. Do so: nothing to record either way. likely to be lucky to-day black marketers. For 1: are born in January or Septembe day is very lucky. Persons born in December should give a holiday to the raee course as they are likely to loose heavily. ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 4, 8 9. No. 4 is important. The whole of the day is normal, You will have a disturbed sleep, 93 (supiter, Saturn, Saturn) (Sun, Neptune, Mars) The day is very fine for old p:rsons, If some one has been for some tims he will begin to fe + Old persons are ly to meet old friends and rel This is aday is a fairly normal to record. They will feel like enjoying life tom Gay. Try light literature and music to-day, Writers will be dis- appointed to see that their manuscripts are retumed by magazine editors or publishers. This is a good day for persons born on’ Saturday or ia the month of June. For stock exchange operators. the day appears to be most unt predicted. However blue cl for them to pray and worship. Ger day for others also. There is nothing have a happy moi time, They wil + Price pattern cannot be are likely to show fair strength, Go in for steel and Engineering shares. Do small business. to» day. However it would be better to be away from the stock exchange. For other businessmen also the day is gloomy. ‘They are likely to be involved in sales tax trouble and. harrassment by excise officials. Oil seeds, oil cake and oil merchants however will fare better today. For raceans the day is most unlucky, However black horses are likely to win. Do not play after the forth race. Try your luck in third and fourth race. Do not stake heavy amounts to-day. The auspicious numbers for the day are 3, 6, 8. No. 8 is significant. Morning time is more lucky. You will sleep normally 94 (Sun, Neptune, Mercury } (Saturn, Saturn, Venus ) ‘Though the primary planets are aus the morning quite morose and cross. Are some person in the morning? Probably be ‘ demand repayment of a loan. Be polite and request him to wait, If you have a father, he ‘ould be devoted to prayers. Remain for another few day spirits to day. ‘The day calm and composed throughout the day. You will have no appe- tite and will go to offic th some fear in your mind. For be lucky: Blue chips and oi! and chs some bull business in these shares at the ‘contracts for a week or so. For other businessmen, the day is quite normal. They are likely to ‘have normal sels. Persons dealing in oil, oil seeds, and oil:cake will have a very happy time isa: most unlucky day for ‘will go. wrong and you are likely to loose heavily. Only play 1 or 2:races and stake on black horses. ‘The lucky numbers for the day are 3, auspicious. ‘The whole of the day is inaus -a disturbed sleep. 95 (Venus, Mars, Jupiter ) (Venus, Sun, Saturn) ‘You must thank me for telling you th: mind for a long time. You will be quite light hearted and jovial in the morning. You will be in humorous mood and would like to tease your wife. You will receive some letter from a close relative of yours. Go for a stroll and bring some vegetables. ‘You will have a happy time in the company of your children, If you have brought office work at home, you will not do it, ‘Meats are likely to be tasty and you fully. For stock exchange operators, the day is very dull. They will wonder what to do to-day. Prices are likely to remain stag- nant, However Rayon shares are a good catch to-day. Buy some Rayon shares and unload within a week with good profit. For ‘other businessmen, the day is quite normal. The day is good for stock checking and preparing accounts for income-tax work, ‘Speculation in black commodities will bring you good profits, Estate brokers, police persoonel and farmers will find this day some what lucky. For racefans, the chances are even. You are likely to go home with your cash only in tact. You will win and loose the seme amount. ‘The lucky numbers for the day are 3, 7 and 9. No.9 is ‘more auspicious. The auspicious hours are from 9 a. m. to 11 a, m, and 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. You will sleep well, Ree a | a ee eeree © 96 — (Venus, Venus, Jupiter) (Venus, Sun, Saturn ) You wake up im the morning with a cheerfu! mind and feeb hale and hearty. The éay is quite normal and you have nothing ‘to do in the morning, Read some light book in the morning. Go over old correspondence or a diary if you are keeping one. You are likely to feel more optis regarding your financial position, You will probably call on an elderly person to inquire about his health. You will read some important news in the newspapers. You will have good appetite and enjoy your meals. ‘You will attend office in a normal mood. For stock exchange operators the day is lucky especially for ladies. Business tran- sacted in the name of your wife will be fruitful. Go in for ‘Rayon and Transport Company shares. Do not do jobbing to-day ‘buc hold on your contracts till settlement For other business ‘men, the day is quite lucky. They will have roaring sales, Per- sons dealing in perfumary, cosmetics and ladies garment find this day extremely lucky. For musicians, dancers and writers also the day is very auspicious. For race-fans, the day is ‘normal. Your profits would be small but sure, Go in for black ‘mares and play last 3 races. A good day indeed. Your lucky numbers for the day are 2, 4, 5. No. 5 is more important. Lucky period is evening time only. You will sleep late but soundly. 