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Modelling of saturated reactor

compensator for system studies

A.E. Davies, B.Eng.(Tech.), Ph.D., C.Eng., M.I.E.E., J.J. Uriola Sereno, M.Ph.
D.M. German, B.Sc.(Tech.), C.Eng., M.I.E.E.

Indexing terms: Power systems and plant, Power system protection, Mathematical techniques

Abstract: A method of modelling multi-limbed saturated reactors under dynamic and steady-state conditions,
allowing for both the electrical interconnection of the windings and the core construction, is presented. A
selection of results from a digital computer program based on the simulation are given, illustrating the dynamic
response of the reactor model to parameter changes under system energisation. The principle of harmonic series
compensators in saturated reactors is described, and the harmonic analysis of the model's steady-state current
waveforms for various loading is discussed.

1 Introduction with small changes in terminal voltage. However, due to

the non-linear magnetic characteristic, harmonics are gen-
There is an increasing demand for reactive power control erated which can be reduced to an extremely low level by
in order to increase the power capability of transmission internal compensation. This was exploited particularly by
networks and to suppress the rapid voltage fluctuations Friendlander [5] with his treble-triple reactor. The
caused by some loads such as arc furnaces. primary winding arrangement of the reactor as shown in
One effective method of VAr and system voltage control Fig. 2 consists of a combination of plain star and 20
is the inclusion on the system of saturated reactors. Essen- phase shifting zig-zag windings in series, embracing three
tially, these are a fixed voltage device consisting of a multi- groups of 3-phase saturated core limbs. For a symmetrical
limbed core working in magnetic saturation, having 3-phase supply, this configuration, in conjunction with sec-
interconnected windings to give internal harmonic com- ondary harmonic compensation, virtually eliminates har-
pensation. The inherent slope reactance can be compen- monics up to the 17th.
sated by series capacitors, and, in combination with a
shunt capacitor bank, VAr flow control can be achieved
over a wide range. A typical voltage/current characteristic
for a saturated reactor compensator is shown in Fig. 1 and
has been described in various references [1-4].

T Fig. 2 Primary winding arrangement of the treble-tripler reactor

The primary winding arrangement of a treble-triple

Fig. 1 V/I characteristic of static reactive compensator
reactor may be expressed in terms of the magnetomotive
This paper presents a method of modelling the multi- force (MMF) equation;
limbed saturated reactor under transient and steady-state
conditions, allowing for both the electrical intercon-
nections of the winding and the core construction, and where [AT] = 0
including the non-linear magnetic characteristics. Com- -1 0
puter results are presented showing the reactor model's -K:
response under different operating conditions.
0 -1
2 Operational principles of reactor 0
Saturated reactors take advantage of the saturation char- 0 -1
acteristic of iron cores to achieve large changes in current K-
Paper 4201C ( P l l , P9), first received 7th November 1984 and in revised form 6th 1, Kt and K2 are the p.u. turns on windings as indicated in
March 1985 Fig. 2.
Dr. Davies is, and Mr. Uriola Sereno was formerly with the Department of Electri- For the 9-limb reactor the resultant MMF in each limb
cal Engineering, The University, Southampton S09 5NH, United Kingdom. Mr.
German is with PELN, UWIST, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff CF1 3NU,
is equal in magnitude and displaced by 360/9 = 40, as
United Kingdom. shown in Fig. 3A. From Fig. 3A, the phasor diagram of
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985 307

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limb 1 can be redrawn, as shown in Fig. 3B, and Kx and can be shown that several harmonic components are zero,
K2 calculated as as given in Table 1, where 1 p.u. voltage represents the
voltage across the 1 p.u. turn winding.
a742i and K i . . 0.395
sin 120 2 sin 120 Table 1: Harmonic components
Harmonic order 1 3 5 7 9 111315 17
Phase voltage (p.u.) 3 1.3 0 0 0.4 0 0 1.3 3

With an isolated star point the triple harmonics are elimi-

nated in the line voltages, the 17th harmonic being present
as expected.

3 Reactor model
A realistic representation of the saturated reactor, where
the core passes through conditions of severe overfiuxing, is
important, and a model based on the magnetic equivalent
circuit was therefore used. A magnetic equivalent circuit
for the core may be postulated and one leakage path
included for each winding. Such a circuit is shown in Fig. 5
for a treble-tripler reactor, where gx, g2, . , g9 are the
Fig. 3A Phasor diagram of the fundamental limb currents inverse reluctances of the nine limbs and gl0,. . . , gxl the
corresponding values for the yokes, the remaining
branches being the leakage paths. In general, g = Ba/Hl,
where a and / are the effective area and length of the mag-
netic branch, respectively.

