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October 23, 2006 b Issue 43 GET TECHNOLOGY RIGHT®

To keep pace with business strategy,

IT needs a blueprint for delivering services.
That’s where ITIL, the modern-day bible
of governance, comes in p22

i I N F O W O R L D. C O M
ITIL Crash Course
A competitive edge in almost every industry demands a framework
that anchors IT to business strategies. That’s where ITIL comes in

B Y R a n dy A . S t e i n b e r g a n d M I C H AE L G O O D W IN | i ll u s t r at i o n by B i l L m ay e r

IT can no longer deliver services based on sary and a set of conceptual processes
intended to outline IT best practices.
technology fiefdoms or silos as it has in the past. The rapid pace of business change,
technology advancement, regula-
This practice is dead. Organizations that refuse to tion, and services that must be deliv-
ered across an ever-flattened global
accept it will either dissolve, get outsourced, or end economy is forcing IT to organize and
manage itself more effectively. For all
up being controlled by external entities such as CFOs, its promise, ITIL is still a tremendous
undertaking. So, here’s a head start:
business units, and so on. IT needs to rethink the the 10 most important things you need
to know about ITIL right now.

1. What can I do with ITIL that I

ways in which it contributes to the ter, the OGC published ITIL: 44 volumes
business — and how it manages itself. of dense prose that attempted to provide
The ITIL (Information Technology an integrated set of best-practice recom- couldn’t do before?
Infrastructure Library) and ITSM (IT mendations for managing IT. Version 2, Implemented properly, ITIL raises cus-
Service Management) practices pro- published in 2001, reduced the library to tomer satisfaction, reduces waste in
vide a pathway for this to happen. nine volumes that integrated the prac- the IT organization, and lowers oper-
Back in 1989, it dawned on the Office tices, but none was exactly light reading. ating costs. Three quick examples:
of Government Commerce (OGC) in the (Version 3 is expected in April 2007.) b In 2000, target response time for
United Kingdom that IT was becom- The processes embodied in ITIL and resolving Web incidents at Caterpil-
ing increasingly important to business ITSM have evolved greatly through lar IT was 30 minutes — but it hit that
— and that there was still a lot of con- the years and are poised to become a goal only 30 percent of the time. Then
fusion about how IT services should be worldwide standard embodied as ISO Caterpillar implemented ITIL. Now its
delivered and managed. Shortly thereaf- 20000. At present, ITIL is both a glos- IT providers hit the mark more than 90

I N F OWO R L D . C O M 10.23.06 23
The CMDB will serve as the blueprint for how
the entire IT infrastructure is structured.

percent of the time — and Caterpillar the other hand, focuses on finding and 3. This CMDB sounds important.
has been able to grow its business expo- removing the root causes for the inci- The CMDB will serve as the blueprint
nentially in the past five years with only dent in order to prevent its recurrence. for how the entire IT infrastructure is
1 percent increase in its IT budget. ITIL is unique in separating “prob- structured, how various CIs — hard-
b Two years ago, IT administrators lems” from “incidents.” Too often, IT ware, software, incidents, agreements,
at Liberty Mutual discovered that organizations will allow services to service levels, documentation, and so
a critical network application was remain down while support staff tries on — are related, and how the entire
down only after users called to com- to find the root cause of an incident, metasystem functions. The CMDB
plain. Then they deployed ITIL. Today, instead of focusing on fast work- becomes the basis for finding infra-
they’re steps ahead, monitoring appli- arounds to minimize impact on the structure information quickly, and
cations for slowdowns or abnormal business. ITIL puts priority on serving making effective management deci-
activity before trouble occurs, usually the business first and then on fixing sions based on it. Under ideal circum-
fixing problems before users notice the root cause in the background. stances, every CI will have configurable
anything is wrong. Change Management is the pro- attributes — for example, it might be
b Proctor & Gamble — with 5,000 cess that coordinates and controls a computer, a purchasing process, or
people employed in IT — implemented changes to the IT infrastructure an individual IT staffer. If possible, the
service management processes out- itself. ITIL views this process as a CMDB should be designed to automat-
lined by ITIL and saved $125 million, coordinated effort to obtain the ically discover information about the
according to company officials. proper approvals, authorization, CIs and to track changes as they hap-

