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Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best

country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is
very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race,
culture and tradition live together without affecting each others feelings and
believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity
even after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious,
political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes
more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity
of races, religions, castes, sub-castes, communities, languages and dialects.
People in India are highly spiritual and God fearing in nature so they give
respect to everyones religion.

In the cutting-edge world, I have hopes that my motherland,

Philippines, will follow India with unity and diversity especially now that we
are facing many problems due to Extra Judicial Killings, to stop the illegal

Since our politicians are bandying around the word unity in their
slogans, it is time that we look at it closer. Unity is a serious idea that should
not be trivialized. In the context of Philippine politics it is being used to mask
opportunism rather than working towards a principled common agenda.
Indeed if a political candidate were to be taken more seriously, he should
avoid using the word unity. The true meaning of unity is not something you
pluck from the air to project a noble aim. Far from it. It is far more complex
than a common ticket to ensure victory in an election derby. If the different
parties must insist on using unity let us begin with sincerity. But united for
what? Let us not fool yet again the electorate.

If our politicians are sincere the first stop is to seek the meaning of true
unity other than having a common ticket. That goes for both the
administration and the opposition. Both are being silly. Unity is not a stand-
alone concept. It goes with diversity. That is one of the great paradoxes of
life and there is no escaping it. But once it is understood, we are on our way
to more effective politics.

Unity cannot be considered without diversity. That is the reality. But

rather than deplore differences these should be celebrated, not swept under
the rug. We all think differently, worship differently, live our lives differently.
All of nature is about unity in diversity. Name any activity or any idea and
you are bound to encounter difference. It is how we manage difference that
makes unity possible.

We must accept differences. That should be the first given. Difference

is the essence of pluralism and pluralism is essential to democracy. But these
differences converge at a point and that point is what is good for the welfare
of the country. Pushing for what is good for a country means a program of
government which one rarely hears from the anointed candidates


Solidarity in assorted variety implies unity in the assortments. India is

the best nation demonstrating this idea for a long time. India is where it is
clear to see solidarity in decent variety since individuals of numerous
religion, race, culture, and convention live respectively without influencing
each other's sentiments and convictions to their religion. Solidarity in
assorted variety concentrates on the presence of solidarity even after loads
of contrasts of social, social, physical, etymological, religious, political,
ideological, mental, and so forth. Various assorted varieties make more mind
boggling solidarity. Individuals in India are joined regardless of the much
decent variety of races, religions, standings, sub-positions, groups, dialects
and tongues. Individuals in India are exceptionally otherworldly and God
dreading in nature so they offer regard to everybody's religion.

In the forefront world, I have trusts that my homeland, Philippines, will

take after India with solidarity and decent variety particularly now that we
are confronting numerous issues because of Extra Judicial Killings, to stop the
unlawful medications.

Since our government officials are bandying around "solidarity" in their

trademarks, the time we take a gander at it nearer. Solidarity is a genuine
thought that ought not be trivialized. With regards to Philippine
governmental issues, it is being utilized to cover advantage instead of
working towards a principled basic plan. To be sure if a political applicant
were to be considered more important, he ought to abstain from utilizing the
word 'solidarity'. The genuine importance of solidarity is not something you
cull from the air to extend a honorable point. A long way from it. It is
significantly more mind boggling than a typical ticket to guarantee triumph
in a race derby. On the off chance that the diverse gatherings must demand
utilizing "solidarity" let us start with earnestness. In any case, joined for
what? Let us not trick once more the electorate.

On the off chance that our government officials are earnest the main
stop is to look for the importance of genuine solidarity other than having a
typical ticket. That goes for both the organization and the restriction. Both
are in effect senseless. Solidarity is not a remain solitary idea. It runs with
decent variety. That is one of the immense mysteries of life and there is no
getting away it. Yet, once it is comprehended, we are en route to more
successful governmental issues.

Solidarity can't be considered without decent variety. That is the truth.

Yet rather than condemn contrasts these ought to be praised, not hidden
away from plain view. We as a whole think in an unexpected way, venerate in
an unexpected way, experience our lives in an unexpected way. All of nature
is about solidarity in assorted variety. Name any movement or any thought
and you will undoubtedly experience 'contrast'. It is the means by which we
oversee contrast that makes solidarity conceivable.

We should acknowledge contrasts. That ought to be the primary given.

The distinction is the quintessence of pluralism and pluralism is basic to
popular government. In any case, these distinctions merge at a point and
that point is what is useful for the welfare of the nation. Pushing for what is
useful for a nation implies a program of government which one once in a
while gets notification from the blessed hopefuls.

Solidarity in arranged assortment suggests solidarity in the

combinations. India is the best country showing this thought for quite a
while. India is the place it is clear to see solidarity in not too bad assortment
since people of various religion, race, culture, and tradition live individually
without impacting each other's notions and feelings to their religion.
Solidarity in arranged assortment focuses on the nearness of solidarity even
after heaps of differences of social, social, physical, etymological, religious,
political, ideological, mental, et cetera. Different grouped assortments make
more personality boggling solidarity. People in India are joined paying little
respect to the much better than average assortment of races, religions,
standings, sub-positions, gatherings, lingos and tongues. People in India are
astoundingly supernatural and God fearing in nature so they offer respect to
everyone's religion.

In the cutting edge world, I have assumes that my country, Philippines,

will bring after India with solidarity and better than average assortment
especially now that we are going up against various issues as a result of
Extra Judicial Killings, to stop the unlawful meds.

Since our administration authorities are bandying around "solidarity" in

their trademarks, the time we look at it closer. Solidarity is a veritable
suspected that should not be trivialized. As to Philippine legislative issues, it
is being used to cover advantage as opposed to working towards a principled
essential arrangement. No doubt if a political candidate were to be viewed as
more essential, he should swear off using the word 'solidarity'. The bona fide
significance of solidarity is not something you winnow from the air to
broaden a respectable point. Far from it. It is altogether more personality
boggling than an average ticket to ensure triumph in a race derby. In case
the differing social events must request using "solidarity" let us begin with
sincerity. Regardless, joined for what? Let us not trap yet again the

If our administration authorities are sincere the fundamental stop is to

search for the significance of certifiable solidarity other than having a run of
the mill ticket. That goes for both the association and the limitation. Both are
essentially silly. Solidarity is not a stay lone thought. It keeps running with
better than average assortment. That is one of the tremendous riddles of life
and there is no escaping it. However, once it is understood, we are on the
way to more effective administrative issues.

Solidarity can't be considered without conventional assortment. That is

reality. However instead of sentence differentiates these should be
commended, not concealed far from plain view. We overall think in an
unforeseen route, revere in a sudden way, encounter our lives in a surprising
way. All of nature is about solidarity in arranged assortment. Name any
development or any idea and you will without a doubt encounter
'differentiate'. It is the methods by which we administer differentiate that
makes solidarity possible.

We ought to recognize contrasts. That should be the essential given.

The refinement is the pith of pluralism and pluralism is essential to famous
government. Regardless, these refinements converge at a point and that
point is what is valuable for the welfare of the country. Pushing for what is
helpful for a country infers a program of government which one on occasion
gets notice from the favored hopefuls

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