Fig. 5 Magnetic circuit

Following Cherry [6], the magnetic circuit may be

replaced by its dual, the dual forming the basis of the elec-
Ampere-turn diagram for limb 1 trical equivalent circuit of Fig. 6, the parameters being the
differential inductances L, where E = (N2dB/dH) (a/I) and
N represents the chosen number of base turns. In addition
Neglecting losses, the fundamental primary voltages in to relating the actual winding turns to the base turns, the
each limb (Vx, . . . , Vq) can be considered in quadrature ideal transformers ensure that the constraints imposed by
with the primary currents (/ l5 . . . , Iq). Taking into the magnetic circuits are not invalidated by the constraints
account the phase shift of these limb voltages, the line volt- introduced by the interconnection of the windings. The
ages can be drawn as shown in Fig. 4. From the analysis it inductance terms are variables for the iron paths, the non-
linearity being defined by the B/H curve for the core
-K 2 V 6 ;

N L(, N L l3 N Ll N L(g

"ft i^
L", L'2 L'3
TO ^

ho 'V. '16 I '18

Fig. 6

Electrical equivalent circuit

r L'

Core losses may be divided into hysteresis and eddy

current loss components, although, for most applications,
the former is small and may be neglected. It should be
included when residual flux conditions are important, and,
with low-loss steel, a simple two-slope boundary represent-
Fig. 4 Phasor diagram of the primary line voltages ation based on the major B/H loop is considered adequate.
308 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985

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Eddy current losses under high saturation conditions are mutual coupling of the core limbs, but damp out to steady
important and are simulated by a shunt resistance across state in three cycles demonstrating the inherent fast
the windings. Whereas the inductance parameters are response of the reactor.
readily evaluated from available data, this is not true of The results due to the change in the value of the slope
the parameters representing eddy current losses, especially correction capacitor are shown in Fig. 1b. The initial cur-
under conditions of high and variable saturation. The rents on all phases are small but rapidly attain compara-
present approach is an empirical one using a constant tively high steady-state values attributable to the change in
value of loss resistance derived from available test data. the effective reactance of the reactor.
Reducing the core loss resistance results in a reduction
4 Reactor study in the damping and, consequently, a slower response, as
indicated in Fig. 7c.
To simulate the performance of the reactor under transient
and steady-state conditions a simplified system was studied
which included a voltage source inductance, slope correc-
tion capacitors and the treble-tripler reactor.
For this study a simple, single value relationship
between B and H was used of the form Y phase B phase R phase

B = dxli + d2 tanh d3H

where dt, d2 and d3 are constants determined for the parti- time ,p.u. time, p.u. time, p.u.
cular core steel. Using core dimensions and winding for a a
particular reactor unit, the relationship between X and i for
a branch n in the magnetic equivalent circuit becomes Y phase B phase R phase

*n = Kmin + tanh K3n3niHi


K,=Nand, and

(a and / are the cross-sectional area and the length of the time, p.u. time, p.u.
magnetic path, respectively).
A set of equations can be derived from this, expressing
the phase currents in terms of the source voltages, taking R phase
into account the isolated neutral point of the star con-
nected windings and the magnetic constraints introduced Yphase
by the reactor as derived in Appendixs. The magnetic B phase
branch currents determined from the phase currents are
used to set the differential inductances at each step in the
numerical integration.
time, p.u. time.p.u.
5 Results
Fig. 7 Current waveforms at the reactor terminals following ener-
Based on the mathematical model presented, a computer gisation
program was developed and results obtained indicating a voltage source of 1.1 p.u.
the current response to changes in terminal conditions and b slope correction capcitor reactance of 0.037 p.u.
c core loss resistance of 0.01 p.u.
core characteristics under energisation and steady-state time scale: 1 division = 1 p.u.
conditions. current scale: 1 division =0.1 p.u.

