Parashah 51: Nitzavim "Standing ": YHVH's Covenant Extended To All Nations

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Parashah 51: Nitzavim "Standing

Parashah 51: Nitzavim (Standing) - Deuteronomy 29:10 through 30:20

Haftarah reading: Isaiah 61:10 through 63:9.
B'rit Hadasha suggested reading: Romans 9:30 through 10:13; Hebrews

Summary & Overview

Deuteronomy 29:10 | The Covenant Renewed in Moab
Deuteronomy 30:1 | The Blessing of Returning to God
Deuteronomy 30:11 | The Choice of Life or Death

Last week we studied what it means to observe shamar, YHVHs

Commandments in relation to a thorny hedge. This week we will try to
understand what it means to stand before YHVH by analysing the word
natzab, which is the name of this Torah Portion. We will learn about Moses
who, before his death and at the age of 120 years, handed over the
leadership to Joshua. It is interesting to note that this Torah portion typically
falls on the Sabbath prior to Rosh Hashanah, also known as Yom Teruah, the
day of shouting or the Feast of Trumpets.

YHVHs Covenant Extended to all Nations

Deut 29:10-14 All of you stand today before YHVH YOUR ELOHIM:
your leaders and your tribes and your elders and your officers, all the
men of Israel, 11 your little ones and your wivesalso the stranger
who is in your camp, from the one who cuts your wood to the
one who draws your water.

The name of the Torah Portion comes from the phrase Atem
Nitzavim (All of you are standing) Nitzavim comes from the word natzab
bon meaning to station, appointed, deputy, erect, establish, officer, pillar,
settle, sharpen, establish, (make to) stand(-ing, still, up, upright), best state.
Natzab has the connotation of being grounded or standing firm.

Natzab consists of three letters; nun n, which means fruitful or bearing fruit,
a tzadik o, which means righteous, and a bet b, meaning house When we
approach it from left to right, we learn that your journey starts when you enter
YHVHs House, then once inside the House, you will learn to become
righteous, after which you will start to bear fruit. This is the same sequence of
events that we noticed last week when we studied the word bo. First YHVH
was calling you, and then you had to depart or leave sin behind while
fetching or picking up YHVHs truth. This means you bring forth and carry
fruit as you walk in His footsteps. The middle letter of natzab is the tzadik,
which is the most important letter because it means righteous.
The bet on the left, or Household of YHVH is
the place that supports this outcome, and the
nun on the right sustains this outcome. If you
are not with fellow believers in the House of
YHVH, then you will not become righteous. If
you do not bear fruit as a result of your
righteousness, then you will lose your
righteousness and eventually leave the House
altogether. Just like a river needs to flow to
keep the water fresh, so must your righteousness flow by bearing fruit in
your life so your righteousness does not become stagnant and rot.
Natzab has the gematria of 142, and the following words add up to the same

natzab meaning to take ones stand, be set (lover), establish.

aza-liah meaning YHVH has set apart.
Balaam meaning not My people.
bel-e-yah-al meaning worthlessness, destruction, without
profit, evil, wickedness. This is associated with the Sons of
Belaial, the sons of Lawlessness.
eliqa meaning my God (El) rejects.
oz-nee-yah meaning unclean bird of prey.

Only two words have a positive meaning that describes YHVHs people as
those who stand firm, who are established and those who are set apart as his
Bride (lover). They are the ones who entered the House, learned His Truth
and became righteous. They continually bear fruit to maintain their
The other four words describe those who are not His people. These are the
people of YHVH who initially entered His Household, but they refused to
embrace the Truth and became the sons of lawlessness. They have no real
fruit and will be rejected by YHVH, scattered on the field, and eventually
devoured by unclean birds as part of the judgement of YHVH.

Jer 34:20 I will give them into the hand of their enemies and into the
hand of those who seek their life And their dead bodies will be food for the
birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth.

