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Heat Exchanger Inspection Planning Report

Organization: LR IES Planned By:

Stuart Hamilton
Plant: Sabratha Platform Planning Date:
Equipment HP PRODUCTION COOLER Equipment ID:
Asset No.:

NDE System: HP Production Gas

Asset: Operating Unit: Process

Inspection Priority

Damage Mechanism Priority

Bundle Corrosion 15
External Deterioration 15
Fretting 15
Internal Corrosion 15

Inspection Location

Internal Corrosion Type: Localized Predictable Locations: N

Internal Corrosion No. of Recommended Locations External Corrosion No. of Recommended Locations

No. of Heads/Covers:
0 Heads: 0 No. of Barrier Penetrations: 0 0

No. of Courses: 0 Shell: 0 No. of Damaged Insulation: 0 0

No. of Nozzles: 0 Nozzles: 0 No. of Vessel Supports: 0 0

Liquid Level Scans: 0 No. of Insulation Rings: 0 0

Total Internal Locations: 0 Total External Locations: 0

Print date/time: 21/01/2014 8:29:33AM Page 1 of 4

Heat Exchanger Inspection Planning Report

Inspection Plan

Damage Mechanism Insp. Location Method Extent Availability Last Insp. Due Date Freq., Preparation Driver Override
Priority Date Frequency

Bundle Corrosion 15 Eddy Current 10% of Tubes (Min. Shutdown 27/09/2005 25/09/2015 10 MI
Testing or with Eddy Current -50
IRIS tubes; Min. with IRIS -
10 tubes) (Date In
Service of the Bundle
was used as last
inspection date.)

Internal Corrosion 15 UT Random Corrosion - OnLine 27/09/2005 25/09/2015 10 MI

consult with Materials
Engineer. As a
minimum take the
following UT's: 1 per
head, 2 per shell
course/band, 1 on 25%
of nozzles (Min. 1 inlet
and 1 outlet nozzle)
(Date In Service was
used as last inspection

Internal Corrosion 15 VI-Int 100% Coverage (Date Shutdown 27/09/2005 25/09/2015 10 MI

In Service was used as
last inspection date.)

External Deterioration 15 VI-Ext 100% Coverage (Date OnLine 27/09/2005 25/09/2015 10 MI

In Service was used as
last inspection date.)

Fretting 15 N/A Fretting expected on - MI

consult with Materials

Print date/time: 21/01/2014 8:29:33AM EquipmentID: 61-300-HA-101A Page 2 of 4

Heat Exchanger Inspection Planning Report

Non MI Task Inspection Plan

Damage Mechanism Insp. Location Method Extent Availability Last Insp. Date Due Date Frequency Preparation Driver

Representative Asset

Damage Mechanism Method Equipment ID Last Insp. Date Due Date Frequency Comment

Asset this Equipment Represents

Unit Equipment ID Equipment Type Description Damage Mechanism Method Comments


Print date/time: 21/01/2014 8:29:33AM EquipmentID: 61-300-HA-101A Page 3 of 4

Heat Exchanger Inspection Planning Report

Inspection Planning

Date of Inspection: Date of last Inspection: Date of Next Inspection:

The signature below certify that the above is a true report of the inspection / test of the equipment specified and
consider fit for service until the date of next inspection.

Competent Inspector: Report Generation Date:

Reviewed and Accepted by:

Next Inspection Date:

Approved by:

Signature: Date:

Signature: Date:

Print date/time: 21/01/2014 8:29:33AM EquipmentID: 61-300-HA-101A Page 4 of 4

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