2. Do I have to read all nine

and quality assurance steps. pen in order to minimize the adminis-
Release Management refers to trative labor necessary to maintain it.
volumes, or are some more
4. Did you forget
the actual implementation of
important than others? IT changes, including
Good news! Two volumes, Service people, processes, about the Service
Support and Service Delivery provide technology, training, Delivery volume?
the core knowledge. The other books rollout, communi- Not at all. Whereas
are supplementary. cations, and busi- the Service Support
The Service Support volume intro- ness area activities, book is focused on how
duces five key processes: Incident as well as the design effective IT services
Management, Problem Management, build, test, and release of the change. should be operated and maintained,
Change Management, Release Man- The notion of packaging changes into the Service Delivery volume looks at
agement, and Configuration Man- release units to minimize disruption how those services are provisioned
agement. Although considered a to the business is new to most IT and enhanced. This book also high-
function, not a process, the Service operations. Release activities occur lights five critical processes: Service
Desk is included here as the central under the guidance and approval of Level Management, Availability Man-
point of contact where customers of Change Management. agement, Capacity Management, IT
IT services can report incidents, make Configuration Management includes Service Continuity Management, and
requests, and communicate with the the process of logging, tracking, con- IT Financial Management.
IT infrastructure and the business. trolling, and verifying infrastructure Service Level Management involves
Incident Management involves information that describes every planning, coordinating, monitoring,
restoring normal business operations component in the IT infrastructure and reporting of SLAs. It reviews ser-
as quickly as possible after an incident — and their relationships. Emphasis vices on an ongoing basis to ensure
(a server meltdown, for instance) — in is placed on how these items, known that they are being delivered cost-
other words, doing whatever is nec- as CIs (configuration items), relate to effectively and are meeting desired
essary to get services back into a nor- one another. All this information is service targets. ITIL also introduces
mal operational state after they are stored in a logical CMDB (configura- the concept of a Service Catalog that
disrupted. Problem Management, on tion management database). lists all the services delivered by IT to

26 I N F OWO R L D . C O M 10.23.06
Go With the Flow
ITIL provides a road map for managing IT by the services it provides. Here’s how a request for a new service is handled by what ITIL calls
Service Delivery.


2 Service Level

Management then
contacts Availability

Management Capacity
Management then
to analyze the new Management
A company contacts Capacity
service and see if
business unit Management to
availability levels
requests a new IT determine the

can be delivered.
service, and appropriate capacity
contacts Service needed for the new Availability
Level Management. service. Management and Capacity
Management then contact
IT Service Continuity
Service Management to determine
Business Level
Unit if the new service is vital to
Management business operations and, if
so, identify what additional

6 All this information is

provided back to Service
considerations will be
needed to recover in the
event of a service outage.
Level Management, who then
negotiates services, service
levels and costs with the IT Service
customer. Continuity

5 Availability Management, Capacity Management
and IT Service Continuity Management then provide
sizing and component information to Financial
Management, who then calculates costs for the new

the business. Creation of this catalog assesses service risk and identifies mit- IT Service Continuity Management
forces IT to think in business terms igations where necessary. ensures that IT services can be recov-
and to link the IT infrastructure and Capacity Management looks at IT ered in the event of a major disaster. It
its costs to the services that are being capacity, performance, and through- turns on the concept of Vital Business
delivered. put compared with business work- Functions and forces IT to look at how
Availability Management coordi- loads and objectives. Historically, services — rather than just technolo-
nates, designs, measures, and manages the majority of IT organizations have gies — can be restored. ITIL aligns IT
IT infrastructure availability, taking focused on managing capacity based continuity plans with the business
into account all aspects of the infra- on how IT resources are being used. continuity plan in order to coordi-
structure and supporting organization. ITIL requires IT to first identify busi- nate, design, plan, and test disaster-
It coordinates and integrates loose-knit ness drivers of capacity, translating recovery policies to keep IT services
technology silos to ensure that needed them into service workloads through running in the event of a major disrup-
services can actually be delivered at modeling and development of projec- tion to the business.
required levels and cost. This process tions before applying them to the IT Finally, IT Financial Management
brings together key disciplines such infrastructure. Other activities such as provides budgeting, accounting, and
as reliability, serviceability, maintain- performance tuning and the sizing of charging services to manage IT costs
ability, security, and responsiveness hardware and software for application and spending. In today’s world, very
for each service being delivered. It also projects are included in this process. few IT organizations can actually