System data To assess the accuracy of the model under steady-state

conditions with regard to harmonic content of the current
Base values = 100MVA (total), inst. voltage = (33/^/3) waveform, results were computed for various voltage
72 kV, time = 0.02 s. levels, thus achieving a wide variation of loading. The V/i
Source voltage level = 1.0 p.u. characteristic is shown in Fig. 8 indicating that, above the
Source resistance = 0.0 p.u.
Source inductance = 0.0111 p.u.
Point on wave switching angle = 0 on red phase
Sequence of switching: simultaneous
Magnetisation characteristic of limbs and yokes based on
the B/H magnetic curve of Alphasil: 35M6
Core loss series resistance for reactor = 0.5 p.u.
Slope correction capacitance = 103 p.u.
The above parameters were used unless otherwise indi-
cated in the Figure.
Fig. 7a shows the current waveforms at the reactor ter-
minals following energisation, illustrating the dynamic
characteristic associated with switching magnetic circuits 0-145 0-29 (K3 058
operating in high saturation. Initially the currents are
highly distorted due to the unbalanced fluxes and the Fig. 8 V/i characteristic of the treble-triple reactor
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985 309

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knee part, small changes in voltage produce large changes 6 Conclusions
in reactive current, offering the useful advantage in limiting
dynamic overvoltages because of the inherent and fast The currents on a treble-tripler saturated reactor following
nature of its response time overload capacity. The respec- switching operations are of a complex nature, and their
tive waveforms and harmonic content of current for differ- prediction requires a realistic model based on the magnetic
ent voltage levels are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. equivalent circuit. This paper presents a method for simu-
lating the reactor under wide-ranging conditions, and
allows for the electrical constraints imposed by the inter-
connection of windings and the non-linear magnetic con-
straints imposed by the core construction.
0 16" The transient current waveforms demonstrate the
typical characteristics associated with switching magnetic
circuits, and the results of the harmonic analysis of the
steady-state waveforms for various loads indicate that the
model provides a reasonable representation of the reactor
in both steady and transient regions. To improve the accu-
racy of representation it is necessary to acquire accurate
numerical data for the reactor, especially loss data under
highly saturated conditions.
Further work is now being undertaken to study the per-
formance of the reactor when faults occur on the transmis-
sion system.

Fig. 9 Steady-state current waveforms with source voltage at 1.2 p.u.

Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 7 References
percentage of fundamental current 0 1 0.7 0.1 0 0 0 6 1.6 0 0
1 FRIENDLANDER, E, and JONES, K.M.: 'Saturated reactors for
long distance bulk power lines', Electr. Rev., 1969, 184, pp. 940-3
'Recent development towards long distance AC transmission using
saturated reactors', IEEE Conf. Publ. 107, 1973
THANAWALA, H.L.: 'Long distance AC transmission using static
voltage stabilizers and switched linear reactors', CIGRE Paper 31-01,
'Static compensators using thyristor control with saturated reactors
and with low reactance linear reactors', 1EE Conf. Publ. 205, 1981, pp.
5 FRIENDLANDER, E.: 'Recent progress in reactive power control',
GEC J. Sci & Techol, 1966, 33, (2), pp. 58-65
6 CHERRY, E.C.: 'The duality between inter-linked electric and mag-
-0-6A - netic circuits', Proc. Phys. Soc, 1949, 62, section B, pp. 101-111

8 Appendix
Fig. 10 Steady-state current waveforms with source voltage at 1.5 p.u.
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 The constraint equations for the reactor may be derived
percentage of fundamental current 0.4 0.5 0.6 1 0 0 0 2.4 2.1 0 0 from the electrical equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 6.

+ + L4
L 1 2 + L' 13
~ L ' 13
L'5 + L'13 4- L'
L6 ~LL ' 1 4+ L

'12 I3
P |14 p i5 (1)
L'7 + L'l L'l '16 i7
l6 L'R + L'11 6 L', '17 L'a i8
-L\ Lq + L,17 - L'l8 -1 L'9c J A9 -
310 1EE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985

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or or
= 0 (2) (6)
The limb voltages are given by
v, ii P^i
Ll2 pi2
v2 L'2p(i2 -in) (7)
Us P[s
j) From eqns. 2, 4, 6 and 7, an expression can be derived for
v5 = Us Pis + (3) the phase voltages in terms of the phase currents:
vV-j6 UePie
Ln pi-,
Vs Us Pis
[LJ -
v9 Ll9 pi9
At each step in the numerical integration, eqn. 8 is solved
+ ] p[[/,] - [/J] (4)
to give increments in phase currents, and the increments in
Relating the actual winding turns to the base turns, the the magnetic branch currents are determined from eqns. 7
phase voltages in terms of the limb voltages are given by and 2.

NJN -N NJ1\ 1 -N3/h1 -NJN

Vv -N3/h T NJh* -NJN N JN -N2/N
-N3/N -N 3/N NJN -N2/h f NJN


IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985 311

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