Natzab is first used in Scripture in Gen 18:2 when Abraham saw three men
standing (natzab) at a distance, and he ran to meet them. This occurred
before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, right after Abraham
confirmed the Covenant with YHVH by being circumcised. The three men
represented the Judge and two Witnesses who were similar to Yshua the
Messiah and the Two End Time Witnesses as described in Revelation
Chapter 11.
Deuteronomy chapter 29 is about the
Renewing of the Covenant or the
extension of the Covenant, made at Moab
and Horeb, to new followers. In this
chapter, YHVH made a Covenant with
Israel at Moab on the east side of the
Jordan. Previously YHVH had made a
Covenant with Israel at Horeb when
Moses was present. Horeb means sword
and is another name for Sinai where
YHVH spoke the 10 Commandments from the Mountain over Israel. This
Covenant was made at Shechem, where the people spoke the
Commandments from the two mountains located in the valley in the presence
of YHVH. We discussed this topic at length in Parashah 47 (Re-eh), which
connected it to the Mount of Olives that split open, creating one Mountain of
Blessing and the other Mountain of Curses during the coming of Yshua the
Deut 29:9 uses the phrase; carefully follow the words of this Covenant,
which is the word shamar that represents the thorny hedge of protection.
Nitzavim is not the typical word translated as stand amad. Instead,
nitzavim speaks of the fortitude and courage that comes from a Torah
knowledge that has been internalized. As the Israelites stand at the end of
their journey to the Promised Land, they are much wiser than they were at the
beginning of their journey. Moses is asking them to stand, to reflect on how
far theyve come and on what theyve learned along the way.
In like manner, those who remain standing at the end of time are in a
position to look back over the entire span of history, as far back as the Garden
of Eden. This final generation becomes a witness to the truth of Scripture.
They will be able to testify that everything was foretold in the Torah, the
prophecies, including the loss of the Promised Land, the resultant exiles, the
return of the land, and the restoration movement. There will be no doubt in
their minds that shalom (peace) in the land of Israel will only come through the
embracing of YHVHs Covenant and His Torah.

Prophetic Insight: Connecting all these thoughts gives us the timeframe
of the Day of YHVH, when Yshua the Messiah will return as the Judge,
just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is the time when the
people have to stand firm, making sure they are inside the Thorny
Hedge of Protection, so they will be associated with Mount Gerizim, the
Mountain of Blessing, and not Mount Ebal, the Mountain of Curses. This
is the time YHVHs Covenant is extended to all nations, from the
stranger in your camp, to the one who cuts your wood or draws your
The people of Israel are the chosen people, the appointed Nation of Priests
who are called to reach out to the Nations in the world, so that all of humanity
can be invited to join Israel and become part of His people through His
Covenant He is renewing here in their presence, as described in
Deuteronomy chapter 29.
Everything we have learned in previous Parashahs that applies to Israel, also
applies to the Nations and all those who enter into this Renewed Covenant.
This covenant includes Israelites from the past, present and the future (29:13-
14). Since YHVH is eternal, it makes perfect sense that He would enter into a
covenant with all generations.This is a fundamental concept you must
understand; the New Covenant is not replacing the Old Covenant YHVH
made in the presence of Moses at Mt Sinai, no, it is the same Covenant but
extended to a larger audience outside of Israel. This makes the New
Covenant new to them, but not to those already in the Old Covenant who do
not need another.
Q What about faith in Jesus / Yshua, surely that is part of the New
Covenant, and everybody needs Him to enter in?
Yes and no, depending on how you look at it. The Old Covenant (let's call it
that for arguments sake), had the knowledge of Messiah and the prophecies
pointing to the Messiah. The only thing they needed was who the Messiah is
and did He come. The New Covenant is the Same Covenant with the same
expectation of the Messiah, but this time He is revealed. The revelation of the
Messiah does not annul the original Covenant, but rather fulfil it, filling it full
of meaning, by filling in the Name of the Messiah and the time of His
Coming, not annulling the foundational truth that supports His Coming.

