Method of Workingscore

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Method of Working Score

Directive : 70%

Objective : 60%

Social : 57%

Innovative : 57%

Methodical : 45%

Other option selected

Education Level : Any level

Definitions of Top 3 Preferred Methods


Directive persons like to take charge and control situations. They like to take responsibility for projects
that require planning, decision making and co-ordinating the work of others. They are able to give
direction and instructions easily. They enjoy organizing their own activities. They see themselves as
independent and self-directing.


Objective persons enjoy working with tools, equipment, instruments and machinery. They like to repair
and/or fabricate things from various materials according to specifications and using established
techniques. Objective persons are interested in finding out how things operate and how they are built.


Social persons like dealing with people. They enjoy caring for and assisting others in identifying their
needs and solving their concerns. Social persons like working and co-operating with others. They prefer
to be involved in work that requires interpersonal contact.

The results of your Work Preference Quiz shows your relative interest in different ways of working.

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