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POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Oral communication is a two-way process.

Term End Examination December, 2011 How does this view affect classroom
practice ?
Elective Course
ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING What are the different types of tests that
Fourth Paper can be used to measure language
proficiency ?
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in 2. Answer any three of the following questions :
the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, 12 3 = 36
untidy work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for
a) What are the various factors that lead to
each question has been indicated in the margin.
good administration of a test ?

SECTION A b) What are your views on the impact of the

theory of schema on understanding the
1. Answer in detail any two of the following
problems of a reader ?
questions : 18 2 = 36
a) In a writing class, the skill should be c) Explain with suitable examples the term
treated as a process oriented activity. What Reliability and Validity in Testing.
are the pedagogical implications of this d) Discuss the role of teacher in developing
statement ? oral skills in the classroom through task-
b) Discuss the importance of listening as an based approach.
active skill with special reference to the e) What are errors ? Explain with reference to
basic process and the learning performance
regular types of errors in writing.
in the process.
f) With reference to Ann Raimes ( 1983 )
c) What a reader reads is the product but
illustrate and explain the complex sub-
how he reads is the process. Discuss with
skills that go to make a good piece of
reference to any reader reading in both first
and second languages. writing.

PG-ARTS-20303-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20303-G
3 PGELT-04 PGELT-04 4

SECTION C Having dissolved the democratically elected and

3. You want to develop Reading skills with the help Brotherhood-led Parliament on the eve of the
of the text below : presidential vote, the generals who seized control
after Mubaraks ouster abrogated their pledge to
Morsi first Islamist to head an Arab nation
hand power by June 30.
Cairo, June 24 : Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim
After 84 years as an often outlawed secret society
Brotherhood was declared the winner of Egypts
struggling in the prisons and shadows of
first competitive presidential elections today,
monarchs and dictators, the Brotherhood is now
handing the Islamist group a symbolic triumph
closer than ever to its dream of building a novel
and a new weapon in its struggle for power with
Islamist democracy.
the ruling military council.
New York Times News Service
After an hour-long speech in which he detailed
dozens of specific inquiries down to the ballot- Answer the questions given below in relation to
box level, the chairperson of the election this text : 4 7 = 28
commission, Farouk Sultan, announced that a) At which level would you use this text for
Morsi had won 517 per cent of the runoff vote developing Reading skills ? Why ?
completed last weekend. The other candidate, b) Which areas of syntax and items of
former general Ahmed Shafik, won 483 per cent. vocabulary would be highlighted in your
In Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands plan ? Why ?
had gathered to await the result, the c) How would you integrate oral skills as part
confirmation of Morsis win brought instant, of the plan ? Why ?
rollicking celebration. Fireworks went up over the d) At what stage of your lesson would you
crowd, which took up a pulsing, deafening integrate writing skill ? Why ?
chant : Morsi ! Morsi !. e) List some of the problems you are likely to
Morsi now becomes the first Islamist elected to be face which executing the plan. How would
head of an Arab state. But his victory is an you cater to them ?
ambiguous milestone in Egypts promised
f) Frame tasks that you might use for
transition to democracy after the ouster of Hosni
the pre-Reading stage ( 1 task )
Mubarak 16 monhs ago.
the while-Reading stage ( 1 task )
Morsi, 60 will assume an office stripped of almost
g) Which sub-skills of reading will the learners
all authority under a military-issued interim
develop through this lesson ? How ?

PG-ARTS-20303-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20303-G

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