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Ean ‘+1 per Country controlled that is adjacent 1 enemy supexpower a Presence: 3 Domination: 7 Control: Automatic Vietory +1 per controlled Batseground Country in Region “V1 per Country controlled that is adjacent « enemy superpower Ean MIDDLE EAST SCORING Both sides scone: Presence: 3 Domination: 5 Control: 7 +1 per contolled Bardeground Country in Region DUCK AND COVER Degrade DEFCON one level Then US player earns VPs equal to 5 minus current DEFCON level 5a 5 FIVE-YEAR PLAN USSR player mos randomly discard fone card. I'he ead is a US associated vent, che Event oecuts immediately. the cards a USSR associated Event ‘oran Event applicable wo both players, then the card amast be discarded ‘without rguering the Event Ean THE CHINA CARD ogins the game ith the USSR player. +1 Operations value when all points are used in Asia. Pass to ‘opponent after ply. +41 VP forthe player holding this card atthe end of Tur 10, Canc eft of Formatan Relation f (bisa is played by cb US player WaT SOCIALIST GOVERNMENTS Unplayadle as an event if Tse Tren Lady tinea. Remove US Influence in Western ‘total 3 Influence moving no more than 2 per councry. Ean FIDEL* Remove all US Infuence in Cubs. USSR gains sufficient Infuence in ‘Cuba for Control Remove fram pay if seas an event VIETNAM REVOLTS* ‘Add 2 USSR Influence in Vietnam, For the remainder of the turn, the Soviet player may add 1 Operations point to any card thar uses all points in Southeast Asia, Remove fram pay if seas an event WaT BLOCKADE* Unless US Player immediately discards a3’ of more value ‘Operations card eliminate all US Tfluence in West Germany: Remove fram pay if seas an event [Nomth Korea invades South Korea, Rol one die and subtract 1 for every US Controlled country adjacent ro South Korea. USSR Victory on modified die roll 46, USSR adds 2 to Military Ops Track, Effects of Victory: USSR gains 2 VP and replaces all US Influence in South Korea with USSR Influence. Remove fom play if used aan event Wa Pe | ROMANIAN ABDICATION’ Remove all US Influence in Romania. USSR gains sufficient Infloence in Romania for Control Remove from play if wed av an event ARAB-ISRAELI WAR ‘A Pan-Aab Coalition invades Ira Roll one die and sobeact 1 for US Contr of Island every US contol country ajacent to Isa USSR Victory on modified die ll 46 USSR adds 2 to Mibtary Ops Tiack cts of Victory: USSR gains 2 VP and replaces ll US Intense in Fre with USSR Inuence COMECON* ‘Do Council for Mutual Economic Asistance [Add 1 USSR Influence in each of four non-US Controlled countries in Eastern Europe, Remove from play if wed av an event. Ean us ~ 2 NASSER® Add 2 USSR Influence in Beypt. Remove half (rounded up) ofthe US Induence in Bey. Remove from play if wed av an event. WaT WaT Wa WARSAW PACT FORMED* ‘Remove all US Tnfluence from four ‘countries in Eastern Europe, or add 5 USSR Influence in Eastern ‘Burope, adding no more than 2 per ‘country. Allows play of NATO. Remove from play if wed av an event DE GAULLE LEADS FRANCE* Remove 2 US Influence in France, add 1 USSR Influence. Cancel effects of NATO for France. Remove from play i wed av an event CAPTURED NAZISCIENTIST* Advance player's Space Race smatker one box. Remove from play if wed av an event TRUMAN DOCTRINE® Remove all USSR Influence ‘markers in one uncontrolled country in Europe. Ea OLYMPIC GAMES Player sponsors Olympics. Opponent may participate or boycot. Tf Opponent participates cach player tolls one de, with the sponsor adding 2 to his wll. High oll gains 2 VP, Reroll es. F Opponent boycots, degrade DEFCON one level and the Wa NATO* Pay air Marsal Pl’ Wasa Pe USSR player may no longer make Coup ot Realignment rosin any US Controlled countries in Europe [US Controlled counties in Europe ‘may not be atacked by play ofthe Ses Coste Oprina a Bra Mar even. esta pcp] faa esroee Bitey ply Opw ad Rests finijag yeu weaved }2 aa }/ a Pan INDEPENDENT REDS* Add sufficient US Infuence in either Yagesavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or Czechoslovakia to equal