97 (mars, Neptune, Moon) (Sun, Mercury, Venus ) As the day is fully controlled by Neptune in conjunction with Mars and Moon, Older persons are likely to suffer to-day. Some of them would suddenly take ill eausing anxiety to other ‘members of the family. But the day is not dangerous at all. ‘They should call a doctor and take medicine For other people the day isquite fine and cheerful. The morning time would be spent im the company of good old friends over a cup of tea. Are you planaing a journey in the immediate future ? Do so. Your appe- ‘be abnormal and you will eat well. You wi For stock exchange operators, the day tend office quite good, cheerful To-day is a day for long term investments. Such transactions will yield very good profits in the long run, Go in for shipping shares of older mpanies, For other businessmen the day is ‘They will have normal customers, The day is jous for ladies dress makers, dealers in cosmetics and gold- smiths, This is a good day for the under world businessm Gamblers will have a happy time. For race course frate the day is quite good, To-day older horses are likely to win. ‘Try brown horses. Play even races. ‘The auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 3,9. No.9 jore auspicious. The lucky period is keep late hours and sleep normtally. 98 — (venus, Mercury, Venus) (Mercury, Moon, Mercury) This is an extremely lucky day for you both from financial and family point of view. You wake up in the morning from some sweet and auspicious dream, You are likely to be very busy in the morning in the company of some persons casually Known to you. For writers this is a very fine day. They are likely to write much to-day, The standard of their writing also This is a day to change your clothes, You are every i likely to receive a letter from a relative of yours who is far away from you. Newspaper and radio stock exchange fans the day is one of great wind-fall, ‘earn very good profits in jobbing. Take full advantage of rising prices and unload at the end of the session. Shipping, Rayon and Chemical shares are likely to come in the it. For other ‘businessmen also the day is quite happy. Speculators in silver ‘and cotton are likely to be happy over their profits. The day is onc for doing big business. Do not do any business in jaggary ‘or chilly. This is a day for ordering goods from abroad. For race-course-fans also the day appears to be extremely tucky. The influence of moon will bring good luck to them. Try white mares as far as possible. Even races would prove auspicious. The lucky numbers for the day are 1, 2 and 3. No. significant. The whole of the day is auspicious, You will sleep soundly. 99 (Venus, Mars, Moon) (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter) This is a very lucky day for high Government officers and persons engaged in teaching profession. Their special work and ability is likely to be appreciated. If today is Thursday the above aspect will be all the more powerful. For others. also the day is quite happy and cheerful This is a better day for ladies, Birth of a bonny son is indicated, You are likely to feel proad of your personality and would try to look better by wearing new clothes. This is a good day for a long walk. Take your children with you and buy them some articles or sweets. You Your meals and go to office quite cheerfully. For stock exchange fans, the day is also very favourable. Shares of oldest companies are likely to rise, Go in for steel and textile shares of renowned companies, To-day’s purchases should be for long term holding. Do not do jobbing to-day. For other businessmen, the day is quite normal and good. ‘To-day many businessmen are likely to be relieved from income-tax and sales-tax anxicties. For religious minded businessmen, the day is specially lucky. God will help them to day. For racefans, the day is also favourable, ‘They will earn good money to-day. Races No. 3.and 5 are more lucky. Try older horses to-day. The lucky numbers for the day are 1, 7 and 8. No. 7 is significant. Morning time and 7 p,m. to 10 p.m, are lucky periods. Avoid writing letters. You will keep late hours and sleep well. 100 (Mercury, Herschel, Saturn) (Saturn, Sun, Jupiter) ‘The conjunction of Herschel and Satuen is likely to play some mischief to day. You