Oh, you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched youbelieving
the Covenant was annulled when Yshua was revealed (my
own interpretation of Pauls words within this context).
When Israel left Egypt, they were a mixed multitude consisting of the house of
Jacob and the nations that were enslaved by them in Egypt. All of them left
Egypt as one people to become the Nation of Israel by entering into the
Covenant with YHVH. No distinction is made between the people; if you
cross over you are a Hebrew and grafted into the Olive Tree and become
part of YHVHs people called Israel the Righteous people of Elohim. There
is ONE God, who has ONE law (Torah), ONE land and ONE people, all to
become ONE (Echad) with each other and with Him.
Revelation speaks of the gates by which
people will enter into the Kingdom after
Messiahs Second Coming. These are 12
pearly gates with the names of the 12 tribes
of Israel; there is no Gentile Gate, Church
Gate, no Charismatic or Baptist Gate. The
Church and all who came in from the
Nations through faith in Jesus (Yshua), will
be divided into one of the 12 Tribes to enter
into the Kingdom of YHVH. There is no back
door to go into the City. All the families of
the earth will be blessed as was promised to Abraham, including the church,
the gentiles, the Jews and all those in the Nations who accept His Covenant.

One Who Cuts Wood and the One Who

Draws Water
Chopped Wood: The first patriarch and the father of our faith is also the one
who chopped wood when he was commanded by YHVH to bring his most
beloved son, Isaac, up on the mountain to be a burnt offering.
Gen 22:3 And Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his
donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Yitzhak his son.
And he split the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the
place which Elohim had commanded him.
The Covenant started with Abraham, and he is referred to as the Father of our
Faith and the one who represents what someone looks like who is declared
as righteous.
Draws Water: Elijah the prophet is also associated with the one who draws
the water as he challenged the prophets of Baal on top of Mount Carmel:
1 Kings 18:33 And he arranged the wood, and cut the bull in pieces,
and laid it on the wood, and said, Fill four jars with water and pour it
on the burnt offering and the wood.
Mal 4:5 See, I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the coming of
the great and awesome day of YHVH.

Elijah is known as the one who will herald in the Messianic age starting with
the spirit of Elijah on John the Baptist, during Yshuas First Coming 2000
years ago: Elijah is also one of the Two witnesses spoken of in the Book of
Revelation, indicating the end of the Covenant, and the time when the
doors close and those who are outside, will not be able to enter. These two
represent the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and the End of the
Covenant, which points to Yshua the Messiah Who is the Aleph-Tav, the
One Who was present in the beginning, when the Covenant was cut with
Abraham (pillar moving in between the pieces), and He will be at the end of
the Covenant, when the Books will be opened and those whose names are
not found in them will not enter His Kingdom.
It is pointed out by Jewish commentators that Abraham was the
first Hebrew (he is also the father of our faith), and Elijah will be
the last Hebrew who will be committed to world redemption
before the coming of Messiah. We also note that Yshua, the
King of redemption, was associated with the wood of the tree
that He carried and was nailed on to become the sacrifice.
Yshua is also associated with the water through His very first
miracle when the pouring of the water resulted at the miracle of the wine at
the Marriage Feast. These themes also support the Beginning and the End or
Aleph-Tav concepts associated with the Covenant and with Yshua, the
cross or sacrifice and the Wedding, each associated with the First and
Second Comings of Messiah.

Warnings to the Last Generation

Deut 29:14-15 I make this covenant and this oath, not with you
alone, 15 but with him who stands here with us today before YHVH your
Elohim, as well as with him who is not here with us today.
Moses spoke to the people who stood there before him that day AS WELL AS
those who were not there that day. This shows that the Covenant is eternal
and reaches to people in the future; even to those who are the Last
Q What is the message to the Last Generation?
Deut 29: 16-18 for you know that we dwelt in the land of Egypt and
that we came through the nations which you passed by, 17 and you saw
their abominations and their idols which were among themwood and
stone and silver and gold; 18 so that there may not be among you man
or woman or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today
from YHVH YOUR ELOHIM, to go and serve the gods of these nations, and
that there may not be among you a root bearing gall and wormwood;
Moses knew that Israels involvement with the Nations would cause them to
be influenced by their foreign cultures and he gives them advice on how to
deal with this. Any Nation today is earmarked by their unique culture that
makes them different to other Nations. A Culture is defined by the way they
dress, bring up their children, what they eat, their feasts and celebrations. The
same defines YHVHs Culture; the way He lives, eats, speaks, brings up His
children and the Festivals He celebrates, etc.

