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Gridding Report

Mon Oct 26 04:14:04 2015

Elapsed time for gridding: 0.03 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: E:\1\statistikgeo.xlsx (sheet 'Sheet2')
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 80

Original Data: 80
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00016
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00016

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 80
Univariate Statistics


Count: 80 80 80

1%%-tile: 2600 2600 0

5%%-tile: 2700 2700 1.8
10%%-tile: 2700 2700 1.9
25%%-tile: 2950 3012.5 2.2
50%%-tile: 3325 3325 3.1
75%%-tile: 3575 3700 4.2
90%%-tile: 3950 3825 5.9
95%%-tile: 3950 3950 6.4
99%%-tile: 3950 3950 7

Minimum: 2600 2600 0

Maximum: 3950 3950 7.5

Mean: 3310.78125 3320.61875 3.4325

Median: 3325 3325 3.1
Geometric Mean: 3287.55493956 3296.72647892 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 3264.14315105 3272.66293905 N/A
Root Mean Square: 3333.65913121 3344.15369105 3.74559741563
Trim Mean (10%%): 3302.2260274 3313.00684932 3.33561643836
Interquartile Mean: 3309.75609756 3315.84146341 3.12195121951
Midrange: 3275 3275 3.75
Winsorized Mean: 3312.03125 3310.93125 3.39125
TriMean: 3293.75 3340.625 3.15

Variance: 153934.904074 158840.533188 2.27589240506

Standard Deviation: 392.345388751 398.548031219 1.50860611329
Interquartile Range: 625 687.5 2
Range: 1350 1350 7.5
Mean Difference: 452.646360759 460.900474684 1.65848101266
Median Abs. Deviation: 250 375 1
Average Abs. Deviation: 325.15625 334.68125 1.1575
Quartile Dispersion: 0.095785440613 0.102420856611 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.136718897015 0.138799576038 0.483169996404

Standard Error: 43.8655479953 44.5590245052 0.16866729103

Coef. of Variation: 0.118505379584 0.120022219118 0.439506515162
Skewness: -0.0154208257598 -0.0189262893216 0.767233813546
Kurtosis: 1.93770538574 1.82588343653 3.05828650415

Sum: 264862.5 265649.5 274.6

Sum Absolute: 264862.5 265649.5 274.6
Sum Squares: 889062656.25 894669112.75 1122.36
Mean Square: 11113283.2031 11183363.9094 14.0295

Inter-Variable Covariance


X: 153934.9 22426.235 -100.07002

Y: 22426.235 158840.53 188.86634
Z: -100.07002 188.86634 2.2758924

Inter-Variable Correlation


X: 1.000 0.143 -0.169

Y: 0.143 1.000 0.314
Z: -0.169 0.314 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation


X: 1.000 0.141 -0.197

Y: 0.141 1.000 0.387
Z: -0.197 0.387 1.000

Principal Component Analysis


X: 0.744555763676 0.744555763676 0.000840608334581

Y: -0.667558587821 -0.667558587821 -0.0013077288019
Z: -0.00149886718397 -0.00149886718397 -0.0013077288019

Lambda: 178947.72078 133828.047588 1.94478635663

Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters


Parameter Value: -0.000840596125592 0.0013077125036 1.87311523236

Standard Error: 0.000409294254253 0.000402924367253 1.76954077615

Inter-Parameter Correlations


A: 1.000 -0.143 -0.657

B: -0.143 1.000 -0.646
C: -0.657 -0.646 1.000


Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F

Regression: 2 26.1570065214 13.0785032607

Residual: 77 153.638493479 1.99530511011
Total: 79 179.7955

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.145481986598

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|

1%%-tile: 25 0
5%%-tile: 25 0.1
10%%-tile: 62.5 0.1
25%%-tile: 125 0.3
50%%-tile: 125 0.5
75%%-tile: 125 1
90%%-tile: 139.754248594 1.4
95%%-tile: 162.5 2.1
99%%-tile: 176.776695297 2.9

Minimum: 25 0
Maximum: 187.5 3.2

Mean: 118.012108366 0.715

Median: 125 0.5
Geometric Mean: 110.736064973 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 97.8488265315 N/A
Root Mean Square: 122.327697702 0.978008179925
Trim Mean (10%%): 118.467651827 0.632876712329
Interquartile Mean: 125 0.524390243902
Midrange: 106.25 1.6
Winsorized Mean: 117.781212092 0.6275
TriMean: 125 0.575

Variance: 1050.33711795 0.450911392405

Standard Deviation: 32.4089049175 0.671499361433
Interquartile Range: 0 0.7
Range: 162.5 3.2
Mean Difference: 28.9084277441 0.681455696203
Median Abs. Deviation: 0 0.3
Average Abs. Deviation: 16.3829822925 0.4675
Quartile Dispersion: 0 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.244961539492 0.953084889794

Standard Error: 3.6234257236 0.0750759109506

Coef. of Variation: 0.274623556567 0.93915994606
Skewness: -1.27310407536 1.65433035878
Kurtosis: 5.07819281485 5.65656670536

Sum: 9440.96866929 57.2

Sum Absolute: 9440.96866929 57.2
Sum Squares: 1197125.25 76.52
Mean Square: 14964.065625 0.9565

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 4.38957475995e-005
Clark and Evans: 1.56375168281
Skellam: 330.173268879

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: E:\1\hehe.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 10000
Filled Nodes: 10000
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 2600
X Maximum: 3950
X Spacing: 13.636363636364

Y Minimum: 2600
Y Maximum: 3950
Y Spacing: 13.636363636364

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 10000

1%%-tile: 1.43964970785
5%%-tile: 1.90568657057
10%%-tile: 2.00768544547
25%%-tile: 2.35585760323
50%%-tile: 3.07670571591
75%%-tile: 4.07540254965
90%%-tile: 5.41484866139
95%%-tile: 6.14442274314
99%%-tile: 7.03554007271

Minimum: 4.52030768372e-009
Maximum: 7.47461043235

Mean: 3.38885396648
Median: 3.07720635472
Geometric Mean: 3.14853594278
Harmonic Mean: 4.52023781102e-005
Root Mean Square: 3.63601037269
Trim Mean (10%%): 3.30241412854
Interquartile Mean: 3.12589991927
Midrange: 3.73730521844
Winsorized Mean: 3.32861394469
TriMean: 3.14616789618

Variance: 1.73641386559
Standard Deviation: 1.31773057397
Interquartile Range: 1.71954494642
Range: 7.47461042783
Mean Difference: 1.44069093326
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.8125641288
Average Abs. Deviation: 1.01794013072
Quartile Dispersion: 0.267372941779
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.425126295647
Standard Error: 0.0131773057397
Coef. of Variation: 0.388842537037
Skewness: 0.93467783908
Kurtosis: 3.31825332546

Sum: 33888.5396648
Sum Absolute: 33888.5396648
Sum Squares: 132205.714303
Mean Square: 13.2205714303

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