USSR MARSHALL PLAN* Allows play of NATO. ‘Add one US Influence in each of seven non-USSR Controlled ‘Western European countries. Rem fom ply we san event INDO-PAKISTANI WAR Inia o Pakistan invades the other {player's choice) Roll one die and subtract Ifo every opponent-contraled country adacent to the target of the invaton. Player Victory on modified de rll of 46, Player as 2 to Miltary Ops Track. ees of Victory: Phy grins 2 VP and replaces all opponent’ Influence in ‘angst country with his Intense Influence, Remove from play if wed ax an cvent A 2s CONTAINMENT? All further Operations cards played ‘by US this turn add one to their value (toa maximum of 4). Remove from play if wed av an event CIA CREATED* USSR reveals hand this turn ‘Then the US may Conduct Operitions as if they played a 1 Op card Remove from play i wed av an event Ea DEFENSE PACT US gains sulfcint Influence in Japan for Control. USSR may no longer make Coup or Realignment rll in Japan. Remove fom play if med as an event, Ean SUEZ CRISIS* Remove a total of 4 US Influence roe France, the United Kingdom ‘no more than 2 et country. Remove from play if wed av an event EAST EUROPEAN UNREST In Early or Mid War: Remove 1 USSR Influence from theve ‘countries in Eastern Europe. In Late War: Remove 2 USSR Influence from throe countries in Eastern Europe Ean 5 DECOLONIZATION ‘Add one USSR Influence in each of any four African and/or SE Asian countries, Eva RED SCARE/PURGE All further Operations cands played ‘by your opponent this turn are “1 to thei value (toa minimum value of | Op) Ean UNINTERVENTION Play thie card simultaneously with a ‘ard containing your opponent's associated Event. The Event is canceled, but you may use its Operations value t» Conduct Operations The canceled event cant returns to the discard pile. May not be played during headline phase Ean DE-STALINIZATION® USSR may relocate up 04 Influence points to non-US, controlled countries [No more than 2 influence may be placed in the same country. Remove from play i wed ax an event Wa NUCLEAR TEST BAN: layer earns VPs equal to current DEFCON level minus 2, then improve DEFCON two levels, A s b2 aT FORMOSAN RESOLUTION* “Taian shall be treated a Battle- ound country for scoring purposes, iF the US controls Tawan when the Asi Scoring Cardi played or during Fal Soong atthe end of Tun 10. Tsun it ‘ot a Barleground county for any other sme purpose, Thi ade decanded fer US pay of The Chine Card, Remove fom ply fused a an event. 52 aa DEFECTORS Play in Headline Phase co cancel USSR Headline event, including Scoring Card. Canccled card seturns to Discard Pile, If Defctors played by USSR during Soviet action round, US gains 1 VP (unless played on the Space Race). BRUSH WAR Artack any country with a sabilty of or 2, Rolla die and subtract 1 for every adjacent enemy controlled country. Success on 3-6, Player ade 3 this Miltary OPs Track. Effects of Victory: Player gains 1 VP and replaces all opponent's Influence with his Infiuence. #1 per Country controlled that is adjacent 0 enemy superpower VP each for Control of Burma, Cambodia/Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines. Remove from play after woring, ARMS RACE Compare each player's satus on the Military Operations Tracks If Phasing Player has more Military ‘Operations points, he scores 1 VP. If Phasing Player hes more Military ‘Operations points and has met the Required Military Operations ‘amoung, he scores 3 VP instead, CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS* ‘Set DEFCON to Level [Any Further Coup atempe by your ‘opponent this ten, anywhere on the board will sulin Global “Thermonaclesr War. Your opponent vill low the game. This event may be canceled at any time if the USSR player removes two Tnuence from Cubs or the US player removes 2 lnluence fiom either West Germany ot Turkey. Remove from play if we as an event NUCLEAR SUBS* US Coup attempts in Battlegsound Countries do not affect the DEFCON track for the remainder of the tum (does not affect Cuban Misile Cris) Remove from play i wed ax an