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Cancer Immunotherapy
This year marks a turning point in cancer, as long-sought efforts to unleash the immune
system against tumors are paying offeven if the future remains a question mark

Historys path is unchartable when its not yet past a grounded-in-reality bunch, say a corner has been turned
but present, when we are still standing in the mid- and we wont be going back.
dle of it. Thats what made Sciences selection of this With much pressure these days to transform biological
years Breakthrough of the Year such a topic of inter- insights into lifesaving drugs, theres a lesson to be learned
nal debate, even anxiety. In celebrating cancer immu- from immunotherapys successes: They emerged from a
notherapyharnessing the immune system to battle careful decoding of basic biology that spanned many
tumorsdid we risk hyping an approach whose ultimate years. The early steps were taken by cancer immunologist
impact remains unknown? Were we irresponsible to label James Allison, now at the University of Texas MD
as a breakthrough a strategy that has touched a tiny fraction Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. In the late 1980s,
of cancer patients and helped only some of them? What do French researchers who werent thinking about cancer
we mean when we call something a breakthrough, anyway? at all identied a new protein receptor on the surface of
Ultimately, we concluded, cancer immunotherapy T cells, called cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4, or
passes the test. It does so because this year, clinical trials CTLA-4. Allison found that CTLA-4 puts the brakes
have cemented its potential in patients and swayed even on T cells, preventing them from
the skeptics. The eld hums with stories of lives extended:
the woman with a grapefruit-size tumor in her lung from
launching full-out immune attacks.
He wondered whether blocking the Online
melanoma, alive and healthy 13 years later; the 6-year- blockerthe CTLA-4 molecule
old near death from leukemia, now in third grade and in would set the immune system free to Podcasts,
videos, and other
remission; the man with metastatic kidney cancer whose destroy cancer. extras (
disease continued fading away even after treatment stopped. Allisons rationale was untested. med_6165).
As the anecdotes coalesce into data, theres He and his colleagues changed
another layer, too, a sense of paradigms shifting. the conversation, in the words of one cancer researcher,
Immunotherapy marks an entirely different to consider immunosuppression as the focal point, and
way of treating cancerby targeting manipulation of immunosuppression as the target.
the immune system, not the Doing so took time. CTLA-4 was discovered in 1987.
tumor itself. Oncologists, In 1996, Allison published a paper in Science showing
that antibodies against CTLA-4 erased tumors in mice.

Seek and destroy. Instead of targeting tumors directly, cancer

immunotherapy enlists the immune system to attack them. Here,
an antibody (pink) blocks a receptor (purple) found on T cells
(gray), setting off a chain reaction that leads to an assault on
cancer cells (brown).

1432 20 DECEMBER 2013 VOL 342 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Pharmaceutical companies shied away from cancer from so-called chimeric antigen receptor therapy, or
immunotherapy, wary of past ops but also of a strategy very CAR therapya personalized treatment that involves
unlike the standard zapping of a tumor. So the job of getting genetically modifying a patients T cells to make them target
antiCTLA-4 into people fell to a small biotechnology tumor cells. One group, led by Carl June at the University
company, Medarex, in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1999, it of Pennsylvania, began reporting eye-catching responses to
acquired rights to the antibody, taking the leap from biology CAR therapy: patients with pounds of leukemia that melted
to drug. away. At a meeting in New Orleans this month, Junes
Crucial results didnt come for another 11 years. In 2010, team and another at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Bristol-Myers Squibbwhich had bought Medarex for Center in New York reported that the T cell therapy in their
more than $2 billionreported that patients with metastatic studies put 45 of 75 adults and children with leukemia
melanoma lived an average of 10 months on the antibody, into complete remission, although some later relapsed.
compared with 6 months without it. It was the rst time CAR therapy is now the focus of numerous clinical trials.
any treatment had extended life in advanced melanoma in Researchers hope that it, like the antibodies, can target an
a randomized trial. Nearly a quarter of participants survived assortment of cancers.
at least 2 years. Engineered T cells are still experimental, but the
The numbers for another antibody are so far even better antibodies are slowly going mainstream. At least five
and the side effects milder. In the early 1990s, a biologist major drug companies, their early hesitancy gone, are
in Japan discovered a molecule expressed in dying T cells, developing antibodies such as antiPD-1. In 2011, the U.S.
which he called programmed death 1, or PD-1, and which he Food and Drug Administration approved Bristol-Myers
recognized as another brake on T cells. He wasnt thinking Squibbs antiCTLA-4 treatment, called ipilimumab,
of cancer, but others did. One, oncologist Drew Pardoll at for metastatic melanoma. The cost is high: The company
Johns Hopkins University, met with a leader of Medarex at a charges $120,000 for a course of therapy. In 2012,
Baltimore coffee shop. He urged the company to test an anti Suzanne Topalian of Hopkins, Mario Sznol of Yale
PD-1 antibody in people. University, and their colleagues reported results for anti
The rst trial, with 39 patients and ve different cancers, PD-1 therapy in nearly 300 people, and they provided an
began in 2006. By 2008, doctors were jolted by what they update earlier this year. Tumors shrunk by about half or more
saw: In ve of the volunteers, all of them with refractory in 31% of those with melanoma, 29% with kidney cancer,
disease, tumors were shrinking. Survival in a few stretched and 17% with lung cancer.
beyond what was imagined possible. This year brought even more encouragement. Bristol-
Still, understanding what these therapies were doing inside Myers Squibb reported this fall that of 1800 melanoma
the body was a challenge. Other cancer treatments either patients treated with ipilimumab, 22% were alive 3 years
work or they dont, and the answer is nearly instantaneous. later. In June, researchers reported that combining
With both antiCTLA-4 and antiPD-1, physicians saw ipilimumab and antiPD-1 led to deep and rapid tumor
some tumors grow before vanishing months later. Some regression in almost a third of melanoma patients. Drugs
patients kept responding even after the antibody had been blocking the PD-1 pathway have not yet been proven to
discontinued, suggesting their immune system had been extend life, although survival rates so far have doctors
fundamentally changed. Some, particularly those on anti optimistic that they do.
CTLA-4, developed unnerving side effects, inammation of For physicians accustomed to losing every patient with
the colon, for example, or of the pituitary gland. All of these advanced disease, the numbers bring a hope they couldnt
were the ne points of a new template, one whose vagaries have fathomed a few years ago. For those with metastatic
physicians were just beginning to understand. The learning cancer, the odds remain long. Todays immunotherapies dont
curve would be steep. help everyone, and researchers are largely clueless as to why
It was steep in another area of immunotherapy as well. For more dont benet. They are racing to identify biomarkers

years, Steven Rosenberg at the National Cancer Institute had that might offer answers and experimenting with ways to
harvested T cells that had migrated into tumors, expanded make therapies more potent. Its likely that some cancers
them in the lab, and reinfused them into patients, saving will not yield to immunotherapy for many years, if ever.
some with dire prognoses. The technique worked only Even in the uid state oncology now nds itself, this
when doctors could access tumor tissue, though, limiting its much is certain: One book has closed, and a new one has
application. opened. How it will end is anyones guess.
Then in 2010, Rosenberg published encouraging results JENNIFER COUZIN-FRANKEL SCIENCE VOL 342 20 DECEMBER 2013 1433

Published by AAAS

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