Downloading Firmware

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Downloading Firmware

This Technical Note describes the procedures to download firmware via

the WESMAINT maintenance facility. When you perform a D25 flash
memory download, you download a file called down.shx that contains
the applications that will run on the D25.

1. Connect the Wesmaint cable DB9M to the D25 Wesmaint port and the
other end to the PC serial port.

2. Activate a Microsof Windows terminal emulator program and set

the communications to 9600 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit.

3. Login to the D25 using the following information:

User Name: westronic

Password: rd

4. From the main menu, select option 2, System Functions.

5. From the System Functions menu, select option 3, 68k Monitor.

6. Activate the BOOTROM operating system by typing rtb and pressing


7. When you are asked if you want to return to the bootrom operating
system, select Yes and press Enter.

8. When the message Spawning monitor login process (LGIN)-pass is

shown, press Enter.
9. Login using the following information:

User Name: harris

Password: rd

Result: The next level is activated.

10. Erase the existing flash memory by typing erase and pressing Enter.
When you are asked if you wish to proceed, select Y and press Enter.

Result: Flash memory is erased.

11. Switch the D25 WESMAINT port to 19200 baud by typing baud 19200
and pressing Enter.

12. Change the terminal emulator communication baud rate to 19200.

13. Activate the firmware download by typing dl and pressing Enter.

14. Go to the Terminal Emulator Transfers menu, select Text file and
press Enter.

15. Select Down.Shx from the project to download in the dialog box.

16. The download may take as long as 15 minutes. Afer the download is
finished, reboot the D25 by typing Boot and pressing Enter.

17. Return the terminal emulator to 9600 baud.

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