event PO QUAGMIRE* (On nes action ound US plhyer must discard an Operstion card worth 2 ot ‘more and roll 1-4 o cancel this erent, Repeat each US player Action round until suceesifl or no appropiate cards remain. [Fout of appropiate car, the US player may only play scoring cards until the next tun Remove fram play i wed av an event SALT NEGOTIATIONS* Improve DEFCON two level Parther Coup attempts inci —1 die roll modifies fr both player forthe Temainder ofthe turn. Phayer may sor through discard pile and reclaim one aon-seoring cad, fer reveing it to their opponent Remove from play i wed avan event (On next action round, USSR player must discard an Opertions card wrth 2ormore anda -4 ty cancel this ‘vent. Repeat each USSR player Action Round unt succes or ao appropiate cards remain If oat of appropriate cad, the USSR player may only play soring ‘cart unt the net turn Remove fom play ifused ws an event SUMMIT Both players oll adie, Each adds 1 for each Region they Dominate ot Control. High roller guins 2 VP and may move DEFCON marker ‘one level in ether direction. Do not reroll es HOWILEARNED TO STOP WORRYING* Set the DEFCON at any evel you want (1-5). This event counts as 5 ‘Miltary Operations for the purpose of required Military Operations Remove fom ply fused ar an event. Place 2 Influence in any one Central ‘or South American country ‘Then you may make a free Coup attempt of Realignment rollin one of these regions (using this card's Operations Vale). KITCHEN DEBATES* Ifthe US controls more Barleground countries than the USSR, poke opponent in chest and MISSILE ENVY Exchange this card for your ‘opponent’ highest valued Operations card in his hand. If two or more cards are ied, opponent choos Ifthe exchange cad contains your ‘event, or an event applicable to both players, ie occurs immediately fit “WE WILL BURY YOU" Unless UN Intervention splayed as an Event on the US players next round, USSR gains 3 VP priorto gain 2 VPL onttns opponents event we any US VP ava Operations vale withoat iguering Degrade DEFCON one level event Opponent must ethic for Operations daring hie nest Remove fr play fase wan vent aeton ound Remove fom play sed as an vent TT Tn BREZHNEV DOCTRINE® Al further Operations cards played by the USSR this turn increase their OPs value by one (Goa maximum of). Remove from play i wed av an event PORTUGUESE EMPIRE CRUMBLES’ Add 2 USSR Influence in both the SE African States and Angola. Remove from play if wed av an event SOUTH AFRICAN UNREST USSR either adds 2 Influence in South Aftica or adds 1 Influence in South Affica and 2 Influence in any countries adjacent to South Africa, 1) ALLENDE* Remove from play i wed av an event ‘WILLY BRANDT* USSR gains 1 VP. USSR receives 1 Influence in West Germany, Cancels NATO for West Germany. ‘This event unplayable and/or canceled by “Tear Doin Tis Wal” Remove fom play ifused ws an event Tn * MUSLIM REVOLUTION Remove all US Influence in two of the following countries: Sudan, Tran, leag, Egypt Libya, Saudi “Arabia, Syria, Jordan, ABM TREATY Improve DEFCON one level ‘Then player may Conduct Operations as if they played 14 Ops car CULTURAL REVOLUTION* Ifthe US has The China Gard, claim ie face up and available for pay. Fhe USSR already has it, USSR. ‘guns 1 VP, Remove from play if wed av an event. FLOWER POWER* USSR gains 2 VP for every subsequently US played "war curd” (played a an event ox Operations) unless played onthe space race. Wr Candssdrab-el Korean ir, Brush Wr, Indo-Pak War or Tan-frag War is ewent cnc by tn Bol Empire Remove fiom pay fae aan event U2INCIDENT’ USSR gains 1 VP. TF UN Jntersention played later this tum as an Event, either by US or USSR, gain an additional 1 VP, Remove fom play ifused ws an event eo OPEC USSR gains 1 VP foreach of the following countries he controls: Egypt Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Irag, Gulf States, and Venezuela Unplayabeasan vent if Nerth Sea OW inet “LONE GUNMAN” US Player reveals his hand ‘Then the USSR may Conduct ‘Operations as if they played a1 Opeard Remove from play i wed