28 I N F OWO R L D . C O M 10.23.06
ITIL neatly divides the work that IT does, with
emphasis on how it touches the business.

identify what services they deliver, staffers, and the other intended for busi- Finally, whereas IT customers of the
let alone what costs are incurred to ness managers. Together, they discuss past used to be purely internal (staff-
deliver them, which is one reason IT business continuity management, part- ers, managers, and auditors), these
has had little credibility in the board- nerships, outsourcing, surviving change, days increasing numbers of IT “cus-
room. Developing the ability to articu- and transforming business practices tomers” in the United States are exter-
late costs and IT’s contribution to the through radical change. Security Man- nal — actual customers of the business
bottom line brings market dynamics agement discusses security practices itself, interacting via public Web sites.
and modern business practices to the and standards from an ITIL perspec- If systems fail, potential buyers are
IT organization. tive. Finally, Software Asset Management likely to take their business elsewhere;
The Service Desk exists here, too. In provides best practices for managing potential damage to corporate reputa-
a typical business organization, busi- software and software licenses. tion is high.

6. ITIL has been around for more

ness users and customers will inter- The pace of business change, tech-
face with the Service Desk function nology, and legal regulation is moving
on a daily basis as part of the Service than 15 years. Why is it now taking faster every day, and all these finan-
Support workflow. At the same time, hold in the United States? cial imperatives are hard to ignore:
executives and management will inter- The United States has always lagged As was noted at Microsoft’s 2004 IT
face with the Service Level Manage- behind Europe in the discipline of IT Forum Conference, “Recent studies
ment process to put new services into infrastructure management. Go to a are showing that an IT service orga-
place and review service quality using bookstore, and you’ll find precious nization could achieve up to a 48 per-
the Service Delivery workflow. This few books on the subject. Go to the cent cost reduction by applying ITSM
is how ITIL neatly divides the work universities, and you’ll visit a lot before principles.”
that IT does, with emphasis on how it finding one that teaches it. One reason As long as ITIL remains the only
touches the business. that this is changing is the increasing comprehensive plan for infrastructure

5. How about the other seven

impact of European- and Asian-owned management that focuses specifically
companies operating in the United on IT service, it will continue to be the
books? Are they chopped liver? States, all saying, “Hey, get on board! only game in town.

7. Who needs ITIL besides large

Not at all. After you have absorbed the You need to be ITIL-compliant. That’s
basic concepts, you can learn a lot from how we run our shops over here.”
the other seven volumes. For instance, Another factor driving U.S. accep- enterprises? Can small shops or
as you might imagine, Introduction to tance is that companies are seeing individuals use it?
ITIL introduces the basic concepts more than two-thirds of their IT bud- Any IT shop servicing a company that
that comprise the ITIL approach to gets being eaten up in new, nondiscre- is undergoing major changes and/or
service management. Then, Planning tionary operating costs, over which they servicing that company’s customers,
to Implement Service Management have very little control. It’s rare to find will benefit from ITIL. For instance, a
explains the steps necessary to identify an IT shop that can articulate how IT small shop facing recurrent network
how an organization will benefit from contributes to company’s bottom line. outages will find benefits in employing
ITIL. ICT Infrastructure Management ITIL changes that by implement- ITIL’s Problem Management process to
covers critical issues such as network ing successive waves of mini-projects predict and minimize future incidents.
service management, operations man- that target specific business goals A midsize company with a complex IT
agement, computer installation and with measurable results. Typical infrastructure may find that the ITIL
acceptance, and systems management. goals might include reducing IT costs, Configuration Management solution
Applications Management focuses on reducing service outages, preparing provides a blueprint for streamlining
software development and support for a major IT initiative, or preparing impact assessments for changes and
lifecycles, defining requirements, and for a major business change such as a new applications. A large organization
testing of IT services. merger, move, or acquisition. These undergoing a major acquisition or con-
The Business Perspective volume is efforts may involve entire ITIL pro- solidation effort will discover that the
actually two books — one aimed at IT cesses or just parts of them. consistent, repeatable processes out-

