Sip-Sop04-R0-2017 Sop DPT Level Calibration

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Document No: SIP-SOP04-R0-2017
Date: 25.07.2017 Rev: 0 Created by: AAA Checked by: AAA

A. Overview
When it comes to calibrating a level transmitter, it is crucial for individuals to first understand exactly
what a level transmitter is. A level transmitter is a sensor whose primary purpose is to detect a variety
of factors based its electrical transmission output, including the bulk level of a liquid. There are five
primary types of level transmitters: the capacitive level transmitter, the float level transmitter, the
submersible level transmitter, the ultrasonic level transmitter, and the differential pressure (DP) level
transmitter. While all of these have different purposes and differentiators, the calibration of these
devices is largely universal. In this guide, we will be learning how to calibrate a DP level transmitter.
You should always check specific instructions for the make and model of your transmitter.

B. Calibrating a DP Level Transmitter

Materials Needed for Calibrating a DP Level Transmitter:
Pressure calibrator/air supply
Power supply (as required by the manufacturer, typically 24 volts)
Hand-held communicator
Digital Multimeter
Data sheet for the specific transmitter and tank.

To Perform The Test

Before the process of calibrating a level transmitter can begin, it is important to fully comprehend the
three outputs of a level transmitter. The first output is the digital process variable. It is highly
recommended that this output be read using a hand-held communication device such as a HART
communicator. Next is the output current's digital value. Similar to the digital process variable, the
output current's digital value should be read using a hand-held communicator. The final output of the
level transmitter is the analog signal output, which you will read using the milli ammeter
or millimeter instead of the communicator.

Calibration Procedure-DP Level Transmitter Page 1

Document No: SIP-SOP04-R0-2017
Date: 25.07.2017 Rev: 0 Created by: AAA Checked by: AAA

Step Items Description
Connect the transmitter to the test equipment.
The first step in this process is to power the transmitter by connecting it to an appropriate
power supply. Next, connect your pressure calibrator/air supply to the device as well. Lastly,
the multimeter is connected in series from the transmitters negative voltage to the mA
connector and from there back to the power supply. With no pressure being applied, the
multimeter should read around 4 mA.
Clean the high- and low-pressure ports.
2 Connect the air supply to the each port and blow air through for a few seconds to clean and
dry the port. Reconnect the air hose to the high side tap and leave the low side open to the
Using the data sheet for reference, set the pressure regulator on the air supply until it reads
the pressure in PSI associated with the LRV (lower range value), Using a screwdriver, make
minor adjustments to the zero screw, which is typically located on the top of the transmitter,
until the multimeter reads the proper voltage as shown on the data sheet. This process is
repeated for the URV (upper range value) by making adjustments to the span screw instead.
Once you have completed the URV adjustment, repeat Step 3 at least two more times to
verify the accuracy of the readings.

4 When dealing with level transmitters, it is important to ensure that the instruments are
properly calibrated. If they aren't, it could lead to poor equipment performance, inaccurate
material calculations, and equipment failure. You can find all the equipment you need for this
calibration on eBay. By going through the steps with patience and resolve, you can calibrate
a level transmitter without third-party assistance.

Calibration Procedure-DP Level Transmitter Page 2

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