av an event COLONIAL REAR GUARDS Adal 1 US Infuence in each of four different African and/or Southeast Asian counties, PANAMA CANAL RETURNED* Add 1 US Influence in Panama, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. Remove fram play if eas an event CAMP DAVID ACCORDS" US gains 1VP rere Uefa lene! Jordan and Egypt eae yee Plate Sa cr PUPPET GOVERNMENTS* US may add 1 Influence in three countries that currently contain no Influence from cther power Remove fram play if we as an event GRAIN SALES TO SOVIETS Randomly choose one cad from USSR hand, Play tor etur it TE Soviet player has no cans, or returned, ute this ead to conduct Operations normally JOHN PAUL IT ELECTED POPE* Remove 2 USSR Influence in Poland and then add 1 US Influence in Poland, Ales ply of Salida Remove fram play if we as an event LATIN AMERICAN DEATH SQUADS Alf the player's Coup attempts in all opponent's Coup attempts are 1 for the remainder ofthe tur. Add 2 US Infuence in Central America and/or South America OAS FOUNDED* Remove fram pay if eas an event NIXON PLAYS THE CHINA CARD* IEUS has Te China Card, _guin 2 VP. Otherwise, US player receives The China Card now, face down and unavailable for immediate play Remove from pay if we as an event a SADAT EXPELS SOVIETS’ Remove all USSR Influence in Egypt and add one US Influence. SHUTTLE DIPLOMACY Playin font of US player. Duing the next scoring of the Middle East or Asia (whichever comes firs) subtract THE VOICE OF AMERICA Remove 4 USSR Influence from ‘non-European countries. No more than 2 may be removed from any one Batleround country fom USSR ae totlthon put tis cad inthe discard > pile Does not count for Fal Scoring Renn fram play fused an event Sethe end of Ta 10. D2 mibwan CT Co + LIBERATION THEOLOGY [Add 3 USSR Influence in Central “Americ, no more than 2 per country, wn" USSURI RIVER SKIRMISH* Ifthe USSR has The China Card, claim it face up and available for play. Ifthe US already has Tbe (Cbina Card, add 4 US Influence in ‘Asia, no more than 2 per county. Remove from play if wed ax an cvent “ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU..." US player may discard up to entire hhand (including Scoring cards) and draw replacements from the deck. ‘The mumber of cards discarded must be decided prior to drawing any replacements Remove fram play if we as an event co ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS* US gains 1 VP for each US controlled Battleground countey in Contral America and South America, Remove from play i wed av an event (a “ONE SMALL STEP...” Ifyou are behind on the Space Race track, paths cad to move your marker two boxes forward on the Space Race Track, gaining the VP value ofthe second box only Presence: 2 Domination: 5 Control: 6 “+1 per controlled Battleground Country in Region IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS* Remove all US Influence in Iran. ‘Add 2 USSR Influence in Iran, Doubles effect of Zevroriam card against US. Remove fram play if we as an event THE IRON LADY’ US gains 1 VP. Add 1 USSR Infuence in Argentina, Remove all USSR Tnfiuence from UK, Socialist Governments event 0 longer playable, Remove fram play if seas an event REAGAN BOMBS ‘LIBYA* US gains 1 VP for every 2 Tnflucnce in Libya. Remove fram play if we as an event (a STAR WARS* Ifthe US is ahead on the Space Race track, play this card to search through the discard pile for a snon-scoring card of your choice Event occuts immediately, Remove fram play if use as an event. Pa NORTH SEA OIL’ OPEC event is no longer playable. US may play 8 cards this tur Remove fram play if we as an event — ‘THE REFORMER Add 4Taifluence in Europe (00 more ‘han 2 per country). IFUSSR is ahead oF US in VP, then 6 Influence may be ‘added instead USSR may no longer conduct Coup stem in Europe. Improves fit of Clocnt cent Remove fram play if we as an event MARINE BARRACKS: BOMBING* Remove all US Influence in Lebanon plus remove 2 additional US Influence from anywhere in the Midale East Remove fram pay if eas an event SOVIETS SHOOT DOWN KAL-007° Degiale DEFCON one