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POST-GRADUATE COURSE Discuss social class dialects. Is it helpful to

Term End Examination December, 2011 differentiate dialect and accent ? Illustrate
Elective Course your answer with reference to socio-
Second Paper
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 SECTION B
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
2. Answer any three of the following questions :

Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in 12 3 = 36

the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling,
a) Discuss horizontal, vertical and functional
untidy work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for
each question has been indicated in the margin. bilingualism.
What are the basic differences between
1. Answer any two of the following questions : Diglossic and Bilingual situation of a
18 2 = 36 speech community ? Which of them is
spontaneous for adaptation in childhood ?
a) Discuss the contribution of applied
linguistics to language teaching. b) Describe with examples the Instructional
strategies of language acquisition in
b) In what way is the audio-lingual method
different stages. What are the suggestions
different from the Grammar Translation
to improve instruction for ELL students ?
c) What is information theory ? Discuss the
Network-based language teaching. 8 + 10 Give a brief account of the theories of
d) Write notes on (a) Denotation and language acquisition.
Connotation, (b) Syntagmatic and c) How is cognitive theory different from
Paradigmatic relation. 9+9 discourse theory ?

PG-ARTS-20103-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20103-G
3 PGELT-02 PGELT-02 4

Distinguish between acquisition and f) Language Acquisition Device ( LAD )

learning of a language. g) Language Processing
d) Trace the development of Applied h) Critial Period Hypothesis
Linguistics from the early period to recent
i) Skinners verbal behaviour
j) Role of personality in Second Language
Acquisition ( SLA ).
Discuss the communicative language
teaching approach in detail.
e) What are the important functions of signs
in language as a system of human
communication ?
What is the relationship between semiotics
and culture ?
f) What do you understand by Chomskyan
perspective of Language learning ?

3. Write notes on any four of the following :
7 4 = 28
a) Error Analysis
b) Computer Aided Language Learning ( CALL )
c) Paradigm & Syntagm
d) Connotation
e) Communicative Competence

PG-ARTS-20103-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20103-G

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