We call His Culture the Hebrew Culture and He wants all those accepting His
Covenant to embrace His Culture. His Culture is designed to change us to
become LIKE Him and ultimately become one with Him.
Q Which Traditions in your Culture are not in line with YHVHs Culture?
We need to undergo a cleansing process before we can become like our
King. This cleansing involves you leaving behind all your traditions from your
past culture, the things you did when you were part of the nations. We call this
Housecleaning where you confront everything in your life, weigh it up
against the measuring stick, the Torah, and if it does not comply with YHVHs
standard, throw it out.
The Last Generation is warned against gall and wormwood. Gall is the
Hebrew word rosh [ H7219] that is a poisonous plant that carries
poisonous fruit, similar to a serpent's venom. Rosh is used in Deut 32:32
saying; For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah:
their grapes are grapes of gall (rosh), their clusters are bitter. This places it
in the same context as we previously discussed, namely the Day of YHVH, or
time of Judgment.
Rosh [ H7219] sounds like the word rosh [ H7218], but this
rosh means head or chief implying leadership and is first found in
Scripture in Gen 3:15 where YHVH said to the Serpent that his head (rosh)
will be crushed. This corresponds with the warning Paul, Peter and John gave
us regarding false teachers and prophets who will come to destroy YHVHs
2 Tim 4:3-4 - For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall
they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Peter 2:1 - But there were false prophets also among
the people, even as there shall be false teachers among
you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even
denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon
themselves swift destruction.
1 John 4:1-6 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try
the spirits whether they are of YHVH: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world.
Poisonous fruit are teachings within the Body of Messiah that are designed to
make people spiritually sick, drawing them away from YHVHs
Commandments and Culture. This fruit consists of teachings and
commandments of man contradicting and replacing or reducing YHVHs
Commandments by focusing on what we want instead of what YHVH wants.
Satan wants to bring disunity to the Congregation by spreading these
poisonous false teachings that confuse believers.
Q Can you think of examples of false doctrines & teachings you have

The other issue within the Camp is Wormwood.
Wormwood is another term for something that is bitter and
deadly as described in the Book of Revelation (Rev 8:11)
where people died after they drank from the polluted
waters caused by Wormwood.
Q - What is Moses teaching us regarding wormwood?
Wormwood is bitterness that you allow in your heart that
causes spiritual death if you allow it to pollute you. This
bitterness in your heart is caused by offence and un-
forgiveness and flows like water to other believers within
the Congregation. An affected person cant help but spread
their bitter water to other individuals, slowly poisoning more
and more people until complete spiritual death and disunity
manifests. This root of bitterness not only destroys unity in
the Body of Messiah but it ultimately destroys the person
who spreads it or listens to it, allowing it to come into their hearts. Forgive
your, brother or sister, if they offended you, deal with the offence and do not
speak evil against them to anyone else about it so that the bitter water may
not contaminate others within the Body of Messiah. This bitter water includes
speaking ill of Jews and Christians who may be different to you, but who still
make up the larger Family of YHVH.
This water flowed among our ancestors in the Wilderness, and they spent 40
years in the Wilderness in order to uproot this evil, causing one generation to
die before the Israelites entered the Land of Canaan. Do not become part of
this bitter water pollution that may cause you to die in a Spiritual Wilderness,
and not enter into the Land of Promise.
Q What is the most effective weapon against Satan?
The most effective weapon we have against Satan is to ignore him and not to
listen to him. Satan has no power apart from the people he manipulates and
works through. If you ignore his voice and do not listen to him, then you have
made him powerless in your life.

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