Masterarbeit Vogelwarte Helgoland

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Institut fr Vogelforschung

Vogelwarte Helgoland
Direktor: Prof. Dr. Franz Bairlein

MSc thesis announcement

Clutch size, hatching rate and offspring
survival rate of Greylag Geese in

Aim and scope: The number of breeding Greylag Geese is increasing

and so are reported conflicts. To found a possible management plan for
Greylag Geese the Niederschsisches Ministerium fr Ernhrung,
Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz launched a project in which we
investigate clutch size, hatching rate and chick survival at two study
sites, one near Aurich, the other at Lake Dmmer.

Methods: Starting in April the student will search for the nest sites of
the breeding females, and record clutch size and egg weight. After the
chicks have hatched the student will return to the nest to check the
number of hatched eggs. Next to this, from the moment of hatching
the families will be followed to measure the survival rate of the
hatched chicks. To this, the student will search for the families on a
fixed interval to check whether any of the chicks have died or have
been killed by predators.

Impact: We need this information to be able to create a management

plan to reduce the agricultural damage caused by Greylag Geese in
Lower Saxony.

Period: Preferably between the 15th of March and the end of June,
other options are negotiable.

To apply for this master thesis please send a short CV and your reason
of interest in this project to:

An der Vogelwarte 21, D-26386 Wilhelmshaven

Bankverbindung: Konto-Nr. 106035157 bei der Nord/LB, Hannover (BLZ 250 500 00)
IBAN: DE54 2505 0000 0106 0351 57; BIC: NOLADE2HXXX (Hannover)
UStIdNr.: DE 811373581

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