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Free Personal Ba Zi / Feng Shui

Element Report
D.O.B: Lunar (1984, 2nd month, 2 day) at 11.00 p.m. to 12.59 a.m.
Pillar Hour Day Month Year Life Conception
Kua Type


Ba Zi Chart Information
Note: Geomancy.Net uses the more accurate Lunar Calendar Ba Zi system (Click here to see why). So if you
see a difference in the Month pillars as opposed to a Lunar mixed Xia / Chinese Solar / Season calendar, it
means that you are in a gray period / blind date where Xia date is different from Lunar date. We still use
Seasonal Analysis using the Seasonal Calendar when needed.

Birth Element

Since you are a strong yin Fire Rat, you don't

want to be too overly strong otherwise, you will not
be able to control yourself.

Thus, you should increase yourself with your

favourable elements as follows.

Favourable Elements Unfavourable Elements

Most Favourable Element Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: yellow Colour: green/brown

Favourable Element Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: blue/black/gray Colour: red

This is a very important concept for you to improve your luck.

Five element can be applied in many ways, but most important is the Colours of any
objects etc. In this free report, only some information will be made know so that you can
understand how to use it. This free report will only show you an example using the Best
favourable element.

o Your personal objects / dressing

ie shades of colours:-
Earth - yellow
Water - blue/black/gray

o Your career
ie a Job favourable for you are:-
Earth - Customer Relations, Constructions, Games, etc
Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc

o Your Chinese name

ie a good name would help to increase your weak element

The period ie luck changes each day, month, year etc. So different period you will find
your luck changes from up and down. Thus you should take advantage of those good luck
period for doing any important thing in your life.

Your 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction

North-West North North-East

(Metal) (Water) (Earth)
Health Spook Excellent

West East
(Metal) (Wood)
Longevity Irritation

South-West South South-East

(Earth) (Fire) (Wood)
Prosperity Disaster Death
Your BEST sleeping position

o North-West (292.5 to 337.4) = Health

o West (247.5 to 292.4) = Longevity

Your BEST Working position


o North-East (22.5 to 67.4) = Excellent

o South-West (202.5 to 247.4) = Prosperity

Professional Life Reading

Should you need professional analysis on your ba zi or learn more about ba zi, please
check out our Ba Zi Life Reading Service.

We also provide a wide range of professional service for different needs.

This Report was generated on 05 Feb 2016 at 03:56:16, by Personal Feng Shui wth Pillars of Destiny v12.68

1996-onwards My FengShui (, a collaboration between Geomancy.Net & Kappvest Infoserv

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