fre US guns 2VP 11 South Koreas US Conte, then the US may place nace or aster Realignment i they pled a4 Ope cand Remove from play f redeem eet GLASNOST* USSR gains 2 VP, Improve DEFCON one level. The Reformers in effect, then the USSR may place Inuence or attempt Realignments asi they played a4 Ops card. Remove fram pay if eas an event aa ORTEGA ELECTED IN NICARAGUA* Remove all US Inflacrce from, Nicaragua. Then USSR may make ‘one free Coup attempt (with this catd's Operations value) in a country adjacent to Nicaragua, Remove fram pay if eas an event ‘TERRORISM Opponent must randomly discard ‘one card. played by USSR and Crisis in effect, must randomly IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL* AILUS Realignment rolls have a “1 die roll modifier for the remainder ofthe ern, Remove fram play if use as an event. CHERNOBYL* ‘The US player may designate one Region. For the remainder ofthe tum the USSR may not add additional Influence o that Region by the play of Operations Points via placing Infuuence Remove fram play if we as an event. ‘LATIN AMERICAN DEBT CRISIS Unies the US Player immedhiely discards 45" or greater Operations ard dub USSR Taine in to coves in South America Y r TEAR DOWN THIS WALL* Cancels/prevents Willy Brande Add 3 US Influence in Bast “Then US may make a free Coup attempt or Realignment rolls in Europe using this card's Ops Value. Remove fram pay if we as an event. “AN EVIL EMPIRE™ (Cancele/Prevents Flower Power. US gains 1 VP, Remove fram play if eas an event ALDRICH AMES REMIX* US player exposes his hand to USSR player for remainder of turn. USSR then chooses one card from US hand this card is discards. a PERSHING II DEPLOYED* USSR gains 1 VP. Remove 1 US Influence from up 10 WARGAMES* IfDEFCON Status 2, you may immediately end the game (without Final Scoring Phase) after ‘giving opponent 6 VPs. Hows about a nie game of hes? SOLIDARITY? Playable asan event onli Jou Pel Lhe Popes Bc, ‘Add 3 US Influence in Poan thece countries in Westen Europe. Remove fram play if we as an event Remove fram play if we as an event Remove from play if wed av an event ua A ‘oprion Sah TRAN-IRAQWAR® Tan o Lag invades the other (player's choice), Roll one die and subtract 1 for ‘rey opponent-contrlled country sajavent to target of invasion, Plager -on modified die ol oF 46. Payer als 2:0 Miltary Ops Track. Effet of Vitory: Player gains 2 VP and tephcesopponen’s uence in target county with his own, Remove fram play if we as an event eo ‘THE CAMBRIDGE, FIVE ‘The US player exposes al coring cards in their hand, The USSR player smay then add 1 Influence in any single region named oa one of these scoring cards (USSR choice). Cannot be played as an even in Late War §2 a a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP IFUK is US controlled but NATO is notin effc, US adds 1 Infuence to any county adjacent 0 che UK. IFUK is US controlled and NATO is Sn ffec, US adds 2 Influence to any ‘Western European county and gains 2 VPs. TIONAL 53 aa elo Se NORAD* If the US controls Canada, the US ‘may add 1 Influence to any country already containing US Influence at the conclusion of any Action Round in which the DEFCON marker moves to the 2’ bos. This event canceled by #42 Quagmire CHE USSR may immediately make & Coup attempe using this car's Opertions ‘ale agsinesnon-balegreand country in Cental Amerie, South America, oe Ati the Conp removes any US InBuence, USSR may mle a second Coup atempe aginst a diferent target under the sme retitions OUR MAN INTEHRAN* [the US controle atleast one Middle East country, the US player daw the tp 5 cards from the deww pls “They may revel nd then ican any Ul ofthese drawn cars without triggering the Event, Any msi ddan cade ae retuned to che dry deck, and itis reshufled , YURI AND SAMANTHA® USSR receives 1 VP foreach US coup attempt made for the remainder ofthe curent tur, 11p- OPTIONAL AWACS SALE TO SAUDIS" US receives 2 Influence in Saudi Arabia. Muslim Revolution may no Tonger be played as an event

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