I N F OWO R L D . C O M 10.23.06 29
Advanced Education
Almost every major vendor and a slew of smaller companies offer ITIL training.
Search online for “ITIL training” to reveal a wealth of outlets to get you started.

lined in ITIL make those efforts occur b

Exams and certifications are handled through independent agencies such as
much faster and at less cost. EXIN (Examination Institute for Information Science) infoworld.com/4588 and

8. I’m convinced. How can I get

ISEB (Information System Executive Board) infoworld.com/4589.

started deploying ITIL? b Fill in your knowledge gaps with books, Webinars, library material, and online
Get trained and certified. Almost resources. Some excellent sources include: IT Service Success (itServiceSuccess.com),
every major hardware/software ven- Service Level Management (slminfo.org), and ITSM Watch (itsmwatch.com).
dor, and a slew of smaller compa-
nies, offers ITIL training. Search for b
Most importantly, be sure to visit the main user group site in the United States for the IT
“ITIL training” on the Web to reveal Service Management Forum itsmfusa.org.
a treasure trove of capable vendors
who can get you started. Exams and
certifications are handled through ITIL has many facets, and there is no To find more information, go to
independent agencies such as EXIN one “right way” to implement it. The the International Organization for
(Examination Institute for Informa- best approach for your efforts will be Standardization’s Web site (infoworld
tion Science; infoworld.com/4588) highly dependent on your objective .com/4591).
and ISEB (Information System Execu- and the particular problems you are
tive Board; infoworld.com/4589). trying to solve. Make sure that con- Preparing for Fundamental
Fill in your knowledge gaps with sultants are prepared to work closely Changes of the 21st Century
books, Webinars, library material, with you to understand your unique The old operating model that origi-
and online resources. Some excellent issues, and that their approaches nated when IT was a centralized,
sources include: IT Service Success match your specific needs. back-office function with limited num-

10. I’ve been hearing a lot about

(itServiceSuccess.com), Service Level bers of platforms no longer meets the
Management (slminfo.org), and ITSM needs of the 21st century. IT can no
Watch (itsmwatch.com). Most impor- ISO 20000. How does it relate to longer operate successfully by man-
tantly, be sure to visit the main user ITIL? Should I care? aging silo technologies; it needs to
group site in the U.S. for the IT Service ITIL is mainly about processes; it pro- administer operations based on the
Management Forum (itsmfusa.org). vides no criteria for measuring any- services it delivers.
You may want to consider joining this thing. ISO 20000, which has just been ITIL provides the means for
organization and attending local ITIL released, serves as a basis for bench- accomplishing this. As a Gartner
interest groups that meet regularly in marking IT service management and Group analyst once noted, “IT ser-
many cities around the country. improving IT services. It defines the vice organizations must expand

9. Should I hire someone to help

requirements for service providers, their technology focus to include
and it helps you determine whether the underlying business processes,
implement ITIL? Do big companies you comply with an acceptable IT ser- engaging business process owners
offer ITIL implementations? vice management standard. in establishing end-to-end mea-
Many companies offer ITIL consult- ISO 20000 provides specific, mea- surements of effectiveness.” ITIL and
ing and implementation services, but surable criteria that can be audited in ITSM provide the tools and concepts
this is still on the early part of the areas such as scope, terms and defi- to make that possible.
adoption curve. There is no market nitions, planning and implementing Companies that have initiated ITIL
leader. Make your choice based on service management, requirements efforts are already seeing higher cus-
the experience of the people assigned for a management system, planning tomer-satisfaction levels and reduced
to your efforts, not a brand name. Ask and implementing new or changed costs and labor. Although not a pana-
for résumés and look for experience, services, service delivery processes, cea for all IT challenges, ITIL is a fun-
certifications, expertise, and track relationship processes, control pro- damental conceptual change for how
records. Avoid cookie-cutter solu- cesses, resolution processes, and IT will be doing business in the 21st
tions; these seldom work very well. release processes. century. Its time has come. i

30 I N F OWO R L D . C O M 10.23.06

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