wake up in the morning to face a grave problem which is threatening you for a long tims. Do not worry much. All will be well in the near future, You are likely to fee unwell, Your neighbour ive a car or ride a bicycle, You will not receive Meals will not give you satisfaction and you will 20. to office with w on your forehead. For stock exchange operators, the day is fatal the trend of stock prices. Ther ‘The sales would be below expectations. However oil will have a lucky chance. For race-fans, the unpredictable due to the secondary influence of Her- schel. It would be better to stake very small amounts, Try male horses. Do not stake on the first 2 races. You are likely to be unfavourable, a winner in race No. 4. The lucky numbers for the day ate 4, 5, 8. No. 4 ficant. The whole of the day is inauspicious. You will have a disturbed sleep. TOT (otercury, Herschel, Saturn) (Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn) To-day you wake up quite tired due to Kceping Inte hours ‘on the previous night. You feel rowsy and dneasy and desire to do nothing in the morning. You will read some unusual news in the ‘newspapers. For old persons however the day ig quite good. They are likely to be moce religious minded and spend much of their time in reading religious books. The day will give you an experience of sudden strange events and happenings in your life, In the moming you should try to employ your mind in arranging your correspondence or cleaning your room. Your radio, sowing machine or clock is likely 10 go out of order. You will have poor meals and. go to office rel ‘change fraternity, the day any big business ‘and you will fel w. ‘80 agninst your expectations 1. Do not ustoad your holdings to-day, Everything will become smooth after about a week's time, For ‘other businessmen also\the day is not very favourable. They are likely to be served with notices, from Income tax office or sales tax department, Do not ignore them. The day, otherwise is une ‘eventful. For race-fans, the d fatal. . Your calculations and study of horses will go all wrong. » Play on bunch if at all you want to play. Try black, Race No, 4 and 6 will prove lucky. ‘Your auspicious numbers for the day are 1, 4 and 6. No. 6 is important, “The whole of the day is unfavourable, You. will have a disturbed sleep. 102. (rtoon, saturn, Jupiter) (Neptune, Moon, Venus) ‘The Secondary aspect of Neptune, Moon and Venus is very auspicious to-day. You wake up quite cheerfully in the morning. To-day you are likely to write many letters. For musicians wrie ters and painters a Tucky day. They will be in the demand today. You are likely to spend much of your time at homs do- nothing. You are likely to be visited by some of your friends in whose company you will spend much of your time, You will hhave @ good appetite and go to your office with a cheerful frame fof mind. For stock exchange fraternity, normally a lucky day, Markets are likely 10 rise from tosday. Go in for Rayon wes, To-day you should do bull business in the Do not do jobbing to-day. Hold on to your settlement, For other businessmen the day is quite encouraging. Money-lenders, shrofls and dealers in gold, silver and luxury articles are likely 10 fare much better to-day The price of sil ly to shoot up, Take full advantage of this rise by doing big business in silver. For race-fans also the day is quite lucky. Play on dark coloured horses. Race No, 1 and 6 should prove more lucky. Play on hunch and on the ‘of old persons. For ladies this day is particularly very paying, Card. ind_persons in the underworld will have a favoure able time throughout the day, Your lucky numbers for the day are 1, 4 and 6, No, 4 is significant. 3.p. m. tO 7 p. im. is" duspicious time. You will sleep well i 103 (Mercury, Moon, Jupiter) (Venus, Sun, Saturn) ‘You wake up early in the morning from a happy and sym= bolic dream. Morning time is fine and quite lively. The day is suitable for purchase of house-hold articles. To-day you are likely to receive a letter from an old friend asking for monetory help, To-day you ate likely to be in a religious mood to worship God. Do it with all concentration and you attend office ‘ou will have a good news and devotion. Meals are likely to be in a happy go lucky frame of mind. for you in the office. For stock exchange operators, the day is ‘extremely lucky. To-day is a day of good prof. Do jobbing in Prices of the above two scrips are likely to shoot ‘Such profits on the stock exchange are very rare, Iso the day is lucky. You should however stake small amounts in many races instead of staking a big amount in fone race. White mares are likely to win. Race No. 3 and 5 larly lucky. For other businessmen, the day should prove patti Some businessmen will be free from income tax or sales tax anxiety. Give some money in charity to-day, The a 104 (venus, Herschel, Saturn) (Venus, Mars, Sun) Some strange incidents are likely to occur to-day in your ly. Some humorous utterenct It is better you observe silence to day at least in the morning. ‘You will unsuccessfully try to finé out a misplaced document or article, The morning time is likely to be gloomy and uncomfor- to create a storm, 20 to office in a gloomy and dismal mood. For stock exchange ihe day is quite unpredictable, The pattern of prices jing shares however will be profitable to you. Go in 10 do jobbing today. However the day would be qi ful, For other traders, the day is quite good, Some pol ‘would have done a good job to-day and they should expect a pat ‘on theic back by their boss. Persons in travsport line will have a appy time, This is a lucky day for persons engaged in black- market, For race-gotis the day appears to be a gloomy day. Your expectations and judgments will go al! wrong end you are to-day. If at all you want to risk your likely to loose hea money stake on white mares and play race No. 5 and 8. © The lucky numbers for the day are 5, 6 and 8, Number 8 is more important. The whole of the day is inauspicious. 105 (Mercury, Mars, Sun) (Mercury, Neptune, Sun) ‘The influence of the three secondary planets will have more influence on your life today. You are likely to receive an enco= raging letter from your father or aa elder person. Home atmos- ‘Phere is quite cheerful. You are likely to tell your family about “® strange incident which you have witnessed the previous day. To-day you. appear to be more interested in your meals rather than, anythiog else. Request your wife to prepare a good dish for you today. Th: day should prove more auspicious as it Advances, To-day you will be in a phylosophical mood. For stock exchange fraternity, the day is very encouraging To-day is # day for unloading long standing contracts with a decent profit, You should buy shares of long standing and dividend paying com- Do not do jobbing to-day. For other traders also the day is quite good. Money lenders, softs and black marketers will have a happy time. For card players and persons s ‘money on figures the day is very auspicious, Evening time is ‘more cheerful and you should enjoy it. For race-goers the day Js very lucky. Male horses are sure to win. Stake on older ho to-day. Brown coloured horses are sure to ‘Pay you good di dend. Play on hunch rather than mathematical calculations and astrological predictions, You will go home quite cheerfully to-day. Your lucky sumbérs are 2, 3 and 7, “No. 2 is more impor. ast, 6 pam. to9 pun. is an auspicious period. You wil lep well. 106 (venus, Mercury, Moon) (Venus, Mars, Moon) ‘The day is extremely lucky for you from financi view. If you have any scheme in hand, go ahead wit bath room. You are of a very ordinary type. You will enjo office quite cheerfully. For stock exchange fine and you are advised to make hay while big business to-day. ‘Transport, automobile and steel shares are good catch to-day. Do aot do jobbing business, but hold on yout folio for prices to rise further. For other businessmen the day is also lucky. Shop keepers will have many customers to day. Contractors and doctors will do very well to-day. The day is very lucky for underworld a Race-course-fans will reap a bumper crop to-day. Try last 3 races. White mares are likely to win. Play on hunch to-day instead of mathematical caleala- tions and astrological predictions. ‘The lucky numbers for the day are 1, 2and 5. No. Lis ‘more significant. Your auspicious period is evening time and from 9 t0 10 p.m. You will have good sleep. 107 (mars, Neptune, Mercury) ae (Jupiter, Venus, Moon) The day begins with your waking from a funny but sym- bolic dream. Unfortunately this unfortunate day for you, You will postpone or cancel an engagement scheduled for the ‘morning, You ate likely to feel sad and morote during a major Part of the day. Deo not lend money to any person as the repay- ment will be delayed. On this day you will like to be left alone but some unwelcome jokes from friends would disturb your mind, ‘You will lose your normal appetite and will not enjoy your meals, During business or office hours you will come across different Problems which will disturb you greatly. It would be to your ‘Advantage fo postpone new business deals, or to reconsider old Proposals A you are in service you. will find this day a tough ‘one as the pressure of work would be too great to bear. “From 2 p.m. onwards you will be relieved from the morning worries And begin to feel gay snd optimistic. You are likely tb enjoy dour evening with your family members af home, There isa pos- ‘bility of old or pious persons visiting you. Some of your time 1 be spent in searching some old papers or a misplaced article ‘You are most likely to be more sentimental towards your deay

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