UNIT 7 - 8 First Conditional: Oraciones Condicionales Tipo I

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UNIT 7 -8




Oraciones condicionales tipo I

Completa las frases.

1. If it (rain) , we (stay) at home.

2. If you (know/not) the way, I (pick) you up.

3. My mum (bake) a cake if you (come) to see us.

Oraciones condicionales, tipo II

Completa las frases.

1. If you (study) harder, you (get) better marks in your tests.

2. If I (be) rich, I (travel) around the world.

3. She (come) to the market with us if she (have/not) to work.

Oraciones condicionales, tipo III

Completa las frases.

1. If you (help) us, we (finish) the work in next to no time.

2. I (call) you earlier if I (lose/not) your phone number.

3. They (go/not) to the theatre by car if the weather(be) better.

Oraciones condicionales, ejercicio mixto.

Completa las frases.

1. If I (have) a compass, I would give it to you.

2. If he hadnt been ill, he (run) the marathon.

3. If you go to Ireland, you (need) a raincoat.

4. We (miss/not) the train if we had got up earlier.

5. If we lived in the country, the kids (play) outside all day long.
6. If they (eat/not) that much, they wouldnt have got a stomach ache.

7. I will not be able to write you if you (give/not) me your address.


If I had lived a thousand years ago,

My cousins wil live in another country,

If I had more Money,

I would go to the school,

If I meet the president of Spain,


Si nosotros vamos al centro comercial, no veremos la pelcula.

Qu compraras si tuvieras una fiesta?

No habramos tenido perro, si no hubiramos pagado.

Si tuviera un amigo, l me ayudara.

Si alguien me comprara una tablet, estara muy contento.


Se utiliza. Se utiliza

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