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During the opening sequence of Michael Jacksons music video to the song Billie Jean, multiple
close ups- predominately excluding shots of Michaels face - are used to create a mysterious
atmosphere, perhaps foreshadowing how he eludes the face of danger in the plot of the music video.
As well as that, the outlining features of each close up, representing different moods and emotions,
helps to emit the loose themes and ideas of the video. Furthermore, the use of the close ups literally
brings the audience almost uncomfortably close into the action, putting them on edge throughout
the rest of the story.

Another way the camera is used to create the feel of an authentic movie is the way the camera
moves to reveal characters into the plot or dawn realisations upon them. A time that eloquently
demonstrates both of these techniques is during the introductory sequence at (0.32), here we are
introduced to the character of a homeless man using a long tracking shot. The way this long shot
contrasts the afore-mentioned close ups could suggest either how insignificant this man is to
Michael, whos movements are captured using the tracking shot, or could have an underlying
meaning about how society refuse to acknowledge the presence of homeless people in todays
corrupt community. This is then paired with a zoom from a mid-shot to a close up of Michael, which
could signify horror, disgust, or recognition of the man. This makes the audience sympathise with the
man as we are compelled to feel what emotions the antagonist are displaying.

Cinematography techniques such as discolouration are also used with a combined element of askew
close ups to depict the text book bad guy. The way the shots of this character are firstly black and
white, with the added costume and makeup choices, convey topical references to mobster movies
such as The Godfather, setting a distinct persona and impression of him, even though late in the
video it is revealed that he is merely a newspaper reporter.

Careful consideration of props and camera locations can be credited for the success of the continuity
of the final cut of this video as well. Toward the end of the first minute, a cat is seen to run across the
screen behind the bin in mid shot. Despite the initial obscurity of this shot, it plays a larger role as we
learn that whatever Michael touches then possess magic powers. He steps on the bin in a later close
up shot (to emphasise the power of the magic), and it glows for as long as his foot is on it. By
repeating the somewhat out of place of a shot of the cat during the bridge of the song, it is revealed
that by the cat running to the bin positioned on the right third of the screen- then emerges as a
tiger cub in a shot that has the bin situated in the left third of the screen.

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