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Last year in February, I went to Canta- Huarochir with my family. The trip was kind
of bumpy and quite scenic. We stayed two days and the weather was rainy and cold.

The first day, we arrived at noon, then we went to the hotel, it was great. At 2:00 we
went to the restaurant and ate grilled fish, it was so delicious, the waiters were
friendly. In the afternoon, we rode horse and visited waterfall Velo de Novia. At night,
we went for a walk in the park, then we went to the hotel to sleep.

The second day, we visited Mirador San Miguel and bought souvenirs. In the
evening, we had a wonderful dinner.

We return to Lima at 8:00, the trip was very comfortable and I slept the whole time.

Finally, we had a good time, because Canta was relaxing and fantastic. And I would
like to come back again.
2. Conversation

A: Hi Marie. Were you on vacation?

B: Hi Paul. Yes, I was. I went to Florida with my family.

A: No kidding. When did you get back?

B: I got back yesterday.

A: Good. How was your flight?

B: It was comfortable.

A: Great! Did you have a good time?

B: So so, the weather was warm, but they lost my luggage.

A: Im sorry to hear that. Did you report the problem?

B: Yes, but the next day they found my luggage.

A: You were so lucky. How was the weather?

B: The weather was fantastic, it was so sunny

A: Thats good. How long did you stay?

B: One week.

A: Good. What did you do?

B: Well, I went to the beach all days, I went to Disney World with my younger siblings and
we visited my grandparents.

A: Thats great! Id definitely do it again.

B: Sounds good. Well, I have to go. Good bye.

A: See you then.

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